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In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of B.Com. Computer Applications (VOC) (V emester) (SESSION 2013-2014)

Unde t!e Su"e #i$ion o%& !s. "ati harma Asstt. Prof. (Deptt. Of Comp. c. ) App.)

Submitted b'& An#ali Roll $o. %%&%'( *ni+. Roll $o.................... B.Com,III -Comp. App..

Department of Computer Science & Application

Mukand Lal National College

Yamuna Nagar -135001


Certificate Acknowledgement Preface Introduction to Problem Area Objective of the Project Existing S stem !imitation of Existing S stem S stem Anal sis " #esign Pro$osed S stem Coding Out$ut Advantages of Pro$osed S stem !imitations of S stem %urther Sco$e Conclusion &eferences



Certified that (s) Anjali #*o Sh) +o$al ,rishan a student of -)Com . Semester CA /.OC0 1niversit &oll 2o) )))))))))))))))))))))))))) of #e$artment of Com$uter Science and A$$lications3 ()!)2) College3 4amuna 2agar has com$leted the $roject entitled 5 TIME TABLE MANAGER" which is candidate6s original work) 7e wish her success in her life)

Ms Swati Sharma Assistant Prof) #e$tt) of Com$uter Sc) ()!)2) College 4amuna 2agar

Dr N!!ti Dar"a# 8ead3 #e$artment of Com$uter Sc) ()!)2) College 4amuna 2agar

Dr Shai#!sh Ka$%%r Princi$al ()!)2) College 4amuna 2agar


Ex$ressing a sense of highl :ualified3 intelligent3 hard working and above all hel$ing $eo$le who have enabled me to accom$lish this might task of writing a $roject is something much more than a custom3 it is a feeling of thankfulness which comes from within me for all those big and small things that these $eo$le have done for me) %irst of all3 I would like to thank the su$reme $ower3 the almight +od who has alwa s guided us to work on the right $ath of our life) 7ithout his grace3 this $roject could not become a realit ) Secondl 3 m $arents who have alwa s ins$ired and encouraged me throughout m life) I feel obliged in taking the o$$ortunit to thank Dr Shai#!sh Ka$%%r &'ri()i$a#* and m worth thanks to Ms Swati Sharma &D!$tt %+ C%m$ S)i , A$$ * a(- Dr N!!ti Dar"a# &HOD C%m$.t!r S)i , A$$ * for their valuable su$$ort in making this $roject a realit ) Project is like a bridge between theoretical and $ractical working) 7ith this willingness3 I joined this $articular $roject) It;s a matter of great $leasure for me to submit this $roject) I would like to ex$ress m gratitude towards all those who hel$ed me to nurse this $roject from the idea stage to finished $roduct in our hands) <hough onl m name a$$ears on the cover but credit for this $roject belongs to m su$ervisors)

A(/a#i B C%m0III &CA*

In ever widening modern world3 the $resent s stem of education is facing new challenges) It is well known fact that toda is the age of com$uters) <here are so man major achievements in science " technolog fields) 2ow da s ever one is reali>ing the im$ortance of com$uter which is the achievement of modern age in fifth generation of com$uters) In the modern era of science " technolog as a $owerful nation3 India is still lagging behind due to slow advancement in com$uter technologies) <his $roblem can be overcome onl when the outh of India of the $resent generation give full co?o$eration in raising India as a $owerful nation b learning more and more com$uters)


<he $roject submitted is the com$uteri>ation of <ime <able (anager) -efore this3 all work was done b the 8umans) (an had to face man difficulties in doing this work manuall ) 8ere are the some of the common $roblemsA B 7e have to maintain the records of all <eachers available3 regarding their :ualification3 classes for teaching /under graduate or $ost graduate03 their subjects of teaching etc) It;s ver difficult task) 2) 7e have to maintain the records of all rooms available3 regarding their strength /seating ca$acit 0 etc) It;s ver difficult task) '0 7e re:uire number of files for maintaining the records3 and if3 in an case3 an file is mis$laced3 then it can lead to great $roblems for a man) 90 If3 in case an modification is re:uired3 then it is ver difficult for a man to make changes in all the files) =0 @0 If3 in case the de$artment catches fire3 then all the data will get lost) <here can be chances of mistakes in calculation regarding time table scheduling3 because a man is not $erfect in calculations) ,ee$ing these $oints in mind3 I have made this $roject so that the above $roblems can be easil overcomed)


%ollowing are the objectives of the $rojectA B) 2) ') 9) =) @) C) D) <o know the true financial $osition of the firm <o know the Cash %low in an organi>ation) Avoid miscalculation in a firm) <o avoid fraud in a firm Cost Accounting $rovides a base for setting business $olicies) It is hel$ful in inter?firm com$arison) Internal Audit S stem) Ascertainment of Perfectibilit )


Existing s stem is manual3 which is time consuming3 inefficient3 tedious3 and ineffective) It has several disadvantages) Problem definition is the initial $hase of s stem develo$ment life c cle which deals with a ver im$ortant :uestion i)e) what is the necessit for the change and to identif and understand the $roblem areas and domains) Problem definition includes the attem$ts made b can be ex$ected3 what interfaces are to be established) 7hat design constraints exists and what validation criteria are re:uired to define a successful s stem) <he techni:ues for gaining this information include observation of $roblem task and actual $erformance of task b the $lanner) <he ke re:uirement of the s stem and software are identified) software develo$er to identif what

information is to be $rocessed and $erformance are re:uired3 what t $e of s stem behaviour


B) 2) ')

Installing the com$uter re:uires a grueling and ex$ensive task of s stem anal sis and design) <he initial investment can be ver high though this can be mitigated to some extent) Since the lead time of installing is long and the hardware technolog is ra$idl advancing field3 some of the $eri$heral com$onents ma be rendered obsolete before even the are installed)

9) =) @) C)

<he need to obtain standb facilities in the event of breakdown of an $art of the com$uter s stem) (anual s stems though slow are vastl S stem) It is extremel difficult to obtain skilled anal sis and $rogrammers because of the increasing demand for them) -ecause of the s$eed develo$ment of new technolog in the field of electronics and electronic com$uters in $articular3 com$uter ma be technologicall obsolete before it is installed) flexible as com$ared to Com$uteri>ed


!ack of judgementA Com$uter does not $ossess an judgement which has to be built into it b means of several $rogram checks) <his lead to investigation and re$rocessing of erroneous transactions)

E) BF) BB)

8uman beings can taken great man factors into) Cogni>ance which would be difficult to $rogram for the com$uter) <hus at higher levels3 E#P does not find much use) Com$uter does not have the learning abilit of the human beings)



SYSTEM A s stem is a set of integrated elements that res$ond the in$ut and $roduce some out$ut) THE BASIS SYSTEM ELEMENTS <he term anal sis is used to desirable the detailed stud of various o$erations $erform b as s stem and their relationshi$ within and outside of the s stem3 during anal sis data are collected on available files3 decision $oints and transactions handled b $resent s stem) <raining ex$erience and common sense are re:uired to collect information needed to do anal sis) #esign means a final s stem and the $rocess b which it is develo$ed designing includes technical s$ecifications3 constructions of $rograms and in what format) Secondl 3 in$ut data a master files have being designed to need the re:uirements of $ro$osed out$uts) %inall 3 re$ort includes $rocedural flowcharts3 record la outs3 re$ort la outs and a workable $lan for im$lementing the candidate s stem) SYSTEM DESIGN #esigning an thing is it $h sical3 arithmetic or social3 it is creative $rocess) S stem design is a logical a$$roach3 which im$lies S stematic move towards the end $roject3 each ste$ being the result of decision3 based u$on the $revious ste$) In fact $racticall efficienc 3 least cost3 flexibilit and securit are the main objectives3 which should kee$ in mind at the time of design of the s stem) %or accurate s stem design3 one should know the exact nature of out$ut needed and it;s exact la out needed3 s$ecification for in$ut is made and then logic is develo$ed and la out of files to be used is determined) <here are three $hases of the database design) %ile design In$ut design


Out$ut design 1ILE DESIGN <his is the most im$ortant $art of the s stem design) S stem design is based on the s stem anal sis while designing the files care have been taken to the grou$ of data items in such a manner so as to avoid du$lication the file design begins with the name of database file3 the sure of the file3 the fre:uenc of getting in$ut to that $articular file) IN'UT DESIGN +reat care should be taken in designing the in$ut so that there should be no conflicts in the out$ut OUT'UT DESIGN <he major concern of the user in s stem is alwa s with the out$ut3 therefore the out$ut design must be designed intelligible and decision Im$elling) Once out$ut re$ort formats and contents have been fixed the s stem anal st can work backward and draw the in$uts3 going further back3 the s stem anal st would evolve suitable $rocedures and design the forms to ca$tures the in$ut data organi>ation) 1EASIBILITY ANALYSIS <he feasibilit is necessar to determine whether the $ro$osed s stem is feasible considering the technical3 o$erational and economic factor) TECHNICAL 1EASIBILITY <echnical %easibilit is related with the re:uired hardware and software6s availabilit in the market domain) %or $ro$er im$lementation of an s stem3 it should be technical feasible) ECONOMIC 1EASIBILITY Securit is essential re:uirement for an s stem) !eakage in securit can result to huge losses) <he $ro$osed s stem guarantees securit integrit and thus it is economic feasible) O'ERATIONAL 1EASIBILITY b means of authentication3 the data


<he s stem has a +1I interface3 which interacts with the user hiding the internal com$lexit of the s stem) <he $ro$osed s stem is used and hence the s stem is feasible o$erationall )



<he objective is to com$uteri>e the manual s stem or the current s stem to im$rove the functionalit ) (ain objective is to $rovide all sort of :ueries and re$orts which is re:uired b the de$artment) <he 1ser has the right to add the new record3 delete the record3 u$date the record etc) If we handle the s stem manuall 3 a large number of man $owers are re:uired) 7ith com$uteri>ation s stem man$ower ma be saved) <ime ma also be saved) &educing the time factor for $a ment if mone 3 com$uter will do the job accuratel 3 efficientl and in time u$ to date information ma be obtained from com$uter an time) <he out$ut generated b the com$uter will be in tabulated from which will be understood more clearl ) 2eatl t $ed results will be taken hence making the reading eas ) (ulti$le co$ies can be generated at a time3 thus saving the time) In order to success an record it will onl re:uire to give a suitable command to the com$uter and the desired record will either be dis$la ed on the screen or $rinter)




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QcO if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6B60 goto nextBBO f$Nfo$en/5semBcse)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextBBA if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6260 goto nextB2O f$Nfo$en/5sem2cse)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextB2A if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6'60 goto nextB'O f$Nfo$en/5sem'cse)txt535r50O 9@

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return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextB=A if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6@60 goto nextB@O f$Nfo$en/5sem@cse)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextB@A if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6C60 goto nextBCO f$Nfo$en/5semCcse)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M 9D

return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextBCA if/brNN6B6 "" semNN6D60 goto nextBDO f$Nfo$en/5semDcse)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O nextBDA if/brNN626 "" semNN6B60 goto next2BO f$Nfo$en/5semBece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next2BA 9E

if/brNN626 "" semNN6260 goto next22O f$Nfo$en/5sem2ece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next22A if/brNN626 "" semNN6'60 goto next2'O f$Nfo$en/5sem'ece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next2'A if/brNN626 "" semNN6960 goto next29O f$Nfo$en/5sem9ece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 =F

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Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next2@A if/brNN626 "" semNN6C60 goto next2CO f$Nfo$en/5semCece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next2CA if/brNN626 "" semNN6D60 goto next2DO f$Nfo$en/5semDece)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O =2

Q fclose/f$0O next2DA if/brNN6'6 "" semNN6B60 goto next'BO f$Nfo$en/5semBciv)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next'BA if/brNN6'6 "" semNN6260 goto next'2O f$Nfo$en/5sem2civ)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next'2A if/brNN6'6 "" semNN6'60 ='

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if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next'=A if/brNN6'6 "" semNN6@60 goto next'@O f$Nfo$en/5sem@civ)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q if/strcm$/c)room3room0NNF0 M return /20O Q fclose/f$0O next'@A if/brNN6'6 "" semNN6C60 goto next'CO f$Nfo$en/5semCciv)txt535r50O for/mNFOmKNiRjOmRR0 fscanf/f$35Ss Ss Ss53c)teach3c)sub3c)room0O if/strcm$/c)teach3teach0NNF0 M return /B0O Q ==

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S$!!-5 <he com$uteri>ation of activities of a business organisation hel$s in $rocessing the data $laced in several data files in a no time) <his feature is $ossible due to high s$eed of com$uters for $rocessing data as CP1 of the com$uter works at the s$eed of electricit 3 which is the highest ever3 attainable s$eed)

A)).ra)"5 #ata $rocessed b utili>ing the services of $ro$erl $rogrammed com$uters is highl accurate)

1#!:i;i#it"5 <he modern digital com$uters can be used for a variet of $ur$ose e)g) concurrent batch and online $rocessing)


St%ra=! Ca$a)it"5 !arge volume of data can be convenientl stored3 assessed and altered)


Ma(a=!m!(t I(+%rmati%(5 #ue to distinguished $rocessing ca$abilities of com$uter3 the can be used to $rovide useful information to management for control and decision making)

Data ;as!5 <he use of com$uter facilit in business organi>ation facilities the establishment of database such a database integrates data records and reduces data redundanc )

R!-.)ti%( i( 'a$!r w%rA5 <he use of com$uters for data $rocessing has hel$ed the management of business organi>ation to co$e with the increasing $roblem of $a$er work of handling not on s$eeding u$ the $rocess but also be eliminating some of the unnecessar through the storage of data in structured database) needs


1a)i#iti!s r!$%rt $r!$arati%(5 #ata maintained with the hel$ of a com$uter facilities the $re$aration of various t $e of re$ort re:uired b organi>ation executives for the $ur$ose of decision making and control)

R!-.)!s th! ma($%w!r r!!m!(t5 <he number of $ersons re:uired for $erforming various organisation activities will be reduced b using a com$uter s stem)


I()r!as!- a;i#it" t% $!r+%rm )%m$.tati%(s5 <he use of com$uter has hel$ed in $erforming com$utation with s$eed)



As an

s stem have their own advantages " disadvantages) <his s stem also have

limitations) <hese are asA

<here is no securit ) It is no $latform inde$endent) A $erson with no knowledge of com$uter language can6t access it)



<he objective of this a$$lication is to $resent the secure gra$hical user interface much friendl to the authori>ed o$erator onl 3 $erforming all the working of above mentioned modules efficientl ) It is aimed at making de$artment affairs getting rid off all the bottlenecks that are there in the manual s stem and enabling them to focus on the core activities of the administration3 thus hel$ing them strengthen the overall :ualit standards and at the same time make the job of $re$aring and maintaining the job of all records $leasurable and interesting


%rom the working of this $roject3 we conclude that this $roject is ver familiar and eas to use b an user3 thus this $roject was eas to handle) <his $roject is ver useful in kee$ing $articular about an records) record) 7e can easil calculate cost) <hus hel$ful in maintaining


7hile making this $roject) I have referred the following books for getting an idea to make this $roject) <he name of authors of books referred b me are asA?

Sr N% B) 2) ')

B%%A !et us C Programming in C #ata Structure in C 4)P) ,A2E<,A& E -A!A+1&1S7A(I &obert !) ,ruse -ruce P) !eung Clovis !) <ondo

Sr N% B) 2)

W!;sit!s www)google)com www)wiki$edia)com


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