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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT OF SALE made and entered into by and between DAVID VICTOR KILPIN Born on 15 August, 1971

I.D. No.63-761530 00 !"ereina#ter re#erred to as $t"e %e&&er'( )e*resented "erein by GODFREY MUTSEYEKWA and ------------------------------ID No.---------------------Born -----------------------!"ereina#ter re#erred to as $t"e +ur,"aser'( WHEREAS t"e %e&&er is t"e owner o# a ,ertain unim*ro-ed *ie,e o# &and being Stand ------- of Lot 1 of Th U!"#n$% &'o() "*t#at *n th D*"t+*(t of G% 'o ! a"#+*n$ ---------- ",#a+ ! t+ " *n -t nt !"ereina#ter re#erred to as $t"e *ro*erty'(. AND WHEREAS t"e %e&&er wis"es to se&& t"e *ro*erty to t"e +ur,"aser w"o wis"es to *ur,"ase t"e same.

NOW THEREFORE THESE PRESENTS WITNESS THAT. 1. /. ."e %e&&er "ereby se&&s to t"e +ur,"aser w"o "ereby *ur,"ases t"e *ro*erty ."e *ur,"ase *ri,e o# t"e *ro*erty s"a&& be in t"e sum o# US/------------------ *ayab&e as #o&&ows0 /.1 A de*osit o# /01 o# t"e *ur,"ase *ri,e, being US/--------------,toget"er wit" t"e ,ost o# t"is agreement in t"e sum o# US/-------------------- to be *aid on signing "ereo#. /./ ."e ba&an,e o# US/--------------- by /2 ,onse,uti-e mont"&y insta&ments o# US/-----------,ommen,ing on t"e ---------------------------0 1211 and t"erea#ter by t"e &ast day o# ea," and e-ery su,,eeding mont". /34

-/3. ."at *ayments s"a&& be made by t"e +ur,"aser t"roug" t"e %e&&er5s ,on-eyan,ers being Dan6iger 7 +artners &ega& *ra,titioners o# 8weru w"o s"a&& remit t"e same to t"e %e&&er &ess ,a*ita& gains ta9 w"i," s"a&& be remitted by t"e ,on-eyan,ers to :I;)A.



."e %e&&er s"a&&0 2.1.1 meet a&& *ermit ,onditions at "is own ,ost. 2.1./ *ay t"e <a*ita& 8ains .a9 and =ndowment ,"arges due on t"is transa,tion.

2.1 ."e +ur,"aser s"a&& be res*onsib&e #or t"e ,ost o# dra#ting t"is agreement, registering it against .it&e, and trans#er ,"arges. 5 6. 6.1 %ub?e,t to *aragra*" 5 "ereo# t"e %e&&er "ereby underta>es to tender trans#er and t"e +ur,"aser s"a&& be entit&ed to ta>e trans#er on,e t"e *ur,"ase *ri,e toget"er wit" any ot"er ,"arges due in terms o# t"is Agreement "a-e eit"er been *aid in #u&& or se,ured to t"e satis#a,tion o# t"e %e&&er. 6./ .rans#er o# t"e *ro*erty s"a&& be e##e,ted by t"e %e&&er5s <on-eyan,ers, Dan6iger 7 +artners, 8weru. 6.3 @it"in #ourteen !12( days o# being reAuired in writing to do so by Dan6iger 7 +artners, t"e +ur,"aser s"a&& 0!i( !ii( +ay a&& ,osts o# trans#er and any ot"er ,osts t"at may be due by "im3"erB %ign and ,om*&ete any ne,essary do,uments and #urnis" t"em wit" su," data, in#ormation and do,uments as may be reAuestedB 7. 7.1 C,,u*ation o# t"e *ro*erty s"a&& be gi-en to t"e +ur,"aser on t"e signing o# t"is agreement. 334 -3."e %e&&er underta>es to #u&#i&& t"e *ermit ,onditions wit"in two !/( years o# t"e date "ereo# and trans#er tit&e.

7./.Dn&ess *ro-ided #or "erein to t"e ,ontrary, t"e ris> and *ro#it in t"e *ro*erty s"a&& *ass to t"e +ur,"aser on t"e date o# o,,u*ation. 7.3 Erom t"e date o# o,,u*ation t"e +ur,"aser s"a&& be &iab&e to *ay #or0!i( ."e ,ost o# any water, e&e,tri,ity, sewerage ,"arges, rubbis" remo-a& or any ot"er ser-i,e ,"arges raised by a ,om*etent 8o-ernment or &o,a& aut"ority or ot"er statutory body in res*e,t o# t"e *ro*ertyB !ii( A&& owners rates or ta9es raised or &e-ied on t"e *ro*erty.

In t"e e-ent o# t"e +ur,"aser #ai&ing to *ay any o# t"e amounts re#erred to "erein on t"e due date, t"e %e&&er at "is3"er o*tion s"a&& be entit&ed to *ay t"e same and to t"en re,&aim t"e amount so *aid #rom t"e +ur,"asers toget"er wit" interest at 151*er annum on any amount, disbursed ,a&,u&ated #rom t"e date o# disbursement to t"e date o# re,o-ery. F. ."e +ur,"aser "ereby a,>now&edges t"at "e3s"e is satis#ied as to t"e nature o# t"e *ro*erty, any ser-itudes or &ease to w"i," it may be sub?e,t, its e9tent, boundaries, bea,ons and &o,a&ity, and w"et"er or not its area ,ontains roads -ested in t"e 8o-ernment or any ot"er body.

9. ."e +ur,"aser "ereby underta>es t"at "e3s"e is not buying t"e *ro*erty #or s*e,u&ati-e *ur*oses.

10. ."e +ur,"aser "ereby de,&ares t"at "e3s"e "as ,a*a,ity to e##e,t im*ro-ements to t"e *ro*erty w"i," meet t"e standard *res,ribed by t"e <ity o# 8weru #or a &ow density de-e&o*ment and underta>es to "a-e e##e,ted su," de-e&o*ments wit"in a *eriod o# #i-e !5( years o# t"e date o# trans#er. .o ensure ,om*&ian,e wit" t"e minimum -a&ue o# t"e im*ro-ements t"e +ur,"aser underta>es to submit to t"e <ity o# 8weru a bui&ding *&an to be a**ro-ed by t"e &atter be#ore any ,onstru,tion wor> ,ommen,es. 11. In t"e e-ent o# t"e +ur,"aser #ai&ing to ,om*&y wit" t"e *ro-isions o# t"is agreement *rom*t&y and on due date, and remaining in de#au&t #or a *eriod o# t"irty !30( days a#ter dis*at," to 234 -2-

"im3"er o# a noti,e in terms o# %e,tion F !/( o# t"e <ontra,tua& +ena&ties A,t ,"a*ter F002, t"e %e&&er s"a&& be entit&ed to eit"er0 11.1,an,e& t"e Deed o# %a&eB or 11./demand s*e,i#i, *er#orman,e t"ereo# and &e-y interest at 151 *.a. on o-erdue insta&ments. In t"e e-ent o# t"e %e&&er demanding s*e,i#i, *er#orman,e it is re,orded t"at t"e %e&&er5s rig"ts are &imited by t"e *ro-isions o# %e,tion F o# t"e <ontra,tua& +ena&ties A,t, and in t"e e-ent o# t"e %e&&er de,iding to ,an,e& t"is agreement "e3s"e s"a&& be entit&ed to0 11./.1 demand immediate reo,,u*ation and re*ossession o# t"e *ro*ertyB 11././ ."e %e&&er s"a&& be entit&ed to sue #or and re,o-er su," damages as t"ey may "a-e su##ered as a resu&t o# t"e +ur,"aser5s brea," o# ,ontra,t, in w"i," e-ent t"e initia& de*osit *aid by t"e +ur,"aser s"a&& be retained by t"e %e&&er *ending determination o# "is3"er a,tua& damages. 11./.3 )e,o-er a&& arrear *ayments due u* to and in,&uding date o# ,an,e&&ation and retain a&& interim *ayments as o,,u*ationa& renta& #or t"e *eriod #rom t"e date o# signing "ereo# to date o# ,an,e&&ation. 1/. In t"e e-ent o# &ega& *ro,eedings being instituted in terms o# t"is agreement, 1/.1 ."e ;agistrate <ourt at 8weru s"a&& "a-e ?urisdi,tion but t"e %e&&ers may e&e,t to institute *ro,eedings in t"e Gig" <ourt. 1/./ ."e unsu,,ess#u& *arty s"a&& *ay ,osts on a "ig"er s,a&e and3or, w"ere a**&i,ab&e ,o&&e,tion ,ommission.

13. ."e +ur,"aser "ereby aut"orises ;essrs Dan6iger and +artners to re&ease t"e *ur,"ase *ri,e to t"e %e&&er be#ore trans#er. ."e +ur,"aser #urt"er indemni#y t"e said Hega& +ra,titioners against any &oss t"at "e3s"e may su##er as a resu&t o# t"e re&ease o# t"e *ur,"ase *ri,e. 534


12. ."is Agreement ,onstitutes t"e entire ,ontra,t between t"e *arties and no warranties, re*resentations or ,onditions not re,orded "erein s"a&& be binding u*on t"e *arties, un&ess endorsed "erein and signed by t"e *arties. .GD% DCN= and %I8N=D by t"e %=HH=) at GWERU on t"is 13th day o# t"e *resen,e o# t"e undersigned witnesses. AS WITNESSES 1.. /. 444444444. 444444444. 444444444444444 GODFREY MUTSEYEKWA #or and on be"a&# o# THE SELLER FE&RUARY 0 1211 in

.GD% DCN= and %I8N=D by t"e +D)<GA%=) at GWERU on t"is in t"e *resen,e o# t"e undersigned witnesses.

day o#

0 1211

AS WITNESSES 1. /. 4444444..4. 44444444.. 44444..44444444444..

MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT OF SALE made and entered into by and between

DAVID VICTOR KILPIN Born on 15 August, 1971 I.D. No.63-761530 00 !"ereina#ter re#erred to as $t"e %e&&er'( )e*resented "erein by GODFREY MUTSEYEKWA and -----------------------------------------Born -------------------------------ID No.--------------------------------!"ereina#ter re#erred to as $t"e +ur,"aser'(

Danziger & partners LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Notaries & conveyancers Gweru !i"#a#we

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