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Sample ROUGH

NOTES Based on Prison Break (Episode 1)

Background Information: Set up the scene setting, time, place - Fox River Penitentiary - afternoon - scene takes place at a picnic table in the prison yard - prisoners are outside for daily activity List of characters and descriptions of each Michael Scofield: average-looking guy; calm; highly- intelligent and uick- !itted; in prison for attempted robbery "really planning to escape !ith his brother !ho is also in prison# $ohn %bru&&i: intimidating mobster; 'talian accent; long hair

Background information to the scene - %s part of his plan to break out of the prison( Scofield needs to be on P' and the only !ay he can gain access is through $ohn %bru&&i - )e reali&es that %bru&&i isn*t a !elcoming or friendly guy so he has to make %bru&&i feel like he needs Scofield to be part of the P' team - +his scene is Scofield planting the seed in %bru&&i*s head that he "Scofield# has something "maybe information, -e don*t find out !hat the something is yet# that %bru&&i needs Synopsis 'ntroduction: - Michael approaches %bru&&i and simply tells him that he needs to be on P'. %bru&&i doesn*t accept his re uest and tells Michael to leave Rising %ction - Michael starts to manipulate %bru&&i by making it seem as though he is an asset someho! to %bru&&i - )e then hands %bru&&i a folded paper crane - %bru&&i is caught off- guard for a brief moment but collects himself and makes a sarcastic remark about the crane /limax - Michael no! demands to be on P' - %bru&&i*s group of 0goons* stand up in an attempt to intimidate Scofield Resolution - Michael suggests that %bru&&i think about his demand and simply !alks 1 he doesn*t seem to have been at all intimidated - %bru&&i !atches as he !alks a!ay Scene Set-Up /amera angles: medium shot; eye-level so vie!er feels they are part of the scene /lose ups on Scofield( %bru&&i and the paper crane to add to tension of scene - Prison yard is busy - Schofield approaches as %bru&&i and his group are sitting and standing around picnic table

Sample Screenplay: Title Page

Student Name ENG 3CI Mrs. Bell 7 April 2014

Prison Break: il!t Epis!de"

Sample Page One

Background Information:

Set up the scene setting, time, place # $!% &i'er enitentiar( # a)tern!!n* pris!ners are !utside )!r dail( a+ti'it( # s+ene ta,es pla+e at a pi+ni+ ta-le in t.e pris!n (ard List of characters and descriptions of each Mi+.ael S+!)ield: a'era/e#l!!,in/ /u(* +alm* .i/.l(# intelli/ent and 0ui+,# 1itted* in pris!n )!r attempted r!--er( 2reall( plannin/ t! es+ape 1it. .is -r! 1.! is als! in pris!n3 4!.n A-ru55i: intimidatin/ m!-ster* Italian a++ent* l!n/ .air

Background information to the scene - As part !) .is plan t! -rea, !ut !) t.e pris!n6 S+!)ield needs t! -e !n I and t.e !nl( 1a( .e +an /ain a++ess is t.r!u/. 4!.n A-ru55i - 7e reali5es A-ru55i isn"t a 1el+!min/ !r )riendl( /u( s! .e .as t! ma,e A-ru55i )eel li,e .e needs S+!)ield t! -e part !) t.e I team - s+ene is S+!)ield plantin/ t.e seed in A-ru55i"s .ead .e 2S+!)ield3 .as s! 2ma(-e in)!rmati!n9 :e d!n"t )ind !ut t.e s! is (et3 A-ru55i needs Synopsis Intr!du+ti!n: - Mi+.ael appr! A-ru55i and simpl( tells .im .e needs t! -e !n I. A-ru55i d!esn"t a++ept .is re0uest and tells Mi+.ael t! lea'e &isin/ A+ti!n - Mi+.ael starts t! manipulate A-ru55i -( ma,in/ it seem as t.!u/. .e is an asset s!me.!1 t! A-ru55i - 7e t.en .ands A-ru55i a )!lded paper +rane - A-ru55i is +au/.t !))# /uard )!r a -rie) m!ment -ut +!lle+ts .imsel) and ma,es a sar+asti+ remar, a-!ut t.e +rane Clima% - Mi+.ael n!1 demands t! -e !n I - A-ru55i"s /r!up !) /!!ns" stand up in an attempt t! intimidate S+!)ield &es!luti!n - Mi+.ael su//ests A-ru55i, a-!ut .is demand and simpl( 1al,s ; .e d!esn"t seem t! .a'e -een at all intimidated - A-ru55i as .e 1al,s a1a( Scene Set-Up Camera an/les: <S6 an6 medium s.!t Cut6 +l!se#up * e(e#le'el s! 'ie1er )eels t.e( are part !) t.e s+ene* Cl!se ups !n S+!)ield6 A-ru55i and t.e paper +rane t! add t! tensi!n !) s+ene

Sample Page Two

Long shot: As s+ene !pens6 +amera pans pris!n (ard. =ard is )ull !) pris!ners !ut )!r dail( a+ti'it(. Camera zooms in on prison yard: S!me pris!ners pla( -as,et-all6 s!me li)t 1ei/.ts6 s!me stand in small /r!ups. Cut to: A-ru55i and .is /r!up are sittin/ at a pi+ni+ ta-le pla(in/ a +ard /ame. S+!)ield appr! )r!m -e.ind A-ru55i and interrupts +ard /ame. Scofield: !ruzzi: Scofield: !ruzzi: Scofield: !ruzzi: Scofield: A-ru55i6 I need (!u t! .ire me at I. >calmly? Beat it. >with a smug smile? Ma(-e (!u !u/.ta .ear I /!t t! sa(. =!u /!t n! I need :!uldn@t -e t!! sure !) >places a origami crane in front of Abruzzi? >cynically? M( mista,e6 Aust I need # a du+,B I6 A-ru55i. =!u mi/.t )ind I +an -e !) m!re assistan+e (!u,. >Abruzzi's goons get up and approach menacingly. They stare at Schofield to intimidate him? Scofield: >Scofield starts backing off, smiling? Mull it !'er6 +!me )ind me 1.en (!u@re read( t! tal,. >walks off?>Abruzzi stares in a sense of curiosity?

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