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Split identity
25/ 03/ 2008 by Ivan E gido

Political tension over social inclusion in Bolivia is enframed by two competing standpoints. One holds that control of the state should be in the hands of the indigenous population, to which the majority of Bolivians belong. Its most radical proponents demand that the non-indigenous minority accept and comply with indigenous notions of economic and social development as well as indigenous understanding of law. The opposing view is that any such reforms would threaten the peace and the country s territorial integrity. ! By Iv" n #gido $ The socia !ab"ic o! #any co$n%"ies is $nde" s%"ain beca$se o! high eve s o! &ove"%y' e(%"e#e inco#e dis&a"i%y' va"io$s !o"#s o! disc"i#ina%ion and socia e(c $sion) In #os% cases' %*o &o i%ica %e"#s a"e inse&a"ab y in+ed, -socia inc $sion. and -socia cohesion.) In La%in A#e"ica' -inc $sion. s%ands !o" as #any &eo& e as &ossib e &a"%ici&a%ing in bo%h socie%y and econo#y' *hi e -cohesion. "e a%es %o *ha% ho ds &eo& e and s%a%e %oge%he") The UN Econo#ic Co##ission !o" La%in A#e"ica and %he Ca"ibbean /ECLAC0 be ieves %ha% socia cohesion can be achieved on y i! gove"n#en%s &$"s$e &o icies *hich &"o#o%e socia inc $sion' and i! %hey do so *i%h b"oad &o&$ a" s$&&o"%) S$ch s$&&o"% can beco#e eviden% in %"$s% in ins%i%$%ions' a #$%$a sense o! be onging in socie%y and %he acce&%ance o! socia no"#s)

%reater indigenous influence In 1o ivia' con! ic%s %y&ica y "evo ve a"o$nd %he &osi%ion o! %he indigeno$s &eo& es in s%a%e and socie%y) 2o" cen%$"ies' ins%i%$%ions sha&ed by %he co$n%"y3s co onia &as% have s&a*ned socia ine4$a i%y) The indigeno$s #a5o"i%y' in &a"%ic$ a"' has been a% disadvan%age no% on y in %e"#s o! inco#e b$% a so in %e"#s o! access %o socia se"vices s$ch as ed$ca%ion and hea %h ca"e as *e as &a"%ici&a%ion in &o i%ica decision #a+ing) In 6 an$a"y 2007' Evo 8o"a es beca#e %he co$n%"y3s e ec%ed &"esiden%) 9e & edged %o b"ing abo$% ins%i%$%iona change' &"o#ising %o e i#ina%e ine4$a i%y and he & %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion & ay a #o"e &"o#inen% &a"% in &o i%ica and econo#ic i!e) 9e a so s&o+e o! e#&o*e"ing %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion and %hei" -"igh% %o be di!!e"en%.' in %he sense o! 1o ivia3s c$ %$"a dive"si%y o! indigeno$s and non:indigeno$s &eo& e being "e! ec%ed in %he ega !"a#e*o"+ and %he ins%i%$%iona se%:$& o! %he s%a%e) A#ong o%he" %hings' %ha% i#& ies "ecogni%ion o! co ec%ive indigeno$s "igh%s) Acco"ding %o conven%iona cons%i%$%iona &"inci& es' ho*eve"' a ci%i;ens sho$ d be e4$a be!o"e %he a*) Acco"ding y' dis&$%e "ages on ove" *he%he" g"an%ing a s&ecia ega s%a%$s %o so#e seg#en%s o! %he &o&$ a%ion is co#&a%ib e *i%h %he &"inci& e o! e4$a i%y and i! so' %o *ha% e(%en%) This con%"ove"sy can be s$##a"ised in %*o %e"#s, inc $sion o" in%eg"a%ion' *i%h inc $sion e#&hasising dive"si%y and in%eg"a%ion ho#ogenei%y)

Plurinational state In i%s c$""en% < an !o" Na%iona =eve o&#en% /<N=0' %he 8o"a es gove"n#en% "e!e"s %o %he goa o! c"ea%ing a -& $"ina%iona ' deco onised s%a%e.) S$ch a s%a%e is #ean% %o "ecognise %hei" o*n "$ es and &"oced$"es o! indigeno$s &eo& es in %hei" %e""i%o"ies' inco"&o"a%e %he# in a a"eas o! econo#ic and &o i%ica i!e' and %h$s c"ea%e a co ec%ive iden%i%y based on dive"si%y />E<AC 200?0) The conce&% o! & $"ina%iona is# is no% ne*) 1e!o"e 8o"a es ass$#ed o!!ice' ho*eve"' %he disc$ssions *e"e &"edo#inan% y %heo"e%ica ) Today' acade#ics ag"ee #o"e o" ess on %he conce&%3s #eaning' b$% %he 4$es%ion "e#ains o! *ha% a & $"ina%iona s%a%e signi!ies in &"ac%ice) 9o* 8o"a es in%ends %o i#& e#en% %his conce&% in &"ac%ica %e"#s can be i $s%"a%ed *i%h %he %*o #$ch:disc$ssed iss$es o! socia 5$s%ice and %he "igh% %o di!!e"ence) In 8ay 2007' 8o"a es anno$nced %he -na%iona isa%ion. o! gas and oi "eso$"ces) In &"ac%ice' %his s%e& on y a#o$n%ed %o "enego%ia%ing con%"ac%s *i%h in%e"na%iona co"&o"a%ions) As a "es$ %' %he gove"n#en%s3 "even$es inc"eased by 2?0 @) So#e o! %he #oney is no* $sed !o" "edis%"ib$%ion &o icies) 2o" e(a#& e' !inancia assis%ance is being given %o chi d"en and o d &eo& e %o i#&"ove %he iving s%anda"ds o! %he &oo"es% in %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion in o"de" %o &"o#o%e inc $sion and cohesion) One &"ob e#' ho*eve"' is %ha% oi and gas "even$es *i no% ! o* !o"eve") A#ong o%he" %hings' %hey de&end on *o" d:#a"+e% %"ends) 8o"eove"' %he !o"ced "enego%ia%ion o! %he con%"ac%s has $nse%% ed in%e"na%iona inves%o"s' and i% #ay have "ed$ced %hei" &"e&a"edness %o inves% ong: %e"# in %he e(%"ac%ion o! na%$"a "eso$"ces)

&ight to be different Ano%he" con%"ove"sia iss$e is de!ining %he "igh% %o di!!e"ence) 8o"a es so$gh% %o achieve %he &o i%ica and c$ %$"a inc $sion o! %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion by convening a Cons%i%$en% Asse#b y so#e%hing indigeno$s g"o$&s had been de#anding since %he ea" y ABB0s) A!%e" 8o"a es %oo+ o!!ice' %he Cons%i%$en% Asse#b y *as e ec%ed and s%a"%ed *o"+) The "$ ing gove"n#en% &a"%y 8ovi#ien%o a Socia is#o /8AS0 no% on y in%ended %o *"i%e a ne* cons%i%$%ionC i% *an%ed %o "e: inven% %he s%a%e) 9o*eve"' i% !ai ed %o sec$"e %he necessa"y consens$s in %he Asse#b y) The !ina vo%e *as he d *i%ho$% %he o&&osi%ion being &"esen%C on y %he de&$%ies o! %he 8AS and i%s a ies endo"sed %he d"a!% cons%i%$%ion) 8any %he"e!o"e do$b% i%s egi%i#acy) Neve"%he ess' %he d"a!% de!ines %he base o! %he & $"ina%iona s%a%e %he 8AS *an%s %o es%ab ish) The d"a!% a&&"oves o! %he "igh% o! indigeno$s &eo& es %o se !:de%e"#ina%ion in %hei" %e""i%o"ies' inc $ding %h"o$gh %"adi%iona a$%ho"i%ies) I% a so a o*s %he# %o decide abo$% %he $se o! na%$"a "eso$"ces in %hei" %e""i%o"y) A% %he sa#e %i#e' %he %e"# -ci%i;en. *as "e:de!ined) I% is no onge" based on ho#ogenei%y' b$% "a%he" s%"esses -inc $sive ci%i;enshi&. />ive"a' 20070) The !i"s% a"%ic e o! %he d"a!% cons%i%$%ion "eads, -1o ivia is a $ni%a"y' & $"ina%iona ' !"ee' a$%ono#o$s and decen%"a ised' inde&enden%' sove"eign' de#oc"a%ic' in%e"c$ %$"a s%a%e o! co##$ni%ies based on %he "$ e o! a* and socia 5$s%ice). The a"%ic e a so #en%ions -&o i%ica ' econo#ic' ega ' c$ %$"a and ing$is%ic & $"a is#.) In e!!ec%' s$ch &"inci& es a"e "e! ec%ed in %he co ec%ive "igh%s %ha% %he d"a!% cons%i%$%ion

g$a"an%ees indigeno$s &eo& es) These "igh%s inc $de co ec%ive and o*ne"shi&' an en%i% e#en% %o c$ %$"a iden%i%y' %he "$ e o! c$s%o#a"y a* as *e as %"adi%iona &"ac%ices and se !:ad#inis%"a%ion) Days %o &a"%ici&a%e in &o i%ics a"e %o be e(%ended) A% %he #$nici&a eve ' !o" ins%ance' %ha% *i i#& y %ha% indigeno$s #ino"i%ies a"e en%i% ed %o "e&"esen%a%ion in #$nici&a co$nci s even i! %he #a5o"i%y vo%es o%he"*ise)

Bac' to the ( ) * + s The "ecogni%ion o! co ec%ive "igh%s "e#ains con%"ove"sia ) -De a"e a #es%i;os'. say %hose ca ing !o" a 1o ivians %o be %"ea%ed as e4$a s) 1$% %ha% vie* is 4$es%ionab e i%se !) I% !ai s %o ac+no* edge %ha% a"ge &a"%s o! %he &o&$ a%ion have been &$% a% disadvan%age !o" cen%$"ies) Those *ho %a+e %he -#es%i;o. s%and a"e "e+ind ing 1o ivia3s ho#ogenisa%ion deba%e o! %he AB50s' igno"ing %he !ac% %ha% &eo& e #ay no% on y be di!!e"en% in %heo"y' b$% a"e indeed so in socia i!e /see a"%ic e be o*0) The e#&hasis on !o"#a e4$a i%y in an ob5ec%ive y $ne4$a socie%y is &"o#&%ed by !ea" !ea" o! %he co$n%"y b"ea+ing $& and !ea" o! "eve"se "acis# by indigeno$s &eo& e) This is no% s$"&"ising) The do#inan% s%"a%a o! 1o ivian socie%y have ong %ho$gh% in "acis% ca%ego"ies' %ho$gh %hey *e"e no% necessa"i y a*a"e o! i%) -I a# no% a "acis% ))) I have a *ays %"ea%ed #y #aid *e '. is a *ides&"ead a%%i%$de %ha% high igh%s ho* a &a"% o! %he &o&$ a%ion is $nconce"ned abo$% "acis# so ong as indigeno$s &eo& e & ay s$bo"dina%e "o es) <"io" %o %he &o i%ica %"i$#&h o! %he indigeno$s #ove#en%s' "acis# and iden%i%y *e"e no iss$es !o" #any #e#be"s o! %he $&&e" and #idd e c asses) I% is a di!!e"en% #a%%e" %oday' ho*eve") The head o! s%a%e is a #e#be" o! %he indigeno$s co##$ni%y' and indigeno$s #ove#en%s have conside"ab e in! $ence in %he gove"n#en% and %he Cons%i%$en% Asse#b y) Since %he shi!% in &o i%ica &o*e"' "acis% "e#a"+s and assa$ %s have beco#e #o"e !"e4$en%) On bo%h sides' %he &o i%ica c$ %$"e is ge%%ing "o$gh) 2o" sec$"i%y "easons and beca$se o! %he inca&abi i%y o! "eaching a consens$s' %he !i"s% ve"sion o! %he d"a!% cons%i%$%ion *as &assed in #i i%a"y ba""ac+s) Socia #ove#en%s c ose %o %he 8AS' ho*eve"' a so $nde"#ined con!idence by besieging Cong"ess and &"even%ing %he o&&osi%ion !"o# a%%ending &a" ia#en%a"y sessions) 8o"eove"' %he Cons%i%$%iona Co$"% *as &"ac%ica y s%"a&&ed o! i%s &o*e"s' *hich !$e ed #o"e !ea" o! %he -ne*. s%a%e a#ong non:indigeno$s $&&e" and #idd e c asses) In =ece#be" 2007' "adica $&&e" and #idd e c ass g"o$&s se% ab a;e o!!ices o! indigeno$s o"ganisa%ions and chased and bea% %hei" eade"s in %he de&a"%#en% o! San%a C"$;)

,onclusion In vie* o! ECLAC3s s%and on socia inc $sion' %h"ee &oin%s #$s% be #ade abo$% 1o ivia, Since 2007' #echanis#s have been inc"easing y in%"od$ced %o !aci i%a%e %he indigeno$s co##$ni%y3s &a"%ici&a%ion in econo#ic' &o i%ica and c$ %$"a i!e) 9o*eve"' %he"e a"e s%i #any 4$es%ion#a"+s ove" &"ac%ica i#& e#en%a%ion) 2o" e(a#& e' %he "e a%ionshi& be%*een c$s%o#a"y a* and !o"#a egis a%ion has no% been c a"i!ied) The d"a!% cons%i%$%ion so !a" does no% &"ovide a sa%is!ac%o"y ans*e") I! i% *e"e a&&"oved in a na%iona "e!e"end$#' conside"ab e egis a%ive *o"+ *o$ d s%i need %o be done) Since 2003' c"ises in 1o ivia have been dea % *i%h in ad:hoc so $%ions %ha% !"e4$en% y e(ceeded

%he bo$nds o! cons%i%$%iona acce&%abi i%y) Dhen #obi ising &o&$ a" s$&&o"%' %he &"esen% behavio$" o! bo%h %he gove"n#en% and %he o&&osi%ion "e! ec%s %he %"end o! g"o*ing dis"ega"d !o" %he no"#a "$ es o! de#oc"acy and cons%i%$%iona ega i%y) The "es$ % is eve":g"ea%e" &o a"isa%ion and inc"easing dis%"$s% o! -%he o%he" side.) The"e is %h$s a "is+ o! %he 1o ivian &eo& e #oving even !$"%he" a*ay !"o# any sense o! $ni%y) I"onica y' e!!o"%s %o &"o#o%e inc $sion and cohesion a"e #a+ing di!!e"ences and divides eve" #o"e eviden%) On %he o%he" hand' ci%i;ens3 ac%ivis# e(&"essed' !o" ins%ance' in "a ies' asse#b ies and gene"a s%"i+es is abo$% #o"e %han on y "is+s) I% a so &"ovides o&&o"%$ni%ies) Iss$es s$ch as e(c $sion' disc"i#ina%ion and "acis# a"e !ina y being o&en y deba%ed' and %ha% is %o be *e co#ed) 8aybe %ha% deba%e can &ave %he *ay !o" se%%ing "igh% *"ongs o! %he &as% and %he c"ea%ion o! an -inc $sive ci%i;enshi&.) No do$b%' "e a%ions be%*een indigeno$s and non:indigeno$s &eo& e have changed i""eve"sib y) On bo%h sides' a *i ingness %o coo&e"a%e is necessa"y no*)

Integration or inclusion an age-old debate

The in%eg"a%ion o! %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion in %he s%a%e *as dec a"ed a &o i%ica goa in 1o ivia *ay bac+ in %he AB50s) In %hose days' %he #ove#en% %ha% !o$gh% !o" %his goa *as %he -Na%iona >evo $%ion.' an a iance o! #ine"s' indigeno$s co##$ni%ies and &"og"essive e e#en%s o! %he *e :%o:do c asses) The bac+g"o$nd *as #ain y %he Chaco Da" agains% <a"ag$ay o! AB32 %o AB35) Tha% *a"' #any c ai#' *as os% beca$se 1o ivians ac+ed a sense o! na%iona iden%i%y)

In %he AB50s and 370s' "e!o"#s *e"e enac%ed, %in #ines *e"e na%iona ised' *o#en and indigeno$s &eo& es *e"e given %he "igh% %o vo%e' and and:"e!o"# *as ca""ied o$%) Indigeno$s &eo& es *e"e given %i% e %o %hei" and) The idea *as %o %$"n %he# in%o -ca#&esinos. /!a"#e"s0' doing a*ay *i%h %he di!!e"ence be%*een indigeno$s and non:indigeno$s co##$ni%ies) 1o ivia *as %o beco#e a na%ion o! #es%i;os' and in%eg"a%ion *as $nde"s%ood as assi#i a%ion)

Tha% &"ocess #a%ched *o" d his%o"y in %he *a+e o! %he Second Do" d Da", %he Uni%ed Na%ions *as es%ab ished' $nive"sa h$#an "igh%s *e"e dec a"ed' co onies "eceived inde&endence and ne* na%ion s%a%es *e"e &"oc ai#ed o" conso ida%ed) In %hose yea"s' %he Na%iona >evo $%ion !o"#a y "es%"$c%$"ed 1o ivian socie%y) Dha% i% did no% achieve' ho*eve"' *as %o &$% an end %o disc"i#ina%ion and e(c $sion o! %he indigeno$s &o&$ a%ion)

In %he a%e AB?0s' de#ands !o" g"ea%e" e4$a i%y *e"e "aised once #o"e) Indigeno$s g"o$&s "a ied !o" !ai" &"ices and an e4$i%ab e e(change o! ind$s%"ia and ag"ic$ %$"a goods) They de#anded co ec%ive and individ$a "igh%s) Using %he s ogan o! a -"igh% %o di!!e"ence.' %hey insis%ed on being and "e#aining di!!e"en%)

In AB83' %he CSTUC1' a %"ade $nion o"ganisa%ion "e&"esen%ing indigeno$s in%e"es%s %h"o$gho$% %he co$n%"y' &ionee"ed %he &"o&osa !o" a & $"ina%iona s%a%e) The #os% vigo"o$s s$&&o"% ca#e !"o# %he Ay#a"a and E$ech$a' %he indigeno$s &eo& es o! %he high ands and Andean va eys) In %he eas%e"n o* ands o! 1o ivia' %he ca *as %a+en $& a%e") This is a "egion *he"e #any di!!e"en% e%hnic g"o$&s ive and in *hich %he "e!o"#s o!

AB52 *e"e on y &a"%ia y i#& e#en%ed)

In ABB0' indigeno$s g"o$&s !"o# %he eas%e"n o* ands o"ganised a &"o%es% #a"ch %o La <a;) I%s &$"&ose *as %o $nde" ine %*o de#ands, !i"s% o! a ' "ecogni%ion o! %he e%hnic and c$ %$"a dive"si%y o! 1o ivia in ine *i%h %he cons%i%$%ionC second y' "ea isa%ion o! %he "igh% %o and ensh"ined in %he o d "e!o"# a*)

Those de#ands *e"e #e% by cons%i%$%iona "e!o"# in ABBF) The #$ %i:e%hnic and & $"ic$ %$"a cha"ac%e" o! %he 1o ivian na%ion *as e(& ici% y ac+no* edged) 1$% %he indG genas *e"e no% sa%is!ied *i%h %he #e"e y no"#a%ive "ecogni%ion o! %he -& $"ic$ %$"a s%a%e.) They a so de#anded %he &"ac%ica en!o"ce#en% o! &"inci& es s&e ed o$% in %he cons%i%$%ion) S$ch en!o"ce#en% on y began *hen %he "eis o! gove"n#en% &assed %o Evo 8o"a es' %he co$n%"y3s e ec%ed &"esiden% since ea" y 2007)

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