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Ill wear a rose

Youll recognize me, she had written, by the red rose Ill be wearing on my jacket. So now here he was looking for a girl whose heart he loved but whose face he had never seen. ohn !lanchard was looking at his watch an"iously. #he watch had cost $%&& dollars, so he held it close to his body and cross his arms. 'e were on his toes and stretching his neck, to see if he could s(ot the girl with the rose. 'is neck was getting sore of swinging his head side to side,and he got headache too. )fter a while, he got less active, and just looked at his shoes, thought that she might not arrive. 'e looked again at his watch, and saw that it was * (m in +, minutes. 'e then sat down on the bench, in the station. 'e looked multi(le times at his watch and his shoes. Suddenly he heard a noise, it was a a(anese tourist who had dro((ed her luggage. ) young woman was hel(ing her luggage, and the tourist thanked and bowed for her. #he young woman had long blond hair and a black jacket, a short (ink skirt under the jacket. -hen the tourist had finished thanking, she turned around and swung her beautiful blond hair. ohn saw how (retty she was, but was she the one. ohn and the young woman mad eye contact, and he was stunned by her a((earance. 'e then looked after her rose, but it wasnt there. 'e were disa((ointed, because the young woman was so beautiful. 'e shook his head and covered his face with his hands. #his is the last time I look at the watch. 'e said to himself. It was * (m e"actly. 'e stood u( to stretch his arms and legs, and it was there he saw her. -ith the black jacket and the rose. She smiled at him, and he knew at that moment that she was the one. ohns heart was beating fast. She was e"actly what he had thought of her. Shiny long brown hair, beautiful brown eyes, and beautiful brown skin. She ran towards him and jum(ed to his arms. ohn was the ha((iest man in the world at that moment. -hy didnt you let me see a (icture of you. 'e asked with a smile. !ecause I was afraid that you might not love me from who I am, but from how I look like. She re(lied. !ut I love you for your heart and not for your a((earance. 'e said. #he cou(le now went to caf/ and talked about stuff they liked. #hey had a great time together, and after a cou(le of years in a relationshi(, they got married. #he woman with the rose was called 0aria. So the cou(le ohn !lanchard and 0aria !lanchard got % wonderful children.

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