Elementary Portfolio Practice Book For Hungary

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Elementary Portfolio Practice Book for Hungary

Annie McDonald & Mark Hancock


What is a Language Portfolio? 3 4 4 5 6 7 89 10 10 11 12

The Language Passport

What is a Language Passport? How do I use it? Linguistic Profile Study Experiences Intercultural Experiences CEFR Levels Translations

The Language Biography

What is a Language Biography? How do I use it? Biography Progress Profile Biography Learning Profile I can Checklists and Reflect and Record

Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12

13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35
37 37 3841 4246 47

The Dossier
What is a Dossier? How do I use it? Language Notes Work

Portfolio mini-dictionary

What is a Language Portfolio?
A Language Portfolio is a set of documents. It is a record of your work and your intercultural experiences. You can see how you are making progress using the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for language: A1C2. You can see how you learn and what you can do. The English Result Elementary Portfolio Practice Book is based on Council of Europe publications. You can use it to help you complete an official Language Portfolio for English. There are 3 parts to the Language Portfolio:

The Language Passport

This is where you keep a rsum of your learning and record your language level, intercultural experiences, examinations, and qualications. You can show this to people who want to know about your level and your learning. Write your personal details at the beginning of the course, and complete your Language Passport at the end. To help you write a summary of your experiences and progress after you have studied English Result Elementary, you can use your Language Biography and Dossier.

The Language Biography

The Language Biography helps you to keep a record of your language learning and intercultural experiences. It helps you reect on your progress, and think about the best ways to learn. You can use the Language Biography throughout the course. There are activities for you to do at the end of each English Result Elementary unit. Tick what you can do, and think about what you need to do. Reect on your progress. Make notes about what you want to learn and how you learn. Complete some activities about your language learning and intercultural experiences. You can use these to help you ll in your Language Passport at the end of the course and to create your Dossier during the course.

The Dossier
As you study English Result Elementary, you can make a Dossier. Your Dossier is a le of your study notes and work. You can use this with your Language Passport to show people examples of your work. It is a personal and exible record of your learning. Organize your material and add to, or change, the contents of your Dossier whenever you want.

Portfolio mini-dictionary
The Portfolio mini-dictionary helps you with the language used in this Portfolio Practice Book.


The Language Passport

What is a Language Passport?
A Language Passport is a rsum of your learning progress in English. It contains:

your Linguistic Profile. This is a record of your personal details, self-assessment, examinations and certificates. Passport p.5 your Study Experiences. This is a summary of your language learning history. It shows where and when you have learnt English. Passport p.6 your Intercultural Experiences. This is a summary of your contact with the culture of people who speak English. It shows what experiences you have had in your own country and places where people speak English. Passport p.7

How do I use it?

At the beginning of the course, write your personal details in the Linguistic Prole. At the end of the course, complete the Linguistic Prole, Study Experiences, and Intercultural Experiences.

To assess your level at the beginning (and end) of the course, complete the grid to show what you can do in listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production, and writing using the Common European Framework of Reference Passport pp.89 and the Biography Progress levels. You can use the translations Biography p.11 to help you. Prole

Listening Reading Spoken Interaction Spoken Production Writing






Sign the bottom of the page and ask a second person, for example your teacher, to sign to show they agree.

Study and intercultural experiences

As you study English Result Elementary, make notes on the Biography Learning Biography p.12. You can use these to help you complete information in Prole. your Language Passport. You can write your notes in your own language if you want to.

Now you can start your Portfolio.

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Passport

Linguistic Prole
Personal details
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Nationality: _ ___________________________________________________________ First language: _ _________________________________________________________ Other languages: _ _______________________________________________________ Place of study: _ _________________________________________________________

Self-assessment grid
CEFR Levels Translations

pp.89 A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

Listening Reading Spoken Interaction Spoken production Writing

Last updated: ____________ / ____________ / ____________

Exams and certificates

Name of exam Level: A1 C2 Grade Where I took the exam Date



Date ____________ Date ____________

Counter-signed ____________

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Passport: Linguistic Prole

Study Experiences
At the end of your course, write a rsum of your study experiences at home and in places where English is spoken. Use your notes in your Language Biography to Biography p.12 help you.

At home
Where and when have you studied English in your country? For how long?
3 months Primary / secondary education Higher education At work At a language academy With English speakers you know In your free time? Other 6 months 9 months 1 year + 3 years +

In places where English is spoken

Where and when have you studied English where the language is spoken? For how long?
3 months On holiday On a summer course On a work visit At a language academy On an exchange programme With English speakers you know Other 6 months 9 months 1 year + 3 years +

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Passport: Study Experiences

Intercultural Experiences

At the end of your course, write a rsum of your intercultural experiences at home and in places where English is spoken. Use your notes in your Language Biography p.12 Biography to help you.

At home
Where and when have you had intercultural experiences in your country? What did you do? Tick (3) the experiences youve had.
Meet people at school, at work, with friends? Meet tourists? Go to an English-speaking festival or event? Find information on the internet? Write emails? Read books? Listen to music? Go to the theatre? Watch international events on TV? Other

What did you enjoy? What did you learn? What did you nd interesting?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

In places where English is spoken

Where and when have you had intercultural experiences where the language is spoken? What did you do? Tick (3) the experiences youve had.
Go to a festival or event? Stay with people? Meet people on holiday? Go shopping? Go to a bank? Order a meal? Ask for directions? Other

What did you enjoy? What did you learn? What did you nd interesting?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Passport: Intercultural Experiences




I can understand phrases and the highest frequency vocabulary related to areas of most immediate personal relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local area, employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements. I can read very short, simple texts. I can nd specic, predictable information in simple everyday material such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus and timetables and I can understand short simple personal letters. I can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar topics and activities. I can handle very short social exchanges, even though I cant usually understand enough to keep the conversation going myself. I can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken. I can enter unprepared into conversation on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). I can interact with a degree of uency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible. I can take an active part in discussion in familiar contexts, accounting for and sustaining my views. I can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency everyday or job-related language. I can understand the description of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. I can read articles and reports concerned with contemporary problems in which the writers adopt particular attitudes or viewpoints. I can understand contemporary literary prose. I can understand long and complex factual and literary texts, appreciating distinctions of style. I can understand specialised articles and longer technical instructions, even when they do not relate to my eld. I can express myself uently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. I can use language exibly and eectively for social and professional purposes. I can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate my contribution skilfully to those of other speakers. I can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. I can understand the main point of many radio or TV programmes on current aairs or topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. I can understand extended speech and lectures and follow even complex lines of argument provided the topic is reasonably familiar. I can understand most TV news and current aairs programmes. I can understand the majority of lms in standard dialect. I can understand extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implied and not signalled explicitly. I can understand television programmes and lms without too much eort.

Common European Framework of Reference Levels: English

B1 B2 C1 C2
I have no diculty in understanding any kind of spoken language, whether live or broadcast, even when delivered at fast native speed, provided. I have some time to get familiar with the accent.



I can recognise familiar words and very basic phrases concerning myself, my family and immediate concrete surroundings when people speak slowly and clearly.


I can understand familiar names, words and very simple sentences, for example on notices and posters or in catalogues.

I can read with ease virtually all forms of the written language, including abstract, structurally or linguistically complex texts such as manuals, specialised articles and literary works.

I can interact in a simple Spoken Interaction way provided the other

person is prepared to repeat or rephrase things at a slower rate of speech and help me formulate what Im trying to say. I can ask and answer simple questions in areas of immediate need or on very familiar topics.

I can take part eortlessly in any conversation or discussion and have a good familiarity with idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms. I can express myself uently and convey ner shades of meaning precisely. If I do have a problem I can backtrack and restructure around the diculty so smoothly that other people are hardly aware of it.

I can use simple phrases Spoken Production and sentences to describe I can use a series of phrases and sentences to describe in simple terms my family and other people, living conditions, my educational background and my present or most recent job. I can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, my dreams, hopes and ambitions. I can briey give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans. I can narrate a story or relate the plot of a book or lm and describe my reactions. I can write simple connected text on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. I can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.

where I live and people I know.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions on a wide range of subjects related to my eld of interest. I can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.

I can present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects integrating subthemes, developing particular points and rounding o with an appropriate conclusion.

I can present a clear, smoothlyowing description or argument in a style appropriate to the context and with an eective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember signicant points.

I can write short, simple notes and messages relating to matters in areas of immediate needs. I can write a very simple personal letter, for example thanking someone for something.

I can write a short, simple postcard, for example sending holiday greetings. I can ll in forms with personal details, for example entering my name, nationality and address on a hotel registration form.

I can write clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects related to my interests. I can write an essay or report, passing on information or giving reasons in support of or against a particular point of view. I can write letters highlighting the personal signicance of events and experiences.

I can express myself in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length. I can write about complex subjects in a letter, an essay or a report, underlining what I consider to be the salient issues. I can select style appropriate to the reader in mind.

I can write clear, smoothly-owing text in an appropriate style. I can write complex letters, reports or articles which present a case with an eective logical structure which helps the recipient to notice and remember signicant points. I can write summaries and reviews of professional or literary works.

Common European Framework of Reference Levels: Hungarian

A2 Megrtem a szemlyemhez kzvetlenl kapcsold, gyakran hasznlt szavakat s kifejezseket (pl. szemlyes adataim, csaldom, vsrlsok, szk krnyezet, tanuls, munka). Megrtem az egyszer s vilgos hirdetsek s zenetek lnyegt. B1 Megrtem a vilgos, mindennapi beszd lnyegt, ha olyan tmkrl esik sz, mint a munka, a tanuls, a szabadid, stb. Ki tudom szrni a lnyeget azokbl a rdi- s tvadsokbl, amelyek aktulis esemnyekrl, szakmai vagy rdekldsi krmnek megfelel tmkrl szlnak, ha elgg lassan s tagoltan beszlnek. Megrtem a fknt kznyelven, vagy a munkmhoz kzvetlenl kapcsold szaknyelven megrt szvegeket. Magnlevlben megrtem az esemnyek, rzelmek vagy kvnsgok lerst. Elboldogulok a legtbb olyan nyelvi helyzetben, amely utazs sorn addik. Felkszls nlkl rszt tudok venni az ismert, az rdekldsi krmnek megfelel, vagy a mindennapi tmkrl (pl. csald, szabadid, tanuls, munka, utazs, aktulis esemnyek) foly trsalgsban. Az anyanyelvi beszlvel termszetes, knnyed s kzvetlen kapcsolatteremtsre vagyok kpes. Aktvan rszt tudok venni az ismert tmkrl foly trsalgsban, gy, hogy kzben rvelve kifejtem a vlemnyemet. El tudom olvasni azokat a cikkeket s beszmolkat, amelyek jelenkori problmkkal foglalkoznak, s szerzjk vlemnyt, nzett fejtik ki. Megrtem a kortrs irodalmi przt. Megrtem a hossz, sszetett, tnyszer s irodalmi szvegeket; rzkelem bennk a klnbz stlusjegyeket. A szakmai cikkeket s a hossz mszaki lersokat akkor is megrtem, ha nem kapcsoldnak szakterletemhez. Folyamatosan s grdlkenyen fejezem ki magam, ritkn keresek szavakat s kifejezseket. A nyelvet knnyeden s hatkonyan hasznlom a klnbz trsadalmi s szakmai kapcsolatokban. Gondolataimat, vlemnyemet pontosan ki tudom fejteni; hozzszlsaimat a beszltrsakhoz tudom kapcsolni. Vilgosan s kell rszletessggel fejezem ki magam szmos, rdekldsi krmbe tartoz tmban. Ki tudom fejteni a vlemnyemet valamely aktulis tmrl gy, hogy rszletezem a klnbz lehetsgek elnyeit s htrnyait. Vilgosan s rszletesen tudok lerni bonyolult dolgokat gy, hogy ms kapcsold tmakrket is bevonok, egyes elemeket rszletezek, s mondanivalmat megfelelen fejezem be. B2 Megrtem a hosszabb beszdeket s eladsokat, illetve mg a bonyolultabb rvelseket is kvetni tudom, amennyiben a tma szmomra elg ismert. Tbbnyire megrtem a hreket s az aktulis esemnyekrl szl msorokat a tvben. ltalban rtem a lmeket, ha a szereplk kznyelven beszlnek. C1 Mg a nem vilgosan szerkesztett s rejtett jelentstartalm, hossz szveget is megrtem. Szinte erfeszts nlkl rtem meg a tvmsorokat s a lmeket. C2 Minden nehzsg nlkl megrtem az lben hallott, mdin keresztl sugrzott, vagy gyors tempj beszdet, ha van idm megszokni az akcentust.

Halls utni rts

A1 Megrtem a szemlyemre, a csaldomra, a kzvetlen krnyezetemre vonatkoz, gyakran hasznlt, egyszer szavakat s szkapcsolatokat, ha lassan s tagoltan beszlnek hozzm.


Olvass El tudok olvasni rvid, nagyon egyszer szvegeket. Megtallom a vrhat, konkrt informcit a mindennapi, egyszer szvegekben (pl. rvid hirdets, prospektus, men, menetrend), s megrtem a rvid, egyszer magnleveleket. Az egyszer, rutinszer helyzetekben egyszer s kzvetlen mdon cserlek informcit mindennapi tevkenysgekrl vagy tmkrl. A nagyon rvid informcicserre mg akkor is kpes vagyok, ha egybknt nem rtek meg eleget ahhoz, hogy a trsalgsban folyamatosan rszt vegyek. Egyszer eszkzkkel s mondatokkal tudok beszlni a csaldomrl s ms szemlyekrl, letkrlmnyeimrl, tanulmnyaimrl, jelenlegi vagy elz szakmai tevkenysgemrl. Tudok rvid, egyszer jegyzetet, zenetet, vagy magnjelleg, pldul ksznlevelet rni. Egyszer kifejezsekkel tudok beszlni lmnyekrl, esemnyekrl, lmaimrl, remnyeimrl s cljaimrl. Rviden is meg tudom magyarzni, indokolni vlemnyemet s terveimet. Egyszer, folyamatos szvegeket tudok alkotni olyan tmkban, amelyeket ismerek, vagy rdekldsi krmbe tartoznak. lmnyeimrl s benyomsaimrl magnleveleket tudok rni.

Megrtem a nagyon egyszer mondatokat, pldul hirdetsekben, plaktokon vagy katalgusokban az ismert nevek vagy szavak segtsgvel.

Knnyedn elolvasok brmilyen tartalm vagy formj elvont, bonyolult szveget, pldul kziknyvet, szakcikket, irodalmi mvet.



Kpes vagyok egyszer kapcsolatteremtsre, ha a msik szemly ksz mondanivaljt kiss lassabban vagy ms kifejezsekkel megismtelni illetve segti a mondanivalm megformlst. Fel tudok tenni s meg tudok vlaszolni olyan krdseket, amelyek a mindennapi szksgletek konkrt kifejezsre szolglnak.

Knnyedn rszt tudok venni brmilyen trsalgsban, vitban; nagy biztonsggal alkalmazom a sajtos kifejezseket s a klnbz nyelvi fordulatokat. Grdlkenyen, szabatosan, az rnyalatok nom kifejezsre is gyelve beszlek. Ha elakadok, gy kezdem jra s fogalmazom t a mondandmat, hogy az szinte fel sem tnik. Vilgosan s folyamatosan, stlusomat a helyzethez igaztva rok le vagy fejtek ki brmit, eladsomat logikusan szerkesztem meg; segtem a hallgatt abban, hogy a lnyeges pontokat kiragadja s megjegyezze.

Folyama-tos beszd

Egyszer kifejezsekkel s mondatokkal be tudom mutatni a lakhelyemet s az ismerseimet.



Tudok kpeslapra rvid s egyszer (pldul nyaralsi) dvzletet rni. Ki tudom tlteni egyszer nyomtatvnyon a szemlyi adataimra vonatkoz rszeket, pldul a szllodai bejelentlapon a nevemet, az llampolgrsgomat s a cmemet.

Vilgos s rszletes szvegeket tudok alkotni az rdekldsi krmbe tartoz szmos tmrl. Tudok olyan dolgozatot vagy beszmolt rni, amely tjkoztat, rveket s ellenrveket sorakoztat fel valamirl. Levlben r tudok vilgtani arra, hogy milyen jelentsget tulajdontok az esemnyeknek, lmnyeknek.

Kpes vagyok arra, hogy llspontomat vilgos, jl szerkesztett szvegben fogalmazzam meg. Levlben, dolgozatban, beszmolban gy tudok sszetett tmkrl rni, hogy a fontosnak tartott dolgokat kiemelem. Stlusomat az olvashoz tudom igaztani.

Tudok vilgos, grdlkeny, a krlmnyekhez stlusban illeszked szveget rni. Meg tudok fogalmazni olyan bonyolult levelet, beszmolt s cikket, amelynek j tagolsa segti az olvast abban, hogy a lnyeges pontokat kiragadja s megjegyezze. ssze tudok foglalni szakmai s irodalmi mveket, tudok rluk kritikai elemzst rni.

The Language Biography

What is a Language Biography?
The information in your Language Biography helps you see your learning and think about how to be a better language learner. It gives you information to use in your Language Passport and Dossier. With the Language Biography you can:

see what you have learnt and how. plan your learning needs, priorities, and objectives. reflect on your language learning and intercultural experiences. evaluate your progress using Common European Framework of Reference Levels. a Biography Progress Profile. a Biography Learning Profile. an I can Checklist for every unit. Reflect and Record activities. Assessment records.

In the Language Biography, you will nd:

How do I use it?

Biography Progress Profile. Mark your progress when you nish Unit 1 and after Units 4, 8, and 12. Put a tick in the boxes for the levels when you think you can do the activities. Use the information to help you complete the self-assessment grid in the Language Passport at the end of the course. Think about your aims as you mark your progress through the course. Biography Learning Profile. Write some notes about your language learning history, how you learn best, and your intercultural experiences. Reect and Record activities tell you when to write notes in your Biography Progress Prole. I can Checklists. When you have done each Students Book unit, use the I can Checklists to think about your progress. Read the statements and nd the pages in your Students Book. If you are happy with your work, tick yes and write the date. If you want to do more work, decide what to do and when you are going to do it. Make a note and assess your progress again. Example:
LISTENING I can understand some phrases for saying hello and goodbye. Students Book p.7 Are you happy with what you can do? More practice? What? When? Now are you happy with what you can do?

3Date: 7.09 Yes q No q

Workbook, page 4, ex. 1

3No q Date: 9.09 Yes q

Reflect and Record. Do the activities at the end of each unit. They will give you ideas to help you become a better learner. File your work in the Dossier. Assessment records. Write in your marks and complete some sentences about your work. Use your marks to help you complete the Biography Progress Prole. File your work in your Dossier with your unit tests.


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography

Biography Progress Prole

Use this page after you have completed the I can Checklists at the end of Units 1, 4, 8, and 12. Put a tick in the boxes when you think you can do the activities. Write the date and the skill that you want to improve the most at the bottom of the page.
Skills Listening A1I can understand a few key words about myself, my family, and things around me when people speak very slowly and clearly. A1 I can understand key words and phrases about myself, my family, and things around me when people speak slowly and clearly. A1+ I can understand phrases and expressions about myself, my family, and things around me when people speak slowly and clearly. I can understand the main points and detail in descriptions. Yes A2 I can understand phrases and expressions in conversations about personal information and everyday life. I can understand the main points and detail in short descriptions, messages, instructions, and announcements.

Yes Reading



I can understand a few words and phrases in simple notices, notes, and menus if I can think about the pictures, and read the text again.

I can understand names, key words and the general idea of very simple sentences in notices, maps, timetables, descriptions, postcards, and catalogues. I can understand directions. Yes

I can understand words and sentences in menus, tickets, timetables, signs and notices, personal letters, and postcards. I can nd specic information in short stories. Yes

I can read very short, simple texts. I can nd specic information in simple advertisements, menus, labels, catalogues, and timetables. I can understand short personal letters and simple instructions. Yes

Yes Spoken Interaction

I can have short conversations about myself and my family when we speak very slowly and people help me.

I can greet people and have short factual conversations when I ask for help. I can ask and answer questions about everyday life. I can use and and but to join ideas.

I can have short conversations and exchange information on everyday topics and activities when we speak very slowly and people help me. I can say what I think about a topic.

Yes Spoken Production



I can have conversations and exchange information on everyday topics. I can understand directions and simple instructions. I can say what I think about a topic and talk about plans. I can use and, but and or to join ideas. Yes

I can use short phrases to talk I can use simple phrases and about myself and people I know. sentences to talk about myself, where I live, and people I know.

I can use some phrases and sentences to talk about myself and others, where I live, and my education.

I can use some phrases and sentences to talk about my family and other people, where I live, my educational history, and my present or most recent job. I can tell a short story. Yes

Yes Writing



I can ll in basic forms with my name, nationality, and address using words and phrases.

I can ll in forms with personal I can write short notes and detail and send a holiday messages about every day greeting in a postcard. I can leave topics. a thank-you note.

I can write short notes and messages about every day topics. I can write a short personal letter, for example, thanking or apologizing for something. I can complete personal information forms.





Write the date and the skill you want to work on most. Start of the course: After Unit 4 After Unit 8 At the end of the course: Date Date Date Date Skill Skill Skill Skill

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

Biography Progress Prole


Biography Learning Prole

As you do the Reect and Record activities, make some notes in your Biography Learning Prole. At the end of the course, you can use these notes to complete the rsum in your Language Passport. Passport pp.67

Language learning and intercultural experiences at home

Language learning:

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Intercultural experiences:

Reect and Record pp.14, 16, 18, 20, 28, 32.

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Reect and Record pp.14, 18, 22, 24, 30, 34.

Language learning and intercultural experiences where English is spoken

Language learning:

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Intercultural experiences:

Reect and Record pp.18, 20, 28, 32.

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

Reect and Record pp.14, 18, 22, 24, 30, 32, 34.

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47


Biography Learning Prole

READING I can say hello.

I can Checklist
LISTENING I can understand some

Personal identication
Students Book p.7 p.9 p.13 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What?

More practice? Workbook pp.49, pp.4-9, 76 76 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

phrases for saying hello and goodbye. letters and numbers in a short interview about personal information. key words in a conversation about personal information. I can understand some words and phrases in signs and labels. words and phrases in a dialogue about personal information. words and phrases on a form. SPOKEN INTERACTION

Students Book p.10 p.12 p.14 Students Book p.7 p.7 p.9 p.11 p.13 p.13 Students Book p.7 p.8 p.14 p.15 Students Book p.14

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

ask peoples names. give phone numbers and email addresses. give my name and address. start a conversation when I meet somebody the rst time. use polite words. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can use Sorry? to ask for repetition. ask for and give spelling to help me understand. ask for language help. ask questions for clarication. WRITING I can write personal details on a form.

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 1 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: making plans
1 What can you do now?

2 Why are you learning English? Put a tick (3) next to the reasons. You can tick more than one. Reasons:
Listening holiday

Biography p.11






3 What do you need to do? Put the skills in order of importance for you. Number them 15.


Spoken Interaction

Spoken Production

Language: phrases for saying hello and goodbye

short conversation and a translation for each one.

1 Copy the table. Look at Unit 1. Add some phrases you want to remember and nd them in the audio script. Write a
Saying hello and goodbye Phrase My language Example conversation

Whats your name? B. My names

A. Hi, my names Whats your name?

2 Review your notes before you meet people who speak English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ I completed Capital letters Writing is (all / some) sections. (are / arent) correct. (easy / dicult) to read.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47


The Language Biography: Unit 1 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Personal relations
Students Book p.17 p.19 p.23 Students Book p.17 p.20 p.22 p.24 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When? More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.1015, 77 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

words and phrases in a greeting conversation. key words in short introductions. key words in a list of numbers. I can understand some key information in a timetable. detail in short descriptions. key words and phrases, and nd specic information in a dialogue about the time. key words in a short message of introduction. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can use English in the classroom. introduce my family. talk about the time. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can describe people. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ask questions about English. ask questions to show interest. WRITING I can ... write a message of introduction.

Students Book p.17 p.19 p.23 Students Book p.21 Students Book p.17 p.19 Students Book p.24

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 2 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: English around me

3 in the classroom Example: q others:

1 Think about where you live. Put a tick (3) next to the things where you see or hear English. Add some more examples.

q on television q on the radio q in lms q in the street q on a restaurant menu q q q q q

2 Choose one day next week and look for two more examples of English where you live. Add them to the list in Exercise 1. 3 Copy the table Asking for help below. Look at the example and add some phrases you want to use.
Asking for help Questions My language

Whats that in English?

4 Add more phrases and read them again before you go to class.

Dossier p.38

Language: prepositions, days, and times

Tick (3) when you do them.

1 Think about your learning. What are you going to do? Copy the table and look at the example. Write some more plans.
Prepositions, days and times Learning plan at + time on + day no preposition By date

Example: Go to class Read Listen to

at 16.00

On Wednesday

4.09 3

2 Look at your plans every week. Write some new plans.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ This is my I There are (rst / second) draft. (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (some / no) mistakes with the apostrophe.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 2 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
LISTENING I can understand some

Countries and places

Students Book p.27 p.29 p.31 p.33 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.1621, 78 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

detail in short conversations about directions. detail in short quiz questions about countries. detail in short descriptions of where people are in town. key words and phrases in an interview about language skills. I can understand some key words in signs and symbols on a map. key words and nd specic information in a short personal introduction. key words and nd specic information in a dialogue about languages. detail in a personal description paragraph. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can ask for information about places. say where I am in town. talk about my language skills. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can talk about countries. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can use Excuse me to attract attention. use Really to show interest. WRITING I can ... write about my country and languages. join some sentences with and and but.

Students Book p.26 p.28 p.33 p.34

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.27 p.31 p.33 Students Book p.29 Students Book p.27 p.33 Students Book p.34 p.34

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 3 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: when I use English
Add some more examples.

1 Think about when you use English. Put a tick (3) next to the things you do.
In class, I At home, I

q listen to my teacher speaking English. q listen to other students speaking English. q ask my teacher for help if I dont understand. q answer questions. q use my dictionary. q other

q look at my class work again. q look at the pictures in my course book again. q test my vocabulary. q look at the audio scripts again. q listen to songs in English. q other

2  Choose one thing you dont do. Try it next class, or when you have time at home.
Complete this sentence: I tried . This is a (good / bad) idea for me.

Language: nationality

1 Copy the table and look at the examples. Add other nationalities you know and choose more words you want to
Nationality Country Nationality Language Currency Notes

remember in Unit 3. Use a dictionary and underline the strong syllable. Which words end with the same letters?

England Portugal

English Portuguese

English Portuguese

Pound Euro

Capital letters!

2 Add more words when you meet or hear about people from different countries.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ Spelling included I (is / isnt) good. (all / some) information. (reviewed / didnt review) my writing.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 3 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Everyday life
Students Book p.37 p.41 p.43 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.2227, 79 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

detail in short conversations about news. key words and detail in an interview about everyday habits. key words and main points in a description of a typical day. I can understand some key words and phrases in signs and notices. key words and phrases in titles and notes. detail in short puzzles. detail in quiz questions and answers. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can respond to good and bad news. describe morning habits. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can say dates. describe a day. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can give informative answers. use intonation to respond to news. WRITING I can ... write a paragraph about everyday life in my country.

Students Book p.36 p.38 p.39 p.40 Students Book p.37 p.41 Students Book p.39 p. 43 Students Book p.41 p.37 Students Book p.44

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 4 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: think about listening
In class, I

1 Think about listening. Put a tick (3) next to the things you do. Add some more examples.
At home, I

q listen to my teacher speaking English. q listen to other students speaking English. q think about the topic before I listen. q listen for key words and phrases. q guess words I dont know. q other
Complete this sentence: I tried .

q listen for English words on television. q practise conversations in English with a student. q listen to English on the Internet or radio. q listen to songs in English. q listen to tourists. q other
This is a (good / bad) idea for me.

2 Choose one thing you dont do. Try it next class, or when you have time at home. 3 Update the Biography Progress Prole 4 Do the same for the other skills.
Biography p.11. Read the information about listening. Use the CEFR Levels Translations and the Portfolio mini-dictionary to help you. Look at the I can Checklists for listening notes for Unit 14. What can you do? Tick (3) the boxes.

Language: habits and routines

and routines in Unit 4.

1 Copy the table and look at the example. Think about your habits and routines for this week. Choose words for habits
Habits and routines What? Time in the week. Time at the weekend A dierent day? Notes

Get up

Monday to Friday at 7.30

On Saturday and Sunday at 9.30

On September 14th at 8.30!

2 Add more habits and routine words as you study English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ I I There are (reviewed / didnt review) my writing. (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (no / some) mistakes in prepositions.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 4 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
LISTENING I can understand some

Relations with others

Students Book p.49 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.2833, 80 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

detail in short phrases describing people and objects. main points in a short description of p.49 people. main points in shopping conversations. p.51 detail in a conversation about peoples interests. I can understand some detail in short descriptions about people. key words and phrases in a shopping dialogue. new words in a shopping catalogue. key words and nd specic information in a poem. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can introduce people. ask for things in shops. ask about peoples interests. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can describe people and objects. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ask questions for clarication. WRITING I can ... write a self-portrait. join sentences with and and but. p.53

Students Book p.47 p.51 p.53 p.54

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.47 p.51 p.53 Students Book p.49 Students Book p.49 Students Book p.54 p.54

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 5 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Culture: polite expressions
1 Copy the table and the example. Look at Units 15 and the audio scripts. Find more polite words and phrases you
want to remember. Make some notes. Add more phrases you know. Do you do the same in your language?
Polite expressions Words and phrases Example conversation Notes

Excuse me! (to attract attention)

A Excuse me! Are you Eddy Martinez? To attract attention in my language, we B Yes, thats right.

2 Review your notes before you meet people who speak English.

Dossier p.38

Language: Adjectives
Adjectives Phrases

1 Copy the table. Write more phrases with adjectives you want to remember from Unit 5.
My language Notes

a green bag new green bags an old French film

Adjective (always singular) + noun Colour adjectives after other adjectives Capital letters for nationality

2 Add more phrases to describe your personal possessions.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ This is a Adjectives are I included (rst / second) draft. (sometimes / always) correct. (some / a lot of) information.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 5 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Food and drink

Students Book p.57 p.57 p.59 p.59 p.61 p.63 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.3439, 81 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

main points in a shopping situation. detail in a shopping situation. main points in a song. key words in quiz questions. key words in a conversation about breakfast. I can understand some detail and the general idea in short web-page explanations. key words and phrases on a menu. detail in the rules of a game. detail and the general idea in a dialogue when people oer things. detail in a description for visitors to another place. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can ask about prices. order food in a caf. talk about food. oer people things to eat and drink. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can use polite words and phrases for oers. WRITING I can ... write about food in my country. write phrases using or and with.

Students Book p.56 p.58 p.60 p.62 p.64

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.57 p.59 p.61 p.63 Students Book p.63 Students Book p.64 p.64

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 6 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Culture: food and drink in different countries
countries you know or have visited.

1 Copy the table and the example. Write food and drink words using and or with. Add information about other
Food and drink What? When? Comment

Coffee with milk

My country Breakfast at 9.00.

Another country England: at 11.00 in the morning.

I like this!

Chips or rice
2 Add more examples when you travel to different places.

Dossier p.38

Language: count and non-count nouns

each one. Write a translation in your language.

1 Copy the table. Write more phrases with food and drink words you want to remember from Unit 6 and a sentence for
Count and non-count food words Food and drink words Example sentence My language

Carrots - Countable

I havent got any carrots.

2 Add more food and drink words as you study English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ I I wrote The spelling (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (some / a lot of) detail. (is / isnt) good.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47


The Language Biography: Unit 6 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Leisure and entertainment

Students Book p.67 p.69 p.73 p.73 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.4045, 82 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

detail in the description of leisure activities. key words in a description of a painting. main points in an interview about hobbies. key words in a conversation about hobbies. I can understand some key facts and nd specic information in a magazine article about leisure activities. detail in a poem about abilities. detail in a dialogue about likes and dislikes. key facts and nd specic information in a description of an average day. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can talk about free-time activities. talk about the weather. talk about abilities. talk about likes and dislikes. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ask questions to keep a conversation going. return questions to keep a conversation going. WRITING I can ... write about my average day. connect information in sentences using also.

Students Book p.66 p.70 p.72 p.74

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.67 p.69 p.71 p.73 Students Book p.67 p.73

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.74 p.74

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 7 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: think about text-types
Draw a table and make a list.

1 Which skill is more important for you, reading or listening? 2 Look at the I can Checklists for units 17. Underline the text-types you have read or listened to.
Reading Texts I have worked with Students Book Unit / page Comments

Signs Labels

Unit 1 page 10 Unit 1 page 10

3 Add more text-types to the list as you continue the course.

Dossier p.42

Language: adjectives from nouns

translation in your language.

1 Copy the table. Write more weather words you want to remember from Unit 7 and a sentence for each one. Write a
Adjectives from nouns Nouns Adjectives Example sentences My language



The wind is cold. Its windy today.

2 Add more adjectives from nouns as you study English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ This is my The grammar is I (rst / second) draft. (accurate / inaccurate). (used / didnt use) also.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47


The Language Biography: Unit 7 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Going out
Students Book p.79 p.81 p.83 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? When?

More practice? Workbook pp.4651, 83 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

key words in a conversation about clothes. main points and the general idea in a radio news report. key words in a description about daily routines. I can understand some

key words and phrases in a magazine quiz. detail in a short description about daily p.77 routines. headings in a lm review. p.82 key facts and nd specic information in a lm review. detail and the general idea in short poems. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can invite and reply. say what to wear. say whats happening. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can describe actions. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ... ask for clarication and repetition. WRITING I can ... write a short poem. p.82

Students Book p.76

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:


Students Book p.78 p.80 p.82 Students Book p.84 Students Book p.84 Students Book p.84

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What? When?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 8 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Learning: think about reading
In class, I

1 Put a tick (3) next to the things you do. Add some more examples.
At home, I

q think about the topic before I read. q use pictures and titles to help me. q think about the main points before the detail. q think about key words and phrases. q guess words I dont know. q other
Complete this sentence: I tried .

q look for words in English where I live. q read magazines or newspapers in English. q read English on the Internet. q read information about lms and books in English. q look for English words in shops. q other
This is a (good / bad) idea for me.

2 Choose one thing you dont do. Try it next class, or when you have time at home. 3 Update the Biography Progress Prole 4 Do the same for the other skills.
Biography p.11. Read the information about reading, and use the CEFR Levels Translations and the Portfolio mini-dictionary to help you. Look at the I can Checklists for reading notes for Unit 58. What can you do? Tick (3) the boxes.

Language: activity phrases with go, have, and play

a translation in your language.

1 Copy the table. Write more activity phrases you want to remember from Units 48 and a sentence for each one. Write
Activity phrases with go, have, and play Phrases Example sentences My language

go for a walk go swimming

Im going for a walk. George Clooney goes swimming every day.

2 Add more activity phrases as you study English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ I There are My handwriting is (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (some / no) mistake with the verb to be. (easy / dicult) to read.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 8 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some detail in directions. main points in directions.

Places, transport, and travel

Students Book p.87 p.89 p.91 p.93 p.94 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What?

More practice? Workbook pp.5257, 84 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

main points in a conversation about a holiday. main points and the general idea in a story about a past event. main points in a interview about favourite holiday places. I can understand some key words and phrases on a map. detail in directions. detail in a personality quiz about holidays. key facts and nd specic information in an email about holidays. key facts and nd specic information in song lyrics. detail in a postcard. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can ask for transport information. give and follow directions. ask about and describe a holiday. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can tell a story. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can echo to check I understand. use intonation to sound polite. WRITING I can ... write a postcard.

Students Book p.86 p.87 p.90 p.90 p.92 p.95 Students Book p.87 p.89 p.91 Students Book p.93 Students Book p.87 p.87 Students Book p.94

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 9 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Culture: social events in different countries
or wear in your country. Is it the same or different?

1 Copy the table and the example. Look at Units 39 and nd examples of social events. Compare what you do
Social events What? My country Another country Comment

Christmas Weddings

England: People give We do the same / different things. presents on 25th December. We wear the same / different things.

2 Add more examples when you travel to different places.

Dossier p.38

Language: linking in phrases for directions


1 Copy the table. Look at the example. Add some phrases you want to remember from Unit 9. Use this
to remind yourself how words are linked together.
Linking words in phrases: asking and giving directions Phrases My language Notes

Excuse me. How can I get to the train station, please? Turn right at the lights Walk across the road.
2 Review your notes before you travel to an English-speaking country or meet people who speak English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ I This There are (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (is / isnt) useful for me. (some / no) mistakes with the past tense.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 9 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Personal histories
Students Book p.101 p.103 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What?

More practice? Workbook pp.5863, 85 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

main points in a conversation about a murder story. main points in descriptions of peoples lives. I can understand some specic information in receipts and tickets. key words and nd specic information in a dialogue about jobs. key phrases and nd specic information in short murder story. key information about famous people when I use what I already know. detail in a biography. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can talk about when to meet. talk about a career. talk about life stories. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can talk about what happened. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can give informative answers to keep a conversation going. WRITING I can ... write my biodata.

Students Book p.96 p.98 p.100 p.102 p.104 Students Book p.97 p.99 p.103 Students Book p.101 Students Book p.97

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.104

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 10 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Culture: education in different countries
1 Copy the table and the example. Look at Unit 10. Write the names of types of schools and when people
go there. Is it the same or different in your country?
My country Education What? Another country Comment

Primary school Junior school


England: age 5 7

We are the same / different. We are the same / different.

2 Add more examples when you visit different countries.

Dossier p.38

Learning: think about speaking

In class, I

1 Think about speaking. Put a tick (3) next to the things you do. Add some more examples.
Outside class, I

q answer questions in English q dont worry about my mistakes q other

Complete this sentence:

q try to get my message across q think about how to say things in English q read texts from the coursebook aloud q record and listen to myself speaking q try to use new words q talk to other students in English

q other
I tried . This is a (good / bad) idea for me.

2 Choose one thing you dont do. Try it next class, or when you have time at home. 3 Copy the table and the example. Look at Students Book p.97. Add more phrases for
continuing a conversation. Underline the strong syllables.
My language Continuing a conversation Phrases Notes

Where did you go? What did you do?

Dont just answer. Ask too.

4 Review your notes before you travel to an English-speaking country or meet people who speak English.

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ This My writing There are (is / isnt) important for me. (is / isnt) logically organised. (some / no) mistakes in spelling.

Dossier p.38

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 10 Reect and Record

LISTENING READING detail in instructions. I can make suggestions. say whats wrong. describe a home. compare things.

I can Checklist
I can understand some

House, home, and environment

Students Book p.109 p.113 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What?

More practice? Workbook pp.6469, 86 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

main points and the general idea in a conversation about a place to live. main points in short conversations about opinions. I can understand some

key points and nd specic information in holiday advertisements. key points and nd specic p.110 information in a poem. key words and phrases in a catalogue. p.112 p.114

Students Book p.106

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

SPOKEN INTERACTION Students Book p.107 p.109 p.109 p.111 p.113 Students Book p.113 Students Book p.114 More practice? What? Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: More practice? What? Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

give and understand opinions. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ask for clarication and repetition. WRITING I can ... write tips for visitors to my country.

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 11 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Culture: tips for guests in different countries
1 Copy the table and the example. Look at Unit 11 and use your dictionary. Write ways that people
Imperatives: giving tips My country Another country Notes

socialize and write some tips for visitors. Compare what you do in your country. Is it the same or different?

Dinner at home Going to a restaurant Going to a wedding

Arrive Take Pay Leave Wear

Arrive Take Pay Leave Wear

2 Add more examples when you visit different countries.

Dossier p.38

1 Copy the table. Look at the example. Add some adjectives you want to remember from Unit 11.
Comparatives and superlatives English Example sentences My language / Notes

Language: comparatives and superlatives

good better best

I think a computer is better than a laptop. I think a palmtop is the best.

2 Use your dictionary and add more words. 3 Review your notes before you travel to an English-speaking country or meet people who speak English.

Dossier p.38

Assessment record

Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ Capital letters and full stops are I I (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (reviewed / didnt review) my writing. (always / sometimes) correct.

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking


Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 11 Reect and Record


I can Checklist
I can understand some

Planning the future

Students Book p.117 p.119 p.121 Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: More practice? What?

More practice? Workbook pp.7075, 87 MultiROM Website www.oup.com/elt/result My ideas

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

main points in short telephone conversations about appointments. key words and the general idea in a conversation about feeling ill. key phrases in a conversation about future arrangements. I can understand some detail in signs and notices. key phrases and nd specic information in a website article. key phrases and nd specic information in a dialogue about future arrangements. key phrases in a leaet about health. key phrases and nd specic information in thank-you letters. SPOKEN INTERACTION I can make an appointment. say how I feel. talk about future arrangements. SPOKEN PRODUCTION I can talk about my intentions. INTERACTION STRATEGIES I can ... use intonation to ask and conrm. WRITING I can ... write a thank-you letter.

Students Book p.116 p.118 p.120 p.122 p.124

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Students Book p.117 p.119 p.121 Students Book p.123 Students Book p.117 Students Book p. 124

Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

More practice? What?

Now are you happy with what you can do? Yes q No q Date:

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Language Biography: Unit 12 I can Checklist


Reect and Record

Assessment record
Writing: Copy the title of your work and your mark. Complete the sentences.
Title :_ ____________________________________________________________________________ Mark_____________ This is my I There are (rst / second) draft. (used / didnt use) a dictionary. (some / no) spelling mistakes.

Dossier p.42

Tests: Marks
Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Reading Study priorities: Writing Listening Speaking

Learning: progress

1 Update the Biography Progress Prole

Biography p.11. Look at the I can Checklists for the skills for Units 912 to assess your progress. Now tick (3) the boxes. Use the Portfolio mini-dictionary to help you.

2 What can you do? Shade the boxes and mark your level progress on the Self-assessment grid.

Passport p.5

Learning experiences

1 Look at Reect and Record pp.14, 16, 18, 20, 28, and 32. Make notes on the Biography Learning Prole. 2 Write a rsum of your study experiences.

Passport p.6

Biography p.11

Intercultural experiences

1 Look at Reect and Record pp.14, 18, 22, 24, 30, 32, and 34. Make notes on the Biography Learning Prole. 2 Write a rsum of your intercultural experiences.

Passport p.7

Biography p.11

Learning: making plans

1 Think about your learning. What are you going to do next? When? Copy the table and write your own ideas.

Dossier p.38

The future My learning plans When? Done? Date? Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date: Yes q No q Date:

Im going to buy a magazine in English. Im going to do a summer course. Ill visit Scotland if I can.

Tomorrow next month Maybe next year

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

Congratulations! Now you have nished English Result Elementary Portfolio Practice Book. Good luck with your next course!


The Language Biography: Unit 12 Reect and Record

The Dossier
What is a Dossier?
The Dossier is a le where you keep your work, tests, and certicates. You can also keep articles you have read, reports from teachers or language schools, or examples of personal communication in English. You can use it to show people what you can do. Your Dossier helps you reect on and record your progress in the Language Biography and Language Passport. By keeping records you can nd different ways of recording information, for example, for vocabulary and grammar. You can decide which ways of recording information you like best. You can study your notes before a test.

How do I use it?

There are two parts to your Dossier:

Language notes Dossier p.38 As you work through the Reect and Record unit activities for each unit, you will start keeping language records. There are tables for you to copy, words, phrases, and notes on how English works to add to this section of the Dossier. Work Dossier p.42 When you do written work, tests, or examinations, write the title of your work in the tables on these pages. Keep your work in a separate le.

As you study the course, you can add more language information to the records in your Dossier. You can replace old work with better work as you study the course, and see how you are making progress. Remember to keep your Dossier up-to-date.

Portfolio mini-dictionary p.47

The Dossier


Language Notes
Use this part of your Dossier to record and le any notes you have made about language during the course. You can keep your vocabulary and grammar notes from the Language Biography Reect and Record activities here. Look at these for ideas about how to make notes for things you want to remember. You can write words under topics, translate words, write examples with notes on pronunciation, or write translations.
Topic Unit Date

Saying hello and goodbye

Unit 1


The Dossier: Language Language PassportNotes




The Dossier: Language Notes






The Dossier: Language Language PassportNotes




The Dossier: Language Notes


Use this part of your Dossier to record and le examples of your written work, tests, and certicates. You can also keep copies of articles you have read, and other work you have done. You can look at your work to see how you are making progress. Use this part of your Dossier to help you with Biography p.11. It will also help you complete the Self-assessment grid in the Biography Progress Prole. your Language Passport at the end of the course. Passport p.5



Individual or group work

An application form (Unit 1)


The Dossier: Language Work Passport



Individual or group work

The Dossier: Work




Individual or group work


The Dossier: Language Work Passport



Individual or group work

The Dossier: Work




Individual or group work


The Dossier: Language Work Passport

Portfolio mini-dictionary
English Hungarian English Hungarian

add to aims (n) articles beginning better boxes change (v) checklist communication completed contact (n) contents page copy (v) counter-sign course (n) create culture decide details documents evaluate experiences le (n) le (v) exible grid history intercultural learnt level (n) linguistic most

hozzadni, kiegszteni clok nvelk kezdet jobb, jobban rubrika, mez vltoztatni ellenrz lista kommunikci befejezett, elvgzett, teljestett kapcsolat tartalomjegyzk tmsolni, bemsolni tan alrsa tanfolyam ltrehozni kultra eldnteni rszletek, adatok dokumentumok, adatlapok rtkelni tapasztalatok, lmnyek dosszi, mappa rendszerezni, dossziba rendezni rugalmas, alakthat (rtkel) tblzat (nyelvtanulsi) mlt kultrk kztti tanult (mellknvi igenv) szint nyelvi, nyelvszeti legtbb

need (n) need (v) objectives organise parts personal priorities prole progress (n) qualications record (n) record (v) reect replace rsum scales self-assessment show (v) sign (v) skill spoken interaction spoken production statements study success summary tables ways

szksg, igny kell, szksges clok elrendezni, rendszerezni rszek szemlyes, szemlyre szl elsdleges, fontos szempontok adatlap, prol fejlds kpzsek, vgzettsg rgztett adat adatot rgzteni mrlegelni, tgondolni helyettesteni (itt) sszegzs skla nrtkels mutatni, megmutatni alrni kszsg, gyakorlat szbeli interakci* szbeli produkci** lltsok tanulni, tanulmnyozni siker, eredmny sszegzs, sszefoglal tblzatok mdok, mdozatok

* Ez a szempont azt vizsglja, hogy a nyelvtanul hogyan tud trsalogni idegen nyelven: megrti-e a feltett krdseket, tud-e r vlaszolni, ismeri-e a klnbz helyzetekben hasznlt szfordulatokat. ** Ez a szempont azt vizsglja, hogy a nyelvtanul tud-e nllan beszlni egy adott tmban, sszefggen, folykonyan szban fogalmazni.

Portfolio mini-dictionary


Takes students from how to to can do in every lesson
Learn the language you need and put it into practice immediately with English Result.
The Portfolio Practice Book Use the Language Passport to create valuable records of ability and level when moving school or country check progress using the Common European Framework of Reference levels Use the Language Biography to self-assess with detailed I can Checklists get ideas on how to learn, and improve learning build on language and cultural awareness with thorough Reect and Record pages Use the Dossier to organize and keep a record of work and intercultural experiences, for revision and to show others

Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox 2 6dp Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne MexicoCity Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxford and oxford english are registered trade marks of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries

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Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for information only. Oxford University Press disclaims any responsibility for the content. A000587 acknowledgements The authors and publisher are grateful to those who have given permission to reproduce the following extracts and adaptations of copyright material: p8 Common European Framework of Reference Levels: Self-assessment grid (English) Council of Europe. Reproduced by permission; p9 Common European Framework of Reference Levels: Self-assessment grid (Hungarian) Council of Europe. Reproduced by permission.


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