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We all know that Governor Corbett has taken

us in the wrong direction.

TOM WOLF is determined to
give Pennsylvania a fresh start.
He has developed a comprehensive
46-page plan that outlines his
vision for Pennsylvania. You
can read more about this in the
following pages or go to
to see the whole document.
My name is Tom Wolf and
Im running for Governor.
I was born and raised in Central Pennsylvania, where
I started working for my familys business by driving
a forklift. With the help of my employees, weve
grown into the largest supplier of kitchen cabinets
in America, and the company shares 20% to 30% of
the profits with our workers. Thats how Pennsylvania
should be led: through a sense of ownership and
common purpose.
I want to show you how our state can move
ahead. My comprehensive plan will help build
a 21st century infrastructure and a strong
middle class for Pennsylvania. We can get all
these things done if we start thinking ahead.
A fresh start means taking state government in a different direction
with a strategic focus on making Pennsylvania an engine for economic
development and a magnet for private sector entrepreneurs who will create
good, high-wage jobs and grow the middle class. Specifically, he will:
Stop Politics as Usual in Harrisburg
Focus State Government on Preparing for 21st
Century Jobs
Use the Innate Strengths of Pennsylvanias
Use Our Natural Resources to Our Full Advantage
Stop Politics as Usual
in Harrisburg
Tom will work to change Harrisburg by reforming campaign finance
rules and instituting ethics reforms, such as strict limits on gifts,
so that all citizens and industries have equal access to state
government not just those with well-connected lobbyists.
State Ethics Reforms Gift Bans,
Gift Limits, and Ending Crony
Legal Contracts
As governor, Tom will work to:
Get Rid of Gifts as a Way to Do Business in Harrisburg:
First, Tom will establish a ban on all gifts for himself and all
of his political appointees in state government. Second, Tom
will introduce legislation setting strict limits and reporting
requirements for all state employees.
Eliminate Crony Contracts for Law Firms: Tom will sign an
Executive Order banning no bid contracts to private law firms.
Campaign Finance Reforms and Improved Public Access to
Records: Tom believes that stronger campaign finance and
disclosure reforms can help reduce the potential for corruption.
As Revenue Secretary, Tom Wolf
turned down the perks, donated
his salary to charity, and
drove his own Jeep all across
Pennsylvania to meet with
more than 2,000 workers
and learn about their jobs.
Economic and Workplace Fairness
A Progressive Income Tax: Pennsylvanias millionaires pay exactly the same rate as their secretaries.
Thats not fair. Under Toms income tax plan, Pennsylvania workers will receive an exemption on their
personal income taxes. This will result in every middle-class family receiving a tax cut.
Minimum Wage Increase: Tom supports increasing the
minimum wage to $10.10 and indexing it to inflation.
According to the Economic Policy Institute, this would raise
wages for 20% of Pennsylvanians and lead to the creation of
5,000 new jobs by 2016.
Expand Paid Sick Leave Policy: Tom will push for legislation
supporting paid sick leave days for employees of businesses
with 50 or more employees.
Increase Women-, Minority-, and Disabled-Owned
Business Participation in Government Procurement and
Construction Contracts: By carving out a percentage of
government contracts that should be awarded to women-,
minority- and disabled-owned businesses, Pennsylvania
can create more high-paying, skilled jobs. As governor, Tom
will issue an executive order to increase the participation of
these types of businesses in state contracting with the goal
of 30% of total dollars committed to these contracts over
the current 22%.
Strengthen the States Equal Pay Law: Even with Pennsylvanias 50-years-old equal pay law, women in
Pennsylvania make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. This is unacceptable. At the Wolf Organization,
a biannual employee review process works hard to try to prevent pay disparities based on gender or race.
As governor, Tom will strengthen our existing equal pay law and hold employers accountable for gender
Enact a Pennsylvania Anti-Discrimination Law: Tom believes that all people regardless of sexual
orientation should be treated equally under the law. His company extends benefits to same-sex partners.
As governor, Tom will promote a Pennsylvania Anti-Discrimination Act to make sexual orientation and
gender identity and expression a protected class.
My mechanic who fixes up my old
Jeep pays exactly the same tax rate as
I do. Thats not fair. As governor, Ill do
something about it.
Tax Fairness
Reforming Corporate Taxes With Lower Rates
and Fewer Loopholes
For too long, Harrisburg has been focused on the well-being of insiders, big corporations, and special
interests. Tom wants to restore fairness to the Pennsylvania tax code. As governor, Tom will:
Close the Delaware Loophole: Because of the Delaware loophole, 70% of the companies that do business
in the state do not pay corporate net incomes taxes. This shifts the tax burden unfairly to small business
and individual citizens. Tom will close this loophole.
End Special Interest Tax Credit Giveaways: Tom will eliminate tax credits for corporations that do not
create good paying, middle-class jobs in Pennsylvania.
Supporting Pennsylvanias Workers
Throughout his career, Tom has continuously demonstrated his respect for those working alongside him by
providing a competitive salary, comprehensive healthcare and retirement benefits, and sharing 20% to 30%
of his companys profits. As governor, Tom will fight every day to protect the right of workers to unionize and
collectively bargain. Tom will:
End Employer Attacks on Workers: Tax dollars should not be used by employers to fund anti-union efforts.
As governor, Tom will support tougher penalties on employers who illegally fire employees who are organizing
unions, and he will issue executive orders that would prohibit businesses that contract with the state from
using taxpayer dollars on anti-union activities.
Veto Legislation that Restricts the Rights of Workers: As governor, Tom will veto any legislation that
interferes with the rights of workers. This includes vetoing legislation that repeals the agency fee, limits or
takes away collective bargaining rights, does away with union dues, eliminates the right of school employees
to strike, and changes the prevailing wage.
Pension Reform: Tom absolutely opposes changes to current employees pension plans, and he believes
that a defined benefit retirement plan is the most effective tool for ensuring that our public workers have a
financially secure retirement.
Tom cares about our employees. Thats
why he shares 20% to 30% of the company
profits with them. Thats the kind of fresh
thinking we need in Pennsylvania.
Michael Newsome, Chief Financial Officer,
Wolf Organization
Tom knows that to rebuild our middle class and strengthen Pennsylvanias economy, we must provide every child
with a world-class education that equips them with the skills to succeed in the 21st century.
Expanding Pre-K and Kindergarten Opportunities and Programs
As governor, Tom will:
Expand Access to Early Education: Tom will use public and private dollars to expand the states high quality
Pre-K Counts program so that every child, regardless of where he or she lives, has the skills needed to be
successful in school.
Improve Access to Full-Day Kindergarten Programs: Tom will support funding the expansion of full-day
kindergarten and change the compulsory age so students can start school at six years old.
Develop Public/Private Partnerships in Early Education: Tom will build private sector and nonprofit
partnerships to ensure that our kids are getting the best possible education.
Better Utilize Existing Related
Funding Streams: In addition
to private sector fundraising,
some states and cities have
been successful at blending
several existing funding sources
to support pre-K programs.
As governor, Tom will tap into
existing Head Start, child care
and teacher training programs
as a necessary first step for
expanding pre-K funding.
Preparing for
21st Century Jobs
Tom understands the importance of higher education. He graduated
from Dartmouth College (BA), the University of London (MA), and
MIT (PhD), and also joined the Peace Corps during his studies.
A Fair Funding Formula
Pennsylvania is one of only three states in the entire country that does not use a funding formula
for distributing state education dollars to local school districts, and falls far below the national
average in terms of percentage of state funding. To make matters worse, many parents and
seniors in underfunded districts are now facing increased property taxes and schools that barely
have enough staff to safely open. Tom believes taxpayers deserve a funding formula that is
equitable, transparent, and holds local school districts accountable for how they spend state and
local tax funding. As governor, Tom will:
Reduce Reliance on Property Tax: Tom believes the state needs to increase its share of
education funding, with the ultimate goal of covering 50% of the costs. By increasing funding,
we can help alleviate the tax burden on local property owners and ensure that students have
access to the tools needed to succeed in school. Tom will dedicate a portion of the extraction tax
revenue from Marcellus Shale natural gas as a down payment on restoring the state and local
funding balance.
Institute a Fair Funding Formula: To ensure that these new funds are distributed fairly, Tom
will establish an efficient, effective, and transparent funding formula that will:
Lead to increases in state funding for local school districts, which will help alleviate the
tax burden on property owners;
Ensure that state funds are distributed in an equitable, transparent, and predictable
manner so that school district leaders have the ability to plan for the long term; and
Incentivize school districts to develop innovative programs that improve student
achievement and hold down costs.

Governor Corbetts $1 billion in education cuts have removed
more than 20,000 teachers from the classroom, caused 70% of
school districts to increase class sizes, led 19 school districts
to eliminate full-day kindergarten, left 56% of students without
access to a full-time librarian, and have forced communities all
across the state to raise property taxes.
In more than 50 Pennsylvania school districts, at least 50% of the students are eligible for
free or reduced price lunch.
Five of our school districts Chester, Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, and Reading have
almost 75% of their students living in poverty or close to the poverty line.
Tom will seek to provide additional funding for high-poverty school districts to implement
programs that create a cradle-to-career support pipeline.
Curriculum and College Credit
To succeed in a 21st century economy, Tom will work to ensure that our kids get 21st century educations by:
Supporting Public School Teachers
Emphasizing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Adopting New, Innovative Policies to Measure Student Achievement
Incentivizing the Adoption of Innovative Dropout Prevention Programs
Supporting an Expanded Distance Learning Curriculum
Expanding Dual Enrollment Credits for High School Classes
Helping all Students Prepare for the College SAT/ACT Tests
Ensuring that Schools are Safe Spaces for Students
21st Century Skills
The states workforce is aging, and business leaders fear that new workers cannot fill these soon-to-be
vacated positions. Toms Technical Education Applied to Manufacturing (T.E.A.M.) plan will improve
vocational education by:
Integrating the curriculum with technical training so that students develop a strong foundation.
Working with local manufacturers to ensure vocational curriculums meet workforce needs.
Requiring vocational graduates to earn a high school diploma and an industry certification.
Improving Oversight of
Charter and Cyber Charter
Taxpayers deserve to know how state education
funding is being spent and whether results are
being achieved. Go to
to learn more about the following proposals:
Reform Charter School Funding Formulas
Eliminate Charter School Pension Double-
Dipping (State and Local School Districts)
Create a State-Level Office of Charter
and Cyber Charter Schools to Improve
Financial and Academic Oversight and
Investigate Fraud and Waste
And More
Increasing Access to Higher
Tom believes Pennsylvania can increase higher education
opportunities. Go to to learn
more about the following proposals:
Improving Access to Higher Education for Veterans
Helping Pennsylvanias Deserving Scholars
Providing Financial Support to Traditionally Under-
Served Students
And More
PAs manufacturing industry
could offer 500,000 jobs
Manufacturing Wage
Average Wage
The manufacturing industry
accounts for $71 billion of our
annual gross state product
Improving Infrastructure
Toms business manufactures and distributes kitchen cabinets across Pennsylvania to markets
all over the United States. Tom believes that linking Pennsylvanias suppliers and producers
with U.S. and world markets through the best ports, pipelines, roads, airports, railways, and
communications systems will help entrepreneurs succeed, expand, and break down current
regional barriers to trade in Pennsylvania.
As governor, Tom will:
Create a Public/Private Economic Development Partnership: This cabinet-level
public/private partnership will help break down government silos and provide more
focused, effective use of existing economic development tax dollars.
Create a Connect Pennsylvania Collaborative: This will bring together key stakeholders,
engage the private sector, and leverage private dollars to kick-start projects that will
increase Pennsylvanias economic competitiveness, such as high-speed rail that allows
Pennsylvania manufacturers to move products to market in record time.
Form a Multi-State Partnership: In order to create a system where goods and products can
move smoothly from Pennsylvania to U.S. and world markets, we need our neighboring states
as well as others across the country to also commit to building a 21st century infrastructure.
Working together, we can be a powerful voice for additional federal and private investment.
Represent Pennsylvanias Interest in Washington, D.C.: As governor, Tom will be a vocal
advocate for more federal infrastructure funding as well as more flexibility in how those
dollars are used.
Start a Wire Pennsylvania Initiative: A statewide public/private partnership to expand
broadband networks can better connect residents and businesses. This high-speed internet
network will help level the playing field for those in rural areas by helping rural residents
expand businesses, connect with social services, and access educational programming.
Using the Strengths
of Pennsylvanias
A Made in Pennsylvania
Cash Back Program
In order to take advantage of the current natural
gas production boom in Pennsylvania, Tom will
institute a Made in Pennsylvania cash-back jobs
creation program. This innovative program will
reward manufacturing companies that are creating
solid middle-class jobs in Pennsylvania by:
Providing cash payments of up to 5% of
new taxable payroll the following year.
Implementing a claw back provision
wherein companies who dont maintain the
new jobs for five years will have to pay the
state back.
Revitalizing Our Communities
and Encouraging Smart Growth
Tom knows that reinvestment works. In partnership
with his fellow community members, Tom developed
a regional plan that revitalized the city of York. He
also chaired the board of York College, where he
helped to integrate the school into the city by having
it invest in the neighborhood, and worked as a board
member of Historic York to find new residential and
commercial uses for existing buildings. Toms work
led to redevelopment as well as new jobs, new social
supports for city residents, and new tools to attract
middle-class families back to the city. As governor,
Tom will:
Create a Smart Growth and State Planning
Fund Revitalization Projects
Adopt a Fix It First Approach to
Implement a Blueprints Grant Program to
Help Local Communities Develop Regional
Long-Term Plans
Provide Technical Assistance to Older
Encourage Innovative and Creative Land
Start a Technical Assistance Academy for
Local Government and Nonprofit Leaders
Focus on Building Mixed-Income, Mixed-Use
Our company is the largest distributor
of kitchen cabinets in the nation. Our
products are made in America and
were beating Chinese imports.
So, I know Pennsylvania can
be a leader in creating
manufacturing jobs.
Tom Wolf
Four years ago, Tom received word that the business he had sold a few years earlier was
about to go under and his former employees would likely become unemployed. While he
could have walked away, Tom bought the company back at full market value, invested in
its workforce, and reinvented its business model. Toms return saved the company and
hundreds of middle-class jobs in Pennsylvania.
The company is now thriving and distributing its own American-made products that
compete with foreign imports. Tom knows that in order for the middle class to thrive,
businesses must invest in their workforce. He provides his workers with good wages and
comprehensive health and retirement benefits. As governor, Tom will work to transform
Pennsylvanias economy through innovative policies.
Tom Wolf Has Real Experience
Bringing Good-Paying Jobs
to Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania needs a change in leadership because in the past few years it has
fallen from 7th to 41st in job creation and there are nearly 500,000 unemployed
Pennsylvanians. As governor, Tom will:
Foster Innovation and Commercialize Academic Research: Tom will promote
job growth through an innovation grants program. This program will use existing
state resources to encourage colleges and universities to work in partnership with
manufacturers, high-tech firms, and other businesses to move ideas to market.
Commercialization of research and development will be a major focus of Toms
economic development strategy.
Create Technology and Innovation Jobs: Tom will create Keystone Technology Zones
that will encourage the transfer of technology from institutes of higher education to the
private sector, and provide incentives for businesses to grow and hire in Pennsylvania.
Technology businesses inside the Keystone Technology Zones will be eligible for
a cash-back jobs creation program, Wired in Pennsylvania, which will reward
companies that create technology jobs in Pennsylvania.
Match Students with Companies: Tom will create the Keystone Tech Talent Bank and
will hold quarterly talent drafts in Pennsylvania to match students and job seekers with
high-tech companies.
Grow Tech Incubators: Tom will encourage tech incubators by working with
organizations like Start-Up Philly and the Benjamin Franklin Technology Partners to
encourage the development of tech incubators throughout Pennsylvania, especially in
Keystone Technology Zones.
Prioritize Technology and Innovation in Capital Funding: Tom will prioritize technology
and innovation infrastructure in existing federal, state and local funding, including
infrastructure projects that expand high-speed internet.
Tom believes that Pennsylvania should take advantage
of its traditional energy resources, such as the
Marcellus Shale, to jumpstart the new energy economy
and modernize infrastructure; turning a one-time
windfall into a long-term job creation strategy and
bridge to a clean energy future.
Developing the Marcellus
Shale While Protecting
Pennsylvanias Environment
Tom believes Marcellus Shale must be a key
component of any plan for Pennsylvanias economic
future. The challenges we face now are (a) how to
manage this remarkable natural resource so that it
benefits citizens of Pennsylvania for many years to
come and (b) how to take advantage of this resource
while protecting our environment. Toms plan to get the
Marcellus Shale right is based on these key principles:
Enact a 5% Extraction Tax to Build for
Pennsylvanias Future: Tom believes we should
make sure that the citizens of the commonwealth
share in a portion of the financial benefits of this
geologic windfall. While Texas, Wyoming, Louisiana,
New Mexico, and West Virginia benefit as oil and gas
companies and other corporate interests cash in on
those states environmental resources, Pennsylvania
residents do not.
Make Smart Investments to Fund Pennsylvanias
Priorities: As governor, Tom will use the revenue
generated from the extraction tax to ensure that
the commonwealth has the resources to invest in
programs for our children, hardworking families, and
seniors. These funds will be directed to the General
Fund for essential programming, the Department of
Environmental Protection for improving oversight
and strengthening regulations, and the local
communities where drilling is taking place.
Ensure Responsible Drilling to Protect
Pennsylvanias Environment: Tom will ensure the
following steps are taken to protect our environment,
to hold drilling companies responsible, and to create
jobs for working, middle-class families:
Increase funding for the Department of
Environmental Protection so that it is
sufficiently staffed and able to provide proper
oversight of drillers;
Bring greater transparency to the fracking
process by requiring drillers to publicly disclose
chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing
process and lifting the current gag order on
physicians; and
Allow local communities more control in zoning.
If done right, continued development of natural gas
is a bridge to a clean energy future and will allow
Pennsylvania to have good-paying energy jobs; a
safe and secure environment; and the ability to make
critical investments in education, health care, and
infrastructure through a severance tax on oil and
natural gas extraction.
Using Our Natural
Resources to Our Full
The money we need to help
fund our schools is right
underneath our feet! Down in the ground,
Pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas.
As governor, Ill make the gas companies pay
up to help fund our schools for a change.
Fixing Medicaid and Senior Care
Expanding Medicaid and Improving Patient Services
Tom knows that Medicaid expansion will not only give many Pennsylvanians an opportunity to gain health
insurance coverage, it will also provide a much-needed economic stimulus to the state by creating jobs for
health care providers, helping rural health care providers stay afloat, encouraging production at Pennsylvanias
pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers, and benefiting Pennsylvanias medical and nursing
schools. As governor, Tom will take an active, aggressive role in expanding Medicaid and access to health care in
Pennsylvania. In addition to expanding Medicaid, Tom will also implement other health care reforms to improve the
quality of patient services such as:
Setting Nurse-to-Patient Ratios
Keeping More Pennsylvania-Trained Primary Care Doctors in the State
Incentivizing Medical Care Providers to Adopt the Patient-Centered Medical Home Model of Care
Improving Senior Care
PA CHOICE Delivering Better Senior Care
Options for Pennsylvanians
Tom believes it is time for Pennsylvania to implement new, innovative policies that will allow our
seniors to age with dignity. Not only do we need to allow seniors to stay in their own homes when
possible, we also need to ensure that those people we entrust with their care have the necessary
skills and are provided with living wages. Toms PA CHOICE Plan will expand eligibility for Medicaid
Home and Community-Based Services so that seniors have better choices about where to seek care.
To expand seniors choices for community-based care, Tom will:
Increase Income Eligibility for Seniors Accessing Home and Community-Based Care: To do this,
Tom will add a new eligibility category for residents who have an income up to 150% of the federal
poverty level. He will also have the commonwealth adopt a Medicaid State Plan amendment to
create a spend down option for those who would prefer home and community-based care in place
of nursing home care.
Expand Health Eligibility Requirements for Those Accessing Home and Community-Based Care:
Through Medicaid, the commonwealth has multiple options to allow those who have not been
diagnosed as needing nursing care to access home and community-based care. By implementing
the Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services State Plan Option and Personal Care Services
Medicaid Option, Tom will shift to a focus on prevention and improve the quality of life of seniors.
Improve Access to Home and Community-Based Care Services: Tom will promote changes to the
system, like expanding the Community Choice pilot program, to ensure that those wanting to stay
in their homes can access services as quickly as those seeking nursing home care. If we want to
preserve the rights of seniors to make choices about their care, we cannot have a system where it
takes an average of 34 days for seniors to receive services in their home. Tom will streamline this
system and push for any federal waivers needed to get it done.
Implement the Federal Balancing Incentive Payments Program: Many states like Arkansas,
Georgia, Iowa, Ohio, Louisiana, and Texas have implemented a new $3 billion incentive program
that provides a higher federal matching payment when states help find alternatives to nursing
homes for seniors. Tom will push to implement this new federal program that expands seniors
choices for care.
We cant let politics as usual in
Harrisburg stop us from moving
ahead and rebuilding our
middle class.Lets work
together to get started.

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