Go at Once To Zarephath

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1 Corinthians 2:15 the person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person

is not subject to merely human judgments,

1 Kings 17:9 &12 Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there. I have directed a widow there to supply you with food. 12 As surely as the L !" your God lives# she replied# I don$t have any %read&only a handful of flour in a 'ar and a little olive oil in a 'ug. I a( gathering a few stic)s to ta)e ho(e and (a)e a (eal for (yself and (y son# that we (ay eat it&and die. *ro( verse + , 12 it is apparent the wo(an did not realise she was directed %y God - .ould it %e that one$s destiny helpers at ti(es don$t even )now of their assign(ent and possi%ly loo) li)e the one in need/ *ro( verse 12# the wo(an did not see( to have the capacity to help the 0an of God -# .ould it %e that the people God directs are those who yield to 1is Spirit and not necessarily those who have the capacity or the wherewithal to fulfil it/ *ro( verse +# God said Go at once to Zarephath in the region of Sidon and stay there- .ould it %e that God$s provisions are location specific or that our (iracles are so(eti(es tied to specific destiny helpers/ Getting to the end of the rope could %e the starting points of our adventure into the (iraculous .- 2he 3idow of Zarephath # 2he 3idow of 4ain # 0oses 5the red sea # A%raha( and Sarah 5old age6..the list is endless. ur perception of the situation is not always a true reflection of the unli(ited possi%ilities with God.

I wo)e up yesterday (orning feeling really frustrated and unhappy- all (y plans loo)ed li)e it was not wor)ing # I felt powerless and could not even pray# I felt really low in (y spirit and started e7pecting a terri%le day ahead until I re(e(%ered I was not alone and that the 1oly ghost was in it with (e . All of a sudden I felt a release of the capacity of 1eaven within (e# .an you i(agine how a heart set on spirit of God can %ring a%out a sudden uplift of the spirit/ 0y heart has %een filled with so (uch 'oy irrespective of the challenges. 6 it has not stopped# the river of 8oy is still flowing - I can$t e7plain it %ut I )now there is a river whose strea( (a)es glad the city of God.

The Big icture

!or " know the thoughts that " think toward you, saith the #$%&, thoughts o' peace, and not o' e(il, to gi(e you an e)pected end* +en 22:1, " will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore* -our descendants will take possession o' the cities o' their enemies* The Small icture: +enesis 15 : 1. +od said to /bram, 01now 'or certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be ensla(ed and oppressed 'our hundred years* 120But " will also judge the nation whom they will ser(e, and a'terward they will come out with many possessions "s 2.:21 when you pass through the waters, " will be with you3 and when you pass through the ri(ers, they will not sweep o(er you* 4hen you walk through the 'ire, you will not be burned3 the 'lames will not set you abla5e*

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