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Nevilles Nouns Rule: A noun is a person, place or thing. Any thing is considered a noun, whether tangible or abstract.

As such, ideas and feelings are also nouns. Nouns are often recognizable by the determiners (articles, sometimes pronouns) that precede them and in their ability to become plural. Proper nouns (specific nouns, li e names) are capitalized. Examples: Neville was constantly losing his pet toad. !hough Neville li ed school in general, he hated Potions. !he professor was un ind, and the sub"ect matter was difficult. Exercise: Write N above each noun in the paragraph and PN if the noun is proper. #ogwarts $chool of %itchcraft and %izardry was a magical place, not only because of the spells being cast within its walls, but because of the friends, the food, and the feeling of home. !here were mo&ing staircases and secret passageways, friendly ghosts and a pes y poltergeist. Ne&ille lo&ed spending time in the common room, as it was always filled with the comforts of home. Professor $prout taught #erbology, which was Ne&ille's fa&orite sub"ect. #e was fascinated with magical plants and their uses. Abo&e all at #ogwarts, Ne&ille adored and appreciated his friends. #arry, (on, #ermione, and )una were a few of his closest peers. !hough Ne&ille wanted to be li ed, he always did the right thing, e&en if it was unpopular. Ne&ille )ongbottom was more courageous than e&en he realized. #is time at #ogwarts was well spent, and he will always remember those years with fondness.

Answer Key: PN N N N N N N PN N uses. PN PN PN N PN N PN N PN PN Abo&e all at Hogwarts, Neville adored and appreciated his friends. Harry, on, Hermione! and "una were a few of his closest peers. !hough Neville wanted to be N N N N PN PN N PN N PN N N N N N N N PN N N Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a magical place, not only because of the spells being cast within its walls, but because of the friends, the food, and the feeling of home. !here were mo&ing staircases and secret passageways, friendly ghosts and a pes y poltergeist. Neville lo&ed spending time in the common room, as it was always filled with the comforts of home. Professor Sprout taught Herbology, which was Nevilles fa&orite subject. #e was fascinated with magical plants and their

li ed, he always did the right thing, e&en if it was unpopular. Neville "ongbottom was more courageous than e&en he realized. #is time at Hogwarts was well spent, and he will always remember those years with fondness.

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