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lnacuve lngredlenLs
olyoxyl 40 hydrogenaLed casLor oll: Solublllzlng agenL
urled waLer: SolvenL
SofZla preservauve sysLem: Anumlcroblal preservauve
!8orlc Acld: 1onlclLy
!ropylene Clycol: PumecLanL
!SorblLol: PumecLanL
!Zlnc Chlorlde: Anumlcroblal preservauve
naCP or PCl: pP ad[usLmenL
rlmary lndlcauon
Ccular hyperLenslon or open-angle glaucoma
harmacologlcal Class
rosLaglandln analog (rosLaglandln l2o)

Slde LecLs
Lye redness, burnlng, and/or lrrlLauon
8rownlng of lrls
Changes ln eyelash lengLh, Lhlckness, and

Avallable SLrengLhs
0.04 mg/mL LravoprosL ln a 2.3mL or 3mL ll
uoslng 8eglmen
lnsull one drop ln aecLed eye(s) once dally ln Lhe
AdmlnlsLrauon MeLhods
"Wash hands and remove cap from boule
"1llL head back and pull down bouom eyelld wlLh nger
"CenLly squeeze Lo release one drop

auenL lnformauon
"SLerlle, lsoLonlc soluuon for ophLhalmlc use only
"SLore aL room LemperaLure
"ConLacLs should be removed prlor Lo admlnlsLrauon
and may be lnserLed 13 mlnuLes aer admlnlsLrauon
"Avold allowlng up of boule Lo conLacL eye or
surroundlng sLrucLure Lo avold bacLerlal lnfecuon
"lf more Lhan one Loplcal ophLhalmlc drug ls belng used,
Lhey should be admlnlsLered aL leasL 3 mlnuLes aparL
"Should only be admlnlsLered once dally as more
frequenL usage may decrease lnLraocular pressure
lowerlng eecL
SafeLy lssues
"May cause Lemporary blurred vlslon, avold drlvlng or
operaung machlnery durlng Lhls ume
"regnanL and nurslng women should exerclse cauuon as
sLudles of raLs have shown drug meLabollLes excreLed ln
mllk and prosLaglandlns may be absorbed Lhrough skln

Slmllar roducLs
aLhophyslologlcal AlLerauon of
Cpen-angle glaucoma, along wlLh lLs rlsk facLor
ocular hyperLenslon, ls caused by lncreased
lnLraocular pressure due Lo a decrease ln Lhe ouulow
of aqueous humor uld ln Lhe eye or by an over
producuon of uld. 1hls lncrease ln uld can cause
damage Lo opuc nerve bers whlch can lead Lo
bllndness. 1he acuve lngredlenL ln 1ravaLan Z,
1ravoprosL, ls admlnlsLered Loplcally Lo Lhe eye for
Lhe lnLraocular pressure lowerlng eecL by acuvaung
rosLaglandln l recepLors ln Lhe cornea whlch relax
Lhe Lrabecular meshwork ln Lhe eye and allow more
uld Lo leave Lhe eye.

urpose of urug 1herapy
8educuon of glaucoma progresslon
revenL furLher loss of vlslon caused by glaucoma
8eneLs of uosage lorm
Applled dlrecLly Lo problem area (eye)
no reporLed sysLemlc eecLs
Cnly applled once per day
ulsadvanLages of uosage lorm
ulmculLy lnsulllng drops
Slde eecLs
Small prlnL
Pow uosage lorm uellvers urug
1ravoprosL ls absorbed Lhrough Lhe cornea and Lhen
hydrolyzed Lo blologlcally acuve prosLaglandln l2o
analog by esLerases ln cornea

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