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Date: 10-01-2011

To ______
Sub: Quotation for the Construction of Residential Building for

Mr _____________________ , Bangalore

Sl. No. 1

Details Ground flr & Fflr Plinth area MISCE ANE!US ITEMS

Area 2100

Units S ! ft!

Rate in Rs. 1"2#

Amount in Rs. 2$,%&,#00'00

2 " & / # $ % . 10

Para(et )all Su+( *an, 01erhead tan, Front Co+(ound 2i3 4esign Flagging concreting 2including PCC3 M!S! Gate Staircase *errace 5ater Proofing

1"# %000 2000 "0 1#0 #0 2 Flrs 1100

RF* -ts -ts RF* S ! Ft S ! Ft! -S S ! Ft!

"00'00 .'/0 %'/0 %/0'00 120'00 &/0'00 &/,000 //'00

&0,%00'00 $#,000'00 1$000'0 2/,/00'00 1.,200'00 2$,000'00 .0,000'00 #0,/00'00



1. 6arth5or, "7077 5ide and +ini+u+ &708 length for 5all foundation 5here e1er necessar9 & footing earth 5or, as (er dra5ing ie /7#77 de(th onl9! 2. Ce+ent concrete 1:&:% +i;, &8 th for foundation <ed and flooring! ". Si=e stone +asonr9 +ini+u+ # course in C:M 1:%, 2 course of 27#8, 2 course of 2708 and 2 course of 17#8 5idth 5here e1er necessar9 onl9!& footing concreting 5ith +s steel 5ill <e as (er structural dra5ing! $. Plinth <ea+ in CC 1:11>2:" 5ith as (er structural dra5ing ). Refilling of foundation and (linth 5ith a1aila<le earth onl9, soil <rought fro+ out side charges e;tra! %. .8 Bric, 5all 5ith 5ell <urnt ta<le +ould <ric,s in C?M 1:# 2<asic rate Rs $.)0 (er <ric, onl93! *. &@8 <ric, 5all in C?M 1:& nor+al foundation 5ith 2 courses si=e stone +asonr9 5ill <e ado(ted for &@ <ric, 5alls!

1 Bea+s & colu+s 5ill <e casted as (er structural design! 1 RCC CheAAa 5ith 2708B17#8 5idth a<o1e the 5indo5s and doors onl9! 1 RCC loft C-7 sha(e in ,itchen and one side in the <ed roo+s!if necessar9 onl9! 1 RCC roof sla< /8 thic, onl9! 1 RCC doglegged staircase 5ith /8 5aist sla< 5ith SS railings and Granite flooring!
+. MS or *or Steel 6 Ds (er structural design and dra5ings i!e. " ,-.s/. ft! of the <uilding area onl9! RCC ite+s 2CC 1:1>2:"3read9 +i; concreting! cut lintels .8 ;#8 on all doors & 5indo5 5alls! 0. Plastering: 7 Enternal (lastering in CM 1:# 5ith li+e rendering! 7 6;ternal (lastering in CM 1:# 5ith s(onge finish! 7 Plastering Groo1es if necessar9! 10. 4oors and )indo5s 10 Main door tea, 1oo2 fra+e 5ith tea, (aneled door 5ith nor+al design and +ela+ine (olishing 2<asic rate of tea, is "000.34t3!fra+e si=e #77;"77 10 PooAa door tea, 1oo2 fra+e 5ith tea, (anneled door and <ell cutting 5ith +ela+ine (olishing, fra+e si=e /77;277!/ 10 0ther doors & 5indo5s 5ith sal1oo2 fra+e and (lus5 2oors of ESE +a,e 2+oulded door3 shutters 5ith ena+el (ainting 2<asic rate of sal5ood is 0)0.34t3!fra+e si=e /77;277!/, *oilet doors 5ith (R' > 4lus5 2oor, all 4i6tures li,e to1erbolt#5in-es#lo3,s et3 1ill be su77lie2 b8 t5e o1ner. 10 )indo5 shutters 5ill <e 5ith 5onne s5utters 21")0934t3& & ++ (lain or design glass and MS grill 5or, 5ith 12 ++ s >he;agonal rod as (er architect design &, ena+el (ainting for grills 11. Flooring

14 14 14

granite flooring for li1ing,dining,<edroo+s,,itchen 5ith (a(er Aoint flooring & s,irting! 2Basic rate Rs 100.s/.4t3! anti s,id cera+ic tiles for ,itchen utilit9 & toilets! 2Basic rate Rs )0.S/. 4t3! Ste(s 5ith granite flooring!2inside onl93

12. 4adioing

17 17 17

Gla=ed tile daddoing u( to $708 high onl9 for toilets 2Basic rate Rs $).s/. 4t!3! Gla=ed tile daddoing for (ooAa roo+ u( to $708 ht 2<asic rate Rs $).s/. 4t3! Gla=ed tile daddoing u( to 28#8 onl9 F a<o1e the ,itchen (latfor+ 2<asic rate Rs )).s/.

1". Gitchen (latfor+ 20 2708 5ide &0 ++ <lac, granite sla< 2/ sft onl9!5ith full round nosing 20 Stainless steel sin, 5ith single <o5l 5ith drain <oard 1 no! onl9 & (ro1ision for chi+ne9 MS Grill 5or, for staircase2hand railing3& utilit9! 1. For staircase hand railing 5ith SS FEHESIEHG nor+al design inside onl9!

1$. )eather (roofing concrete 23 D <ric, <atco<a )ith ce+ent concrete screed 1:":# laid to slo(e and to( finished in C:M 1:& 5ith 5ater (roof co+(ound! 1). Plu+<ing&Sanitar9 24 177& ">&77 dia CPJC of ESE +a,e2astralBas5ir:a29su7reme3 for all toilets ,itchens <oth internal& e;ternal 5alls, solar (ro1ision for all <ath roo+s onl9, (ro1ision for a uaguard in ,itchen ,<ath roo+ fittings 5ith Aaguar continental>(arr95are>hind5areB6sses etc K<asic +odelL! 1%. Painting

26 26 26

Enternal surfaces 5ith 2 coats of DsianBBerger, (lastic e+ulsion o1er one coat of DsianBBerger (ri+er and (utt9! 6;ternal surface 5ith 2 coats of a3e 2asian><erger3 e;terior e+ulsion o1er one coat of 5hite ce+ent (ri+er! 4oors, )indo5s and grill 5or,s 5ith 2 coats D(colite 6na+el o1er a coat of (ri+er and (utt9!

1*. 6;ternal )or,s 29 MG su+( 5ith <ric,5alls, RCC sla< and MS +anhole co1er si=e 27 29 01erhead tan, F 2000 lts! Sinte; tan, (laced o1er #7 height (latfor+! 29 Co+(ound 5all F 2 course SSM, &7#8 ht 5ith &@8 <ric, 5alls 5ith .8 (illars at inter1als, 2 side 5alls (lain, front 5all 5ith a nor+al design! 29 MS gate 5ith nor+al design onl9! 29 Flagging concrete all round the <uilding!5ith E(s flooring!


1+. )ater Su((l9 and Sanitar9 39 )ater line fro+ Bore5ell (oint to o1erhead tan,! 39 )ater line fro+ Su+( to o1erhead tan,! 39 Su((l9 lines fro+ 0I* to ,itchen, toilets and rear o(en area! 39 Gitchen 2 long <od9 ta(s2c(3 and (ro1ision for fi;ing D uaguard! 39 *oilets F CP concealed sto( cor,, CP sho5er 5ith 5all+i;er, one <i< coc,, ordinar9 +odel 6)C in one toilet 5ith 5ater tan,! 0nl9 t5o toilet (er flat 5ill <e (ro1ided! 39 0thers F one ta( in rear o(en area and terrace, one 5ash <asin /0N colour in 4ining! 39 Sanitar9 F lines 5ith PJC S)R grade (i(es 2ESE3 +an hole 5ith Cudda((ah sla< co1er! 39 )ater lines 5ith ESE CPJC (i(es! Enside toilets and ,itchen, e;ternal 5ith CPJC su7reme.astral.as5ir:a2 (i(es, ESE fittings! Good ualit9 ta(s 2steel3! 10. 6lectrical 5or,s Mni1ersal or 1i( (i(es, anchor B JOGuard>finole; 5ires, (lastic (lates, +etal <o;es, Dnchor Modular s5itches! *J (oint in li1ing and one <ed roo+! *ele(hone (oints in li1ing and one <ed roo+! *otal no! of /0 (oints 2for lighting, heating, s5itch (oint, e;haust fan, fan (oints, <ul, head, etc!3 D+(le earthing,in ground floor onl9 u( to #ft , electrical 5or, onl9 inside the co+(ound ,ca<ling fro+ outside the electrical (ole and the (anel <oard 5ill <e charged e;tra!

Note: All De7artmental E67en3es# 2e7osits# roa2 3uttin-# in3i2ental 35ar-es 1it5 ;DA# ;<SS;# =E;# et3. s5oul2 be bare2 b8 t5e o1ner.

47 47 48 47 47 47

/" Grade ce+ent of ESE +a,e li,e Birla Su(er, cora+andal, DCC -&*,=uari, etc for RCC 5or,s! 2Basic rate of ce+ent 5ill <e 2*! &" grade for other 5or,s li,e (lastering ,flooring etc!!! Hor+al ele1ation features 5ith (laster groo1es, <ands and roof edge cornice onl9, other 5or,s li,e stucco, 5all cladding 5ith tilesBstone 5ill <e charged e;tra! Final +easure+ent 5ill <e as (er the (h9sical +easure+ent of the <uilding! Basic rate of steel 5ill <e "%.,-. Dn9 change in +aterial cost 5ill <e charged e;tra!

;asi3 Rate o4 Materials >uote2 as 7er S7e3i4i3ations.

1? San2 2? A--ri-ate $0mm "? A--ri-ate 20mm $? Si@e stone )? 3ement %?MsAtor steel *? ;urnt ;ri3,Btable moul2? +? Ms railin-A-rill 0? tea, 1oo2 10? Sal 1oo2 11? 4lus5 s5utter 12?(r7 2oor ")934t 20934t 22934t %9 stone 2*09ba"%9,$&)09bri3, ")9,"000934t 0)0934t 12)934t 200934t

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