Imb Geography Lesson Plan

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Name: Indica Feole Lesson #: Lesson Title: Geography Topic: The 5 Themes of Geography

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd grade, Social Studies NCES/CCSS Standard and Objective (1)

3.G.1 Understand the earths patterns by using the 5 themes of geography: (location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and regions). 3.G.1.1 Find absolute and relative locations of places within the local community and region. 3.G.1.3 Exemplify how people adapt to, change and protect the environment to meet their needs.

Level 2 Understand: construct meaning from instructional messages, Revised Blooms level of thinking/type of knowledge (1) including oral, written, and graphic communication. Conceptual knowledge: the interrelationships among the basic elements within a larger structure that enable them to function together. The students will create a Mr. Help: 5 Themes of Geography book. They Behavioral Objective (2) will take notes on each of the 5 themes and then write a short summary in the back of the book. Students need to know this content so that they can understand geography. Objective Rationale (1) They need to understand that geography isnt just the physical appearance of a place, just one of the 5 themes. This will prepare them for regions of the state, country, and world. I expect students to be able to take notes. I expect them to be able to Prerequisite Knowledge and follow directions and summarize pertinent information. Skills (1) Geography, theme, summary Key Terms and Vocabulary (1) Content and Strategies Instructional Strategies Ask the students about the regions they are working on -Response Focus/Review (prepares in their groups and if they think the regions have groups (as a students for the lesson) (2) anything to do with geography. Then ask what else class we will be they think has to do with geography. Let them know one group) that we will be making our own books today! Today we will be learning about the 5 themes of geography by the end of Objective as stated for the lesson you will have a book that will help you to remember the 5 students (helps students set their own goals for the lesson) themes and what they mean for geography. Each student will have a book with a: cover, movement page, regions page, human-environment (1) interaction page, locations page, place page, and a summary of the 5 themes of geography. Go through the 5 themes of geography PowerPoint and -Visual Teacher Input (provides the give examples relating to North Carolina and the area discovery content to students in a teacher-directed manner) (3) they live in so that they can connect. Give out the folded books so that while we are going -social studies Guided Practice (scaffolded through the PowerPoint the students can take notes in skill builder practice with the content; their books. We will create a cover, a table of contents, -writing for helps students make sense of a page for each theme, and a final page for a summary. understanding the content provided in Teacher Input) (3) The students will independently summarize the new information they Independent Practice
Revised for spring, 2012

(application activities to help students use and demonstrate what they have learned) (2) Closure (provides a wrap-up for the lesson) (1) Evaluation (How will you assess students learning so that you can determine if they met the objective of the lesson?) (2)

have learned about the 5 themes in the back of their book.

Plans for Individual Differences (differentiations needed for students) (1) Materials used in the lesson; Resources used in developing the lesson (1) 21st Century Skills (must be in three lessons)

At the end of the power point there will be some examples of geography. The students will use their books to determine which category the example falls under, I.E. a mountain range would be place. Formative: while we are going through the power point I will be watching to see if the students are correctly filling in their books, meaning: they will make a cover, a table of contents, a page for each of the 5 themes and leave space in the back for a summary. This will occur during guided practice and independent practice. Summative: I will collect the books at the end and check to make sure there are the correct pages as well as a summary that incorporates all 5 themes. If students have a hard time seeing they may reposition themselves in the class. If they have a hard time taking notes they can get notes from a fellow class mate. Foldable book (provided by myself) PowerPoint adapted from Dr. Goods on Moodle Writing utensils Information Literacy: Accesses information efficiently and effectively, evaluates information critically and competently This will occur when the students are presented with the power point and take notes in their book! We will connect the 5 themes of geography to not only the community the students are familiar with but to the world as well. Example: when discussing a theme we will use examples from the mountains as well, even though we do not live in the mountains. We will connect the 5 themes of geography to other cultures of the world. Example: when discussing a theme we will use Eskimos and igloos.

Global Awareness (must be in two lessons)

Culturally Responsive Teaching (must be in three lessons) Overall alignment in the lesson (2): The behavioral objective must be aligned to the lesson objectives (NCES/CCSS). The instructional activities must help students meet the behavioral objective and be successful on the lesson assessment. The lesson assessment must provide enough reliable and valid data so the teacher can determine if each student has met the lesson objectives or not. Add any instructional materials needed for the lesson here (worksheets, assessments, PowerPoints, slides from SmartBoard programs, etc.) (2) Foldable book (provided by myself) PowerPoint adapted from Dr. Goods on Moodle Writing utensils

Revised for spring, 2012

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