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Ignotus Impersonal Pronouns Rules: A pronoun takes the place of a noun.

Impersonal pronouns cannot be changed to demonstrate all the qualities personal pronouns can, though impersonal pronouns can be altered to become possessive. There are 5 types of impersonal pronouns. Indefinite pronouns provide generalness for nouns that cannot be specified. Reciprocal pronouns are just that, demonstrating reciprocity, or mutuality. Interrogative pronouns are those used at the beginning of questions. !int" Take care to not mistake adverbs for interrogative pronouns.# $emonstrative pronouns indicate specific nouns and often convey pro%imity. Relative pronouns begin adjective clauses more correctly kno&n as relative clauses#, or clauses that follo& and modify a noun. Examples: Ignotus &as cleverer than everyone. indefinite# The 'everell brothers looked at one another as $eath spoke to them. reciprocal# Which is the brother that asked for the Resurrection (tone) interrogative# *ne must be careful &ith objects as po&erful as these. demonstrative# It &as $eath who granted each of the three brothers a gift. relative# Exercise: Underline and identify each impersonal pronoun. Be careful to avoid determiners that look like pronouns. +hat is that story) It is a tale that has been told for years. The legend begins &ith three brothers &ho conquered $eath &ith their magical skill. $eath &as proud, and the thought that anyone could escape him &as enraging. Trying to trick the brothers, $eath offered each of them any gift they desired. The older brothers &ent first. This did not bother Ignotus, &ho &aited patiently as his brothers asked for gifts that essentially invited $eath right back. +hen it &as his turn, Ignotus asked for $eath,s invisibility cloak. $eath stared at him. As they looked at each other, $eath kne& he had been beaten again. !e gave Ignotus his po&erful cloak. -This is &hat I

need to keep $eath from finding me,. Ignotus thought to himself. +ho could have guessed that brothers could be so different from one another)

Answer Key: What is that story) It is a tale that has been told for years. The legend begins &ith three brothers who conquered $eath &ith their magical skill. $eath &as proud, and the thought that anyone could escape him &as enraging. Trying to trick the brothers, $eath offered each of them any gift they desired. The older brothers &ent first. This did not bother Ignotus, who &aited patiently as his brothers asked for gifts that essentially invited $eath right back. +hen it &as his turn, Ignotus asked for $eath,s invisibility cloak. $eath stared at him. As they looked at each other, $eath kne& he had been beaten again. !e gave Ignotus his po&erful cloak. -This is &hat I need to keep $eath from finding me,. Ignotus thought to himself. Who could have guessed that brothers could be so different from one another)

/. +hat" Interrogative 0. That" Relative 1. +ho" Relative 2. Anyone" Indefinite 5. 3ach" Indefinite 4. This" $emonstrative 5. +ho" Relative 6. 3ach other" Reciprocal 7. This" $emonstrative /8. +ho" Interrogative //. *ne another" Reciprocal

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