2 Snapes Semicolons and Colons

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Severus Semicolons and Colons Rules: Semicolons: A semicolon is a punctuation mark whose strength falls between that of a comma

and a period. There are multiple instances that warrant the use of a semicolon. Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses that are separated with a conjunctive adverb. Use a semicolon to join two independent clauses that are not separated with a conjunctive adverb or coordinating conjunction. Use semicolons for clarity when a list or series contains commas within a listed part or when the list is made up of complete thoughts. Colons: A colon is also used in various situations. Use a colon when introducing one or more items in a list after an independent clause. Use a colon when introducing long quotations of one full sentence or more. Place a colon between two independent clauses if the second clause explains or supplements the first. Use a colon after a business letter s greeting. Use a colon between the hour and minutes when writing a time. Use a colon between a title and its subtitle. Use a colon in citations between the publishing location and the publisher s name.

Examples: The examples correspond with the order of the above rules. Semicolons: !everus had excelled in Potions since he was a young boy" however# he always wished he could teach $efense Against the $ark Arts.

!nape had always loved %ily" she was filled with more light and kindness than anyone he had ever met.

!everus never much cared for the cold# harsh bree&es of winter 'uidditch games" the smug# undeserving attitude of (ames Potter s son" or the tiring# dangerous responsibility of keeping that reckless !eeker safe.

Colons: )ith his life always feeling broken and precarious# !nape was grateful for the only constant thing he had* $umbledore s trust. !nape reminded +ellatrix* ,-ou ask where . was when the $ark %ord fell. . was where he had ordered me to be# at /ogwarts !chool of )itchcraft and )i&ardry# because he wished me to spy upon Albus $umbledore. -ou know# . presume# that it was on the $ark %ord0s orders that . took up the post1, $umbledore had every reason to trust !nape now* 2oldemort had killed the woman he loved. $ear 3inister* . must speak with you at your earliest convenience. Thank you# !everus !nape The evening passed quickly# and it was nearly 4*55 p.m. before !nape finally headed to dinner. !everus was tired of finding the students copies of Hogwarts: A History around his Potions classroom. 6owling# (. 7. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. %ondon* +loomsbury Pub.# 8994. Print.

Exercise: As you read through Snape s letter! replace the underscores " with the correct punctuation mar#! a semicolon or colon. Professor Albus $umbledore: . want to make you aware of my concerns: The $ark %ord s power grows every day. . have been vigilant in my responsibilities: . am striving to keep the boy safe. /arry Potter is a proud and self;absorbed boy# just as his father was. -ou know . will protect him: however# he can never understand my role. . have often felt Potter s dislike: through his cold# obvious glaring in class: in his haughty# disrespectful attitude: and in his assumptions# Albus# that . have lied about his father s snobbish personality. Perhaps you have some idea of how to make my responsibility of watching over him more tolerable. . will be in my office tonight at <:=5 p.m. Please# come by. -our devoted ally# !everus

Answer Key: Professor Albus $umbledore* . want to make you aware of my concerns* The $ark %ord s power grows every day. . have been vigilant in my responsibilities" . am striving to keep the boy safe. /arry Potter is a proud and self;absorbed boy# just as his father was. -ou know . will protect him" however# he can never understand my role. . have often felt Potter s dislike* through his cold# obvious glaring in class" in his haughty# disrespectful attitude" and in his assumptions# Albus# that . have lied about his father s snobbish personality. Perhaps you have some idea of how to make my responsibility of watching over him more tolerable. . will be in my office tonight at <*=5 p.m. Please# come by. -our devoted ally# !everus

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