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Madison Harpst

Marketing & Management Student

! College graduaLe wlLh proven buslness and
markeLlng experlence
! known as a moLlvaLed professlonal who geLs
along wlLh peers
! ossess excepLlonal publlc speaklng and wrlLlng
skllls from college and work experlence
! roflclenL ln all MlcrosofL sofLware: Wlndows,
Access, Word, Lxcel, owerolnL, and ubllsher
! AcceleraLes ln hlgh-energy envlronmenLs and
meeLs all deadllnes
! CompleLes asslgnmenLs efflclenLly wlLh llLLle

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! CompleLlng degree ln four years whlle acLlvely parLlclpaLlng ln a campus organlzaLlon and worklng parL-Llme
! Member of hl LLa Slgma Ponor SocleLy
! Member of uelLa nu uelLa 8uslness Ponor SocleLy
! ALLended 8earcaL Leadershlp 1ralnlng (!anuary 2014)

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! ConducL personallzed Lours Lo educaLe poLenLlal sLudenLs and Lhelr famllles on Lhe norLhwesL hlsLory,
LradlLlons, and culLure
! Showcase norLhwesL's repuLaLlon by cusLomlzlng Lours Lo meeL Lhe lnLeresLs of prospecLlve sLudenLs and Lhelr
! arLlclpaLe ln sLudenL panels for groups up Lo 200 sLudenLs, answerlng quesLlons and sharlng experlences
! Lxperlence wlLh cusLomer servlce and markeLlng Lo poLenLlal cusLomers

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! repare monLhly sLaLemenLs for lndlvldual members uslng 8lllhlghway, an onllne accounLlng sysLem
! Managed monLhly expenses for Lhe chapLer lncludlng naLlonal, member and unlverslLy fees
! 8esolved accounL quesLlons wlLh boLh sLudenLs and parenLs
! MalnLaln Lhe chapLer's budgeL and faclllLaLe budgeLs for oLher chalrs wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon
! Lnhance managemenL skllls by provldlng lnpuL wlLh dlsclpllnary lssues for members wlLh ouLsLandlng bllls

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! ueslgned an lnnovaLlve webslLe for efflclenL and effecLlve company and cllenL use
! 1ransferred paper clalms lnLo elecLronlc clalms uslng Adobe 8eader and MlcrosofL
! Lxperlence wlLh flllng lnsurance clalms and creaLlng new clalms uslng Adobe 8eader
! resenLed dlrecLlon for a small scannlng pro[ecL Leachlng employees Lhe proper process of dlsposlng old clalms
! Lxperlenced worklng ln a dlverse envlronmenL wlLh a varleLy of culLural backgrounds

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! 8ebullL damaged homes for PablLaL for
! lnsLalled appllances and sldlng
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! 8alsed funds for underprlvlleged houslng
! Cleaned aparLmenLs before and afLer a resldenLs sLay




13340 1lmber ark urlve | laLLe ClLy, MC
(816) 383-3233 | s314488[

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