Activity Prepphye137

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Physical Education Unit Preparation Guide

UNIT or ACTIVITY: Muscular Strength Students Name: Christi Holli ield HIST!"Y or #AC$G"!UN% !& THE ACTIVITY !" SP!"T: Weightlifting was practiced by Egyptians and Greeks to measure strength and power and weightlifting was included in the 1896 thens Games! ustria" Germany and #rance were most successful in the beginning and in 19$% the So&iet 'nion came to the top! (n the 199%)s *hina" +urkey" Greece and (ran were in the lead for weightlifting! ETI'UETTE: Muscular strength is the ma,imum amount of force that any one or a combination of muscle can produce in a single ma,imal effort! +his strength training aims to stimulate increased strength on se&eral physiological le&els! mount of strength can be influenced day to day by nutrition" sleep" state of mind and time of day! +ypes of strength include isometric and dynamic! (sometric is how much force can be e,erted against an immo&eable ob-ect! .ynamic is either concentric/muscle shortening or eccentric/muscle lengthens! SA&ETY: +hose that ha&e muscle or skeletal disorders" disease or in-ury should not lift hea&y weights because it could cause further in-uries! lso those with hypertension should a&oid lifting weights" because it could ele&ate blood pressure further! (t is important to maintain proper form to pre&ent in-ury! (f not using proper form" effort may shift to weaker muscles that can)t handle weight! (t)s important to warm up and stretch your body but especially the ones that will be used during weightlifting! 0reathing and keeping yourself hydrated is important and you should always ha&e someone with you if lifting hea&y weights! E'UIP(ENT NEE%E%: .umbells" barbells" discs" e,ercise machines specific for each body part! 1esistance bands! "U)ES: 2ifting hea&y weights increases muscular strength and endurance along with other benefits! (t will increase bone density which is pre&entati&e against osteoporosis! Weight lifting also works towards a higher lean body mass! 2ifting weights should be included in a routine 3 times a week! 1eps" sets and e,ercises should be &aried to increase muscular strength and endurance! P)AYING A"EA %I(ENSI!NS or (A"$INGS: 4o specific area dimensions are necessary! 5ou can lift weights in a gym or at home!

* (U)TIP)E CH!ICE TEST 'UESTI!NS &!" THIS SP!"T: +, )i tin- .ei-hts should al.ays /e done .ith: a, A partner /, #y yoursel c, %um/ell 0, (uscular stren-th promotes: a, #one density /, Increased endurance c, Hi-her lean /ody mass d, All o the a/o1e 2, Stren-th trainin- can /e a ected /y nutrition3 sleep3 state o mind and time o day, a, True /, &alse 4, E5halin- should /e done .hile: a, E5ertin- orce /, "estinc, 6hen you are inished *, People .ith hypertension should participate in .ei-ht li tin- e5ercises a, True /, &alse

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