Genetically Modified Foods

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Jiaming Ni 1B N13


Today I would like to talk about the genetically modified foods. Eating and not eating? E e!y time we "!oduce mo!e genetically modified foods. #owe e!$ a lot of "eo"le do not know the info!mation of them. I ha e di ided my talk into two sections. The fi!st of my talk conce!ns the diffe!ent a!guments of that. In the second I will talk about the diffe!ent info!mation about that. %inally$ I will summa!i&e it. 'lthough biotechnologists a!e inte!ested about it and the go e!nment officials su""o!t it$ they cannot say()The genetically modified foods is not unhealthy*+. It is the "!oblem. ,onse-uently$ we discuss it many times. .hy do they "!oduce the genetically modified foods? The biotechnologists gi e some !easons to us( %i!stly$ the genetically modified foods is mo!e delicious. They ha e mo!e nut!ition. It is "!o ed a lot of time ago. /econdly$ we can "!oduce mo!e genetically modified foods than the t!adicional foods. They g!ow u" mo!e -uickly. They a!e d!oughted$ diseased$ disaste!ed$ 'nti0weed and "est !esistant$ so we can "!oduce mo!e if we choose it to "!oduce 1egetables. %inally$ it need low wate! and land. They can g!ow u" in mo!e situation. Today$ we ha e modified the climate of the ea!th. E e!y yea!s$ we "!oduce low foods. #owe e!$ the genetically modified foods can hel" us.

Nonetheless$ the ad antages of genetically modified foods abo e0mentioned cannot co e! the dange! of )changing the natu!al+. The human ha e changed a lot. ' lot of "eo"le belie e that the genetically modified foods is not "!oofed that it is com"letely safe and the influence is unknown$ so the genetically modified foods can become a disaste!. In Eu!o"e$ the!e a!e a lot of o""onent of genetically modified foods. .hat is the diffe!ent about a no!mal shee" with a shee" modified? They think that the biotechnology cannot cont!ol all. The !esult of one changing 2N' is not fo!eseen. It can contain an unknown o! ha!mful 2N'$ as a !esult it "!oduce ha!mful substance and we eat them.

Jiaming Ni 1B N13

The !e"o!ts of 3nite /tate$ Belgium$ ,anada and mo!e count!ies demonst!ate that until now$ they ha e not found any ha!mful substance and any dange! fo! "eo"le. The scientists ha e not found any ha!mful but they cannot demonst!ate that the a!e not ha!mful. 'nyway$ we ha e cont!ol the genetically modified foods. To sum u"$ it is unthinkable the!e is only genetically modified foods and the!e is not t!adicional foods in ou! wo!d. Ne e!theless$ if we abandon the genetically modified foods$ the!e a!e la!ge numbe!s of "eo"le will dead by hung!y. The!efo!e$ we ha e not any choose. #owe e!$ the )!ecombinant 2N' technology+ is linking diffe!ent 2N'$ so this is e!y dange!ous. It can change the natu!e. .e should set u" an inte!national !egulato!y o!gani&ation of the genetically modified foods.

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