Cory James Christensen - Stone Art - E-Books - 2014-03-23

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Cory James Christensen Stone Art - e-Books

Sandstone and Granite Christian Artwork

Zion and Star



Joy and Flower

God and Sun Moon Star

Love and Flower

Zion and Flower


Custom Artwork



Zion and Star


Mr. Fenn Text Message: Thank you so uch for the stone! My wife L"#$% it!& Cory Text Message: '( )*++, to serve the /ord!&

Cory Text Message: Thank you for the G'FT0hel.! ' ho.e you like the stone!& Beatty's Text Message: /e L"#$ it and have sent a few .eo.le your way!&


I'm currently traveling and camping around northern Arizona and southern Utah wor ing on my stones! My stone art is centered on eywords related to the ingdom o" the #ord $esus %hrist!

Writer &eing called according to the 'oly (rder o" )od* I have organized and pu+lished
the prophecies and laws o" the #ord $esus %hrist! My +oo s contain lists o" scriptures ,not my commentary- and are availa+le "or ./00 download online in the 12. "ormat! e-Book Titles: 12 The "rder of the "nly 3egotten Son 42 3ook of the %ead 5 The Gos.el of *6raha 5 %$7"%$% fro The 3ook of Mor on 82 The +rotocols of Zion fro The 3ook of Mor on 92 *l a and * ulek 5 Two 7)"S$: Men fro The 3ook of Mor on ;2 :e.hi 5 ":$ +ro.het of The 3ook of Mor on <2 The 3ook of Mor on +'7T=>$ Stories


I accept gi"ts to help me with my expenses ,gi"t cards* cash* etc-! 3- My stone art is not "or sale! 4- I'm not "or hire! 5- I charge no hourly "ees! I appreciate all gi"ts! I also en6oy giving away my stones to share my time and talents according to the law o" %hrist! The holy prophets teach* the law o" %hrist sancti"ies the soul! 7 Mailing Address: Marilyn $ohnson 448 9outh 4:;8 0ast 9t! )eorge* UT <=;>8 ?

Contact .eel ./00 to visit me anytime! %ory %ell ,=5@- @>4A3543 7i" no answer call Marilyn $ohnson ,=5@- 44>A><88?
9earch (nline: %ory $ames %hristensen +%F eA&oo s and Stone *rt A 1rint 2ate: March 45* 483=

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o" Mormon 9ancti"y Beyword A eA&oo s C 1age: 3 o" :

Introduction to e-Books
Kingdom of God
Doctrine and Covenants 65:5 ,The &oo o" %ommandments C The &oo o" the #aw o" )od@ %all upon the #ord* that his ingdom may go "orth upon the earth* that the inha+itants thereo" may receive it* and +e prepared "or the days to come* in the which the 9on o" Man shall come down in heaven* clothed in the +rightness o" his glory* to meet the ingdom o" )od which is set up on the earth! Old Testament | Malachi :5 - !"# @ And I will come near to you to 6udgmentD and I will +e a swi"t witness against the sorcerers* and against the adulterers* and against "alse swearers* and against those that oppress the hireling in his wages* the widow* and the "atherless* and that turn aside the stranger "rom his right* and "ear not me* saith the #(/2 o" hosts! The Book o$ Mormon | % !e&hi %':%( 38 And he said unto me: &ehold there are save two churches onlyD the one is the church o" the #am+ o" )od* and the other is the church o" the devilD where"ore* whoso +elongeth not to the church o" the #am+ o" )od +elongeth to that great church* which is the mother o" a+ominationsD and she is the whore o" all the earth!

Calling to Preach the Plan of Salvation: The Order of the Priesthood Seal U

the Testimon!

The )earl o$ *reat )rice | +,raham :-' - -5 4= And there stood one among them that was li e unto )od* and he said unto those who were with him: Ee will go down* "or there is space there* and we will ta e o" these materials* and we will ma e an earth whereon these may dwellD 4@ And we will prove them herewith* to see i" they will do all things whatsoever the #ord their )od shall command themD Doctrine and Covenants | .ection 5(:% - %' 35 Ehere"ore* I the #ord as you this FuestionGunto what were ye ordainedH 3= To preach my gospel +y the 9pirit* even the %om"orter which was sent "orth to teach the truth! The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 6:-- - - / '%/ 644 And this is the genealogy o" the sons o" Adam* who was the son o" )od* with whom )od* himsel"* conversed! 45 And they were preachers o" righteousness* and spa e and prophesied* and called upon all men* everywhere* to repentD and "aith was taught unto the children o" men! =3 And he said unto them: I came out "rom the land o" %ainan* the land o" my "athers* a land o" righteousness unto this day! And my "ather taught me in all the ways o" )od! :4 And now* +ehold* I say unto you: This is the plan o" salvation unto all men* through the +lood o" mine (nly &egotten* who shall come in the meridian o" time! The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 0:%1 - %2 3< And the #ord called his people II(J* +ecause they were o" one heart and one mind* and dwelt in righteousnessD and there was no poor among them! 3> And 0noch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people o" )od! And it came to pass in his days* that he +uilt a city that was called the %ity o" 'oliness* even II(J! The Book o$ Mormon | +lma % :%/ 6 3 AJ2 again* my +rethren* I would cite your minds "orward to the time when the #ord )od gave these commandments unto his childrenD and I would that ye should remem+er that the #ord )od ordained priests* a"ter his holy order* which was a"ter the order o" his 9on* to teach these things unto the people! : And thus +eing called +y this holy calling* and ordained unto the high priesthood o" the holy order o" )od* to teach his commandments unto the children o" men* that they also might enter into his restG The Book o$ Mormon | +lma 5:'2 => And now I say unto you that this is the order a"ter which I am called* yea* to preach unto my +eloved +rethren* yea* and every one that dwelleth in the landD yea* to preach unto all* +oth old and young* +oth +ond and "reeD yea* I say unto you the aged* and also the middle aged* and the rising generationD yea* to cry unto them that they must repent and +e +orn again! Doctrine and Covenants 11:1( - 16 <8 That ye may +e prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magni"y the calling whereunto I have called you* and the mission with which I have commissioned you! <3 &ehold* I sent you out to testi"y and warn the people* and it +ecometh every man who hath +een warned to warn his neigh+or! <4 There"ore* they are le"t without excuse* and their sins are upon their own heads! <5 'e that see eth me early shall "ind me* and shall not +e "orsa en! <= There"ore* tarry ye* and la+or diligently* that you may +e per"ected in your ministry to go "orth among the )entiles "or the last time* as many as the mouth o" the #ord shall name* to +ind up the law and seal up the testimony* and to prepare the saints "or the hour o" 6udgment which is to comeD <@ That their souls may escape the wrath o" )od* the desolation o" a+omination which awaits the wic ed* +oth in this world and in the world to come! Kerily* I say unto you* let those who are not the "irst elders continue in the vineyard until the mouth o" the #ord shall call them* "or their time is not yet comeD their garments are not clean "rom the +lood o" this generation! <: A+ide ye in the li+erty wherewith ye are made "reeD entangle not yourselves in sin* +ut let your hands +e clean* until the #ord comes! Doctrine and Covenants 1': 55 .or whoso is "aith"ul unto the o+taining these two priesthoods o" which I have spo en* and the magni"ying their calling* are sancti"ied +y the 9pirit unto the renewing o" their +odies! The Book o$ Mormon | !e&hi 5:% 35 &ehold* I am a disciple o" $esus %hrist* the 9on o" )od! I have +een called o" him to declare his word among his people* that they might have everlasting li"e!

The Order of the Onl! "egotten Son The Order of the Priesthood The Kingdom of God
The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 6:66 - 61 - !"# := And it came to pass* when the #ord had spo en with Adam* our "ather* that Adam cried unto the #ord* and he was caught away +y the 9pirit o" the #ord* and was carried down into the water* and was laid under the water* and was +rought "orth out o" the water! :@ And thus he was +aptized* and the 9pirit o" )od descended upon him* and thus he was +orn o" the 9pirit* and +ecame Fuic ened in the inner man! :: And he heard a voice out o" heaven* saying: Thou art +aptized with "ire* and with the 'oly )host! This is the record o" the .ather* and the 9on* "rom hence"orth and "oreverD :; And thou art a"ter the order o" him who was without +eginning o" days or end o" years* "rom all eternity to all eternity! :< &ehold* thou art one in me* a son o" )odD and thus may all +ecome my sons! Amen! Doctrine and Covenants 06:50 @; And are priests o" the Most 'igh* a"ter the order o" Melchizede * which was a"ter the order o" 0noch* which was a"ter the order o" the (nly &egotten 9on! Doctrine and Covenants %(0:'% =3 This order was instituted in the days o" Adam* and came down +y lineage in the "ollowing manner:

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o" Mormon 9ancti"y Beyword A eA&oo s C 1age: 4 o" :

The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 6:0 ; Jow this same 1riesthood* which was in the +eginning* shall +e in the end o" the world also! The )earl o$ *reat )rice | +,raham %: 5 It was con"erred upon me "rom the "athersD it came down "rom the "athers* "rom the +eginning o" time* yea* even "rom the +eginning* or +e"ore the "oundation o" the earth* down to the present time* even the right o" the "irst+orn* or the "irst man* who is Adam* or "irst "ather* through the "athers unto me! Doctrine and Covenants 16:1 - 2 < There"ore* thus saith the #ord unto you* with whom the priesthood hath continued through the lineage o" your "athersG > .or ye are law"ul heirs* according to the "lesh* and have +een hid "rom the world with %hrist in )odG Doctrine and Covenants % -:'5 =@ .or I have con"erred upon you the eys and power o" the priesthood* wherein I restore all things* and ma e nown unto you all things in due time! Doctrine and Covenants %(':% 3 K0/I#L I say unto you* my "riends* I give unto you counsel* and a commandment* concerning all the properties which +elong to the order which I commanded to +e organized and esta+lished* to +e a united order* and an everlasting order "or the +ene"it o" my church* and "or the salvation o" men until I comeG Doctrine and Covenants 1':%2 - -( 3> And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the ey o" the mysteries o" the ingdom* even the ey o" the nowledge o" )od! 48 There"ore* in the ordinances thereo"* the power o" godliness is mani"est!

The Authorit!: The Power to "ind U

the #aw $ The Power to Seal U

the Testimon!

Doctrine and Covenants %:6 - 0 - !"# : &ehold* this is mine authority* and the authority o" my servants* and my pre"ace unto the +oo o" my commandments* which I have given them to pu+lish unto you* ( inha+itants o" the earth! ; Ehere"ore* "ear and trem+le* ( ye people* "or what I the #ord have decreed in them shall +e "ul"illed! < And verily I say unto you* that they who go "orth* +earing these tidings unto the inha+itants o" the earth* to them is power given to seal +oth on earth and in heaven* the un+elieving and re+elliousD > Lea* verily* to seal them up unto the day when the wrath o" )od shall +e poured out upon the wic ed without measureG 38 Unto the day when the #ord shall come to recompense unto every man according to his wor * and measure to every man according to the measure which he has measured to his "ellow man! The Book o$ Mormon | - !e&hi -2:%% 33 .or I command all men* +oth in the east and in the west* and in the north* and in the south* and in the islands o" the sea* that they shall write the words which I spea unto themD "or out o" the +oo s which shall +e written I will 6udge the world* every man according to their wor s* according to that which is written! Doctrine and Covenants %-1:6 : And "urther* I want you to remem+er that $ohn the /evelator was contemplating this very su+6ect in relation to the dead* when he declared* as you will "ind recorded in /evelation 48:34G !e3 Testament | 4evelation -(:%34 And I saw the dead* small and great* stand +e"ore )odD and the +oo s were opened: and another +oo was opened* which is the +oo o" li"e: and the dead were 6udged out o" those things which were written in the +oo s* according to their wor s! Doctrine and Covenants %-1:2 > It may seem to some to +e a very +old doctrine that we tal o"Ga power which records or +inds on earth and +inds in heaven! Jevertheless* in all ages o" the world* whenever the #ord has given a dispensation o" the priesthood to any man +y actual revelation* or any set o" men* this power has always +een given! 'ence* whatsoever those men did in authority* in the name o" the #ord* and did it truly and "aith"ully* and ept a proper and "aith"ul record o" the same* it +ecame a law on earth and in heaven* and could not +e annulled* according to the decrees o" the great $ehovah! This is a "aith"ul saying! Eho can hear itH Doctrine and Covenants % -:'6 =: And verily* verily* I say unto you* that whatsoever you seal on earth shall +e sealed in heavenD and whatsoever you +ind on earth* in my name and +y my word* saith the #ord* it shall +e eternally +ound in the heavensD and whosesoever sins you remit on earth shall +e remitted eternally in the heavensD and whosesoever sins you retain on earth shall +e retained in heaven!

The #ove #aw: The %ullness of the Gos el $ The #aw of the Celestial Kingdom $ The #aw of the Priesthood $ The #aw of Christ
Doctrine and Covenants .ection % -:51 @< Jow* as touching the law o" the priesthood* there are many things pertaining thereunto! !e3 Testament | Matthe3 --: 6 - '( - !"# 5: Master* which is the great commandment in the lawH 5; $esus said unto him* Thou shalt love the #ord thy )od with all thy heart* and with all thy soul* and with all thy mind! 5< This is the "irst and great commandment! 5> And the second is li e unto it* Thou shalt love thy neigh+our as thysel"! =8 (n these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets! Doctrine and Covenants 06:5 - 0 @ .or thus saith the #ordGI* the #ord* am merci"ul and gracious unto those who "ear me* and delight to honor those who serve me in righteousness and in truth unto the end! : )reat shall +e their reward and eternal shall +e their glory! ; And to them will I reveal all mysteries* yea* all the hidden mysteries o" my ingdom "rom days o" old* and "or ages to come* will I ma e nown unto them the good pleasure o" my will concerning all things pertaining to my ingdom! Doctrine and Covenants 11: 1 - 2 5< And unto every ingdom is given a lawD and unto every law there are certain +ounds also and conditions! 5> All +eings who a+ide not in those conditions are not 6usti"ied! Doctrine and Covenants % :50 @; And "or this cause* that men might +e made parta ers o" the glories which were to +e revealed* the #ord sent "orth the "ulness o" his gospel* his everlasting covenant* reasoning in plainness and simplicityG Doctrine and Covenants '5:2 - %% > And even so I have sent mine everlasting covenant into the world* to +e a light to the world* and to +e a standard "or my people* and "or the )entiles to see to it* and to +e a messenger +e"ore my "ace to prepare the way +e"ore me! 38 Ehere"ore* come ye unto it* and with him that cometh I will reason as with men in days o" old* and I will show unto you my strong reasoning! 33 Ehere"ore* hear en ye together and let me show unto you even my wisdomGthe wisdom o" him whom ye say is the )od o" 0noch* and his +rethren* Doctrine and Covenants % -:%% - %33 And will I appoint unto you* saith the #ord* except it +e +y law* even as I and my .ather ordained unto you* +e"ore the world wasH 34 I am the #ord thy )odD and I give unto you this commandmentGthat no man shall come unto the .ather +ut +y me or +y my word* which is my law* saith the #ord!

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o" Mormon 9ancti"y Beyword A eA&oo s C 1age: 5 o" :

Doctrine and Covenants | .ection 1':'' == .or you shall live +y every word that proceedeth "orth "rom the mouth o" )od! Doctrine and Covenants 11:-% - -43 And they who are not sancti"ied through the law which I have given unto you* even the law o" %hrist* must inherit another ingdom* even that o" a terrestrial ingdom* or that o" a telestial ingdom! 44 .or he who is not a+le to a+ide the law o" a celestial ingdom cannot a+ide a celestial glory! Doctrine and Covenants 06:5@4 That +y eeping the commandments they might +e washed and cleansed "rom all their sins* and receive the 'oly 9pirit +y the laying on o" the hands o" him who is ordained and sealed unto this powerD Doctrine and Covenants '2:-( 48 &ut it is not given that one man should possess that which is a+ove another* where"ore the world lieth in sin! Doctrine and Covenants 01:5 - 1 @ That you may +e eFual in the +onds o" heavenly things* yea* and earthly things also* "or the o+taining o" heavenly things! : .or i" ye are not eFual in earthly things ye cannot +e eFual in o+taining heavenly thingsD ; .or i" you will that I give unto you a place in the celestial world* you must prepare yourselves +y doing the things which I have commanded you and reFuired o" you! < And now* verily thus saith the #ord* it is expedient that all things +e done unto my glory* +y you who are 6oined together in this orderD Doctrine and Covenants %(5: - 5 5 &ut +ehold* they have not learned to +e o+edient to the things which I reFuired at their hands* +ut are "ull o" all manner o" evil* and do not impart o" their su+stance* as +ecometh saints* to the poor and a""licted among themD = And are not united according to the union reFuired +y the law o" the celestial ingdomD @ And Iion cannot +e +uilt up unless it is +y the principles o" the law o" the celestial ingdomD otherwise I cannot receive her unto mysel"! Doctrine and Covenants | .ection % -:-% - -' 43 Kerily* verily* I say unto you* except ye a+ide my law ye cannot attain to this glory! 44 .or strait is the gate* and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation o" the lives* and "ew there +e that "ind it* +ecause ye receive me not in the world neither do ye now me! 45 &ut i" ye receive me in the world* then shall ye now me* and shall receive your exaltationD that where I am ye shall +e also! 4= This is eternal livesGto now the only wise and true )od* and $esus %hrist* whom he hath sent! I am he! /eceive ye* there"ore* my law! Doctrine and Covenants 1':5' - 50 @= And your minds in times past have +een dar ened +ecause o" un+elie"* and +ecause you have treated lightly the things you have receivedG @@ Ehich vanity and un+elie" have +rought the whole church under condemnation! @: And this condemnation resteth upon the children o" Iion* even all! @; And they shall remain under this condemnation until they repent and remem+er the new covenant* even the &oo o" Mormon and the "ormer commandments which I have given them* not only to say* +ut to do according to that which I have writtenG The Book o$ Mormon | Mosiah -2:'0 =; And thus ended the reign o" the ings over the people o" JephiD and thus ended the days o" Alma* who was the "ounder o" their church! The Book o$ Mormon | Mosiah %1:%1/ -% - -2 3< And it came to pass that Alma* having authority "rom )od* ordained priestsD even one priest to every "i"ty o" their num+er did he ordain to preach unto them* and to teach them concerning the things pertaining to the ingdom o" )od! 43 And he commanded them that there should +e no contention one with another* +ut that they should loo "orward with one eye* having one "aith and one +aptism* having their hearts nit together in unity and in love one towards another! 44 And thus he commanded them to preach! And thus they +ecame the children o" )od! 45 And he commanded them that they should o+serve the sa++ath day* and eep it holy* and also every day they should give than s to the #ord their )od! 4= And he also commanded them that the priests whom he had ordained should la+or with their own hands "or their support! 4@ And there was one day in every wee that was set apart that they should gather themselves together to teach the people* and to worship the #ord their )od* and also* as o"ten as it was in their power* to assem+le themselves together! 4: And the priests were not to depend upon the people "or their supportD +ut "or their la+or they were to receive the grace o" )od* that they might wax strong in the 9pirit* having the nowledge o" )od* that they might teach with power and authority "rom )od! 4; And again Alma commanded that the people o" the church should impart o" their su+stance* every one according to that which he hadD i" he have more a+undantly he should impart more a+undantlyD and o" him that had +ut little* +ut little should +e reFuiredD and to him that had not should +e given! 4< And thus they should impart o" their su+stance o" their own "ree will and good desires towards )od* and to those priests that stood in need* yea* and to every needy* na ed soul! 4> And this he said unto them* having +een commanded o" )odD and they did wal uprightly +e"ore )od* imparting to one another +oth temporally and spiritually according to their needs and their wants! The Book o$ Mormon | +lma -0:2 > &ut Ammon said unto him: It is against the law o" our +rethren* which was esta+lished +y my "ather* that there should +e any slaves among themD there"ore let us go down and rely upon the mercies o" our +rethren! The Book o$ Mormon | +lma %6:%6 3: And there was no ineFuality among themD the #ord did pour out his 9pirit on all the "ace o" the land to prepare the minds o" the children o" men* or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should +e taught among them at the time o" his comingG The Book o$ Mormon | !e&hi -6:%2 3> And they taught* and did minister one to anotherD and they had all things common among them* every man dealing 6ustly* one with another! The Book o$ Mormon | ' !e&hi %: 5 And they had all things common among themD there"ore there were not rich and poor* +ond and "ree* +ut they were all made "ree* and parta ers o" the heavenly gi"t! !e3 Testament | 5uke 6: % - 5 53 And as ye would that men should do to you* do ye also to them li ewise! 54 .or i" ye love them which love you* what than have yeH "or sinners also love those that love them! 55 And i" ye do good to them which do good to you* what than have yeH "or sinners also do even the same! 5= And i" ye lend to them o" whom ye hope to receive* what than have yeH "or sinners also lend to sinners* to receive as much again! 5@ &ut love ye your enemies* and do good* and lend* hoping "or nothing againD and your reward shall +e great* and ye shall +e the children o" the 'ighest: "or he is ind unto the unthan "ul and to the evil! Doctrine and Covenants %(':%' - %1 3= I* the #ord* stretched out the heavens* and +uilt the earth* my very handiwor D and all things therein are mine! 3@ And it is my purpose to provide "or my saints* "or all things are mine! 3: &ut it must needs +e done in mine own wayD and +ehold this is the way that I* the #ord* have decreed to provide "or my saints* that the poor shall +e exalted* in that the rich are made low! 3; .or the earth is "ull* and there is enough and to spareD yea* I prepared all things* and have given unto the children o" men to +e agents unto themselves! 3< There"ore* i" any man shall ta e o" the a+undance which I have made* and impart not his portion* according to the law o" my gospel* unto the poor and the needy* he shall* with the wic ed* li"t up his eyes in hell* +eing in torment!

)o to: 9tone Art A Bingdom %alling The (rder Authority #ove #aw The &oo

o" Mormon 9ancti"y Beyword A eA&oo s C 1age: = o" :

The "ook of &ormon: The 'verlasting Gos el $ The Covenant of (eavenl! %ather to the Priesthood The Covenant to A)raham The #aw of the "ook of the *ead
The Book o$ Mormon | % !e&hi % : 5 - 6 5@ .or* +ehold* saith the #am+: I will mani"est mysel" unto thy seed* that they shall write many things which I shall minister unto them* which shall +e plain and preciousD and a"ter thy seed shall +e destroyed* and dwindle in un+elie"* and also the seed o" thy +rethren* +ehold* these things shall +e hid up* to come "orth unto the )entiles* +y the gi"t and power o" the #am+! 5: And in them shall +e written my gospel* saith the #am+* and my roc and my salvation! The Book o$ Mormon | - !e&hi :%34 Ehere"ore* the "ruit o" thy loins shall writeD and the "ruit o" the loins o" $udah shall writeD and that which shall +e written +y the "ruit o" thy loins* and also that which shall +e written +y the "ruit o" the loins o" $udah* shall grow together* unto the con"ounding o" "alse doctrines and laying down o" contentions* and esta+lishing peace among the "ruit o" thy loins* and +ringing them to the nowledge o" their "athers in the latter days* and also to the nowledge o" my covenants* saith the #ord! !e3 Testament | 5uke %1:%1 - 3< And a certain ruler as ed him* saying* )ood Master* what shall I do to inherit eternal li"eH 3> And $esus said unto him* Ehy callest thou me goodH none is good* save one* that is* )od! 48 Thou nowest the commandments* 2o not commit adultery* 2o not ill* 2o not steal* 2o not +ear "alse witness* 'onour thy "ather and thy mother! 43 And he said* All these have I ept "rom my youth up! 44 Jow when $esus heard these things* he said unto him* Let lac est thou one thing: sell all that thou hast* and distri+ute unto the poor* and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come* "ollow me! 45 And when he heard this* he was very sorrow"ul: "or he was very rich! The Book o$ Mormon | % !e&hi %5:%1 3< Ehere"ore* our "ather hath not spo en o" our seed alone* +ut also o" all the house o" Israel* pointing to the covenant which should +e "ul"illed in the latter daysD which covenant the #ord made to our "ather A+raham* saying: In thy seed shall all the indreds o" the earth +e +lessed! The Book o$ Mormon | % !e&hi --:1 - %% < And a"ter our seed is scattered the #ord )od will proceed to do a marvelous wor among the )entiles* which shall +e o" great worth unto our seedD where"ore* it is li ened unto their +eing nourished +y the )entiles and +eing carried in their arms and upon their shoulders! > And it shall also +e o" worth unto the )entilesD and not only unto the )entiles +ut unto all the house o" Israel* unto the ma ing nown o" the covenants o" the .ather o" heaven unto A+raham* saying: In thy seed shall all the indreds o" the earth +e +lessed! 38 And I would* my +rethren* that ye should now that all the indreds o" the earth cannot +e +lessed unless he shall ma e +are his arm in the eyes o" the nations! 33 Ehere"ore* the #ord )od will proceed to ma e +are his arm in the eyes o" all the nations* in +ringing a+out his covenants and his gospel unto those who are o" the house o" Israel! The Book o$ Mormon | - !e&hi :5 @ Ehere"ore* $oseph truly saw our day! And he o+tained a promise o" the #ord* that out o" the "ruit o" his loins the #ord )od would raise up a righteous +ranch unto the house o" IsraelD not the Messiah* +ut a +ranch which was to +e +ro en o""* nevertheless* to +e remem+ered in the covenants o" the #ord that the Messiah should +e made mani"est unto them in the latter days* in the spirit o" power* unto the +ringing o" them out o" dar ness unto lightGyea* out o" hidden dar ness and out o" captivity unto "reedom! The Book o$ Mormon | !e&hi -(:-5 4@ And +ehold* ye are the children o" the prophetsD and ye are o" the house o" IsraelD and ye are o" the covenant which the .ather made with your "athers* saying unto A+raham: And in thy seed shall all the indreds o" the earth +e +lessed! Doctrine and Covenants %%(:%34 A"ter this* 0lias appeared* and committed the dispensation o" the gospel o" A+raham* saying that in us and our seed all generations a"ter us should +e +lessed!

Sanctification: "! the #aw of Christ

Doctrine and Covenants 11: ' 5= And again* verily I say unto you* that which is governed +y law is also preserved +y law and per"ected and sancti"ied +y the same! Doctrine and Covenants % :'/ 6= Ehere"ore* prepare ye* prepare ye* ( my peopleD sancti"y yourselvesD gather ye together* ( ye people o" my church* upon the land o" Iion* all you that have not +een commanded to tarry! :4 And unto him that repenteth and sancti"ieth himsel" +e"ore the #ord shall +e given eternal li"e! Doctrine and Covenants 11:-%/ 0'-05 43 And they who are not sancti"ied through the law which I have given unto you* even the law o" %hrist* must inherit another ingdom* even that o" a terrestrial ingdom* or that o" a telestial ingdom! ;= And I give unto you* who are the "irst la+orers in this last ingdom* a commandment that you assem+le yourselves together* and organize yourselves* and prepare yourselves* and sancti"y yourselvesD yea* puri"y your hearts* and cleanse your hands and your "eet +e"ore me* that I may ma e you cleanD ;@ That I may testi"y unto your .ather* and your )od* and my )od* that you are clean "rom the +lood o" this wic ed generationD that I may "ul"il this promise* this great and last promise* which I have made unto you* when I will! The Book o$ Mormon | Moroni 6: 5 And none were received unto +aptism save they too upon them the name o" %hrist* having a determination to serve him to the end! The Book o$ Mormon | Moroni ': 5 ( )od* the 0ternal .ather* we as thee in the name o" thy 9on* $esus %hrist* to +less and sancti"y this +read to the souls o" all those who parta e o" itD that they may eat in remem+rance o" the +ody o" thy 9on* and witness unto thee* ( )od* the 0ternal .ather* that they are willing to ta e upon them the name o" thy 9on* and always remem+er him* and eep his commandments which he hath given them* that they may always have his 9pirit to +e with them! Amen! The Book o$ Mormon | Moroni %(:' = And when ye shall receive these things* I would exhort you that ye would as )od* the 0ternal .ather* in the name o" %hrist* i" these things are not trueD and i" ye shall as with a sincere heart* with real intent* having "aith in %hrist* he will mani"est the truth o" it unto you* +y the power o" the 'oly )host!

Keyword Definitions:


The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 6:' - '' =5 And 0noch continued his speech* saying: The #ord which spa e with me* the same is the )od o" heaven* and he is my )od* and your )od* and ye are my +rethren* and why counsel ye yourselves* and deny the )od o" heavenH == The heavens he madeD the earth is his "ootstoolD and the "oundation thereo" is his! &ehold* he laid it* an host o" men hath he +rought in upon the "ace thereo"!

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o" Mormon 9ancti"y Beyword A eA&oo s C 1age: @ o" :




9ancti"y: Truth: Ien:


The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 6:52 @> That +y reason o" transgression cometh the "all* which "all +ringeth death* and inasmuch as ye were +orn into the world +y water* and +lood* and the spirit* which I have made* and so +ecame o" dust a living soul* even so ye must +e +orn again into the ingdom o" heaven* o" water* and o" the 9pirit* and +e cleansed +y +lood* even the +lood o" mine (nly &egottenD that ye might +e sancti"ied "rom all sin* and en6oy the words o" eternal li"e in this world* and eternal li"e in the world to come* even immortal gloryD !e3 Testament | Matthe3 --: 6 - '( 5: Master* which is the great commandment in the lawH 5; $esus said unto him* Thou shalt love the #ord thy )od with all thy heart* and with all thy soul* and with all thy mind! 5< This is the "irst and great commandment! 5> And the second is li e unto it* Thou shalt love thy neigh+our as thysel"! =8 (n these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets! The )earl o$ *reat )rice | +,raham :-' - -5 4= And there stood one among them that was li e unto )od* and he said unto those who were with him: Ee will go down* "or there is space there* and we will ta e o" these materials* and we will ma e an earth whereon these may dwellD 4@ And we will prove them herewith* to see i" they will do all things whatsoever the #ord their )od shall command themD Doctrine and Covenants 1': 55 .or whoso is "aith"ul unto the o+taining these two priesthoods o" which I have spo en* and the magni"ying their calling* are sancti"ied +y the 9pirit unto the renewing o" their +odies! Doctrine and Covenants | .ection 2 :-' 4= And truth is nowledge o" things as they are* and as they were* and as they are to comeD Doctrine and Covenants | .ection 1':'6 - '0 =: And the 9pirit giveth light to every man that cometh into the worldD and the 9pirit enlighteneth every man through the world* that hear eneth to the voice o" the 9pirit! =; And every one that hear eneth to the voice o" the 9pirit cometh unto )od* even the .ather! The )earl o$ *reat )rice | Moses 0:%1 3< And the #ord called his people II(J* +ecause they were o" one heart and one mind* and dwelt in righteousnessD and there was no poor among them!

e-Book Titles:
12 42 82 92 ;2 <2 The Order o$ the Only Be6otten .on Book o$ the Dead - The *os&el o$ +,raham - D"COD"D $rom The Book o$ Mormon The )rotocols o$ 7ion $rom The Book o$ Mormon +lma and +mulek - T3o C8O."! Men $rom The Book o$ Mormon !e&hi - O!" )ro&het o$ The Book o$ Mormon The Book o$ Mormon )ICT94" .tories

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