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Advice Points On ICO Basic Science and Optics Assess. Assess.

Dear colleagues, I had my ICO exam in Apr , i began preparing for the exam year before this date, and finally i made it! However;i propably would't have passed without the great help and kind care of some of my colleague. So i don't think i have "made it"; unless i finish this material and you find it helpful for your preparation.. ICO exam. is no walk in the park, it needs good preparation and wise time management. MCQs books with answers and explanation (e.g. John Ferris) are cornerstone in preparation, however it would be very silly and naive to depend on them solely. You should always refer to the curriculum supplied by your exam host to check for topics you missed in each subject. You have to manage your time wisely and to know what you'll study first and from where. And you should have enough time for revision and solving MCQs. My experience should be just a guide. Everyone has an independent studying style, and your plan for the preparation must fit your own style.. I studied Ocular Anatomy from AAO Section . I completed from (Ferris). General Anatomy and NeuroAnatomy were from (Ferris). In the matter of fact it wasn't enough, so i kept more than one Atlas for General and NeuroAntomy in hand for referral, this helped me too much.. I had a terrible experience with Ocular Physiology . After all; i think that the best source is the AAO Sections. Search for the Physiology chapter in the beginning of each section and study it. The Biochemistry Chapter of Section include some physiology too. (Ferris) is really helpful in completing the whole picture. The following website may also help ( ).. I studied Immunology, Microbiology, and General Pathology from undergraduate texts then from (Ferris). I also recommend to consider the Immunology chapters in the beginning of AAO Section "Ocular inflammation and uveitis". Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Embryology are outstanding in the AAO Section . It is worth mentioning that table - P., table - P. in AAO Section chapter ; are of extreme importance in studying and revising Embryology. Considering Genetics; i referred to the curriculum, then i matched the required topics with its corresponding ones in the AAO Section .. I studied Statistics and Epidemiology,General Physiology, and General Biochemistry from Basic Medical Sciences for MRCP Part by Philippa J.Easterbrook [N.B. check for latest edition]. It is concise, clear, and very very helpful!! Finally i advice you to sleep well the night before the exam and to eat balanced nutritious food - hrs before the exam. Solving MCQ point is a quite tedious task. And you should be able to stay alert from the beginning to the end..

By the way, some prefer to answer all the five points of one heading True or False when they are not sure about them. I don't agree with this, as in the assessment of ; from to headings came with all their five points the same answer (i.e. T or F). I'm not sure; but i think that it will be better to follow your own instinct in this kind of situations.. If you have any inquiry or you need any advice, please contact me if you wish..

Special thanks to my colleague and my friend; Dr /ABDELSATTAR NASSER for his continued help and support... Contact information;
WALEED A. M. ALIYAN Email; Mobile; +

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