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Numbers in anatomy

Orbit: Lateral orbital tubercle of Whitnall 11 mm below the fronto-zygomatic suture Thinnest orbital wall is the medial wall: 0.2-0.4 mm The infra-orbital canal opens anteriorly on the face 4 mm below the inferior orbital margin on the face 4 mm below the inferior orbital margin Thickness of the floor 0.5-1 mm Length of SO is 22 mm long! 30-40 mm from the fronto-zygomatic suture Length of "O is 20 mm long! 2 mm from the inferior orbital margin. #istance between the orbital openings of optic foramen is 30 mm #istance between the cranial openings of optic foramen is 25 mm Optic foramen: Orbital opening 6$5 mm %iddle portion 5 mm Lateral wall 5-7 mm &oof 10-12 mm Optic canal within the lesser wing of sphenoid is 5 mm 'ach side of the orbital margin is 40 mm Lids: (alpehral fissure 30 mm length (alpebral fissure 15 mm width 60 degrees )lateral canthus* when the eye is widely opened 30-4 degrees when the eye is normally opened Lateral canthus is about 5-7 mm medial to orbital margin 8 mm higher than the medial canthus when the eye is opened Lid margin thickness is 2 mm and about 30 mm long +iliary part of lid margin is 5,6 mm and inner lacrimal portion is 1,6 Lacrimal puncta are 0.4-0.8 mm 'ye lashes: 150 in upper eye lid 75 in lower eye lid &eplaced e-ery 100-150 days. Tarsus: Length: about 29 mm .ieght: in upper tarsus 11 mm in lower tarsus 5 mm Thickness: 1 mm %edial end: 9 mm from lacrimal crest Lateral end: 7 mm from Whitnall tubercle Lateral palpebral ligament: 7 mm long! 2.5 mm width %eibomian glands: 25 in upper lid /

20 in lower lid 0eis glands:10-20 in number Short ciliary ner-es are 6-10 Conjuncti a: ornices of the con1uncti-a: Superior forni$: 10 mm from the limbus "nferior forni$: 8 mm from the limbus Lateral forni$: 14 mm from the limbus )depth: 5 mm* 2bout 50 accessory lacrimal gland in the con1uncti-a. 3lands of 4rause: 42 in upper forni$ 6-8 in lower forni$ 3lands of Wolfering: 2.5 glands in upper 2 glands in lower Lacrima! a""aratus: 12 lacrimal ducts open in the superior forni$ Lacrimal canaliculi: each one measure about 10 mm 5ertical part of lacrimal canaliculi is 2 mm 2 lacrimal canaliculi enter the lacrimal sac 2.5 mm below its ape$ The lacrimal sac: 12 mm long The 6L#:18 mm long 7pper punctum: 6 mm from medial canthus Lower punctum: 6.5 mm from medial canthus #iameter of canaliculus: 0.5 mm 2ngular -ein: 8 mm lateral to medial canaliculus The lacrimal fascia: 14 mm in height and 5 mm in depth Cornea: #imensions of cornea: 5ertically: 10.6 mm .orizontally: 11.7 mm Thickness of the cornea: +enter: 0.5 mm (eriphery: 0.7 mm &adius of cur-ature: 2nterior: 7.7 (osterior: 6.9 &" of: cornea: 1.376 air: 1.00 Tears: 1.33 28ueous: 1.33 Total central refracti-e power of cornea: 43.1 # Thickness of corneal epithelium: 50-60 9m :

+omplete turno-er of corneal surface epithelial cells take place e-ery 7 days Thickness of ;owman<s membrane 8-12 9m Stroma of cornea 90= of thickness )0.5 mm* 250 lamella of collagen of thickness 2 9m in croneal stroma #escemet<s membrane is 10 9m thickness

#c!era: Thickness of the sclera: 1 mm posterior! 0.6 mm at the e8uator! 0.3 mm before insertion of 'O%! 0.8 mm corneoscleral at 1unction Thickness of canal of Schlemm: 0.5 mm Width of the limbus: 1.5-2 mm $e"t% o& 'C: 3.5 mm Lens: '8uatorial diameter: 6.5 mm at birth 9-10 mm in the second decade 2$ial diameter: 3.5 - 4 mm at birth 4 mm at 50 years 4.75 - 5 mm in e$treme of age

&adius of cur-ature of anterior surface of lens is 10 mm &adius of cur-ature of posterior surface of lens is 6 mm 2nterior pole of the lens is 3 mm from the posterior cornea &efracti-e inde$ of the lens is 1.39 #iopteric power is 15 # 2ccomodation power: 2t birth: 15 # 2t 25 y: 1,2 of it 2t 50 y: 1-2 # .ieght of epithelium of lens is 4 9m and width is 15 9m

O"tic ner e: Length of optic ner-e is 5 cmm: "ntracranial: 10 mm "ntracanalicular: 6 mm "ntraorbital: 30 mm "ntraocular: 0.7 mm "ntrascleral: 0.5 mm +horoidal > retinal: 0.2 mm #iameter of optic ner-e at the back of the globe: 3 mm #iameter of opitc ner-e ad1acent to the retina is: 1.5 mm Thickness of the dura matter of optic ner-e: 0.35 - 0.5 mm Thickness of the arachnoid matter of optic ner-e: 10 9m

+&2 ? +&5 pierce the subarachnoid space of optic ner-e 1,2 inch behind the globe #iameter of ophthalmic artery: 2.8 mm @

#iameter of +&2: 0.28 1 million fibers present in the optic tract

Optic chiasma: 12 $ 8 mm 5isual corte$ Thickness of -isual occipital corte$ is 1.5 mm 5isual centre is 3000 mm2 in diameter 5isual corte$ is appro$imately 1,10 of total number of cells in cerebral corte$ ( ea! tract: "ris: #iameter of iris:12 mm! Thickness: 2bout 0.5 mm The thickest part is 2 mm from the pupillary margin Wide of sphincter pupillae is 1 mm in the pupillary zone +iliary body: 6umber of ciliary porcess are 70 in number +iliary process is 3 mm long and 0.5 mm width +horoid: Thickness of choroid is 0.22 mm posterior and 0.1 mm anterior. ;asal lamina of choroid );ruch<s membrane*: 2 9m Width of ciliary body 6 mm from the temporal side and 5.5 from the nasal side On the outside of the eye ball! the ciliary body e$tend from 1.5 mm posterior to the corneal limbus to: 7.5 -8 mm on the temporal side 6.5 -7 mm on nasal side Thickness of: Ora serrata is 140 9m o-ea is 9 mm '8uator is 180 mm 2round the macula is 350 9m Optic disc is 550 9m )etina: 6umber of &(' is 5 millions 2t the macula &(' is 11-14 nm $ 9-11 nm 2t the ora serrata : larger 60 9m &od length: 40-60 nm! number: 110-125 million +one lenght: 40 )periphery*- 85 )fo-ea* number: 6.3-6.8 million &od free area 0.3 mm cones only 147!000,mm2! rods 160!000,mm2 *acu!a: #iameter of macula: 5 mm #iameter of fo-ea: 1.5 mm #iameter of fo-eola: 0.35 mm A

The centre of the macula lies lateral to optic disc 3.5 mm apart

C)': #iameter of +&2 0.3 mm "t enter the optic ner-e 12 mm behind the globe +&5 is 1,3 B +&2 +O*: 'O% "nsertion of tendons Length of muscles Length of tendons %& 5.5 40 3.7 "& 6.5 40 5.5 L& 6.9 48 8.8 S& 7.7 42 5.8

Ner es: 6umber of fibers in oculomotor ner-e: 24!000 6umber of fibers in trochlear ner-e: 3!400 +iliary ganglion is 1 cm in front of optic foramen 2 mm in 2( diameter 1 mm in -ertical diameter

Non,striated musc!es o& t%e orbit

+ompletely encircle the eye (art from muscles of %uller with no definite origin or insertion

-'. #u"erior "a!"ebra! "art o& *u!!er Origin "nsertion &elation +entral part Le-ator 7pper tarsus Le-ator ascia bulbi (alpebral con1uncti-a Superomedial (ass to medial upper tarsus Superolateral Lateral edge of %uller muscle Lateral orbital margin enclose palpebral part of lacrimal gland

-/. 0n&erior "a!"ebra! "art: Origin: "& "nsertion: Lower tarsus -C. *edia! "art: eeblest part *u!!er1s orbita! musc!es: Smooth muscles at "O C

(resent with periorbita and e$tend back deep to common tendon to the front of the ca-ernous sinus! anteriorly it is gradually lost in the periorbita. &elations: Superiorly: Orbital fat "nferiorly: (terygopalatine fossa 6er-e supply: Sympathetic from pterygopalatine ganglion 2ction: (rotrudes the globe in lower animals and its function is doubtful in human "t is said to be responsible for proptosis in e$opthalmic goitre #irectly: 2gainst this is being -estigial in man "ndirectly: Through pressure on -eins which pass through it! against this is the presence of free -enous anastomosis. N2/: (roptosis in e$ophthalmos is due to: "ncrease -olume of intraorbital fibrofatty tissue produced by my$omatous type of oedema. O-eraction of smooth palp. ms of %uller widening of palpebral fissure apparent enophthalmos 2pparant e$ophthalmos is due to widening of palpebral fissure due to o-eraction of smooth muscles of le-ator palpebrae superioris.

/!ood su""!y o& isua! "at%3ay:

O"tic ner e: "ntraocular portion of optic ner-e: +ircle of 0inn )from short posterior ciliary artery +&2 "ntracanalicular portion: &ecurrent rami of ophthalmic artery Orbital portion: +ollateral from the ophthalmic artery Dgroup 2D +ollateral from the +&2 before its entrance Dgroup 2D 3roup ; at point of entrance of +&2 1 or 2 branches )immediately enter the pial ple$us* +entral collateral artery (osterior central collateral artery Optic chiasma: 2nterior cerebral artery "+2 2nterior and posterior communicating artery %iddle cerebral artery Superior hypophyseal artery Optic tract: 2nterior choroidal artery (osterior communicating artery %iddle cerebral artery E

"ntracranial portion: Ophthalmic artery Superior hypophyseal artery 2nterior cerebral artery "+2 L4/: 2nterior choroidal artery (osterior cerebral artery &ich anastomosis 5ituitary 6!and: 7pper and lower hypophyseal artery O"tic radiation: 2nterior portion: +horoidal artery (osterior portion: (osterior cerebral )calcarine branch* and middle cerebral )deep optic branch* 7isua! corte8: (osterior cerebral artery %iddle cerebral artery 2nastomosis between them

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