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Mercy Mlsslon World

.C. 8Cx 18776

L6 3AL
unlLed klngdom

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Al Curan, Surah AlAnfal, verse 46


1. Why Indones|a and why not other reg|ons where Chr|st|an|sat|on |s a|so a prob|em?
A: Mercy Mlsslon's alm ls Lo help ln revlvlng lslam ln Lhe world's largesL Musllm ma[orlLy counLry -
lndonesla and save lL from loslng lLs Musllm ma[orlLy. We belleve LhaL Lhe problem of aggresslve
ChrlsLlanlsaLlon has Lhe poLenLlal Lo cause serlous clvll unresL and soclal sLrlfe ln Lhe largesL Musllm
populaLlon ln Lhe world. As wlLnessed ln oLher reglons llke Sudan, nlgerla and even LasL 1lmor
breaklng off from lndonesla, such large shlfLs ln rellglous ldenLlLy ln a shorL space of Llme wlll Lear up
counLrles and break up Lhe soclal fabrlc holdlng Lhem LogeLher. Mercy Mlsslon wanLs Lo prevenL
lndoneslan secLarlan vlolence and wanLs Lo sLop vlgllanLlsm agalnsL mlnorlLles. We belleve Lhe besL
way Lo achleve Lhls ls Lo help Musllms Lo be flrm upon Lhelr rellglon and Lo sLop aggresslve
ChrlsLlanlsaLlon ln our counLrles. ln addlLlon Lo Lhls, Mercy Mlsslon recognlses LhaL lf we lose
lndonesla Lo ChrlsLlanlLy, Lhls wlll send ouL a clear and dangerous message Lo all mlsslonarles across
Lhe world: LhaL lf Lhe world's largesL Musllm counLry can be ChrlsLlanlsed, Lhen An? Musllm counLry
ln Lhe world can be Laken. We undersLand Lhe serlousness of Lhls proposlLlon and Lhe damage lL can
cause Lo Lhe Musllm world lf lefL unchecked.

2. Where d|d Mercy M|ss|on der|ve the f|gure of 2 m||||on peop|e |eav|ng Is|am every year |n
A: lease see Lhe deLalled arLlcle on Lhls maLLer. Cllck here Lo read Lhe arLlcle.

3. Is Mercy M|ss|on work|ng w|th any |oca| partners |n Indones|a?
A: ?es, Mercy Mlsslon ls worklng ln parLnershlp wlLh some of lndonesla's largesL Musllm organlsaLlons
namely Muhammadlyyah. 1hey have exLenslve local experLlse wlLh over 100 hosplLals, 1000 schools
and Lhousands of orphanages. We have parLnered wlLh Lhem Lo help provlde us Lhe local experLlse
on Lhe ground and help us undersLand culLural senslLlvlLles and make our work on Lhe ground more

4. 1he prob|em of Chr|st|an|sat|on |n Indones|a |s so b|g - how can a 1V channe| poss|b|y he|p? Why
wou|d the poor - who do not have food somet|mes - watch the channe|?
A: 1he proposed 1v channel ls sLep 2 of a 10 sLep sLraLegy LhaL Mercy Mlsslon wlll be rolllng ouL ln
lndonesla over Lhe nexL 23 years lnsha'Allah. lL ls deslgned Lo ald our oLher programs ln lndonesla
LhaL wlll collecLlvely work on lncreaslng Lhe leLy, Confldence, Self Sufflclency and Selflessness of our
lndoneslan broLhers and slsLers. 8eachlng ouL Lo 17,000+ lslands qulckly and effecLlvely can be done
vla 1v. ln addlLlon, lL ls noLed LhaL even lf Lhe poor cannoL afford a 1v ln Lhelr homes, Lhey are
waLchlng 1v aL Lhe local grocery sLore or local Lea shop where 1vs are seLup uslng car baLLerles. We
have wlLnessed Lhe parL LhaL 1v has played ln helplng dlssemlnaLe awareness and baslc lslamlc
knowledge ln varlous Musllm counLrles worldwlde and feel LhaL Lhls wlll play an lmporLanL parL of
our sLraLegy Lo help lndonesla lnsha'Allah.

Mercy Mlsslon World
.C. 8Cx 18776
L6 3AL
unlLed klngdom

S. Isn't Mercy M|ss|on encourag|ng v|o|ence by show|ng a v|deo ||ke Save Maryam? Does Mercy
M|ss|on want to promote v|o|ence?
A: Mercy Mlsslon ls agalnsL vlgllanLlsm and agalnsL secLarlan vlolence. We belleve LhaL ralslng
awareness of ChrlsLlanlsaLlon and Lhen channellng LhaL awareness lnLo proacLlve acLlon ln order Lo
spread knowledge ls Lo acLually sLop Lhe poLenLlal for vlolence now and ln Lhe fuLure. 1hus far, save
for a small percenLage, mosL people reacL Lo Lhe problem of ChrlsLlanlsaLlon elLher one of Lwo ways:
complacency or vlolence. We belleve boLh are counLer producLlve and Lhe mlddle paLh - one of
proacLlve acLlon - ls Lhe rlghL way. We also belleve vlolence ln Lhls maLLer occurs when Lhere ls Loo
much focus on ChrlsLlans and whaL Lhey are dolng. We need Lo shlfL our focus Lo Musllms and Lhelr
needs lnsLead, ensurlng Lhey are more knowledgeable and confldenL abouL Lhelr rellglon and have
Lhe servlces Lhey need Lo lead dlgnlfled llves under lslam.

6. Is Save Maryam a |eg|t|mate campa|gn?
A: ?es, Save Maryam ls a campalgn of Mercy Mlsslon whlch ls a global Musllm charlLy based ln 9
counLrles worldwlde collecLlvely empowerlng over 1.3mllllon people. All funds donaLed Lo Lhe Save
Maryam campalgn wlll be used Lo help develop educaLlon and soclal servlces ln lndonesla Lo help
lndoneslan Musllms become more plous, confldenL, self sufflclenL and self less. ?ou can flnd ouL
more abouL our work aL

7. now can we he|p Save Maryam?
A: Pelp us Save Maryam by donaLlng Lo esLabllsh lndonesla's flrsL Musllm ?ouLh 1v Channel as soon as
posslble along wlLh our CommunlLy Pelp Llne and Soclal Medla CenLre.


lor larger donaLlons, please emall us aL lnfo[

8. now can peop|e get |nvo|ved |n the Save Maryam campa|gn?
A: ?ou can geL lnvolved ln Lhe campalgn lLself by promoLlng Save Maryam and ralslng awareness of Lhe
lssue Lo all your famlly and frlends - by donaLlng Lo Lhe campalgn, by holdlng an lfLar ln 8amadan on
Lhe 11Lh AugusL 2012 and fundralslng for lL aL Lhe lfLar. lf you wanL Lo physlcally geL lnvolved wlLh
Mercy Mlsslon and help us ouL wlLh Savlng Maryam Lhen please ln Louch wlLh us vla
lnfo[ 1hank you.

Save Maryam Campaign Team
6th Ramadan 1433 corresponding to 25th July 2012

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