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16 theSun | TUESDAY OCTOBER 20 2009


RHB Capital to acquire ‘Property

market to
pick up by
Bank Mestika for RM1.6bil
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Capital Mestika’s owner PT Mestika Benua rights issue of new RHB Capital population of 240 million, offers
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian prop-
erty market is expected to continue
to show positive signs of recovery to-
Bhd, the country’s fourth largest Mas, which currently holds 99.95% shares to raise gross proceeds of the banking group immense op- wards the year-end, likely to be driven
banking group which operates RHB of the issued and paid-up share about RM1.3 billion. portunities,” he said. by continuous interest in residential
Bank Bhd, is acquiring 80% of Indo- capital of the bank. The acquisition is expected to be The venture is also in line with properties, Housing and Local Govern-
nesia’s PT Bank Mestika Dharma for Also present at the signing were completed by the second the quarter its regional expansion, which ment Minister Datuk Seri Kong Cho Ha
RM1.16 billion. RHB Capital group managing direc- of next year and have a positive currently has its footprint in said yesterday.
The move was in line with the tor Datuk Tajuddin Atan and Bank contribution to the group’s future Singapore, Brunei, Thailand and He said the property sector saw a
group’s aspirations of becoming one Mestika president commissioner earnings. Vietnam. It is understood that the strong comeback in the third quarter of
of the leading financial services pro- Witarsa Oemar. “This acquisition puts us in a group is also eyeing the markets of the year, with renewed buying interest
viders in Asean by 2020, RHB Bank Both parties also signed an strong position to grow with Indone- Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. in residential property on anticipation
chairman Tan Sri Azlan Zainol, who option agreement for another 9% sia as this nation is poised for further Azlan also said that RHB of a recovery in economy.
is also a director of RHB Capital, told of Bank Mestika for RM131 million, economic success,” Azlan said. Capital was looking to apply for This was evident although the com-
a media briefing yesterday. including an additional return of up “Indonesia’s relatively low a banking licence in Vietnam and mercial property market, including
A conditional sale and purchase to 15% annually. penetration rate of banking serv- expand its presence in Thailand office and retail space, remained quite
agreement was signed yesterday To fund the acquisition, RHB ices, with a loan-to-gross domestic to become a top three player in soft with easing demand bringing down
between RHB Capital and Bank Capital has proposed renounceable product ratio of only 25% against a Asean by 2020. – Bernama rental and occupancy rates, he said.
Prices of houses are expected to
see further upside, driven by huge
liquidity in the economy as well as

Financial policies must benefit people, says Nazrin further rebound in residential rent,
Kong said in his keynote address at the
National Property and Housing Summit
KUALA LUMPUR: Financial who is also financial ambassador formulate proper policies and Asia to seek alternative sources 2009 yesterday.
policies created must be people- of the Malaysian International plans for the future so as not to be of growth besides the traditional He said analysts were expecting
focused and should not be formu- Islamic Financial Centre. lulled into a false sense of security “export-led” growth. a more robust revival in the region’s
lated only for investors and their He said this in his keynote and be blinded to the clear and Asia’s traditional export mar- property market towards the end of the
money managers, the Raja Muda address at the Asian Develop- present dangers. kets in the West are weak and year, in tandem with further pick-up in
of Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah, said ment Bank-Bank Negara Malay- “The large amount of money poised to grow at much slower Fine the global economy.
yesterday. sia-European Commission Joint that has been created to combat rates over the next few years as feast Speaking to reporters later, Kong
He said at the start of the cur- Conference themed “Beyond the the recession will have to be neu- fiscal and monetary balance was said the market, especially in the Klang
rent global financial crisis, stark Global Crisis: A New Asian Growth tralised or it will pose a problem gradually restored, he said. fiesta Valley had seen a healthy growth the
contrasts were painted between Model?”, here. rather than a solution. Fiscal defi- Raja Nazrin said rising pres- pg 21 past few months.
the interests of “Wall Street ver- According to Raja Nazrin, the cits will need to be reined in, as will sures and protectionism were “In the past few months more up-
sus Main Street”, adding that Asia bottoming out of the recession the rising levels of debt,” he said. also threatening to constrict market projects have been planned and
could not afford its own version of came not at a moment too soon. Hoping that the worst was now trade and investment as govern- the sales are also encouraging. These
this duality. “But what lies beyond the behind, Raja Nazrin said there was ments sought to pander to their are good signs for the economy,” he
“Policymakers cannot cater to global crisis? Is it a return to busi- also a need to “regularly check domestic constituents, and the added.
the needs of the elites and ignore ness as usual? Or do we seek to our beliefs and assumptions” and increase in competition was also Meanwhile, on abandoned housing
those of the man and woman on do things differently?” he said. be wary about the dangers of high as many more countries and projects, Kong said the government
the street struggling to put food Raja Nazrin said there was “groupthink”. regions aspired to join the ranks successfully revived 12 out of 148 of
on the table,” said Raja Nazrin, a need to be vigilant in order to At the same time, he urged of exporters. – Bernama such projects over the years.

US dollar unlikely to demise in the near term

by Anthony Dass Global reserves currency composition chart). We think the current risk to
US dollar lingers around its high risk
IN early 2009, the BRICs (Brazil, policies of quantitative easing (QE)
Russia, India And China) proposed 1Q07 2Q07 3Q07 4Q07 1Q08 2Q08 3Q08 4Q08 1Q09 2Q09 and large government borrowing
replacing US dollar as the main will debase the greenback by runa-
reserve currency following the fi- US$ 65.3 65.2 64.2 64.1 63.2 62.9 64.4 64.1 65.0 62.8 way inflation. We think it may not
nancial crisis due to the collapse of Pound 6.7 6.8 7.1 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.1 6.4 6.2 happen. Looking at the bond market,
US mortgage market that led to the Yen 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.9 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.9 3.1 yields and break-even inflation rates
worst global recession since World Swiss Franc 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 are still low. Recent economic data
War II. Also, the economic power is Euro 25.2 25.3 26.1 26.3 26.7 26.8 25.6 26.5 25.9 27.5 are showing the macro policies have
shifting from G7 countries that saw Others 34.5 35.0 35.6 35.7 36.5 36.4 36.3 36.6 37.5 37.2 started to prop up the economy. If
increasing acceptance of the other their recovery becomes firmer, we
economies currencies. And if US can expect speculation for an early
recovery is weak, rates will remain of it happening sometime mid-21st reversal of QE. It will prompt positive
low, thus pressuring the dollar to stay century. Tracing the history of the US$ trade weighted index sentiment on US dollar and reduce
weak. last switch in reserve currency, UK its appeal as a funding currency for
Latest IMF report on global lost its position to US as the world’s carry trades.
reserves currency composition (see largest economy in 1872 and the And with strong domestic demand
table), which showed US dollar hold- largest exporter in 1915. Switch in in Asia and high US household sav-
ing dropped to 62.8% in Q2 this year net debtor/creditor position began in ings, US trade deficit and reliance of
(from 65% in Q1), the lowest since 1914 and the US dollar emerged as a US on foreign capital will ease. Hence,
1995, has some level of exaggeration convertible net creditor currency and Asian currencies will shoulder bulk
to suggest liquidation of US dollar by used in finance and trade. By 1945, of the burden. It will ease pressure
the central banks. the pound was dethroned. on US dollar to weaken. The world
First, a large portion of the shift US dollar is in a net debtor posi- economy has averted the fear of Great
in US dollar holding is due to weak tion like pound after WWII. They will Depression. But if we assume the glo-
dollar itself. It boosted the US dol- have to maintain it if US dollar re- bal recovery becomes disappointing
lar value of those reserves held in mains as the global reserve currency. and risk appetite wanes, appetite for
other currencies. Second, there is As such, when the global economy safe haven instruments will rekindle,
no clear indication that China will expands, demand for reserve assets thus reviving US dollar. Also, the
turn its back on the greenback, with will increase. It can only be met if US authorities will not seek a weak US
US$2 trillion reserve composition operates in current account deficit. If dollar, fearing loss of confidence and
unknown and US Treasuries hold- they stop operating in deficit and re- raise risk of financial instability.
ings of US$800 billion in July from duce supplying of reserves, it results To sum up, the possibilities of
US$780 billion June. Third, the US in liquidity shortage and drags down market liquidity and make yuan fully single mode of payment. If gold is rebalancing reserves away from
dollar depreciated significantly since global growth. convertible. used as the payment mode, it will be US dollar may happen sometime in
2001 but did not trigger large scale Can yuan surpass US dollar? To- Recently, China, Russia, Japan, converted into US dollar for payment. the mid-21st century. The decision
diversification. day, China is the world largest credi- France and Gulf states plan to dump Now, even if other currencies are to re-price oil depends on policy
Lately, the United Nations pro- tor, while US dollar is in a net debtor US dollar in oil trades for basket of used, oil producers will swap some issues like exit strategy compared
posed reducing using US dollar in position. China should surpass US currencies or gold. This may not of the proceeds earned in other cur- to the weak US dollar itself. Thus,
global trade and establishing a new by mid-21st century based on PPP be viable in our view. If oil price is rencies back to US dollar. Currently, opportunity for US fundamentals to
currency to protect emerging mar- (purchasing power parity) at least on based on a basket of currencies, the oil producers swap their US dollar improve and swing US dollar back
kets from the ‘confidence game’ of paper. But much depends on China’s issue will be the mode of payment proceeds into other currencies. in its favour still holds.
financial speculation. We think this policy. It must ease restrictions on – how the producers will insist on The US dollar looks promising go-
may not happen that soon, although liquidity flow, continue domestic payments. ing forward based on the trend line of Anthony Dass is head of research at
we are not ruling out the possibility financial reforms, improve bond Currently, US dollar is used as a trade-weighted US dollar index (see Inter-Pacific Securities Sdn Bhd.

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