Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles

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Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles

Owen Johnston

Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles Legal Information Please read this page completely and carefully before continuing. Copyright Information: Johnston, Owen Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles (official Copyright %#&#'%#&!

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All (ights (eser ed" This )oo* may )e freely distri)uted or copied for personal or classroom use, )ut may not )e modified or used for profit" It may also )e posted on any reputa)le we)site as long as you do not offer the )oo* for sale" The Johnston +arate student guide ,-nderstanding +arate'do, is also a aila)le as a professionally )ound and printed trade paper)ac*, and a aila)le as a +indle .'/oo*" http:00astore"ama1on"com0understanding*arate'%# Author 2 3u)lisher: Owen Johnston owen45ohnston*arate"com Johnston +arate 6ome 3age: http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com 7on,t forget to isit the site for information on our classes, as well as our full list of free articles and )oo*s" 8uic* Lin*s: Owen Johnston, chief instructor ' http:00owen5ohnston*arate"com0 9ree *arate downloads ' http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com0%##:0&&0free'*arate'downloads"html Martial arts supplies ' http:00astore"ama1on"com0*arate#;'%# My current class times, locations, and information ' http:005ohnston*arateclasses"com A)out the Author: <iew page = of this document for more information a)out my martial arts e>perience and ?ualifications"

A)out This /oo* This )oo* is )ased on )log posts originally made on the Johnston +arate main page" I am continuously researching the martial arts, and constantly refining my teaching methods" As such, this )oo* is intended to represent my most polished de elopments that are not strictly related to +arate, as well as arious )its of thoughts on the martial way"

A)out the Author I am a nati e of La*e City, @C and teach *arate as a way of life" I ser e Jesus Christ as my Lord and @a ior" I ha e )een acti ely training since June &#th, %##%, when I enrolled at the Aippon +o*usai +arate Center (A++C$ do5o in La*e City, @C" I too* o er management of the do5o in January %##=, and o)tained the ran* of &st degree )lac* )elt in Octo)er of that year" A++C is affiliated with Japan International +arate Center (JI+C$" http:00www"5i*c'h?"org0history"html In late April %##B, I officially split from A++C and founded Johnston +arate" @ince then, I ha e had the opportunity to train in arious other styles" /esides ha ing continued teaching *arate o er the years, I ha e trained at arious other JI+C do5o" I trained at a )o>ing gym in @umter, @C, for a)out ! years" I also trained once a wee* for a year and a half in /ra1ilian Jiu5itsu, in Conway, @C" If you would li*e to iew full info on my ?ualifications, schedule a free trial class or consultation, or contact me for any other reason, please isit the following we)page C http:00owen5ohnston*arate"com Mi1uumi ryu +arate is the style that I created, and teach" The nucleus of the style is formed )y 6eiwado +arate (the style of Japan International +arate Center$ and /o>ing, with influences from grappling arts" The style is dedicated to the de elopment of )ody, mind, and spirit" The Mi1uumi ryu main page on our we)site will include all of the latest details regarding locations where the style is taught, and other news" http:00mi1uumiryu*arate")logspot"com ,9or to me to li e is Christ, and to die is gain", ' 3hilippians &:%&

7isclaimer This guide is intended for people of good health and physical condition" The training methods and ad ice in this guide may not )e for e eryone" Always consult your physician )efore starting a new e>ercise program" I am not a physician, and as such, nothing in this guide should in any way )e ta*en as medical ad ice or a su)stitute for medical ad ice" Also, this guide should not )e used to replace ad ice from your personal physician" 3hysical acti ity always carries with it a ris* of in5ury" Dhen you practice the training methods in this guide, always practice proper safety precaution, use proper techni?ue, and apply common sense" The author can not assume any responsi)ility for any in5ury, illness, loss or damage that may result from following the training methods in this guide" Lastly, this guide is not a replacement for formal instruction" /e sure to see* out a competent, ?ualified instructor who may carefully o)ser e your progress and pro ide feed)ac*" This guide is intended primarily to )e a supplement to, not a replacement for, formal training"

Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com 9ull list of articles: Martial Arts Thoughts 9ruits of Training 9actors to Consider Coordination of Mind and /ody @parring Tips In'fighting drill /o>ing Counts and Com)inations

Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles Owen Johnston %#&#'%#&% ,The man who would )e a warrior considers it his most )asic intention to *eep death always in mind, day and night, from the time he first pic*s up his chopstic*s in cele)rating his morning meal on Aew Eear,s 7ay to the e ening of the last day of the year" Dhen one constantly *eeps death in mind, )oth loyalty and filial piety are reali1ed, myriad e ils and disasters are a oided, one is without illness and mishap, and li es out a long life" In addition, e en his character is impro ed" @uch are the many )enefits of this act", ' 7aido5i Eu1an, /udoshoshinshu: The Darrior,s 3rimer (Dilliam @cott Dilson translation$

Martial Arts Thoughts )y Owen Johnston My top mantra in teaching is to *eep techni?ue crisp and compact" It ta*es thousands upon thousands of repetitions to master this" /eing cle er and thin*ing outside the )o> are among the most important things to drill after learning the )asics of sparring" One of my fa orite *arate FtrapsF is to step in with a 5a), follow with a re erse punch fa*e, and continue with the motion into a step across front *ic* and a pulling )loc* with the fa*ing hand" The )asic idea of setting traps is Fshow him this, )ut gi e him that"F .ach of the older traditional *ata (forms$ could )e called its own method of fighting" It isn,t unheard of for some teachers to drill one *ata and its )un*ai for a year or more" Learn *ata and learn it thoroughly" 3ractice sparring drills to understand *ata" Mo e on to light sparring to learn to apply your techni?ues naturally" Just remem)er that when you step outside of the do5o 0 school, you are lea ing a controlled en ironment" Eou ha e to )e ready for anything" The traditional forms should )e held in high regard" Eet once we ha e internali1ed the forms we must then interpret them as needed" De must always consider the importance of traditions and the influence of culture on martial arts" On the other side, we must also remem)er to apply the lessons learned from traditions so that we may ma*e continued progress" De must learn from those masters who came )efore us, )ut also not )e a sla e to a style of martial arts ' we must see* the true way, 5ust as the old masters did" It is fair to say that re erse punch is the staple mo e of *arate" It is a simple techni?ue, )ut simple is good" The applications of re erse punch are endless" +nowing martial arts and how to teach them are related )ut not ?uite the same" The latter re?uires *nowledge of how )ody mechanics wor* and how to e>press them clearly" There is no )est martial arts style ' no art is complete, and each art has something to offer" I ad ocate learning a martial art as your core art and later supplementing it with training, principles, and techni?ues from other styles" De must thoroughly study the underlying principles of our respecti e arts and how the techni?ues e ol e from those" Let us remem)er that the 5ourney to mastery is a lifelong one" The 5ourney itself is the goal and its difficulties teach us a lot a)out )ecoming )etter people" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

Martial Arts Thoughts page % 9or success in martial arts, we must remem)er ! things ' )asics, conditioning, and discipline" These ! are e?ually important and go hand in hand" If we lac* )asics, we lac* a foundation to )uild upon ' and e erything else falls apart" Learning the fundamentals thoroughly gi es us a solid )ase to wor* from, and also helps with )oth conditioning the )ody as well as disciplining the mind" If we lac* conditioning, then we may lac* the stamina to perform )asics properly in a drawn out match" If we lac* discipline, then we will not )e a)le to focus in a long, hard match, much less )e a)le to thoroughly drill either )asics or conditioning" +eep all this in mind as you train ' and remem)er that tomorrow,s )attle is won during today,s training" This is true in )oth martial arts and life" Training in martial arts is good life e>perience" It teaches hard wor* and goal setting as well as sportsmanship and character" (emem)er to *eep yin and yang in your martial arts practice" There must )e gentleness in strength, and power in looseness" Also, when training, challenge yourself, )ut don,t o erdo it" On the other side, remem)er that rest is also part of training" Also, it is important to train not only your )ody, )ut also your mind" 3ushing past the point of wanting to gi e up strengthens )oth mind and )ody" 7o not neglect the need for de eloping your inner warrior" To do this one must )ecome ac?uainted with discomfort and push through life,s o)stacles, with one,s goals constantly in mind" Life itself is the )attlefield in which we must fight for our dreams" In martial arts, as in life, it,s a)out getting up after falling down" Trying again" Learning from the life 5ourney is the ictory" The spiritual growth found in the fight" Life is tough, )ut it,s a )eautiful challenge" 7o not forget, howe er, that it is important to de elop contentedness with our situation, and to lo e life in general" Aonetheless, we must still wor* hard towards our dreams and ha e hope for tomorrow without forgetting to en5oy the moment" 7are to ta*e a stand and claim your dreams" Inspire others" Life is tough )ut only you decide when to gi e up" The thrill of ictory is often worth stri ing for, )ut it is not the most important thing" The spiritual growth found within fight itself is the most important" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

9ruits of Training )y Owen Johnston Dhen I,m ha ing a )ad day, I,ll train hard to *eep my mind off of things" Dhen I,m ha ing a great day, I train to impro e" . en when I,m depressed or sic*, I,ll train to the )est of my a)ility" Just getting up and mo ing some *eeps the )ody healthy and relie es mental stress" And always remem)er"""Eour training will ne er )etray you" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

9actors to Consider )y Owen Johnston Let us re isit a pre ious article on my method of teaching" @pecifically, here is an e>cerpt from In 3ursuit of 3erfection, or Mi1uumi 0 La*e ' 3art I detailing what I identify as factors for strength )oth inside and out" F(emem)er these factors for e>ternal strength ' power, speed, techni?ue, agility, )alance, control, endurance" (emem)er these factors for internal strength ' lo e, hope, faith, discipline, looseness, determination, fighting spirit"F Original article found within the Johnston +arate student guide, located at the )elow page ' www"5ohnston*arate"com0%##:0&&0free'*arate'downloads"html Other teachers and systems may detail more or less factors" (egardless of which factors we agree upon, I )elie e training should ultimately )e difficult and thorough, with an emphasis on realism (self defense$, FartF (self e>pression$, and perfection of character (self de elopment$" Learning techni?ues for defense can )ecome tools for iolence if placed in the wrong hands" The proper training and coaching will ensure that proper alues and discipline are instilled within the student" It is these that will stay with the student hopefully throughout his or her life" As to the )asic factors I list, there are many su)tleties" They are all e?ually important and part of the insepara)le whole" 9or instance, internal looseness alone allows proper power, speed, and so forth in techni?ue" 7etermination is needed to )uild physical endurance" Lo e, hope, faith, and fighting spirit are needed in not only the do5o and self defense )ut also life in general" Of course, understanding the factors lead to further refinement of the principles of com)at" The thing to remem)er is that the essence of com)at is stillness in motion" This stillness is the singular, calm focus of the mind we ha e when either practicing *ata or s*etching a picture on a page" Eou do not thin* a)out the *ata or the picture, you simply s*etch your mo ements" Dhen we in estigate this ' the art of mo ement, of e>pression ' we may )e reminded of one of many chopstic* )attles in classic Chinese +ung 9u films, or e en Mr" Miyagi,s classic fly catching attempts using chopstic*s" . en seemingly simple things li*e these are influenced )y the way we incorporate Fthe martial wayF into our li es" I may sum up the factors into three ery )asic factors" These factors are physical conditioning, mental discipline, and technical )asics" Dithout rigorous, repetiti e, realistic training, we will not de elop these three things" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

9actors to Consider page % Dith solid, well rounded physical conditioning we are a)le to perform at a high intensity for long inter als in hard sparring" O) iously, if you do not ha e good conditioning, you are li*ely to Frun out of gasF ?uic*ly" Dhen you run out of gas, you,re more li*ely to Flose your headF (your discipline 0 game plan etc"$ in hard sparring, and you,ll definitely suffer as far as techni?ue" Of course, discipline is needed to carry out your game plan, and ha ing solid F)asicsF 0 )asic techni?ues will ensure this" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

Coordination of Mind and /ody )y Owen Johnston Aeedless to say, ta*ing up martial arts is ery rewarding yet also ery demanding" I thin* of it as a 5ourney rather than a goal ' the 5ourney is the goal itself" @elf defense is important, certainly, and often the ma5or reason why people ta*e up martial arts of any *ind" /y going through the physical training for self defense, howe er, we find the necessity of ha ing a focused mind and disciplined )ody" Ac?uiring )oth assists not only self defense, )ut life in general" To use the mind and )ody as one ' not for iolence, )ut to end it" In that way we might coordinate oursel es with others instead of creating conflict" Ao good to simply learn techni?ues and not practice sportsmanli*e conduct or eti?uette" Let us learn how to wor* together instead of against one anotherG http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

@parring Tips (Aon style specific$ )y Owen Johnston 6ands up, *nees )ent" .yes forward, loo*ing at the shoulders" Mo e the head, hands, and feet" Mo e in fast, mo e out fast" Dor* the 5a)" Lateral mo ement to trap the opponent" The feint must penetrate, and con ince the opponent, and the true attac* must follow ?uic*ly" 9ind the opponent,s rhythm, follow it, then steal the pace and press the ad antage" @lip the 5a)" /o) and wea e" Tight guard, compact techni?ue" Attac* )y com)ination" Attac* )y drawing" (ela> ' )e yourself ' thought and action must )ecome one" -se your peripheral ision and stay )alanced" -tili1e offense and defense as one" /e aggressi e, find your partner,s rhythm, and create openings with good timing and distance" @teal the pace and *eep it" (emem)er the ! timings for counter attac*" &" 7efend the attac* ()loc* and0or dodge$, then counter" %" 7efend and counter simultaneously" !" Counter )efore the attac* may )e fully launched ' a pre' empti e stri*e" (Mo e last )ut hit first"$ In all things, )e in the moment and adapt on the fly" -se timing, refle>es, and tactics" (emem)er to use slips, )o) and wea e, 5amming, stop hits, and trapping hands" Always focus on compact techni?ue, correct form, and proper )reathing" FEou must apply the most effecti e weapon as soon as possi)le to the most ulnera)le point of your enemy"F ' /ruce Lee http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

In'fighting drill for )o>ing and martial arts )y Owen Johnston The purpose is to drill sensiti ity as well as ?uic* reactions and counter attac*s in close ?uarters" At first, use only punches to the )ody" Light to medium contact, at a)out half speed" Dith progress, the contact, speed, and stri*es used may )e aried as needed" Always use the appropriate training gear when practicing in' fighting with a partner" @tart in the on'guard position in front of your partner, outside of punching range" .ngage as you normally would in a light spar, )ut with the goal of mo ing into close range" Mo e e asi ely on the feet such that you ne er Fs?uare upF with your partner" Of course this ta*es a lot of practice in terms of timing, distance, and counter attac*" (emem)er your )asics" 3ractice slipping your partner,s punches to the )ody )y twisting at the torso while )loc*ing with the el)ows" Counter punches from a slip should )e used with a )ro*en rhythm" If you )oth ha e the same foot in front, your lead foot should )e *ept outside of his" Eour shoulder as well as ?uic* )loc*s should )e used to 5am his mo ements as you slip punches ' especially when switch hitting (switching feet while pressing the ad antage with punches$" -se 5amming and clinching mo ements along with compact counter punches to off )alance your partner" Once you ha e him off )alance, *eep him so )y pulling him into more punches" This is called Fdirty )o>ingF ' remem)er that at first this should )e drilled at medium speed 0 contact and some resistance" Dith more practice this drill should gradually start to resem)le actual )o>ing style sparring" Always press the ad antage on the inside ' using defensi e offense" O erall, drill slipping, 5amming, tric*y and aggressi e footwor*, clinching, off )alancing, and compact counter punches" http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

/o>ing Com)inations and Counts )y Owen Johnston All lead hand punches are odd num)ered and all rear hand punches are e en num)ered" Just remem)er that all com)os listed are )asic ideas" 7o what wor*s for youG Just try to *eep the punches flowing and try to put your com)inations together smoothly" Dhen wor*ing the )ag using com)inations, remem)er the following: +eep mo ing your head, *eep up your defense, mo e in fast, mo e out fast, and wor* the 5a) as your main punch" Dor* the 5a) mo ing in and mo ing out" Throw many thousands of com)inations to perfect what wor*s for you, and to learn how to mi> things up" (emem)er to incorporate feints and traps into your com)inations, as you impro e" 9or instance, )ait their 5a), slip and feint a H to draw their guard down for a )loc*" Mo e in as you feint and launch a high com)ination" Counts &,% ' Ja), Cross !,= ' Outside hoo*s to the head B,I ' -ppercuts ;,: ' Outside hoo*s to the )ody H,&# ' @traight punches to the )ody &&,&% ' @ho el hoo*s to the head &!,&= ' @ho el hoo*s to the )ody Combos &,%,! C Ja), Cross, Outside 6oo* &,&,&,% &,%,;,! &,I,! ' the uppercut sets up for the hoo* )ut landing it is good tooG 3arry a &,%, and immediately counter with &,% /loc*, %,!,% (when defending your lead side$ @lip, &,%,& C fastJ follow with )ody )lows C hardG @lip and ?uic* step in with H,&#,&,%, follow with in'fighting @lip C while slipping, ?uic* step into close range, and &!,&=,&&,&% @lip, duc*, step, ;,I 7uc*, step, H,&#,B,&% @tep in with 5a) feint, then hoo* with same hand /loc* a hoo* to the )ody, counter with sho el hoo* on the same side ' if you )loc* your left side, use a left sho el hoo*, etc @tep in while )loc*ing with the lead hand (to 5am$, )rawling hoo* with rear hand, )o) and wea e in the direction of your hoo*, stand up with a high sho el hoo* with lead hand http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com

Martial Arts Thoughts and Articles

Owen Johnston
owen45ohnston*arate"com http:00www"5ohnston*arate"com ,7are to ta*e a stand and claim your dreams" Inspire others" Life is tough )ut only you decide when to gi e up" The thrill of ictory is often worth stri ing for, )ut it is not the most important thing" The spiritual growth found within fight itself is the most important", 7rills, sparring tips, and more are contained within" This )oo* ser es as a supplement to my primary *arate guide ,-nderstanding +arate'7o," 7on,t forget to isit the site for all of our )oo*s, which are pro ided freely" @imply clic* the lin* at the top of the page that says ,9ree +arate 7ownloads,"

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