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Owen Johnston Personal Trainer and Karate Instructor My Policies and Procedures http://owenjohnstonkarate. I do my best to serve every client with honesty, integrity, and professionalism. My goal is for you to be 1 ! satisfied with my service as your "arate instructor or personal fitness trainer. #lways feel free to raise any $uestions or concerns with me after each class or to get in touch with me via e% mail or phone. I aim to provide the best martial arts and/or fitness e&perience possible and want to see every student succeed. Waiver, PAR-Q Medical !learance" I re$uire that my personal students fill out a liability waiver and the '#(%) health $uestionnaire. # medical clearance form is re$uired of students who answer *yes* to any of the '#(%) $uestions. I reserve the right to re$uire medical clearance from any client who I feel may be at risk. If I am training you out of a gym that you are a member of, you will have most likely already done this kind of paperwork. If so, I will not re$uire it. #ession $uration" My sessions are at least a half hour in length. 'lease visit the website listed above for full information on rates and possible discount packages. If you want to negotiate other lengths of time for your training sessions, please let me know, and we will negotiate an appropriate payment. +his may or may not depend on the location we are conducting your classes at. If in doubt, we may ask gym management. Attire" #lways come prepared in appropriate workout attire and footwear, such as gym pants, supportive sneakers, and so forth. If you arrive unprepared, you will lose the session. %ate Policy" 'unctuality is very important. I do not tolerate tardiness. If you are serious about your training, then you must also be serious about being on time. If something comes up ,in real life-, however, please call me beforehand so that we can reschedule your appointment. #fter 1. minutes of waiting without hearing from you, you will lose the session without refund. !ancellation Policy" 'lease call at least /0 hours in advance of your appointment if you need to cancel and/or reschedule. I will apply the payment made for the canceled session to a new one, or provide a refund. 1ess than /0 hours advance notice will result in a loss of refund. Re&und Policy" If for any reason you have concerns with me or my training sessions, please address the concerns with me directly so that we can work on a solution together. 2owever, if we cannot reach an agreed upon solution, and we decide that another trainer or gym would be a better fit for your needs, I will be happy to refund you any payments you made directly to me in advance for sessions. If we are conducting your classes out of a gym that you are already paying membership fees to, and you are unhappy with the gym, please address your concerns to gym management. If you paid for instruction under me in a program officially run by a gym or other type of center, we may have to check with the gym management about their refund policy.

Owen Johnston Policies and Procedures Pa'e ( Other Policies" I generally do not accept students who are under 13 of age into my karate classes, although I make e&ceptions. 2owever, do keep in mind that I am very selective about my karate students. "arate is not simply a method of self defense 4 it is also a method of self cultivation. +he highest aim of "arate is not victory or defeat, but the lifelong pursuit of perfection of one*s character. #s such, I e&pect that anyone interested in karate instruction to be of good character and be dedicated to learning. 5ot only are ethics very important in ,budo- % the 6apanese ,martial ways-, but eti$uette and decorum as well. +his ensures not only safe training, but it also ingrains and demonstrates a respectful mindset towards your classmates, instructors, and ,dojo- 7training hall8. 'roper eti$uette also includes ethical precepts that are reinforced in every class. It also aids in developing humility, discipline, and mindfulness towards one*s classmates. #s another part of eti$uette, we must take care in thoroughly cleaning our training area before and after each class. 9e sure to read the two articles below: 1 / 3/ 1/budo%eti$uette/ ;hile I generally charge per%session fees for private lessons, I am always happy to work out payment plans and discount packages. ;e may set up a flat monthly fee depending on the number of sessions you will be able to attend each week. <or e&ample, we could negotiate a discount package for 1/ sessions per month 7or, 3 classes weekly8, or 0 classes per month 7one class each week8. I also offer classes to the public at lower rates than private lessons. =isit my classes page for more information %

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