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Johnston Karate Network - Selected Blog Posts, 2013 Owen Johnston Comb n ng bod!

we ght tra n ng w th odd ob"ect tra n ng You dont need a gym membership to get in great shape! Learn a few body-weight only movement techni ues! develop confidence in them! and apply some creativity in your training progression. Loo" around you and see what you can use in your environment. #f youve spent time learning ways to ma"e body weight training harder by ad$usting different variables % leverage! hand position! range of motion! etc. % you can find endless ways to do so with little to no cost. &layground e uipment at a public par". 'anging from a hand towel that is doubled over your pullup bar. (rrange a pair of tables or chairs such that you can perform dips or pushups from them. )he movement s"ills you can learn this way can translate to better movement in your martial arts training as well! &rogressive calisthenics focus on not $ust building strength in your muscles! but also strength in movement. )he benefits to coordination! confidence! fle*ibility! mobility! and $oint health also help with martial arts! but also with life in general. )he article below has some nifty ideas that combine this "ind of training % progressive calisthenics % with +odd ob$ect training,. -hec" it out! http.//$ect-training-with-bodyweight/ 0or my writeup on +odd ob$ect training,! see the post below http.//oddob$".html #ongch$n %h te Crane &$tor al https.//'dpo(u*v4:b &osted by ;artial (rts <ith -olman on =oogle>. <e have been loo"ing into the connection between <hite -rane and O"inawan Karate. 'e offers some observations and also lin"s to the discussion on our ;artial (rts 0orums. (nyone can view the discussions! but you must have a =oogle> account and become a member of the forums to participate. Join the martial arts forums by visiting below and clic"ing on the +(s" to Join, button on the top right hand side! once you get there https.//

S!no' al (l$ d (rticle about @ynovial 0luid )he above lin" leads to an article on the Yoga Journal about synovial fluid and e*ercise. )his is very helpful in understanding its benefits! what it really does! and so forth. )he article also has tips on potential problems to loo" out for in practice and how to avoid or wor" around them. )he goal! as always with Yoga! is long term $oint integrity and overall health! )ron&amer *a'e %h tle! + &he ,rt o- Per-ect Pract ce http.// +;indfulness in your movement,C +&ractice ma"es permanent,. )hose are my two favorite uotes from this video! which was e*cerpted from Dave <hitleys Lessons of the Old-)ime @trongmen DED. )reating strength as a s"ill % something that you have to practice % has been something that #ve been fascinated with the past year. )raining for uality in movement and coordinated! full body strength are definitely very important to us as martial artists. +)he uest for the perfect rep, as he says in the video % instead of training to failure or sloppiness in form! train with a focus on uality in movement in every repetition. Karate St!les, Connect ons, and S.l ts Over at our ;artial (rts 0orums! weve tal"ed a lot about the connections to be found between styles! as well as the history behind some of them. ;any of us there are aware of how common it is for some high level students to branch out to form their own +ryu, after a split in philosophy or training ideas. @ometimes this is well founded! but many times not. #m all for reconciling differences or discussing new ideas to see how they wor" within the +ryu,. )his isnt something that necessarily happens within classical systems very often! as far as # am aware! though % but # could be wrong. :esides! each organiFation has a right to monitor the changes made to the official syllabus. # also thin"! however! that each do$o has a right to accommodate individual needs at least to some e*tent. #ts a balance. 0eel free to $oin the discussion over at our forums https.//

Kata B$nka Pr nc .les # would li"e to pose this uestion as a way to start another useful discussion. 'ow may we discover wor"able applications for "ata based on principles! compared to what bun"ai we have been taught alreadyA 'ere is an e*cellent article # found that compares and contrasts the "atas of different styles! in the conte*t of learning how to create variations from the core techni ue. Of course! thoroughly learning "ata as it is taught is important! in order to absorb the principles of the style and internaliFe it. Once we have those principles! we can wor" from them naturally and the variations flow from there. -omparative Kata -*.php/articles/18-resources/resvideo/?2-comparative-"ata-hen"a Join the discussion over at =oogle> - https.//;ugbHt$h /ak ng the Connect ons http.//"ing-connections.html :e sure to read the e*cellent article above! which tal"s about connecting ideas between styles. Some of the greatest martial artists in history had one thing in common and that was the ability to make the connections. Jigoro Kano connected the concepts of various jiu jitsu styles into Judo <e have tal"ed about ma"ing connections between the principles and concepts of different arts before over at the ;artial (rts 0orums. # remember when # first started ta"ing up (i"ido! # started seeing connections with bun"ai for "arate "ata. -ompare these applications to (i"ido techni ues One / n$te B$nka 0 Se san 11 http.//<3-4FIJ6KtJ )here was also a seminar in 0lorida # went to bac" in 122?! that was put on by JK0 <ado"ai. )heir special guest instructors were the "aicho of Ka"amura ha @hindo Yoshin ryu Jiu$itsu Lone of the foundational styles of <ado ryu KarateM and an (i"ido instructor. Learning the connections was amaFing! )he Jiu$itsu instructor taught similar concepts as to what was in that bun"ai video above. Lots to thin" about! 'ead on over to our discussion thread on =oogle> if you want to $oin in -onnections Discussion on =oogle> - https.//'954E$

Kee. ng &r$e to the &rad t ons )he growth process that ta"es place when you push past your comfort Fone is invaluable. (s such! it is important that we do not water down our teachings and traditions. )hat way our students can also wor" through this growth process. (ttaining a blac" belt is a sign of perseverance and a dedication to learning! not how much you paid for it! )he eti uette is in place to discipline the mind. (rticle page % Keeping true to the traditions of our martial arts http.//"eeping-true-to-traditions-of-our.html (lso! feel free to chec" out our discussion thread on this article https.//"68DwN@o)9 &he role o- -ree s.arr ng ;r. D$urd$evic L https.//>DanD$urd$evicplus M! a regular contributor at our ;artial (rts 0orums! put up a blog post that # thought would be very beneficial to my readers. #ve heard the +my styles techni ues are too deadly for me too allow sparring, argument too many times to ignore. &ersonally! # fall in line with the argument made by bo*ers % everyone has a plan until they get hit! )hat being said! it is indeed to important to have a range of sparring drills and training methods to prepare yourself for contact sparring of any sort. (nyhow! chec" out the blog post for some well reasoned thoughts on the matter http.//dand$urd$ &aekwondo 's Kra' /aga http.//"/martial-arts-mindset-part-1-tae-"won-do-vs-"rav-maga/ )his article was posted by a user on our ;artial (rts 0orums. #f you would li"e to $oin the discussion on this topic! head over to the original thread Discussion thread on this article https.//*a)Fsh0h? 'ere is what ;r. -olman had to say on this topic! at the discussion thread +Kobody in their right martial art mind fights e*actly li"e they perform in "ata LformsM. Kata are basically $ust drills to practice multiple techni ues in combination with emphasis on timing! distancing! focus! etc. Kata can be viewed as a single person drill. Just li"e a bo*er would do his shadow bo*ing but in a less involved way than "ata. <hat the author missed is that );( Ltraditional martial artsM also practice 1-man drills such "ata bun"ai Lform applicationM or ya"uso"u "umite Lpreset fighting applicationM based on techni ues from the "ata which is no different to what you find in the authors Krav ;aga. 0orms have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years in );(. #n those days martial arts was used for the real stuff! i.e. to actually "ill people! unli"e today where we $ust practice hopefully for a real self-defense moment., - ;artial (rts with -olman Eisit his profile at. https.//>;artial(rts<ith-olman

&he role o- -ree s.arr ng, cont n$ed 'ere is my own response )hat last point! in addition to the necessary secrecy! is why forms were created in the first place. (ctually practicing "illing blows with a partner is neither practical nor ethical for obvious reasons. (lso! as -olman mentioned there were and are prearranged sparring drills. )hese can be changed to adapt to students involved. (nother point to "eep in mind is that when a teacher formulated a "ata! it was based on his fighting e*perience distilled into basic concepts! as well as a foundation of previous "ata. Of course! the principles and intended applications would thusly be +encoded, in the form for the teachers direct students to learn and pass on. Hnfortunately we dont have full "nowledge of the original intentions behind all historic forms. #t is no wonder some people loo" at a form and dont "now what uses it has or how it correlates to +real, fighting. )hey do not "now the conte*t of the form within the original system. (ll of that being said! #m not getting into the debate about which style is Linsert superlative or insult hereM )hats $ust silly and pointless. #t really boils down to two simple things! in my mind. 3. &ic" a martial art based on availability! accessibility! personal tastes and goals! as well as the ob$ectively measurable uality and professionalism of the school. 1. @tic" to it. )his should go without saying. 'owever! most people miss the fact that really applying yourself to an art will give you a much deeper proficiency and a more practical use of it than if you $ust went through the motions. )raditional )KD has a surprisingly wide array of techni ues! fighting ranges! and drills. (ny dedicated student who stic"s with it through blac" belt and supplements with a grappling art will have a very well rounded fighting style. )hat being said! of course Krav ;aga is certainly not lac"ing in realism or techni ues. (gain! #m not arguing for better or worse styles. Karate 2 stor! # am sure that at least a few of my readers are familiar with the history of "arate and its development. # $ust thought # would share a bit of information for those less familiar. )he change in the "an$i for "arate was philosophical in nature % +"ara, meaning +void, or +empty,! ta"ing on Ien-li"e meanings! in addition to the obvious martial applications. Of course! weapon s"ills in "obudo are a natural e*tension! for the most part! of the empty hand s"ills in "arate. L(lthough this is something # am still learning more about! to be honest!M )he change in the "an$i was also a way to ma"e "arate more acceptable to the Japanese public at the time that it was being spread to the mainland! as the original meaning of "arate was +-hinese hand,. #n a way this was a political move and it did cause some recoil in O"inawa. # personally have no opinions on this! since # need to learn more about the history of each country involved. Konetheless! # do en$oy learning about the connections between the martial ways of -hina and O"inawa. <e have loo"ed into this type of sub$ect before! such as the connection between 0u$ian <hite -rane and "arate. #t is definitely a fascinating study! (nyway! chec" out the lin" below for details on the origins of the "an$i for "arate Karate history and the origins of the "an$i for "arate % DownloadKarate. http.//""arate-articles/"arate-history

Karate 2 stor!, cont n$ed #n case you are interested in our previous discussion about the connection between <hite -rane and Karate! visit the related thread at our ;artial (rts 0orums Yong -hun <hite -rane and Karate - https.// ;r. -olman! one of our moderators! provided a lin" to an Gnglish caption and tal"over version of the video http.//'-=Ks9o &rad t ons n mart al arts, and le'els o- sk ll (s a dedicated "arate-"a! # am all for traditions. <e are e*pected to respect tradition in the martial ways! and rightfully so. #t is indeed a privilege to be accepted into the instruction of a traditional school. )he eti uette we learn in the martial ways may seem odd to <esterners! but following the eti uette develops humility and discipline. )he principles! traditions! courtesies and so forth passed on in a +ryu, have stood the test of time. # recommend some solid reading on eti uette and stages of learning in the martial ways below )raditions. Gssays on the Japanese ;artial (rts and <ays. http.//boo""s/about/)raditions.htmlAidB7(HOrvJ-uJ(Ke"o no ;yo$utsu % ;ysterious )echni ue of the -at. http.//"o-no-myo$utsu-mysterious-techni ue-of-the-cat/ )eaching and @hu 'a Ni. http.//www.shinyo"'aNi.htm Sh n 3 &a + m nd, techn 4$e, bod! )he concept of @hin =i )ai % mind! techni ue! body % disciplining the mind by training the body. )his is definitely something #ve been learning more about recently. )here is a boo" on the sub$ect of +shin gi tai, that #ve been meaning to read! by ;ichael -lar"e! who also wrote a boo" on +ho$o undo,! supplementary training often used in older O"inawan fighting methods. # am still not an e*pert on the O"inawan styles! to be perfectly honest! and my primary e*perience has been in some of the Japanese styles of "arate. 'owever! #m definitely fascinated with the types of +ho$o undo, and breathing methods used in styles such as =o$u ryu Karate. (nyhow! here is a lin" to an article about +shin gi tai,! by ;ichael -lar"e http.//"arate-training-for-body-mind-and-spirit &he .h loso.h! o- B$do # personally disagree with the current competitive aspects of modern martial arts! as a rule. #nstead of competing! # prefer completing. <hat things can # do for myself that will ma"e me a better personA <hat things can # do for another person that will ma"e them better as a human beingA )he philosophy of :udo! and for that matter! Karate! has generally been % as a rule % that of perfecting ones character through discipline and mindfulness towards others. :elow is a great article # found on such a topic http.//www."awanabe"*.html

Sta! strong + kee. look ng -orward5 Nemember that obstacles are what you see when you lose sight of your goal. )he valley you find yourself in before the climb bac" up is not a trial. #t is a lesson % a blessing! even % that you recogniFe when you ta"e account of the wisdom and friends youve gained along the way. (nd when your start climbing that ne*t mountain! you may find it a $oy! a wonder! and a test of the strength and love you KKO< that you already have. <hen you ma"e it to the top of that mountain and see your whole world % re$oice "nowing how far youve come and how far there is to go. &here s no tomorrow5 <hat are you doing today on your own to improve your health or fitnessA #t all starts in the mind. You cant $ust lift a few weights and get fit! You have to be motivated! dedicated! and consistent! as well as wor" hard and "eep ma"ing progress. Keep pushing forward. #t doesnt have to feel li"e a sport or a competition. Just set a few specific! measurable! results oriented goals and plan your wor"outs accordingly! =et rid of all the distractions that get in the way of your wor"outs. =et into a routine! G*ercise needs to be a habit and fitness is a lifestyle! )here is no other way and there are no e*cuses. )'GNG #@ KO )O;ONNO<! <e only have today!!! )hin" you dont have time to trainA Drop +going out, as often and do something for your health instead! ;a"e it a family affair if needed. #f you cant! then ma"e a time and place all your own to train. (llow no distractions! whether from 0aceboo"! your phone! your family! your dog! or your cat. O<K YOHN :ODY! ;#KD! (KD )N(#K#K=. <e arent in control of a lot of things in life! but you -(K control every single rep. Live it. Love it. =et that wor" in! <hen you find the e*tra energy that comes from training! the improved focus and health! the confidence from improved strength and techni ue % youll be glad you set the time aside! Qfitness Qstrengthtraining Qstrengthandconditioning http.//<l:0IG'4@bJ One arm .$ll$. tra n ng :elow is an article on false grip pullups! which help wor" towards (rcher pullups and muscle ups. ( muscle up is essentially doing a pullup and continuing into a dip. ( false grip puts your wrist into a position where you are able to get up into a dip. &racticing false grip pullups will help with building up the techni ue! grip strength and range of motion for muscle ups. (rticle page % 'ow to Do a 0alse =rip &ullups. http.// :elow is a video on (rcher pullups! which help you train for the #ron -ross La difficult gymnastics s"illM! ;uscle Hps! and one arm pullups. You can use (rcher pullups to focus more on the pulling hand or Lfor muscle upsM on the pushing-outward hand Lfor #ron -rossM. http.//'6mKc2y55to

One arm .$ll$. tra n ng, cont n$ed <or"ing dips on rings is also useful in training for muscle ups and (rcher pullups. 0or training progressions for pullups! one arm pullups! dips and more chec" out the boo" Overcoming =ravity. #t has charts! gymnastics based progressions! diagrams and e*planations of the s"ills! and a ton more information. -hec" out the product page! which includes a &D0 of the boo"! and gymnastics rings. # dont ma"e a cent from any purchases made through this page % # $ust thin" a lot of their products! &roducts % Gat ;ove #mprove. http.// -hec" out my previous posts on wor"ing the grip! and training towards one arm pullups. <rist roller training for Judo. http.//owen$ohnston"$udo/ One arm pullup training. http.//owen$ohnston" Progress 'e Cal sthen cs 6 -est!le :elow are my thoughts about the variables and factors that need to be ta"en into account for progressive calisthenics. 3. Leverage % increase or decrease 1. Nange of motion % increase or decrease 4. &ositioning % hand or foot Lsuch as bas"etball pushups or putting hands closer together in pushups or pullupsM 6. Hnilateral or bilateral Lone hand or both! one foot or bothM 5. -orrect form!!! #t is an art. :e creative! but also have the discipline to go with it. Keep the correct body alignment for the e*ercise at all times. ?. Other tougheners % see" and find! #nter-set rest! volume! fre uency! partner resistance! loc"ed "nees while doing calf raises! towel wor" for pullups! infinite possibilities in hand balancing arts! as well as the use of e uipment in public par"s. 9. @et @.;.(.N.). goals % &L(K ('G(D! )his also means you should log your wor"outs. 7. Lifestyle factors % nutrition! sleep! emotional health! recovery days! live clean! but also allow the occasional cheat day. 8. @pecialiFations % only after competency in progressions for the basics. @pecialiFations include nec"! forearms! wrists! "nuc"les! feet and calves! gymnastics holds! odd ob$ects for more full body strength! etc. 32. +Journey! not a destination., LOEG )N(#K#K=! -onsistency! motivation! and creativity in training will fall into place when you relish every rep. ;il" each e*ercise for all of the lessons it can teach you. @avor the gains and let nature ta"e its course. @ummary! and the name of the game % &NO=NG@@#OK :urn that sole word into your mind and "eep it there. <e all have hard days % but ta"e time to +improve the moment,! Ko matter what! "eep moving forward as best you can! no matter what life throws at you. <hen you go to train! leave your problems at the door and get the wor" done. Dont worry! your problems will still be there to "eep you company when you get bac". :ut you can get stronger N#=') KO<. ;entally and emotionally! as well as physically. +Just do it!!, Qcalisthenics Qtraining

%arr or /ental t! <e have tal"ed about the mind-body connection before. <e have to sharpen all of our weaponsR$ust as a samurai would sharpen his sword! we too must sharpen our bodies through training. )he mind is also sharpened and cleaned through this process! as science has shown! )han"s to -olman for bringing up such research % definitely brings a clearer understanding of the benefits of training. <e have to have a warriors mentality to forge a path ahead in life % not $ust in the do$o! )he perseverance and indomitable spirit we learn in the do$o are invaluable. Life is never easy! # thin"! when we are trying to ma"e a life for ourselves and overcoming the obstacles we face. +Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you ta"e your eyes off your goal., % 'enry 0ord +@tudying the martial <ay is li"e climbing a cliff. "eep going forward without rest. Nesting is not permissible because it causes recessions to old adages of achievement. &ersevering day in! day out improves techni ues! but resting one day causes lapses. )his must be prevented., S;as OyamaS -hec" out this article ( <arriors ;entality http.//clearbroo" uB-LG(N:NOOK<NG@)L#K=TtBcTsBhtosportsTpBcustomTpagenameB(><arriorU19s>;entality * alect cal Beha' oral &hera.! +Dialectical :ehavioral )herapy LD:)M combines cognitive and behavioral therapy! incorporating methodologies from various practices including Gastern mindfulness techni ues., <e cant ignore the mind-body connection in our martial arts practice. )he Gastern disciplines have a tendency to be very holistic! and (sian martial arts are no e*ception. ;y psychiatrist introduced me to D:) s"ills this morning and # immediately recogniFed the concept of mindfulness. D:) @"ills List http.//"illsPlist.html /ore on ne7t .age - c t! n tra n ng # am certainly a huge advocate of building strength and fitness. 'owever! # also try to remind all of my students that it is necessary to engage in training specific to your athletic activity of choice. )his way! you will be able to properly e*press that strength in movement! Hnderstanding @port @pecific G*ercises. http.// #n the beginning! it is indeed important to build +absolute strength, in the muscles needed for your chosen activity. )his provides a foundation for the other end of the strength spectrum! +speed strength, or power. On the other hand! if you started on the speed strength end of the spectrum Lbas"etball! for instanceM! you can still get some benefits to power by wor"ing on absolute strength. +(bsolute strength % )he ma*imum force an athlete can e*ert with his or her whole body! or part of the body! irrespective of body siFe or muscle siFe, G*planation of strength - http.//"/strength.htm +&ower VL0orce W DistanceM X )imeY represents the product of strength and speed of movement e*pressed in <atts., G*planation of power - http.//"/power.htm 0or a better understanding! watch this video on the strength continuum. @trength continuum video on You)ube. https.// Cal- tra n ng 0ollowing my usual line of +little e uipment! high rewards, style of training! #ll be using two plan"s of wood Lwhich are sanded down and glued togetherM for calf raises. )he calves come into play in most activities that involve the legs! and especially so in martial arts. #f you are heavily into martial arts or strength training! your calves may already be in great shape! but at least a bit of calf specialiFation can provide an e*tra edge. Doing so also does help strengthen the associated connective tissues L(chilles tendon etcM as well as provide a great way to rehab the an"les. )he gastrocnemius and soleus ma"e up the bul" of the muscles of the lower leg. )he former acts on two $oints L"nee and an"leM. #f you really want to wor" a two $oint muscle a lot harder! loc" out one $oint while wor"ing the muscle from the other $oint. 0or instance! doing calf raises with loc"ed "nees ma"es them tougher. #ncreasing the range of motion also toughens an e*ercise. )hus the use of a step to do calf raises off of. )here are many more potential tougheners! such as rep / set schemes! cadence! changing the positioning of the feet! using one foot at a time! adding weight! and so forth. # always loo" for ways to ma"e an e*ercise harder without adding weight. Hsing your own body weight as the resistance! and ad$usting the leverage of an e*ercise! as well as other tougheners! can yield many years worth of strength and athletic gains. &rogressive calisthenics use this sort of approach to build functional! athletic strength! #n the words of (l Kavadlo! progressive calisthenics is +an open-ended! individualiFed fitness modality centered around the concept that ones own body weight Land the proper manipulation of leverageM can provide ample resistance for strength training! regardless of ones current fitness level.,

Cal- tra n ng, cont n$ed 0or more! read his full article here - http.// Dont forget to chec" out my article on the sub$ect as well http.//www.$ohnston" (lso! for plenty of free videos http.// 8at ng -or strength5 (fter a hard wor"out or martial arts practice! its important to put uality food into your system to help you recover! )he important thing to remember is to ma*imiFe the nutrient to calorie ratio as much as possible. @econdarily! prepare nutritious meals that taste good to you. ( good! satisfying meal after a hard session promotes good health. Just remember to ta"e moderate portions! and to ta"e time to really savor the meal. )his will help to prevent over-eating. :esides! having leftovers is usually a good thing! :elow is an affordable recipe that serves 31. #m not saying this "ind of recipe is best! though! #t is simply an idea for a high uality! high protein meal at a low cost per serving. Nemember to both train (KD eat for uality results! http.// 'ere is a page with recipes for vegetarian soups and stews as well http.//www.coo" Eegetables ma"e great sources of protein! fiber! vitamins and minerals! /ore on the ne7t .age

/! essa! on -le7 b l t! + .age 1 )he last part of the re uired e*amination for becoming a certified fitness trainer through #@@( L#nternational @ports @ciences (ssociationM involves writing si* essays. ( host of different topics are provided to choose from. 0or one of them! # chose the following % +0amiliariFe yourself with safe and effective e*ercises for improving fle*ibility in each $oint of the body and discuss when each is necessary or desirable., Gach essay is re uired to be a minimum of 152 words! but there is no ma*imum word count re uirement. 0or this particular essay! it turned into 3!323 words! and #m actually uite proud of it. 'ere it is in its entirety. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ(s a martial artist with many years of e*perience! # have had the good fortune of learning and testing out many "inds of stretching. # have found that it is important to have a variety of +active fle*ibility, stretches where one uses muscular control to help affect the range of motion of the stretching techni ue. Yoga and &ilates postures have been very effective for me and my martial arts students in helping +open up, not only the hamstrings and shoulders! but correct postural problems in our bac"s and help strengthen the bac" muscles while doing so. )his is very desirable for practicing martial arts! and for many types of resistance training. # can imagine that performing many types of Olympic lifts would be greatly assisted by improving ones posture! bac" strength! and spinal health. @tatic stretching! from my e*perience! is not conducive to resistance training! which is supported by research. # have found that performing dynamic stretching % $oint rotations and so forth % form an integral part of any warmup routine. )his is very important for warming up the $oints and muscles that are specific to the wor"out! and it also lubricates the $oints with synovial fluid! allowing for improved function of the $oints. )his is necessary for s"ill wor" such as in martial arts! gymnastics and so forth! as well as resistance training of almost any "ind. (s an e*ample! before we train any (i"ido techni ues! we carefully practice wrist rotations and wrist stretches. )hese help prevent in$ury to the wrists when practicing the various wrist loc" techni ues! and the stretches also help us to further ingrain the motions of the techni ues. #n this way! such stretches have +$oint specificity,. )here are many e*amples of such $oint specific stretches that assist in martial arts techni ues. (s far as resistance training goes! we have indeed found that it does contribute to increased $oint fle*ibility. # previously mentioned Yoga and &ilates. )hese disciplines do tend to help build strength throughout the full range of motion of the e*ercises! as well as balance and posture. @imilarly! other disciplines of body weight movements have been very helpful in not only building strength in +natural, movements! but balance! coordination! and agility. @uch movements include various pushing! pulling! and s uatting e*ercises! and many more. (s an e*ample! # generally start most new! untrained "arate students with a short list of Judo style stretches and "neeling pushups! or wall pushups if necessary. @uch pushups are fairly remedial e*ercises that allow students to learn the basic form! and help stretch out the muscles and $oints while using the muscles to stay in control of the motion. Developing muscular control is a very important concept in both fle*ibility and martial arts. )here are remedial variations of almost any e*ercise one can imagine! especially in calisthenics. )he position! leverage! and range of motion may be ad$usted in any calisthenics techni ue such that it can be made more difficult Lprogressing the techni ueM or less difficult Lregressing the techni ueM.

/! essa! on -le7 b l t! + .age 2 Of course! during pushing movements! the antagonistic muscles hold some tension! and the stabiliFer muscles also get some training via holding correct posture and balance. Once a set of pushing movements is completed! pulling movements are practiced to help stretch out the muscles and $oints on the other side. (n e*ample remedial e*ercise for pulling is standing pulls! where one places ones hands on either side of a pole! beam! or any other sturdy ob$ect or piece of furniture that one can safely put ones hands around. (s the student progresses in muscular control! his or her techni ue improves and will be able to perform more +high uality, repetitions. (lso! as the student continues practicing these techni ues! his or her range of motion will generally deepen! allowing him or her to ma"e the e*ercise more difficult! as well as improve his or her own active fle*ibility. (n e*ample is performing wide stance body weight s uats half way down at first. )his functions as not only a resistance e*ercise! but also a stretch for the uadriceps where most of the muscles of the legs are involved in the e*ercise. (nother great e*ercise is body weight calf raises. )hese help stretch out the calf muscles as well as the (chilles tendon. (ny menu of s uats and calf raises is greatly supplemented by an"le rotations and +runners stretches, Lsimilar to lungesM. (s fle*ibility and muscular control improve in calf raises! one can practice them with one foot and / or off a step. Of course! it ta"es time and dedication with s uats and calf raises to build up balance! and fle*ibility in the an"les. )he "ey point is not to rush things and gradually develop the fle*ibility needed to "eep the heels planted in the bottom portion of s uats. -alf raises and an"le rotations help immensely with this. Katurally! connective tissues will get stretched and strengthened by practicing such techni ues. @imply holding tension Lvia muscular controlM will wor" the ligaments and tendons. (lso! going through the proper ranges of motion in these techni ues stretches them and helps ones body learn correct movements and postures. (s such! not only can one build muscular control! posture! balance! general proprioception and "inesthesia! fle*ibility! and s"ill! but $oint integrity and strength in ligaments and tendons. )his helps maintain $oint health and prevent in$ury. ;aintaining strength balances in the body allows one! also! to maintain natural ranges of motion. (s"ing any gymnastics coach about building shoulder health and fle*ibility will certainly yield much useful advice on the topic. #t can be argued! especially from a gymnastics perspective! that e*cellent upper body fle*ibility is re uired to learn more advanced body weight techni ues. (lso! to uote an article by a gymnast! +Keeping the shoulders Lglenohumeral / scapular articulationsM operating optimally is the "ey to bodyweight strength success., Neferenced article - http.// Light! gentle stretching as a part of cool downs has helped me and my martial arts students reduce post wor"out pain. )his usually involves partner assisted stretching and massage to help +deto*, the affected $oints and muscles of waste products and so forth. @o! as you can see by my approach to body weight training! calisthenics can be very holistic in nature! help with fle*ibility! and provide light! moderate! and even very high levels of intensity for strength training. ;y approach to calisthenics and stretching is based around my years of e*perience in martial arts! the -onvict -onditioning approach! the Overcoming =ravity approach Lsee above lin"ed articleM! e*perience and research into other disciplines Lballet! par"our! Yoga! &ilates! etc.M! and training with other instructors.

/! tho$ghts on d etar! s$..lements )he dietary supplements industry is a huge one % with total sales in the H.@. coming in at [11.3 billion bac" in 122?. <hile the 0D( no longer regulates dietary supplements the way it does with foods! it does ensure the following things. (re produced in a uality manner Do not contain contaminants or impurities (re accurately labeled )hat being said! we have to "eep in mind that commonly in (merica there is a tendency to over-diagnose and over-medicate. )his is not directly related to supplements! but the culture of having a pill for LalmostM everything can seem to carry over to dieting and e*ercise as well. 'owever! li"e prescribed medications! supplements can have unintended side effects! especially if ta"en in a heavier dose than what is recommended. (lso! not all supplements contain what is advertised or wor" as advertised. Kow! # am not going to suggest that # eschew supplements altogether. <hat # do want to suggest! however! as a fitness educator! is that it is important to "now your body! what wor"s for you and your lifestyle! and to do research into different supplements that you feel may be of benefit. (lso! # ta"e the view of many conservative chiropractors! in that surgery and medication should be avoided if possible. Of course! each persons situation is different and many different factors need to be weighed. @ometimes supplements are very beneficial to obtaining optimal health. ;odern medicine has indeed saved many lives! (ll in all! # recommend a balanced approach. :e sure to also chec" out this great article on supplements! from a trusted source. http.// /ore on ne7t .age

Sett ng tra n ng goals # try to "eep the habit of writing out a training program for each new personal training client. )his helps both of us set clear goals to wor" towards. Last night! # wrote up a fairly basic training program for a client who will be coming in this evening. 'e seems fairly motivated to lose weight and get in shape. 'ere is hoping that we can get into a good groove. Of course! we have to remember that consistency! hard wor"! and motivation are paramount in any endeavor! especially training! =ranted! it is important to personaliFe wor"out programs! whether for ourselves or for a client. Hnderstanding our emotional and mental health at the time! not $ust our physical health! should Lof courseM be ta"en into account when planning our training. (lso! we have to figure out @.;.(.N.). goals. @pecific! measurable! attainable Lor actionableM! relevant Lor realisticM! and timely. #f our goals are vague and not concrete Lor measurableM! there will not be any clear! ob$ective way to wor" towards them. @pecificity deals with not $ust numbers Lhitting a set / rep goal! or how much weightM! but also! the reasoning behind the goals. :asically! our long term goalLsM should help us define our @.;.(.N.). goals % li"e comparing strategy to tactics. 'ere is an e*ample. Do you want to become a better competitor in bo*ing or prepare for a specific matchupA You will have to define your strategy around this! and your training goals and tactics must support your strategy. Of course! your coaches will be of great help in developing a sound strategy for winning. )he types of training you will want to set goals for will include % attending the gym to wor" with sparring partners who can help you prepareC improving your physical conditioning Lset specific goals for roadwor"! sprints etc based upon how many rounds the match will beMC highly specific padwor"C highly specialiFed strength and conditioning wor" that will improve the physical ualities needed to defeat your opponentC and so forth. :elow is a great motivational article on @.;.(.N.). goals that includes a printable &D0 wor"sheet! http.//www.spar" ( rst , d 8mergenc! *r lls )hose of us who are teachers are responsible! in some way or another! for the success that our $uniors en$oy. <e provide safe atmospheres for them to grow and develop not $ust as martial artists! but human beings. # am sure that all of us are used to dealing with the ris"s and pitfalls that come with training % in$uries! bruises! having a bad day! and such. <e "now what its li"e when first starting out! advancing! hitting plateaus! wor"ing through in$uriesRgaining a lot of +body wisdom, and life wisdom as well. <e learn the importance of safety in each form of training. 0or that reason! # highly recommend that each and every martial arts instructor get certified in -&N/0irst (id and help everyone learn basic health and safety. :elow is a useful resource for helping learn 0irst (id Gmergency Drills on the Ned -ross website. http.//"e-a-class/first-aid-emergency-drills

&he /echan sm o- Stress http.// +(mir ;ourad tal"s about the mechanism of stress and e*plains that the human system is conditioned by e*perience., Definitely an illuminating tal" on reorganiFing our +human system, in such a way that we can deal with stress and achieve clarity of perception. @tress is indeed called a ma$or health epidemic in recent years! but it is also impossible to be stress free. Let us learn to push through and persevere! and not let our emotions control us % yet also remember to not deny our emotions! which are part of being human. Let us ta"e out the time to introspect! reorganiFe your thought habits! and learn how to not simply cope with stress! but come from a place of calm strength % +the eye of the storm,. (s the teacher says in the video! +self "nowledge means to in uire into the self., Sandbag tra n ng http.//owen$ohnston"$pg http.//owen$ohnston"$pg @andbag training is incredible for building functional! real world strength. #t is also relatively ine*pensive. )he pictured sandbags cost [6 each at a local hardware store. (n army duffel bag can usually be found at army surpluses for [35-12 on average. # love training with these because you can do almost any type of lift with them! and the fact that the sand shifts around forces you to stabiliFe the bags! giving you a harder wor"out. @andbag training is very useful for firefighters and combat athletes! such as cage fighters and wrestlers. )ry tossing two sandbags into one and try a few lifts % firemans carry! clean and press! curls! s uats! swings. Or! put one sandbag each in two sturdy bac"pac"s and hold them anyway you li"e while wal"ing. # recommend holding one in each hand and building up to wal"ing a uarter mile with them. #t wor"s the legs! bac"! and especially the arms. Gventually try bear hugging a duffel bag with two sandbags in it while wal"ing. :uild up to 4! 6! or even 5 sandbags in your duffel. 0or more ideas! read +Dinosaur )raining, by :roo"s Kubi"! as well as articles on aw"ward ob$ect lifting Lwhich # will lin" belowM. &robably my favorite online article on the sub$ect is the one that # lin" below! as it details the benefits of such training! as well as how to put together your own sandbags! and training routines. http.//$ect-training http.// # have put together my own blog dedicated to odd ob$ect training! so please chec" it out for videos and articles! if you want to "now more. :elow is my article about the sub$ect http.//oddob$".html Dinosaur )raining is essentially a philosophy of \weight training / physical culture promoting a return to traditional strongman types of e*ercises and trainingR, Eisit the <i"ipedia entry for full information http.//en.wi""i/DinosaurP)raining

Sandbag tra n ng, cont n$ed Or! feel free to visit the authors website at http.//www.broo"s"ubi".com/ #f you are e*perienced in progressive calisthenics or gymnastics! try wearing a sandbag while performing chin ups! dips! and other e*ercises. )his is one of many methods that can help you progress towards much harder movements such as one arm chinups. )here are plenty of other great ideas on using odd ob$ects in con$unction with progressive calisthenics over at this article http.//$ect-training-with-bodyweight/ )he blog that the article is hosted on is the official blog of the &rogressive -alisthenics -ertification community. )he certification wor"shops are organiFed by Dragon Door! an industry leader in fitness certifications. )he certification was developed by &aul +-oach, <ade Lauthor of -onvict -onditioningM! the Kavadlo brothers Lboth well "nown personal trainers! amaFing body weight athletes! and authorsM! and more. #f you want to "now more about the wor"shops! or even sign up to attend one! visit below http.//"shops/A0PcB45 #f you would li"e to get a headstart on progressive calisthenics! read my article on the sub$ect! which also includes recommended boo"s! some You)ube playlists! and more. http.//www.$ohnston" Bare Kn$ckle Bo7 ng0 Old School Power /o'ements http.// Dl =6 0rom the videos description +)he 0all @tep! )he @houlder <hirl! )he Hpward @urge. )he @pring @tepC the more of these we can successfully integrate into our punching techni ues the more natural power we will have available to punish our opponents with., )he training in this video is definitely very helpful in training for bare "nuc"le punching power! which is useful for street self defense. )he types of punching demonstrated are generally not very common in +modern, sport bo*ing! but that does not mean they are not effective! )he pugilists around a century ago! especially fighters such as Jac" Dempsey! understood the secrets of powerful punching. Dempseys boo" -hampionship 0ighting actually details the body mechanics behind the falling step! shoulder whirl! and upward surge Las used in shovel hoo"s! especiallyM. 0or a comparison of old school bo*ing versus new school! chec" out the below article http.//ringtal".com/bo*ing-professor-marbry-bo*ing-old-school-vs-new-schoolclogged-toilets

&ho$ghts on tra n ng + 9slow and stead!9 <hen it comes to training! whether in martial arts or for any area of fitness! lets remember the old phrase % +@low but steady wins the race., Kever be in such a rush that you dont plan your wor"out! or that you do not train your body and mind through the preparatory stages. #ts certainly great to feel out new e*ercises as a test of strength ability! but do not venture into +over training,! which could lead to in$ury. Of course! this is not to say we shouldnt wor" hard when we train! &rogression is the name of the game. <e have to "eep steadily improving each wor"out. #f were using weight! try to add sets! reps! variety! or weight each wee". #f practicing body weight training! change something up a little bit each day that you wor" out. (nd remember slow but steady % gradual progress! )his is especially true as we get older. (ging is not a death sentence for your training % in fact! we can continue improving at many things throughout a lifetime and maintain great health! :ut we must also be realistic and remember that we have to accommodate a potentially slower recovery rate. (nd when it comes to progress! especially when it comes to us slightly older athletes L# will be 4? soonM +Longer is one thing. Kever is something entirely different. (nd longer always beats never., % :roo"s Kubi" #f you want a pile of info on some sensible wor"outs! pic" up his boo"! -hal" and @weat! through the below lin". # dont ma"e a single cent by recommending the boo". # have read his Dinosaur )raining and Dinosaur :ody <eight )raining boo"s and they have been wor"ing for me so far. (s such! # am happy to recommend his stuff! http.//www.broo"s"ubi".com/chal"PandPsweat.html :o*ing for street self defense http.// @O2&-JOiO6 Definitely a very technical style of defense. # say that because it does ta"e a great degree of timing and refle*es! "nowing $ust how much to slip! where to step or pivot as you do do! and so forth. #f you loo" at old ;i"e )yson videos! from bac" in his prime! youll see that he had (;(I#K= defensive s"ills! including his bob and weave. &eople are always surprised to learn how technical bo*ing is. (lso! 0loyd ;ayweather Jr. has often been said to have the best! most technical defense in bo*ing. 'e uses "ind of a +&hilly shell, that utiliFes head movement and shoulder rotations. http.//'-$#EO@-w )his video is also very useful. #t is e*cerpted from the G*treme :o*ing. 'ardcore :o*ing for @elf Defense! which is available on the &aladin &ress website. )he video details bare "nuc"le bo*ing techni ues and +dirty bo*ing, from before the ;ar uis of Jueensberry rules for bo*ing. <hat a lot of people forget is that old time fisticuffs had a lot more techni ues! including elbows! forearm stri"es! foot stomps! and headbutts. )he full DED e*plains how to deal with grapplers and "ic"bo*ers! as well as covers many other aspects of old school bo*ing.

Class cal Ja.anese mart al arts d sc$ss on #ve long wished for the opportunity to train in some more classical systems! especially :u$in"an. -ertainly! theres so much +mystery, surrounding it! and whole lot of +myth,! but the :u$in"an group certainly seems to teach a very practical system. # also have a friend who has studied nin$utsu for some time and we have traded ideas on budo. # thin" a lot of him as a budo"a and have no doubt that his training is very practical. (nyway % this is an interesting video and #d li"e to discuss % bo$utsu of any "ind is a fascination of mine! #f you would li"e to $oin in on the discussion of these topics! please head on over to the related thread on the ;artial (rts 0orums https.// #f you are not already a member of the forums! visit below and clic" on the +(s" to Join, button on the top right hand side - https.// Bene- ts o- s4$att ng http.//brea""-at-how-s uatting-affects-the-"nee 0rom loo"ing at the benefits of s uatting in the above article! its no wonder that many martial arts styles practice s uats and stance wor". Kot only do these help protect the "nees but also help with the "ind of abilities needed for martial arts. On that note! a lot of physical therapists get their clients to practice +invisible chair, while s ueeFing a ball between their "nees. #ts an e*cellent rehabilitative e*ercise. &retty much every athletic activity we engage in! and even many +real life activities, such as moving furniture! involve the hands and feet in some way. #ts no mystery that having strong! well trained $oints! ligaments! and tendons helps in a virtually endless number of activities! &hank-$lness and learn ng Yeah! so! #m actually a lot more than"ful than # sound most of the time. =od has really been wor"ing on my heart as of late. )imes are changing! that is for sure! and in this transitional phase % #ve been praying to =od a lot more. #ve learned to be more than"ful for all the things # do have! and even the hard times and dar" times that have taught me so much. )here is a light at the end of every tunnel! and we need to go through that $ourney for the learning process we go through. @ometimes we find an answer that we really needed! and didnt realiFe there was even a uestion in the first place. #ts li"e the proverb that :ruce Lee stated once % ( wise man can learn more from a foolish uestion than a fool can learn from a wise answer. (nd by the way % how about that moment when you realiFe that all of the crap youve been going through actually had a pointA +-ome bac" tomorrow., http.// es(t81Jw /ore on ne7t .age

&he )nner ,rt o- Karate + book m n -re' ew # recently purchased a copy of this boo" and have been slowly wor"ing my way through it. #t primarily deals with the deeper concepts of :udo and of course! Karate. ;a-ai! rhythm and cadence! +yomi,! and so forth. # appreciate the authors focus on Karate as a method of civilian self defense as contrasted to the sports mentality seen so commonly now. )here are uotes from ;unenori and ;usashi sprin"led throughout! with commentary on them % # have found these uite enlightening as well. Overall a great read. /$scle B$ ld ng %orko$ts Gven while we plan on ways to plan our diet and meet weight loss goals! why not also bring up different ways to still en$oy our food at the same timeA #ts important to "now our bodies and how they react to what we put in them. You dont have to be miserable while losing weight! )he below article strips the Nenegade lifestyle down to basics. )a"e what wor"s for you and apply it! 52 Nenegade Kutrition Nules. http.//$ (ad d ets #ts important to understand the ins and outs of any nutritional program that you thin" would be beneficial. ;any of the fad diets out there have certain health ris"s attached. (lways loo" into scientific research or authority websites! such as <eb;D % which fortunately puts things into plain language. 0or e*ample! the (t"ins diet can be and has been used successfully! but its important to understand how to apply the principles to your lifestyle. )he same goes for other popular diets. Just remember that you cant stic" to a low carb / high protein diet forever % it is generally going to be unhealthy to do so % especially if you are a fitness enthusiast! (nd lets remember that both proper nutrition and e*ercise are needed for total health. 'ere is some information Low--arb! 'igh-&rotein Diets. Nis"s LKetosisM and :enefits. http.// <e have a discussion thread on this sub$ect over at our ;artial (rts 0orums. 'ead on over to chec" it out or even $oin in https.//>OwenJohnstonKarate/posts/)$KmFYbKgo$ /ore on ne7t .age

( tness and N$tr t on 6 nks Gat li"e a warrior "ing http.//"ePaPwarriorP"ingP3 32 ;uscle :uilding 'abits http.//;uscle-:uilding-'abits.pdf &rotein @upplement ;yth Nevealed by :ody of <or" http.//".html #f you cant pic" it! grow it! or "ill it! you shouldnt put it in your belly! ( natural and well balanced diet has plenty of protein as well as vitamins and minerals. ;ultivitamins ]waste of money! say medical e*perts http.// :elieving in you and believing in your training http.// #s )raining to 0ailure Neally Kecessary for ;uscle =rowthA http.// )hrow away your digestive enFyme supplements http.//www.elephant$ Daily dose. potassium http.// )he @a*on )rio. <hat they ate and how they trained http.//*ontrio.html -onditioning )ips Drills and G*ercises. 0ind sport specific conditioning for gymnastics. <ill help in all sports @urvival. ( ;anual )hat -ould @ave Your Life )he starvation mode myth debun"ed http.//

( tness and N$tr t on 6 nks, cont n$ed % )he G*pendables <or"out! <atch )he ;ovie. =et )he :ody. http.//*pendables.htm 'ow to build muscle on a plant-based or vegan diet http.// #s it &aleoA http.// )he :est and @afest <ay to )reat Kec" &ain! @trains! and @tiffness http.//brea""-pain-strains-and-stiffness )he -ounterintuitive Gffects of @aturated 0ats T -holesterol on -ardiovascular Disease http.//

:eso$rces 0or plenty of credible health information http.// 0or plenty of training videos and tutorials! head over to my You)ube playlist blog http.// Don^t forget to chec" out the list of supplementary resources that # maintain http.//understanding""arate-do-supplementary-resources/

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