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Minutes of Middletown Borough Council Meeting of December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012 Middletown, PA 17057 The December 17, 2012 committee of the whole meeting of the Middletown Borough Council wa called to order at 7!0" #$m$ b% Council Pre ident Chri to#her &$ Mc'amara$ (ollowing a moment of ilence for the )ictim of the *and% +ill ,lementar% *chool hooting , and the Pledge of Allegiance, the following Council member an wered roll call! Barbara Arnold, Donald Broo- , .ohn Bruba-er, &obert /ouer, Chri to#her &$ Mc'amara, .udith Putric and Da)id &hen$ *cott *ite and *u0anne *ulli)an$ Ma%or &obert 1$ &eid wa ab ent due to illne , Council Pre ident Mc'amara re#orted$ Al o in attendance were Borough Manager Tim 2one-, Borough *ecretar% Chri A$ Courogen$ PUBLIC COMMENT &achelle &eid a -ed wh% Council doe not hold a 3ue tion and an wer e ion during #ublic comment$ &eid commented on the #ro#o ed budget and labor relation i ue $ Diana Mc1lone commented on #a t )ote b% Council during the time he wa a member, critici0ing current council member for their )ote on tho e matter $ Michael Bowman commented that during Mc1lone4 tenure, the Borough faced it highe t electric rate e)er and aid Mc1lone left office when he wa forced to re ign a #art of an agreement with the Di trict Attorne%4 office following her arre t on felon% charge related to the Borough4 e5mail % tem$ &achelle &eid made a comment critici0ing Bowman for bringing u# Mc1lone4 #a t$ Bowman continued, #ointing out electric rate were )er% high when &eid at on Council, too$ Bowman com#limented the current Council on ha)ing courage to addre the i ue facing the Borough$ MANAGERS REPORT Borough Manager 2one- re#orted on antici#ated end5of5the5%ear em#lo%ee retirement and ga)e an u#date on the down tair reno)ation $ SECRETARYS REPORT Borough *ecretar% Courogen ga)e an u#date on the A 6er% +offer +olida% fe ti)itie $ COMMITTEE REPORTS Public works/utilities Councilor Bruba-er a -ed to ha)e the Borough ewer lateral in #ection alternati)e #laced on the .anuar% bu ine meeting agenda$ Councilor Bruba-er al o a -ed that Borough Manager 2one- re earch idewal- ordinance and #ro)ided an u#date on a contract e7ten ion for the oftware u ed to read the Borough4 electric meter $ Council Pre ident Mc'amara commended Public 8or- *u#erintendent 2en 2line#eter on the fine 9ob he ha done ince being #laced in that #o ition$

Council Minutes

December 17, 2012

Public S!"et# Councilor &hen read a #a age from the tate Police *er)ice manual which warn munici#alitie to a)oid #adding #olice de#artment budget $ Council Pre ident Mc'amara commented on the #ro#o ed #olice budget for 201:, a%ing #a t Council did not do due diligence in crutini0ing #olice #ending$ Mc'amara aid the cut to the #olice budget from the #re)iou %ear4 budget were not about di banding or doing awa% with the #olice, but rather were a matter of Council e7erci ing it fiduciar% re #on ibilit%$ There wa al o di cu ion about the #olice #olic% manual, which date to 1;<" and contain a number of u#date which were ne)er ratified b% Council$ Cou$cilor R%e$ &!'e ! &otio$ to tur$ t%e (olic# &!$u!l o)er to t%e Borou*%+s solicitors "or re)iew !$' reco&&e$'!tio$s, The motion wa econded b% Councilor Broo- and a##ro)ed b% a unanimou ;50 )ote$ Council Pre ident Mc'amara al o re#orted on a meeting that wa held with officer of the Borough fire de#artment and on effort to identif% and locate all )ehicle currentl% a igned to the Police de#artment$ Co&&u$it# -e)elo(&e$t Councilor Arnold had no re#ort$ A'&i$istr!tio$/(erso$$el Councilor *ulli)an had no re#ort$ L!bor Rel!tio$s subco&&ittee Councilor Bruba-er re#orted negotiating e ion had been et u# with both the non5uniform and #olice union for the econd wee- of .anuar% 201:$ .i$!$ce Councilor &hen had no re#ort$ Eco$o&ic -e)elo(&e$t Councilor *ite had no re#ort$ Recre!tio$ Bo!r' Councilor &hen ha no re#ort$ GME-C Borough *ecretar% Courogen had nothing new to re#ort$ At 7!52 #$m$, Council went into e7ecuti)e e ion to di cu recon)ened at ;!0< #$m$ #er onnel matter $ Council

Cou$cilor Sulli)!$ &!'e ! &otio$ to %!)e Cou$cil Presi'e$t McN!&!r! !((oi$t ! t%ree/ (erso$ co&&ittee to e)!lu!te t%e 0ob (er"or&!$ce o" Police C%ie" 1o)!$2 w%o is 'ue "or ! si3/ &o$t% (rob!tio$!r# (erio' re)iew, The motion wa econded b% Councilor &hen and #a ed b% a unanimou ;50 )ote$ Council Pre ident Mc'amara announced the committee would con i t of Councilor &hen and Bruba-er, a well a him elf$ Council Pre ident Mc'amara re#orted on hi attendance at a meeting of the /ibrar% Board and aid Board member told him thing were #rogre ing moothl%$

Council Minutes

December 17, 2012

Council Pre ident Mc'amara al o re#orted i ue remain with the hi torical artifact the econd floor of the librar% building$

tored on

Borough Manager 2one- re#orted .ame Curr%, a member of the +i torical &e toration Commi ion, ha #ro#o ed the Borough ta-e o)er the 1;57 *eagra)e fire engine, -nown a the =Bluebird$> Council Pre ident Mc'amara aid the (ire De#artment4 woman4 au7iliar% i di banding and would li-e to ell the =Bluebird$> The #urcha e would be a ca#ital e7#enditure$ Councilor /ouer mo)ed the re toration commi ion ac3uire the =Bluebird> and that it be utili0ed for fund rai ing$ The motion wa econded b% Councilor Arnold$ After di cu ion centered on when it would be garaged, the motion #a ed on a 752 )ote, with Councilor Bruba-er and *ite di enting$ Cou$cilor Brooks &o)e' to !'0our$, Councilor Putric econded the motion and the meeting ad9ourned at ;!1; #$m$

Borough *ecretar%

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