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Author: Sayyed Sadruddin Sadr Translated by: Jalil Dorrani Index
The reasons for writing this book and writers style A Glancing View

Cha ter !ne

The holy verses about Mahdi (A.S.) ro! the sayings of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) fro! the Saying of Ali (A.S.) ro! the sayings of scholars #oetry and #rose about Mahdi

Cha ter T"o

Mahdi is fro! the Arab &escent Mahdi is fro! this '(!!ah (nation) Mahdi is fro! )anane Mahdi is fro! *uraish Mahdi is fro! +ani,"ashi! Mahdi is fro! the #rogeny of Abdul,Muttalib

Mahdi is fro! the #rogeny of Abu,Talib Mahdi is fro! the descendant of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het Mahdi is fro! kinsfolk Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of Ali (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! $rogeny of ate!ah (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of 'Sebtain (i.e. "assan and "ussein) Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of "ussein (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! the ninth descendant of "ussein (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of Sade- (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of .e/a (A.S.) Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of "assan Askari (A.S.)

Cha ter Three

Mahdi and his looks Mahdi and his character Mahdi rese!bles the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) Mahdi and his dis$osition Mahdi and his knowledge Mahdi and his 0ustice Mahdi and his generosity Mahdi and his rule Mahdi and his refor!s Mahdi and allegiance The Awaiting Mahdi is (ni-ue

Cha ter #our

Mahdi and his distinction Mahdi and his lofty $osition Mahdi and 1sa (A.S.) Mahdi and '(!!ah Mahdi and $aradise Mahdi and sub!ission Mahdi and truth Mahdi and succession Mahdi and Treaty Mahdi and Angels

Mahdi and the $eo$le of the cave Mahdi is the #roof ("u00at) of Allah Mahdi and co!$letion of religion Mahdi is the twelfth 2ali$h Mahdi is the twelfth '%asi (legatee) Mahdi is the twelfth 1!a! Mahdi is the 1!a! of the Age Messengershi$ in childhood and his 1!a!at

Cha ter #i$e

Mahdi and his birth Mahdis na!e3 title and agno!en Mahdi and his $arents na!e Mahdi and his long life Mans long,life Views of a !aga/ine by the na!e of 'Al,Mu-tataf Mahdi is alive and is given sustenance Mahdi and those who have seen hi!

Cha ter Six

Traditions on 'Ghaibat (occultation) Mahdi and the !anner of his occultation Mahdi and his $lace of occultation 'Sardab (celler) and its visitation #hiloso$hy and reasons behind occultation *uestions about Mhadis fear Mahdis !inor and !a0or occultation "ow $eo$le benefit fro! the hidden 1!a! Mahdis de$uties during the $eriod of his occultation Mahdis de$uties during !inor occultation Mahdis de$uties during !a0or occultation

Cha ter Se$en

irst introduction Second introduction "eavenly voice "eavenly signs

4cli$se of the $essi!is! a!ongst the $eo$le 2ruelty and o$$ression Anarchy )illing and death 2ala!ity and tribulation Sayed )horasani )illing of 5afs,6akkiyah &a00als u$rising Sufyanis u$rising 5u!ber of signs of Mahdis e!ergence Tradition about the year and day of Mahdis e!ergence

Cha ter %i&ht

Virtue of Awaiting for Mahdi orsaking the !atter of fi7ing the ti!e if e!ergence Mahdis e!ergence at the end of ti!e Mahdis -ualities on the day of his e!ergence #lace of Mahdis e!ergence #lace of Mahdis allegiance .udi!ents of Mahdis triu!$h 1ncidents which will occur in the near future Mahdis actions and invitation Mahdis virtues way Mahdis $raiseworthy .eligion will ter!inate in Mahdi The 8ews and the 2hristians Manifestation of the religion of 1sla! Mahdis refor!s Victories and develo$!ents under Mahdis rule The $eriod of Mahdis cali$hate and rule Con'lusion: The nu!ber and $lace of Mahdis hel$ers Second 2onclusion,.eferences

I( TH% (AM% !# ALLAH) TH% %*ALT%D Dedi'ation This book is dedicated to you '9 Abul,*asi!, Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan,Askari3 '9 :+a-iatallah; (Allahs re!inder) on the earth and "is $roof over "is servants. 1 ho$e to be graced with <our acce$tance. 1n reality3 the value of $resentation is tanta!ount to the ca$acity of its giver. Sayyid Sadruddin al-Sadr In His %xalted (a+e (=) This (book) is a collection of a series of traditions3 which have been narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)3 his $rogeny and co!$anions , all taken fro! our Sunni brethren sources. 1t also contains sayings and writings of Sunni scholars about the Awaited Mahdi who is fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.). 1t is ho$ed that this book re!ains a !eans of !y re!e!brance and a vision for others. 1 have arranged this book by bringing one $reface3 eight cha$ters and a conclusion. 1 ask Allah for its success and hu!bly re-uest "i! who is the best of the "el$ers for "is favor. Sayyid Sadruddin al-Sadr The ,eason -or .ritin& This /oo0 and The .riter1s Style So!e of !y learned friends 0oined !e in a noble and scholarly gathering. &iscussions followed concerning the authencity of traditions until it took us to the sub0ect of the 'A%A1T4& MA"&1 , a sub0ect which we (the twelve 1!a!iah Shias) believe and which constitutes one of the

$rinci$les of religion. Then3 so!e of those $resent asked> :%hat do our Sunni brethrens say in this regard and whether any tradition(s) has been narrated fro! their sources which is co!$atible with our traditions or not?; 1 re$lied> :<es. As $er their own research3 they are $ossessing diffused (Mustafi/a) and authentic (Mustawatir @) traditions and so!e a!ong the! have also written books in this regard. "owever3 a few of the! have s$oken about this sub0ect fro! the view$oint of its originality3 characteristics and other $oints3 which we believe. <es3 to the! there e7ists controversies and (uncertainties) i!$robabilities which one generation usually inherits fro! the $revious one and they s$eak about the! and !ention the! in their books or writings with differences only in wordings but si!ilar in !eaning. Thereafter one in-uired> :2an you write an article with regard to this !atter and restrain yourself in your writing to only those traditions which have also a$$eared in their references and then !ention those difficulties and i!$robabilities (which they are disturbed with) and then give its re$ly?; 1 re$lied> :4ntering into such kind of affair will cause the lines of friendshi$ to tear a$art and 1 do not wish such a s$lit to ha$$en es$ecially at $resent when we are in need of unity a!ong the Musli!s.; Then one of the! said> :&iscussions in !atters $ertaining to knowledge will not bring any har! if such a discussion $roceeds through observing the rules of debate and if ones words do not go beyond the boundaries of courtesy and !orals. 1n fact no one has any right to s$eak harshly or rebuke the others.

1ndeed3 !an is free in his views and doctrines and it is his right to stand by the!. "owever we see in this res$ect that so!e have har!ed others through their words and hence should bear the res$onsibility.; Thereafter 1 re$lied> :1 acce$t your reasoning and shall enter this field by de$ending on the Strength and #ower of Allah and by observing the custo!ary eti-uettes. 1ndeed Allah guides to the right $ath who!ever "e whishes. ro! a!ong the books written by our Sunni brothers in this res$ect which will be !ade use only a few in !y $ossession. 1 e7a!ined all of one after the other and how in-uiringly 1 !y taskA 1n !ost of the!3 the traditions have not been !entioned in the s$ecific 1 collected a sufficient nu!ber of the to serve our ob0ective and arranged the! under s$ecific to$ics. 1 wrote every tradition under the s$ecific to$ics3 which were related to the! and with regard to those traditions3 which co!$rise of !any $oints3 1 have brought each one of those $oints under the sa!e related to$ics and then !entioned the severance of the traditions. Bet it not re!ain unsaid that 1 have narrated the afore, !entioned traditions fro! the very books which 1 had (those traditions) in !y $ossession and with regard to those $articular books which were not in !y $ossession3 1 have narrated the! by relying on their res$ective honorable scholars. urther!ore3 in narrating the traditions3 1 have confined !yself only to those books3 which have been $rinted in Sunni $rinting houses. Moreover 1 have avoided narrating fro! those books which have been $rinted in 1ran such as 'AB, +A<A5, 1,A)"+A.,SA"4+,4,6AMA53 'AB,(S99B, AB,M("1MM4, 1,MA.1 AT,(B,A1MMA and

'TA6)4.AT,(B,(MMA", 1,A"%AAB,A1MMA , e7ce$t for so!e $oints e7tracted fro! the book of 'TA6)4.AT,(B,A1MMA. Si!ilarly 1 have refrained !yself fro! narrating traditions fro! our own great scholars and fro! what has been de$osited in our own books and writings for the si!$le reason that $erha$s it !ay beco!e a cause of sus$icion (i.e. they !ight think that the -uoted tradition is false and fabricated). "owever 1 have used so!e references fro! the book 'AB,&(.A.,AB,M(S(%1A, 1,S"A.,AB,*A4&, AB,8A A.1A written by our Master Ayatullah Abi Muha!!ad Sayyid "assan,al,Sadr )a/e!i who has a great right and to who! we owe a lot. 1 have used his references not with the intention of reasoning and argu!entation but only as a !eans of su$$orting the sub0ect at hand. 1 bear witness to God that 1 have treated these traditions and the sayings of the $ast $rior $eo$le fro! the view,$oint of 0ustice only and avoided the $ath of in0ustice and deviation. 1 dee!ed it necessary u$on !yself to confor! !y belief to reason and not ada$t reason to whatever 1 believe. Anyone who reads and e7a!ines the contents of this book shall agree to what 1 have said. 1ndeed3 it is incu!bent u$on everyone3 $articularly in religious !atters3 to release oneself fro! following the track set by others and fro! delusions or assu!$tions. 9ne should be on guard against $re0udice and bigotry and only the truth should be ke$t in !ind. %hat is advisable is the truth and if anyone finds it at any $lace3 it shall e!brace hi!. A 2lan'in& 3ie" A researcher who does research in the books of great scholars in !atters such as '(sul,e,&in (funda!entals of

religion) or ' uru,e,&in (subsidiaries of religion)3 $articularly the books of our Sunni brethrens will find less an issue like Mahdaviyat which has been discussed fro! all as$ects,creditability3 reliability and innu!erableness of its narrators who are the leading authorities in traditions irres$ective of their differences in status and standards. 1ndeed3 there are !any to$ics3 which are a !atter of consensus and rather unani!ously acce$ted by both sects whether in '(sul (funda!entals) or ' uru (subsidaries). A!ong the! the !ost widely written to$ic by Ahl,e,Sunnat is the to$ic of 'MA"&1. 1t is sur$rising to note that they have discussed and s$oken about the !atter of 'Mahdaviyat for days and nights. 1ndeed3 as $er their own research they have narrated traditions about 'MA"&1 fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) hi!self3 so!e fro! his noble co!$anions and so!e fro! his wives with the differences in the length of the traditions. They have taken out lengthy and brief traditions concerning 'MA"&1 fro! their leading traditionists such as +ukhari3 Musli!3 5esaee3 Abu &awoud and 1bn,Maa0a. And a!ong the e7$erts of traditions we !ay !ention such na!es as 1!a! Ah!ad,ibn,"anbal3 Abul *asi! Tabarani3 Abu 5aee! 4sfahani3 "a!aad,ibn,<a-ub .au0ani and "ake!3 the author of 'Mustadrak. Si!ilarly na!es such as Gan0i3 Sebt,ibn,8au/i3 )haura/!i3 1bn "a0ar3 Mulla Ali Mutta-i3 the author of ')an/ul,(!!al3 Shablan0i and *undu/i too cannot be overlooked. So!e of their books in this regard are> 'Mana-ib al, Mahdi3 ' ourty traditions fro! Abu 5aee! 4sfahani3 '+ayan, i,Akhbar,Saheb,u/,6a!an fro! Abi Abdulla Gan0i3 'Al,+urhan, i!a,8aa, i,Saheb,u/,6a!an fro!

Mulla Ali Mutta-i the author of )an/ul,(!!al3 'Akhbar,al, Mahdi fro! "a!aad,ibn,<a-ub .au0ani 'Arf,ul,%ardi, i, Akhbar Mahdi and 'Ala!aat al,Mahdi both fro! 8alaluddin Suyuti and the book of 'Al,*aul,ul,Mukhtasar, i,Ala!aat Mahdi Munta/ar fro! 1bn,"a0ar,As-alani. 1ndeed traditions fro! the "oly #ro$het about 'Mahdi,e, Munta/ar and the *ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) which have been narrated through the Sunni sources are nu!erous in nu!ber. .ather they are 'Mutawatir (authentic) regarding their own state!ents. Such says 1bn "a0r on #age CC of 'SA%A4* 'Abul "ussein Abri says that the traditions which have co!e fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) about the advent of 'MA"&1 and the fact that he is fro! Ahl,ul,+ait have co!e fro! successive trans!itters. Shablan0i3 on #age DE@ of :5ur,ul,Absar; says> :The tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) stating that Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny and shall fill the earth with 8ustice has co!e fro! successive trans!itters.; 1n the second volu!e of : utouhat,e,1sla!iah; on #age 5o.EDD3 6aini &ehlaan says> :The traditions which s$eak about the advent of Mahdi are !any in nu!ber and are 'Mutawatir (authentic). A!ong the! there !ay be traditions which are 'Sahih (correct)3 '"assan (favorable) or '6aeef (weak). "owever considering the nu!erousness of such ('Sahih) traditions and the !ulti$licity of its narrators3 one cannot but acce$t the! to be authentic. 1n the second volu!e of the sa!e $age he !entions that Alla!a Sayyid Muha!!ad,ibn,.asul,+ar/an0i has s$ecified in the end of his book :Ashshat, i,Ashraat,e,Saah;3 that traditions about MA"&1 are 'Mutawatir (authentic). "e also says> 'The fact that the !atter of 'Mahdaviyat is decisive

and that he shall be fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah (A.S.) and he shall fill the earth with 0ustice are all authentic.D %hat we have said has been a $art of s$ecification of such scholars about the authenticity and reliability of the traditions concerning MA"&13 the Awaited one. 9n this basis3 as $er the fi7ed $rinci$les in traditions3 there re!ains no roo! for any doubt3 leave aside denying the!. 1f we do away with those s$ecifications and testi!onies and e7a!ine the traditions of this cha$ter fro! the view,$oint of the chain of trans!ission and significance3 we can divide the! into three $arts> , irst #art> Those traditions whose chain of trans!ission and e7$ression are evident and are devoid of any doubt. Moreover3 as $er the research undertaken by leaders of Ahl, e,Sunnah and their leading authorities (in traditions) they have confessed in the authenticity and reliability of such traditions. "ake! in his 'Mustadrak has acknowledged the authenticity of so!e of the!3 based on the views of +ukhari and Musli!E and there is no doubt in the necessity of acce$ting such traditions and acting u$on the!. Second #art> Those traditions where their chain of trans!ission are incorrect and their falsity evident and !oreover the fi7ed $rinci$les (of traditions) also necessitates us to acce$t the! because on the one hand they are as strong as the first $art and3 on the other hand3 acce$ting the! a$$ears to be !ore co!!on and general. .ather its contents have been verified by co!!on consensus. Third #art> Those traditions which include both as$ects, correctness as well as weakness. "owever3 due to its inco!$atibility with all the other authentic traditions3 they need to be re0ected and not taken into account. 1n other words3 if it is not $ossible to esoterically inter$ret the! so

that they co!e in agree!ent with all other traditions3 like the ones which e7$ress the na!e of Mahdi to be Ah!ad or his fathers na!e to be the sa!e as the na!e of the "oly #ro$hets father or that he will be fro! the $rogeny of Abu Muha!!ad "assan 6aki and not Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari3 are all to be re0ected. Moreover3 as far as research shows3 such traditions are few in nu!ber and what is generally known is that they have been turned aside. 1t is $ossible to say that the first $oint (i.e. Mahdis na!e) !ay have s$rung due to the traditions s$ecifying that the na!e of Mahdi is the sa!e as the "oly #ro$hets na!e. Then it was thought that by the "oly #ro$hets na!e is !eant Ah!adF although what we derive fro! the diffused traditions is Muha!!ad. Si!ilarly it is believed that the second and third $oints too have been forged and shortly you shall co!e to know of its details and facts. The $oint3 which we are co!$elled to !ention in this regard is that a few traditions of the first and second $arts (a$$arently one or two traditions) co!$rises such contents that it necessitates their re0ection and history as well as e7a!ination of such traditions will testify to their falseness. The fi7ed $rinci$les in the code of funda!entals sti$ulates that whenever a tradition includes so!e sentences where each one $ossesses inde$endence or conveys its own !eaning and the general consensus re0ects a $art of the!3 the very sentence has to be discounted and the rest of the tradition is to be ke$t. Although aa/el arid Va0di Afandi3 the author of '&aeratul,Maaref (a Sunni scholar) has re$udiated this $rinci$le and considers it incu!bent to cast away the full tradition3 we3 too3 shall agree with hi! (although our o$inion differs) and disregard such traditions. The re!aining traditions will be sufficient enough to $rove our $oint.

Cha ter !ne

The Holy 3erses o- 4uran about Mahdi 5ro heti' Traditions about Mahdi Ser+ons o- Ali (A.S.) about Mahdi S e'i-i'ations o- S'holars ,e&ardin& Mahdi 5oe+s and !des about Mahdi The Holy 3erses 5ah0ul +alagha> %ise Sayings of Ali (A.S.) , 5o DGH> :The world would bend towards us after having been refractory 0ust as the biting she,ca!el bends towards its young.; A !eta$horic re!ark that 0ust as during the ti!e of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) the a$$arent and esoteric 'Vilayat (Mastershi$) were both found in his household3 in the sa!e way and at the ti!e of the rea$$earance of "a/rat Mahdi (A.S.)3 the a$$arent Govern!ent and esoteric 'Vilayat will be !ade ready for that leader). Thereafter3 he recited this verse> (=) (And %e desired to bestow a favor u$on those who were dee!ed weak in the land3 and to !ake the! the 1!a!s3 and to !ake the! the heirs.) 1bne Abil "adeed Mota/ali in his co!!entary on 5ah0ul, +alagha says on #age EDC Vol. I as such> :9ur co!$anions !ention that is this verse3 Allah has $ro!ised the 1!a! and leader that he would have $ossession of the land and gain

control over all the nations. 1n the seventh cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar;3 Abu Abdulla 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad narrates as such> :1!a! Abu 1shaa- Salbi in 'tafseer (inter$retation) of the &ivine saying of ((=),"a!aasa-) has -uoted 1bn,Abbass as saying> ((=),theh) refers to the battle between 9uraish and the slaves in which the 9uraish would be the victorsF ((=),the '!) refers to the kingdo! and Govern!ent of +ani, (!ayyahF ((=),the 'aa) is the sign of e7altation and honor of +ani,AbbassF ((=),the 's) refers to the age of Mahdi and ((=), the '-) is a sy!bolic sign of the coining of 1sa at the ti!e of 4!ergence of Mahdi. The author says that so!e have inter$reted (=) as the brightness of Mahdi and (=) as the $ower of 1sa,ibn,Marya!. (i.e. 8esus 2hrist) 1bn "a0ar in his Sawae- (#age @J) inter$rets the &ivine saying (=) as such> :A!ong the e7egetists3 Ma-atel,ibn,Sulai!an and his followers have said that this verse has been revealed in favor of Mahdi. 4saaf,ur .aghebeen too has written the sa!e on #age @HJ.I The author of '5ur,ul,Absar on #age DDK has narrated fro! Abu Abdullah Gan0i as such> :About the inter$retation of Allahs words (=) Sayyid,ibn,8ubair says> :1t refers to Mahdi fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah , the one who3 by decree of this verse shall do!inate over all other religions.; 1n :<anabi,ul,Mawadda; #age IIE it is narrated fro! Mana-ib,)hawra/!i fro! 8abir,ibn,Abdulla Ansari a lengthy incident wherein a 8ew a$$roaches the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and asks hi! various -uestions which results in his converting to 1sla!. 9ne of the -uestions which the

convert had asked was about the successors to the "oly #ro$het hi!self and the #ro$hets re$ly that they were twelve in nu!ber. "e counted each one of the! by na!e until he got to the na!e of 1!a! Muha!!ad "assan Askari. Thereafter he said> :After hi! shall co!e his son Muha!!ad who will be known as Mahdi3 *ae! and "u00at.H Then he will disa$$ear te!$orarily3 rea$$ear again and when he does so he shall fill the earth with e-uity and 0ustice. Since by then the earth would have been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. +lessed are those who are $atient during the $eriod of his occultation and blessed are those who are steadfast in. their love towards hi!. They are those who! Allah has $raised in "is +ook with such words, (=) L*uran is a guide to those who guard (against evil)3 those who believe in the unseen i.e. Mahdi and his occultation.M Also3 Allah says> , (=) LThey are those who belong to the #arty of AllahF )now that the #arty of Allah are the victorious ones.M (Tradition ends) 1n the afore,said hook3 on #age IIK he -uote> fro! the book of : araed,us,Se!tain; a tradition which "assan,ibn, )halid has narrated fro! Abu "assan Ali,ibn,Musa .e/a (A.S.) about Mahdi where he !entions that he would be the fourth fro! his descendants and that when he rea$$ears3 the earth would be engulfed with the &ivine Bight. Thereafter 1!a! continued as such> "e is the one whose rea$$earance shall coincide with the call of a caller fro! the sky such that all the inhabitant> of the land shall hear this cry> , :)now that the "u00at (#roof) of Allah has a$$eared near the "ouse of Allah. So follow hi! since the truth is in hi! and with hi!.

The word of Allah too refers to the sa!e. (=) L1f %e $lease3 %e should send down u$on the! a fro! the heavens so that their neck> should stoo$ to it.M 5aishabouri in his :Tafseer; (Vol. @.) in inter$reting the verse of (=) says> So!e of the Shias believe that (=) (i.e. unseen) in this verse refers to Mahdi3 the Awaited oneF the one who Allah has $ro!ised about hi! in "is +ook as such> (=) LAllah has $ro!ised to those of you who believe and do good that "e will !ost certainly !ake the! rulers in the earth.M Moreover3 about hi! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) has said the following> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God Al!ighty will set the day so long3 until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine3 shall a$$ear and fill the earth with 8ustice o$$osite the e7t @ent it had been filled with in0ustice and o$$ression.J 5aishabouri further says that according to the Ahl,e, Sunnat3 the afore,said verse gives indication to the 1!a!ate of :)hulafa,e,.ashedin; (rightly,guided 2ali$hs) because the word of ((=) Menko!) in the holy verse indicates '$art (of) and it is necessary for this '$art (of) to be $resent at the ti!e of addressing. Also3 it is well , known that those four cali$hs (Abu +akr3 9!ar3 9s!an and Ali) were !en of faith and virtue and at that ti!e were $resent. 2onse-uently the !atter of 2ali$hate and victory was certain for the!. Therefore it beco!es necessary to say that this verse refers to the!. Thereafter he says> A grou$ has gone against the! arguing why it is not $er!issible to say that the word of (=) denotes

e7$osition. They consider succession over the earth to !ean $ossession and do!ination over it 0ust as it was so in the case of +ani,1srail. Again he says> Bets acce$t that the ter! (=) denotes the !eaning of '$art but on what basis is it not $er!issible to consider that '$art is to denote the cali$hate of Ali and say that (=) has been used here in its $lural for! 0ust to show the honor and great $osition of Ali or as a reference to "a/rat and his eleven offs$rings after hi!.N #ro+ The Sayin&s o- the Holy 5ro het Abu &awoud in his 'Sahih on #age KN3 Vol. I narrated fro! Abdulla a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as follows> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God Al!ighty will set the day so long until "e a$$oints a $erson fro! !y $rogeny.; Thereafter he says,Si!ilarly it has co!e in "adith Sufyan that the "oly #ro$het has said> :The life of this world shall not end until an Arab fro! !y $rogeny will rule over the world.;K The sa!e book on the afore,said $age and volu!e !entions a tradition fro! All (A.S.) who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as follows> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 surely God shall a$$oint a $erson fro! !y $rogeny.; Tir!idhi in Vol. D of his 'Sahih on #age DNG narrates a tradition fro! Abdullah who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) that he said> :The life of this world shall not cease to e7ist until an Arab fro! !y $rogeny shall co!e and rule.; Tir!idhi says> This tradition is (=) (acce$table) and (=) (correct) and the sa!e has also been narrated fro! Ali3 Abu

Saeed3 (!!,Sal!a and Abu "uraira. Also3 in the afore,said book on the sa!e $age of the sa!e volu!e3 a tradition has been narrated by Abu "urair fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as follows> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God Al!ighty will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall co!e and rule.; Then he says> This 'hadith is (=) (acce$table) and (=) (correct).C 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; on #age CN says> Abu Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud3 Tir!idhi and 1bn Maa0a have narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (SA.%.A.) as saying> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 surely God shall a$$oint on that day a $erson fro! !y $rogeny.; 4saaf,ur,.aghebeen too has narrated the sa!e on #age 5o. @IN.@G 1bn "a0r in the afore,!entioned book on #age CN writes> Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi narrate fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) as such> , :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 surely God will set that day so long until "e !akes a $erson a$$ear fro! !y $rogeny.; 4saaf,ur,.aghebben too has narrated the sa!e on #age @IK. 1bn "a0r3 in the afore,!entioned book on #age CN says> Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi have narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) as such> , :The life of this world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall co!e and rule.; 4saaf,ur,.aghebben too has narrated the sa!e on #age @IK. 1bn "a0ar in 'Sawae- (#age CN) writes> Abu &awoud and

Tir!idhi have narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will set the day so long3 until "e a$$oints a $erson fro! !y $rogeny.; 4saaf,ur,.aghebeen too has narrated the sa!e on #age @IK.@@ 1n '5ur,ul,Absar #age DDC a tradition has been narrated fro! Ali (A.S.) who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%A.) as such> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 surely God will !ake a $erson fro! !y $rogeny to a$$ear; (on that day). Then the author continues> :This hadith has also been narrated by Abu &awoud in his 'Sunan. 1n the sa!e book on #age DE@3 it is narrated fro! Abu "uraira who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) that> :*iya!at shall not be established until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny co!es and rules.@D 9n #age @H@ of 4saaf,ur,.aghebben it is !entioned that Ah!ad and Mawardi have narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> :Glad,tidings to you (all) about Mahdi.; The sa!e has co!e in '5ur,ul,Absar #g. @H@. Author of '5ur,ul,Absar writes on #age DEG as such> Ah!ad narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> :1 give you glad,tidings about Mahdi.; 1n :<anabi,ul,Mawadda; (#age IED) it is narrated fro! *etaada who said> :'1 asked Saeed,ibn,Maseeb> :1s there any truth in Mahdi?; "e re$lied3 '<es3 he is the truth and he is fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah.;@E 1n the sa!e book3 on the afore,said $age it is narrated

fro! Ali (A.S.) who has narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) that> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 indeed God shall !ake a $erson fro! !y $rogeny to a$$ear.; Thereafter he writes> :This hadith has also been narrated by Abu &awoud3 Ah!ad3 Tir!idhi and 1bn,Maa0a.; Also3 in the sa!e book on #age IED3 a tradition is narrated fro! 'Musnad of Ah!ad who has narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , :*iya!at shall not be established until the earth is filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Then a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall a$$ear and fill it with e-uity and 8ustice.;@I Again3 in the afore,!entioned book on #age IIG he writes> Mufe-,ibn,Ah!ad Akhtab narrates a ser!on of )hawara/! who takes reference fro! Abdur,.ah!an,ibn, Abi Baili who narrates fro! his father who said> , :1n the battle of )haibar3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) handed over the banner to Ali (A.S.). Then Allah ordained victory by his hands. Bater3 at Ghadir,e,)hu! he re!inded the $eo$le that Ali was the 'Maula (Master) of all believing !en and wo!en and continued until he e7$ressed few sentences about the virtues of Ali3 ate!ah3 "assan and "ussein.; Thereafter he said> :Gabriel has infor!ed !e that after !y de$arture they shall be sub0ect to in0ustice and o$$ression and this o$$ression shall continue until a !ove!ent is brought about by their :*ae!; and at that ti!e their creed will be raised high3 $eo$le shall turn towards their friendshi$3 ill,s$eaking towards the! shall di!inish3 those having un$leasantness for the! shall be degraded and those eulogi/ing the! shall increase. Such kind of events will occur when cities shall collide with each other and $eo$le beco!e weak and hel$less of res$ite. At that ti!e shall a$$ear the (*ae!) (Mahdi)

fro! !y $rogeny and God will !anifest the truth through hi! and e7tinguish the falsehood by his sword.; Thereafter he said> '9 $eo$le3 glad,tidings to you of relief and res$ite. Surely the $ro!ise of Allah is true and "e never breaks it and "is decree never gets refuted. "e is All , Aware and All, seeing and the victory of Allah is near.@H 1n the sa!e book on #age IIN he narrates fro! the book of : araed,us,Se!tain; fro! Shaikh Abu 1shaa- 1brahi!, ibn,<a-ub who narrates fro! 8abir,ibn,Abdulla Ansari that the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A) has said> , :The one who denies the e!ergence of Mahdi has surely disbelied to whatever God has revealed u$on Muha!!ad and the one who denies the co!ing of 1sa (8esus) has surely beco!e a disbeliever and the one who denies the revolt of &a00al has surely beco!e a disbeliever.;@J #ro+ The Sayin&s o- Ali (A.S.) 5ah0ul,+alagha , Ser!on 5o.C@ , State!ents of Ali (AS.) about Mahdi (AS.). 1t is a $art of the Ser!on which he delivered with regards to +ani,(!!ayid and their !ischief towards the $eo$le until he reached to the $oint where he said> :Thereafter3 Allah shall un$leasantly widen difficulties and other occurrences u$on you and (only) when the skin is cut off and the flesh is $eeled off3 the cala!ities will be obviated.; Then he continued> 'Allah shall bring this freedo! and salvation through a $erson whose behaviour with that tribe will be harsh and severe and he shall !ake the! suffer and he will -uench the! with bitter cu$s (of hardshi$s) and not e7tend the! anything but sword.@N Muta/ali on e7egetist3 in the second volu!e of his book (#age @NK)3 under the afore,!entioned Ser!on says> 'This Ser!on has been co!!e!orated by a grou$ of historians and

it is co!!on3 recounted and reached the level of ((=) ,4stefa/e) (su$erabundance). After the battle of 5ahrawan Ali (A.S.) s$oke in such words> 5o one e7ce$t !e had the courage to re!ain steadfast and withstand those seditions and turbulence. (#erha$s steadfastness at that ti!e is referred to the )hawari0 because3 when the co!$anions of Muawiya by the tricks of A!r,Aas fi7ed the *uran on to$ of s$ears and by this way wanted to save the!selves fro! the blow of "a/rats sword3 the soldiers of Ali (A.S.) by witnessing such scene hesitated in obeying his co!!ands and in fact o$$osed hi! stating> %e should not dare draw our sword on these $eo$le. 9r $erha$s it refers to the battle against the $eo$le of 8a!al where those $artici$ating in it were such $ersonalities like Ayesha3 Thalha and 6ubair who were en0oying estee!ed status and $osition in the eyes of the Musli!s. or this reason they did not have the courage to fight the! e7ce$t Ali (A.S.) who fought and defeated the!.) Then 1bn,Abil "adeed says> A state!ent which .a/i has not !entioned is an address which he delivered about +ani, (!!ayid3 the contents of which are as follows> , :Then surely Allah will liberate the $eo$le by the hands of a $erson fro! our chaste fa!ily. May !y father be sacrificed for hi!3 whose !other is the best a!ongst the ladies of #aradise.; Thereafter he confesses to this $oint that Ali (A.S.) in this state!ent is referring to Mahdi3 the Awaited one. 5ah0ul,+alagha , Ser!on 5o.@IK , A!ongst the state!ents which "a/rat has s$oken about the news of the unseen is the following sentence> , :9 $eo$le3 this is the ti!e for the occurrence of every $ro!ised event and the a$$roach of things which you do not know. )now that whoever fro! a!ong us (Ahle +ait , the fa!ily of the "oly

#ro$het) in the future will continue in our way with a burning la!$ and will tread on the footste$s of the virtuous3 in order to unfasten knots3 to free slaves and to unite the divided. "e would be in conceal!ent fro! the $eo$le such that a track, finder would not find his foot$rints even though he !ay $ursue hi!.; Muta/ali in the second volu!e of his book on #age IEJ under this Ser!on says> :"a/rat here is referring to Mahdi3 the Awaited one and his conceal!ent.; 5ah0ul,+alagha , Ser!on 5o.@KG> A!ongst the ser!ons which Ali (A.S.) $ointed out to the $eo$le of )ufa is the following ser!on> , "owever3 before narrating the ser!on it is good to !ention that 5ufil +ukali relates that Ali (A.S.) delivered this ser!on standing on a stone which 8oda,ibn, "ubaira Mukh/u!i had erected for hi!. Ali (A.S.) had a woolen a$$arel on his body3 the belt of his sword was !ade of leaves and the sandals on his feet too were of $al! leaves. "is forehead had a hardened s$ot like the knees of a ca!el. "e s$oke as such> , :"e would be wearing the ar!or of wisdo!3 which he would have secured with all its conditions3 such as full attention towards it3 its (co!$lete knowledge and e7clusive devotion to it. or hi! it is like a thing3 which he had lost and which he was now seeking3 or his need3 which he was trying to !eet. 1f 1sla! is in trouble he would feel forlorn like a traveler and like a (tired) ca!el beating the end of its tail and flattening its neck on the ground. "e is the last of Allahs $leas and one of the vicegerents of "is #ro$hets.; 1bn,Abil "adeed who has written a co!!entary on 5ah0ul,+alagha writes on #age HEH of his second volu!e as such> :4ach grou$ has inter$reted these sayings according to

their own e7$edient beliefs and the twelve 1!a!iah Shiites reckon that the $erson who has been referred in "a/rats s$eech is none other than Mahdi.; Thereafter he writes> :As 1 see it3 it does not a$$ear difficult to believe that reference over here has been !ade to 'AB,*A4M fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A).; The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda on $age IJ narrates fro! the book '&urrul,Muna//a! as such> A!ongst the sayings of A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen (A.S.) about Mahdi andOor *ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad is the following ser!on> , :The standard,bearer of Muha!!adi and the ruler of Govern!ent of Ah!adi shall be !anifested. "e is so!eone who will revolt with his sword3 straighten the crooked3 con-uer the earth and revive the forsaken as$ects of religious obligations and Sunnah.; The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda on #age IJN writes> So!e of the !en of intuition and vision have narrated fro! A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen as having said> :Soon God shall bring forth a grou$ who! "e Boves and they too are "is lovers and the one who is like a stranger a!ongst the! shall take over the Govern!ent. Verily3 he shall be the 'MA"&1F his face rosy and hair golden in color. "e will fill the earth with 0ustice without any difficulty. 1n his very childhood3 he shall get se$arated fro! his !other and father and fro! the view$oint of training he shall be rare and !atchless. "e shall rule over the Musli! countries with ut!ost cal! and security and ti!e shall be favorable and friendly towards hi!. "is words will be acce$tedF the young and old shall hu!bly obey hi!. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression. Then3 at that !o!ent his 1!a!at shall reach its $erfection and Viceregency will be established for

hi!. Moreover3 Allah will !ake the dead to rise fro! their graves and return the! back to this world. Then3 like $eo$le who get u$ fro! their !orning slee$3 they shall see nothing but their own houses. The land will flourish and by blessing of his (i.e. Mahdis) e7istence3 it shall beco!e fresh and fruitful. Seditions and disturbances shall vanish and blessings and welfare will increase !anifold.@K #ro+ The Sayin&s o- S'holars Moiddin Arabi3 in the Erd volu!e of his : utuhaat Makkia; (2ha$ter 5o. EJJ) says> :2ertainly Allah $ossesses a Vicegerent who shall a$$ear when the earth will be filled with cruelty and o$$ression and then he shall fill it with e-uity and 8ustice. 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 Allah will set the day so long until this Vicegerent fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and offs$ring of ate!ah (A.S.) a$$ears.; Author of :4-dud,&urar; in the $reface of the afore,said book3 after re$roaching about the situation at that ti!e and the e7cessiveness in seditions and disturbances says> So!e reckon that these circu!stances will always continue whereas such kind of $eo$le have followed the su$erficial or e7ternal as$ect of (only) so!e of the traditions. Then 1 said ,These traditions are worthy of our acce$tance and we ire bound to acce$t and follow the!. "owever3 there is nothing in these traditions which give indication to he continuity of those circu!stances until the &ay of *iya!at (the Bast &ay). 1t see!s that the obviation of seditions and a$$earance of co!forts will occur at the ti!e when 1!a! Mahdi shall !anifest hi!self because3 !any traditions which the '(le!as and scholars have brought in their books have given3 glad,tidings of his !anifestation and the fact that God

hall a$$oint a $erson who will be $rovided for his kingdo!3 such !eans which could shake the !ountains and his kingdo! will s$read far and wide. So he shall rule the entire earth and fill it with e-uity and 8ustice. At that ti!e will be revealed the hidden treasures and when the $owerful a$$ear3 he hall $resent the! to the $eo$le... Author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age I@G writes> Shaikh )a!aluddin,ibn,Thalha in his book :&urrul, Muna//a!; says as such> 'As $er research3 there is for Allah a Vicegerent who shall a$$ear at the end of ti!e when the earth will beco!e filled with cruelty and o$$ression and indeed he shall fill it with e-uity and 8ustice. 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 "e shall !ake this Vicegerent to a$$ear fro! the offs$ring of ate!ah 6ahra. Men of dis$osition shall recogni/e hi! by his $rotracted nose3 black eyelashes and a s$ot on his right cheek. "is na!e shall be Muha!!adF his height above !ediu!3 his face handso!e and his hair beautiful in a$$earance. Through hi!3 Allah shall soon destroy the innovations (in religion)3 !ake u$right every living thing and satiate his soldiers fro! the land of 4den. The !ost $ros$erous before hi! will be the $eo$le of )ufa. "e shall distribute the booties e-ually and deal with $eo$le righteously and during his ti!e altercations shall vanish. The clouds shall not allow but rains to descend and the land e7ce$t to flourish. This 1!a! is the sa!e Mahdi3 the ($holder of the 2o!!ands of Allah to such e7tent that he will banish all the false religions. Then there shall re!ain no religion but the $ure one(s)... Author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on #age IED has narrated fro! Sharif Ma!a Sa!houdi fro! his book

:8awahar,ul,5agdin; the following> 'As $er research3 blessing of the "oly #ro$hets $rayers at the ti!e of Alis !arriage with ate!ah has been !anifested in the offs$ring of "assan and "ussein because3 fro! their generation were those who have $assed away and are those who shall co!e (in future). And if nobody co!es in the future e7ce$t 1!a! Mahdi it will be sufficient (i.e. for fulfill!ent of the $ro!ises and bringing into order the chaotic conditions). 1bn Athir 8a/ari in his book :5ehaya; while e7$laining the word :(=), 8ala; writes> :About the -ualities of Mahdi it has been said that he is :(=) A0lal,8ibha; and that is the delicate hair between the eyes and ears fro! above and he will be the one who shall $ut u$ his hair fro! his face.; Also3 in e7$laining the word of :(=),"uda;3 he says> Mahdi is the one who has been guided by Allah towards the truth. This -uality has been utili/ed in na!es to such e7tent that it has beco!e like the na!es which out of $revalence3 have found no!inal !eaning and for this reason has been na!ed as Mahdi3 the one who! the "oly #ro$het has given glad,tidings about his co!ing at the end of ti!e.@C 1n the second volu!e of otouhat,e,1sla!iah3 on $age EDD the author after s$ecifying this $oint that traditions about Mahdi are to such e7tent that takes one to the level of certitude3 says> :%hat is sure in this regard is that his !anifestation is certain. Surely3 he shall be fro! the offs$ring of ate!ah and he will fill the earth with 8ustice.; Thereafter he says> Sayyid Muha!!ad,ibn,.asul +ar/an0i has referred to this very !atter in his book :Al,Ashaah;. 1bn,Abil "adeed in his co!!entary of 5ah0ul,+alagha in the second volu!e on #age HEH3 while !entioning so!e of "a/rats s$eeches (which was $reviously narrated and we

hinted in the! the sub0ect of Mahdi) he says> As $er research3 all the Musli! sects are unani!ous in their o$inion that the world and obligation shall not end but after the advent of Mahdi who shah co!e at the end of ti!e. 5oetry and 5rose About Mahdi The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda3 on $age IEK has attributed a $oe! to A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali (A.S.) where "a/rat says (to 1!a! "ussein)> :9 "usseinA %hen you shall find yourself alien in so!e $lace3 associate yourself with its habit and custo!A As if 1 see !y soul and !y children in )arbala and its battle scene. 9ur beards will be dyed with blood 0ust as the dress of a bride gets dyed. 1 see that cala!ity but not with !y naked eye. The key of its worth has been given to !e. May Allah grant a good given to !e. May Allah grant a good reward to our '*ae! who is the ($holder 8ustice.; :9 "usseinA *ae! shall seek revenge for !y blood. .ather he shall seek revenge for your blood too. So be $atient u$on your hardshi$ and sufferingA; 9n $age IEC of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! Ali,ibn, Abi Talib (A.S.) the following $oe!> :May Allah shower this Mercy and divine Grace u$on that valiant 1!a! who shall !ake the ar!y divisions of the $olytheists ob0ect with his victorious sword. "e shall !anifest this religion on every $art of land and will disgrace the $olytheist o$$ressors. 1 have not s$oken these words out of $ride and vaunt. .ather it has been given to !e by the chosen one of Al,e,"ashi! (i.e. "oly #ro$het).; Again3 in the sa!e book3 on $age IHI he narrates the fa!ous ode fro! &ebel )hu/aee who recited it before 1!a! .e/a (A.S.). "e -uotes &ebal as saying> 1 recited !y

ode till 1 ca!e u$on this $art> :The e!ergence of the 1!a! who shall rise in the na!e of Allah and "is blessings is inevitable. "e shall distinguish the truth and falsehood for us and reward the virtuous and $unish the evil.; 1!a! .e/a (A.S.) shed tears and then said> '9 &ebel3 the Trusted S$irit has s$oken through your tongue... 1n Vol. E3 2ha$ter EJJ of 'Al, otouliat,ul PMakkiyah we see the following $oe!> ')now that the last of the Saints shall be !artyred and the light of universe shall beco!e e7tinguished. "e is the Mahdi3 Al,e,Muha!!ad. "e is like the "indi sword3 a destroyer. "e is the suns rays which brightens every cloud and the darkness. "e is the first dro$ of rain3 which bestows !unificence and bounty. The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda narrates on $age I@J a $oe! fro! the book '&urrul,Maknun of Moyiddin Arabi. 1t is as follows> :%hen ti!e shall !ove ahead by !eans of the letters of '+is!illah3 Mahdi shall e!erge. After kee$ing fast3 he shall e!erge fro! the )aaba. Send greetings to hi! on !y behalf.; The author of '4-dua,&urar3 in Section I3 writes> '%e and this cha$ter by a few lines of the valuable ode said by Alla!a Adab Abdullah,ibn,+ashar wherein he has !entioned about Al,e,Muha!!ad and the killing of '5afs, 6akkiyah> 9n the occasion of killing of '5afs,6akkiyah there are true signs for the one who re!e!bers it. Another '5afs which is at work and who shall be killed near )aaba3 will e!erge and invite (the $eo$le) towards 1!a! and he shall infor! that at sun,rise when a $art of the day has $assed3 a fire shall be kindled in )ufa along with a flow of blood. 2onse-uently )ufa shall burn. The $eo$le of Syria shall

dis$atch towards '+aidah an ar!y against the! and they shall be swallowed in the land. "orse!en with valiant !en (like the wind3 which !oves dust and s!og) shall !ove forward. Shoaib,ibn,saleh who is the herald and vanguard shall take the! towards a Sayyid who shall e!erge fro! a!ongst Al,e,"ashi! , that sayyid who on the right of his face i.e. between eyes and ears e7ists s$ot. Also3 in the $reface of the sa!e book its author has brought a $oe! in $raise of Mahdi but has not !entioned whether the $oe! belongs to hi!self or so!eone else. The $oe! is as follows> :1t is by blessings of Mahdi that the goodness of religions shall be $ut in order. 1t is by blessings of Mahdi that degradation of religions shall be $ut to an end. 1t is through his hel$ that the deserts too will beco!e void (of cruelty and o$$ression). 1t is through Mahdis goodness that the darkness of cruelty and o$$ression shall be obviated. Greetings and salutations of Allah be u$on Mahdi on each day.; The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda on $age IJJ writes> This $oe! is fro! Shaikh Abdul,)ari! <a!ani> , :1ts $eo$le are living in $ros$erity and tran-uility and you shall see the light of guidance who is fro! the $rogeny of '"aider and Ahl al,+ayt a$$ears by !eans of (=) "e shall be called as 'Mahdi and will e!erge for the truth. irst and fore!ost3 he shall give co!!ands based on the 'Sunnah of the best creature .e. "a/rat Muha!!ad (S.A.%A.). 1n the sa!e book3 on $age IJ@ he narrates the following $oe! fro! Shaikh Abdul,.ah!an +astha!i3 author of '&urrat,ul,Maaref> The e!inent (=) and the great one fro! the $rogeny of

Ah!ad shall e!erge. irst of all he shall !anifest the &ivine 8ustice a!ongst the $eo$le 0ust as the sa!e has been narrated by "a/rat Abul,"assan .e/a (A.S.) and has also been recorded in the Treasure of )nowledge.; The following $oe! too has been narrated by +astha!i on the afore,said $age> The letter of (=) after its (=) shall triu!$hly e!erge in Mecca fro! the "oly )aaba. This is the sa!e Mahdi who shall e!erge with truth and soon he shall be sent by Allah for the truth. "e shall fill the entire earth with e-uity and 8ustice. irst of all3 he shall erase and destroy the darkness of cruelty and o$$ression. "is custodianshi$ for the &ivine affairs is fro! Allahs side. "e has been chosen by Allah to be the 2ali$h and the successor of the best #ro$het. Again3 in the afore,!entioned book3 on $age IJK he narrates the following $oe! in $raise of Mahdi fro! Shaikh Sadruddin *unawi> 'Mahdi shall e!erge and rise on the earth for the sake of &ivine affair. +esides3 he will destroy all the infidel Satans. The destruction of all !ean $ersons shall occur by his hands3 by the !ighty sword which if you would know its true worth it would !ake you fall sick. The reality of this sword and this '*ae! who has been a$$ointed for the establish!ent of religion on the true $ath3 is a &ivine affair. 9nce again3 in the book of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda on $age INI *uandu/i has narrated (=) (an ode which ends with fro! which is as follows> , '"ow often they ask !e about love of Ahl al,+ayt , should 1 now conceal or deny the!? 1 swear by Allah that love of Ahl al,+ayt has been !ingled with !y flesh and blood. They are the torches of guidance. After "a/rat (i.e. "oly #ro$het) ca!e "aider and "asnain. After the!3 ca!e Ali3

Muha!!ad3 8afar Sadi- and Musa. After Musa ca!e Ali who is the $lace of refuge for the $eo$le i.e. .idha. After hi! ca!e his son Muha!!ad and after hi! ca!e his virtuous son Ali and then "assan and Muha!!ad. They are !y 1!a!s and !y !aster although a grou$ has rebuked and re$roached !e (for having this belief). They are the 1!a!s whose na!es we often hear. They are the "u00at ($roof) of Allah u$on "is slaves. They are at the $ath of guidance towards Allah. They are 1!a!s who kee$ fast during the day for the sake of Allah and $ass their nights by bowing and $rostrating before Allah. They are a grou$ to who! belongs Mecca3 Abtah3 )if3 8a!a and the graveyard of +a-i. They are a grou$ to who! belongs Mina3 the two sacred !onu!ents3 the two 'Marwa and !os-ue. They are a grou$ who $ossesses a to!b in every $lace. 5ay3 rather they are having a to!b situated in every heart. Muha!!ad,ibn,Thalha Shafaee says in 'Matalib,us, Suool as such> L1n the twelfth 2ha$ter while giving account of Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad,ibn "assan,ibn,Ali,1bn, Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali,ibn Musa,ibn,8afar,ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn, Ali,ibn ,"ussein,ibn,Ali,ibn,Abi Talib that he is the 'Mahdi3 '"y0at ')halaf,e,Saleh and 'Munta/ar.M "e is the successor and '"u00at ($roof) who has been a$$roved by Allah. Moreover3 Allah has guided hi! on the true $ath and given hi! "is te!$era!ent and raised his status. Allah has bestowed u$on hi! the orna!ent of "is Grace and he too has $ut on the dress of virtue. The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said so!ething3 which has been narrated for us and the one who beco!es aware of the #ro$hetQs saying will co!$rehend its !eaning. A learned $erson knows that news about the signs of Mahdi (A.S.) has co!e and the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has revealed the

sa!e3 lineage and -ualities of Mahdi. Suffice it is to !ention the saying of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> 'The light on Mahdis face will be fro! !y light. The one whose $lace of care is 6ahra (a $art of his own self)3 none shall receive a $osition si!ilar to the $osition which 1 have bestowed u$on Mahdi. Then3 the one who says that he is the Mahdi has s$oken the truth. A$art fro! what we have written3 there are yet other $oe!s in #ersian and Arabic3 which anyone investigating into the! will beco!e enlightened. The author of '<anabi,ul, Muwadda has narrated !any such $oe!s like the $oe!s of Shaikh Ah !ad 8aa!i3 Shaikh Athar 5aishabouri3 Shaikh 8a!aluddin .u!i and others. "owever what we have narrated is ade-uate.

Cha ter T"o

Mahdi is #ro+ the Arab Des'endant Mahdi is #ro+ This 6(ation1 Mahdi is #ro+ 7anane Mahdi is #ro+ 4uraish Mahdi is #ro+ /ani-Hashi+ Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Abudul-Muttalib Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Abu-Talib Mahdi is #ro+ the Des'endant o- Muha++ad Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- the Holy 5ro het Mahdi is #ro+ the #a+ily o- the Holy 5ro het Mahdi is #ro+ the 7ins-ol0 Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- the Holy 5ro het Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Ali Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- #ati+ah Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- 6Sebtain1 (Hassan and Hussein)

Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- I+a+ Hussein Mahdi is #ro+ the (inth Des'endant o- Hussein Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- I+a+ Sade8 Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- I+a+ Hassan As0ari. Mahdi is #ro+ the Arab Des'ent Author of :4-dud,&urar; in 2ha$ter one section I narrates fro! Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad (fro! his book :Al, atan;) who is turn narrates fro! Ali (AS.) who said> , :The kingdo! of +ani,Abbass is such that if the Turks3 &eyla!ites3 and the inhabitants of 1ndus valley and 1ndia were to attack the! they would fail to destroy the! and +ani,Abbass would continue to be successful until they beco!e aggressive towards the slaves and the weak. Then God will !ake a 'Gusale (the wicked one who will revolt against +ani,Abbass and destroy the!) to do!inate over the! which shall co!e out fro! a $lace where their kingdo! will be disclosed. "e shall not $ass any city but that which con-uersF no flag will be hoisted before hi! but that which he destroys and he will not co!e across any bounty but that which he !isuses. %oe be to the one who takes his side. This shall continue until victory is achieved by the hands of an Arab who shall rise fore the truth and act u$on it.; 1t is a$$arent that 'on Arab in the above sentence refers to Mahdi3 the Awaited 9ne who shall a$$ear at the end of ti!e and his signs are the very ones which have co!e in the sa!e cha$ter of the aforesaid book which has been taken fro! the book of :Al, atan;3 where its author3 1!a! Abu Abdulla 5aee!,ibn ,"e!aad narrates fro! Abi *abil as such> :#eo$le shall always be in co!fort until the kingdo! of +ani,Abbass co!es to an end. Then they will live in disturbed conditions until the advent of Mahdi.;

Author says> "istory bears witness that right fro! the ti!e of "olakus revolt3 the 4ast has not en0oyed liberty. &isturbed conditions and discord a!ong the rulers and kings has always continued to e7ist. Thus Alis saying that> (ntil he gains victory and hands it over to an Arab is $erha$s referring to this $oint that that discord and disturbed conditions are all incidental to the co!ing of "olaku and his subse-uent revolt and it shall re!ain till the advent of Mahdi. Thus3 as one of the causes and !eans of Mahdis victory and his success in inviting the $eo$le (towards his !ission) and his do!ination over the cities is the discord and disturbed conditions which shall follow the revolt of "olaku. 1t is like this that "olaku hi!self will surrender the affairs of Govern!ent to "a/rat (A.S.). Another factor3 which shows that Mahdi is fro! an Arab line is the diffused traditions which have co!e with regards to deter!ination of his fa!ily and relatives. .agheb in his :Mufradaat; says> :Arab (=) are the children of 1s!ail (,1sh!aeel) and (=) (,Aarab) its $lural for!. Bater on3 the no!ads were called by that na!e.; The author of :Sabaek,u/,6ahak;3 on $age I says> :The city,dwellers are called as :(=) , Arab; and the desert , dwellers as :(=) , Aarab; and what is co!!on is that the word of (=) is used for both grou$s.; 8auhari in :Sihah; says> :(=) , Arab; a tribe and they are the city,dwellers. They have been called Arabi by the title of Araab,e,4rabi. +ut what is co!!only used is the word of :(=),Arab; at all levels. The sa!e has been written in the dictionaries.; The author of :4bar; says> 'The word of Arab :(=) , Arab; is constructioned fro! :(=) , Aarab; and its !eaning of e7$ression (s$eech) has been taken fro! those who say> (=) , At the ti!e when a $erson e7$resses and describes his

need and since they $ossess the faculty of e7$ression and elo-uency in s$eech they have been called by this na!e. So know that every non,Arab , whether 1ranians3 Turks3 .o!ans or 4uro$eans are all :(=) , A0a! , non,Arab; and it is not what the $eo$le co!!only believe that the word of (=) is $articular to the #ersian , s$eaking nation. .ather3 the $eo$le of %est have hitherto used this word for the rench and those who fall in the sa!e category. "owever the word of (=) (by an addition of :(=) , A;) is used for the one who does not clarify his s$eech even though he !ay be an Arab. Mahdi is #ro+ This 9:++ah; ((ation) Tir!idhi is his :Sahih;3 on $age DNG narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri who said> '1 feared that after the "oly #ro$het3 so!ething bad !ight take $lace3 so we asked the #ro$het and he re$lied as such> :1ndeed Mahdi is fro! !y '(!!ah and he shall e!erge fro! a!ongst the!.; The !aga/ine :"udal,1sla!; in its DHth $ublication3 line 5o. E has narrated the sa!e tradition fro! 1bn,Maa0ah who in turn has narrated it fro! Abu Saeed. The author of :4-dud,&urar;3 in the first cha$ter narrates fro! Abu Musli! Abdur,.ah!an,ibn,Auf and he fro! his father and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> , :Surely God shall a$$oint a !an fro! !y :(!!ah; (nation). "e continued to the $oint of saying> "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice.; 1n the Erd cha$ter of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! the book of :Sefat,ul,Mahdi; written by "afe/ Abu, 5aee! who in turn narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> 'Mahdi is fro! us3 the Ahl,ul,bait (i.e. #eo$le of the "ouse). "e is fro! !y '(!!ah.

The author of ' usu@ al,Muhi!!a narrates fro! Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi and these two fro! Abdullah,ibn, Masoud and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) who said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life the earth3 God will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y :(!!ah; and $rogeny who carries the sa!e la!e as !ine a$$ears (and fills the world with 8ustice.); The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; has narrated (on $age IEE of his afore,said book) a tradition fro! the book :8awaher,ul,A-dain; of Abu Saeed )hudri. 1n that tradition the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> , 'Mahdi is in !y (!!ah. Also the afore,said author narrates fro! Abu Abdullah 5ae!!,ibn,"e!aad (fro! his book of :Al, atan; and he fro! "isha!,ibn,Muha!!ad and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> , :Mahdi is fro! this :(!!ah; and he is the one who shall lead 1sa,ibn, Marya!.DG; .agheb in his 'Mufradaat says> '(!!ah is any grou$ of $eo$le which is for!ed through things like custo!3 ti!e or $lace , !aking no difference whether that thing brings the! together voluntarily or involuntarily and the $lural of : (=) , (!!ah; is :(=) , (!!a!.; 9ne grou$ has said as such> , 'The :(!!ah; of every #ro$het are his followers and the one who does not follow his custo! will not be included in his :(!!ah; even though he !ay have lived during his ti!e. Therefore3 the :(!!ah; of 1sla! are those $eo$le who follow the 1sla!ic rules and all that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has brought !aking no difference whether he has visited hi! or not or whether he has lived during his ti!e or not. Moreover this a$$lies to all3 without any difference in fa!ilies or tribes even though they !ay differ fro! each other fro! the view,$oint of language3

ti!e and $lace. The Author is of the o$inion that> '1t is a$$arent that the :ob0ect of !aking known; i.e. ((=) , 'A R (=) , 'B) in (=) (Al,MA"&1) is for covenantF !eaning that Mahdi , the one who has been re!e!bered in the heavenly books and about who! the #ro$hets have given glad,tidings to their nations3 , shall be fro! this sa!e blessed :(!!ah; and not fro! any other :(!!ah;. So this :(!!ah; deserves to re0oice and be ha$$y for being honored such a virtue. 1t is true that in so!e of the e7ce$tional and less co!!on traditions we find such contents like this one , :Mahdi is not but 1sa,ibn,Marya! (A.S.); . 1bn,"a0ar has written (this tradition) in :Sawae-; on $age KC. 1bn,Maa0a and "ake! have brought one tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , '1t will not be long when difficulties and $roble!s will do!inate the $eo$le and the world shall turn away fro! its inhabitants and the $eo$le will resort to greediness. The "our shall not be established but u$on the wicked and Mahdi is not but 1sa,ibn,Marya!. 1bn,"a0ar -uotes "ake! as saying> :This traditions did not disturb !e as such but rather astonished !e greatly.; +aiha-i says> :9nly Muha!!ad,ibn,)halid has narrated this tradition.; "ake! says> :"e (i.e. Muha!!ad,ibn,)halid) is unknown and there e7ists differences in the chain of trans!ission of traditions narrated by hi!.; 5esaee too re0ects such traditions. 1n the @Gth Volu!e of &aerat,ul,Maaref ($age INH) the author after narrating the afore,said tradition !entions the views of 1bn,Maa0a as such> 1!a! *urtabi says> , 'This

tradition is not inconsistent with what the $revious traditions have !entioned about Mahdi because3 this tradition only ai!s to res$ect the dignity of 1sa,ibn,Marya! (A.S.) over Mahdi. That is to say3 there is no Mahdi but 1sa fro! the view$oint of is $osition of 1!!aculateness and $erfection. So it does not contradict e7istence of Mahdi. 1t is identical to this saying that there is no stalwart but Ali. Moreover3 this view can be su$$orted with the tradition which says that Mahdi is fro! !y $rogenyF he shall fill the earth with 8ustice and will e !erge along with 1sa (A.S.) who shall hel$ hi! in the killing of &a00al at a $lace called :Bad; in the land of #alestine. 1ndeed3 he shall rule over this '(!!ah and 1sa, ibn,Marya! will $ray behind hi! and God Al!ighty is All ,)nowing.D@ The author of :4-dud,&urar; in the $reface of his afore, !entioned book writes as such> 'And a!ongst the $eo$le3 there are those who reckon that Mahdi is none other than 1sa, ibn,Marya!3 the $ure and holy. So 1 told the! , The one who denies the e!ergence of Mahdi is not actually referring to "a/rat 1sa because there is no reason to believe that that reference is !ade to hi! and the one who thinks that Mahdi is the sa!e as 1sa,ibn,Marya! and insists on the authenticity of this tradition has indeed !ade the /eal of $re0udice and error to bring hi! to the $oint of $reci$ice. Thereafter he says> , :4ven though this tradition !ay be $roverbial a!ong the $eo$le yet3 how can it be considered authentic when the traditionists have re0ected it.; After accurately e7a!ining its references and deliberating on its authorities if a $erson still relies on this tradition3 it will be a !atter of grave fallacy. The $roof of this state!ent is that 1!a! Abu Abdur, .ah!an has e!$hasi/ed on its denial and his view is worthy of acce$tance because the tradition returns back to

Muha!!ad,ibn,)halid 8undi. Moreover3 1!a! Abul, ara0 8au/i narrates in his book '4lal,Mutanahiya the weakness of this tradition fro! the words of "afe/ Abi +akr +aiha-i who said> , 'This tradition is connected to 8undi and he is an unknown $erson. Moreover3 8undi narrates fro! Abaan,ibn , Myaash and he too is a re0ected and un,laudable $erson. Abaan too narrates fro! "assan and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and there is an interval in his trans!ission (i.e. all the sources have not been narrated). Anyhow3 there is no reason to consider this tradition to be authentic. +aiha-i narrates fro! his !aster3 "ake! 5aishabouri (and his words are sufficient enough to !ake you understand the techni-ue of tradition and the $osition of its narrators) as follows> , '8undi is an unknown $erson and 1bn,Aaiyaash3 a re0ected one and with such trans!itters this tradition is severed. Al!ost all the scholars of traditions have brought traditions about 1!a! Mahdi and all have !entioned his na!e and re!e!bered hi! and for those who are clear,sighted and are also aware3 it is clear that a $art of those traditions are a rectification for the other $arts and this is the highest $roof of those traditions being better than this re0ected tradition. Also3 "afe/ Abu Abdullah "ake! has s$oken on this sub0ect in his 'Mustadrak which has (also) been !entioned in 'Sahiain and this !akes us needless of other talks. "e re!inds that if a tradition has been narrated by a large nu!ber of $eo$le it is having $riority over those traditions which are not as such and while co!ing across this tradition he discusses its $osition fro! the view,$oint of credibility and un,credibility. Thereafter he writes> :The reason 1 have brought this tradition is not to argue

u$on it but to e7$ress !y sur$rise.; This state!ent of "ake! finally $roves his inattention towards this tradition. "e further says> :+etter than this tradition is the tradition of Sunan Suri and his adherents.; Thereafter3 he !entions the tradition of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) which saysF :"is na!e is the sa!e as !y na!e; and then writes as such> , :The e!inent scholars are of the view that what "a/rat intends to say by this state!ent is that Mahdis na!e is the sa!e and si!ilar to his na!e.; Thus the above state!ent reveals the truthfulness of this state!ent that Mahdi is so!eone other than 1sa,ibn,Marya! (A.S.). +esides3 even if we assu!e this tradition to be correct3 we cannot take it in its a$$arent for!. .ather3 we should resort to its esoteric inter$retation3 since we have not found any reason for giving u$ those genuine traditions which are in o$$osition to this tradition and $erha$s its esoteric inter$retation !ay be like the esoteric inter$retation of DD (=) fro! this angle that a $art of the wordings of the two traditions are near to each other and the nu!ber of such traditions are nu!erous. Thus re0ection is not the factual ai! so that we !ay conclude that Mahdi is the sa!e as 1sa,ibn,Marya!. .ather3 it should be said that this sentence has co!e in honor of "a/rat Mahdi and O or 1sa or $erha$s it !ight be having so!e other inter$retation. Author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IEI says> '1ndeed the fabrication of this tradition fro! 1bn,)halid is a$$arent fro! various as$ects> , irstly3 if this tradition was correct then the o$$ression and cruelty which was $revalent during the ti!e of <a/id and "a00a0 should have increased !anifold and until today there should have not re!ained any goodness in this world.

"owever3 after the afore,!entioned $eriod3 that is fro! the ti!e of 9!ar,ibn,Abdul A/i/ and the Abbasside 2ali$hs u$ to now3 $eace and goodness has been settled by the Grace of Allah. Secondly3 before the a$$oint!ent of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) to the $osition of #ro$hethood3 the sub0ect of Mahdaviyat was not $revalent a!ong the Arabs so that it could $ossibly re0ect this saying (there is no Mahdi but 1sa, ibn,Marya!). Thirdly3 God has hinted about Mahdi in !any verses of "is +ook and as such the "oly #ro$het too has given glad, tidings about hi! to his followers 0ust as the $revious #ro$hets (AS.) had given glad,tidings to others about the co!ing of our #ro$het and the circu!stances concerning Mahdi. 1 have collected and !entioned these glad,tidings in a book entitled :Mashre-,ul,4kwan;. (end) %hat we can derive fro! the sayings of these great !en in re$ly to the afore,!entioned tradition is the following> , irstly3 it is a fabricated oneF secondly it is null and void and hence weakF thirdly it is contradicting the widely trans!itted tradition and fourthly its actual inter$retation differs fro! its a$$arent !eaning. 1t is $ossible to conclude fro! this tradition that the advent of Mahdi and the descending of 1sa fro! the heavens are two related affairs connected to each other where none can be se$arated fro! the other. Therefore it is correct to say that reference to one a$$lies to the other and it see!s that both are one and the sa!e or it can be said that so!ething is !issing fro! the tradition and in reality it was as such> (=) (Mahdi is not but that 1sa is with hi!) Moreover3 the diffused traditions $rove this !eaning to be correct. Thus 1sa is one of the signs of authenticity of the sub0ect of Mahdi (AS.).

Mahdi is #ro+ 7anane Author of :4-dud,&urar; in his first cha$ter narrates fro! 'Sunan of 1!a! Abu A!ro 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-ari who narrates fro! *atada who said> :1 asked Saeed,ibn,Maseeb whether Mahdi is the truth and he re$lied> '<es3 he is the truth3 1 then asked> 'To which tribe does he belong? "e re$lied> :To the )anane.; 1 again asked> 'To which clan does he belong? "e re$lied> 'To the *uraish 1 further asked> To which fa!ily does he belong? "e re$lied> 'To the +ani,"ashi! Again 1 asked> 'To which one of the fa!ilies does he belong? "e re$lied> :To the $rogeny of ate!ah.; Author says> :+y )anane is !eant the sa!e son of )a/i!a3 who was the son of Madraka3 son of 4lyaas3 son of Ma/ar3 son of 5e/ar3 son of Saad3 son of Adnan.; Author of :Sabaek al,6ahab; says> '+anu )anane are a fa!ily fro! Ma/ar and Ma/ar had a son in who! the lineage of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) ter!inated and he was called as 5e/ar. Moreover Ma/ar had children who were fro! the "oly #ro$hets lineage and they were> Malik3 Malkaan3 "aaris3 A!r3 Aa!er3 Saad3 Ghana!3 Auf3 Mu0raba3 8arwal3 8a/aal and Gurwaan. Abu (baid says> 'They were all fro! <e!en and in the book called :4bar; it has co!e that their $lace of stay was in the outskirts of Mecca. Mahdi is #ro+ 4uraish 1n the first cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar;3 the author narrates fro! 1!a! Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"a!ad who narrates fro! 1bn,%ael who narrates fro! 1!a! Abul "ussein Ah!ad,ibn,8afar Manawi who narrates fro! *atada who said> '1 asked Saeed,ibn,Maseeb whether Mahdi was on

truth and lie re$lied> '<es. 1 asked> 'To which tribe does he belong? "e re$lied> '*uraish. 1 asked> :To which clan does he belong?; "e re$lied> '+ani,"ashi!. 1 asked> :To which fa!ily does he belong>; "e re$lied> :"e is fro! the offs$ring of Abdul,Muttalib.; 1 asked> :%hich one of the fa!ilies?; "e re$lied> : ro! the $rogeny of ate!ah.; 1 asked> :%hich one of her sons?; "e re$lied> :That is enough now.; Also3 the afore,!entioned book narrates (in the seventh cha$ter) fro! the book :Al, atan; of "afe/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad which in turn narrates fro! 1shaa-,ibn, <ahya,ibn,Thalha who narrates fro! Taoos who said> , 9!ar,ibn,)hattab was on death,bed and bidding farewell to his fa!ily !e!bers. "e then said> '1 do not know of any treasure3 which 1 can bestow. The house and all that it contains fro! wealth and wea$ons should be s$ent in the way of Allah. Then Ali (May Allah be satisfied with hi!) said> :9 A!ir,ul,Mo!ineen3 leave aside this !atter because you are not the owner of (this) wealth. .ather its owner is a young !an fro! the tribe of *uraish who shall3 at the end of ti!e distribute it in the way of Allah.;DE 1bn,"a0ar writes on $age CC of his book :Sawae-; as such> , 'Ah!ad and Maawardi have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> Glad,tidings be to you about Mahdi. "e is fro! the *uraishF fro! !y $rogeny.DI 4saaf,ur,.aghebeen too has narrated the sa!e in his book on $age @H@. The author believes> '*uraish is the sa!e 5a/r, ibn,)anane. 1n 8aa!e,ul,Batif we read as such> :)now that there e7ists differences in *uraish as to why they were called by this na!e. So it is said> They were titled in the na!e of a beast living in the sea , a beast which eats and itself is not

eatenF con-uers and itself is not con-uered (a !eta$horic re!ark signifying $ower and !agnificence) and this tribe too is si!ilar to that beast due to their toughness and significance.; 1n Madarek we read> *uraish is a !ighty beast which $lays with the shi$s and e7ce$t for fire it cannot be re$ulsed by any other thing. 1ts di!inutive for! is due to reverence.; So!e others say> The reason they were called as *uraish was that the leader of their tribe 1bn,<akhled Ghalib,ibn, ahr was na!ed as *uraish. Thus it was said> The tribe of *uraish ca!eF the tribe of *uraish went and in this way they beca!e fa!ous by this na!e. Still so!e others have said> *usi (=) who was one $erson belonging to their tribe gathered the! together and brought the! to Mecca and :(=) , *urash; !eans :to gather together;. Thus3 as he gathered the! together he was na!ed as (=) (gathering) 0ust as we saw in the $oe! of a/l,ibn, Abbas,ibn,(tba and also in his following $oe!>DH (=) 1t is also said that *uraish was the na!e of *usi and it was because of this reason that his tribe was na!ed as *uraish. %hat is !ore co!!on however is that his na!e had been 6aid 0ust as it was $reviously !entioned. <et others have said> The word of (=) is derived fro! (=) which !eans :to earn; and because they were carrying on business and earning they were called as *uraish. 1t is also said that since :5a/r; was called as *uraish3 his fa!ily too beca!e fa!ous by this na!e. So!e say> They were called as *uraish because they were doing :Ta-rish; of goods of the $ilgri!s going for "a0 and :Ta-rish; !eans 'to ins$ect. Thus they erected ins$ection $oints in their way and $revented the! fro! !oving ahead

unchecked. The $roof that this state!ent is correct is the saying of "aaris,ibn ,)hulatul,<ashkari who says>DJ (=) Mahdi is #ro+ /ani-Hashi+ The author of :(-dud,&urar; in the first cha$ter of his book3 narrates fro! 1!a! Abul,"ussein Ah!ad,ibn,8afar Manawi and 1!a! Abu Abdulla 5aee!,ibn,"a!ad and these two fro! *atada who said> 1 asked Saeed,ibn,Maseeb> :1s Mahdi the truth?; "e re$lied> :<es.; 1 asked> :To which tribe does he belong?; "e re$lied> :To the *uraish.; 1 asked> :To which clan does he belong?; "e re$lied> :To the clan of +ani,"ashi!.; 1 asked> : ro! which of its fa!ilies?; "e re$lied> : ro! the offs$ring of Abdul,Muttalib.; 1 asked> : ro! which one of the!?; "e re$lied> : ro! the offs$ring of ate!ah.; 1 asked> : ro! which one of her offs$ring?; "e re$lied> :That is enough now.; The author says> "ashi! was the sa!e son of d,Munaf who was the son of *usi3 son of )alab3 son Marra3 son of )aab3 son of Bui3 son of Ghalib3 son ehr3 son of Malik3 son of 5a/r3 son of )anane. 1n 8aa!e,ul,Batif it has co!e as such> "ashi!s na!e was A!rol,Ala and the reason he was called by na!e was that during the $eriod of fa!ine he used $rovide food and water for his tribe. 1n generosity and beneficence he had reached to such high level that he used to $rovide food to the beats and birds and slaughter ca!els for the! on to$ !ountains. %henever a

fa!ine would occur in Mecca3 he would feed its $eo$le by his own doing and $ersuaded the rich !en of Mecca to donate their wealth to the $oor and indigent u$ to the ti!e when God caused rain to descend. Thereafter3 he traveled to Syria3 went to 2aesar (king) and took fro! hi! an order vouching the freedo! of *uraish. "e also sent Abdul, Muttalib towards <e!en and in this way took a letter of trust fro! the king of that $lace. Thereafter he ordained the traders and !erchants of *uraish to !ove out in the winter and su!!er seasons for the $ur$ose of trading. Thus3 they would !ove towards Syria in su!!er and $roceed for <e!en in winter. As such3 fro! then on their subsistence and !eans of livelihood got e7tended through such trading and by blessings of "ashi!3 God delivered the! fro! fear of (loss of) life and hunger. A+&,M(5A was the father of "ashi! who was na!ed as the :!oon of the fourteenth night; because of his good,looking face and beneficence. After hi!3 *usi succeeded hi! and the $ost of ruling and giving water to the $ilgri!s was transferred to hi!. "e was called by the na!e of Mughaira and his agno!en was Abu Abd,Sha!s the na!e of *usi (father of Abd,Munaf) was 6aid and also <a/id. The reason he was called as (=) (*usi) was that he along with his !other ate!ah daughter of Saad3 left the tribe of +ani,(/ra and started living with his uncles and distanced hi!self fro! Mecca. Thus3 for this reason he was na!ed as (=) and this word is derived fro! (=)3 which !eans :distant;. 1t also carried the !eaning of :gathering; because3 when he grew u$ and returned back to Mecca he gathered the *uraish who had been scattered in the deserts and got the! back to Mecca and then e7$elled the tribe of )ha/ae. a/l, ibn,Abbass,ibn,Abu Bahab says>DN (=)

Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Abdul-Muttalib The author of :4-dud,&urar;3 in the seventh cha$ter narrates fro! the books of a grou$ of traditionists such as 1!a! Abu Abdulla,ibn,Maa0a in his Sunan3 "afe/ Abul, *asu! Tabarani in his Mua0a! and "afe/ Abu 5aee! 4sfahani and others like Anas,ibn,Malik who said> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :%e seven3 (i.e. Ali3 !y brother3 "a!/a3 !y uncle3 8afar3 "assan3 "ussein3 Mahdi and !yself) the sons of Abdul,Muttalib are the leaders of #aradise.; The author says> This denotes the sub0ect which had $reviously been !entioned in the tradition of *atada narrated fro! Saad,ibn,Maseeb. 1n 8aa!e,ul,Batif it is written as such> , Abdul,Muttalibs na!e was :Shaibat,ul,"a!d and so!eti!es he was also called by the na!e of Aa!er. "e was called 'Shaibat,ul,"a!d because of the a$$earance of signs of whiteness on his hair. Abul,"aaris was his agno!en since he had a son by the na!e of "aaris and he was called as Abdul,Muttalib because3 when his father "ashi! who was living in Mecca was about to die3 he told Muttalib3 his brother as such> :Take care of your (=) (servant) in <athrib.; So fro! then on he was called as Abdul,Muttalib. So!e say that when his uncle Muttalib was taking hi! to Mecca he had an undeserving a$$earance. or this reason when Muttalib was asked about his ne$hews condition he felt asha!ed to say that he was his ne$hew and instead said> "e is !y (=) (slave or servant). Bater on when they entered Mecca itself and he had $ut on a decent look Muttalib revealed that he was his ne$hew. 1n this way he beca!e fa!ous by the na!e of Abdul,Muttalib. 1t is said that he had a $ale face and so when

he left for Mecca with Muttahb3 $eo$le were under i!$ression that he was his (=) (slave) and were saying> Muttalib has brought one (=)3 (slave). As such he beca!e fa!ous by the na!e of Abdul,Muttalib. Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Abu-Talib The author of :4-dud,&urar; in the fourth cha$ter of section 5o.E narrates fro! Saif,ibn,9!aira who said> '1 was near Abu 8afar Mansoor. "e addressed !e as such> , 9 SaifA 1t is inevitable that a caller fro! the heavens shall call out in the na!e of a !an fro! the offs$ring of Abu Talib. 1 said> :May 1 be sacrificed for you '9 A!irul, Mo!ineen. Are you narrating what you 0ust said.; "e re$lied> <es3 1 swear by the 9ne in whose "and is !y life. 1 a! narrating e7actly what !y ears have heard. 1 said> :+ut until now 1 had not heard such a tradition.; "e said> :9 Saif3 1ndeed he is the truth and at the ti!e when this affair takes $lace we will be !ore worthy than others in answering (his call). "owever Mahdi will be so!eone fro! our cousins.; 1 said> :So!eone fro! the offs$ring of ate!ahA; "e re$lied> '9 Saif3 if 1 had heard it fro! so!eone other than Abu 8afar ("a/rat +a-ir) 1 would have not narrated it for you and indeed 1 was told about this !atter by the !ost wise $erson on earth. 1n Sabaek al,6ahab we read as such> 1bn 1shaa- says> :Abu,Talibs na!e was Abd,Munaf while "ake! Abu Abdullah says> 'Abu,Talibs na!e and agno!en is one and the sa!e.; The author of :Ta/kerat,ul,Ai!!a; writes> , '%ith regards to his lineage we have !entioned that he is the son of Abdul,Muttalib and when the latter was about to die3 he reco!!ended Abu Talib about the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.).

1n the book of :Taba-aat; Muha!!ad,ibn,Saad narrates fro! a grou$ of (le!as (scholars) such as 1bn,Abbass3 Mu0ahida3 Atha3 6ahri and the like of the! that Abdul, Muttalib $assed away in the second year of :Aa!,ul, eel; (the <ear of the 4le$hants) and the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) at that ti!e was eight years old. 1n fact3 Abdul,Muttalib $assed away at the age of one hundred and twenty and was buried in "e0wan. (!!,Ai!an says> 1 saw the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) walking and crying under the coffin of Abdul,Muttalib3 while it was being carried away. According to another saying3 Abdul Muttalib was eighty years when he left this world. "owever the first saying a$$ears to be !ore correct. Mu0ahid has narrated fro! 1bn, Abbass that when a grou$ of $eo$le fro! the tribe of :*aafa; fro! '+A51,M(6"A* saw the footste$s of the "oly #ro$het they told this child3 for we have not seen any footste$s which are si!ilar to the holy $ro$hets footste$s rese!bling those in $osition. Then Abdul,Muttalib turned towards Abu,Talib and said> :listen to whatever they have said. 1ndeed there shall be a kingdo! for this son of !ine.; ro! then on3 Abu Talib stood u$3 in the best $ossible !anner3 to hel$ the Messenger of Allah and !ade hi!self res$onsible for assisting hi! in his affairs so !uch so that he would never get se$arated fro! hi!. "e was so !uch attracted towards hi! that he would give !ore $reference to hi! than his own sons and would slee$ only when "a/rat was besides hi!. "e would tell hi!> :<ou are well,$aced and your future is bright.; 1n the book of :Taba-aat;3 1bn,Saad writes> 9nce Abu Talib went to :6il,Mu0aa/; along with the Messenger of

Allah. %hen the latter felt thirsty3 Abu Talib said> :9 ne$hew3 you have beco!e thirsty and there is no water.; Then the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) ca!e down and striked the ground with his heels. Very soon3 water gushed out and "a/rat drank fro! it. "istorians have written that as Abu Talib arose to su$$ort "a/rat and would often drive off the ene!ies fro! hi!3 the *uraish once a$$roached hi! and said> :<our ne$hew has insulted our gods3 called our great !en as insane and reckoned our fathers to be deviated one. Therefore3 you surrender hi! to us or else3 there shall occur a war between us.; Abu Talib re$lied> :May your !ouths be shut forever. 1 swear by Allah that 1 shall never surrender hi! to you.; They said> :4!ara,ibn,%alid,ibn,Mughaira is the !ost handso!e and noble young !an a!ong the *uraish. <ou !ay kee$ hi! as your son instead of Muha!!ad and surrender Muha!!ad to us so that we can kill hi!. Bet us e7change our !an with your !an.; Abu Talib re$lied> :%oe be u$on you $eo$le. May Allah turn your face dark and gloo!y. 1 swear by Allah that you have indeed s$oken the evil. &o you !ean that 1 should hand over !y son to you so that you can kill hi! and will give !e your son ! e7change so that 1 take care of hi!A 1 swear by Allah that if 1 do so3 1 would be but an evil !an.; Thereafter he said> 1 would like you to se$arate the baby, ca!els fro! their !other. 1f the !other ca!el gets attracted towards the other baby,ca!els (and not her own ones) then3 1 shall hand over Muha!!ad to you. "e then recited a $oe!. Then3 fro! the eighth year of his birth until the tenth year of his a$$oint!ent3 which totally a!ounts to forty,two years3 Abu Talib stood u$ in su$$ort of "a/rrat and $revented the ene!ies fro! har!ing hi!.

"e s$ared no effort in taking care of hi! till the end of his life. 1n the :5ur,ul,Absar;3 the author !entions the date of de!ise of Abu Talib to be the first of 6il-ada after the re!oval of econo!ic sanctions3 which lasted for K !onths and D@ days. 1n :Mawaheb,ul,Badnia;3 the age of Abu Talib at the ti!e of his de!ise is !entioned to be eighty,seven. 1t was in the sa!e year that (!!,ul,Mu!ineen3 )hadi0a $assed away and the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%A) na!ed that year as the year of sorrow (Aa!,ul,"u/n). or knowing !ore about Abu Talib $lease refer to historical books like Seera,ibn,"isha! and Tarikh,e,Tabari and to recent writings3 es$ecially the book of :+agyat at, Talib, i,Ahwal,Abi Talib; by 6aini &ehlan who is also the author of Al, otouhat,1sla!iah. Also refer to the book of 'Shaikh,ul,Abtah written by our cousin Sayyid Muha!!ad Ali Sharafuddin Aa!ali which thought to be the best book in this regard. Mahdi is #ro+ the Des'endant o- Muha++ad Abu &awoud in the ourth volu!e of his 'Sahih ($age KN) narrates fro! Abdulla,ibn,Masoud that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will set the day so long until "e a$$oints a $erson fro! !y descendant.; 1n the afore,!entioned book on $age K@3 he narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (SA%A) said> :Mahdi is fro! !e.; The author of :5ur,ul,Absar; on $age DEG narrates fro! Tir!idhi who narrates fro! Abi Saeed )hadri who in turn narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) one such si!ilar

tradition. Thereafter3 he writes that Tir!idhi has reckoned this tradition to be fir! and genuine and that Tabarani and others too have narrated this tradition. 1bn "a0ar in his :Sawae-; on $age CK has written that .uyani3 Tabarani and others have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny.; 1n :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; ($age @IC) and :5ur,ul,Absar; ($age DEG) the sa!e tradition of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has been narrated fro! shirviya who in turn has narrated fro! "a/aifa,ibn,<a!aan.DK Also3 the author of :5ur,ul,Absar; on $age DE@ has narrated fro! Ali,ibn,Abi Talib as such> :1 asked the "oly #ro$het whether Mahdi would be fro! us3 the descendants (=) of Muha!!ad or fro! others; and he re$lied> :"e is fro! us.;DC The author of :Matalib,us,Suool; writes> '1 have reviewed the views of the $eo$le about the e7egesis of (=) (descendants) and found out that a grou$ believes that by is !eant his fa!ily,!e!bers. Another grou$ says> (=) of the "oly #ro$het are those u$on who! :6akat; (al!s,ta7) is forbidden and instead :)hu!s; (one,fifth levy) is $er!issible. <et another grou$ says> (=) refers to those $ersonalities who follow his religion and adhere to his !anners. Thereafter he says> :These are the three views3 which are !ore fa!ous than all other views in this regard. "owever the reason that the first view is correct is a tradition which *a/i "ussein,ibn,Masoud +aghwi has brought in his book :2o!!entary of Sunnat ar,.asul; (which is a collection of all those traditions which are in agree!ent) and he -uotes its reference fro! Abdur,.ah!an,

ibn,Baili who said> , ')aab,ibn,A0/a !et !e and said P :Should 1 $resent you with so!ething which 1 heard fro! the Messenger of Allah?; 1 re$lied> '<es give it to !e. "e said> 1 asked the "oly #ro$het as to how one should send salutations u$on the! , the Ahlul,+ait. The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) re$lied> (=) ('9 Allah3 send salutations u$on Muha!!ad and his descendants 0ust as Thou sends salutations u$on 1brahi! and his descendants and send blessings u$on Muha!!ad and his descendants 0ust as Thou sends blessings u$on 1brahi! and his descendants. Surely Thou art All ,#raiseworthy and All, Glorious). Thereafter he says> , The "oly #ro$het inter$reted his Ahlul,+ait as his :(=),ASl; Thus both are si!ilar as far as their !eaning is concerned and "a/rat interchanged one word for the other in a !anner that his (=) are his Ahlul,+ait and his Ahlul,+ait are his (=). Therefore3 on this basis3 :(=) ,ASl; and :(=) , Ahl; are si!ilar in !eaning. The reality of this affair can be discovered fro! here that the root of (=) had been (=) and '(=) , h was changed to (=) , ?3 for this reason that the letter of :(=) , h; beco!es :Tasgheer ,di!unitive for! and (=)EG Tasgheer of (=) beco!es (=) as $er this rule which states that :Tasgheer; returns back every noun to its original for!. The reason that the second view is correct is a tradition3 which the traditionists have brought in their books. Moreover3 1!a! Musli!,ibn,"a00a03 Abu &awoud and 5esaee are unani!ous in the authenticity of this tradition and each one of the! have3 in their res$ective 'Sahihs narrated fro! Abdul,Muttalib,ibn .abiya,ibn,"aaris as such> '1 heard the "oly #ro$het (SA%A) saying> ,

1t is not that al!s is filth and is not $er!issible for Muha!!ad and his (=)3 to eat fro! it. Moreover3 they have su$$orted their view by a tradition which Malik,ibn,Anas has narrated in his :Mutha; referring to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as saying> :Al!s is not $er!issible for (=) (descendants) of Muha!!ad because they are the dirt and filth of $eo$le.; Thus3 he !ade al!s s$ecifically un,$er!issible for his (=) and those u$on who! al!s is forbidden are +ani,"ashi! and Abdul,Muttalib. 1t was asked fro! 6aid,ibn,Ar-a! as to who are the (descendants) of the Messenger of Allah u$on who! al!s are forbidden and he re$lied> , (=) of Ali3 (=) of 8afar3 (=)3 of Abbass and (=) of A-eel and this second view is nearer to the first view. "owever the reason which the su$$orters of the third view give is the sayings of 47alted Allah> (=) (e7ce$t (=) of BotF %e will !ost surely deliver the! all) where3 as $er the consensus of the e7egetists3 (=) in this verse refers to those who have turned towards hi! and followed his $ath. Thereafter he says> 5ow3 kee$ing in view all that has been said about (=)3 it beco!es a$$arent that its !eaning co!$rehensively fits the! because they are his Ahlul,+ait. :6akat; (al!s,ta7) is forbidden for the! and they have followed his religion and adhered to his $ath. Ascribing the! with (=) and na!ing the! with this word is accidentally true. Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- the Holy 5ro het Abu &awoud3 in the fourth volu!e of his 'Sahih on age KN has written a tradition which has been narrated by (!!, Sal!a fro! the "oly #ro$het as such> :Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny.;

1n :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; #age @IN a si!ilar tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het has been narrated by 5esaee3 1bn,Maa0a3 +aiha-i and others.E@ 1bn "a0ar in 'Sawae- on $age CK writes> Abu 5aee! has brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het as such> , :1ndeed3 God will send a !an front !y $rogeny.; Thereafter he said> , :"e shall fill the earth with 8ustice.; The sa!e has also co!e in :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; $age @IC.ED 1n the afore,!entioned book on $age CN3 the author writes> Abu &awoud3 Tir!idhi and 1bn,Maa0a have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 indeed God will !ake a !an to a$$ear fro! !y $rogeny.; 1n another tradition the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> :"e is fro! !y $rogeny3 the one who shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression.; The sa!e can be seen in :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; on $age @IN.EE The author of :Mataleb,us,Suool; writes> , 'The !eaning of (=) ($rogeny) in Arabic is said to be (=) (fa!ily) and as $er the saying of others it !eans (=) (offs$ring). Thereafter he says> , :+oth the !eanings can be found in the! because they are his fa!ily as well as his offs$ring. "owever they are considered to be his (=) (fa!ily) because are the near kins!en and they too were as such. They are reckoned to be his (=) (offs$ring) for this reason that (=) are considered to be children of a daughter and they were as such because Allah s$eaks about 1brahi! as follows>; (=) Thus Allah3 the 47alted $laced all the afore,!entioned $ersonalities including "a/rat 1sa a!ong the offs$ring of

1brahi! where the relation of 1sa with 1brahi! is only through his !other Marya! and no one else. Thereafter he writes> , '1t has been narrated that Shobi who was one of the Sunni '(le!as living at the ti!e of "a00a0,ibn,<usuf Sa-afi was a!ong the lovers of "assan and "ussein such that whenever he would re!e!ber the! he would say> :Those two are the children and offs$ring of the Messenger of Allah.; Bater so!e of the $eo$le infor!ed "a00a0 about this !atter as a result of which he beca!e angry and started to i!$recate hi!. 9nce "a00a0 called hi! in one of his gatherings where the aristocrats and '(le!as (scholars) of +asra and )ufa and the *uraish were $resent. Shobi entered and greeted but "a00a0 did not $ay any heed and did not re$ly his greetings which was indeed the right of Shobi. %hen he sat down3 "a00a0 said> '9 Shobi3 &o you know what 1 have heard about you which indeed $roves your foolishness? Shobi re$lied> %hat is it? "a00a0 said> &ont you know that sons of !en are those who are allied to hi! and kinshi$ is only through fathers. Thus3 on what basis do you say that the sons of Ah are the children and offs$ring of the "oly #ro$hetA 47ce$t for their !other ate!ah3 are they having any other connection with the "oly #ro$het considering that kinshi$ is not fro! the daughters side but rather fro! the fathers side. Shobi $ut down his head for so!e ti!e until "a00a0 e7ceeded the li!its in his disavowal and notified the others in the gathering about this !atter. Shobi continued his silence and the !ore "a00a0 witnessed his silence the !ore he rebuked hi!. Thereafter3 Shobi raised his head and said> '9 A!ir3 1 do not see you but a s$eaker who is ignorant of the +ook of Allah and the 'Sunnah of the "oly #ro$het and one who has grown weary

of the!. Then the anger of "a00a0 intensified and he addressed Shobi as such> :%oe be u$on you3 how dare you s$eak to !e in these wordsA; Shobi re$lied> <es3 those $resent in your gathering ,the 2hanters (of *uran) fro! 4gy$t and the bearers of knowledge of the +ook who are dear before you are all aware of what 1 say. 1s it not that when Allah wishes to address "is slaves (i.e. servants) "e says>, '9 +ani (sons of) Ada! or '9 +ani,1srael. About 1bahi!3 Allah says (=) (and fro! his offs$ring) until "e !entions <ahya and 1sa. Therefore3 '9 "a00a0 how do you see the relationshi$ of 1sa with Ada!3 1srael and 1brahi!? 1s it through his father or any of his forefathers? 1s it not that he is connected to the! only through his !other Marya!A Moreover3 as $er the genuine narrators3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) with regard to "assan has said> 1ndeed !y son (and he $ointed out to "assan) is :Sayyid; (2hief). %hen "a00a0 heard such reasoning he lowered his head in sha!e. Bater he showed kindness and $oliteness towards Shobi and felt asha!ed of those $resent in the gathering. 5ow that the !atter has beco!e clear (=) ($rogeny) is the very offs$ring3 children and fa!ily of the "oly #ro$het and in reality3 all the !eanings are a$$lied to the!. Mahdi is #ro+ the #a+ily o- the Holy 5ro het Abu &awoud3 in the fourth Volu!e of his :Sahih; on $age @N has brought a tradition which has been narrated by Ali (A.S.) fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 indeed God will !ake a !an fro! !y fa!ily to a$$ear.;EI Tir!idhi3 in the second Volu!e of his :Sahih; on $age

DNG has brought a tradition which has been narrated by Abu "uraira fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A) as follows> , :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y fa!ily shall a$$ear.; Thereafter he says> 'This is a good and authentic traditionF Moreover3 a si!ilar tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het with a slight variation has been narrated by 1bn "a0ar (on $age CN of his Sawae-) and Shaikh Saban (on $age @IK of 4saaf ur, .hagebeen) fro! Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi.EH The !aga/ine :"uda,1sla!; 5o. D3 in the third of its weekly $ublication 5o. DH !entions> 1bn Maa0a has brought a tradition narrated by Ali (A.S.) fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :Mahdi is fro! !y fa!ily.;EJ Shaikh Saban on $age @IK of :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; and 1bn,"a0ar on $age CC of :Sawae-; have written that Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud3 Tir!idhi and 1bn,Maa0a have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> '1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God shall indeed !ake a $erson fro! !y $rogeny to a$$ear. As $er so!e other traditions3 we find the words '!y fa!ily.EN 1bn,"a0ar on $age CN of :Sawae-; and Shaikh Saban on $age @IK of :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; have written that Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud3 and Tir!idhi have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as follows> , :The world shall not $ass3 or $erha$s he said> The world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! !y fa!ily co!es and rule.;EK The author of :5ur,ul,Absar; on $age DE@ has brought a tradition narrated by Abu &awoud who in turn has narrated

fro! 6ar,ibn,Abdullah that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> :The world shall not $an until a $erson fro! !y fa!ily co!es and rules a!ong the Arabs;. Thereafter he said> , :"e shall !l the earth with 8ustice.;EC 1n the afore,!entioned book3 the author writes on $age DDC as such> Abu &awoud has narrated fro! Ali (!ay Allah be satisfied with hi!) who in turn has narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) who said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of earth3 God will indeed !ake a $erson fro! !y fa!ily to a$$ear on that day and fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression.IG The author of :Matalib,ul,Suool; in the cha$ter of :Asking ones whish fro! Ahlul,+ait; writes> So!e have said that :Ahlul,+ait; refers to those $eo$le who are nearer in relation to a $erson in ancestorshi$. So!e others have said that :Ahlul,+ait; are those who gather together in one wo!b. Still others have said> Ahlul,+ait are those who are attached to hi! by kinshi$ and relation. All of these !eanings can be found in the! because3 their lineage returns back to the "oly #ro$hets grandfather3 Abdul,Muttalib. Also they have gathered together with hi! (i.e. the "oly #ro$het) in one wo!b and they are connected to hi! through kinshi$ as well as relation (son,in,law). Thus they are in fact his (=) ($rogeny) and (=) and (Ahlul,+ait) are one and the sa!e whether they differ in !eaning or not. Thus the !eaning of these two ter!s are fi7ed for the!. Musli! in his 'Sahih narrates fro! 6aid,ibn,"asaan who said> '1 went with "asain,ibn,Seera and 9!ar,ibn,Musli! to visit 6aid,ibn,Ar-a!. %hen we sat down3 "asain began to s$eak and said> '9 6aid3 Verily3 now that you have nu!erous

good actions in your record3 have seen the "oly #ro$het3 have heard traditions fro! hi!3 have fought beside hi! and $rayed behind hi!3 so narrate for us what you have heard fro! the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A). 6aid re$lied> :9 brother3 surely 1 have turned old and !y !e!ory has beco!e worn out. As a result3 a $art of what 1 have ac-uired fro! the "oly #ro$het has been forgotten by !e. So acce$t whatever 1 narrate to you and do not bother !e about what 1 do not narrate to you.; Thereafter he said> '9nce the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) stood near a $lace called :"e!aa; situated between Mecca and Medina and delivered a ser!on. After $raising and e7tolling God Al!ighty and then e7horting the $eo$le3 he said> '9 $eo$le3 1 a! a hu!an being and it see!s that !y Bords e!issary (i.e. 1/raeel) is going to co!e and take away !y soul. 1 a! leaving a!ongst you3 two $recious things. The first of the! is the +ook of Allah wherein you will find guidance and light. So take hold of the +ook of AllahF 1n this regard3 he incited and e7horted the $eo$le toward the +ook of Allah. Thereafter he said> The other is !y Ahlul,+ait. 1 re!ind you of Allah with regards to !y Ahlul,+ait. 1 re!ind you of Allah about the!. Then "asain told 6aid,ibn,Ar-a! as such> '9 6aid3 who are his Ahlul,+ait? Are his wives the Ahlul,+aitA? "e re$lied> '5o3 his Ahlul,+ait are those u$on who! al!s is forbidden.I@ Mahdi is #ro+ 7ins-ol0 %hen it is $roved that Mahdi (A.S.) is fro! the $rogeny3 descendant and fa!ily of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and fro! the offs$ring of Ali3 ate!ah3 "assan and "ussein then

it is auto!atically $roved that he is fro! :(=) , 6olghorba; ()insfolk) where their friendshi$ has been !ade obligatory u$on all. The author of '<anibiul,Muwadda narrating fro! +ukhari and Musli! writes 9n $age @GJ of his book as such> Qt was asked fro! 1bn,Abbass that to who! (=) in the verse of (=) , Alghorba; referred to? Then Saeed,ibn,8ubair said> They are the near ones of the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A). The author of 'Matalib,us,Suool narrates fro! Tafseer of 1!a! Abul,"assan Ali,ibn,Ah!ad %ahadi (the chain of trans!ission which ends. in 1bn,Abbass) as such> %hen the verse> (=) was revealed3 it was asked> '9 Messenger of AllahA who are these $eo$le who! Allah has co!!anded us to love? The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) re$lied> :Ali3 ate!ah and their children.; 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age @G@) and *undu/i in :<anibi,ul,Muwadda; ($age @GJ) have brought a tradition (bearing the sa!e contents) under thc afore,said verse narrating fro! the great Mua0a! of Tabarani3 Tafseer,e,ibn, Abu "ati!3 Mana-ib of "ake!3 %aseet of %ahadi3 "elyat al,Aulia of Abu 5aee!3 Tafseer,e,Sualabi and araed as, Se!tain. 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age @G@) narrates fro! 6ain,ul, Abedeen at the ti!e when he was taken as ca$tive after his lather "ussein was killedF and on the way to Syria so!e of the foul,!outhed $eo$le said> All $raise be to Allah for having caused the killing of you all3 turning you into a wretched state and severing the root of sedition. "e re$lied> "avent you read (the +ook) where Allah

says> (=) They said> :1s it that (=) refers to you $eo$leA?; "e re$lied> :<es.; The author of :Matalib,us,Suool; writes> ')now that those in the verse who have been asked to be loved are indeed the (=). Therefore any one who is bestowed with the attribute of :(=) ghorba; deserves love as $er s$ecification of the afore,!entioned verse because if there is a decree for any $articular case and at any other occasion3 that case sti$ulates that the sa!e decree too will be a$$licable and with regards to love towards those who have been !entioned in the verse even though they the!selves are associates to each other (fro! the view,$oint of their si!ilarity in a case which is e7$edient for love) yet3 love $osses different levels. Therefore3 anyone who is the !ore nearer to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)3 that case will beco!e !ore fir! in hi!. As $er research3 the consensus of :(le!as; is fir! in this regard that the !atter of level of love and friendshi$ does indeed carry $riority over all other levels such that in their writings and co!$ositions they have s$ecified that> '1f a $erson endows or !akes a will to the !ost nearest $erson to 6aid and if 6aid does not have a father3 the !ost $referable $erson with regards to the endow!ent and will are his children as co!$ared to his other near ones. 1f he has a father3 then there e7ists a difference as to whether the children are having $riority over father or are e-ual to hi!. Through this reasoning it beco!es clear and obvious that ate!ah $ossess the highest level in the !atter of love and being the (=) (kinsfolk). %hen it beco!es a$$arent to what has been written about the $leasing e7$ressions and attractive

state!ents about ate!ah (A.S.)3 (es$ecially her $urity) and the fact that the su$erfluous virtue and lofty $osition which the 1!a!s behold is through her !eans3 then we are hel$less in being loyal to her right in such affairs 0ust as we are bound to do so in the subse-uent cha$ters about the circu!stances of 1!a! and the days of their birth and death. Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- the Holy 5ro het The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age DEI narrates fro! the author of irdaus who narrates fro! 8aber,ibn, Abdullah Ansari who said> "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 1ndeed Allah3 the 47alted $laced the offs$ring of every #ro$het fro! their own rear and $laced !y offs$ring fro! the rear of Ali,ibn,Ali Talib. The author says> , The e7$licitness of this valuable 3tradition is that the children of Ali,ibn,Abi Talib A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen (A.S.) fro! ate!ah (A.S.) are indeed the offs$ring of the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A)and there is no difference between "assan and "ussein. Verily3 as Mahdi3 the Awaited one is fro! this $articular house and this $ure offs$ring3 he is therefore counted to be fro! the offs$ring of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A) (as $er research and $revious e7$lanation of the !eaning of offs$ring). The author of :Tuhuful,(-ool; has brought a lengthy tradition in this regard fro! Musa,ibn,8afars conversation with "aroon ar,.ashid and we shall $roduce here only that $ortion which serves our discussion. "e writes> '"a/rat Musa,ibn,8afar a$$roached "aroon for the reason that the letter wished to in-uire fro! hi! the (false) things which $eo$le have ascribed to "a/rat before "aroon. So he took out a lengthy scroll which contained accusations about his Shias and read it out. Then "a/rat said> '9 A!ir,ul,

Mu!ineen3 we are a fa!ily which have been afflicted with such accusations and Allah is 'All, orgiving and '9ne veils the vices and "e refrains fro! lifting the veil fro! the deeds of "is servants e7ce$t when "e will be taking their account and that will be the &ay when wealth and children shall be of no avail and only the one who co!es in the $resence of Allah with a $ure heart shall benefit. Thereafter he said> 'My father narrated (for !e) fro! Ali who in turn narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) as such > (%henever the ties of relationshi$ are felt and !aintained with the otherF there occurs so!e !ove!ent and e7cite!ent and then it cal!s down.; 1f A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen (i.e. "aroon) dee!s it advisable to !aintain relationshi$ and shake hands with !e3 he can do so. Then "aroon ca!e down fro! his throne and stretched out his right hand and caught hold of "a/rats hand. "e e!braced hi! and !ade hi! sit besides hi! and said> 1 bear witness that you are truthful and your father and grand , father too were truthful. %hen you ca!e to in-uire 1 was the !ost harshful $erson towards you because of the hatred and anger which 1 had ac-uired about you. Since you s$oke to !e in the !anner which you did and so shook hands with !e3 the feeling of hatred and anger has disa$$eared fro! !y heart and 1 have beco!e satisfied with you. Thereafter3 he felt silent for so!e !o!ent and then said> '1 wish to ask you so!ething about Abbass and All. 9n what basis was Ali !ore worthy of inheritance (fro! the "oly #ro$het) than Abbass3 the (ncle of the "oly #ro$het. "a/rat re$lied> :<ou e7cuse !e fro! this !atter.; "e said> :1 swear by Allah that 1 shall not e7cuse you until you answer !e.; "a/rat re$lied> :if you do not e7cuse !e then grant !e

safety.; "e said> :1 gaurantee your safety.; "a/rat said> :Surely3 the "oly #ro$het did not no!inate as heir the one who was able to !igrate but did not !igrate. 1ndeed3 Abbass your father was a!ongst those who brought faith but did not !igrate and Ali brought faith and !igrated too. Allah says> (=) "aroon turned $ale and then said> '9n what basis do you relate yourself to the "oly #ro$het and not Ali notwithstanding the fact that Ali was your father and the "oly #ro$het your grand , fatherA "aarat re$lied> Surely Allah related 1sa,ibn,Marya! to "a/rat 1brahi!3 "is :)haleel; through 1sas !other who was a virgin. As Allah says> (=) Thus "e related 1sa to 1brahi! through Mary, only3 0ust a> "e related Sulai!an3 Ayub3 <usuf3 Musa and "aroon to their father and !other. ro! the view,$oint of e7cellence of 1sa which concluded 1n hi! only fro! his !others side without any other $erson it has co!e in the holy *uran in the verse below that> (=) ('9 Mara!A Surely Allah has chosen you and $urified you and "e has chosen you above the wo!en of the world) because of Messiah. So in the sa!e !anner3 Allah chose ate!ah and $urified her and !ade her su$erior to all the wo!an of the world through "assan and "ussein3 the two youthful 2hiefs of #aradise. Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- Ali (A.S.)

The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age ICI narrates fro! :Mana-eb; of )hawra/!i (the chain of trans!ission which ends in Sabeth,ibn,&inar) who narrates fro! Saeed, ibn,8ubair and he fro! 1bn,Abbass (!ay Allah be satisfied with the!) who said> 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> :1ndeed Ali is the 1!a! of !y '(!!ah (nation) after !e and it is fro! his children that the '*ae! will co!e and whenever he e!erges3 he shall fill the earth with 8ustice and e-uity 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.; The author of :4-dud,&urar; in the first cha$ter3 narrates fro! 'Sunan of Abu &awoud3 '8aa!e of Tir!idhi and 'Sunan of 5esaee fro! 1bn 1shaa- as such> Ali (!ay Allahs blessings be u$on hi!) looked at his son3 "ussein3 and then said> , 'Surely !y son is a 'Sayyid (2hief) 0ust as the "oly #ro$het na!ed hi! so. Very soon shall e!erge the one fro! his rear. "is na!e will be the sa!e as your #ro$hets fla!e. 1n creation he is the sa!e as the #ro$het but in !orals he is not so. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice.ID 1n the second cha$ter of the afore,!entioned book3 the author narrates fro! the book of :+aas ,%a,5ushur; of +aiha-i a si!ilar tradition until he co!es to the section where Ali says> 1n !anners3 he is not si!ilar to the #ro$het. Moreover3 in the second cha$ter of the afore,!entioned book3 the author writes> 'Abu %ael says> Ali looked at "ussein and then said> 1ndeed !y son is :Sayyid; (2hief) 0ust as the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) na!ed hi! so. Very soon a $erson3 whose na!e shall be the sa!e as your #ro$hets na!e will e!erge fro! "usseins rear. "e shall e!erge at the ti!e when $eo$le will be negligent and un, aware. A ti!e when the truth will be dead and o$$ression will be in force. The inhabitants of the heavens and earth will re0oice fro! his e!ergence. "e will be having a broad

forehead3 $rotracted nose3 broad sto!ach3 broad thighs3 a s$ot on his right cheek and his front teeth se$erated fro! each other. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.IE Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- #ate+ah (A.S.) Abu &awoud in the fourth Volu!e of his 'Sahih on $age KN writes> (!!,Sal!a says> '1 heard the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) saying> Mahdi is fro! !y $rogenyF fro! the children of ate!ah.II 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age CN) and Shaikh Saban in :4saaf ur,.hagebeen; ($age @IK) have brought the sa!e tradition fro! Musli!3 Abu &awoud3 5esae3 1bn,Maa0a and +aiha-i. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IEG narrates fro! :Mashkut al,Masabih; fro! Abu &awoud fro! (!!, Sal!a who said> '1 heard the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) saying> , Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny3 fro! the children of ate!ah. Again3 the sa!e author on $age DDE of his afore,said book narrates fro! Ali,ibn,"allal who narrates fro! his father who said> '1 was honored by visiting the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) at the ti!e when he was feeling unwell and ate!ah was crying besides hi!. Then the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> '9 !y daughter3 what causes you to cry? She re$lied> 1 fear that after you3 har! shall befall !e. The "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A.) re$lied> '9 !y beloved one3 Allah $ut the rein of care on the inhabitants of the earth. Then3 a!ongst the!3 "e a$$ointed your father and then bestowed u$on hi! the Messengershi$. Thereafter3 "e showed another care. "e a$$ointed your husband Ali and revealed to !e that 1 should give your hand in !arriage to

hi!. '9 ate!ah3 we are such an Ahlul,+ait that Allah3 the 47alted has given us $rivilege of seven things which others do not $ossess. 5either those before us nor those who will co!e after us will have the $rivilege of those seven things. 1 a! your father3 the Bast of the #ro$hets and the !ost hondurable a!ong the! before Allah and !y :%asi; (legatee) is your husband3 the best of the legatees and the !ost beloved a!ongst the! before Allah. 9ur !artyr "a!/a3 the loved uncle of your father as well as your husband3 are the best of the !artyrs and the !ost beloved a!ongst the! before Allah. Moreover3 the one who $ossesses two wings is fro! us. "e shall fly with the! in #aradise along with the angels to whichever $lace he wishes. "e is your fathers cousin and the brother of your husband. The two :Sebt; (offs$rings) of this :(!!ah; (nation) are fro! us and they are "assan and "ussein3 the two 2hiefs of the youth of #aradise and they are your sons. 1 swear by the one %ho rightly a$$ointed !e to the station of the #ro$hethood that Mahdi is fro! your sons. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression. The author of '<anabi !entions that "afe/ Abul,Ala "a!adani has brought this tradition in the : orty traditions; (which has been written about Mahdi). The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IEI narrates fro! :Ausath; of Tabarani who narrates fro! Abaya,ibn, .abaee who in turn narrates fro! Abu Ayub Ansari who said> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) told ate!ah (May Allahs $eace be u$on her) as such> The best of the #ro$hets is fro! us and he is your father. The best of , the %asis (legatees) is fro! us and he is your husband. The best of the !artyrs is fro! us and he is "a!/a3 your fathers uncle. The one who

$ossesses two wings is fro! us. "e shall fly with the! to whichever $lace he wishes in #aradise and he is 8afar3 your fathers cousin. The two :Sebt; (offs$rings) of this '(!!ah and the two 2hiefs of the youths of #aradise are fro! us and they are "assan and "ussein3 your two sons. Moreover3 Mahdi is fro! us and he shall be fro! your children. 1n the afore,!entioned book3 the author on $age ICG narrates fro! the book : a/ael as,Sahabah; of Abu Mu/affar Sa!ani who in turn narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri a tradition al!ost si!ilar to the one which was 0ust !entioned. The author says> Traditions in this regard (which you ca!e across in the $reface of this book) are :Mustafi/a; traditions. .ather they are wildly trans!itted traditions and what we have written shall be ade-uate.IH Mahdi is #ro+ the 5ro&eny o- 9Sebtain; (i.e. Hassan and Hussein) The author of :4-dud,&urar; in the third cha$ter of section 5o.E narrates fro! the book :Sefat al,Mahdi; of "afe/ Abu 5aee! 4sfahani who in turn narrates fro! Ali, ibn,"allal who narrates fro! his father as such> '1 received the honor of visiting the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) at the ti!e when his soul was about to de$art and ate!ah was crying besides hi!. "e recited the afore,said lengthy tradition and in the end of it he said> '9 ate!ah3 1 swear by the 9ne %ho rightly a$$ointed !e that Mahdi of this '(!!ah will be fro! those two (i.e. "assan and "ussein). The world will beco!e such that chaos and disturbances will be intensified all $ath (of solution) will be served and $eo$le will fiercely fall u$on one another such that neither

the elders will show !ercy u$on the young nor the children will honor the old. %hen this ha$$ens3 Allah will a$$oint so!eone (i.e. Mahdi) who shall con-uer the deviated castles and o$en out the sheathed hearts (a !eta$horic re!arks that "a/rat shall do!inate over the false religions and ta!e the deviated hearts towards 1sla!). 1ndeed he shall revolt at the end of ti!e 0ust as 1 revolted at !y ti!e. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression. The author says> This tradition has been narrated by Gan0i fro! the book :54TA1,MA"&1; of Abu 5aee! 4sfahani and :Mua0a! )abeer; of Abul *asi! Tabarani and !ost of the e7$erts of tradition too3 have narrated this tradition in their res$ective books with slight differences in wordings. in so!e of the!3 the words 'fro! us has been written instead of 'fro! those two.IJ The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IED writes> 'The author of 8awaher al,A-dain saysF 'As $er research3 the effects of the "oly #ro$hets 'dua (invocation) at the ti!e of !arriage of Ali and ate!ah ($eace be u$on the!) beca!e a$$arent in the offs$ring of "assan and "ussein. Thus3 fro! their offs$ring are those who have $assed away and those who are still to co!e. 1f there will not co!e anyone in the future e7ce$t Mahdi3 suffice it will be for the invocation of the "oly #ro$het to have co!e into effect. 1n this regard3 the author says> '8ust as we saw in the tradition of Ali,ibn,"allal3 "a/rats swearing3 in s$ite of being truthful and trustworthy was only to e!$hasi/e the !atter. ro! a!ongst the seven,fold characteristics3 "a/rat has set aside Mahdi and sweared by hi! only3 showing the i!$ortance of this !atter. "owever the reason that Mahdi (A.S.) is fro! the sons of :Sebtain; (A.S.) (offs$ring of Ali) is that "a/rat +a-ers

!other (i.e. ate!ah) was the wife of "a/rat Ali,ibn,"ussein 6ain,ul,Abedeen (A.S.) and daughter of "a/rat Abu Muha!!ad "assan Mu0taba (AS.) and about this wo!an3 1!a! +a-er has said> , ' ate!ah is a righteous wo!an. So Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali +a-er is fro! the sons of "assan and "ussein and he and his honorable sons are a!ongst those who have attained this honor. Mahdi3 the Awaited one too is fro! this $ro$itious s$lendor and blessed fa!ily tree because3 he is Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan, ibn,8afar,ibn,Muha!!ad , ibn , +a-ir,ibn,Ali,ibn "ussein,ibn,Ali,ibn,Abi Talib A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen (A.S.) Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- Hussein (A.S.) 1n the first cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar; its author narrates fro! "afe/ Abu 5aee! fro! his book :Sefat al,Mahdi; who in turn narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn ,<a!aan who said> 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) delivered a ser!on. Then3 he disclosed for us all that was sure to take $lace till the &ay of 8udge!ent. Thereafter he said> 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God Al!ighty will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !e shall a$$ear. Then Sal!an stood u$ and said> '9 Messenger of Allah3 fro! which of your $rogeny he shall co!e? The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) re$lied> '"e shall be fro! this son (and he $ut his hand on "usseins head) of !ine. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IC says> 1n the co!!entary on 5ahiul,+alagha (!ost $robably he is referring to co!!entary of 1bn,Abil "adeed) *a/i,ul, *u/aat narrates fro! )afi,ul,)ufaat3 Abul,*asi! 1s!ail, ibn,4bad a tradition where the chain of trans!ission is linked

to Ali (A.S.) who !entioned so!ething about Mahdi and then said> 'Verily he is fro! the children of "ussein.IN The author says> Traditions in this regard are :Mustafi/a; traditions. .ather3 the consensus a!ongst we Shia 1!a!iah is the sa!e and what is fa!ous a!ong the scholars of our brethren Sunnis too is the sa!e. "owever in so!e of the rare traditions (very few) we find so!ething which is o$$osite to this !eaning. A!ong the!3 Abu &awoud in his 'Sahih (vol. I3 $g. KC) narrates fro! Abu 1shaa- who said> Ali (!ay Allahs $eace and blessing be u$on hi!) looked at "assan and Said> :Surely !y son is 'Sayyid (2hief) 0ust as the "oly #ro$het called hi! by this na!e. Soon a $erson will e!erge fro! his rear. "is na!e shall be the sa!e as your #ro$hets na!e. 1n creation he will be si!ilar to the #ro$het but in behaviour he will not be so. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice.; So!e of Sunni '(le!as have reckoned Mahdi to be fro! the children of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Mu0taba (A.S.) A!ongst the!3 1bn "a0ar in his 'Sawae- on $age CC writes> :Abu &awoud in his 'Suaan has narrated a tradition that Mahdi is fro! the children of "assan and its !ystery lies in this that "assan waived his 2ali$hate for the sake of Allah and his affection for his $eo$le. Thus Allah $laced the '*ae! (who shall e!erge at the ti!e of dire strait) a!ongst his children so that he fills the earth with 8ustice. The traditions which say that he is fro! the children of "ussein are weak.; The author says> 'As $er the $rescribed rules in '(sul,e, i-h (#rinci$les of 8uris$rudence) relying on the afore,said tradition is not correct for the following reasons>

irstly3 there e7ists a discre$ancy in the narration of Abi &awoud as the author of '4-dud,&urar narrates fro! 'Sunan of Abi &awoud that All looked towards "ussein. Secondly3 a grou$ of e7$erts on traditions have narrated the sa!e tradition in its e7act for! e7ce$t that Ali looked at "ussein. Thirdly3 there is the $ossibility of an error because the words of "assan and "ussein are so!eti!es erroneously written for one another es$ecially in the )ufi scri$t. ourth3 the tradition is contrary to what is fa!ous a!ong the Sunni (le!as. ifth3 the said tradition is contradicting !ost of the other traditions3 which are !ore authentic in their chain of trans!ission and !ore evident in e7$ression. So!e of these traditions have already been !entioned and Allah , willing3 the rest too will be !entioned later on. And Si7th3 this tradition is $robably a false and fabricated one for this reason that they wanted to get near to Muha!!ad,ibn,Abdulla known as '5afs,e,6akiyah. Thus they resorted to fabrication !erely to $lease hi!. Mahdi is #ro+ the (inth Des'endant o- Hussein (A.S.) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age ICE narrates fro! :Mana-ib; of Muwaffa-,ibn, Ah!ad )hawra/!i who narrates fro! Sulai!,ibn,*ais "allali who narrates fro! Sal!an arsi who said> '1 got the honor of visiting the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.). %hat 1 saw was "ussein, ibn,Ali sitting on his la$ and the "oly #ro$het kissing over his eyes and licking his clothes and then saying> <ou are a 2hief3 son of a 2hief and brother of 2hief. <ou are an 1!a!3 son of an 1!a! and brother of 1!a!. <ou are a divine $roof3 brother of a divine $roof and father of nine

&ivine #roofs3 the ninth of the! being the :*ae!;. The sa!e too can be seen in :(-dud,&urar;. 1n the afore,!entioned book on $age DHK3 the author narrates fro! the tenth cha$ter of :Mawaddat,ul,*urba; as such> 1t has co!e fro! Sali!,ibn,*ais "allali that Sal!an arsi said> %hen 1 went to !eet the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) 1 saw "ussein sitting on his la$ and kissing over his eyes and licking his clothes. Thereafter the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> <ou are a 2hief and the son of a 2hief <ou are an 1!a! and the son of an 1!a!. <ou are a divine $roof and the son of a divine $roof and the father of nine &ivine #roofs3 the ninth of the! shall be the *ae!. +esides these one3 there are still other nu!erous traditions and Allah,willing3 we shall soon narrate the!. The author says> , 1t does not see! likely that anyone a!ongst the Musli!s is ignorant of these nine $ersonalities and has not known the! by na!e. %ith this descri$tion there is no holding back to !entioning their na!es out of benediction and re!e!brance. The first of the! is Abul, "assan 6ain,ul,Abedeen3 followed by his son Abu 8afar Muha!!ad +a-ir3 followed by his son Abu Abdulla 8afer Sade-3 followed by his Abul,"assan Musa )a/i!3 followed by his son Abul,"assan lih ar,.e/a3 followed by his son Abu 8afar Muha!!ad 8awad3 followed by his son Abul,"assan Ali "aadi3 followed by his son Muha!!ad "assan Askari3 followed by his son Abul *asi! Muha!!ad Mahdi who is the ninth of the! and the :*ae!;. Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- Sade8 (A.S.) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age ICC has narrated fro! :Arbaeen; of "afe/ Abu 5aee! 4sfahani

(which is a collection of forty traditions about Mahdi). A!ongst the! is a tradition3 which he has narrated fro! 'Baghwi better known as 1bn ')hesbab. "e said> Abul *asi! Thaher,ibn,"aroon,ibn,Musa )a/i! narrated for !e a. tradition fro! his grand , father who said> !y !aster 8afer,ibn ,Muha!!ad said> 'The $ious successor shall be fro! !y $rogeny and he is the Mahdi. "is na!e is Muha!!ad and his agno!en is Abul,*asi!. "e shall e!erge at the end of ti!e. "is !other is na!ed as 5argis and above his head is a cloud3 which shall $rovide a shadow for hi! fro! the sun. 1t shall acco!$any hi! wherever he goes and will call out in an elo-uent voice> This is Mahdi3 so obey hi!. +esides this3 there are so!e other traditions which Allah, willing we shall ac-uaint you with very soon. 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; on $age @DG says> Muha!!ad, ibn,Ali +a-er left behind si7 sons which the !ost learned and $erfect a!ongst all is 8afar Sade-. 1t was for this reason that he was !ade as his fathers successor and legatee and $eo$le have narrated so !uch knowledge fro! hi! that his fa!e (of e7cellence) had engulfed all the $laces. Great Sunni scholars like <ahya,ibn,Saeed3 1bn,8areeh3 Malik3 Sufyanin3 Abu "anifa3 Shuaba and Ayub +akhtiyani have narrated traditions fro! hi!... (nder the verse (=) 1!a! akhr .aa/0 says> 'A!ong the !eanings of ')authar (river in #aradise) one !eaning can be that of 'offs$ring because3 this Sura was revealed in refutation of those who were rebuking the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) for not having a son and then Allah $rovided hi! a generation which would continue to re!ain in the course of ti!e. Thus3 you !ay see for yourself that how !any an offs$ring of the "oly #ro$het have been killed and yet the

world is full of their e7istence whereas not even one has re!ained fro! +ani,(!!ayid. 9nce again3 you !ay see for yourself that those who are fro! his Ahlul,+ait like +a-ir3 Sade-3 )a/i!3 .e/a (A.S.)3 '5efs,6akiyah and their likes are great scholars. Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- ,e<a (A.S.) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IIK narrates fro! the book of : araed,ul,Se!tain; as such> "assan,ibn, )halid says> , Ali,ibn,Musa .e/a ($eace be u$on hi!) said> , 'The one who does not have (=) (i.e. $iety)3 does not have faith and the !ost honorable of you before Allah is the one who is the !ost $ious. Thereafter he said> , Verily the fourth fro! !y descendant is the son of a $rincess of slave,!aids who shall cleanse the earth fro! every cruelty and o$$ression. 1n the afore,!entioned book on $age IKC3 the author narrates fro! "assan,ibn,)halid who said> , Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.e/a (A.S.) said> , 'The a$$ointed ti!e (in *uran) refers to the day of e!ergence of our '*ae!. Then it was asked fro! "a/rat as to who is the *ae! and he re$lied> '"e is the fourth of !y descendant3 the son of a $rincess of slave,!aids who shall $urify the earth fro! every cruelty and o$$ression. 9nce again3 in the sa!e book on $age IHI the author narrates fro! : araed,ul,Se!tain; as such> Ah!ad,ibn,6iad has narrated fro! &eabel )hu/aee who said>, '1 read out !y elegy which began with (=) before "a/rat .e/a (AS.) until 1 reached to this $art of the $oe!>IK (=) "a/rat cried bitterly and then said> '9 &eabel3 the "oly S$irit has s$oken through your tongue. &o you know who this 1!a! is?

1 re$lied> 5o3 1 do not know hi!. +ut3 1 have heard that an 1!a! shall e!erge fro! your household3 the one who shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice. "a/rat said> The 1!a! after !e shall be !y son Muha!!ad and after Muha!!ad will be his son Ali and after Ali will be his son "assan and after "assan will be his son "u00at al,*ae! and he is the Awaited one.IC 1bn,"a00ar in his 'Sawae- on $age @DD says> '%hen "a/rat Musa,ibn,8afar $assed away3 he left behind thirty,seven sons and daughters. A!ongst the! was Ali,ar, .e/a who was !ore renowned in na!e and !ore !anifest in !erit than the others. or this reason Ma!un gave hi! a $lace in his heart and gave his daughters hand in !arriage to hi!. "e also $laced hi! as his $artner in his kingdo! and entrusted the affairs of 2ali$hate to hi!. 1n the year of DG@ "i0ra3 he wrote by his own hand the 'testa!ental, guardianshi$ for "a/rat and took a large nu!ber of $eo$le into witness. "owever "a/rat $assed away fro! this world before hi! as a result of which Ma!un beca!e very de$ressed and sad. +efore dying3 "a/rat had foretold that he would die because of the $oisonous effect of gra$es and $o!egranates and that Ma!un would wish to bury hi! near his father3 .ashids grave3 but would not succeed. Thus3 all that "a/rat had foretold did occur. 9nce "a/rat told a $erson as such> '9 AbdullaA +e satisfied with what Allah wishes and be $re$ared for that which is inevitable for you to occur. Then on the third day Abdulla died. This incident has been narrated by "ake!. Also3 he narrates fro! Muha!!ad,ibn,1sa who narrates fro! Abu "abib who said> 1 saw in !y drea!s that 1 had visited the "oly #ro$het and greeted hi!. At that very !o!ent3 1 saw a tray of Saihani dates ne7t to hi! and he offered

eighteen of those dates to !e. Then 1 woke u$ and inter$reted !y drea! in this !anner that 1 would live for another eighteen days. "owever3 after the twentieth day3 Abul, "assan Ali ar,.e/a arrived fro! Medina and ca!e to the sa!e !os-ue where 1 had seen the "oly #ro$het in !y drea!. #eo$le hastened towards hi! in order to offer their greetings. 1 too went close to hi! and saw hi! sitting in the very $lace which the "oly #ro$het had sat and besides hi! was ke$t a tray of Saihani dates3 the sa!e tray of dates which 1 had seen in !y drea!. Bater3 1 greeted hi! and he called !e close to hi!self and offered !e a handful of those dates. %hen 1 counted the!3 1 reali/ed that they were e7actly the sa!e nu!bers of dates the "oly #ro$het had offered !e in !y drea!. 1 asked for !ore but he said> 1f the "oly #ro$het had offered you !ore than this a!ount3 1 too would offer you !ore. %hen "a/rat arrived in 5aishabour he was !ounted on a !ule and on to$ of the !ule,litter was a cover3 which was not visible fro! behind. Then two $ersons fro! the e7$erts of traditions3 i.e. Abu 6arra .aa/i and Muha!!ad,ibn,Asla! Tusi went in his $resence along with a large nu!ber of scholars. They asked "a/rat to disclose his blessed face and narrate for the! traditions3 which he had received fro! his fore , fathers. Then3 as $er his co!!ands the !ule,litter ca!e to a stand , still and his slaves drew back the curtain. %hen the $eo$les eyes fell on his blessed face they began to re0oice. A grou$ was 0ubilating while another grou$ was crying out of e7cessive ha$$iness. <et others threw the!selves on the ground and those who were near were seen kissing the hooves of his !ule. Then the scholars cried out> :9 $eo$le3 be -uiet and listen to what "a/rat says.; %hen the $eo$le $re$ared the!selves to listen3 "a/rat started to deliver

this tradition and as the crowd was great in nu!ber those too i.e. Abu 6arra and Muha!!ad,ibn,Asla! were calling 9ut "a/rats !essage to the $eo$le. Bater3 "a/rat said> 'My father Musa )a/i! narrated to !e fro! his father 8afer Sade- who narrated fro! his father Muha!!ad +a-er who narrated fro! his father 6ain,ul,Abedeen who narrated fro! his father "ussein who narrated fro! his father Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (!ay Allah be satisfied with hi!) who said> My dear and beloved Messenger of Allah (S.A%.A) said> Gibraeel (Gabriel) told !e as such> , 1 heard the 47alted Bord saying> The words of> (=) is My castle. So anyone who recites it shall enter My castle and the one who enters My castle will be saved fro! My chastise!ent. Thereafter3 he re!oved the cover fro! the !ule,litter and !oved ahead. About twenty , thousand writers have narrated this tradition. 1n another tradition it has co!e that "a/rat said> ' aith is recognition by the heart3 confession by the tongue and action by the li!bs. #erha$s he said both of the!. Ah!ad says> :1f this tradition which is having a chain of trans!itters is read for an insane $erson he shall be cured of his !adness.; Mahdi is #ro+ the !--s rin& o- Hassan As0ari (A.S.) %hen you will follow what we have said and understand the traditions3 which we have written3 there should not be any reason for you to doubt its conclusion (i.e. Mahdi3 the Awaited one is the very son of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari). "owever fro! the view , $oint of elucidation of the conclusion3 we have written the! under the above title and

also notified the sti$ulation of so!e of the great scholars of Ahl,e,Sunnah. %e say> The afore,!entioned traditions which indicated that Mahdi is the ninth descendant of "ussein and fourth descendant of Abul "assan ar,.e/a $roves this !atter (i.e. he being the son of "assan Askari) es$ecially the tradition which we narrated fro! araed,ul,Se!tain where "a/rat .e/a s$eaks to &ebel )hu/aee as such> :1ndeed the 1!a! after !e will be !y son Muha!!ad Ta-i 8awad and the 1!a! after hi! will be his son3 Ali "aadi 5a-i and the 1!a! after hi! will be his son "assan Askari and the 1!a! after hi! will be his son Muha!!ad "u00at Mahdi Muntaaar.; Moreover3 that which we shall narrate later on (the fact that Mahdi3 the Awaited one is the twelfth fro! the 2ali$hs3 1!a!s3 legatees and divine $roofs) also $roves this !atter. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IC@ has narrated fro! :Arbaeen; of "afe/ Abu 5aee! who in turn has narrated fro! 1bn,)heshab who said> 'Sade-,ibn,Musa narrated to !e fro! his father who narrated fro! Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.e/a who said> , The virtuous successor shall be fro! children of "assan,ibn,Ali Askari. "e is the Mahdi3 the !aster of ti!e. The author of :4saaf,ur.aghebeen; on $age @HN has narrated fro! the book :Al,<awa-it,wal,8awahar; of Abdul, %ahab Sharani who in turn has narrated fro! the book of :Al, otouhat al,Makkah; as follows> , ')now that the e!ergence of Mahdi is inevitable. "owever he shall not e!erge until the earth has been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Then he shall fill it with e-uity and 8ustice. "e shall be fro! the generation of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah ($eace be u$on the!). "is great grand,father is "ussein,ibn,Ali,ibn,

Abi Talib and his father is "assan Askari3 the son of 1!a! Ali an,5a-i3 the son of 1!a! Muha!!ad Ta-i3 the son of 1!a! Ali ar,.e/a3 the son of 1!a! Musa )a/i!3 the son of 1!a! 8afer Sade-3 the son of 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir3 the son of 1!a! 6ain,ul,Abedeen3 the son of 1!a! "ussein3 the son of 1!a! Ali,ibn ,Abi Talib ($eace be u$on the! all). "is na!e is the sa!e as the "oly #ro$hets na!e and the Musli!s will give allegiance to hi! between '.ukn and 'Ma-aa! (station of 1brahi!). The author says> Most of our (Shute) scholars as well as the scholars of Ahl,e,Sunnah have narrated these invaluable and $recious sentences or e7$ressions fro! the book of :Al, <awa-it,wal,8awahar; where its author in turn has narrated fro! the book of :Al, otouhat al,Makkiyeh;. "owever in the recent edition of that book 1 have not seen the above e7$ressions. So $lease $onder (a !eta$horic re!ark that $erha$s the afore,!entioned tradition has been dro$$ed). The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IH@ has narrated fro! the book : asl,ul,)hetaab; as such> 'And it is the saying of the $ure 1!a! Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari where he says, 'And shall not leave any son e7ce$t Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad who shall be given such titles as '*ae!3 '"u00at3 'Mahdi3 'Saheb,u/,6a!an and ')hata!,ul,Ai!!a 1thna,Ashar a!ong the 1!a!iahs. The author says> The words :a!ong the 1!a!iahs; is related to the fact that "a/rat is twelfth in nu!ber and not that it is referring to the other afore,!entioned titles. The sa!e scholar in the afore,said book3 on $age ING says> Sayyid Abdul,%ahab Sharani in the si7ty fifth 2ha$ter of his book 'Al,<awa-it,wal,8awahar writes> 'Mahdi is the son of 1!a! "assan Askari. 9nce again3 the sa!e scholar on $age IN@ of his book

narrates fro! :Matalib,ul,Suool; and :&urrul,Muna//a!; of )a!aluddin Thaiha who has written as such> :Mahdi is the son of Muha!!ad "assan Askari.; Also3 in the sa!e book on $age IN@ the author writes> 1n the last 2ha$ter of the book of '+ayan3 Gan0i says> , :Surely Mahdi will be the son of "assan Askari.; 1n the sa!e book3 the author on $age IN@ writes> the author of : usool,ul,Muhi!!a; says> , 'Verily the $ro!ised Mahdi is the son of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari3 the son of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari3 the son of Ali an,5a-i (#eace be u$on the!). The author of :&urrul,Musawiya; writes> Those who! 1 found to be having the sa!e belief as we Shiites in the !atter of Mahdi are Muha!!ad, ibn,<usuf Gan0i in 'Al,+ayan3 Muha!!ad , ibn,Thalha Shafaee in 'Matalib , us Suool3 Sebt,ibn,8au/i in 'Ta/kerat,ul,Ai!a! and Sharani in 'Al, <awakit, wal,8awahar where they have all said> , 'Mahdi is the son of 1!a! "assan Askari. "e was born in the night of fifteenth of Shaban DHH A." and is still living until he and 1sa,ibn,Marya! !eet each other. The sa!e !atter has also co!e in :Al,<awakit; and :Taba-aat; where its authors have narrated fro! Shaikh "assan Ara-i3 the one who has !et Mahdi as $er the detailed account which has co!e in the book of :Taba-aat; (translated by the afore,said Shaikh "assan). 1t is also re$orted that Ali )hawaas and Shaikh Mohiuddin (in his book of otouhat ch. EJJ) have given their consent with regard to this belief. Sharani in :Bawa-eh al,Anwar,ul, *udsiah; (which is a conclusion of otouhat al,Makkiyah)3 Saban Mesri in 4saaf,ur,.hagebeen and his e7act wordings in :Al,<awakit; which are both 4gy$tian $rints3 Shaikh Salahuddin Safadi whose e7act state!ent has been narrated

in the book of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; fro! :Shar,e,&ayera;3 Shaikh Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad Maliki in his book : usul,ul, Muhi!!a; and Shaikh "a!uini Shafaee in : araed,ul, Se!tain; have narrated as such> 'Verily the $ro!ised Mahdi is the son of Abi Muha!!ad "assan Askari son of Ali an,5a-i (#eace be u$on the!) HG and the sa!e has been !entioned by Shaikh "a!uani Shafaee in his book : araed,us,Se!tain;.

Cha ter Three

Mahdi and His Loo0s Mahdi and His Chara'ter Mahdi and His ,ese+blan'e to the 5ro het Mahdi and His Dis osition Mahdi and His 7no"led&e Mahdi and His Justi'e Mahdi and His 2enerosity Mahdi and His ,ule Mahdi and His ,e-or+s Mahdi and His Alle&ian'e The A"aited Mahdi is :ni8ue Mahdi and His Loo0s Abu &awoud in his 'Sahih (vol.I #g. KK) has narrated fro! Abu Saeed )hudri as such> , Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is fro! !e having a s$arkling forehead and $rotracted nose.H@ 9n $age CK of Sawae-3 1bn,"a0ar has narrated fro! Abu 5aee! a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.) as such> , :Verily Allah shall !ake a $erson to a$$ear fro! !y $rogeny. "is front teeth is s$aced a little and his forehead s$arkling with light.;

The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; too has narrated the sa!e tradition of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) fro! Abu 5aee!. 1n the afore,!entioned book3 1bn,"a0ar narrates (on $age CK) fro! .uyani and Tabarani and they two fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as saying> , 'Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny. "is face is like a twinkling starF his color 'Arabi and his figure like the figure of 1sraeel. (S$eaking allusively of his wheatish co!$le7ion3 tall height and stoutness). The sa!e tradition can be seen in :4saaf,ur,.hagebeen; ($age @IC). Author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @IG narrates fro! :"uliat,ul,Aulia; of Abu 5aee! 4sfahani as such> , :1t is said that Mahdi is a youth with black eyes3 e7tended eye, brows3 $rotracted nose3 curly beard and a s$ot on his right cheek and right hand.; Author of :5ur,ul,Absar; narrates on $age DDC fro! Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi and they two fro! Abu Saeed who said> , '1 have heard that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) used to say> Mahdi is fro! !e3 having a s$arkling forehead and $rotracted nose. 1n the afore,said book3 the author on $age DEG narrates fro! 1bn,Shirwiya and he3 fro! "u/aifa P ibn , <a!an and he3 fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> 'Mahdi is !y HCn. "is color is the color of 'Arabi (wheatish co!$le7ion) and his figure is like the figure of 1sraeel.HD Author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates in the third 2ha$ter fro! Ali (A.S.) who3 while describing the dis$osition of Mahdi said> , '"e is a !an with s$arkling forehead3 $rotracted nose and broad thighs. There e7ists a s$ot on his right cheek and there

are ga$s between his teeth.HE 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali +a-er (A.S.) who said> , 'A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib was asked about Mahdis $hysical a$$earance and he re$lied> "e is a youth with an average stature and a handso!e face with hairs falling over his shoulders and light glea!ing fro! his face.HI Mahdi and His Chara'ter 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CK) has narrated fro! .auyani and Tabarani and they too fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny.; Thereafter he said> 'The inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth are ha$$y with his reign.HH Tabarani adds> and the birds of the sky. The sa!e tradition can be found in :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @IC.HJ Author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @H@ has narrated fro! Ah!ad and Mawardi that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Glad tidings be to you about Mahdi.; Thereafter he said> , :The inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth are ha$$y with hi!. "e shall distribute the wealth e-ually3 free Muha!!ads '(!!ah fro! need or want and co!fort the! with his righteousness.; The author of :4-dud,durar; in the eighth cha$ter of his book narrates fro! Taoos as such> :The sign of Mahdi is that he shall be harsh with rulers3 generous with the $eo$le in distributing wealth and gentle with the hel$less in caressing the!.; Thereafter he writes> 'This tradition has been taken fro! Abu Abdulla 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad fro! the book of ' atanHN 1n the third cha$ter and the ninth section of the

afore,!entioned book3 the author narrates fro! the book of : atan; of "afe/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn ,"e!ad who narrates fro! Abu .u!iyah as follows> :Mahdi shall feed the hel$less.; Author of :5ur,ul,Absar; narrates (on $age DEG) fro! 'Musnad of 1!a! Ah!ad who narrates fro! Saeed )hudri who said> , 'Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , :1 give you glad,tidings about Mahdi.; Thereafter he said> , 'The inhabitants of the heavens and the inhabitants of the earth are ha$$y with hi!. "e shall distribute wealth e-ually a!ongst the $eo$le and will fill the hearts of Muha!!ads '(!!ah with needlessness (a !eta$horic re!ark of !aking the $eo$le wealthy). "e shall co!fort the! with his righteousness.HK urther!ore3 in the afore,!entioned book the author on the sa!e $age3 narrates once again fro! ' atan fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!aan that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi is !y son.; Thereafter he said> :The inhabitants of the heavens3 the inhabitants of the earth and the birds of the sky are ha$$y with his reign.; Mahdi ,ese+bles the Messen&er o- Allah (S.A...A.) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age ICE narrates fro! :Mana-eb; of )hawra/!i who in turn narrates fro! 8afar,ibn,Muha!!ad Masroor who narrates fro! "ussein, ibn,Muha!!ad Aa!er who narrates fro! his (ncle Abdullah,ibn,Aa!er who narrates fro! Muha!!ad,ibn,Abu 9!air who narrates fro! Abu 8u!aila Mufa//al,ibn,Saleh who narrates fro! 8aber,ibn,<a/id who narrates fro! 8aber, ibn,Abdullah Ansari who said> 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , 'Mahdi is !y son. "is na!e as well as his agno!en shall be the sa!e as !ine. A!ongst all the $eo$le3

he shall rese!ble !e the !ost in creation and !orals.HC 1n the afore,!entioned book3 the sa!e tradition of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has been narrated fro! Abu +aseer who has narrated fro! "a/rat Sadi- 8afer,ibn,Muha!!ad who in turn has narrated fro! his father A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen (A.S.). The author of 'Al, otouhat,al,Makkiyah in the EJJth cha$ter writes about the characteristics of Mahdi as such> , '"e is si!ilar to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) in creation. "owever in !orals3 he is si!ilar to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) to a lesser degree because none can be like "a/rat in !orals as Allah says> (=) The author says> 'Two $ersons being alike fro! any view$oint (whether creation or !orals) is i!$ossible habitually. "owever such re!arks show the nearness of one (a!ongst the!) to the other 0ust as the sa!e !eaning can be derived fro! the first tradition which says> A!ongst all the $eo$le3 he rese!bles the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) the !ost. That is to say3 if at all the creation and !orals of the $eo$le is to be co!$ared with the creation and !orals of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) then a!ongst all3 Mahdi (AS.) is the one who rese!bles the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) the !ost and he is the one who is nearest to hi!. This !atter is not inco!$atible with the !atter of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) being (=) (Ma0estic in creation) and the fact that no (=) (character) is si!ilar to his (=). Mahdi and His Dis osition Abu &awoud narrates on $age KK of his :Sahih; a tradition fro! (!!,Sal!a3 the wife of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and she fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) while

s$eaking about Mahdi and his allegiance between '.ukn and 'Ma-a! he said> :The $eo$le shall act according to the !anners of their #ro$het and 1sla! will be established and its $rece$ts will e7$and all over the earth.; The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IEN) fro! Ali,ibn,Abi Talib3 A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen (AS.) who said about Mahdis characteristics as such> ,At the ti!e when they (i.e. the $eo$le) shall suit the guidance to follow the desires3 Mahdi shall alter the desires to follow the guidance. At the ti!e when they shall inter$ret *uran to follow their (own) $rudence3 Mahdi shall realign (their) $rudence to follow the *uran. Mahdi shall de!onstrate to you the 8ustice. Mahdi shall enliven the co!!and!ents of the *uran and the Sunnah3 which was until then3 dead and lifeless. 9n $age CK of :Sawae-;3 1bn,"a0ar says> 1bn,"e!ad narrates one tradition3 which its chain of trans!ission cul!inates in the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.). "a/rat says> :Mahdi is fro! !y race. "e shall fight for !y 'Sunnah 0ust as 1 fought for the revelation of Allah.;JG The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates on $age IIH fro! "a!uani who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass as such> 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Verily Allah resolved this religion by the hands of Ali. Then3 when he is killed3 the religion shall deteriorate until Mahdi co!es and rectifies it.; The author says> Traditions about Mahdi that he shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice after it has been filled with cruelty and o$$ression co!e to the level of 'Mustafi/a. Allah , willing3 you shall soon co!e across these and other traditions.J@ Mahdi and His 7no"led&e

1n the third cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar; its author narrates fro! "arith,ibn,Mughaira Ansari that he asked Abu Abdullah "ussein,ibn,Ali as such> +y what sign should we recogni/e Mahdi? "e re$lied> '+y (his) cal!ness and (his) dignity. 9nce again 1 asked> +y what sign? "e re$lied> +y recogni/ing the 'forbidden and '$er!issible affairs and the need of the $eo$le towards hi! and his own needlessness fro! others. 9n $age IG@3 the author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates fro! the book of :&urra,tul,Maaref; as follows> :Mahdi shall bring out fro! the cave of 'Anthakia the books and shall bring out fro! the lake of 'Tabariah the 6aboor which contains all that the fa!ily of Musa and "aroon have left behind and which was carried by the Angels and contains the Tablets ($ieces of stone or wood on which divine !atters have been written) and the cane of Musa (A.S.). Moreover Mahdi is su$erior to all the $eo$le in knowledge and insight.;JD 1n the afore,!entioned book3 the author narrates fro! )hawra/!i where the chain of trans!ission leads to Abu 8afar +a-ir (A.S.) who3 while s$eaking3 about Mahdi and his rese!blance to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :And he shall bring out all that the #ro$hets have stored.; The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in cha$ter E3 Section C) fro! Abdullah,ibn,Atha as such> '1 asked "a/rat Abu 8afar (+a-ir) to infor! !e about '*ae! and he re$lied> , '1 a! not that '*ae! and neither the one who! you have $era!bulated around. 1 asked hi! about Mahdis behaviour and he re$lied> :8ust as the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) used to behave.;

Mahdi and His Justi'e 1n the third cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar; its author3 narrates fro! )aabul,Akhbar who said> :1 have found in the +ooks of #ro$hets about the characteristic of Mahdi and that his co!!ands are not o$$ressive and violatary in nature.; Thereafter he writes> '1!a! Abu 9!ar and Mu--ari in their 'Sunan and "afe/ Abu 5aee! Abdullah,ibn,"e!ad. too have narrated this tradition.JE About the characteristic of Mahdi3 the author of : otouhat al,Makkiyah; writes in cha$ter 5o. EJE as such> :"e shall distribute wealth e-ually3 will e7ecute 8ustice a!ong the $eo$le and bring to a halt the altercations.; The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; narrates on $age @J@ of his afore,said book fro! : otouhat al,Makkiyah; as follows> 'As research goes3 "a/rat Mahdi shall give co!!and to those things which the Angel of ins$iration shall give and surely he shall be revealed the creed of Muha!!ad. The sa!e !atter can be seen in one of the traditions where the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> , :Mahdi shall follow !e and he is free fro! every error.; Thus the "oly #ro$het !ade us reali/e and recogni/e "a/rat Mahdi in this regard that his co!!ands are the very co!!ands of the "oly #ro$het and are not innovations. Moreover it shows that he is infallible and will not issue any order but that which is the truth. Thereafter he says> 5otwithstanding that Allah ins$ires hi! to the truth3 his co!$arison is forbidden. .ather3 so!e of the researchers have forbidden co!$arison for all !en of conscience and !en of God for this reason that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) is $resent in their sight. Thus3 if they should occasionally doubt the authenticity of a tradition or

decree3 they ought to refer to "a/rat and he in turn shall infor! the! about the true and !anifest affairs. The one who $ossesses such a status is not in need of following any leaders save the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A). Mahdi and His 2enerosity The !aga/ine :"udal,1sla!; in its DHth weekly $ublication in its third year narrates fro! 1bn,Maa0a who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) said> , :Verily Mahdi shall be fro! !y (!!ah.; Thereafter he said> , :A $erson shall a$$roach hi! and say Mahdi grant !e so!ething.; Then he shall $our wealth unto hi! to the e7tent3 which he can carry.JI The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @IC has narrated fro! Abu &awoud and Abu Abdullah "ake! 5aishabouriF the author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IE@ fro! Tir!idhi and all three fro! Abu Saeed the sa!e tradition of the "oly #ro$het in its e7act for!. 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; on $age CK narrates fro! Abu 5aee! that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Allah shall a$$oint a $erson fro! !y $rogeny.; Thereafter he said> , :"e shall bestow wealth abundantly.; The sa!e has been narrated in :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @IC. Also3 1bn,"a0ar on $age CK of his :Sawae-; writes that Ah!ad and Musli! have brought a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) stating> , :1n the end of ti!e3 there shall be a 2ali$h who will bestow wealth abundantly and unli!itedly.; The sa!e tradition has been narrated on $age @IC of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen;.JH

Mahdi and His ,ule The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates fro! 'Tarikh of Abu Abdullah,ibn,8au/i and he fro! Abdullah,ibn,Abbass and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as saying> , 'The rulers of the earth are four, two of the! believers and two a$ostates. The two believers are 6ul,*arnain and Sulai!an while the two a$ostates are +ukht,un,5asr (5ebuchadne//ar) and 5i!rod. Soon a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall gain control over it (i.e. the earth).JJ The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @HD says> :1t has co!e in traditions that Mahdi will beco!e the Master of the earth fro! 4ast to %est.; The author says> 1n so!e of the traditions it is !entioned that his rule will envelo$ the 4ast and %est. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates fro! the author :8awahar,ul,A-dain; and he3 fro! Ali who said> , :%hen the '*ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (SA%.A.) e!erges3 Allah will gather for hi! the inhabitants of the 4ast and %est.; Mahdi and His ,e-or+s 1n vol. I3 $g. KN of 'Sahih Abu &awoud narrates fro! Ali (#eace be u$on hi!) that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> '1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 Allah will a$$oint a $erson fro! !y $rogeny. "e shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.JN The author of '5ur,ul,Absar has narrated (on $age DE@) fro! Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.) as such> , '1 asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.)> %ill Mahdi be fro! (our) $rogeny of Muha!!ad or will he be fro! so!e other

$rogeny? "e re$lied> 5o3 he shall be fro! us. Allah shall bring the religion to co!$letion through his hands 0ust as he e7$anded it through us. +y our blessings they (i.e. the $eo$le) shall be released fro! turbulence 0ust as they got released fro! $olytheis!. +y our blessings Allah will unite their hearts after cons$iratorial ani!osity 0ust as "e united their hearts after $olytheistic ani!osity. +y our blessings3 they shall turn into brothers in faith after having beco!e ene!ies to each other. So!e of the scholars reckon this tradition to be '"assan (acce$table) and su$erior in the chain of trans!itters and the e7$erts ! traditions have written the! in their res$ective books. "owever Tabarani has only re!e!orated books. "owever Tabarani has only re!e!orated it in his 'Mua0a! (Ausath)3 Abu 5aee! has only narrated it in his '"uliat,ul, Aulia and Abdur,.ah!an has only !entioned it in his 'Awaali.JK Mahdi and Alle&ian'e The author of :4-dud,&urar; in cha$ter @ section I narrates fro! Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali who said> 'Mahdi shall e!erge on the day of 'Ashura (and that is the day when "ussein,ibn,Ali will be !artyred $erha$s on Saturday the tenth of Muharra!) between '.ukn and 'Ma-a! and on his right will be Gibraeel and on his left Michaeel. Allah will gather his Shias around hi! fro! everywhere and the earth shall roll u$ for the!.JC 1n 2ha$ter D3 Section I of the afore,!entioned book3 the author narrates fro! :Mustadrak; of Abu Abdullah "ake! who narrates fro! (!!,Sal!a ($eace be u$on her) who said> 'The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> #eo$le shall

give allegiance between '.ukn and 'Ma-a! to the $erson who is a!ongst !y followers and their nu!ber shall !atch the nu!ber of $eo$le of '+adr. Again3 in 2ha$ter N of the sa!e book its author narrates fro! the book :Al, atan; of 5aee! , ibn ,"e!ad who narrates fro! Abu "uraira as such> ,'Allegiance will be given to Mahdi between '.ukn and 'Ma-a! without a $erson being awakened fro! his slee$ nor a dro$ of blood being shed. The author of : otohat,al,Makkiyah; after !entioning (in the EJJth 2ha$ter) about Mahdi and the fact that he is fro! the offs$ring of ate!ah and is si!ilar in na!e to the "oly #ro$het and his great grand,father "assan,ibn,Abi,ibn,Abi Talib says> ,'#eo$le shall give hi! allegiance between '.ukn and 'Ma-a!. The A"aited Mahdi is :ni8ue 1n the first 2ha$ter of this book3 while !entioning the e7$ressions of scholars (regarding Mahdi) we had $roduced the following state!ent of 1bn,"a0ar fro! his book :Al, *ual,ul,Mukhtasar,fi,Ala!at Mahdi al,Munta/ar;> :The e7$ected Mahdi is one and not several.; The words of 1bn, "a0ar is a valuable discourse. 1ndeed it has achieved the $ur$ose and enfor!ed to the realities. Verily3 the awaited Mahdi and the '*ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) is the very sa!e $erson which Allah has !entioned in "is Glorious +ook. "is honorable #ro$het has given glad,tidings of his co!ing and the #ro$hets 'Ahl,ul,+ait3 co!$anions and followers and scholars have infor!ed that he (i.e. Mahdi) is a single and a uni-ue $erson. "e is not several although his na!e and title are !any.

The traditions3 which we had !entioned before and those which we shall !ention in the co!ing cha$ters are3 by the si!$lest indication the $roof to this !atter. 1ndeed3 these traditions will obviate every kind of !isgivings such that there shall re!ain no doubt in the !ind of any ske$tic that Mahdi3 the 47$ected one is one. The traditions3 which we have written and the traditions3 which we shall !ention gives indication to the characteristics and those things3 which introduce3 verify and distinguishes Mahdi3 the 47$ected one. As such3 it is not rational to consider !ulti$licity and nu!ber for hi!. 5ow3 we !ay !ention those characteristics and distinguishing features as follows> , irst3 the s$ecification of his house and fa!ily. Second3 the s$ecification of his fathers and fore , fathers. Third3 the identification of his father and !other by na!e. ourth3 the s$ecification of his na!e3 agno!en and title. ifth3 the s$ecification of his -ualities and signs. Si7th3 the s$ecification of his !orals and behaviors. Seventh3 his occultation and its lengthy $eriod. 4ighth3 his e!ergence at the end of ti!e. 5inth3 the things that will occur at the ti!e of his rea$$earance. Tenth3 the co!ing of &a00al and Sufyani at the ti!e of his rea$$earance. 4leventh3 Allegiance to hi! between '.ukn and 'Ma-a!. Twelfth3 the co!ing down of 1sa (8esus) and his $rayers behind hi!. Thirteenth3 his refor! $rogra!s. ourteenth3 the blessings of his e!ergence. ifteenth3 the things which he shall co!!and a!ongst the

$eo$le. Si7teenth3 his battles and victories. Seventeenth3 the e7$ansion of his Govern!ent and rule. 4ighteenth3 the $eriod of his 2ali$hate and leadershi$. 5inteenth3 the circu!stances of his de!ise or assassination. Twentieth3 the return to life of so!e of the dead after his e!ergence. The $osition of lineage and fa!ilial dignity3 truthfulness and rectitudes3 the de!eanors and signs3 the favors and !unificences3 the occurrences and un$leasantness3 the hardshi$s and harsh re!iniscences and the finally such affairs are not3 as $er e7igencies rational enough to levy for even two $eo$le let alone !ore. Maybe it is a$$licable after the end of this world and its la$se and then its co!ing into e7istence fro! the beginning. "owever3 even though this inter$retation is acce$table fro! the view , $oint of #ower of Allah3 yet the traditions are a$$arently inconsistent with the occurrence of such an affair because what they evidently reveal is that after the ti!e of Mahdi the &ay of 8udge!ent shall co!!ence. Verily3 saying that Mahdaviyat is an affair $ertaining to the kind and it is $ossible to have !ulti$le Mahdis with all the afore,said characteristics where each one will be $ossessing one of those characteristics will be a clai! contrary to the co!!on sense. 1n the two testa!ents (old and new) of Torah and +ible (1ngeel)3 so!e of the characteristics of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) have been stated. A!ongst the characteristics !entioned are his ways3 behaviour3 insight3 lineage and fa!ily and none fro! the 4ast or %est have reckoned these insights and s$ecifications to be referring to Muha!!ad of various kinds. Thus3 this !uch difference e7ists between

these insights and the insights of Mahdi so that the $ossibility of kinds and nu!bers !ay be correct for Mahdi but not so for the "oly #ro$hetA The author says> My i!agination (although i!agination does not !ake one free fro! want of truth) is that the source of clai!ing Mahdaviyat of various kinds are one of the following three> , irstly3 it !ay be instigated fro! the $art of those fascinated by rule and Govern!ent and those desirous of kingdo! and 2ali$hate. Secondly3 it !ay have a$$eared in so!e of Sufi sect because when they beca!e hel$less in clai!ing the $osition of s$ecial de$utyshi$3 they resorted to devising Mahdaviyat of various kinds. Thirdly3 as so!e of the adherents of +ani,(!!ayyid ca!e across traditions wherein the na!e of Mahdi was !entioned and concluded that if they were to believe in Mahdi who was a distinct $erson3 they would be co!$elled to $ronounce that he is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and offs$ring of ate!ah and "ussein or still the son of "a/rat "assan Askari. This was so!ething un$leasing for the! and irreconcilable with their ai!s. As a result3 they started believing in Mahdaviyat of various kinds. 1n this regard3 other sayings can be found which3 fro! the view , $oint of logic are worthless such as the saying thatF Mahdi is fro! the offs$ring of Abbass or fro! the children of "assan Mu0taba (A.S.) or that he shall be born afterwards. The root cause of all these and such other talks about Mahdi is one of the afore,said three $oints. 1n 'Mataleb,us,Suool3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Thalha writes as such> , '1f anyone ob0ects to these traditions of the "oly #ro$het (where they are !any in nu!ber and great e!$hasis

has been laid to each one of the!. Moreover there is a consensus in the correctness of its chain of trans!ission as well as in its narration fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) with correct and e7$licit $roof that Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah and fro! the lineage of the "oly #ro$het and his na!e is the sa!e as the #ro$hetQs na!e. +esides3 he shall fill the earth with 8ustice and e-uity3 he is fro! the generation of Abdul,Muttalib and a!ongst the leaders of #aradise and there this !anner that they do not indicate this fact that the Mahdi which the "oly #ro$het de$icted (which we have already !entioned regarding his signs and -ualities is the sa!e Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan3 the virtuous '"u00at (&efinitive #roof). This is because the children of ate!ah are !any and till the day of *iya!at anyone who co!es into e7istence fro! her generation will be true to hi! that he is fro! the $ure $rogeny of ate!ah and the "oly #ro$het. Therefore3 with such e7$osition of the traditions3 which we have $reviously !entioned3 we should have with us a $ro$er $roof3 which indicates that that Mahdi is the sa!e "u00at,ibn,"assan. %e re$ly , The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) de$icted Mahdi (A.S.) with so!e -ualities like !entioning his na!e3 lineage and his ancestry to ate!ah (A.S.) and Abdul,Muttalib and the fact that he $ossesses a s$arkling forehead and $rotracted nose and counted !any other co!$rehensive characteristics (which we have $reviously !entioned) which all of these reveal that anyone $ossessing those characteristics and signs will be the sa!e $erson called as Mahdi and he will be having so!e authority u$on us as $er what we have $reviously !entioned (like the necessity of following and obeying hi!). %e found those afore,said characteristics only in Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad3 the virtuous successor. Thus it is

essential to substantiate these decrees for "a/rat and he beco!es the $ossessor of those characteristics. 9therwise3 how is it $ossible that sign and reasoning e7ist but not their $ur$ortA 1f the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) introduces so!e thing as the sign and $roof of so!ething else but does not consider the result as the desired goal3 there has occurred a contradiction in his sayings (i.e. he !entions so!e signs for so!ething but re0ects the result which is according to his own $resti$ulated criterion). 1f so!eone ob0ects and says> , 'Signs alone are not sufficient3 we should ascertain the one who $ossesses those signs and characteristics and attribute those characteristics e7clusively to hi!. "owever3 until the e7clusiveness and uni-ueness of that $erson to those characteristics is not known3 we cannot say that those signs are a$$licable to hi! and it is certain that right fro! the ti!e of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) until the ti!e of the birth of the virtuous successor "u00at Muha!!ad (AS.)3 none (other than hi!) fro! the $rogeny of ate!ah has been found to be e7haustive of those characteristics. "owever3 the ti!e of his !ove!ent and sovereignty will be at the end of ti!e3 when &a00al shall a$$ear and 1sa (8esus) shall descend fro! the heaven. These shall occur after a la$se of a lengthy $eriod and till then3 there are new and novel ti!es in between and in the $ure generation of ate!ah !any will be born3 one after the other. Therefore it is $ossible that fro! now onwards3 a $erson fro! the $ure offs$ring and generation of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) shall be born who is e7haustive of these characteristics and he will be the sa!e Mahdi who! you talk about and who is referred to in the afore,said traditions. 1n s$ite of this $ossibility how is it that your reasoning can be e7clusively attributed to "u00at Muha!!ad (A.S.)? %e re$ly> 1f you acknowledge that before and after birth

of the virtuous successor3 nobody e7ce$t hi! has been found to $ossess all those characteristics and signs then this very acknowledge!ent will be sufficient enough to substantiate these afor,said signs and characteristics for Mahdi. Moreover3 your saying that in the future there e7ists the $ossibility of the co!ing so!eone a$$earing for! the $rogeny for the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) who would $ossess the afore,said signs3 does not bring any da!age in the effect of reasoning3 nor acts as any obstacle. This is because the e7isting $roof is $referred (due to its !anifestness) than the $ossibility of a$$earance of (another) $roof which is against it. Thus it is not advisable to forsake the $referable $roof. 9therwise it will not be $ossible to act u$on the e7isting ans for! $roof because there e7ists no reason but the $ossibility of an o$$osite $roof being found against it in the '(le!as (scholars) the a$$earance of an o$$osite $roof cannot serve as an obstacle to the e7isting $roof (fro! being $ut into $ractice). An e7a!$le3 which can $erfectly clarify and accentuate this !atter3 is the saying of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) to 9!ar,ibn,)hattab (0ust as 1!a! Musli!,ibn,"a00a0 has narrated the sa!e in his 'Sahih). 1t goes as follows> 9wais,ibn,Aa!er who belongs to the tribe of 'Murad shall co!e to you with the $eo$le of <e!en in the future. Moreover3 a $erson fro! '*arran3 having been cured fro! his le$rosy (e7ce$t for one s$ot) will a$$roach you. 9wais is indeed a good !an living with his !other. 1f 9wais vows to Allah then that $erson will be fully cured fro! his le$rosy. 1f $ossible3 ask hi! to seek forgiveness on your behalf. "ere3 the #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has !entioned 9wais,ibn, Aa!ers na!e3 lineage and -ualities and set the! as the sign and $roof such that if anyone is found $ossessing this na!e

and -uality and if he swears by Allah3 then that $erson will be cured. Moreover3 he would be co!$etent enough to seek forgiveness and this is a very great $osition and status before Allah. After the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and Abu +akr $assed away3 9!ar,ibn,)hattab used to in-uire fro! so!eone a!ongst the $eo$le of <e!en about the $erson who was endowed with those characteristics. This continued until harbingers ca!e fro! <e!en and 9!ar,ibn,)hattab asked the! about that $erson. 9!ar was infor!ed about his co!ing and did not sto$ fro! acting u$on those signs and guidelines which the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) had set forth. .ather3 he took action and contacted that $erson. "e asked hi! to seek forgiveness. "e believed that he was the sa!e $erson who had been $ointed out by the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A.). 1n s$ite of this $ossibility that $erha$s in the near future3 another $erson could a$$ear with those characteristics which the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) had referred to3 (not withstanding that the tribe of 'Murad were !any in nu!ber and their offs$ring ra$idly !ulti$lying). 9!ar did not sto$. The sa!e $ossibility3 which you give for Mahdi3 can be given here too. The incident of )hawari0 too is the sa!e since the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) had introduced their attributes and characteristics and issued 0udge!ent about the!. Thus3 in the incident of "arawra and 5ahrwan3 when Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (AS.) beca!e sure that they are those sa!e ones3 which the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) had described he fought and killed the!. Therefore3 Ali,ibn,Abi Talib acted u$on those reasoning and -ualities which the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) had so!e other grou$ in !ind. 47a!$les of such kind of reasoning and the necessity of acting u$on the! (in s$ite of the $ossibility of o$$osite reasoning) are !any. Thus3 it

beca!e obvious that one cannot forsake a su$erior reasoning for the sake of an inferior one. %e further say> The necessity of affir!ation of a decree3 (with the e7istence of signs and reasonings3 which are found in so!eone) is an affair3 which is essential to be acted u$on. The one who forsakes it and says> (#erha$s the one who is endowed with these characteristics and is worthy of this decree be not that intended $erson. And on the contrary3 it is so!e other $erson who will co!e in the future) has indeed deviated fro! the truth and !ade hi!self worthy of rebuke. The incident !entioned in Torah too denotes this !atter on the occasion when Allah revealed (a sign) u$on Musa and said> An Arab #ro$het3 who will be the Bast of the #ro$hets3 shall be a$$ointed at the end of ti!e. "e described "a/rat by so!e -ualities and !ade those signs as the sign and indicator of his Messengershi$ and #ro$hethood. As such3 the '(!!ah (nation) of Musa re!e!bered the #ro$het of 1sla! by those -ualities and knew that he would be a$$ointed in the future. %hen the ti!e of his e!ergence and a$$oint!ent drew near3 Musas nation threatened the $olytheists and said> 'A #ro$het with such and such signs and -ualities shall soon co!e. %e shall 0oin hi! and seek his hel$ in fighting and ca!$aigning against you. "owever3 when the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) got a$$ointed and they discovered in hi!3 all those signs and -ualities which were the $roof of his Messengershi$ and #ro$hethood3 they denied hi! and said> :This is not the sa!e #ro$het which we often talk of .ather3 he is so!eone who shall co!e afterwards.; %hen they acted u$on so!ething3 which was $robable and left the e7isting $roofs3 God too turned away fro! the! (for forsaking the afore,said signs and reasoning of Torah and acting u$on the $robable).

This account of Torah is the greatest and strongest $roof for acting u$on the e7isting $roofs and substantiating the decree for the one who is endowed with these -ualities. Thus3 when these -ualities which are the $roof of substantiation of the afore,said decree3 are $resent in "u00at and )halaf,e, Saleh i.e. Muha!!ad3 then that Mahdi3 who! we s$oke about will be verified without $aying any regard to the $ossibility of a new Mahdi coining in the future.

Cha ter #our

Mahdi and His Distin'tion Mahdi and His 5osition Mahdi and Isa Mahdi and 6:++ah1 ((ation) Mahdi and 5aradise Mahdi and Sub+ission Mahdi and Truth Mahdi and His Cali hate Mahdi and Alle&ian'e to Hi+ Mahdi and An&els Mahdi and Ahl-7ahMahdi is the 6Hu==at1 (5roo-) o- Allah Mahdi and Co+ letion o- ,eli&ion Mahdi is the T"el-th Cali h Mahdi is the T"el-th Le&atee Mahdi is the T"el-th I+a+ Mahdi is the I+a+ o- A&e Messen&ershi in Childhood and His I+a+ate Mahdi and His Distin'tion 1n the first cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar; the author narrates fro! Abu Ayub Ansari who said> 'The "oly #ro$het

(S.A%.A) told ate!ah (!ay Allahs $eace be u$on her) as such> , 9ur #ro$het is the best of the #ro$hets and he ha$$ens to be your father. 9ur !artyr is the best of the !artyrs and he is "ain/a3 your fathers (ncle. And fro! us is the one who $ossesses two wings and will fly with the! to whatever $art of the $aradise he wishes. And fro! (s are the two 'Sebt (offs$ring) of this '(!!ah i.e. "assan and "ussein and they are your sons. And fro! us shall co!e the Mahdi. Thereafter he writes> '"afe/ Abul,*asi! Tabarani has narrated this tradition in his !inor Mua0a!.NG The author says> %hat honor and greatness Allah has bestowed u$on Mahdi3 the 47$ected one3 that by virtue of his great and truthful grandfathers saying3 he got the honor of being a!ongst the fa!ily which Allah has re!oved fro! the! the uncleanness and $urified the! a (thorough) $urification. Mahdi and His Lo-ty 5osition The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the first cha$ter) fro! Abu Abdulla 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass who said> '1n his first look3 1sa,ibn,Marya! (8esus 2hrist) looked at what would be bestowed u$on the '*ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad and then said> '9 Bord3 grant !e the $osition of '*ae! of Al,e,Muha!!ad. Said to hi!> "e shall be fro! the offs$ring of Ah!ad. Thereafter3 he looked for the second ti!e and found the sa!e as that he had first seen. "e asked (Allah) the sa!e and heard the sa!e re$ly. "e looked for the third ti!e and saw e7actly what he had seen before. "e re-uested the sa!e and once again received the sa!e re$ly.

Also3 the author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates fro! Saale! Ashal as such> '1 heard a tradition si!ilar to this one. Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali (!ay Allah be satisfied with the!) would say> 'May !y life be sacrificed for you3 9 Mahdi3 the Awaited one3 9 '*ae! of Al,e,Muha!!ad. "ow is this subli!e $osition which Allah has bestowed u$on you and assigned it and !ade it su$erior (only) for your e7cellency to such e7tent that the two confabulator with Allah i.e. Musa,ibn,1!ran and the s$irit of Allah3 1sa,ibn,Marya! (AS.) wished to reach this sa!e lofty $osition as yours even though they the!selves $ossessed a subli!e $osition? Anyhow3 Allah did not acce$t their wish. %hen both looked and beca!e aware of your subli!e $osition which Allah had allocated for you (only) and discovered your !a0esty3 they beca!e a!a/ed and re-uested Allah for such a $osition. "owever the re$ly they received was that e7ce$t for the '*ae! of Al,e,Muha!!ad3 none could receive this $osition. Then they looked at the effects (i.e. the raising of the true creed (of faith) in the 4ast and %estF establish!ent of e-uity and 8ustice and destruction of cruelty and o$$ression) which would occur through Mahdis e7istence and e!ergence. They re-uested Allah to !ake these effects occur under their $atronage and !ake the! the cause of their $ro$agatory !ission. "owever they were told that this subli!e $osition was e7clusively for '*ae! of Al,e,Muha!!ad. Mahdi and Isa +ukhari in his :Sahih; vol. D #age @HK narrates fro! Abu "uraira and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> , :"ow be your $osition at that ti!e when the son of Marya! shall descend a!ongst you and your 1!a! shall be

fro! you.; The sa!e tradition with si!ilar reference has also been narrated by Musli!. The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the first cha$ter) fro! the book 'Mana-ib,ul,Mahdi of "afe/ Abu 5aee! 4sfahani who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , : ro! (s is the one behind who! shall $ray 1sa.;N@ Traditions in this regard are !any and what we have narrated about his 1!a!ate3 distinction and leadershi$ are ade-uate. Gan0i in his book '+ayan3 after !entioning traditions on 'Salat ($rayers) says> 1f so!eone says> The authenticity of this tradition that 1sa (A.S.) shall stand for $rayers behind Mahdi (A.S.) and will fight along with hi! and the fact that 1sa (A.S.) shall kill &a00al in the $resence of Mahdi and Mahdi (AS.) will be having $recedence over 1sa at the ti!e of $rayers are all well,known. Si!ilarly3 his $osition is !ore than 1sa at the ti!e of '8ihad (the holy war). As far as the authenticity of these traditions are concerned they are resolute before the Ahl,e,Sunnah and Shiites too have narrated the! in a si!ilar !anner. Therefore3 all the Musli!s3 whether Shias or Sunnis are unani!ous and united over the evidence of Mahdis e7istence which !eans that e7ce$t for the sayings of Shias and Sunnis3 the sayings of other sects is i!!aterial. 1n s$ite of such consensus on this !atter and its authenticity we ask> A!ongst the two (i.e. Mahdi and 1sa) who is having $recedence over the other in $rayers and battle?A %e re$ly> Mahdi and 1sa are both leaders3 one is the #ro$het and the other is the 1!a!F although in a congregation

the one who is the 1!a! shall be the leader over the other who is the #ro$het. +esides3 none of the two fear fro! re$roach (of others) seeking the $ath of Allah and both are i!!aculate fro! all ty$es of sins such as deceit3 showing off (the good deeds) and hy$ocrisy. Moreover3 none of the two will invite the others towards an act3 which is outside the decree of 'Shariat (religious bindings) and against the %ish of Allah and "is #ro$het. %hen such is the affair3 then '1!a! (who is Mahdi) is su$erior to 'Ma!oo! (who is 1sa) because3 Muha!!ads Shariat has co!!anded as such. The $roof of this is what the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> The one whose recitation of *uran is better (than others) shall lead the $eo$le. 1f it is e-ual a!ongst all3 then the !ost wise shall lead and if still they are e-ual3 the !ost learned shall lead. 1f yet they are e-ual3 the one who has taken $recedence over the others in '"i0rat (!igration) shall lead and if again they re!ain the sa!e3 the one with a handso!e face shall lead. Thus if Mahdi reali/es that 1sa is su$erior to hi!3 it is not $er!issible for 1!a! to take $recedence over 1sa in the 'Shariat since Allah has ke$t 1!a! $ure and clean fro! every abo!inable act. Si!ilarly if 1sa reali/es that Mahdi is su$erior to hi!3 it is not $er!issible for hi! to allow Mahdi to follow hi! because3 Allah has $rotected hi! fro! $retention3 hy$ocrisy and showing,off. .ather3 when once 1!a! beco!es sure that he is !ore learned than 1sa it is $er!issible for hi! to take $recedence over 1sa. Si!ilarly when 1sa beco!es certain that Mahdi is !ore learned than hi! he will allow "a/rat to take $recedence and he hi!self will on the other hand3 follow hi!. This was regarding su$eriority in $rayers. 8ihad (the holy war)3 is giving ones life before the one

who is having an inclination towards Allah through this !eans. 1f it is not such3 then nobody is having the right to take $art in 8ihad in front of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and so!eone other than hi!. The verity of this saying is the following &ivine words> , (=) :Surely Allah has bought of the believers their $ersons and their $ro$erty for this3 that they shall have the gardenF they fight in Allahs way3 so they slay and are slainF a $ro!ise which is binding on "i! in the Torah and the 1ngeel and the *uranF and who is !ore faithful to his covenant than Allah? .e0oice therefore in the $ledge which you have !adeF and that is the !ighty achieve!ent; Another $oint is that 1!a! is the re$resentative of the "oly #ro$het a!ongst the $eo$le and 1sa (8esus) cannot take $recedence over the "oly #ro$het. Si!ilarly3 it is not $er!issible for hi! to take $recedence over his re$resentative. Mahdi and :++ah 1n the third cha$ter of :4-dud,&urar; it> author narrates fro! Abu 9!ar Mu-arri and he3 fro! "u/aifa,bn,<a!aan and he3 fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) whoF while s$eaking about the incident of Sufyani and his wicked deeds said> 'A cry shall be heard fro! the heavens , a re$elling cry> :9 $eo$le3 verily Allah has severed the hands of the o$$ressors3 hy$ocrites and their followers fro! you and !ade the best fro! the '(!!ah of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) to be your guide Book for hi! in Mecca and in deed he is the Mahdi.; Allah has e7clusively eulogi/ed the 1sla!ic '(!!ah in "is "oly +ook and attributed this '(!!ah with -ualities if

they were to take $ride in one of the! they would be 0ustified let alone if they took $ride in all of the!. "is first state!ent> (=) (And thus %e have !ade you a !ediu! (0ust) nation.) Second> (=) (<ou are the best of the nations raised u$ for (the benefit of) !en.) Third> (=) (And you !ay be bearers of witness to the $eo$le.) ourth> (=) ("e has chosen you.) ifth> (=) ("e na!ed you Musli!s since before.) +esides these3 there are other traditions and writings which have co!e with regard to their su$eriority and if there was no other su$eriority but the relationshi$ and kinshi$ with the "oly #ro$het of 1sla! (S.A.%.A.) suffice it was for the! to take $ride and flaunt Verily3 the 1sla!ic '(!!ah is that very '(!!ah in which e7ists s$eci!ens of !artyrs of )arbala as well as the battle of +adr and (hudF a!ongst the! being "a!/a3 the 2hief of the Martyrs. 1n the! are s$eci!en of those who acco!$anied the #ro$het in battles and fought with their lives and $ro$erties in the way of Allah. 1n the! are s$eci!ens like Sal!an3 Abu 6ar3 !i-dad3 A!!ar3 Thalha3 6ubair3 Abu (baida and Saad, ibn,Abi %a--as. Moreover3 the tradition3 which we had

!entioned says> 'Mahdi is the best of Muha!!ads '(!!ah. Therefore3 s$eaking about his su$eriority3 suffice it is to !ention this very fact that he is the best a!ong the 1sla!ic '(!!ah. The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the seventh cha$ter) fro! 'Musnad of 1!a! Ah!ad and 'Awali of "afe/ Abu 5aee! and these two fro! Abdullah,ibn,Abbass who said> 'The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , &estruction is not for a nation ((!!ah) in which 1 a! the firs of it 1sa the last and Mahdi the !iddle!ost. 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; narrates fro! Abu 5aee! who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :A nation whose first is !yselfF whose last is 1sa,ibn,Marya! and center one Mahdi will never be destroyed.; The sa!e tradition can be found on $age @H@ of :4saaf,ur, .hagebeen;.ND The author of :4-dud,&urar; has narrated (in the seventh cha$ter) fro! 'Sunan of 5esaee and he fro! Anas,ibn, Malik that 'The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :&estruction is not for a nation in which 1 a! the first of it; Mahdi the !iddle!ost and Messiah the last.; Gan0i in his book of '+ayan3 after narrating the afore,said tradition says> 'This tradition is '"assan (good) and "afe/ Abu 5aee! and Ah!ad,ibn,"anbal have narrated it in their books 'Awali and 'Musnad res$ectively. "is saying that '1sa shall be the last does not !ean that 1sa will re!ain alive after Mahdi because3 as it has been $roved that Mahdi is the Bast 1!a! and e7ce$t for hi!3 no other 1!a! has been !entioned by the!3 it is not $ossible for the $eo$le to re!ain without an 1!a!. 1f it is said that 1sa shall lead the $eo$le

after hi! for so!e ti!e we re$ly> , 1n case 1sa re!ains a!ongst the $eo$le3 it cannot be said that there will not re!ain any goodness and 0oy even though traditions !ention that after Mahdi3 there shall be no goodness and 0oy. 1t is not authori/ed that 1sa acts and leads as a vicegerent because his dignity is !uch higher than the $osition of vicegerency. Moreover3 he cannot en0oy liberty in his leadershi$ as the ignorant $eo$le shall start i!agining Muha!!ads nation to have changed and converted into a 2hristian nation and this i!agination is blas$he!y. Therefore3 it is necessary to inter$ret the tradition in this !anner that Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) was the first leader and the first inviter of 1sla!ic 'Shariat and Mahdi was the !iddle inviter. This inter$retation a$$ears to be correct to !e. 1t is also $ossible to inter$ret Mahdis !iddle stage as his su$eriority and better!ent over the others because he is the 1!a! and 1sa shall descend after hi! and confir! his $osition of 1!a!ate. Moreover he shall beco!e his associate and hel$er in his affairs and declare to the $eo$le the integrity of whatever 1!a! clai!s. Therefore 1sa is his last confir!er. The author of :)ashful,Ghu!!a; after !entioning what we have narrated fro! the book of '+ayan regarding the inter$retation of this tradition says> , 1f3 by !iddleness of Mahdi is !eant his su$eriority then it is a$$rehended that he will be better than Ali too and 1 can find no $erson believing in this talk. "owever3 we !ay inter$ret this as such> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) was the first inviter and he $laced Mahdi in the !iddle since he was a!ongst his followers and 'Ahl,e,bit. "e was nearer than his other followers and better $laced in the center than those living on his $ath. "owever3 since 1sa was already the leader of one nation and would invite (the $eo$le) in the end

towards another nation (i.e. 1sla!) he deserves to be called the last inviter towards 1sla! and Allah is All,)nowing. Author says> The details regarding these two noble traditions which we have !entioned is that we say> The word of negation (=) denotes nullity forever. That is to say3 if this letter a$$ears in a word it shall render it ineffective (shall not occur). '&estruction in tradition either refers to worldly tor!ents 0ust as so!e of the $revious nations got afflicted by it) or deviation after receiving guidance and blas$he!y after having belief (0ust as it occurred with so!e of the $revious nations). 9r it refers to disconnection of the field of social life. 8ust as a $erson dies3 a nation too dies and fades away. As Allah says (=) (=) or (=) (!iddle) has to be inter$reted in its very a$$arent !eaning which is so!ething between the first and last. 1t does not refer to su$eriority or better!ent because in the second tradition the word of '!iddle has been used as against the words of3 'first and 'last and secondly the word of (=) (in the first tradition) is a $art of the word and earned the !eaning of 'valency. Thus one cannot inter$ret (=) to !ean better!ent. The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) being the 'first is an a$$arent enough evident. "owever Mahdi3 being the '!iddle e!erges fro! this view , $oint that be has been born in the year DHJ and fro! then onwards he is living until Allah !akes hi! to rea$$ear. 1sa being the 'last one indicates this fact that he shall descend after the e!ergence of Mahdi. The words 'first3 'last and !iddle have been used in the literal sense for these three $ersonalities and not in any other sense. After beco!ing aware of what we have written we say> Although Allah is All,)nowing3 (yet) what the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) !eant by this saying is that destruction and

annihilation never overtakes a nation which has been associated and related to such kind of sacred syste!s. Therefore3 it is by the blessing of these three $ersonalities that Allah has refrained fro! sending worldly chastise!ent or that deviation will not occur for the! as a result of the teachings and training of these three $ersonalities (either directly or indirectly) or that by being attentive to $eo$le like the! and their refor!atory instructions3 a nation shall not be destroyed and will not lose its social life. Mahdi and 5aradise 1n 5ah0ul,+alagha3 Ali (A.S.) says as such> , ')now3 9 creatures of Allah3 that the one who fears Allah will certainly be shown (by Allah) the $ath of e7it fro! seditions and will be bestowed a light for his darknesses. %hatever he describes3 will be granted to hi!. Moreover Allah shall give hi! !ansions besides "i!self in a beautiful $lace , a !ansion which he hi!self has constructed3 its cano$y will be his throne (@) and its brightness will be his own self3 Angels will be his visitors and #ro$hets shall be his friends. The author :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the seventh cha$ter) fro! 1bn,Maa0a3 Tabarani3 Abu 5aee! and so!e others who in turn narrate fro! Ana,ibn,Malik that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , '%e3 the seven sons of Abdul, Muttalib , Ali !y brother3 "a!/a !y uncle3 8afar !y cousin3 "assan3 "ussein3 Mahdi and !yself are the :chiefs of the $eo$le of #aradise;.NE 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age @@D) narrates fro! 1bn, Maa0a and he3 fro! Anas that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) said> :%e3 the sons of Abdul,Muttalib , Ali3 8afar3 "assan3

"ussein3 Mahdi and !yself are the chiefs of the3 $eo$le of #aradise.; The author says> , '#aradise is a $lace3 which Allah has $re$ared for "is obedient servants. Thus its inhabitants are the best ones and its residents are the !ost righteous ones. 1n the! are the #ro$het3 Messengers3 veracious believers and !artyrs. %ith these s$ecifications3 Mahdi (A.S.) is a!ongst the seven chiefs of #aradise and the great chief over here refers to the greatness of s$irituality and not greatness in age. The author of :5ur,ul,Absar; on $age DDC writes> '1bn, Shirwiya writes in his book ' irdaus as such> 1bn,Abbass says,The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi is the $eacock of the inhabitants of #aradise.; The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; too has narrated a tradition si!ilar to this one fro! :)an/ul,ul,&a-ae-; -uoted fro! Ah!ad,ibn,"anbal.NI The author says> , 2o!$aring Mahdi with a $eacock a!ongst the inhabitants of #aradise (in s$ite of knowing who its inhabitants are) is a good indication of his su$eriority which is the s$eciality of Mahdi and no other hu!an,being. Verily3 whatever is derived fro! Mahdis e7istence and his e!ergence such as &ivine Magnificience3 4legance3 Greatness and Glory is such an affair3 which has not occurred for any of the #ro$hets or Messengers. %hy should not it be so when traditions which are 'Mustafi/a clearly sti$ulate that "a/rat shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice and illu!inate it with the light of Allah and his kingdo! shall engulf the 4ast and %est. These signs of elegance and !a0esty are s$ecialities of Mahdi3 the Awaited one. Thus3 fro! the view , $oint of beauty3 he shall be like a $eacock (as co!$ared to other birds) a!ong the inhabitants of #aradise.

Mahdi and Sub+ission The author of :+-dud,&urar; narrates in cha$ter 5o. E fro! Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad and he3 fro! 8aber, ibn,Abdullah who said> , 'A $erson once visited Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali and said> Take these HGG dirha!s fro! !e concerning '6akat (al!s,ta7) on !y wealth. Abu 8afar said>, '#ick the! u$ and give the! to your Musli! neighbors and those brethrens who are in dire need. Thereafter he said> %hen Mahdi fro! our $rogeny shall e!erge3 he shall distribute wealth e-ually and act 0ustly with the $eo$le. Therefore3 any one who obeys hi! has obeyed Allah and anyone who disobeys hi! has disobeyed Allah. The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates in the fourth cha$ter fro! "afe/ Abu Abdullah 5aee! 1bn,"e!ad that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 'A caller shall call 9ut fro! the heavens as such> )now that3 the chosen one of Allah a!ongst "is servants is so and so. Thus listen to hi! and obey hi!.NH The sa!e tradition has co!e in the seventh cha$ter of the afore,said book and its author !entions that by so and so is !eant 'Mahdi. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IEH) fro! 1bn,Maa0a who in turn narrates fro! 1bn,9!ar who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :The Angels shall cry out fro! the heavens and will incite the $eo$le towards hi! and say> Verily Mahdi has e!erged. 9bey hi!.; Mahdi and Truth The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the seventh cha$ter) fro! 'Mua0a! of Abul,*asi! Tabarani3 'Mana-ib,

ul,Mahdi of Abu 5aee! 4sfahani and "afe/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn "e!ad who in turn narrate fro! A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.) that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , '%henever the caller shall cry out fro! the heavens that the truth can be found in Muha!!ads household3 Mahdi shall e!erge at that very !o!ent.NJ Th the afore,!entioned book (in Section E3 2ha$ter N) its author narrates fro! A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.) as such> '%henever the caller shall call out fro! the heavens that truth is with Al,e,Muha!!ad3 Mahdi shall co!e forth. The author of 'Al,Musawiyah writes> , Ah!ad,ibn,Musa, ibn,Mardawiya narrates through various channels fro! Ayesha3 the wife of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and she fro! "a/rat that> :Truth is with Ali and Ali is with truth. There shall be no se$aration between the two until they !eet !e near the fountain.; The author says> The son a$$ears to be so si!ilar to the father that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) !ade this re!ark with regards to both of the!. Mahdi and Su''ession The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the eighth cha$ter) fro! "afe/ Abu 5aee! and he3 fro! Abdullah,ibn, 9!ar that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi shall e!erge and above hi! will be a cloud fro! where an Angel cries out> Verily3 this is Mahdi3 the divine successor. Therefore3 obey hi!.; The author of :5ur,ul,Absar; has narrated the sa!e tradition on $age DE@ fro! Abu 5aee!3 Tabarani and others

who in turn have all narrated fro! Abdullahibn 9!ar.NN The author of '4saaf,ur,.hagebeen on $age @HE says> :Traditions !ention that at the ti!e of his e!ergence3 the angels shall cry out> This is Mahdi3 the divine re$resentative. Therefore3 obey hi!. Then the $eo$le shall 0oin hi!.; The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates on $age IIN fro! ' araed,us,Se!tain fro! Abu 5aee! fro! Abu 9!ar that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Mahdi shall e!erge and an Angel above hi! shall cry out> This Mahdi is the re$resentative of Allah. Therefore follow hi!.;NK Mahdi and Treaty The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in Section E3 2ha$ter C) fro! Sunan of Abu 9!ar3 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri and 'Al, atan of "afe/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn, "e!ad who3 in turn narrate fro! 1shaa-,ibn,Auf who said> '9n the flag of Mahdi shall be written (=) (treaty is for Allah). The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; too has narrated fro! : asl,ul,)heta; of Anuf a si!ilar tradition on $age IEH of his afore,said book.NC Mahdi and An&els The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates (in the eighth cha$ter) fro! Abu 9!ar and 'Sunan of 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri who in turn narrate fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!aan that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) while s$eaking of Mahdi and the $eo$les $act with hi! between '.ukn and 'Ma-a! said> Gibraeel (Gabriel) shall !ove in front of hi! and Michaeel on his right. The inhabitants of the heavens and earth and the beasts and birds shall beco!e ha$$y of his $resence.KG

The author of '4saaf,ur,.hagebeen writes on $age @HD as such> , '1t has co!e in traditions that Allah3 the 47alted shall su$$ort Mahdi with three thousand AngelsK@ and the $eo$le of 2ave (Ahl,e,)ahf) shall be a!ong his hel$ers. Mahdi and 5eo le o- the Ca$e The author of :4-dud,&urar; writes in the seventh cha$ter as such> 1!a! Abu 1shaa- Thulbi in his e7egesis of the "oly *uran with regards to the incident of the $eo$le of the 2ave says> They took their $laces of slee$ and re!ained therein until the end of ti!e when Mahdi shall e!erge. Then Allah will !ake the! alive. Bater they shall return back to their slee$ing $laces and will not rise until the &ay of 8udge!ent. The author says> 1n the sa!e e7egesis3 under divine saying of (=) The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> Verily Mahdi (A.S.) shall greet the $eo$le of the 2ave and Allah3 the 47alted3 shall !ake the! alive. Then they shall answer his greetings. Thereafter they shall return back to their $laces and will not rise until the &ay of 8udge!ent.KD The author says> '#erha$s3 the reason that Allah will !ake the! alive is that they !ay give allegiance to Mahdi and as said before. The author of :4saaf,ur,.hagebeen; !entions that as $er of traditions they shall be a!ong his hel$ers and co!$anions. Mahdi is the 5roo- (Hu==at) o- Allah The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IIK) fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; of "assan,ibn, )halid and he3 fro! Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.idha (A.S.) who said>

:The one who is not $ious3 has no religion. Verily the !ost honorable a!ongst you before Allah is the one who is the !ost $ious.; Thereafter be said> :The fourth fro! !y offs$ring is the son of the chief of slave,girls. Through hi!3 Allah shall clean the earth of every cruelty and o$$ression. "e is the sa!e one in who! $eo$le will doubt his birth and for hi! there will be an occultation. %henever he shall e!erge3 the earth will be illu!inated by the &ivine Bight and the scale of 8ustice will be established a!ongst the $eo$le such that no one will o$$ress the other. Verily3 he is the one for who! the earth will roll and there is no shadow for hi!. "e is the one with regards to who! a caller fro! the heavens will call out and all the inhabitants of the earth will hear> +e aware that the #roof ("u00at) of Allah has e!erged near the "ouse of Allah. Therefore follow hi! as truth is in hi! and with hi!.; Mahdi and Co+ letion o- ,eli&ion 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age CN) narrates fro! Abul, *asi! Tabarani that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi is fro! us. .eligion shall find its co!$letion through hi! 0ust as it found its e7$ansion through us.; The author of :4saaf,ur,.hagebeen; too has narrated the sa!e tradition on $age @IK of his afore,said book. Sayyid Mu!in,ibn,"assan Shablan0i in :5ur,ul,Absar; narrates (on $age DE@) fro! Ali,ibn ,Abi Talib (#eace be u$on hi!) who said> 1 asked the Messenger of Allah whether Mahdi is fro! us3 the fa!ily of Muha!!ad or fro! so!e other fa!ily. "e re$lied> :5o. .ather he shall be fro! us. Through hi!3 Allah shall bring the religion to its co!$letion 0ust as "e had e7$anded it through us.;KE This !atter is further strengthened by nu!erous

'Mustafi/a traditions which give indication to this fact that religion shall not co!e to its stage of co!$letion until twelve 2ali$hs co!e and $ass over it. As research shows3 you already know as to what 1bn,Abil "adeed has narrated about the consensus of the Musli!s on this fact and that is the duties shall not cease but with Mahdi. Thus he is the last of the legatees and the religion of 1sla! shall ter!inate in hi! 0ust as his great grand father was the last of the #ro$hets and religion co!!enced fro! hi!. Mahdi is the T"el-th Cali h The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IIN) fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; which in turn narrates fro! Saeed,ibn,8ubair who narrates fro! 1bn, Abbass that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Verily !y 2ali$hs and successors after !e are the "u00ats (#roofs) of Allah u$on the $eo$le and they are twelve in nu!ber. The first of the! is Ali and the last of the! is !y son Mahdi.; The author says> All those reasons and argu!ents which give indication to this fact that the 2ali$hs after the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) are twelve in nu!ber and are all fro! *uraish or +ani,"ashi!3 give indication to the afore, !entioned !atter too. All those reasons have been collected by Ah!ad "anbal in his book 'Musnad. +esides hi!3 other Sunni scholars and e7$erts of traditions too have collected those reasoning. The reasons which they have collected cannot be confor!ed but to what we3 the Shia 1thna Ashar3 say> The successors to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) are twelve in nu!ber where the first of the! is Ali,ibn,Abi Talib3 A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen and the last of the! is Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Mahdi (A.S.). May Allah $lace us a!ongst his followers and hel$ers.

Mahdi is the T"el-th 6.asi1 (Le&atee) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IKJ) fro! 'Mana-ib of )hawra/!i who narrates fro! Ali, ibn,Musa ar,.idha who narrates fro! his father and he fro! his father that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)3 while !entioning about his own virtue and his household and also so!ething about his ascension (to heaven) said> :9 !y Bord3 who are !y legatees.; Then a voice was heard3 saying> '<our legatees are those whose na!es have been written over the enclosure of My 'Arsh (Throne). Therefore3 1 looked and witnessed twelve lights on which was written the na!e of each of !y legatees in green. The first of the! was Ali and the last of the! the '*ae!. 1n the afore,!entioned book3 its author narrates (on $age IKJ) fro! 'Mana-ib of )hawra/!i and he fro! Abu Sulai!an 2hu$aan that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 'The night when 1 was being taken towards the heaven... (And he narrated the sa!e tradition so far as Allah says)> '9 Muha!!ad3 do you wish to !eet the!? 1 re$lied> :<es !y Bord.; Then Allah said> :Book towards the right of 'Arsh (Throne).; As 1 looked 1 suddenly saw Ali3 "assan3 "ussein3 Ali,ibn,"ussein3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali3 8afar,ibn,Muha!!ad3 Musa,ibn,8afar3 Ali,ibn,Musa3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali3 Ali,ibn, Muha!!adF "assan,ibn,Ali and Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Mahdi. A!ongst the!3 $erha$s Mahdi a$$eared like a s$arkling star. Thereafter "e said> :9 Muha!!ad3 they are My "u00ats (#roofs) u$on My servants and they are your legatees.; 1n the sa!e book3 the author narrates (on $age IKN) fro! the author of : araed,us,Se!tain; and he fro! Saeed,ibn, 8ubair and he fro! 1bn,Abbass that the "oly #ro$het

(S.A.%.A) said> :Verily3 !y legatees and the "u00ats (#roof) of Allah u$on the $eo$le after !e are twelve in nu!ber. The first of the! is !y brother and the last of the! is !y son.; #eo$le asked "a/rat> %ho is your brother? "e re$lied> :Ali.; Again he was asked> %ho is your son? "e re$lied> :Mahdi.; Again3 in the sa!e book3 the author narrates (on $age IKN) fro! 1bn,Abbass that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :1 a! the 2hief of the #ro$hets and All the 2hief of Begatees. Verily the legatees after !e are twelve in nu!ber. The first of the! is Ali and the last is Mahdi.; Mahdi is the T"el-th I+a+ The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age ICD) fro! :Mana-ib; of )hawra/!i that Abu Abdullah "ussein,ibn,Ali said> , :9nce when 1 visited !y grandfather3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) he !ade !e sit on his la$ and then said> Allah shall select fro! your rear3 nine 1!a!s (leaders) the ninth of who! shall be the '*ae!. All of the! are the sa!e in rank and $osition before Allah.; 1n the sa!e book3 the author narrates (on $age ICE) fro! the afore ,said book of )hawra/!i who narrates fro! Ali (A.S.) that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :1!a!s after !e are twelve in nu!ber. The first is you ('9 Ali) and the last of the! shall be the '*ae! through who! Allah shall liberate the 4ast and %est. Mahdi is the I+a+ o- the A&e Ali (A.S.) in :5ah0ul,+alagha; says> , The earth shall not re!ain vacant of Gods '"u00at and '*ae!. "e is either !anifest and well,known or concealed and fearful (fro! his ene!ies). Tafta/ani has narrated fro! Ali (A.S.) the sa!e as

above. 1n this regard3 there is another tradition3 which is fa!ous a!ongst Shias and Sunnis and as far as the authenticity of this tradition is concerned3 there e7ists no controversy between the two sects. 1n this tradition3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) says> :The one who dies and does not recogni/e the 1!a! of his age has died the death of ignorance.; %e ask> :%ho is the one who is the 1!a! of this ti!e?; This is a -uestion with the inevitable and the correct re$ly that in accordance with reason and the traditions whose authenticity is certified3 he is none other than that the Shiite say which is Mahdi the Awaited one. The following are the evidences3 which $rove our clai! as correct. The first evidence is that traditions clearly sti$ulate this fact that he is the 2ali$h (vicegerent) of Allah and the &ivine "u00at (#roof) and what can be understood fro! these two attributes3 is that its $ossessor !ust be an 1!a! i.e. the one owning status on behalf of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) because 1!a!ate according to us (i.e. the Shias) is having not !uch !eaning other than guardianshi$ of religious and worldly affairs on behalf of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.). As $er the traditions which we have !entioned before3 it beca!e a$$arent that Mahdi3 the Awaited one is the sa!e Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Askari. And when it is $roved that Mahdi will be the 2ali$h and "u00at of Allah on the day of his e!ergence3 it will be $roven that at $resent too3 he is the 2ali$h and "u00at of Allah and 1!a!ate too. According to us he would not be anything other than this because a!ongst the Musli!s3 there is no one who reckons 1!a! to be se$arate fro! 2ali$h and "u00at. 1n other words3 if so!eone says that the 1!a! of the Age

is not Mahdi3 he is bound to re0ect one of the ollowing two !atters> irstly that Mahdi3 the Awaited one is not Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Askari and secondly that Mahdi shall neither be Allahs 2ali$h nor "u00at at the ti!e of his e!ergence. 1n this regard3 we say> Since both of these $oints have been $roved as $er the a$$ro$riate traditions3 there re!ains no way to re0ect any one of the! let alone both. Secondly3 in !any of the traditions ($reviously !entioned for our readers) we have been en0oined to obey and follow hi! and forboden fro! disobeying and recalcitrating against hi!. .ather in so!e of the traditions it has co!e that anyone who obeys hi! has obeyed Allah and anyone who disobeys hi! has disobeyed Allah. 5ow3 the essential condition for en0oin!ent of obedience and forbiddance fro! disobedience is (without any condition) his very e7istence , an 1!a! i!$eccable fro! every error and oblivion. 1ndeed3 en0oin!ent of his obedience and forbiddance fro! his disobedience guides us in all cases to two things> irstly that Mahdi is i!!aculate. 9therwise en0oin!ent of his obedience would necessitate obedience in all cases3 even in sins. Si!ilarly forbiddance fro! disobedience would lead so!eti!es to forbiddance fro! obedience of Allah. or clarifying this !atter we further say> 1f he is not infallible3 it is $ossible that he !ay co!!and us to disobedience of Allah and forbid us fro! "is obedience. 2onse-uently what will necessarily follow is that en0oin!ent of his obedience will a!ount to en0oin!ent of disobedience of Allah and forbiddance fro! his disobedience will a!ount to forbiddance fro! obedience of Allah. .ather what is incidental to the state!ent of 1!a! (A.S.) (which has $artly co!e in this tradition) that anyone who obeys hi! has

obeyed Allah and anyone who disobeys hi! has disobeyed Allah is this that in case of Mahdi not being infallible3 disobedience of Allah will be obedience of Allah and obedience of Allah will be e-ual to "is disobedience and as $er reason3 such a thing is far fro! the truth. Secondly3 en0oin!ent of obedience and forbiddance fro! disobedience generally envelo$s all the $eo$le unconditionally. Thus his obedience beco!es obligatory and his disobedience forbidden u$on every one (other than hi!) and if there was another 1!a! this decree would not generally be correct because3 in so!e of the instances it would a!ount to en0oin!ent of disobedience of 1!a! and forbiddance fro! his obedience (as if the view of one of those two 1!a!s would be contrary to the view of the other). Thirdly3 there are !any traditions which $rove that Mahdi is the twelfth 2ali$h of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) or his twelfth legatee or the twelfth 1!a! or the twelfth '"u00at fro! the "u00ats (#roofs) of Allah. Then surely traditions distinctly a$$rove "a/rat in the !atter of successorshi$3 e7ecutorshi$3 1!a!ate and being the #roof ("u00at) of Allah u$on the $eo$le. Verily3 by decree of this tradition3 Mahdi $ossesses these virtues and -ualities right fro! the ti!e of his birth until his de$arture fro! this world. "owever3 it !ust be said that he was silent during the ti!e of his father3 "assan Askari and it was obligatory for hi! to obey his father. +ut after his fathers de!ise he has been3 (till the end of his life) the cali$h of Allah3 legatee of "is Messenger3 leader and "u00at and the essential condition for this !atter is that he should be an 1!a! in this $eriod. ourthly3 there are 'Mustafi/a and rather 'Mutawatir traditions fro! Shia and Sunni sources that the "oly #ro$het

(S.A.%.A.) said> :The leaders3 successors and legatees after !e are twelve.; 1n so!e of those traditions it is !entioned that they are fro! *uraish while in so!e other traditions !ention is !ade that they are fro! +ani,"ashi!. <et3 so!e of the traditions s$eak of Ali as the first 1!a! and Mahdi as the last. 4ven3 the na!es of each of the 1!a!s have been !entioned one after the other and those wishing to have infor!ation about the! can refer to the books of tradition es$ecially 'Musnad of 1!a! Ah!ad and 'Mustadrak of Abu Abdullah "ake!. Si!ilarly3 they can refer to the books which have been written about their virtues like 'Mana-ib of )hawra/!i3 ' araed,us,Se!tain and '<anabi,ul,Muwadda. 5ow3 in order to substantiate what we have written we shall set forth so!e of the! fro! the book '&urarul,Musawiyya, i,Shar, ul,A-aed, ul,8afariya. or e7a!$le3 +ukhari in his 'Sahih narrates fro! Musli! who narrates fro! 8abir,ibn,Sa!ara that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :.eligion shall continue to e7ist consistently till the ti!e when the "our is established and the twelve successors fro! *uraish who are the guardians over the #eo$le have co!e and gone. Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad too has referred to this tradition and concludes that nine of the! shall be fro! the rear of "ussein and Mahdi is one of the!. <et3 Abdur,.ah!an,ibn,Sa!ara narrates> :1 asked the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such, QShow !e the $ath of salvation.; "a/rat re$lied> '9 son of Sa!ara. %henever desires diversify and o$inions differ3 it is u$on you to stick to Ali, ibn,Abi Talib. Verily3 he is the leader of !y '(!!ah and !y successor after !e... Surely3 fro! the! are the 1!a!s of !y '(!!ah and the two 2hiefs of the youths of #aradise

(i.e. "assan and "ussein) and fro! "ussein is nine descendants where the last of the! is the '*ae! of !y '(!!ah. Also3 1bn,Mugha/ali narrates fro! Abu 1!a!ah that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%A) said> Q1!a!s after !e are twelve and all of the! are fro! *uraish. 5ine of the! are fro! the rear of "ussein and a!ong the! is Mahdi. Moreover3 it has been narrated fro! Abu Saleh who has narrated fro! 6aid,ibn,Thabit that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :The world shall not co!e to an end until a $erson fro! the $rogeny of "ussein e!erges for leading !y nation. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression.; %e asked> %ho is that $erson? "e re$lied> :"e is the ninth 1!a! fro! the descendant of "ussein.; Another tradition has been narrated fro! "assan,ibn,Ali .aa/i where the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) in the end of the sa!e tradition says> :#ious and infallible leaders shall e!erge fro! the descendents of "ussein. A!ong the! will be Mahdi and he is the sa!e one behind who! 1sa,ibn,Marya! shall $ray and he shall be the ninth one fro! the offs$ring of "ussein.; ifthly3 so!e traditions have co!e regarding the occultation of Mahdi and his conceal!ent fro! the $eo$le. These traditions (which will be !entioned later on) clearly sti$ulate that Mahdi (A.S.) is a leader whose obedience is obligatory , whether in his absence or $resence and whether he is !anifest or hidden. As such3 the Musli!s are bound to recogni/e hi!. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates on $age IKK fro! Saeed,ibn,8ubair who narrates fro! 1bn Abbass that the

"oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> Verily3 Ali is the leader of !y '(!!ah after !e and fro! his $rogeny shall be the '*ae! who shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. :1 swear by Allah who a$$ointed !e by the truth and as the bearer of glad, tidings and as a warner that those whose belief are fir! in his 1!a!ate (during 9ccultation) are !ore scarce than red !atches.; The author of afore,said book narrates fro! 'Mana-ib of )hawra/!i that Abu 8afer Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) said> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :+lessed is he who finds the '*ae! fro! !y Ahl,e,+ait in a state when he has followed hi! during the $eriod of his 9ccultation and has !ade friendshi$ with his friends and en!ity with his ene!ies. Such a $erson is counted to be a!ongst !y co!$anions and friends and he shall be the !ost honorable $erson before !e on the &ay of 8udge!ent. The sa!e author of the sa!e book -uotes on $age ICI fro! 'Mana-ib of )hawra/!i and he fro! 8abir,ibn, Abdullah Ansari that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> '9 8abir3 Verily !y legatees and the leaders of the Musli!s after !e are firstly Ali followed by "assan3 "ussein3 Ali,ibn, "ussein3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali fa!ous as '+a-i. Very soon you shall !eet hi! and when you do so3 send !y greetings to hi!. After hi! shall co!e 8afer,ibn,Muha!!ad3 Musa,ibn, 8afar3 Ali,ibn,Musa3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali3 Ali,ibn, Muha!!ad3 "assan,ibn,Ali and the '*ae! successively. "is na!e shall be the sa!e as !y na!e and his agno!en too shall be the sa!e as !ine. "e is the son of "assan,ibn,Ali and the one through who! God shall relieve the 4ast and %est. "e shall re!ain hidden fro! his friends such that they will not re!ain steadfast in his 1!a!ate e7ce$t those who!

God has tested their hearts through faith.;KI The author of &urarul,Musawiyah writes> :Muha!!ad, ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn,Mah!oud "afe/ +ukhari fa!ous as )haw0a #arsa3 in the !argin of his book ' asl,ul,)hetab when referring to the birth of Mahdi says> Traditions which are at hand in this regard are beyond li!it and traditions about the virtues of Mahdi (the one who is the Master of the ti!eF the "idden one fro! the $ublic eye3 and the one who is e7isting at all ti!es) are !any and in su$$ort of each other. Moreover3 traditions about his e!ergence3 his illu!inating light3 his bringing to life the Shariat of Muha!!d3 his battles in the way of Allah and his $urifying the world fro! its filth are all decisive. "is co!$anions are $ure fro! every !isgiving and sound fro! every flaw. They are those who have traversed the $ath of guidance and gone towards research through the channel of truth. 2ali$hate and 1!a!ate shall end in hi! and right fro! the ti!e his father bid farewell to this world he has been the 1!a! and will re!ain so until the &ay of 8udge!ent. 1sa shall $ray behind hi! and acknowledge hi! and will invite the $eo$le to follow his creed3 which is nothing but the creed of the "oly #ro$het.; Sayyid ("a!ed "ussein3 the author of Aba-aat,ul, Anwaar) in :4ste-sa,ul,4fha!; says> :A co$y of what has been written in this !argin has been read out to hi! (i.e. )haw0a #arsa) and corrected.; Messen&ershi in Childhood and His I+a+ate So far3 whatever we have written about Mahdi and his characteristics3 necessarily $roves that he has been raised to the $osition of 1!a!ate and he held this glorious $osition when he was only five and yet a 8unior. 5ow we wish to see whether it is $ossible and $er!issible

for one to hold the $osition of 1!a!ate at the age of five or is it that the #ro$hets3 Messengers and their successors are bound to first reach adolescence and attain $hysical develo$!ent or elseA 1n this regard3 we say> .esearch in this !atter is related to theology and here it is out of $lace to discuss it in length. "owever3 briefly we say> %hat has been verified is this that the !atter of Messengershi$3 #ro$hethood3 1!a!ate and successorshi$ lie in the "ands of the 47alted Allah and nobody else has any choice or authority in this regard. Therefore3 as $er the intellect3 this i!$lication will be allowed for and with $resence of $roof3 there shall be no ob0ection if an infant beco!es a #ro$het or a child beco!es an 1!a! because the Glorious Allah can a!ass together all the -ualifications of an 1!a! or a #ro$het in the childhood $eriod itself. Verily3 reason acce$ts this that the 47alted Allah !akes so!eone as "is friend and then a$$oints hi! as "is #ro$het and Messenger or chooses hi! as a leader and 47ecutor in his very childhood $eriod. This is because there e7ists no weakness in the #ower of Allah and the story of 1sa and <ahyas #ro$hethood bear testi!ony in the trutliflilness of what we say. The author of +asaer,ud,&are0at narrates fro! Ali,ibn, 4sbaat as such> 1 saw "a/rat Abu 8afar a$$roaching towards !e. %hen he ca!e close to !e 1 -uickly cast !y glance at hi! and looked at hi! fro! head to toe so that 1 could describe hi! to !y friends in 4gy$t. Then he went into $rostration and said> Verily Allah has set forth argu!entation in the !atter of 1!a!ate 0ust as "e had done so in the case of #ro$hethood and has said> (=)

:And %e granted hi! wisdo! while yet a child.; Also3 "e has said> (=) :(ntil when he attains his !aturity and reaches the age of forty.; The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; after !entioning the !atter of Mahdis birth3 narrates on $age IHD fro! the book : asl,ul,)hetab; as such> :About hi!3 it has been said that the 47alted Allah granted hi! wisdo!3 in his childhood and also !ade hi! a '"u00at (#roof) for the $eo$le of the world. As3 "e says with regard to one of "is #ro$hets> (=) :9 <ahyaA Take hold of the +ook with strength3 and %e granted hi! wisdo! while still a child.; Also3 "e says> (=) :They said> "ow should we s$eak to one who was a child in the cradle? "e said> Surely 1 a! the servant of AllahF "e has given !e the +ook and !ade !e a #ro$het.; 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; (on $age @@I) after !entioning the incident of the de!ise of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari writes> , :"e did not a$$oint anyone as his successor but Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad "u00at whose age at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise was five years. "owever Allah granted hi! wisdo! at that ti!e.;KH At the ti!e of his fathers de!ise he was five years old and Allah granted hi! wisdo! in his very childhood 0ust as "e !ade #ro$het <ahya as an 1!a! 1 his infancy and a$$ointed 1sa as a #ro$het in his childhood. Also3 Shabrawi in Al,4ttehaf (on $age NC) !entions his successorshi$ to have started at the age of five after his fathers de!ise and reckons

his birth to have occurred in the night of @Hth Shaban. 1bn, )hallkan too (in %afiyat,ul,Aayan vol. @ $g. IH@) has !entioned the birth of "a/rat to be on the @Hth Shaban DHH. Suyedi in :Sabaek,u/,6ahab; ($age NK) has !entioned his age at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise to be five years. Also Abul, idah vol. D $g. IH !entions the birth of "a/rat to have occurred in the year DHH.

Cha ter #i$e

Mahdi and His /irth Mahdi1s (a+e) Title and A&no+en Mahdi and His 5arent1s (a+e Mahdi and Lon&e$ity Man1s Lon&-Li-e 3ie"s o- the Ma&a<ine 6Mu8tata-1 Mahdi is Ali$e and ,e'ei$in& His Sustenan'e Those .ho Ha$e Seen Mahdi Mahdi and His /irth A grou$ of scholars3 a!ongst the! being the learned and !ystic traditionist Muha!!ad )haw0a +ukhari in his book ' asl,ul,)hetab (as $er what has been written on $age EKN of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda) have narrated that "adi!ah3 the daughter of "a/rat 1!a! Muha!!ad 8awad (A.S.) and aunt of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari (A.S.) used to always $ray and la!ent and ask Allah to !ake her succeed in !eeting "a/rats son. Thus it was about the !idnight of @Hth Shaban3 DGH when she visited "a/rat "assan and the latter asked her to stay with the! because of the event which lay ahead. So she stayed behind in the very $lace. 1t was the ti!e of dawn when 5argis (!other of "a/rat Mahdi) felt uneasy. Then "aki!ah hastened towards her and a few !o!ents later

5argis delivered a blessed child while circu!cised. %hen "aki!ahs looks fell on the child she took hi! in her ar!s and went towards "a/rat "assan (A.S.). "a/rat e!braced hi! and rubbed his blessed hands over his back and eyes and then $laced his !outh over his !outh. Thereafter he recited 'A/an (call to $rayer) in his right ear and '4-a!ah (establish!ent of $rayers) in his left ear and then said> :9 aunt3 take hi! to his !other.; "aki!ah obeyed and took the child back to his !other. "aki!ah says> :9nce again3 1 visited Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askaris house. All of a sudden3 1 saw "a/rat carrying a child who was wearing a yellow dress and the babys face was bea!ing with light.; Then3 his love su$erseded !y heart and 1 said> '9 !y Master3 what have you to say about this blessed child? "e re$lied> :9 aunt3 he is the sa!e 47$ected one about who! we were given glad,tidings.; Then3 1 threw !yself on the ground and $rostrated as an e7$ression of thanksgiving.KJ Author says> :%hat we have narrated before and what we shall narrate later on3 necessarily $roves his birth because those tradition co!$rises several $arts. 9ne of the $arts indicates that he is the twelfth successor while another shows that he is the twelfth legatee. Still another $ortion indicates that he is the twelfth 1!a! and leader and another indicates that he is the ninth fro! the $rogeny of "ussein (A.S.). 9thers reveal that he is the fourth fro! the offs$ring of .idha (A.S.) and yet others reveal that he is the son of "a/rat Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari. Another $art indicates his occultation and the fact that he is concealed fro! the $ublic, view and cannot be recogni/ed. These 'Mustafi/a and rather 'Mustawatir traditions clearly sti$ulate and or necessarily indicate that Mahdi3 the 47$ected one is the i!!ediate son of 1!a! Abu Muha!!ad

"assan Askari. Moreover this indication is so !anifest and evident that no one has any doubt in it and none dis$utes. 5ow we say> +ased on this3 we are bound to acce$t one of the following> irstly that3 we re0ect the afore,said traditions fro! the view , $oint of chain of trans!ission and weakness in indication and as a result deny the afore,!entioned clai!s. .e$ly> Anyone who had reviewed the traditions and gone through the books of '.i0al (distinguished scholars) can never ever i!agine such an affair because a nu!ber of $artisans of traditions have confessed the authenticity of so!e of the! and have given evidence of their credibility and acce$tability. .ather3 "ake! who is the leader of this art has hi!self recorded so!e of the! and as $er the view of +ukhari and Musli!3 has reckoned the! to be correct. Thus3 !ans conscience itself bears testi!ony to this ob0ection. Secondly3 renouncing and abandoning those traditions and not acting u$on the!. .e$ly> This obligation is an inde$endent reasoning against the correct and e7$licit te7ts. .ather3 0ust as you were told before3 !ost of the scholars of Ahl,e,Sunnat have clearly sti$ulated the successive trans!ission of these traditions and co!$endiously reckoned their issuance to be decisive. Thus3 resorting to this obligation will a!ount to refutation of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) and re0ection of what has co!e fro! hi! through successive trans!ission nothwithstanding that which Allah says> (=) (5or does he s$eak out of desire. 1t is naught but revelation that is revealed) Thirdly3 being bound over the !atter of non,e7istence of

Mahdi and the continuation of the life of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari until the end of ti!e when Allah has foretold the birth of Mahdi. .e$ly> "ere too3 we cannot consider this saying to be correct because Shias and Sunnis are unani!ous over this fact that Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari has already $assed away in the year DJG A.". Taken for granted that 1!a! "assan Askari has lived till now and is still alive3 why cant we assu!e the sa!e for Mahdi and co!$el ourselves in believing hi! to be still alive and living. This is because if a decree on such a !atter is $er!issible then there e7ists no difference between these two cases so that we !ay say that it is $ossible in the case of "assan Askari but not so for Mahdi. ourthly3 as $er the consensus of Shias and Sunnis3 Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari has $assed away. "owever3 Allah (All Glory be to "i!) with the #ower that "e $ossesses3 shall !ake hi! alive in the near future $ri!arily for the birth of Mahdi. .e$ly> There is no $roof3 which gives evidence to the truthfulness of this saying. Although Allah is having #ower over all things and "is Might cannot be denied yet3 the reason for the re0ection of continuation of Mahdis life is because it is considered to be an i!$robable affair and contrary to the custo! (as is in vogue a!ongst us) notwithstanding the fact that the chances of !aking so!eone alive after death and restoring hi! back to life after non, e7istence a$$ears to be !ore re!ote and unusual than continuation of life. 1n addition3 the restoration of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askaris life after his de!ise !ay be in reference to '.e0at (return to life)3 the sa!e which we Shias believe.

ifthly3 being bound over believing that Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad Mahdi (A.S.) has been born and is still living. Moreover3 he is being given sustenance and 0ust like other $eo$le who seek !eans of livelihood he too seeks !eans of livelihood until the ti!e when Allah wishes hi! to fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Thus3 "e shall co!!and hi! to e!erge and ins$ire hi! to bring about a co!$lete refor!. This is e7actly what we grou$ of 1!a!iah believe and the $roof of "a/rat being alive will be brought at the end of this book. +esides3 those things3 which necessarily and e7$licitly $rove the birth of "a/rat are the sayings of a nu!ber of Sunni scholars3 traditionists and historians in this regard. %e !ay !ention the na!es of so!e of the!> (@) Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabi in the book of ' otouhat as $er what has co!e in :4saaf,ur, .hagebeen;. (D) Shaikh Abdul,%ahab Sharani in the book :Al, <awakit,wal,8awaher;. (E) 1bn,%ardi. a historian in his 'Tarikh as $er what has co!e in :5ur,ul,Absar;. (I) Shaikh Muha!!ad,ibn,<usuf Gan0i in his book :Al, +ayan, i,Akhbar Saheb,u/,6a!an;. (H) 1bn,"a0ar "aitha!i in the book :Sawae-,ul, Muhare-a;. (J) Sebt,ibn,8au/i in the book :Ta/kerat,ul,Ai!!a;. (N) Shaikh Muha!!ad,ibn,Thalha in :Matalib,us, Suool;. (K) Shaikh 5uruddin Ali in : usul,ul,Muhi!!a;. (C) The noble Sayed Abu Abdullah Muha!!ad Sira0uddin in the book :Sihah,ul,Akhbar;. (@G) The fa!ous historian 1bne,)hallakan in :%afayat,ul,

Ayan;. (@@) 1bn A/ra- a historian in his 'Tarikh as $er what has been narrated by 1bne,)hallakan. (@D) The !ystic Shaikh3 Sayed "assan Ara-i as $er what has co!e in :Al,<awa-it wal,8awaher;. (@E) Shaikh Ali )hawas as $er what has co!e in the afore,!entioned book. (@I) The !ystic scholar3 Shaikh Muha!!ad )hawa0a in : asl,ul,)hetab; as $er what has been narrated in :<anabi, ul,Muwadda;. (@H) Sayed Mu!in Shablan0i in :5ur,ul,Absar;. (@J) The !ystic scholar3 Shaikh *undu/i in :<anabi ,ul, Muwadda;. (@N) The learned genealogist Abul, au/ Muha!!ad A!in +aghdadi Suyedi in :Sabaek,u/,6ahab;. (@K) The learned genealogist of recent ti!es Sayed "ussein .afaee conte!$orary to one of the (niversal #rofessors of A/har in his book :5ur,ul,Anwaresh;. (@C) Shaikh Ah!ad 8aa!i , on the basis of his $oe!s and as $er what has co!e in :<anabi,ul,Muwadda;. (DG) Shaikh Athar 5aishabouri , on the basis of his $oe!s. (D@) Shaikh 8alaluddin .u!i , on the basis of his $oe!s. +esides the!3 !any others too have confir!ed this !atter.KN Verily3 Mahdis birth is unani!ously agreed u$on by both Shias and Sunnis and they are in accord with each other on this !atter. Thus3 there e7ists no difference between the two grou$s. .ather its fir!ness is as clear as a fire kindled over the ti$ of a flag or as bright as a sun $resent during the day. Those who refer to their books and writings (Sunni references) will reali/e that they are all unani!ous over this !atter that Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari has had a son by the na!e of

Muha!!ad whose title is Mahdi and agno!en is Abul, *asi! and the fact that he has been the only son of his father. This is notwithstanding the fact that they have had !inor differences a!ongst the!selves about Mahdi 0ust as the sa!e can be seen fro! the sayings of 1bn,)hallakan and so!e other Sunni scholars. 1bn )hallakan says> :Shias think that Mahdi is the son of 1!a! "assan Askari.; After this3 he said> 2ontinuation of Mahdis life till now is so!ething unusual and i!$robable. %hen the birth of Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad Mahdi3 son of "assan Askari is $roved (which was done so fro! the #ro$hetic traditions which are 'Mutawatir and the sayings of the 1nfallible household !e!bers who are !ore knowledgeable than others and the e7cessive sti$ulations of !ystics and scholars who have reckoned the Awaited Mahdi to be the very child which we have !entioned) it will auto!atically be verified that Mahdi (A.S.) has already been born and not that he will be born in the future. Moreover3 with regard to his birth3 what a$$ears to be !ore correct is that he was born at dawn3 on @Hth Shaban DHJ A.". Thus3 at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise he had $assed five years of his age. Mahdi1s na+e) Title and A&no+en Tir!idhi in vol. D of his 'Sahih ($age DNG) narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Masoud that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :The world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall con-uer the earth. "is na!e is the sa!e as !ine.;KK 1n the sa!e $lace of the afore,!entioned book he narrates fro! Abu "uraira that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth

T a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine shall a$$ear.;KC Thereafter he writes> :This is an acce$table and authentic tradition.; 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age CK) narrates fro! Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi and all the three fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> :The world shall not end until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall co!e and rule. "is na!e shall be si!ilar to !y na!e.; The author of :4saaf,ur,.hagebeen; too has narrated the sa!e.CG The author of :4-dud,&urar; in the second cha$ter narrates fro! 'Sunan of 1!a! Abu +akr Mu-arri and he fro! Abdullah,ibn,Masoud that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :The world shall not $ass away until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall con-uer it.; 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 he narrates fro! the book :Sefat,ul,Mahdi; of "afe/ Abu 5aee! and 'Sunan of Abu Abdullah Mu-arri and they two fro! Abdullah,ibn,9!ar who said> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :A $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall e!erge. "is na!e is si!ilar to !ine and his !oral too is the sa!e as !ine. "e shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice.; Again3 in the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 he narrates fro! "afe/ Abu 5aee! who in turn narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!an that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will !ake a $erson to a$$ear fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine and whose !orals are the sa!e as !ine. "is agno!en is Abu,Abdullah.;C@

<et again3 in the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 he narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,9!ar that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :A $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall e!erge at the end of ti!e. "is na!e and agno!en will be the sa!e as !y na!e and agno!en. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. %hat we have written under the afore,!entioned to$ic is only a few of the noble traditions3 which !ention about the na!e and agno!en of "a/rat Mahdi. The author of :4-dud,&urar; has s$ecially ear!arked a cha$ter for this !atter. Thus3 these and so!e other traditions together with their lengthy e7egesis (which was already !entioned and will be !entioned in future) reveal that his na!e is Muha!!ad3 his title is Mahdi and his agno!en is Abul,*asi! and this is a well,known !atter. "owever3 on the basis of only one or two traditions his na!e has been !entioned to be Ah!ad. A$$arently3 it has been the inde$endent reasoning of its narrator and a !istake co!!itted fro! his side. 1f this reasoning is i!$ro$er3 we !ay still say that this tradition is insignificant as co!$ared to the other traditions (which are contrary to this one). The author of :Ta/kerat,ul,Al; while !entioning the children of Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari says> A!ongst the! is 1!a! Muha!!ad son of "assan3 son of Ali3 son of Muha!!ad3 son of Ali3 son of Musa3 son of 8afar3 son of Muha!!ad3 son of Ali3 son of "ussein3 son of Ali, ibn,Abi,Talib. "is agno!en is Abu,Abdullah and Abul, *asi! and he is the successor3 '"u00at (#roof) Master of the age3 '*ae! (($holder) and 'Munta/ir (Awaited one). "e shall be the last 1!a!.

The author of :Matalib,us,Suool;3 after !entioning the $lace of birth of "a/rat Mahdi (!ay the blessing of Allah be u$on hi! and his holy forefathers) says> :"owever3 his na!e is Muha!!ad3 his agno!en is Abul,*asi! and his titles are '"u00at (#roof) and ')halaf,Saleh (Virtuous successor). "e has also been called as 'Munta/ar (Awaited one). 1bn,"a0ar in his book :Sawae-;3 after !entioning about 1!a! Abu Muha!!ad "assan Askari writes> :"e did not leave behind any successor but his son Abul, *asi! Muha!!ad "u00at whose age at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise was five years. "owever Allah granted hi! wisdo! at that ti!e and he has been called as '*ae! and 'Munta/ar. The author of :5ur,ul,Absar;3 after !entioning about Mahdi says> :"is na!e is Muha!!ad and his agno!en Abul,*asi!. The 1!a!iyahs have given hi! such titles as '"u00at3 'Mahdi3 ')halaf,Saleh3 '*ae! and 'Saheb,u/, 6a!an. The !ost fa!ous a!ongst the! is Mahdi.CD A subtle $oint> A!ongst the strange events (if we do not say that God has dissuaded their hearts) is this that a!ongst the i!!ediate sons of 1!a!s3 none has been bestowed with the title of 'Mahdi e7ce$t *ae! Al,e,Muha!!ad (A.S.). Surely3 they were a fa!ily which s$read for a $eriod of over two hundred and forty years. They owned !any children and re$eatedly heard this blessed title of 'Mahdi. 5evertheless a!ongst their i!!ediate children there was none who was called by the title of 'Mahdi because3 this was so!ething against the custo!. 1t is $ossible to say that Allah3 the 47alted !ay have dissuaded the! fro! this !atter in order to safeguard the $osition of Mahdi (A.S.). Mahdi and His 5arents1 (a+e

%hat see!s evident fro! the $revious traditions (!entioned in cha$ter 5o. I) is this that Mahdi3 the Awaited one is the son of Abu Muha!!ad 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.). The Shia 1!a!iyahs and !a0ority of the Sunni scholars unani!ously believe that his honorable fathers na!e is "assan.CE Verily3 it is in so!e of the rare and unco!!on traditions that the na!e of "a/rat Mahdis father is !entioned to be the sa!e as the "oly #ro$hets father. Abu &awoud in his 'Sahih (vol. I $g. NK) has narrated fro! 6urra,ibn,Abdullah a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall a$$ear and... "is na!e is the sa!e as !ine and his fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e.; The author of :4-dud,&urar; has narrated this tradition (in the second cha$ter) fro! a grou$ !ainly co!$rising of Tir!idhi3 Abu &awoud and +aiha-i. Thereafter he says> This tradition has been !entioned by 1!a! Ah!ad "anbal in his 'Musnad. "owever he has not !entioned the afore,said sentence of the "oly #ro$het that his fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e. The author says> 1 have co!e across so!e $ortions of traditions wherein the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> The na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e. A$$arently3 Abu &awoud is $referred. Thus3 we say> Shablan0i3 in :5ur,ul,Absar; ($age DE@) has narrated the afore,!entioned tradition of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) fro! Abu &awoud and he fro! 6urra,ibn,Abdullah but without this sentence that Mahdis fathers na!e is the sa!e

as !y fathers na!e. "e (i.e. Abu &awoud) says> 1n another tradition the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> :The na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e.; This very difference in narration fro! Abu &awoud causes one to doubt his narration and consider it to be unreliable. 4ven if we assu!e this tradition to be fir!3 it is (still) against and contrary to the nu!erous 'Mustafi/a traditions which are !ore authentic (fro! the view , $oint of the chain of trans!ission) and obvious (fro! the view$oint of reasoning) than the $reviously , !entioned tradition. Therefore3 one should not $ay attention to this tradition at all. 1n this regard Ali,ibn,1sa Arbeli in :)ashf,ul,Ghu!!a; says> Shiites do not consider this tradition to be correct because the na!e of Mahdi and his fathers na!e too has been $roved for the! (as $er authentic reasons). The Sunni scholars3 have !entioned that the narrator has added so!ething to this tradition. Thus3 it should be said that this sentence (i.e. the "oly #ro$het saying> :"is fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e;) is an addition. The author of :Al,+ayan, i,Akhbar,Saheb,u/,6a!an; says> 'Abul,Abbass,ibn,Abul,)ara! )hasa!ee (i.e. 9!ar, ibn,Me!ar +aghdadi) has narrated fro! Abul, ath,ibn, Abul,*asi! , ibn , Abu Sahil )arukhi and he fro! Abu Aa!er,ibn,*asi! and others and they fro! Abu Muha!!ad Maru/i and he fro! Abul,Abbass,ibn,Mar/abani and he fro! "afe/ Abu 1sa and he fro! Abdul,8abbar,ibn,4la Atthar and he fro! Sufyan,ibn,Aiyana and he fro! Aasi! and he fro! 6urra and he fro! Abdullah and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , :A $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine3 shall beco!e the Master (of this earth).;

Athi! has narrated fro! Abu Saleh who in turn has narrated fro! Abu "uraira as such> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will set the day so long until a $erson beco!es the owner of this earth.; Author of :Al,+ayan, i,Akhbar,Saheb,u/, 6a!an; says> :This tradition is an authentic tradition and "afe/ Muha!!ad,ibn,1sa Tir!idhi has narrated this in a si!ilar !anner in his 'Sahih.; "e continues> Alla!a "assan,ibn,"assan Baghwi sent a letter for !e in &a!ascus and after 1 !et hi! in +aghdad he said> 5asr,ibn,Abul, ara0 "asari has narrated fro! Abu Talib Muha!!ad,ibn,Muha!!ad , ibn , Abu 6aid Mavi and he fro! Abu Ali Shustari and he fro! Abu 9!ar "ashi!i and he fro! Abu Ali Muha!!ad,ibn,9!ar Bului +asri and he fro! "afe/ Abu &awoud Sulai!an,ibn,Ashas Sa0estani and he fro! Musaddad and he fro! <ahya,ibn,Saeed and he fro! Sunan and he fro! Aasi! and he fro! 6urra and he fro! Abdullah and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :The world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who shall carry the sa!e na!e as !ine beco!es the Master a!ongst the Arabs.; The author of :Al,+ayan, i,Akhbar,Saheb,u/,6a!an; adds> :This tradition is an acce$table and correct tradition and Abu &awoud has narrated it in his 'Sunan in the sa!e !anner which we have narrated.; Abu &awoud says> (th!an,ibn,Abu Shuiba has narrated fro! a/l,ibn,&akeen and he fro! *atar and he fro! *asi!, ibn,Abu Marra and he fro! Abu Tafeel and he fro! Ali and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) who said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will a$$oint a $erson fro! !y $rogeny to fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression.;

The author says> Abu &awoud has !entioned this tradition in the sa!e !anner in his 'Sunan. The author of the book :Mana-ib as,Shafaee; has !entioned the afore,said tradition and then said> The narrator has added the following sentence to this tradition and said> 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the @ife of the earth3 God will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine and whose father carries the sa!e na!e as !y fathers na!e3 a$$ears and fills the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. The author says> Tir!idhi has narrated the afore,said tradition but not the sentence of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) saying> The na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e. "owever Abu &awoud has !entioned the afore,said sentence. 1n !ost of the traditions which are ob0ect of reliance of !ost of the e7$erts (of traditions) and narrators3 only this sentence can be found where the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) says> :"is (i.e. Mahdis) na!e is the sa!e as !ine.; The sentence that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :"is fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e; is an addition !ade by the narrator. 1f the afore,said sentence ha$$ens to be correct it would !ean that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> :The na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y son3 "usseins na!e and his agno!en is Abu Abdullah. "e has set the agno!en as na!e so as to allusively s$eak of this fact that Mahdi would be fro! the $rogeny of "ussein and not fro! the $rogeny of 1!a! "assan. 1t is (also) $ossible that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) !ust have said> :The na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y son3 "assans

na!e.; The na!e of Mahdis father too was "assan but the narrator has thought (=) (!y son) to be (=) (!y father) and hence changed it to (=). Thus it is necessary to inter$ret and e7$lain this tradition in the !anner which we have done so that $erha$s we have !ustered together all the traditions. This inter$retation which was said with regards to the $reviously !entioned tradition is not correct. .ather3 it should be inter$reted in another !anner and it is as follows> 1!a! Ah!ad3 with his good recording and care in traditions3 has !entioned the afore,said tradition in several $laces of his book 'Musnad in this !anner that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) only said> :Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y na!e.; Abdul,A/i/,ibn,Muha!!ad Ansari has i!$utedly narrated fro! 6urra and he fro! Abdullah that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) said> :The world shall not be destroyed or rather said> The world shall not ter!inate until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine shall beco!e the !aster a!ongst the Arabs.; 1n the book of :Mana-ib,e,Mahdi;3 "afe/ Abu 5aee! has narrated the ways of the afore,said tradition fro! a great nu!ber of $eo$le who have all narrated fro! Aasi!,ibn,Abu 5a0wad and he fro! 6urra and he fro! Abdullah and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.). A!ongst the! we !ay s$eak of Sufyan,ibn,A!iya (as !entioned before) whose ways differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is *atar ibn ,)halifa whose ways too differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is A!ash whose ways differ fro! the ways of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is Abu 1shaa- Sulai!an,ibn, iru/ Shaibani and his ways differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is "afas,ibn,9!ar. A!ongst the! is Sufyan Sun whose ways differ fro! the ways of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is Shuba

whose ways too differ. A!ongst the! is %asith,ibn,"arith. A!ongst the! is <a/id,ibn,Muawiya,Abu Shuaiba who $ossesses two ways. A!ongst the! is Sulai!an,ibn,*ara! whose way differs fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! are 8afar,Ah!ar3 *ais,ibn ,.abih3 Sulai!an,ibn,*ara! and 4sbath who have all been $laced on one $ath. A!ongst the! is Sala! Abu,Mun/ar. A!ongst the! is Abu Shahab, Muha!!ad,ibn,1brahi! )anani and his ways differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is 9!ar,ibn,(baid than afasi whose ways differ fro! the ways of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is Abu +akr,ibn,Aiyaash whose ways differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is Abul,"e0af &awoud Abul Auf) and his ways differ with the ways of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is (th!an,ibn,Shabra!a whose ways differ fro! that of Aasi!. A!ongst the! is Abdul,Malik,ibn,Abu Ainaiya. A!ongst the! is Muha!!ad,ibn,Aiyaash who has narrated fro! 9!ar and Aa!eri and his ways are different. "e has !entioned the chain of trans!ission and said> , Abu Ghesan has narrated fro! *ais but not narrated his connection. A!ongst the! is A!ro,ibn,*ais Malavi. A!ongst the! is A!!aribn,6arri-. A!ongst the! is Aishaan Abdullah,ibn,"aki!,ibn 8ubair Asadi. A!ongst the! is 9!ar,ibn,Abdullah,ibn,+ashar. A!ongst the! is Abul,Ahwas. A!ongst the! is Saad,ibn, "assan,ibn,9kht Tholaba. A!ongst the! is Maa/,ibn,"isha! who says> :My father narrated for !e fro! Aasi!.; A!ongst the! is <usuf,ibn, <unus. A!ongst the! is Ghalib,ibn(th!an. A!ongst the! is "a!/a,ibn,6aiyat. A!ongst the! is Shaiban. A!ongst the! is "aka!,ibn,"isha!. They have narrated the afore,said tradition fro! (other than Aasi!) 6urra i.e. 9!ar,ibn,Marra and all the narrators

have narrated that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y na!e; (but did not says> "is fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e) with the e7ce$tion of the tradition which (baidullah,ibn,Musa has narrated fro! the one who has !ade an addition in the afore, said tradition and narrated it fro! Aasi!. 9nly the one who has !ade this addition in the tradition has narrated the afore, said sentence (as $er the narrators) that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :"is fathers na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e;. A wise $erson will not hesitate to conclude that this additional sentence lacks credibility3 notwithstanding this fact that al!ost all the Sunni leaders have narrated against the afore,said sentence. Allah is All,knowing. The sayings of the author of :Al,+ayan, i,Akhbar Saheb,u/, 6a!an; is co!$leted. The author says> The a$$arent e7$ression of the book of :Al,+ayan, i,Akhbar Saheb,u/,6a!an; is this that Tir!idhi has not narrated this additional sentence. "owever $reviously3 we understood the saying of the author of :4-dud,&urar;. %hat is evident fro! this book and the books of :Matalib,us,Suool; and : usul,ul,Muhi!!a; is this that Abu &awoud3. Tir!idhi3 +aiha-i3 Abu 9!ar3 Mu-arri and Abu 5aee! have all narrated the afore,said additional the truth). The author of :Matalib,us,Suool; says> 1f so!eone re!onstrates and says> %e agree that when these false attributes are discovered they would be a sign and $roof. 1t would then beco!e necessary to act u$on the! and $rove the! for the one who is endowed with the!. "owever we do not believe that these signs and $roofs could be a$$lied to )halaf,e,Saleh Muha!!ad because3 a!ongst the false attributes3 is the sign and $roof that Mahdis father should

carry the sa!e na!e as the "oly #ro$hets father and #ro$hetic hadiths too (0ust as they have narrated) sti$ulates this !atter. "owever3 this attribute (i.e. Mahdis father bearing the sa!e na!e as the "oly #ro$hets father) cannot be found in the e7istence of Mahdi because the na!e of Mahdis father is "assan and the na!e of the "oly #ro$hets father is Abdullah. %hat kind of a connection e7ists between "assan and Abdullah? Therefore3 this attribute which is only a $art of the signs and $roofs cannot be a$$lied to Mahdi and when one $art of the cause is not $roved the entire cause too cannot be $roved3 since the rest of the attributes are not enough for $roving this decree. This is because the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has not substantiated this decree e7ce$t for the one in who! all the attributes (where one of the! is the si!ilarity of his fathers na!e) is found and this !atter cannot be true of '"u00at )halaf. Thus3 this decree too cannot be a$$lied to hi! and this $roble! or difficulty is a severe one. +efore giving a detailed re$ly to this $roble! it is necessary to e7$ress two !atters so that we !ay achieve our ai!> irst> , 1n the Arabic language it is a co!!on $ractice to a$$ly the word of father for great ancestors. The "oly *uran too s$eak of this !atter and says> (=) (The faith of your3 1brahi!) Also3 on behalf of <usuf it says> (=) (And 1 follow the religion of !y fathers3 1brahi! and 1shagT) The holy #ro$het (S.A.%.A) too has clearly sti$ulated this !atter as can be seen in the tradition of 'Mera0 (ascension)>

the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A) asks> %ho is this? "e re$lied> '<our father 1brahi!. Thus it can be observed that the word of (=) (father) is a$$lied to forefathers. Second> , '5a!e too is used instead of 'agno!en and 'attribute 0ust as the elo-uent s$eaking $eo$le have done so. This can be observed in tradition also where +ukhari and Musli! have narrated fro! Sahl,ibn,Saad Saaedi who narrated fro! Ali (A.S.) that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) called Ali as 'Abu Turab and did not call hi! by this na!e. A $oet too has $in , $ointed this !atter in the following $oe!> (=) The words (=) has also been narrated. Thus this $oet has used 'na!e instead of agno!en and attribute and this rule is $revalent in the Arabic language. 5ow that the two afore,!entioned !atters have beco!e clear know that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) had two grandsons , 9ne was Abu Muha!!ad (i.e. "assan) and the other was Aba Abdullah (i.e. "ussein). 2onsidering that "u00at )halaf,e,Saleh Muha!!ad was fro! the $rogeny of Aba Abdullah "ussein and not fro! the $rogeny of Abu Muha!!ad "assan and the agno!en of "ussein is Aba Abdullah also3 therefore the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has used the word of (=) (na!e) Lbecause of confronting for his fathers right with (=) in $lace of agno!en and used the word of (=) (father) in $lace of grandfather. As if the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !ine , "e is Muha!!ad. 1 too a!. Muha!!ad and the agno!en of Mahdis great grandfather is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e because Mahdis great grandfather is Abu Abdullah and !y father (too) is Abdullah. "a/rat e7$lained in this !anner so that these brief

wordings could be co!$rehensive enough for e7$laining the attributes and he hi!self has had briefly announced that Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of Aba Abdullah "ussein. Therefore3 (with this e7$lanation) the afore,!entioned attributes have been $ut in order and all of the! can be a$$lied to "u00at )halaf,e,Saleh Muha!!ad (A.S.). This e7$lanation is good and sufficient enough to overco!e this $roble!. So $onder over it. The author says> A$art fro! the reasons which the author of 'Al,+ayan and 1bn,Thalha in Matalib,us,Suool have narrated there are other as$ects too as follows> , irstly3 Alla!a Ma0lisi in the beginning of the @Eth Volu!e of his book '+ihar,ul,Anwar says> so!e of the conte!$oraries have said> %ith regard to the afore ,said tradition there are other as$ects too3 like the fact that 1!a! "assan Askaris agno!en was Abu Muha!!ad and Abdullahs (i.e. "a/rat Muha!!ads father) agno!en was Abu Muha!!ad. Thus these two agno!ens are in accord with each other and (a!ongst the Arabs too3 0ust as it will co!e later on) the agno!en too is in the na!e. (1.e. the Arabs use agno!en instead of na!e). Secondly3 so!e of the conte!$orary learned scholars have said in the !argin of the book of 'Al,+ayan as such> The best reason in re$ly to this !atter is to say that the wording of the tradition is $erha$s in this !anner> , Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y na!e and !y fathers na!e. This is because !any traditions (which can be seen in the book of 'Ghaibat) say> Mahdi $ossesses three na!es where one of the! is Abdullah and the "oly #ro$hets fathers na!e too was Abdullah. 1n so!e of the traditions3 which was $reviously !entioned3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e. Moreover3 on the

sub0ect !atter of this tradition too3 it has co!e that (the "oly #ro$het) said> :Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y na!e and !y fathers na!e. The narrator3 not gras$ing the !eaning of the tradition and not even i!agining that Mahdi (!ay Allah hasten his e!ergence) $ossesses two other na!es too3 and wishing to have corrected the tradition (as $er his own reflection) has added the afore,said sentence (Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e) to the tradition. #reviously3 we ca!e to know that the afore,said tradition lacked any defect because Mahdi $ossesses three na!es. Thus it can be seen that the afore,!entioned tradition does not contradict our traditions in any way. This is the best re$ly and 1 have not found anyone re$lying in this !anner although this re$ly a$$ears to be clear and obvious. Thirdly3 the afore,said scholar in the !argin of the afore, !entioned book says> 1t is $ossible that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) !ust have said> , :Mahdis na!e is the sa!e as !ine and his sons na!e is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e.; This is because in so!e of the traditions the na!e of Mahdis son has been !entioned to be Abdullah and in the third section of this book it will co!e that Mahdis agno!en is Abu Abdullah. Thus a change has occurred and the word of (=) (his son) has been converted to (=) (his father). ourthly3 Maula Muha!!ad .e/a 1!a!i Mudarres )hatoon Abadi a researcher and scholar writes in his book '8annat,ul,)hulud (which contains all what one eye can en0oy and all what one desires) as such> :9ur Master 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.) has two na!es , 9ne is "assan and the other Abdullah. 9n the basis of the saying of this scholar3 the $roble! is solved and is in accord with the tradition of Abu &awoud and all other traditions. Although so!e of the sub0ect , !atter of the book of '8annat,ul,)hulud is confined

to the book itself yet its author is a $erson who is a scholar as well as a researcher and $erha$s God !ay enlighten us through his reference and sayings. Alla!a Sayed Shahabuddin 5a0afi who is one of the s$iritual leaders of *u! narrated for !e as such> :The *a/vini scholar3 Agha .a/iuddin (!ay his dust be fragrant) has !entioned under '*urrat,ul,Aafaa- the sa!e as that which the author of '8annat,ul,)hulud has !entioned. The conclusion that we can derive fro! these traditions is this that the !ost $referable re$ly would be to stick to one of the following> (@) The chain of trans!ission of this tradition (i.e. the "oly #ro$het saying> Mahdis father carries the sa!e na!e as !y fathers na!e) a$$ears to be weak because3 it co!$rises such !en who are not reliable and authentic. .ather3 they belong to the unknown grou$. 9n the contrary3 they are those $eo$le who are fa!ous as the fabricators of traditions. 1f there was no one a!ongst the! e7ce$t the (=) (i.e. the one who is a!ongst the narrators of this tradition) suffice it was to render this tradition weak. (D) The te7t of this tradition is u$seting because 1!a! Ah!ad "anbal has narrated the sa!e tradition in his 'Musnad (0ust as it can be seen in :4-dud,&urar;) without !entioning the saying of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) that :the na!e of Mahdis father is the sa!e as !y fathers na!e.; (E) This tradition has been narrated by Abu &awoud (who is the original one) in different ways. This is because so!e have narrated this tradition along with the afore,said sentence while others have narrated without this sentence fro! Abu &awoud. (I) This tradition is o$$osite and contrary to the nu!erous

traditions which3 fro! the view$oint of chain of trans!ission are !ore authentic and fro! the view,$oint of e7$ression are !ore !anifest. .ather3 this tradition is contradicting a nu!ber of other traditions. (H) 1f this tradition is inter$reted in either of the above four ways (which have been inter$reted against its a$$arent for! and to !e is inconceivable) it is still better than re0ecting it outright. The author of :5urul,Absar; says> , 'Mahdis father was Abu Muha!!ad )hales,ibn,Ali "adi,ibn,Muha!!ad 8awad,ibn,Ali .idha. Mahdis !other was a slave,girl who was called 5argis and as $er so!e other saying she was called as Seegal and still as $er so!e other saying she was called as Susan. About 1!a! "assan Askari he says> Q"is !other was a slave,girl who was na!ed as Susan. The author says> :The truth is that 1!a! "assan Askaris !other was called as '"adees and what is well,known is this that Susan was one of the na!es of Mahdis !other.; The author of Matalib,us,Suool says> :Mahdis father was "assan )hales,ibn,Ali Mutawakkil,ibn ,Muha!!ad *aneh,ibn,Ali .idha... "is !other was a slave,girl na!ed as Seegal and as $er so!e other saying was called as "aki!ah.; The author says> :1 do not know who has said this because3 the wo!an by the na!e of "aki!ah was the daughter of Abu 8afar "a/rat 8awad and aunt of Mahdis father and she was $resent at the ti!e of Mahdis birth.; Mahdi and His Lon& Li-e 1t was verified fro! the $revious traditions that the 47$ected Mahdi who shall e!erge at the end of ti!e and will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled

with cruelty and o$$ression is none other than Abul,*asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Askari (A.S.). 1t was also $roved that he was born in the night of @Hth Shaban3 DHJ. %hat is integral to this !atter is that he should have lived a long life and right fro! that ti!e until now3 !ore than one thousand and one hundred years have $assed fro! Mahdis age and Allah knows best about the ti!e of his e!ergence and his de!ise. Although longevity is so!ething unusual a!ongst the $eo$le yet3 as $er the nature it is a $ossible $heno!enon. Moreover3 there e7ists $roofs and reasons for the long life of Mahdi (A.S.). 1n other words3 the $rolongation of Mahdis life is a!ongst the $ossible affairs and reasons too confir! this $oint. Thus one is hel$less in acce$ting and acknowledging this !atter. The author of :Ta/kerat,ul,(!; says> The entire 1!a!iah sect believe that )halaf,e,"u00at is living and receiving his sustenance. or $roving "a/rat to be alive they set forth the following reasons> irst reason> A grou$ of $eo$le such as )hi/r and 1lyas have lived a long life and it is (still) not known for how !any years they have been living. 4very year they !eet each other and catch each others hair.CI 1n 'Torah it has co!e that 6ul,*arnain lived for EGGG years. "owever Musli!s believe that he lived for @HGG years. Muha!!ad,ibn,1sha- says> , 'Awa0,ibn,(na- lived for EJGG years.CH Awa0,ibn,(na- (whose fathers na!e was Subhan and !others na!e was (na-) was born during "a/rat Ada!s ti!e and continued to live until "a/rat Musa killed hi!. '6ahha- lived for @GGG years.CJ 'Tha!uras too has lived for @GGG years.

A!ongst the #ro$hets3 we !ay !ention such na!es as "a/rat Ada!3 5uh3 Shais and others that have lived for @GGG or !ore years.CN *ainan lived for CGG years.CK Mehlaeel lived for KGG years.CC 5u-ail,ibn,Abdullah lived for NGG years. The soothsayer .abiya,ibn,9!ar lived for JGG years. Aa!er,ibn,6ureb who was the 8udge a!ongst the Arabs3 lived for HGG years. Si!ilary Sulaba and Saa!,ibn, 5uh lived for the sa!e nu!ber of years. "arb,ibn,Ma/a/ 8arha!i lived for IGG years. 1t was he who said> (=) Arfakhshad too lived for IGG years. *ais,ibn Saaeda lived for a $eriod of EKG years.@GG )aab,ibn,8u!ha or 8a!!a &usi lived for ECG years. Sal!an arsi lived for DHG and according to so!e other sources for EGG years. The author of Matalib,us,Suool writes> Mahdi was born during Muta!id,Allah ti!e and has been concealed till now due to fear (fro! the ene!ies). This !atter cannot be !entioned because the one who gets concealed and there co!es no news fro! hi!3 (then) his occultation and disconnection of news fro! hi! is no reason to believe that his life has co!e to an end. The #ower of Allah is vast. The decree and favors of Allah u$on "is servants are great and having universality. 1t is necessary for the e!inent scholars to $erceive the realities of ob0ects of $ower (i.e. the creatures) of Allah. "owever3 there e7ists no way for recogni/ing the essence of Allahs #ower and those trying to do so will be left in bewilder!ent. 9ne of the verses of the "oly *uran says> , 1t is not heresy and it is not i!$robable to generali/e so!e of the virtuous servants of Allah. "is long life till a certain $eriod of ti!e is not so!ething unlikely to occur because3 Allah has $rolonged the life of !any of "is

#ro$hets3 Begatees e7$elled ones and ene!ies. A!ongst "is $ure ones3 we !ay !ention the na!es of 1sa and )hi/r. Moreover there were !any other #ro$hets (like "a/rat 5uh) who each lived for a @GGG years. A!ongst the e7$elled ones and ene!ies we !ay !ention Satan and &a00al and others like Aad who lived for a$$ro7i!ately @GGG years. The sa!e was the case with Bu-!an. All these e7a!$les reveal the e7tent of Allahs #ower by which "e has given such long life to so!e of "is servants. So what is wrong in saying that Mahdis age (too) has been $rolonged until his e!ergence?A Man1s Lon&-Li-e 1f the hygienic rules and the religious and !edical directives are observed it is not i!$racticable to live a lengthy life. The reverse is also true (i.e. non,observance of the afore,said rules will result in reduction in ones life,s$an. 9n this basis3 the nu!ber of deaths in so!e countries are !uch less at $resent than for!er ti!es and the nu!ber of aged $eo$le are !ore than the $revious years. 9f course it should not be unsaid that since the hygienic rules are better observed today than for!er years we see such !agnificent results. or this reason3 so!e i!$ortant co!$anies have been established which insures !ans health and give guarantee for his li!ited life under s$ecial regulations and fi7ed li!it3 which have been enacted according to the $rinci$les of hygiene. As a result of following the hygienic rules we see the desired effects out of our conscience. 1f it was not such3 the attention of the wise would not have been focused on those afore,said co!$anies. %hen kee$ing watch over the hygienic for!ulas and their rules ensures a $ersons health and $rolongation of life it

necessarily follows that the !ore the observance of hygienic rules the !ore longer will be a $ersons life. %hat we see out of our conscience (like difference in health and age and difference in the !ode of life) is the best $roof and evidence to what we have written. Therefore3 whenever the !eans of hygiene is ke$t at !anQs dis$osal his age shall be $rolonged to the e7tent3 which Allah wishes. The $rinci$les of these !eans are of three ty$es> irst> 9bservance (during the $ri!ary stage) when !an is !erely a !atter. That is to say when he is in the rear of his father3 the $eriod of his transition to his !others wo!b3 growth and develo$!ent in his !others wo!b and the $eriod of sucking !ilk when he is together with his !other. This is because observance of the hygienic $rinci$les by $arents during this stage is the first ste$ for ensuring a childQs health. "ow often we see a child dying during his infancy or childhood $eriod because of his $arents suffering fro! so!e disease and or their heedlessness in a$$lying the !eans of a sound health and non,observance on their $art of his (i.e. the childs) hygienic $rinci$les. Thus the $arents in such cases are the cause of this felony and they are res$onsible for de$riving their child fro! living a natural and nor!al life. '9 would that the $arents dee! it necessary u$on the!selves to follow such rules and regulations and as a result save the!selves fro! such bla!e. Second> 9bservance of those things which are the basis of !ans life like the air that he breathes3 the food that he eats3 the water that he drinks3 the clothes that he wears and the enviourn!ent in which he lives. This is because observance of the !eans and rules of a sound health in each of these five affairs with res$ect to -uantity3 -uality3 age3 strength3 weakness3 ti!e and $lace are the !ost i!$ortant channels

having influence over the health and long life of !an. "ow !any a $erson has been overtaken by death and have died before dying naturally. The reason for giving away oneQs life which by nature3 is loved by every living creature is the non,observance of one of the afore,!entioned five affairs. A nu!ber of $hysicians and doctors have e!$hasi/ed that !a0ority of the $eo$le who die do not die a natural death. .ather the !ain cause has been the e7ternal factors3 which co!e into e7istence by not observing the rules of a sound health with regards to the afore,!entioned affairs. "a/rat arid %a0di Affandi has narrated the words of so!e of the $hysicians and doctors in his book :&aerat,ul,Maaref;. Third> 47ternal occurrences and incidents and contact with natural $heno!enon like uncusto!ary heat and cold3 $ain and !aladies3 !isfortunes and difficulties3 grief and sorrow and actions and !ove!ents. All these greatly influence a $ersons health and life,s$an. "ow often it has occurred that a $erson has died of heat or cold or has $erished because of $ain and illness. "ow !any a $ersons life 'has been shortened due to !isfortunes and difficulties or has turned old due to grief and sorrow. +esides3 a great nu!ber of $eo$les life do obliterate and break u$ due to severity of their actions and bodily !ove!ents. 1f these factors do not $lay any role in !ans death then3 his life would certainly be long enough. 1f !an observes the hygienic rules as $er the afore,s aid three $rinci$lesF then nothing can $revent hi! fro! living for hundreds and rather thousands of years in this world by the will of AllahA?@G@ 5o !atter how !uch we $onder over this $oint and $robe into so!e of the a$$ro$riate books3 we cannot find any ob0ection and reason against this !atter. .ather3 too often a

$erson doing research into this !atter has co!e across so!e facts forcing hi! to testify in the sub0ect of longevity. The !ysteries of life and the faculties which have been de$osited in !ans e7istence is always hidden and unknown. Today3 !edical science with all its advance!ent has not beco!e cogni/ant with all those !ysteries and has not $erceived its realities the way it should have done so. So!e of our friends who are doctors have confir!ed this $oint. 9ne of the! says> 9ften it occurs that a $atient is brought to !e and as $er the !edical rules3 1 see hi! close to death. .ather his chance of survival is one $ercent. 1 then leave hi! aside and lose ho$e in his recovery. %hen on the sa!e day or the ne7t day 1 visit hi! for the ti!e3 1 see hi! well and fine and the $robability of his dying beco!es one $ercent. 9n the other hand3 how often it has occurred that 1 co!e across another $atient whose case is 0ust the o$$osite of the first $atient. Verily3 to live for hundreds of years is so!ething unusual and uncusto!ary !eaning that gathering together and obtaining the !eans of a sound health fro! all the as$ects (which we $reviously $ointed out) is earnestly a rare and scarce affair , and does not occur for !a0ority of the $eo$le in !ost of the $eriods and $laces. "owever if those !eans are gathered together3 it is $ossible for !ans life , s$an to $rolong habitually and naturally. So3 the $roble! lies in gathering together and !aking available the !eans (of a sound health) and not in the !eans of a lengthy life. %hen you beco!e fully conversant with what we have $reviously !entioned and beco!e aware of the article written in the !aga/ine :Al,Mu-tataf; you will reali/e that Gods state!ent in Sura 'Saffat with regards to the story of <unus (A.S.) is so!ething custo!ary>

(=) :+ut had it not been that he was of those who glorify ((s)3 "e would certainly have carried in its belly to the day when they are raised.; Thus it is $ossible for !an to live in the de$th of the sea till the &ay of 8udge!ent. %hy shouldnt it be so when Allah has #ower over all things. 3ie"s o- !ne Ma&a<ine by the (a+e o- Al-Mu8tataThe !aga/ine 'Al,Mu-tataf in its third edition in the year @EHC $ublished one article under the title :&94S MA5 B1V4 15 T"1S %9.B& 9.4V4.; and has said> %hat is life and what is death? 1s it that death has been destined for every living beingA? 4very grain of wheat is a living substance having a $lace in its own cluster. That cluster too is grown fro! another grain and that grain too co!es into e7istence fro! another cluster and so on. As such3 $rying into the history of si7 thousand or !ore years beco!es easy. Grains of wheat which have been found a!ongst the re!ains of ancient 4gy$tians and Assyrians reveals this fact that ancient 4gy$tians and Assyrians used to sow wheat and !ake bread out of its four. The wheat which is available with us at $resent has not been created fro! (=) (i.e. nothing). .ather this wheat has co!e into e7istence fro! those ancient wheats in a concatenated !anner. Thus this $resent wheat is one $art of another living wheat and that one fro! another one and so on until it goes back to si7 or seven thousand years or rather hundreds of years. These grains of wheat which turn into bread and do not have any !ove!ent and growth are in reality living entities like all other living creatures. 5othing is deficient in the! but

a little water. Thus life and e7istence of wheat have been for thousands of years ,right fro! ancient ti!es until now. This also a$$lies to all ty$es of $lant $ossessing seed or fruit. 4ven the ani!als are not e7cluded fro! this rule. This is because all insects3 fishes3 birds3 beasts3 !os-uitoes and even hu!an,beings who are the greatest of all creatures are reckoned to be a $art of their own $arents and their $arents a $art of their $arents and so on. Man leaves behind a generation and that generation is one living $art fro! his own self 0ust as the seed of one $lant or tree is a $art of that $articular $lant or tree. 1n this living $art3 there earnestly e7ists s!all $articles like those $articles3 which have given sha$e to the organs of $arents and the organs of this $art are the very food3 which he eats. Thus a date,seed beco!es one tree which shall $ossess branches of leaves and dates and an olive,seed turns into a tree which shall have branches3 leaves and fruits. All $lants3 eggs of insects3 fishes3 birds3 beasts3 !os-uitoes and even hu!an beings can be inferred in this !anner. All the afore,!entioned e7a!$les are so well , known that not even two $ersons can be found who are having dis$ute over it. So!eti!es it ha$$ens that a tree itself lives for @GGG or DGGG years but !an does not live for !ore than NG or KG years. 1n rare cases3 he !ay live for @GG years and the gastric $articles re!ain alive and grow in order to $reserve the generation. "owever all the $arts die as though death has been destined for the!. 2enturies have $assed since !an has thought of relieving hi!self fro! the claws of death or at least increasing his life , s$an. This is es$ecially true so at $resent when !an wishes to fight the various diseases and $lagues with !edicines. 1t has still not been ascertained that for e7a!$le so!e one has lived for @GG years in recent ti!es.

"owever3 reliable scholars say> , The entire body,tissue of an ani!al is so endurable that it has no end and it is $ossible for !an to live for thousands of years $rovided no accident severs his age. This o$inion is not !erely a con0ecture. .ather it is so!ething $ractical and has been confir!ed by e7$eri!ents. 9ne of the surgeons was able to cut off a $art of an ani!al and then kee$ it alive for !any years !ore than the ani!al itself could have habitually lived. That is to say3 the very e7istence of that cut,off $art finds connection with the nourish!ent that is given to it. Thus it is $ossible that that $art !ay live forever if a!$le of nourish!ent is given to it. The afore,said surgeon is &octor )as 2arell who is occu$ied in .ockfeller3 5ew <ork. "e conducted this e7$eri!ent on one $art of an e!bryo of a hen which that $art grew and re!ained alive for !ore than eight years. The afore,said doctor and others like hi! have e7$eri!ented on the hu!an $arts such as the organs3 !uscles3 heart3 skin and kidney and have co!e to this conclusion that the said $arts develo$ and re!ain alive so long as they are given a!$le of nourish!ent. 4ven &octor %i!end %ebrel who is a!ongst the #rofessors of :Society of 8unes "iknes; says> 1t has been $roved through e7$eri!ents that the $arts of a hu!an body re!ain in working order due to nourishing $ower. Since this saying is based on scientific findings it is highly e7$licit and significant. A$$arently3 the first $erson who conducted this test on the body and $art of an ani!al was &octor 8ack Bu$ who was one of the surgeons of .ockfeller "os$ital in 5ew <ork. The said doctor tested the way of birth of a frog fro! those eggs which were not inse!inated and ca!e to this conclusion that a!ongst the

eggs so!e re!ain alive for a long $eriod while so!e die very soon. This incident induced &octor 8ack to conduct once again this test on a frog and conse-uently succeeded in kee$ing alive these $arts too for a long ti!e. Bater &octor %ern Buis and his wife $roved that it is $ossible to kee$ the $arts of a birds foetus in salt,water and allowing the! to live. %hen so!e organic substance is added to it3 the said $arts tend to grow and !ulti$ly. Successive tests have revealed that it is $ossible for the $arts of any ani!al which is ke$t in salt,water to re!ain alive and grow $rovided they are given food. "owever it is still not known whether those $arts re!ain alive or not after turning old. Afterwards3 &octor 2arell e!barked on further tests and $roved that these $arts do not bring senility in an ani!al. .ather the life , s$an of these $arts is !ore than the nor!al life,s$an of the ani!al itself. The said doctor started his e7$eri!ent in the year @C@D and on this $ath faced !any $roble!s until he and his assistants finally succeeded in $roving the following $oints> (@) The afore,said $arts re!ain alive constantly $rovided they do not encounter certain occurrences which destroys the! like deficiency in food and entry of so!e of the !icrobes. (D) These $arts not only re!ain alive but grow and !ulti$ly 0ust as they grow and !ulti$ly inside an ani!alQs body. (E) 1t is $ossible to know the !easure of growth and increase of these $arts and their relation with the nourish!ent given to the!. (I) Ti!e has no effect on the!. That is to say3 these $arts do not turn old and weak through the $assage of ti!e. .ather3 the slight effect of senility is not $roduced for the!.

Moreover3 these $arts grow and !ulti$ly in the current year in the sa!e !anner3 which they used to grow and !ulti$ly in the $revious years. All these eternal things reveal that these $arts grow and re!ain alive if $ro$er care and food is $rovided to the!. Therefore the !ain factor which causes death is in attentiveness and not senility. So3 what is the cause of !ans death? %hy is it that !an does not live for !ore than hundred years and rather lives nor!ally for only seventy or eighty years??A %e !ay re$ly as such> An ani!als body $ossesses nu!erous and diverse $arts and these $arts have strong connection with each3 other. 5ot only this but the lives of so!e of the! are de$endent on the lives of others. Thus3 when due to so!e reason or another3 so!e of these $arts turn weak and die3 the other $arts too die. Si!ilarly it is the !icrobes3 which reduces !ans age and restricts it to seventy or eighty years es$ecially the nu!ber of hu!an,beings who die during childhood. %hat has ulti!ately been concluded fro! tests and e7$eri!ents is as such> The reason why !an dies is not because he has co!$leted seventy3 eighty or hundred years but because the e7ternal factors enter so!e of his (internal) $arts and kill and destroy the! and since there e7ists a relation between these and other $arts3 the other $arts too get destroyed. Thus3 whenever !edical science beco!es $owerful enough to destroy these e7ternal factors or at least $revent the! fro! influencing the $arts of our body3 there can be nothing which can sto$ !an fro! living hundreds of years 0ust as so!e s$ecies of trees live for these nu!ber of years. 1t is not far when !edical science and hygienic !ediu!s will attain this lofty achieve!ent and conse-uently the nu!ber of $eo$le living an average life will increase or that they will

live twice or thrice the nor!al age.@GD Mahdi is Ali$e and /ein& 2i$en Sustenan'e %hen we wish to s$eak on this to$ic and $rove that Mahdi3 the 47$ected one is alive3 receiving his sustenance and living a life 0ust like others until the ti!e when Allah gives hi! $er!ission to e!erge and establish the truth and 8ustice and destroy o$$ression3 we are bound to !ention before anything else3 the following $reli!inaries> irstly3 it should be $ossible for !an to live hundreds or rather thousands of years and 0ust as you are aware3 science and nature do not re$udiate this $ossibility. Secondly3 Mahdi the 47$ected one is the sa!e Abul, *asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Askari,ibn,Ali "adi,ibn, Muha!!ad 8awad,ibn,Ali... 0ust as it was $reviously !entioned too. Thirdly3 Mahdi was born on the day3 which we have $reviously !entioned and 1!a! "assan Askari had no son other than Mahdi. .ather he is the only child of his father. 5ow that you have beco!e aware of these $oints we say> %e are having with ourselves reasons3 which $rove that Mahdi is alive and is being given sustenance. or an i!$artial $erson suffice it is for hi! to refer to only one of the!> irst> +asically3 what is dee!ed to be e7$edient is this that Mahdi is alive. This is because we are sure about his birth but doubt his death. 5ot even one authentic and reliable $erson has narrated anything about Mahdis de!ise. The only thing which can be seen in the e7$ressions of so!e of the deniers is certain i!$robabilities and the $oint that how it is or would be $ossible for Mahdi to live such a long life. Verily3 whatsoever 1 reviewed the sayings of reliable traditionists3 historians and genealogists 1 could not find in

their sayings any sti$ulation about the de!ise of Mahdi. Thus it is not right on our $art to $ass 0udge!ent about Mahdis death after knowing for sure that he is living. That Mahdis long life is !erely uncusto!ary and unusual does not reco!!end us to give u$ our $revious fir! belief Thus it is fair to say that the one who believes in Mahdis death is co!$elled to $roduce evidences as against the saying of the one who says> Mahdi is alive and is being given sustenance. "owever3 even if we assu!e that evidences can be $roduced yet one cannot $ass 0udge!ent on Mahdis de!ise. .ather one is forced to o$$ose to evidence with views3 which are stronger fro! the view , $oint of reference and !ore !anifests fro! the view,$oint of denotation. Second> %hen Mahdis birth is $roved3 there re!ains no alternative but to acce$t one of the following two affairs> %e either acce$t that Mahdi (A.S.) is alive and continues to live like all other hu!an,beings until the ti!e when Allah shall co!!and hi! to e!erge or on the basis of what is in wont3 believe that he has died and Allah by "is #ower shall !ake hi! alive at the a$$ointed Ti!e. "owever there is not the slightest doubt that the first affair is !ore closer to natural wont and $rinci$les of nature than the second affair which is far fro! natural wont. or this reason3 the action of #ro$hets turning the death alive was considered to be a !iracle and not longevity. Third> The tradition which has been unani!ously acce$ted by both Sunnis and Shias contains the following contents> The 2ali$hs (after the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and the 1!a!s of the Musli!s , so long as this religion continues , are twelve in nu!ber. After it has been $roved that Mahdi is the twelfth a!ongst the!3 it beco!es indis$ensable to

believe that he is alive and living. 9therwise what necessarily follows is this that there will re!ain no 1!a! a!ongst the Musli!s in this era and their death will be si!ilar to the death of those $eo$le living during the $eriod of ignorancy. ourth> Traditions which s$eak of Mahdis occultation and indicate the !anner in which $eo$le derive benefit fro! his e7istence clearly shows that Mahdi is an alive entity who is being given sustenance and is living like other hu!an,beings. So!e of those traditions state that Mahdi is 'Munta/ar (47$ected one) during the $eriod of his occultation while so!e others s$ecify that the $eriod of Mahdis occultation will be the sa!e as the $eriod of his age. Moreover so!e traditions say> +lessed is the one who during the $eriod of occultation of "a/rat Mahdi is steadfast in his words about his 1!a!at. +esides these3 there are yet other sayings which $roves "a/rats life and continuity till the day of his e!ergence. .ather3 it is $ossible to say that the very word of 'Ghaibat (9ccultation) about Mahdi and his title of 'Ghaeb ("idden one) are itself a clear testi!ony of his living because3 the words (=) (9ccultation) and (=) ("idden one) have been $laced vis,a,vis the words (=) (A$$earance) and (=) (A$$eared one) and do not corres$ond the words (=) (&eath) and (=) (&ead one) and or the sentence :soon he shall be born; 0ust as 1bn,Abil "adeed has !entioned. ifth> S$ecification of so!e of the great Sunni scholars about continuity of Mahdis e7istence. A!ongst the! we !ay !ention the na!e of Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabi in his book : otouhat; as $er what has been narrated by Shaikh Abdul %ahab Sharani in his book :Al,<awa-it,wal,8awahar; (8ust as we had narrated the sa!e fro! the book :4saaf,ur,.hagebeen;) who s$ecifies this

$oint that Mahdi is the i!!ediate son of "assan Askari and the fact that 1!a! "assan Askari de$arted this world in the year DJG A.". "owever what is incidental to these two $oints and e7$licit ad!ittance of Mahdis e7istence and his continued life till the ti!e of his e!ergence or an ad!ittance of his e7istence and de!ise and then Allah !aking hi! alive (once again). 1t does not a$$ear that Shaikh Moyiddin Arabi was having the second $ossibility in !ind. A!ongst the! is Shaikh Abu Abdullah3 Muha!!ad,ibn, <usuf,ibn,Muha!!ad Gan0i who in his book '+ayan, i, Akhbar,Saheb,u/,6a!an 8ust as what the author of 4saaf, ur,.hagebeen has narrated on $age DDN) says> :9ne of the $oints which $roves that Mahdi is alive and still living after going into occultation and the fact that his continuity is not an i!$ossibility is the very e7istence of "a/rat 1sa,ibn,Marya! and "a/rat 1lyas who are a!ongst the friends of Allah and the e7istence of &a00al and the sinful Satan who are a!ongst the ene!ies of Allah. The e7istence of these $ersonalities has been substantiated by *uran and #ro$hetic traditions.; A!ongst the! is the learned and !ystic Shaikh )haw0a Muha!!ad #arsa who in his book ' asl, ul, )hetab (8ust as the author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda has narrated on $age IH@) after !entioning the birth of Mahdi says> :Allah bestowed wisdo! u$on Mahdi in his infancy 0ust as "e did so in the case of "a/rat <ahya and 1sa.; )haw0a Muha!!ad #arsa continues and says> Allah has lengthened the age of Mahdi 0ust as "e has lengthened the age of )hi/r. A!ongst the! is Shaikh Abdul,%ahab Sharani who in his book :Al,<awakit,wal,8awahar; (0ust as what has been narrated on $age @HN of 4saaf ,ur,.hagebeen) says> :Mahdi

is the son of 1!a! "assan Askari and his date of birth is @Hth Shaban DHH A.". "e is still living until he !eets 1sa,ibn, Marya!.; Thereafter he says> :Shaikh "assan Ara-i narrated this for !e after his !eeting with 1!a! Mahdi and the sa!e has been confor!ed by Sayed Ali )hawas.; A!ongst the! is Shaikh Sadruddin *unawi who at the ti!e of his death told his students 8ust as the sa!e has been written in :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age IJC) as such> :<ou !ay sell !y !edical and $hiloso$hical books and give the !oney derived fro! the! in charity to the $oor. +ut with regards to !y books on hadith and !ysticis! you !ay $reserve the! in the libraries and every night you recite seventy thousand ti!es the attestation of (nity (of God) i.e. (=) and send !y greetings to Mahdi.; The author says> This saying of Shaikh Sadruddin does not necessarily $rove the e7istence of Mahdi because he !ust have s$oken these words under this i!$ression that $erha$s his students will witness his e!ergence. "owever the first saying is !ore evident. A!ongst the! is Saaduddin "a!avi (0ust as what has co!e on $age INI of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrating fro! the book of Shaikh A/i/,ibn,Muha!!ad 5asafi) who while !entioning about Allahs saints says> :Allah a$$ointed twelve '%ali (custodians) fro! Ahl,ul,+ayt for this '(!!ah (nation) and !ade the! the successors to the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)... "owever the last of the saints who is the last successor of the "oly #ro$het and the last custodian and the twelfth re$resentative is MA"&1 Saheb,u/,6a!an. A!ongst the! is Shaikh Shahabuddin "indi who is fa!ous by the title of 'Malik,ul,(le!a. 1n his book '"idayat,us,Suada (0ust as what has co!e in the book

'&urraril,Musawiya) he says> :The ninth 1!a! fro! the offs$ring of 1!a! "ussein is 1!a!3 "u00at,ul,Allah *ae! Mahdi3 the "idden one. "e shall live a long life 0ust as 1sa3 1lyas and )hi/r (a!ongst the believers) and &a00al and Sa!eri (a!ongst the infidels) have lived a long life. A!ongst the! is Shaikh Muha!!ad fa!ous as )haw0a #arsa who in the !argin of his book ' asl,ul,)hetab (8ust as what has been written in '&urraril,Musawiya) says> :2ali$hate and 1!a!at shall end in Mahdi. "e is the 1!a! right fro! the ti!e of his fathers de!ise until the &ay of 8udge!ent. 1sa shall $ray behind hi! and acknowledge hi! and will invite the $eo$le towards his school of thought. A!ongst the! is the ins$ired traditionist Shaikh Shaeer, ibn,"a0ar Askalani3 the author of ' ath,ul,+ari, i,Shar,Sahih al,+ukhari. 1n the book 'Al,*aul,ul,Mukhtasar, i,Ala!at, ul,Mahdi,ul,Munta/ar (0ust as what has co!e in otouhat , 1sla!iyah Vol.D #g. EDG) he says> :Sound traditions have deter!ined for us the belief Mahdis e7istence. Mahdi is the sa!e $erson whose e!ergence shall coincide with the e!ergence of 1sa and &a00al. +y Mahdi is !eant this very $ersonality and those before hi! were not Mahdi at all.; A!ongst the! are so!e other learned scholars and !ystics who have written such sayings and sentences about Mahdi in the for! of $oe!s and odes in Arabic and #ersian 9ust as the sa!e has been written in :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; and 'Mana-ib). These $oe!s s$eak of Mahdis e7istence and the fact that "a/rat is a living $ersonality receiving his sustenance fro! his Bord. This is because they have de$icted Mahdi with such $ositions as 'Vilayat3 '1!a!at3 '2ali$hate3 &e$utyshi$ on behalf of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and the channel of divine blessings.

Those wishing to know !ore should refer to books written by our scholars in this regard es$ecially the book :)ashful, Astar, il,Ghaeb,Anil,1nte/ar; written by "a0 Mu/a "ussein 5uri Tabarsi (!ay his dust be fragrant) , the Master of the 'Mu0tahids and the last of the ins$ired traditionists. The contents of this book are such that it would -uench the thirst of a thirsty $erson and cure the sickness of a sick $erson. Mahdi and Those .ho Ha$e Seen Hi+ (nder this title we shall set forth three fine narratives as a !eans of cooling the heart and not in the for! of reasoning and argu!entation. irstly3 Shaikh Abdul,%ahab Sharani in his book 'Taba-at,(rafa while writing about Shaikh "assan Ara-i says> 1 went along with Sayed Abul,Abbass "arithi to !eet Shaikh "assan Ara-i. The latter said> Should 1 narrate to you the story of !y life right fro! its beginning until now. 1 shall relate in such !anner that as if you have been !y inti!ate friend right fro! childhood. 1 re$lied> :<es3 you !ay $lease narrate.; "e said> :1 was a youth a!ongst the crafts!en of &a!ascus. 9n ridays3 we used to occu$y ourselves in $laying3 drinking and ga!bling. 1t was on one of those ridays that 1 received so!e sort of an ins$iration fro! Allah that> "ave you been created for such deeds? Therefore3 1 gave u$ !y usual activities and fled away fro! !y co!$anions. They $ursued !e but could not find !e. 1 entered the !os-ue of +ani,(!ayyah and saw a $erson on the $ul$it who was s$eaking about "a/rat Mahdi. +y this3 1 beca!e eager in !eeting Mahdi. There was not a single $rostration3 which 1 used to $erfor! and not ask Allah to fulfill !y wish for !eeting hi!. 1n one of the nights3 while being engaged in the

reco!!ended $rayers3 1 saw all of a sudden so!eone sitting behind !e. "e rubbed his hands over !y back and said> :9 !y son3 the 2o!$assionate Allah has granted your wish. 1 a! Mahdi3 what do you want.; 1 said> :%in you co!e with !e to !y house?; "e re$lied> :<es.; Then we went together and on the way he said> :Take !e to so!e lonely $lace.; 1 took hi! to a lonely $lace and he stayed there with !e for seven days. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates on $age IHH (an incident) fro! the book :)ashful Ghu!!a; of Shaikh Ali,ibn,1sa Arbali who in the view of Shias and Sunnis is a reliable $erson. The said author relates as such> #eo$le narrate stories and incidents about the !iracles of 1!a! Mahdi (May Allah be satisfied with hi!) which describing the! would take a long ti!e. "owever 1 shall narrate two of the! which are closer to our ti!e and which have been narrated to !e by a grou$ of reliable brothers. irst> There lived a !an na!ed 1s!ail,ibn,"assan between the two cities of "illa and urat. My brothers narrate fro! 1s!ail that there a$$eared a boil on his left thigh3 which was the si/e of the $al! of ones hand. &octors who looked at his boil e7$ressed their inability in curing it. Thereafter3 1s!ail left for Sa!erra and visited the graves of 1!a! All "adi and 1!a! "assan Askari (May Allah be satisfied with the!). Bater he entered Sardab. There he beseeched the 2o!$assionate Allah and seeked hel$ fro! Mahdi. Then3 he entered the Tigris .iver3 took the ritual wash and changed his clothes. Suddenly he saw four riders co!ing fro! the direction of the city of Sa!erra. 9ne of the! was an old !an holding a s$ear in his hand while the other was a youth wearing colorful clothes. The one holding the s$ear was co!ing fro! the right flank while the other two were

co!ing fro! the left flank. The youth who had $ut on colorful clothes was co!ing fro! the center. This youth asked 1s!ail as such> :%ill you go to!orrow to your fa!ily?; 1s!ail re$lied> '<es. "e said> :2o!e close to !e so that 1 can learn about your $roble!.; 1s!ail went close to hi!. "e bent down and $ressed his thigh with his blessed hand and then sat back on his saddle. The old !an who was holding a s$ear in his hand said> <ou have been aired. "e is your 1!a!. The four riders left and 1s!ail too followed the!. :1!a! said> .eturn back.; 1s!ail re$lied> :1 shall never se$arate fro! you.; 1!a! said> :1t is for your own good that you go back.; 1s!ail re$lied> :1 shall not $art fro! you under any circu!stances.; The old !an interru$ted us and said> :"ave you no sha!eA <our 1!a! has twice co!!anded you to go back and yet you are disobeying?; 1s!ail sto$$ed. After 1!a! went forward a few ste$s3 he turned back towards hind and said> :%hen you will reach +aghdad3 the 2ali$h Mustansi +illah will forcibly su!!on you. %hen he shall offer you so!ething3 you refuse to acce$t it. Also tell our son .a/iuddin to write on your behalf to Ali,ibn,Awa/. 1 will too beckon hi! to give you whatever you wish.; After this "a/rat left with his co!$anions and 1s!ails eyes lay fi7ed at the! until he could see the! no !ore. "e sat on the ground for so!e ti!e and started to wee$ because of his se$aration fro! the!. "e then went to Sa!erra where the $eo$le surrounded hi! and said> %hy do we see you so !uch changed? %hat has ha$$ened?? 1s!ail said> &o you know who were these riders who had left the city and had gone towards the river? They said> They were fro! the nobles and are the owners of cattles. 1s!ail said> They were 1!a! and his co!$anions.

The one who had $ut on colorful clothes was 1!a! and it was he who rubbed his blessed hand over !y wound s$ot. They said> Allow us to see for ourselves. %hen 1s!ail dis$layed his thigh to the! there was not even a scar left to be seen. #eo$le started tearing his clothes to get lucky char! and then took hi! to the treasure house so that others could not reach hi!. Bater3 the 2ali$hs re$resentative ca!e and in-uired about this incident and asked his na!e3 his background3 his native $lace and the $ur$ose his e7it fro! +aghdad in the first week. The ne7t !orning after reciting his,$rayers 1s!ail left the city of Sa!erra before a huge crowd. 9n the way he reached one s$ot where $eo$le had gathered in great nu!ber and were in-uiring about his na!e3 genealogy and the $lace fro! where he ca!e. %hen they saw and recogni/ed hi! by the afore,said signs3 they began to tear his clothes and took the! away as blessings. The 2ali$hs re$resentative wrote a detailed re$ort on this incident and dis$atched it to +aghded. The !inister called in Sayed .a/iuddin to in-uire fro! hi! the authenticity of this incident. %hen .a/iuddin (who was one of 1s!ails co!$anion and had been 1s!ails host before leaving for Sa!erra) and so!e others saw 1s!ail they descended down. %hen 1s!ail showed his thigh to the! and they could not see any trace of the wound3 .a/iud din re!ained fainted for al!ost an hour. After gaining consciousness3 he caught hold of 1s!ails hand and took hi! to the Minister. .a/iud din cried and said> "e is !y brother and the !ost beloved of all !en. The Minister in-uired fro! 1s!ail about that $articular incident and he in turn described it in length. The Minister ordered the doctors who had $reviously seen 1s!ails thigh to co!e forward. %hen they arrived he asked> %hen did you

last see his wound? They re$lied> Ten days before. The Minister dis$layed 1s!ails thigh and when the doctors saw no trace of it3 they said> This is the act of Messiah. The Minister said> %e know who has $erfor!ed this act. The Minister took 1s!ail before the 2ali$h. The 2ali$h asked 1s!ail to give account and 1s!ail e7$lained in detail all what had occurred for hi!. %hen the 2ali$h $resented 1s!ail with a su! of one thousand dinars3 the latter said> :"ow dare 1 take even a little of this offer.; The 2ali$h said> :%ho! do you fear?A; "e said> : ro! the one who cured !e because he has forbidden !e fro! acce$ting anything fro! you.; 9n hearing this3 the 2ali$h began to cry. Ali,ibn,1sa says> 1 was once narrating this incident to a grou$ of $eo$le who were around !e. Sha!suddin3 who was 1s!ails son was also $resent but 1 had then not recogni/ed hi!. Sha!suddin said> :1 a! 1s!ails son.; 1 said> "ad you seen the wound on your fathers thigh? "e re$lied> At that ti!e3 1 was only a child. "owever 1 had heard this !atter fro! !y $arents3 relatives and neighbors and saw the $lace of wound after it had been cured. 1 could not find any trace of the wound and hair had grown on that s$ot. Ali,ibn,1sa further says> 1 in-uired about this incident fro! Sayed Safiuddin Muha!!ad,ibn,Muha!!ad and 5a0!uddin "aider,ibn,A!ir too and they infor!ed !e of this incident and said> :%e had seen 1s!ail before and after his recovery.; Moreover his son related to !e that his father after his recovery3 went to Sa!erra for forty ti!es so that he would $erha$s get the honor of visiting hi! once again. Second> Sayed +aa-i Athwah Alawi "asani related to !e

that his father Athwah did not acknowledge the e7istence of Mahdi. "e would often say> :%henever Mahdi co!es and cures !e3 1 will confir! the $eo$les saying; (about Mahdi). %hen we had all gathered for the '1sha (night) $rayers3 we heard a shriek fro! our father. %e went close to hi! and he said> :1!a! $assed fro! here at this very !o!ent. Book out for hi!.; %e went in search for hi! but could not find anyone. %e returned back and then our father said> So!eone a$$roached !e and said> '9 AthwahA 1 re$lied> :At thy service.; "e said> :1 a! Mahdi. 1 have co!e to cure you.; "e stretched out his hand3 $ressed !y thigh and then left. 5arrator says> After this incident3 he used to run like a deer and there was not a trace left. Ali,ibn,1sa says> 1 in-uired this incident fro! Sayed +aa-is son and he too ad!itted it.

Cha ter Six

Tradition on !''ultation Mahdi and the Manner o- His !''ultation Mahdi and His 5la'e o- !''ultation 6Sardab1 (Cellar) and Its 3isitation 5hiloso hy /ehind !''ultation 4uestions about Mahdi1s #ear Ma=or and Minor !''ultation Ho" 5eo le bene-it #ro+ the Con'ealed I+a+> Mahdi1s De uties durin& Minor !''ultation Mahdi1s De uties durin& Ma=or !''ultation Tradition on 62haibat1 (!''ultation) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; ($age IIN) narrates fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; a tradition fro! 1!a!

Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) who narrates fro! his father who narrates fro! Ali,ibn,Abi Talib who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny. There shall be an occultation for hi!. %hen he e!erges3 he will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.; 1n the sa!e book3 on $age IIK its author narrates fro! Saeed,ibn,8ubair who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Ali is !y '%asi (legatee) and fro! his $rogeny shall co!e the 47$ected *ae!3 Mahdi who shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. 1 swear by Allah %ho a$$ointed !e as a %arner and Glad,tider that whose belief will be fir! in the 1!a!at of Mahdi during the $eriod of his occultation will be !ore rare than red !atches.; 8aber,ibn,Abdullah Ansari stood and said> :9 Messenger of AllahA Shall there be an 9ccultation for your '*ae! fro! your $rogeny?; "e re$lied> '<es3 1 swear by Allah that "e shall test the believers and destroy the un,believers (by !eans of Mahdis 9ccultation) Thereafter he said> '9 8abir3 this affair is a divine affair and this secret is a divine secret. So be on guard against any kind of doubt in this affair3 because sus$icion in divine affair is blas$he!y. Again3 on the sa!e $age of the afore,!entioned book3 the author narrates fro! "assan,ibn,)halid who narrates fro! Ali,ibn Musa .idha as such> 'Allah shall erase fro! the earth every cruelty and o$$ression by the hands of !y fourth son fro! !y $rogeny who shall be the son of the greatest and the best slave,girls. "e is the sa!e one in who! the $eo$le doubt about his birth. "e is the sa!e one who shall go into conceal!ent. %hen he e!erges the earth shall be illu!inated by the light of his Bord...

9nce again3 in the sa!e book (on $age IHI) the author has narrated fro! Ah!ad,ibn,6aid who in turn has narrated fro! &ebel,ibn,Ali )hu/aee who with regards to his own $resence before 1!a! .idha and recitation of one elegy ending in (=) narrates that 1!a! .idha said> , :The 1!a! after !e is !y son Muha!!ad and the 1!a! after hi! will be his son Ali. After hi! will follow "assan and after "assan shall co!e "u00at *ae! the one for who! the $eo$le will await during his occultation and the one who will be obeyed during his rea$$earance. "e will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. About his u$rising3 !y father has narrated fro! !y grandfathers who in turn have narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) that> :The e7a!$le of (e!ergence of) Mahdi is like the e7a!$le of *iya!at which shall occur all of a sudden.; The author of the afore,said book (on $age IKK) has narrated fro! the book :Ghayat,ul,Mara!; which in turn has narrated fro! the book : areed,us,Se!tain; that 8aber,ibn, Abdullah Ansari has -uoted the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as saying> :Mahdi shall co!e fro! !y $rogeny. "is na!e and agno!en shall be the sa!e as !y na!e and agno!en. A!ongst all the $eo$le3 he shall rese!ble !e the !ost in a$$earance and character. There shall occur an occultation for hi! due to which nations shall deviate. Mahdi will e!erge like a twinkling star and fill the earth with e-uity and 0ustice to the reverse e7tent it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Again on the sa!e $age of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda he (i.e. Shaikh *undu/i) narrates fro! ' araed,us,Se!tain fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir fro! his grand,fathers fro! Ali,ibn, Abi Talib that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is

fro! !y $rogeny. There shall occur an occultation for hi! due to which nations shall deviate... "e shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. 9n $age ICE of the sa!e book he has narrated fro! the book 'Mana-ib which in turn has narrated fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> :+lessed is the one who $erceives the '*ae! fro! !y Ahl, e,+ayt and believes hi! to be the 1!a! during his conceal!ent (i.e. before his e!ergence) and befriends his friends and alienates his ene!ies. Such a $erson shall be a!ongst !y lovers and co!$anions and they are the best of !y $eo$le on the &ay of 8udge!ent. The author of the sa!e book narrates fro! Abu +aseer who narrates fro! 1!a! 8afar Sade- who narrates fro! his great grandfather who in turn narrates fro! A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny. "is na!e shall be the sa!e as !ine and his agno!en too shall be the sa!e as !y agno!en. A!ongst all the $eo$le he shall rese!ble !e the !ost in a$$earance and character. There shall be an occultation for hi! due to which $eo$le will get deviated in their religion. Then Mahdi will e!erge like a twinkling star and will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. 1n the sa!e book3 a si!ilar tradition fro! Abu +aseer can be seen but with this difference> Mahdi shall e!erge like a twinkling star and will bring along with hi!self the $rovisions of the #ro$het. (Till the end) The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age ICI) has narrated fro! Abu +aseer who in turn has narrated fro! 8abir,ibn,<a/id 8uafi as such> 1 heard 8abir,ibn,Abdullah

Ansari saying> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) told !e> '9 8abirA My legatees and the 1!a!s of the Musli!s after !e are Ali3 "assan3 "ussein3 Ali,ibn,"ussein3 Muha!!ad,ibn, Ali3 fa!ous as +a-ir. 9 8abirA <ou shall !eet hi! and when you do so send !y greetings u$on hi!. After +a-ir will co!e 8afer,ibn ,Muha!!ad3 Musa,ibn,8afer3 Ali,ibn,Musa3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali3 Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad3 "assan,ibn,Ali and 'Al,*ae! whose na!e and agno!en are the sa!e as !y na!e and agno!en. '*ae! is the son of "assan,ibn,Ali. Mahdi is the very $erson who shall gain victory over the 4ast and %est. Mahdi is the very $erson who will go into conceal!ent fro! his co!$anions views. 5o one shall re!ain fir! in his 1!a!at e7ce$t for those who! Allah has tested their heartly faith. Mahdi and the Manner o- His !''ultation 1bn,+abwiyah has i!$utedly narrated fro! Saadibn, Abdullah (the one who had been $resent at the ti!e of 1!a! "assan Askaris death and burial cere!ony) as such> :2ountless nu!ber of $eo$le had gathered during 1!a! "assan Askaris burial such that it was i!$ossible for anyone to co!e together and forge a lie.; The narrator says> 1n the year DKK when eighteen years or !ore had $assed fro! 1!a! "assan Askaris de!ise3 we $resented ourselves before Ah!ad,ibn,9baidullah,ibn, )ha-an. "e was the 2ali$hs re$resentative in *u! res$onsible for collecting the tribute. "e was a!ongst the severe ene!ies of the $rogeny of Abu,Talib. 1n that gathering discussion took $lace about the $rogeny of Abu,Talib who were the residents of Sa!erra and their faith3 $iousness and bravery were such !atters3 which were !ooted before the 2ali$h. Ah!ad,ibn,9baidullah said> 1n the city of Sa!erra

and a!ongst the Alaw is3 1 have never co!e across a $erson like "assan,ibn,Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad ,ibn,.idha and 1 have not heard anyone a!ongst the kings and all the +ani,"ashi! $ossessing such chastity3 nobility3 !agnificence and !unificence like hi!. "e was given !ore $riority than (ever) the aged $eo$les. Si!ilarly the co!!anders3 Ministers3 writers and co!!on $eo$le res$ected hi! very !uch. Ah!ad,ibn,9baidullah says> 9ne day 1 stood besides !y father who was in the state of dying. Suddenly3 a guard a$$roached !y father and said> :1bn,.idha (i.e. 1!a! "assan Askari) is standing besides the door.; My father shouted loudly and said> :Allow hi! to enter.; Suddenly 1 saw a young !an $ossessing wheatish co!$le7ion broad eyes3 good $hysi-ue3 good a$$earance3 good figure and a$$alling $resence a$$roaching us. As soon as !y father saw hi!3 he went forward to welco!e hi!. 1 had never seen !y father doing the sa!e for any of the +ani,"ashi! or the leaders and co!$anions of the 2ali$h. %hen 1!a! "assan Askari ca!e near3 !y father hugged and kissed his blessed face and hands. "e caught hold of "a/rats hands and offered hi! his own $lace. "e hi!self sat facing 1!a! Askari and began to converse with hi!. "e would address 1!a! by his agno!en (i.e. he would say '9 Abu Muha!!ad) and would often e7$ress his willingness to sacrifice his life for hi!. 1 was sur$rised by !y fathers behaviors. At that !o!ent3 the guard once again a$$roached !y father and said> :M (who was the 2ali$h) has co!e.; %henever M would co!e to !eet !y father it was custo!ary for !y fathers guards and other s$ecial !en to line u$ in two rows right fro! the $lace of !y fathers sitting until the doorway of 2ali$h until M would co!e and then

return back. 1n s$ite of reali/ing that the 2ali$h was going to co!e !y father was still looking at "a/rats face and conversing with hi! until the 2ali$hs s$ecial servants were seen. At that !o!ent3 !y father told 1!a! as such> :May 1 be sacrificed for you. %henever you wish3 you !ay go.; My father co!!anded his servants to take 1!a! Askari fro! behind the rows so that the 2ali$h would be unable to see hi!. 9nce again !y father hugged and kissed his blessed face and hands and then allowed hi! to go. 1 told !y fathers door , kee$ers and servants as such> '%oe be u$on you all. %ho was this !an that !y father res$ected and honored hi! so !uch?A They re$lied> :This !an is fro! the Alawis whose na!e is "assan,ibn,Ali and is fa!ous by the title of 1bn,.idha.; My astonish!ent increased. 1 $assed the whole of that day thinking about the great !an3 about !y father and the actions which had dis$layed until night a$$roached. After the 1sha (night) $rayers it was always !y fathers habit to sit and look over the letters and $etitions. After he finished reading the letters3 1 went and sat besides hi!. My father said> '9 Ah!ad3 what do you want? 1 re$lied> '1 wish to ask you a -uestion by your $er!ission. "e said> :Ask !e whatever you wish to ask.; 1 said> %ho was that !an who! you res$ected3 honored3 glorified and $aid tribute so !uch so that you e7$ressed your willingness to sacrifice your own life and your $arents lives for hi!? "e re$lied> :"e was 1bn,.idha3 the 1!a! of the Shiites.; After a !o!ents silence !y father continued and said> 1f the 2ali$hate is taken away fro! the +ani,Abbassids3 no $erson is !ore worthy to it than this !an because of his !a0esty3 chastity3 good behavior3 self,continence3 $iety3 worshi$3 good

!orals and virtuous deeds. 1f you had seen his father you would have found hi! to be a great3 glorious and benevolent !an. +y listening to these talks3 1 $lunged !yself dee$er into the sea of thought and a!a/e!ent and beca!e furious of !y father for s$eaking in this !anner. Bater on3 1 did nothing but in-uired about 1!a! "assan Askari and his affairs. .egarding hi!3 all and all , i.e. leaders3 writers3 0udges3 0uris$rudents and the co!!on $eo$le e7$ressed his grandness3 nobleness3 dignity and high $ersonality. Moreover they gave hi! $riority over +ani,"ashi!3 the aged and all other classes of $eo$le. All of the! would say> :"e is the 1!a! of the Shiites.; This great !ans $osition and dignity increased in !y view because3 none fro! the friends and ene!ies said anything but good things about 1!a! "assan Askari. A $erson who was fro! the Asharites said> '9 Abu +akrA "ow is this !an 8afar3 the brother of 1!a! "assan Askari? "e re$lied> '8afar is not a !an to be asked or rather co!$ared with 1!a! "assan Askari. 8afar is a transgressor3 adultere3 wine,drinker and an ill behavior $ersonality. 1 have found fewer $eo$le like 8afar who are disgraceful and ignorant. 1 swear by Allah that when news of the de!ise of 1!a! "assan Askari reached the 2ali$h and his co!$anions 1 witnessed so!e une7$ected scenes3 which was very astonishing for !e. The incident was as follows> %hen 1!a! "assan Askari fell ill3 the 2ali$h called for !y father to infor! hi! about 1!a!s illness. My father i!!ediately rushed for the 2a$ital and soon returned back. "e ca!e back with five s$ecial and trusted !en of 2ali$h who were all reliable to hi! and one of the! was 5uhrair

)hade!. "e ordered these five !en to $rotect 1!a!s house and in-uire of his health. "e called for several doctors and charged the! with the res$onsibility of looking after 1!a! every !orning and night. Two days later3 news ca!e of 1!a!s deteriorating condition. My father rushed to visit hi! and co!!anded the doctors not to leave 1!a! alone. Afterwards3 he called for the 2hief 8udge and ordered hi! to bring ten of his co!$anions who were reliable fro! the view , $oint of faith3 trustworthiness and $iety. The 2hief 8udge su!!oned those ten !en to 1!a!s house and ordered the! to re!ain besides 1!a! day and night. They too re!ained at 1!a!s service until he $assed away. 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.) $assed away in the !onth of .abi,ul,Awwal DJG A.". and a tu!ult took $lace in the city of Sa!erra. The 2ali$h sent several of his !en to 1!a!s house and they in turn searched 1!a!s roo!s and sealed off everything they could find. They also searched for 1!a!s son (i.e. 1!a! of the Age) They brought !id , wives in order to e7a!ine the slave,girls (of 1!a! "assan Askari). 9ne of the !id , wives said> :So and so slave,girl is $regnant.; The 2ali$h charged 5urair )hade!3 his co!$anions and other wo!en to kee$ watch over her. Thereafter3 they beca!e busy in 1!a!s funeral and the entire city ca!e to a standstill. The +ani,"ashi!3 the co!!anders3 writers and all the co!!on $eo$le attended "a/rats funeral. 9n that day3 the city of Sa!erra rese!bled the day of 8udge!ent. As soon as 1!a!s body was given the ritual wash and was shrouded3 the 2ali$h sent forward Abu 1sa Mutawakkil to recite $rayers over 1!a!s dead,body. %hen Abu 1sa ca!e close to 1!a!s dead,body3 he lifted the shroud and e7$osed his face to the +ani,"ashi!3 (who were

fro! the Alawites) Abbassids3 co!!anders3 writers3 0udges3 0uis$rudents and the co!!on $eo$le and then said> This !an is 1!a! "assan Askari who has died a natural death. &uring the entire $eriod of his illness3 so and so doctor3 so and so 0udge3 so and so trusted $erson and so and so 0ust $erson had been $resent and they can all bear witness on this affair. After this3 he covered 1!a!s face and recited $rayers over his dead,body and in his $rayers he recited five ti!es 'Takbeer (inaugural $hrase). +y his co!!ands3 1!a!s dead,body was taken out fro! his house and was laid buried in his great grand, fathers house. After "a/rats burial and the $eo$les dis$ersal3 the 2ali$h and his co!$anions engaged in seeking the whereabouts of his son (1!a! of the Age). They $ro$erly searched various houses. They desisted fro! distributing "a/rats inheritance. Those $eo$le who were charged with the res$onsibility of kee$ing watch over the slave,girl continued their task for two years until they reali/ed that she had not been $regnant. Thereafter3 they distributed "a/rats inheritance between his !other and brother (8afar,e,)ha//ab). 1!a! "assan Askaris !other clai!ed that she was the legatee of 1!a! and the sa!e too was $roved before the 8udge. Meanwhile3 the 2ali$h was still in $ursuit of the 1!a! of the Age. After distribution of the inheritance3 8affar,e,)ha//ab a$$roached !y father and said> :Grant !e the status of !y father and brother (i.e. the $osition of 1!a!at) and 1 %ill in turn3 give you twenty thousand dinars.; 9n hearing this3 !y father beca!e furious and said> :9 stu$id $ersonA The 2ali$h strikes the $eo$le with his sword and lashes the! with his whi$ in order to take back their belief in the 1!a!at of your father and brother. 1n this regard3 he has strived a lot but has re!ained unsuccessful till

today. 1f3 in the eyes of the Shiites you are the 1!a!3 then you are no !ore de$endent on 2ali$h or others for giving you the $osition of 1!a!at. 2onversely3 if you are not the 1!a! before the Shiites3 the 2ali$h and others cannot $rocure this $osition to you. %hen !y father reali/ed his stu$idity and ignorantly ordered his !en not to allow hi! fro! attending his gathering any !ore. Thenceforth3 he did not attend until !y father died. At $resent too3 the 2ali$h is still in $ursuit of the 1!a! of the Age but with no trace of hi!.; Muha!!ad,ibn,<a-oub )ulaini has i!$utedly narrated the afore,!entioned tradition in the first volu!e of his book :(sul,e,)afi; in the cha$ter :+irth of 1!a! "assan Askari; (A.S.) Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Tusi in his book ' ehrest in the cha$ter :Bife of Ah!ad,ibn,9baidullah , ibn <ahya; has also narrated the afore,!entioned tradition but with a !inor difference. Ah!ad,ibn,Abbass,ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn,Abdullaha 5a0ashi has also narrated the sa!e tradition in his book : ehrest;. The author says> :Shaikh Mufid in his book '1rshad3 a/l, ibn,"assan Tabarsi in his book '4la!,ul,%arah and Muha!!ad,ibn,Mohsin ( ai/,)ashani) in his book '%afi have narrated the afore,said tradition fro! Muha!!ad,ibn, <a-oub )ulaini.; Muha!!ad,ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn,5u!an (i.e. Shaikh Mufid) in his book '1rshad says> 1!a! "assan Askari fell ill on the first day of .abiul,Awwal in the year of DJG A.". and $assed away on the riday the eighth of .abiul,Awwal of the sa!e year. At the ti!e of his de!ise3 1!a! "assan Askari

(A.S.) was twenty,eight years old. "e was laid to rest in the sa!e house3 which he had in Sa!erra and where his great, father was buried and a$$ointed his son for the establish!ent of the 0ust govern!ent. 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.) would kee$ secret the birth of his son and would conceal his affairs because situation of that ti!e was unfavorable. The 2ali$h of that ti!e searched severely for 1!a!s sons and strived to know about their affairs because belief on Mahdi had beco!e wides$read a!ongst the Shiah 1!a!iah and who were e7$ecting hi! to co!e. &uring his life3 1!a! "assan Askari never disclosed his son in $ublic and after his de!ise too3 the ene!ies never got the chance of recogni/ing his son. 8afar, ibn,Ali (i.e. 8afar,e,)a//ab) took away 1!a! "assan AskariQs inheritance and strived hard to i!$rison his wives and slaves. "e rebuked and re$ri!anded 1!a!s co!$anions 0ust because they were awaiting his sons a$$earance and had faith in his 1!a!at. "e even encouraged the $eo$le against the! so that in this !anner he would be able to strike fear in their hearts and bring $ressure on the!. As such3 1!as followers were sub0ected to all sorts of $ersecution like arrest3 i!$rison!ent3 threat3 insult3 abase!ent and ob0ectness. 9n the other hand3 the 2ali$h did nothing to assist the!. A$$arently3 8affar,e,)a//ab derived inheritance of 1!a! "assan Askari and strived to take his brothers $lace and beco!e the 1!a! of the Shiites. "owever3 none of the Shiites acce$ted his 1!a!ate. Thereafter3 he sought the 2ali$hs hel$ and asked hi! to bestow the $osition of 1!a!ate on hi!. "e even agreed to donate huge su!s of !oney but all these were of no avail. Mahdi and His 5la'e o- !''ultation The circu!stances of 9ccultation of Abul,*asi!

Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Mahdi (A.S.) (which we have $reviously !entioned) is correct in the views of we Shiah, 1!a!iahs and the !anner of his conceal!ent is the sa!e as what the great scholars and traditionists (who! we trust and rely on their saying) have narrated. "owever what so!e of the co!!on Shias say in this regard and the Sunni scholars attribute the! to us is lacking in any evidence and $ro$er trans!ission. %hat we had $reviously !entioned about the circu!stances of Mahdis occultation is correct in our view but such !atters like> where was Mahdi at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise? %here did he go into conceal!ent or in which $ortion of his house he concealed hi!self? %hether he went over the to$ of his house or went down in the 'Sardab (2ellar)? %hether he hid hi!self in the house or fled fro! its door? Are all uncertain. Verily3 what a$$ears custo!ary is that he should have re!ained in the house besides his great father at the ti!e of his fatherQs de!ise why shouldnQt it be so3 es$ecially if we consider that Mahdi at that ti!e was only a child (a$$arently) and besides had no other $lace other than his $arents house. #erha$s this !atter can be inferred fro! the tradition of Ah!ad,ibn,9baidullah,ibn,<ahya,ibn,)ha-an because "a/rat at that ti!e was in his own house and he disa$$eared without the $eo$le being aware of hi!. Although the 2ali$h and his followers and hel$ers were in search of hi!3 yet they could not find hi!. #reviously it was !entioned that the 2ali$h had $ut his trusted !en in charge of looking over 1!a! "assan Askari at the ti!e of his illness $retending to be his hel$ers because on that day none were $resent e7ce$t 'A-id the servant and 'Si-al who was Mahdis !other. The 2ali$h had a$$ointed ten of his trusted !en under the

$rete7t of serving 1!a! (A.S.). "owever his only $ur$ose was to get infor!ation about Mahdis whereabouts because it was nor!al for a child like Mahdi to be $resent in his $arents house es$ecially at that ti!e when his father was on the verge of de$arting fro! this world. "owever Allah did not wish that they should beco!e infor!ed of Mahdi and so ke$t his affairs concealed fro! the!. Verily3 the 9ne who $rotected Musa,ibn,1!ran in the !iddle of the sea while the waves were driving hi! to the left and right and the God %ho $rotected Musa (Moses) in his infancy in irauns house is #owerful enough to $rotect our Master Mahdi in his own house. The God %ho $rotected his great grand,father on the day when he fled fro! the ene!ies hands towards the cave and ke$t secret his trace fro! the ene!ies and saved hi! by "is #ower and Strength is not hel$less in $rotecting our Master3 Mahdi (AS.) who was then five years old living with his $arents. 1 do not deny this !atter that $rotection of our Master3 Mahdi at the age of five or si7 is so!ething unusual. .ather3 1 a! forced to say> #rotection of "a/rat at that ti!e was through unseen channels and even if it was through ordinary channels we are co!$elled to say> These channels are rare and i!$racticable for !a0ority of the $eo$le. 1n short3 our Master3 Mahdi (AS.) a$$arently went into conceal!ent either fro! inside or outside his own house without its $articulars being known to us. Allah knows better this !atter. "ere it is worth !entioning the following $oint> %hatever a grou$ of learned Sunni scholars and so!e of the Shia writers have !entioned about the characteristics of Mahdis occultation are all lacking authentic reference(s).

"ow good it would have been if they had !entioned those references. Sardab (Cellar) and Its 3isitation ro! the book of :Sawae-; it a$$ears that the Shia 1!a!iahs or a grou$ a!ongst the! reckon that Mahdi (A.S.) has concealed hi!self in the cellar. They e7$ect hi! to e!erge fro! this cellar and they sto$ near its door with their horses and await his rea$$earance. "ow good it was if the author of :Sawae-; had !entioned the reference of this talk. 1 think the author of :Sawae-; has neither e!erged fro! the land of "e0a/ nor entered the country of 1ra- nor visited Sa!erra. 9therwise3 he would have reali/ed that this !atter bears no truth. A$$arently3 the source of this reckoning that the Shias believe Mahdi to have disa$$eared in the 2ellar is this that they see the Shia 1thna,Ashar visiting the holy $lace of 'Sardab (2ellar). 1t is necessary over here to !ention the reason for visiting the holy $lace of 'Sardab (2ellar). Therefore we say> As $er the historical books3 the holy courtyard which is the !ausoleu! of Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad "adi and "assan,ibn,Ali Askari and that courtyard which is behind their holy !ausoleu! and that courtyard in which the cellar is located were all $laces of residents of those e!inent $ersonalities. So!e of the great 1sla!ic scholars like Tha-atul,1sla! 5uri have stressed on this !atter. Since Mahdi (A.S.) is not having any s$ecified $lace to be visited3 it is better to visit hi! in his house. 9n the contrary3 it even see!s $ro$er to visit his house itself because visiting the friends houses after they have left it is a!ongst the custo!s in force. (A!ongst friends) 1n this regard3 a $oet says>@GE (=)

(=) Verily this !atter has been the reason for the Shiites visiting the 2ellar even though this reason is hidden and unknown to !any. Visiting the 'Sardab (2ellar) is a good trend and a cordial custo! which has beco!e the !otto of the Shiites and how good and $ro$er this act a$$ears to be even though 1 have not seen any te7t or traditions in this regard. .ather3 we have not co!e across any of the books with any su$$orted tradition3 which co!!and us to visit "a/rat Mahdi (A.S.) es$ecially in the $lace of 'Sardab. %e Shias believe that our Master3 Mahdi (AS.) is a living being who receives his sustenance and hears words and answers. Mahdi is the sa!e 1!a! through whose obedience we should be 'u$right in the divine religion. Mahdi is the one who is the channel between God and us. "is '6iarat (visitation) is correctF focusing (our attention) on hi! is $er!issibleF conversing with hi! in every $lace and ti!e and in any language is $er!issible. 1n this regard the holy 'Sardab $ossesses no s$ecial s$ecifications e7ce$t what we have !entioned before. Si!ilarly3 the 6iarats (visitations) which have co!e are not $ossessing any s$ecification even though is $referable. The houses over which tens of years have $assedF the $lace where God has been worshi$$edF the $lace where God has been re!e!beredF the $lace where $rayers have been $erfor!ed for days and nights and the $lace where the sound of recitation of *uran has been raised are worthy enough to be honored and visited and at the ti!e when a $ilgri! enters the!3 he re!e!bers its dwellers. 9ne of the !ain reasons as to why such holy houses and

es$ecially 'Sardab (2ellar) are visited is this that its owners are alive , the owners who cannot reside in the! and have in fact deserted the! out of fear of ene!ies. +esides3 we are in need of Mahdi (AS.) and are de$rived of his favors. Visitation of these houses with such re!iniscences will naturally !ove a $ilgri!s heart who ha$$ens to be a Shia. "ow often a $ilgri! wee$s3 sends out a shriek3 i!$lores involuntarily and re-uests God to hasten the e!ergence of "a/rat. Verily3 factors of inti!acy and heartly , relation greatly influence a !ans nature. 5hiloso hy and reason /ehind !''ultation &iscussion on 9ccultation is a vast to$ic and traditions in this regard are !any. %hat is necessary for us to know is the following> 1s there anyone to ask about the $hiloso$hy behind 9ccultation and is there anyone who can say> Since 1 do not know the reason behind 9ccultation3 1 do not believe as you do in the e7istence of Mahdi and 1 further say> if as $er what you say3 Mahdi is the 1!a!3 then it is necessary for hi! to a$$ear a!ongst the $eo$le and walk in the !arket,$lacesA %e say> 2oncerning the nu!erous 'Mustafi/a traditions which we $reviously !entioned and few !ore of which we shall infor! you about later on3 Mahdi the 47$ected one is Abul,-asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan Askari who was born on @Hth Shaban DHJ A". +esides3 we have also !entioned to you the na!es of those learned scholars who have a$$roved the above $oint. Since Allah is All,%ise3 "e would never 2o!!and nor forbid any !atter or action e7ce$t out of $rudent )nowledge. The sa!e is true for this $articular !atter. All that #rudent )nowledge is referred to those charged with a duty because3 in the "oly $resence of God3 there e7ists no want and "is

"oly Self is 5eedless and All,Sufficient. Thus every action of God is in confor!ity with #rudent interests whether we reali/e those interests or not and whether we $erceive those reasons or not. ro! the known affairs where not even a single $erson dis$ute is this that every voluntarily and in,voluntarily incidents and affairs which occur in this world should be as $er the &ivine $rudency and rather as $er the &ivine %ill. A!ongst these affairs3 the !ost i!$ortant of the! is the 9ccultation of Mahdi (A.S.). +ased on this $rinci$le3 the 9ccultation of Mahdi !ust be as $er $rudency and wisdo!3 whether we $erceive it or not and whether we understand its reason or not. 1f we do not believe in what we have said3 we are hel$less in denying an affair for which we do not $ossess any reason of its denial , irstly that Mahdi is the sa!e Muha!!ad,ibn, "assan Askari. Secondly that he is hidden fro! the views. (1ts !eaning will be !entioned later on). Thirdly that his 9ccultation has taken $lace by the %ill and &ecree of Allah. 1f you $ay attention and deliberate over each of these three affairs3 you will reali/e that denying any one of the! will not be rationally and traditionally $er!issible. So we are bound to believe that the event of Mahdis 9ccultation is in accordance with #rudency. 9therwise3 we have to deny one of the three afore,said affairs. Sadu- in his book :4lalush,Sharayeh; has narrated fro! Abdullah,ibn, a/l "asha!i as saying> :1 heard Sade- Aal,e, Muha!!ad saying> : or the 'Saheb,e,A!ir (Master of the Affairs) there shall occur an occultation during which every !en of vanity will fall into doubt and ske$ticis!.; 1 said> May 1 be sacrificed for you. or what reason?

"e re$lied> or a reason3 which we are not at liberty to divulge. 1 asked> %hat is the reason for "a/rats 9ccultation? "e re$lied> The reason for "a/rats 9ccultation is si!ilar to the reason for conceal!ent of the $ast &ivine #roofs. The reason behind Mahdis 9ccultation will not be disclosed but after his e!ergence 0ust as the reason of "a/rat )hi/rs actions (!eaning the drilling of a hole in the boat3 the killing of a lad and the re$airing of the wall) was not divulged until Musa and )hi/r decided to $art co!$any. 9 son of a/l. This affair is a divine affair3 this secret is a divine secret and this conceal!ent is a divine conceal!ent. %e !ust acce$t that all "is actions are based on %isdo!3 even if the reason for the! is not known to us. This saying is the truth3 which should be confessed and certified by every Musli!. Verily3 very often a $erson seeks the reason and $hiloso$hy for so!e of the &ivine Acts for the sake of ga!ing certainty and tran-uility of his own self and not that he wishes to use his confir!ation and re0ection as a !eans for $erceiving the reason of &ivine actions or not. Therefore3 before !entioning the $hiloso$hy and reason for 9ccultation we are bound to briefly $resent certain $reli!inaries. Those interested to know its details should refer to books which have been written in this regard. The $reli!inaries are as follows> An invitor who invites the $eo$le towards his call is bound to take resort to the a$$arent and ordinary channels. or achieving his ai!s it is not $er!issible for hi! to refer to the unseen and su$ernatural channels because doing so would destroy the essence of reward and $unish!ent. .ather the co!ing of #ro$hets and Messengers would all co!e to vain.

A #ro$het and '%asi (@Ugatee) are the sa!e as far as the afore,said !atter (invitation) is concerned and this !atter is in fact one of the essential conditions of an evangelist (whether he !ay be a #ro$het or an 1!a!). "owever there e7ists a difference between a #ro$het and an 1!a! fro! another view,$oint and it is as such> As a #ro$het is the establisher and founder of religion it is obligatory for hi! to start his invition and !ission in a custo!ary !anner and notify the $eo$le about the ordinances (as against an 1!a!). Since argu!entation has been co!$leted u$on the $eo$le through a #ro$het3 it is necessary for the $eo$le to ask and in-uire fro! an 1!a!. 1t is not obligatory for an 1!a! to invite the $eo$le and then guide the!. .ather it is obligatory u$on the $eo$le to a$$roach the 1!a! and receive the religious co!!and!ents fro! hi!3 $rotect hi! and ward off the ene!ies fro! hi! 0ust as it was obligatory3 for the $eo$le to $rotect their #ro$het and receive the religious co!!and!ents fro! hi!. %hen the $eo$le begin to la$se such duties and forsake their 1!a! and the 1!a! in turn fears fro! being killed by his ene!ies and finds none to defend hi! fro! his ene!ies it is $er!issible for hi! to isolate hi!self fro! the $eo$le and leave aside the duty of invitation and $ro$aganda. This res$onsibility is directed towards the $eo$le and not the 1!a!. The views of 'Muha--e- i.e. )haw0a 5aseer Tusi too are the sa!e. 1n his book 'Ta0reed he says> :The $resence of 1!a! is one grace and his do!ination is another and his absence is due to our sake. 5ow that you have understood this !atter3 we say> %e !ay !ention the following as the reasons and $hiloso$hy behind the 9ccultation of 1!a!,e, 6a!an;> irstly> #!, ,%CTI#?I(2 A(D 5:(ISHI(2 TH%

SHIAS A(D ,ATH%, ALL TH% !TH%,S: 1f a #ro$het or an 1!a! is $resent a!ong a nation and that nation does not rise for his obligatory rights or does not obey his co!!ands and in short3 the #ro$hets invitation leaves no i!$ression on the nation and rather they e7ceed the li!it and cause har! to their #ro$het3 it is $er!issible for the #ro$het to abandon and isolate his nation so that in this !anner he rectifies his nation. #erha$s in this !anner3 the nation concerned would sto$ its rebellion and begin to ado$t the $ath of guidance. #erha$s they would seek benefit fro! the #ro$het e7istence and an 1!a! too would act as a $reacher3 guide3 leader and the one inviting the $eo$le. The &ivine saying> (=) ste!s fro! this very as$ect. %hen isolation and abandon!ent of invitation beco!es the !eans for rectifying a nation then it is $rudent to do the sa!e even though $eo$le !ay be unaware of this !atter. Moreover it would be beneficial to the! even though they !ay not $ossess understanding of the sa!e. This isolation and abandon!ent of invitation does not $ossess any fi7ed li!it and boundaries and in fact3 one cannot say anything about their li!it. .ather its li!it and duration de$ends on the nation turning back fro! its deviated $ath and beco!ing enlightened after heedlessness. 1t de$ends on the $eo$les awareness of the benefits of the $resence of the #ro$het or an 1!a!. "istory bears witness that Ahl,e,+ayt3 .evealation3 Messengershi$ and Aal,e,Mul!!!ad had to face too !any cala!ities such as> "ardshi$3 suffering and non,revolt for the sake of the $eo$le instead of that right which Allah had set as the reward of this Messengershi$. Surely3 they were always

sub0ected to severe $ersecution and $ressure such as being taken ca$tive3 i!$risoned3 hanged3 e7$atriated3 e7iled and dis$ersed here and there. Mahdi3 the 47$ected one is aware of all such !atters and knows that he too would be sub0ected to such cruelties and o$$ression. .ather3 id would be !uch !ore sever3 greater and bitter in nature because $eo$le are aware of "a/rats ob0ectives and are aware that "a/rat would give orders to rise with their ar!s. Thus Mahdi has isolated hi!self fro! the nation treat!ent as his father3 fore,fathers3 cousins3 and nothing but to train the nation3 !ake the! aware3 bring the! back on the $ath of guidance and to seek his own 0ust right. The author of 4lalush,Sharaye has narrated a tradition fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +agr (A.S.) as such> :%hen Allah does not %ish that we should re!ain a!ongst a grou$3 "e holds us back fro! the!.; Secondly> #,%%D!M I( I(3ITATI!( A(D #,%%D!M I( ACTI!(S Anyone who wishes to rise for rectifying a nation in either worldly or religious !atters should $osse friends and co!$anions and have a $act with so!e of the su$erior !en so that they either re!ain his hel$ers or at least do not create any obstacles for hi!. The essential condition of this $act and agree!ent is this that he should sto$ interference and invitation (of the $eo$le) and be congenial with the! (so) that he !ay have re!ained loyal to his $act until his affair and the ti!e of $act and agree!ent co!e to an end and he deals with the! in the sa!e !anner as he deals with others. This !eans that so!e of the co!!and!ents should not be i!$le!ented with res$ect to those who have concluded a $act with hi! and he deals with the! contrary to the realities because of fear and dissi!ultation. Thus Allah says>

(=) Te7ce$t the $olytheist with who! you have a valid $eace treaty and who have not broken it fro! their side or hel$ed others against you. <ou (believers) !ust fulfil the ter!s of the $eace treaty with the!. %hen Mahdi (A.S.) shall e!erge3 he is bound to invite (the $eo$le) through ordinary channels and his duty would be to 0udge according to the realities and not to fear anyone 0ust as the sa!e can be found in !ost of the traditions. This is because Mahdis $eriod is the $eriod of e!ergence of truth3 the !ost s$arkling e!ergence and so3 fear and dissi!ulation are inconsistent with this !atter. This re-uires that he should not have allegiance of anyone u$on his neck. 1ndis$ensably3 he should be needless of any $act and agree!ent3 which would result in dissi!ulation. This would occur only when the ordinary channels for his assistance co!e to halt. Shaikh Sadu- in :)a!aluddin; has directly narrated fro! "ashi!,ibn,Sale! who in turn has narrated fro! 1!a! Sade- (A.S.) as such> :The '*ae! shall e!erge without having allegiance of anyone on his back.; 1n the sa!e book3 Shaikh Sadu- directly narrates fro! "a/rat Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.idha who said> :1 a! as though seeing !y Shias , at that ti!e when they will have lost !y fourth offs$ring , then3 they will search for hi! like the cattles $ursuing gra/ing lands but will not find hi!.; 5arrator says> 1 asked> : or what reason '9 son of Messenger of Allah?; "e re$lied> 1t is because their 1!a! will disa$$ear. 1 said> %hy will he disa$$ear? "e re$lied> :So that when he e!erges with the sword3 he will not have anyones allegiance on his neck.; Thirdly> MA7I(2 5%,#%CT TH% 5%!5L% A(D

IM5,!3I(2 TH%I, L!T A!ongst the well,known facts which is not a sub0ect of dis$ute is this that there e7ists differences in $eo$les a$titude with regards to tolerance of duties3 ac-uisition of knowledge and various other sciences. &ifferences in levels of faith3 differences in recognition of #ro$hets and legatees and differences ! the &ivine laws too are the result of differences in $eo$les a$titude. Verily3 God does not !ake anyone res$onsible but as $er the level of his a$titude. .ather3 how often it ha$$ens that when duties e7ceed a $ersons ability and teachings his a$titude the very $ur$ose (for which the duties and teachings were given) is lost. Moreover3 he would resort to disobedience or would beco!e an a$ostate or still further3 his ignorance would increase !ore than before. The verse of the "oly *uran says> (=) ('9 Bord3 do not burden us with that which we cannot bear). 1t is said that if Abu/ar knew what was going on in Sal!ans heart3 then he would have beco!e an a$ostate or would have died. Shaikh )ulaini in :)afi; has narrated fro! 1!a! Sade(As.) as such> 1n Alis (A.S.) book it is written> &awoud said> :9 Bord reveal to !e the truth as it is (with Thou) so that 1 can 0udge accordingly. 1t was re$lied> <ou do not $ossess the strength to bear this affair.; "a/rat insisted until God acce$ted. 9ne day a $erson a$$roached "a/rat &awoud with a co!$laint about another $erson and said> This !an has taken away !y wealth. God revealed to &awoud that the clai!ant had killed the defendants father and $lundered his wealth. "a/rat &awoud ordered for the clai!ants death until he was

killed. "is wealth was sei/ed and given back to the defendant. #eo$le were a!a/ed by this incident and word on this !atter went around until it reached "a/rat &awouds ears. "e beca!e worried by these talks and re-uested God to relieve hi! fro! this uneasiness. Afterwards3 God revealed to &awoud as such> '<ou should 0udge a!ongst the $eo$le by !eans of witness and evidence and $ersuade the! to swear in My 5a!eT 1!a! Sade- (A.S.) said> :1f $eo$le knew how Allah has created the!3 then none a!ongst the! would find fault with the other.; 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-er (A.S.) said> The believers $ossess (various) ranks and $ositions,so!e of the! have one rank3 while so!e others have two3 three four3 five3 si73 seven ranks. 1f faith of the second level is conveyed to a $erson having faith of the first level3 he will be unable to kee$ guard over it and if faith of the third degree is conveyed to a $erson $ossessing faith of second degree3 he will be unable to hear itT 1t has co!e down fro! traditions that when Mahdi e!erges3 he will rule as $er his own knowledgeF he will s$read the true 'Maaref (&ivine Sciences) a!ongst the $eo$leF he will enliven the holy religion of 1sla! and will annul all that is not in 1sla! and has been added to it such that $eo$le will i!agine that Mahdi (A.S.) has brought a new religion and a new +ook. Verily3 the e7ecution of such refor!s and disse!ination of the realities the ways it should and !ust be carried out re-uires !uch !ore $erfect a$titudes and intellects than what we have today. #erha$s3 $ost$one!ent of Mahdis e!ergence and continuation of his occultation is because of the ho$e of

achieving $erfection and develo$!ent which3 by the blessings of various sciences3 is on the increase day by day. The !aga/ine :Al,"elal; $ublished an article about .esurrection a few years ago under the title :&oes there e7ist a world after (the end of) this world?; and while re$lying to this -uestion3 it e!$hasi/ed that a day will co!e when the literary and scientific world will reach its $erfection like the !aterial world. Surely3 very soon !en shall beco!e aware of the literary3 scientific and ethical world , !ore than today when he is cognisant of the !aterial world. %hy shouldnt it be so es$ecially when !an has already $erceived that the !aterial world has ruined his rights and has $ut hi! in $ressure and tor!ent. Soon !an shall witness how the earth will be illu!inated by the &ivine Bight and by !eans of Mahdis e!ergence. ourthly> T%ST A(D %*AMI(ATI!( #!, TH% 5%!5L%: A!ongst Allahs ways which is still $revailing a!ongst "is servants , right fro! the ti!e "e a$$ointed the #ro$het , (and Allahs ways never alter or change) is the !atter of hu!an evaluation and e7a!ination so that the one who is destroyed is done so on the basis of witness3 and $roof and the one who is enlivened is done so on the basis of witness and $roof and the level of their faith and reality is !anifested , .ather their own condition beco!es known to the!selves. Verily3 it often occurs that !ans condition is unknown and re!ains a secret even for hi!self. The &ivine Shariats (laws) contains literary3 !aterial3 worldly3 s$iritual3 individual and social $rogra!s and teachings. This world is a school and the #ro$hets are teachers and evangelists. 4very school or lesson re-uires an

e7a!ination a$$ro$riate to it. The $heno!enon3 which occur in this world are a sort of e7a!ination. The effect of those lessons on the $eo$le can be ascertained $redo!inantly be !eans of such e7a!ination, as Allah says> (=) Alif Ba! Mi!. &o !en think that they will be left alone on saying3 %e believe3 and not be tried? The holy 1sla!ic Shariat (religious law) is the !ost $erfect of all the other Shariats. 1n the 1sla!ic Shariat we find such divine sciences and instructions which cannot be found in other Shariats. So all that was $revalent a!ongst the $revious nations such as the various tests and e7a!inations should3 out of necessity3 $revail in this nation too because this general rule co!$rises those lessons and even !ore than that. A!ongst the !ost i!$ortant !atters by which the $revious nations were sub0ected to evaluation and e7a!ination was the !atter of occultation of so!e of their #ro$hets. Then3 the sa!e occultation should occur for the leaders of this nation too 0ust as the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) went into conceal!ent in the !ountain $ass of Abu,Talib for a $eriod of thirty years. A!ongst the conceal!ent of Mahdi so that the $ath of guidance is distinguished fro! the $ath of deviation and a believer is distinguished fro! a hy$ocrite like so!e of the #ro$hets conceal!ent3 the conceal!ent of Mahdi is the greatest test and e7a!ination for Shiites and rather for the non,Shiites !aking no difference as far as the duration of conceal!ent is, concerned. Shaikh Sadu- in :)a!aluddin; has i!$utedly narrated fro! Sadir Sairafi as such> :1 along with Mufa//al,ibn,9!ar3 Abu +asir and Abaan, ibn,Tughlab got the honor of !eeting 1!a! 8afar Sade-

(A.S.). %e saw "a/rat3 sitting on the ground having $ut on a collarless cloak3 which had two short sleeves. "e was wee$ing like a wo!an wee$ing over her lost dear one. The signs of grief and sorrow were visible on his blessed face and tears were flowing fro! his eyes. "e was !oaning and saying> 'My !aster3 your 9ccultation has snatched away the slee$ fro! !y eyes. 1t has taken away !y co!fort and has de$rived tran-uility fro! !y heart. My !aster3 your occultation has fastened !y grief and sorrow forever. &ue to loss of friends one after the other3 our gathering has been broken. 1 do not feel the tears of !y eyes and the yelling and crying of !y heart which result fro! the $ast cala!ities and hardshi$s but that 1 see the sa!e in !y i!agination which is greater3 !ore sorrowful3 severe and unknown than all other difficulties. Sadir says> 9ur !ind beca!e $er$le7ed (by witnessing 1!a!s condition) and our hearts beca!e u$set as a result of 1!a!s terrifying words about the destructible events. %e thought that the cala!ities and !isfortunes of the day3 which had befallen on 1!a! had brought hi! to this state of grief and sorrow. So we said> '9 son of the best !ankind. May Allah not cause you to cry. or what reason are you wee$ing and what has !ade you to !oan to such earnest? 5arrator says> "a/rat Sade- (A.S.) heaved a sad sigh which caused $ain to his heart and then said> 'This !orning when 1 was looking at the book of '8afr (the book which contains knowledge on deaths3 cala!ities3 !isfortunes and knowledge about the $ast and future and which was e7clusively given to Muha!!ad and his $rogeny by the 47alted God) 1 ca!e across such !atters like the *ae!s birth3 occultation3 delay in rea$$earance3 his long,life3 the

sufferings of the believers at that ti!e3 the a$$earance of doubt and uncertainty in their hearts because of "a/rats $rolonged occultation3 the deviations that will occur for !a0ority of the! and shirking of the 1sla!ic obligations on their $art whereas Allah says> (=) :And %e have !ade every !ans actions to cling to his neck.; ((=) "ere refers to the :%ilayat of the "oly #ro$hets $rogeny;). These events have over$owered !e with grief and sorrow. %e said> '9 son of the Messenger of Allah3 we will be honored if fa!iliari/ed us with so!e of those things over which you have knowledge. 1!a! Sade- (A.S.) said> The three characteristics which Allah has assigned for three of "is #ro$hets has been assigned for our '*ae! too. irst of all3 the *ae!s birth is the sa!e as was the birth of Musa. Secondly3 his occultation is the sa!e as was the occultation of 1sa and thirdly his delay is the sa!e as was the delay in the co!ing of "a/rat 5uh (5oah). 1n addition Allah has set the long,life of "a/rat )hi/r as a $roof for the *ae!s long,life. 5arrator says> 1 said> '9 son of Messenger of Allah3 e7$lain these affairs so that they beco!e clear for us. "e re$lied> %ith regards to Musas birth3 it should be said that when iraun (#haraon) reali/ed and feared that his kingdo! would fall by Musas hand3 he su!!oned the wi/ards. The wi/ards guided iraun in the genealogy of Musa and said> :Musa shall co!e fro! +ani,1srael.; As a result3 iraun always ordered his !en to slit the bellies of the $regnant wo!en belonging to the tribe of +ani,

1srael. or this $ur$ose3 (i.e. for killing "a/rat Musa) they !urdered !ore than twenty thousand new , born babies. "owever they failed to kill "a/rat Musa as All,Mighty Allah $rotected hi!. Si!ilarly3 when +ani,(!!ayah and +ani,Abbass reali/ed that the downfall of their cruel kingdo! and e!$ire would take $lace by Mahdis hand3 they set u$ en!ity with us and engaged in killing and e7ter!inating the descendants of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) with this idea that a!ongst the!3 they would be killing the '*ae! too. "owever Allah does not let anyone fro! the o$$ressors to know "is task save "e shall co!$lete and $erfect "is Bight even though the $olytheists !ay dislike it. %ith regards to 1sas (8esus) 9ccultation3 the 8ews and 2hristians arrived at a !utual agree!ent that "a/rat 1sa had been killed. "owever Allah3 the Glorified refuted their view as $er these &ivine words> (=) (And they did not kill hi! nor did they crucify hi!3 but it a$$eared to the! so) Si!ilarly3 during the occultation of our '*ae!3 the 1sla!ic '(!!ah (nation) will at any ti!e deny hi! due to the length of his occultation. Then3 so!e of the deviated a!ongst the! shall say> The '*ae! is not yet born. So!e others will say> The '*ae! not only is born but also dead. 9thers who shall say that the eleventh 1!a! was barren will beco!e a$ostates. Still others who would say that 1!a!s are !ore than thirteen will deviate fro! the true religion. <et others will disobey Allah because of their saying that the *ae!s soul has beco!e !anifest in the body of another one. The incident of "a/rats 5uh delay is that since he asked Allah for his nations $unish!ent3 Allah sent Gibraeel

(Gabriel) with seven date,seeds. Gibraeel said> '9 5uhA Allah3 the 47alted says> :These $eo$le are My slaves and My created ones. 1 do not %ish to destroy My slaves in a lightening but after underlining invitation and co!$letion of argu!entation. So continue inviting your nation until 1 bestow My rewards u$on you. #lant these seeds because you will attain salvation and deliverance after they beco!e trees and bear their fruits. Give glad,tidings about this !atter to your believing followers.; %hen a long ti!e $assed and those seeds turned into strong trees $ossessing leaves3 branches and stalks and the trees began to bear dates3 "arrat 5uh (As.) asked Allah to fulfill "is $ro!ise. or the second ti!e3 Allah ordered 5uh to sow fresh date, seeds yet again. "e ordered hi! to strive and ado$t $atience in this regard and to infor! this !atter to his believing followers. %hen "a/rat 5uh followed these instructions3 three hundred of his !en turned a$ostates and they said> :1f what 5uh clai!s ha$$ens to be the truth "is Bord would not have broken "is $ro!ise.; 4ach ti!e a grou$ turned a$ostates3 Allah co!!anded "a/rat 5uh to sow seeds fro! the dates of the $revious trees. This continued until the nu!ber of true believers re!ained only seventy or above.@GI Allah revealed to "arrat 5uh (A.S.) as such> 5ow3 the brightness of dawn has obviated the darkness of night since the truth has been established and faith has been $urified e7ce$t those whose nature are !alicious and gloo!y. 1f 1 had destroyed the un,believers and s$ared this grou$ who had brought faith in you and then turned a$ostates3 1 would not have been true to My $revious #ro!ise !ade to your true believers ,those whose !onotheistic belief was based on

sincerity and who had clinged to the ro$e of your #ro$hethood. My #ro!ise is to !ake the! vicegerents over the earth3 give strength to their religion and turn their fear and an7iety into tran-uility so that doubt and uncertainty is obviated fro! their hearts and they beco!e sincere in their worshi$ for Me. "ow could it be for Me to !ake the! successors3 give the! strength and turn their fear into security while being Aware of the shaky faith and evil nature of those who had turned a$ostates. 1f at the ti!e of giving succession to the disbelievers 1 had given the kingdo! to the believers3 $ride and discord would have overtaken the!. A series of afflictions would have beco!e strong in their hearts and they would have created en!ity with their brothers and battled with the! for gaining $ower. 1f seditions had arisen and battle had taken $lace how was it $ossible for the believers to issue co!!ands and how was it feasible to follow the religion? Such was not $ossible. 5ow3 by 9ur co!!ands you !ay start building a shi$. 1!a! Sade- (A.S.) said> The sa!e condition shall $revail for our '*ae!. The $eriod of his occultation will be a long one until absolute truth a$$ears and faith gets clearly distinguished fro! the evils of discord so that any of the Shias who are evil in nature and have feelings of discord will e7it fro! the religion at the ti!e when 2ali$hate and the affair is divulged and co!es into view. Mufa//al says> 1 said> '9 son of Messenger of Allah3 the 5avasebs (a grou$ belonging to Sunni sect) reckon that this verse@GH has been revealed in honor of Abu +akr3 9!ar3 9s!an and Ali. "e re$lied> '5o. May Allah not guide the 5avasebs. &uring whose $eriod was it that the religion of Allah had

been established and had beco!e the ob0ect of satisfaction of the "oly #ro$het? 1n which $eriod was it that the &ivine co!!and had been divulged a!ongst the $eo$le with no fear in hearts and no doubt in !inds? &uring which era of theirs ti!e it was as such notwithstanding the fact that the Musli!s returned back fro! the religion and seditions occurred during their ti!e and battles took $lace between the! and the dis, believersA? Then 1!a! (A.S.) recited this verse> (=) ((ntil the ti!e when the A$ostles des$aired and the $eo$le beca!e sure that they were indeed told a lie3 that 9ur hel$ ca!e to the!) About the incident of 'Abdus,Saleh (Virtuous slave) reference is !ade to "a/rat )hi/r. Verily3 Allah3 the 47alted has not $rolonged his life for the sake of his #ro$hethood or for the +ook which "e !ust have revealed or for the &ivine Baw given to hi! by which he could annul the divine laws of the $revious #ro$hets or for his 1!a!at (leadershi$) which was necessary for his servants to follow or for any co!!ands which Allah !ust have !ade obligatory for hi! to follow. .ather as Allah is All,Aware that the *ae!s age would beco!e lengthy during the $eriod of his occultation such that "is servants would start denying hi!. "e $rolonged the life of "a/rat )hi/r. There is no reason for his longevity but that it is set as an argu!entation for the *ae!s long,life so that in this way3 the $roofs and reasons of the ene!ies and obstinate $eo$le is severed and $eo$le will not have any $lea against Allah. The author of :.audhat,ul,%aye/een; has narrated fro! 8abir 8uafi as such> 1 asked 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-er (A.S.)> :%hen will be

your ' ara0 (deliverance)? 1!a! (A.S.) re$lied> AlasA AlasA There shall be no ' ara0 until you all beco!e a !esh (and he re$eated this sentence three ti!es) so that i!$ure believers are e7ter!inated and only the $ure believers re!ain.; Again3 in the sa!e book3 its author narrates i!$utedly fro! Ali,ibn,8afar who narrates fro! his brother "a/rat Musa,ibn,8afar (A.S.) as saying> ,Q%hen the fifth one (i.e. Mahdi) fro! the $rogeny of the seventh one (i.e. Musa,ibn, 8afar) disa$$ears3 then fear Allah with regards to your faith and be careful to see that nobody ruins your religion. This is because the Master of the affair will be co!$elled to conceal hi!self until a grou$ who have faith in his 1!a!ate will turn back fro! their belief. This occultation is a test fro! Allah %ho wishes to e7a!ine "is servants by this !eans. ifth> #%A, !# 2%TTI(2 7ILL%D 9ne of the reasons of seclusion of the #ro$hets was the fear of being killed. Thus3 they would conceal the!selves so that in this !anner they could $rotect the!selves and hence achieve their ai! later on. About "a/rat Musa3 Allah says> , (=) :So 1 fled fro! you when 1 feared you; Again3 about "a/rat Musa3 another verse says> , (=) :Surely the chiefs are consulting together to slay you3 therefore de$art (at once)...; Verily3 fear and an7iety was one of the reasons3 which solicited Musa 1bn 1!ran (A. S.) to flee fro! 4gy$t and go to Shuaib (A.S.). 1t was fear and a$$rehension that caused the "oly #ro$het of 1sla! to take retreat first in the !ountain, $ass of Abu,Talib and then to seek shelter in a cave.

The un,believers decided to kill hi! and Allah co!!anded hi! to flee towards Medina along with Ali (A.S.). &ue to absence of the ordinary channels through which Mahdi (A.S.) could invite the $eo$le and also due to the strength of the ene!ies3 "a/rat fears fro! such !atters as i!$rison!ent3 e7ile3 !urder and the gallows. Thus he has no alternative but to retire and go into occultation until the ti!e when the &ivine 2o!!and is issued. +esides3 Allah has set a li!it for all !atters. 4uestions about Mahdi1s #ear %ith regards to Mahdis fear and occultation and in the light of what we have !entioned before3 there re!ain a few -uestions which is worth !entioning> irst *uestion> %hy Allah3 the #owerful doesnQt hinder "a/rats ene!ies fro! killing hi!A? .e$ly> God has co!!anded the 2reation of hindrance3 which is not inco!$atible with duty and res$onsibility i.e. the co!!and!ent for obedience3 assistance and sub!issiveness and forbiddance fro! disobedience and en!ity of "a/rat Mahdi. "owever not for!ing any hindrance between Mahdi and his ene!ies is because it is inco!$atible with duty and renders the reward and $unish!ent as null and void. .ather3 such a hindrance will give rise to !ischief and this cannot be the conse-uence of God. Second *uestion> %hy is Mahdi (A.S.) absent a!ongst the $eo$le and why has he isolated hi!self fro! the! considering that his great fathers were $resent a!ongst the $eo$leA? .e$ly> Mahdis very foundation is based on e!erging with the sword and revolting for Gods sake but such was not so in

the case of his great fathers. #resence of Mahdi would e7$ose hi! to danger es$ecially when it is well , known and fa!ous that "a/rat is waiting for an o$$ortunity. Also it is a well, known fact that whenever Mahdi $assed away there was another to succeed hi! as against Mahdi who if killed there would be no one to succeed hi!. Third *uestion> 1f Mahdis occultation is due to fear of his ene!ies3 then why has he concealed hi!self fro! his friendsA? .e$ly> 1f there e7isted for "a/rats friends and co!$anions a channel to !eet and visit hi! then3 as a rule it was certain for his whereabouts to be discovered. ourth *uestion> .e$ly to the third -uestion is true only if the entire Shias are successful in !eeting "a/rat. "owever if such a !eeting is $ossible for only a $articular grou$ a!ongst 1!a!s friends3 then his where about will not be discovered. .e$ly> Any secret3 which beco!es known to !ore than two will no longer re!ain a secret. ifth *uestion> %hy didnt "a/rats !inor occultation continue in the very !anner in which the s$ecial de$uties used to serve hi!A? .e$ly> The non,continuation of "a/rats !inor occultation !ay have been for two reasons> irstly that de$utyshi$ fro! 1!a!s side is es$ecially the $ost of s$ecial de$utyshi$ is a very high and lofty $osition. Since a grou$ a!ongst the $ower,seekers falsely clai!ed the $osition of de$utyshi$ during the last days of "a/rats occultation3 the door of s$ecial de$utyshi$ was hence closed. Secondly the s$ecial de$utyshi$ too at that ti!e was ke$t secret and hidden and e7ce$t for so!e s$ecific $eo$le3 none were aware of it. 1f the !inor occultation had continued and

the $osition of s$ecial de$utyshi$ would beco!e known3 "a/rats de$uties too would have been e7$osed to danger. Mahdi1s Minor and Ma=or !''ultation or our Master Mahdi , the 47$ected one3 there has been two occultation> The !inor occultation and the !a0or occultation. The !inor occultation started fro! the ti!e of "a/rats birth and continued till the end of the s$ecial de$utyshi$3 which lasted for seventy,four years. The !a0or occultation co!!enced after the !inor occultation and will continue as long as God %ills "a/rat to e!erge and revolt with his !ight. 1n the book of :4sbath,ul,%asiyah;3 Ali,ibn,"ussein,ibn, Ali Masoudi says> :1t is narrated that 1!a! Ali an,5a-i (A.S.) disa$$eared fro! the Shias views but for a s!all grou$ of his s$ecial Shias. %hen the affairs of 1!a!ate were entrusted to 1!a! "assan Askari3 he used to converse with his s$ecial circle of Shias and others fro! behind the curtain e7ce$t when he was !ounted and would travel towards the )ings house. 1!a! Askari (A.S.) and his father were acting in this !anner so as to $re$are the ground for "a/rat Mahdis conceal!ent. This was so that the Shias would beco!e fa!iliar with the !atter of occultation and would not deny it and would beco!e habituated with 1!a!s absence and conceal!ent. Verily3 right fro! the ti!e of A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali (A.S.) till the $eriod of 1!a! Ali an,5a-i (A.S.) and 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.) it was custo!ary for the Shias to !eet their 1!a! whenever they wished. 1f they were de$rived of this bounty all at once then doubt and hesitation would have overtaken the!. .ather the faith of so!e of the! would have

beco!e shaky. Thus 1!a! Ali an,5a-i (A.S.) and 1!a! Askari (A.S.) ado$ted this $ath as !entioned by Masoudi so that the Shias would gradually and gradually beco!e ac-uainted with 1!a!s conceal!ent. 1!a! Ali an,5a-i (A.S.) and 1!a! "assan Askari (AS.) took u$ this e7cellent $ath for this very reason. Strict alertness of the rulers who were conte!$orary to the afore, !entioned two 1!a!s confir! this !atter. This resulted in fewer !eetings and contacts with the! es$ecially so in the case of well,known Shiites. The a$$arent glory and !agnificence of the afore,said two 1!a!s (A.S.) and the great nu!ber of servants and slaves and their greatness and e!inence (which would naturally beco!e the cause of fewer !eetings of the co!!on Shias and rather their s$ecial Shias e7ce$t at fi7ed and s$ecial ti!es) too confir!s the !atter of occultation. Bater on3 the $olicy of +ani,Abbass changed with regards to the twelve 1!a!s and their $olicy de!anded res$ect and honor of the 1!a!s and this $ath was first $ut into $ractice by Ma!un Abbassid. Those who cast a glance over history of "a/rat Ali,ibn, Musa ar,.idha 1!a! Muha!!ad Ta-i3 1!a! Ali an,5a-i and 1!a! "assan Askari will reali/e the way of association of the 2ali$hs with 1!a!s. This is because they believed in the greatness and !agnificence of 1!a!s (AS.) and had ke$t at their dis$osal house3 goods3 feather3 dress3 servants3 salvage and wealth for such !otives which they had in !ind. The !ain !otive of the 2ali$hs3 as $er their own i!agination was to receive !ore ease and attention when in the co!$any of the 1!a! es$ecially so in the case of the afore,said two 1!a!s. The reason why 1!a! Ali an,5a-i concealed hi!self

fro! the views of the Shias on !uch lesser occasions than 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.) was that there was to be two occultation for our !aster Mahdi ,9ne was the !inor occultation during which $eriod the de$uties and s$ecial re$resentatives of Mahdi (A.S.) were having access to "a/rat until the ti!e when the Shias beca!e fa!iliar with the absence and conceal!ent of 1!a! (A.S.) and the $eriod of !a0or occultation started wherein the s$ecial de$utyshi$ was cut off and unlike the Shi as who had the $rivilege of !eeting "a/rats great fathers3 none have the o$$ortunity of !eeting the 1!a! officially. Ho" eo le bene-it #ro+ the Hidden I+a+ The benefits of 1!a!,e,6a!ans e7istence fro! our view, $oint (i.e. Shiite view,$oint) are of two ty$es> irstly3 "a/rat like other $eo$le is alive and the co!!on $eo$le derive benefit fro! his e7istence whether $resent or absent and whether a$$arent or concealed. Secondly3 the benefits which is derived fro! "a/rats occu$ation (of the earth) was $reviously reasoned that due to fear and insecurity it is not obligatory for "a/rat to carry out the second ty$e. "owever benefits of the first ty$e will necessarily be derived fro! "a/rats e7istence. The si!ile which has co!e in the tradition of 8abir,ibn, Abdullah Ansari is as follows> :1!a! is like a sun hidden behind the clouds; This si!ile is one of the !ost elegant and beautiful kinds of si!ile. Various benefits and effects are derived fro! the suns e7istence even though it !ay be covered by a cloud. Moreover3 other benefits are derived fro! its rays if it is not covered by a cloud or rather anything else. 1!a! too is the

sa!e. 1 believe3 this co!$arison has been !ade fro! two as$ects and there e7ists two reasons for this (one as$ect when the sun is covered by clouds and the other as$ect when the sun is not covered by any ob0ect and its light gli!!ers) &eriving benefit fro! the sun and !aking use of it by the living and rather the non,living creatures is so!ething $revalent whether it is !anifest or concealed under the clouds. 4very creature derives its own $leasure and share fro! it with the difference that when it is !anifest and gli!!ering3 the benefit derived is !ore than when it is covered and concealed. 1!a! (A.S.) too is like the sun in these two afore,said cases. This is the view of the Shia,1!a!iyahs about 1!a! (A.S.). "owever the Sunnis believe that the benefits and effects derived fro! 1!a!s e7istence is confined to the second ty$e (i.e. non,absence of 1!a!). To this3 we re$ly as such> So!e of the Sunnis reckon Mahdis occultation to !ean that he is invisible and cannot be seen. "owever3 0ust as !entioned before3 their reckoning is far fro! truth. .ather3 his occultation !eans that he cannot be individually recogni/ed and seen. Thus3 it has co!e down in so!e traditions that after Mahdis e!ergence $eo$le will say> , :%e used to see hi! before too.; Verily Mahdi is absent (a!ongst us) but attends the gatherings and !eetings. "e also s$eaks to the travelers and other $eo$le. .ather3 very often he $resents hi!self during the "a0 season. "e wears the '4hra! ($ilgri!s garb)3 recites the call of 'Babbaik3 $erfor!s the 'tawaaf (circu!bulation) and

concludes his "a0 by visiting his honored grand,father and great fathersQ shrines es$ecially at ti!es of s$ecial Q6iaratsQ. Thus Mahdi is $resent a!ongst the 1sla!ic co!!unity but is not $hysically recogni/ed. 9ne the contrary3 we say> %ho can dare say that during the !a0or occultation it is not $ossible to co!e in contact with Mahdi (A.S.) whereas historical and other books $rovide us with evidences that a section of $eo$le have received the honor of seeing and !eeting hi!. This !atter is not inconsistent with the tradition3 which says> :1f anyone clai!s that he has seen Mahdi3 they re0ect his saying.; This is because by conte7t of the first $art of the tradition it only !eans that anyone who clai!s the s$ecial de$utyshi$ should be denied. .ather we can say> Mahdi is one of the !e!bers of society and rather the !ost i!$ortant !e!ber. 1t is $ossible that he acts u$on his res$onsibility even though it !ay not be obligatory for hi!. Verily3 it is $ossible that Mahdi !ay co!e in contact with the )ings3 rulers3 $rinces and !inisters and !ake so!e reco!!endations to the! about refor!s3 !aintenance of order and running of the affairs ,whether they follow his reco!!endation or not. "e sits with the 8urists3 scholars3 writers and the learned $eo$le and discusses with the! such to$ics as divine theology3 !oral rectification and literary !atters. 1n every field3 he guides the! towards the truth and right way irres$ective of whether they act u$on his sayings or not. "e !eets the traditionists3 historians3 gene and scholars of Q.i0alQ and guides the! to the true saying3 truthfulness of the concerned !atter3 authenticity of relation (of narration) and their incorrectness irres$ective of whether they a$$rove his

sayings or not. Talks takes $lace with the $reachers3 inviters (towards the &ivine $ath)3 clergy!en and guides too and he reveals to the! the way of reaching their ob0ective in an easier way be it they act u$on it or not. "e visits the hel$less3 needy3 sick and afflicted $eo$le and fulfills the wishes of the needy and cures the sick. Mahdi (A.S.) strives for all these affairs without being recogni/ed and he is never stingy in doing good to others. So its absurd to say> "ow $eo$le benefit fro! the hidden 1!a!A? Verily3 very often Mahdi (A.S.) re$lies to !atters having to do with $rinci$les and other secondary !attersF very often he solves the religious or worldly affairsF very often he cures the sickF how often he delivers the $oorF very often he hel$s the hel$lessF very often he -uenches the thirsty and very often he holds the hands of the disabled. This book and other books which have been written by reliable scholars (who were not recogni/ing each other and were living in different $laces and different ti!es) contain such evidences which bear testi!ony to the truthfulness of what we have written. A $erson3 after going through the $articulars and conte7ts of these kind of evidences will gain certainty in the veracity of so!e of the!. Mahdi1s De uties durin& the 5eriod o- His !''ultation Mahdi (A.S.) has disa$$eared fro! the views of the $eo$le , even fro! the views of his Shias and friends ,due to fear fro! his ene!ies and in order to safeguard hi!self for achieving the ob0ective(s) decreed by God. Mahdi (A.S.) is awaiting the &ivine 2o!!and 0ust as the Shias are awaiting "a/rat. 1 can say> 1f it was not that Mahdi would sub!it to the &ivine 2o!!and and would not have been satisfied with

the &ivine &estiny3 he would have $erished out of grief and sorrow. "owever Mahdi is fro! Ahl,e,+ayt who does not outstri$ the &ivine 2o!!and but rather acts u$on it. "is honored grand , father would say> :9ur satisfaction is the satisfaction of Allah.; Mahdi is concealed fro! the views of the $eo$le3 even his Shias but his $ure heart is filled with grief and sorrow. Mahdi (A.S.) shows the true $ath to the Musli!s $articularly the Shias and sets before the! the clear $ath towards the truth which3 if they were to follow that $ath3 they would achieve salvation in this world as well as the "ereafter. *uran says> :1f they had gone the true (1sla!ic) way3 %e would have -uenched their thirst with $lenty of water.; %ith regards to 'Sa-alain (i.e. the *uran and Ahl,e,bayt) the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has reco!!ended us to stick to the!. Thus *uran and Ahl,e,bayt of the "oly #ro$het are the gates of salvation and the keys to guidance and holding fast to the! would beco!e a source of guidance for everything. As far as the "oly *uran is concerned3 by the Grace of Allah it is available a!ongst us. 4ven though we have not held fast to the Ahl,e,bayt3 yet they have so set knowledge and insight a!ongst us and left the! behind as a souvenir that it is $ossible for each and every $erson to achieve the!. 1f you do not believe in this !atter3 you !ay refer to the books on traditions es$ecially the four,fold and the recent three,fold books.@GJ .ather3 you !ay refer to the $rayers and benedictions which have co!e down fro! Ahl,e,bayt es$ecially Sahifa , Sa00adia which has been narrated fro! 1!a! 6ain,ul, Abedeen (AS.) and is su$$osed to be the '6abur of Aal,e, Muha!!ad since it contains nu!erous knowledge and insight.

Although3 we have desisted fro! holding fast to the Ahl,e, bayt3 yet their sciences3 gnosis3 ethics and !anners have been written and $rotected in the books. So3 like the "oly *uran3 it is necessary for us to hold fast to the! too. "olding fast to the! does not !ean that we have to catch hold of their hands. .ather it !eans that we have to act u$on their sayings and follow their $ath. This too is $ossible and feasible for each and every $erson. Therefore3 there cannot re!ain any e7cuse for any Musli! with regards to :holding fast to Ahl,e,bayt; and none can say> The twelfth 1!a! was hidden and so we could not hold on to hi!. Verily3 the reference of these $rayers3 their narrators3 their denotations3 their !anifestation3 co!!on3 s$ecial3 co!$endious3 e7$lanatory3 all that which is o$$osite to the! and such other !atters should be considered. 9ur !aster Mahdi (A.S.) has left behind a!ongst the $eo$le various traditions fro! his father and fore , fathers. 1n addition to this3 various corres$ondences and e$istles have co!e down fro! his holiness. Moreover3 since "a/rat had a$$ointed de$uties and re$resentatives out of grace and co!$assion for the $eo$le during the $eriod of !inor occultation so it was necessary for the $eo$le to refer to the!. (1n affairs related to s$iritual !aterials3 this world and the hereafter). 1n the $eriod of !a0or occultation too3 it is necessary to trust and follow the!. Mahdi1s De uties durin& Minor !''ultation &uring the $eriod of !inor occultation3 the de$uties of Mahdi who were allowed to visit "a/rat and for who! s$ecial e$istles were issued were only four> (@) Shaikh Abu A!r (th!an 1bne Saeed A!ir> "e was first a$$ointed to the $ost of de$utyshi$ by 1!a!

Ali an,5a-i and then retained to the sa!e $ost by 1!a! "assan Askari (AS.). Still later on3 (th!an 1bne Saeed stood u$ for "a/rat Saheb,u/,6a!ans affairs. Various re$lies to various $roble!s and signed letters (fro! 1!a!) were issued through (th!an 1bne Saeed. (D) %hen (th!an 1bne Saeed $assed away his son Abu 8afar Muha!!ad,ibn,(th!an succeeded hi! and he beco!e his fathers vicegerent in 1!a!s affairs. (E) %hen Muha!!ad,ibn,(th!an $assed away3 this lofty $osition was transferred to Abul,*asi! "ussein,ibn,.uh. "e was fro! the fa!ily of +ani,5awbakht. (I) %hen "ussein,ibn,.uh $assed away3 Abul,"assan Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad Sey!ouri succeeded hi!. 5one of these four de$uties revolted for the $ost of s$ecial de$utyshi$ but was given to the! by 1!a! of the Age hi!self. The Shias would not have acce$ted the sayings of these four de$uties but for the various evidences which each of the! had at hand which substantiated their sayings. %hen Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali Sey!ouris death a$$roached he was asked about his i!!ediate successor. 1n this regard3 a 'Taw-ee (signed letter) written by Mahdi (A.S.) hi!self was given out as a re$ly. The contents of this (Taw-ee) are as follows> , 1n the 5a!e of God3 The +eneficient3 The Merciful 9 Ali ibn Muha!!ad Sey!ouriA May Allah increase the reward of your brothers on account of the difficulties born by you. <ou will die within si7 days. So $re$are yourself for the inevitable. &o not a$$oint anyone as your successor because your de!ise will !ark the beginning of the !a0or

occultation. 1 will not e!erge but after a long ti!e when the hearts of the $eo$le will beco!e hardened and the world will beco!e full of in0ustice3 tyranny and o$$ression. 1t will not for too long that so!e !en will clai! to have seen !e. Anyone3 who !akes such a clai! before the co!ing out of Sufyeni and the sound fro! heaven announcing !y rea$$earance3 is a liar and an i!$oster. There is no !ight nor strength e7ce$t that of Allah3 the Al,Mighty3 the "igh. Mahdi (A.S.) had other de$uties too (other than the afore, said four de$uties) in such $laces as +aghdad3 )ufa3 Ahwa/3 "a!adan3 *u!3 .ai3 A/aibai0an and 5aishabour. Signed letters (fro! 1!a! of the Age) would be sent to the! and they in turn would transfer wealth to his e!inence. These de$uties were !any in nu!ber ,$erha$s hundred3 but they could not visit "a/rat. As a !atter of fact3 the four afore,said de$uties acted as the !ediators between the! and 1!a! (A.S.). Mahdi1s De uties durin& Ma=or !''ultation The afore,said !inor occultation has co!e to an end and the second occultation i.e. the !a0or occultation has started and nobody but Allah )nows its ter!ination. The s$ecial de$utyshi$ has been changed to general de$utyshi$ but with s$ecific conditions and sti$ulations. 1t is not out of $lace to !ention here so!e of the traditions which have co!e down fro! the 1!a! of the Age and his honored fathers in this regard. )ashi narrates> A 'taw-ee (signed letter) was sent for *asi!,ibn,Ala with such contents> %hatever is narrated by the learned scholars u$on who! we are having trust should never be doubted by our friends. This is because we have !ade the! $artners in our secret and we have entrusted our

secrets to the!... Shaikh Tusi in 'Ghaibat3 Shaikh Sadu- in ')a!aluddin and Tabarsi in '4hte0a0 have narrated fro! 1shaa-,ibn, A!!ar that Mahdi (A.S.) has said> :+ut as for the $roble!s which will arise in the future3 you should refer to the narrators of our traditions for their verdicts as they are !y $roofs to you3 and 1 a! Allahs $roof to the!...; Tabarsi in his book '4hte0a0 has narrated fro! Sade- Aal, e,Muha!!ad (A.S.) a lengthy tradition a $art of which is as follows> :1f there is anyone a!ong the ' u-aha (8urists) who is in control over his own self3 $rotects his religion3 su$$resses his evil desires and is obedient to the co!!ands of his !aster3 it is then obligatory u$on the $eo$le to follow hi! and these -ualities are $resent only in few of the Shia 8urists and not in all of the!...; +esides these3 there are other traditions3 which have been !entioned in their a$$ro$riate $laces. All these reveal that Mahdi (A.S.) has not left the Musli!s3 $articularly the Shias3 without a religious authority and su$$ort. 1n this regard3 he has followed the $ath of his fathers and (if you have doubt) you !ay refer to the co!$rehensive books written on this sub0ect.

Cha ter Se$en

#irst Introdu'tion Se'ond Introdu'tion Hea$enly 3oi'e Hea$enly Si&ns %'li se o- the Sun and Moon Dis'ord and 5essi+is+ a+on&st the 5eo le

Cruelty and ! ression Anar'hy 7illin& and Death Cala+ity and Tribulation Sayed 7horasani 7illin& o- (a-s-@a00iyah Da==al1s : risin& Su-yani1s : risin& Si&ns o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e Traditions about the ?ear and Day o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e #irst Introdu'tion The affairs regarding the end of ti!e which have been !entioned in traditions are of two kinds> 9ne kind of affairs are those which are $reli!inary ste$s and signs of '*iya!at and another kind are those affairs which shall occur 0ust before Mahdis e!ergence. "owever3 !a0ority of the Shias and Sunnis has co!bined together these two kinds in their res$ective literature and writings. The second kind3 which shall occur before Mahdis e!ergence and u$rising3 are also of two ty$es> irstly3 that ty$es which should occur before Mahdis e!ergence and u$rising. As such3 occurrence of such affairs and non,e!ergence of Mahdi will not $rove the incorrectness of the traditions. This is because such traditions are no $roof and sign of "a/rats e!ergence. .ather3 the !otif of !entioning such traditions is to reveal their occurrence 0ust before Mahdis e!ergence. Secondly3 those affairs which have been !entioned in traditions and which shall occur before Mahdis e!ergence !ay be sub0ect to 'bada (change) which we Shias believe.

As such3 non,occurrence of so!e of these affairs will be no $roof of the incorrectness of such traditions. or both of the afore,said affairs certain $roofs and evidences e7ist in so!e of the traditions. Thus3 before anything else it should be first clarified whether the incident3 which occurs belongs to the first category or the second one. Thereafter3 the state of the narrators of the second kind and the conte7t3 which $roves the correctness or the incorrectness of a traditions should be reviewed. Se'ond Introdu'tion 1f anyone $onders over the traditions !entioned by learned scholars in this cha$ter3 he will reali/e that these traditions are either correct3 weak3 i!$uted or lacking (the !ention of) the first trans!itter. .ather a!ongst the! are traditions3 which are incorrect fro! the view , $oint of history and conte7t. "owever we have restrained ourselves to 'Sahih (correct) and authentic traditions or 'hasan (good) traditions fro! the view$oint of the chain of trans!ission. %e have !entioned only those traditions which ha$$en to be authentic and for which we could find a conte7t. 9therwise we have restrained fro! !entioning the!. Si!ilarly we have restrained ourselves to those ty$e of traditions where credibility and conscience ad0udge the $ossibility of their ascertainability and occurrence. 9r those traditions where reason and e7igency do not ad0udge u$on their i!$ossibility and unattainability. Verily3 the occurrence of so!e of the !iracles and e7traordinary custo!s have co!e down in so!e of the traditions and if their chain of trans!ission ha$$ens to be correct it is not $er!issible for us to re0ect the!. Those

e7traordinary things are affairs related to !eta$hysics co!!only called as !iracle and wonder and Allah too $ossesses $ower over all things. Hea$enly 3oi'e The author of :4-dud,&urar; has narrated a tradition in Section E3 2ha$ter I fro! "a/rat "usseinibn,Ali as follows> :1 you ha$$en to see a fire for three or seven days fro! the eastern side3 then God,willing you !ay e7$ect the ' ara0 (deliverence) of Aal,e,Muha!!ad.; 1!a! (A.S.) continued> Bater a caller fro! the heavens shall call out Mahdis na!e in such !anner that it will be heard in the 4ast and %est. 5one shall be aslee$ but that he will wake u$ and none shall be sitting but that he will stand on his two feet and of awe. May Allah shower "is Mercy on the one who hears and answers that call since the caller is none other than Gibraeel. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; on $age I@I has narrated fro! the book :&urrul,Man/oo!; as such> 9ne of the evidences of Mahdis e!ergence is the very caller who shall call out> ')now that the :Master of the Age; has e!erged. After this3 none shall be slee$ing but that he will arise and none shall be standing but that he will sit... Hea$enly Si&ns The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section three3 cha$ter four has narrated fro! "afi/ Abu,+akr,ibn,"a!!ad and he fro! 1bn,Abbadd as such> 'Mahdi shall not e!erge until certain signs a$$ear with the sun. 1n the sa!e section and cha$ter of the afore,!entioned book3 its author narrates fro! "afi/ 5aee!,ibn,"e!!ad and he fro! +ashr,ibn,"a/ra!i who said> 'The signs of

events in the !onth of .a!adhan are a kind of heavenly signs and after that $eo$le shall dis$ute with each other. %hen you co!e across those3 signs3 $rocure food for yourself as !uch as you can. Again3 in the sa!e section and cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! 'Al, atan of "afi/ 5aee!, ibn,"e!ad and he3 fro! )aab al,Ahbar who said> :+efore Mahdis e!ergence3 stars shall a$$ear fro! the 4ast with constant glittering.; %'li se o- the Sun and Moon The author of :4-dud,&urar; in section one3 cha$ter four narrates fro! 'Al, atan of "afi/ Abu,Abdullah 5aee!,ibn, "e!!ad and he3 fro! <a/id,ibn,)halil Asadi who said> :1 was in the $resence of 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) "e !entioned two of the signs which would occur before the e!ergence of Mahdi and which has not yet been witnessed (right fro! the ti!e of fall of Ada! till now). 9ne sign is this that there shall occur an ecli$se of the sun on @Hth of .a!adhan and the !oon too shall be ecli$sed at the end of .a!adhan.; A $erson said> '9 son of Messenger of AllahA 1t is not as you say. .ather the sun will be ecli$sed at the end of the !onth of .a!adhan and the !oon will be ecli$sed during the !iddle of the !onth. 1!a! +a-ir (A.S.) said> The one who says these words is knowing better (than you) that right fro! the ti!e of Ada!s fall till today these two signs have not occurredT The author of :4saaf,ul,.aghaben; too has narrated the sa!e tradition. Dis'ord and 5essi+is+ a+on&st the 5eo le

The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section one3 cha$ter four has narrated fro! 1!a! "ussein (A.S.) as such> :The affair for which you are awaiting i.e. the e!ergence of Mahdi (A.S.) shall not be fulfilled until so!e a!ongst you feel disgusted of the other3 while so!e a!ongst you bear testi!ony against the other and until so!e a!ongst you curse the other.; 5arrator says> 1 asked> %ill there by any goodness in this !atter? 1!a! (A.S.) re$lied> Goodness will be at that ti!e when Mahdi e!erges and will destroy such cruelties and o$$ressions. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates on $age IC@ fro! the book 'Arbaeen of "afe/ Abu 5aee! 1sfahani that Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.) said> 1 asked the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) as such> '9 Messenger of AllahA 1s Mahdi fro! our $rogeny or fro! others? The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) re$lied> .ather he is fro! us. .eligion shall ter!inate by his hands 0ust as it co!!enced fro! us. #eo$le shall be delivered fro! seditions through Mahdi 0ust as they got delivered fro! $olytheis! through us. Through Mahdi (A.S.) Allah will create a feeling of inti!acy between their hearts (after hatred and sedition) lust as "e created inti!acy a!ongst the! through us after hatred and $olytheis!... The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; on $age @H@ has narrated fro! Ah!ad and Maawardi a tradition fro! the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) as follows> :Glad,tidings be to you about Mahdi. "e is fro! the *uraish and fro! !y $rogeny who shall e!erge at the ti!e of discord and strife a!ongst the $eo$le...;

Cruelty and ! ression 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; narrates (on $age CC) fro! Abul, *asi! Tabarani that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) said> :After !e3 shall co!e the 2ali$hs. After the 2ali$hs will co!e the rulers and after the rulers will co!e the kings. Then o$$ressors will follow the! and after the! will e!erge a !an fro! !y Ahl,e,bayt who shall fill the earth with 0ustice as it was filled with in0ustice...; The author of :4saaf,ul,.aghebeen; has narrated (on $age @IK) a si!ilar tradition fro! "aki!. Anar'hy The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section E3 2ha$ter C has narrated fro! "afi/ Abu 5aee! who has narrated fro! Ali, ibn,"allal who has narrated fro! his father as such> At the ti!e when the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) was de$arting fro! this world3 1 went in his $resence. "e narrated for !e a tradition where he concluded it as such> '9 ate!ah3 1 swear by the Bord who a$$ointed !e by the truth that Mahdi of this nation shall be fro! "assan and "ussein. Allah shall send Mahdi at the ti!e when the world will fall into chaos. %hen seditions will $revailF when !eans will be cut,offF when so!e will revolt over the otherF when there will re!ain no elder who will have !ercy u$on the young and when there will re!ain no young who will res$ect the elders. Mahdi shall con-uer the forts of deviation and de$ravity and she after hearts. Mahdi shall rise for the religion at the end of ti!e 0ust as 1 rose for it in the beginning. "e shall fill the world with 0ustice as it was filled with o$$ression. 7illin& and Death

The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section one3 2ha$ter four narrates fro! Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad A/di who narrates fro! his father who narrates fro! his grand , father that Ali,ibn, Abi Talib (A.S.) said> &uring Mahdis ti!e red and white death and locust will beco!e visible. 9therwise too red colored locusts will be found. .ed death refers to the sword and white death refers to $lague. 1n the sa!e section and sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! 'Sunan of 1!a! Abu A!ro (th!an,ibn, Saeed Mu-arri and ' atan of "afi/ Abu, Abdullah 5aee!,ibn , "e!aad a tradition fro! A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen Ali,ibn , Abi Talib (A.S.) as such> :Mahdi shall not e!erge until out of three $ersons one gets killed3 the other dies and the third re!ains.; Cala+ity and Tribulation The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates fro! :Meshkat,ul,Masabeeh; and :Mustadrak; of "aki! (through $ro$er chain of trans!ission) fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 2ala!ity shall befall this nation such that a $erson will fail in finding any shelter fro! it. Thereafter Allah will a$$oint a !an fro! !y Ahl,e,bayt who will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it was $reviously filled with cruelty and tyranny... The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section one3 cha$ter four has narrated fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) as such> of 'Mahdi shall not e!erge but after $revalence serve awe a!ongst the $eo$le3 when $eo$le will be afflicted with earth-uakes and $lagues3 when strife and discord will e!erge a!ongst the $eo$le3 when differences in religion will $revail

a!ongst the!3 when $eo$leQs condition will so change that they would wish for death3 day and night... Mahdi shall e!erge at the ti!e of ho$elessness and des$air. +lessed is he who $erceives Mahdi and 0oins the rank of his hel$ers. %oe be to the one who o$$oses hi! and his co!!ands. 1n the sa!e section and the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,s aid book3 its author narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 'After !e3 seditions (disasters) will arise the deliverance of which would not be $ossible. 1n those seditions3 wars and s$oradic fighting would occur. Thereafter3 !ore severe seditions will arise such that if seditions would cal! down in one $lace3 the sa!e would continue in another $lace. Things would e7tend so far that there would re!ain no Arab house and no Musli! who would not be affected by it. 1t would be then that a !an fro! !y $rogeny will e!erge. This tradition has been narrated by "afi/ Abu Muha!!ad "ussein in his book 'Masabeeh and by "afi/3 Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn , "e!aad in his book ' atan. There e7ists an evidence too for this tradition in the book of Sahih +ukhari. 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CN) has narrated fro! 'Sahih of "aki! Abu,Abdullah that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> At the end of ti!e3 severe cala!ity shall befall !y nation , such severe cala!ity which was never heard of before and which $eo$le will fail to find any shelter fro! it. At that ti!e Allah will a$$oint a !an fro! !y $rogeny who will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it was filled with cruelty and tyrannyT Sayed 7horasani The author of :4-dud,&urar; in cha$ter five narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad who narrates fro!

Saeed,ibn, Musayyeb that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> A $erson fro! +ani,Abbass shall e!erge fro! the 4ast and whatever Allah %ishes will be established accordingly. Afterwards3 !en with s!all black flags will rise and will battle out with the offs$ring of Abu Sufyan. They will $re$are the ground for the obedience and sub!ission of Mahdi. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad (fro! his book ' atan) that Muha!!ad,ibn,"anafiya said> The $eo$le of the flag will e!erge fro! )horasan. Afterwards $eo$le of another flag with white will rise. A !an fro! +ani,Ta!i! called3 as Ta!i!,ibn,Saleh will face the!... it will be then that $eo$le would seek and desire for Mahdi. Again3 in the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad and he fro! Shareey,ibn, Abdullah .ashid,ibn,Saad and "a!/a,ibn,"abib as such> The $eo$le of the 4ast will swear allegiance to a $erson fro! +ani,"ashi! who shall e!erge with the ar!y of )horasan. A !an fro! +ani,Ta!i! will face the!... 1f !ountains confront hi!3 he will destroy the!. Bater he will encounter the ar!y of Sufyani and will defeat the!. ierce battle will take $lace with the! and he will kill the!. "e will e7$el the! fro! one $lace to another until he will defeat the! in 1ra-. Thereafter an incident shall occur between the! as a result of which Sufyani will gain victory and the "ashi!i !an will esca$e towards Mecca and Ta!i!,ibn,Saleh (who is one of the leaders of the ar!y of "ashi!i) will esca$e towards +aitul,Mu-addas. %hen Mahdi shall rea$$ear3 the "ashi!i !an too will e!erge.

7illin& o- (a-s-@a00iyah The author of :4-dud,&urar; in Section 2ha$ter I narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn "e!aad (fro! the book ' atan) that A!!ar <asir said> %hen 5afs,6akkiyah will be killed a caller will call out fro! the heavens , :+e aware that your ruler is so and so a $erson i.e. the Mahdi who shall fill the earth with truth and 8ustice.; 1n the sa!e section and the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! "afi/ 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad (fro! the book ' atan) who in turn narrates fro! kaab al, Ahbar as saying> :#lundering of Medina will beco!e lawful and 5afs, 6akkiyah will be killed.; Again in section E and cha$ter I of the afore,said book its author narrates fro! 1!a! "ussein,ibn , Ali (AS.) as such> There will be five signs for Mahdi. (@) Sufyani (D) <a!ani (E) "eavenly cry (I) Sinking of the land of '+aideh and (H) )illing of 5afs,6akkiyah. Da==al1s : risin& The author of :4-dud,&urar; in cha$ter H narrates fro! +ukhari and Musli! and they in turn narrate fro! Maa/,ibn, 8abal that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :A tribe fro! !y nation will battle for the truth and will gain victory over the ene!ies until he will face &a00al for the last ti!e.; 9ne tradition !entions "a/rat as saying> :A grou$ fro! !y nation.; 1n section E3 cha$ter C of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! the book 'Mustadlak of "aki! Abu,Abdullah (who reckons the chain of trans!ission of this tradition to be

correct $rovided it has been narrated by Musli!) who narrates fro! 8abil,ibn,Sa!rah and that 5afeh,ibn,(-bah said> 1 heard the "oly #ro$het saying> :<ou will battle with the $eo$le of Arabian #eninsula and will gain victory over the!. Thereafter you will battle with the #ersians and you will gain victory over the! too. Then you will battle with &a00alT 1n section D cha$ter @D of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! Abul,Abbass Ah!ad,ibn,<ahya,ibn,Tughlab as saying> The reason why &a00al is called as &a00al is because he dis$lays everything in contrariety. Again3 in the sa!e section and the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! +ukhari and he fro! Anas,ibn,Malik and he fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A) as such> :There is no #ro$het but that whose nation terrifies the o!inous and !endacious &a00al...; 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CC) has narrated fro! Abul, "ussein Abari as such> Abundant traditions related by successive hearsay have co!e down fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)regarding Mahdis e!ergenceF concerning the fact that "a/rat is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.)F that he will rule for seven yearsF that he will fill the earth with 8usticeF that he will e!erge along with 1sa and the latter would hel$ hi! in killing &a00al... Su-yani1s : risin& The author of :4-dud,&urar; in section D3 cha$ter I3 narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Safwan and he fro! "alsah (wife of the "oly #ro$het) as such>

1 heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) saying> This house shall re!ain safe fro! an ar!y3 which would attack it until the ar!y takes $osition in a soft land. The center row would sink in the ground while the first row would seek hel$ fro! the last row. Then no one shall re!ain fro! the! e7ce$t the one who will infor! about the!. A $erson addressed Abdullah,ibn,Safwan as such> 1 bear witness that you have not lied about "afsah and she too has not lied about the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A). This tradition has been narrated by 1!a! Musli! in his book 'Sahih. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! 1!a! Musli! (book of 'Sahih) who in turn narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn, (tbah who said> 1 a$$roached (!!,ul,Mu!ineen (i.e. (!!,Sal!a3 the wife of the "oly #ro$het) along with "arith,ibn,Abu .abiyah and Abdullah,ibn Safnan. +oth in-uired fro! (!!,Sal!e about the ar!y which would sink in the ground and (!!,Sal!a re$lied> ,The Messenger of Allah said> A $erson will seek shelter in the "ouse ()aaba?) Allah shall a$$oint an ar!y and when they reach the soft land they will sink in it. 1 asked> :9 Messenger of Allah; "ow will be the state of the one who will be un,$ros$erous? "e re$lied> "e too shall sink with the! but Allah will a$$oint hi! on the &ay of 8udge!ent as $er his intention. 1n one tradition3 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) says> +y 'soft land it is !eant Medina. 1n section E cha$ter I of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad (book of atan) that 6uhri said> %hen Sufyani and Mahdi will encounter each other a cry

will be heard fro! the heavens as such> +e aware Allahs saints are the hel$ers of so and so a $erson i.e. Mahdi... 1n section D3 cha$ter I of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad and he fro! )halil,ibn, Sufyan as saying> Sufyani shall revolt and he will be having three $i$es in his hand. "e will not $lay on it for anyone but will die. 1n section D cha$ter I of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad (book of atan) and "afi/ Abu Abdullah (book of Mustadrak) who reckon Lthe chain of trans!ission of this tradition to be authenticM and they fro! 1bn,Massoud that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> +e on guard against seven cala!ities3 which would occur after !e> The sedition which would arise in Medina3 the sedition which would arise in Mecca3 the sedition which would arise in <e!en3 the sedition which would a$$ear in Syria3 the sedition which would a$$ear fro! the 4ast3 the sedition which would arise fro! the %est and lastly the sedition which would arise fro! central Syria which would be the sedition of Sufyani. 1bn,Massoud says> So!e of you will $erceive the beginning of these seditions while so!e of you will $erceive the last $art of it. %alid,ibn,Abbass says> The sedition of Medina was the very one which a$$eared fro! Thalha and 6ubair3 the seditlion of Mecca was the very one fro! 1bn,6ubairF the sedition of <e!en ascended fro! 5a0dahs sideF the sedition of Syria a$$eared fro! +ani,(!!ayah and sedition of central Syria is through this grou$.

1n section D3 cha$ter I of '4-dud,&urar its author narrates fro! 8abir,ibn,<a/id 8uafi that "a/rat 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir addressed 8abir as such> '9 8abirA Sit fir!ly in your $lace until 1 describe for you the signsT Three flags will set out fro! Syria> .ed and white flag3 black and white flags and the flag of Sufyani T Sufyani shall dis$atch @GGGG !en towards )ufa. They will $lunder3 kill and take as ca$tives its inhabitants. %hen they will engage in these activities3 !en fro! )horasan holding flags will !arch forward with swiftness. They are Mahdis hel$ers... Sufyani shall des$atch troo$s towards Medina and Mahdi shall esca$e fro! Medina to Mecca. The co!!ander of the Sufyanis ar!y shall be infor!ed about Mahdis flight towards Mecca. 5a0deh,ibn,Aa!er "anafi was one of the )hawari0 who co!!ands his ar!y to $ersue Mahdi but they will not find hi!... The co!!ander of Sufyanis ar!y shall descend over the land of '+aidah (soft land between Mecca and Medina) and a caller fro! the heavens shall cry out> :9 baidahl destroy this grou$.; Then the land of +aidah shall swallow the!. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; ($age I@I) has narrated fro! the book :&urrul,Mon/oo!; as such> :9ne of the signs of Mahdis e!ergence will be the revolt of Sufyani. "e will des$atch EGGGG !en towards Mecca where they will sink in the land of +aidah...; 1bn Abil,"adid in his co!!entary of 5ah0ul,+alagha (vol. @3 $g. D@@) on the occasion when Ali (A.S.) delivered a ser!on on the 'Ghaib (unseen) says> 'Abu &awoud Thayalesi has narrated fro! Sulai!an 6arri- who has narrated fro! Abdul A/i/,ibn,Suhib who has narrated fro! Abul,Aalia that Ma/rah (who was one of Alis followers) said>

:An ar!y shall advance until it reaches the land of +aidah. There3 the ar!y would sink in the ground.; Abul,Aalia says> 1 asked Ma/rah whether he would give !e the news of the unseen and he re$lied> )ee$ guard of whatever 1 tell you since a reliable !an like Ali,ibn,Abi Talib has infor!ed !e. 1bn,Abid "adid says> The tradition of :Sinking in the ground; has been narrated by +ukhari and Musli! in their books of 'Sahih fro! (!!,Sal!e (!ay Allah be satisfied with her) who said> 1 heard the Messenger of Allah saying> A grou$ will seek shelter in the )aaba until they reach '+aidah and then the ground would swallow the!. 1 said> '9 Messenger of AllahA #erha$s the discontented $eo$le are a!ongst the!A The Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> The land shall swallow the! but they will be gathered. 9r he said> They will be resurrected on the &ay of 8udge!ent according to their intentions. 1bn,Abi "adid says> 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) was asked whether every land was called as '+aidah and 1!a! re$lied> 5ever. .ather '+aidah is in Medina. +ukhari has narrated a $art of this tradition while Musli! has narrated the rest. The author of :4saaf,ul,.aghebeen; on $age @HE says> 1t is !entioned in traditions that Sufyani will dis$atch troo$s fro! Syria against Mahdi and they will sink in the ground at '+aidah. 5one will re!ain alive e7ce$t the $erson who will s$read news about the!. Sufyani and Mahdi will a$$roach that $erson along with their res$ective followers and victory will be on Mahdis side and Sufyani will be killed... The author says> 1 have not co!e across any authentic traditions which have revealed the !atter of !eeting of the

two afore,said ar!ies , #erha$s it is between )ufa and Medina , Allah )nows best. (u+ber o- Si&ns o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e The author of : usul al,Muhi!!a; (who is one of the Sunni authors) in cha$ter @D says> Traditions have co!e down about the signs of Mahdis e!ergence and the events3 which would occur before his u$rising and the evidences3 which would be discovered before his e!ergence. They are as such> (@) Sufyanis revolt3 (D) killing of "asani3 (E) discord a!ongst +ani,Abbass about $ossession of kingdo!3 (I) ecli$se of the sun during !id, Shaban3 (H) unusual ecli$se of the !oon during the end of Shaban contrary to astrono!ys calculations. The !oon will not be ecli$sed but during the thirteenth3 fourteenth or fifteenth of the !onth. The !oon will be ecli$sed at the ti!e when the sun and the !oon would be facing each other in a s$ecial for!. The ecli$se of the sun will not occur but on the twenty, seventh3 twenty,eight or twenty,ninth of the !onth. The sun will be ecli$sed at the ti!e when it co!es close to the !oon in a s$ecial for!3 (J) rising of the sun fro! the %est3 (N) killing of seventy $ious $eo$le (K) killing (C) destruction of the wall of the Mos-ue of )ufa3 (@G) advance!ent of the holders of black flags fro! )horasan3 (@@) <a!anis revolt3 (@D) Maghrabis revolt in 4gy$t and beco!ing the ruler of Syria3 (@E) descencion of Turks in an island3 (@I) the co!ing of .o!ans in .u!alah3 (@H) the rising of a star in the 4ast which would be like a s$arkling !oon3 (@J) that star would bend and break into two in such a !anner that they would co!e close to each other3 (@N) a redness will a$$ear in the sky and it will cover its surrounding3 (@K) a fire would a$$ear

throughout the 4ast and it would re!ain so for three or seven days3 (@C) Arabs would set free their rein3 (DG) Arabs would beco!e owners of cities3 (D@) Arabs would e7it fro! the rule of 1ranian )ings3 (DD) the inhabitants of 4gy$t would kill their ruler and his co!!ands3 (DE) Syria would be destroyed and three flags will advance towards it3 (DI)the flags of *ais and Arab would advance towards 4gy$t3 (DH) engraved flags would advance towards )horasan3 (DJ) The entry of so!e Arabs in the outskirts of "irah (DN) the co!ing of black flags fro! the 4ast3 (DK) A s$lit shall occur in 4u$hrates as a result of which its water would flow on the roads of )ufa3 (DC) Si7ty liars will e!erge where each of the! will clai! #ro$hethood for the!selves3 (EG) twelve $ersons fro! the $rogeny of Abu,Talib would revolt and each of the! would clai! 1!a! ate for the!selves3 (E@) A dignified $erson fro! the followers of +ani,Abbass will get drowned near the bridge of )arkh in +aghdad3 (ED) A black wind will blow in +aghdad3 (EE) An earth-uake shall occur in +aghdad where a greater $ortion of the city will colla$se3 (EI) fear will enco!$ass the inhabitants of 1ra-3 (EH) death will swiftly overtake the $eo$le of 1ra-3 (EJ) The $eo$le of 1ra- will face deficience in their $ro$erty and fruit3 (EN) locusts will a$$ear during the nor!al season as well as during off,season and they will get attracted to $lants and cereals3 (EK)the agriculture out$ut of the $eo$le will be $oor3 (EC) discord will arise a!ongst non,Arabs and they will shed blood of one another3 (IG) slaves shall disobey their !aster and will kill the!. (I@) After that3 it would rain successively for twenty,four ti!es. The earth would beco!e alive after its death and would throw out its treasures. At that ti!e3 all ty$es of cala!ities will be ke$t away fro! Mahdis believers. At that

!o!ent they will reali/e that Mahdi has e!erged in Mecca. As a result3 they will !ove towards Mecca for assisting "a/rat and the sa!e can be seen in the traditions. So!e of these events are sure and certain to occur while so!e others are conditional. Allah )nows better what !ight take $lace. %e have !entioned the afore,!entioned ha$$enings as $er the traditions. Ali,ibn,<a/id 4/adi narrates fro! his father who narrates fro! his grand , father that A!irul,Mu!ineen (A.S.) said> %hen the *ae!s e!ergence shall draw near3 red and white deaths will a$$ear. .ed,colored locusts shall beco!e visible during the nor!al and off,season. .ed death refers to the sword and white death refers to $lague. 8abir Tuafi narrates that 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) told hi! as such> .e!ain fir! in your $lace. &o not !ove until you see for yourself these signs. 1 do not think that you will $erceive these signs. They are as such> &iscord a!ongst +ani,Abbass3 a caller who will call out fro! the heavens3 sinking of a village (called 8obiah) in Syria3 descencion of Turks in an island descencion of .o!ans in .u!alah and discord in every $art of the land until Syria will be ruined. The reason for destruction of social life will be the hoisting of flags where one of the! would be red and white3 the other black and white and the third flag will belong to Sufyani. Traditions about the ?ear and Day o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e Abu +asir has narrated fro! Sadi- Aal,e,Muha!!ad as such> :Mahdi shall not e!erge but in the odd year i.e. the first3 third3 fifth3 seventh or ninth year.; Again Abu +asir narrates fro! 1!a! 8afar Sadi- (A.S.) who said> The na!e of *ae! will be taken on the DErd night

of the blessed !onth of .a!adhan. The *ae! shall e!erge on the day of Ashura , the day on which 1!a! "ussein was !artyred. As if 1 a! seeing the 9ae! e!erging on Saturday3 the tenth of Muharra! between .uku and Ma-ae! and so!eone standing in front of hi! calling out> Allegiance3 Allegiance. Thus Mahdis followers will turn towards hi! fro! all sides and will give allegiance to hi!. +y Mahdis !eans Allah will fill the earth with 0ustice 0ust as it was $reviously filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Thereafter3 Mahdi will turn his attention fro! Mecca to )ufa and will land in 5a0af fro! where he will send soldiers towards the cities. 1t has been narrated fro! Abdul,)ari! 5akhee as such> 1 asked Sade- Aal,e,Muha!!ad> or how long will the *ae! rule? 1!a! (A.S.) re$lied> Seven years. The days and nights during Mahdis ti!e will be so lengthy that one year of that ti!e will be like twenty years of today and (seven) years of Mahdi will be e-ual to seventy years of your reckoning. 1n a lengthy tradition3 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) said> %hen the *ae! shall e!erge3 his attention will be drawn towards )ufa. "e will develo$ the !os-ues of )ufa3 strike down the balconies overlooking the roads3 destroy the wells and drain,$i$es on the road,$aths3 u$root all sorts of heresy3 enliven every custo! and con-uer 1stanbul3 2hina and the !ountains of &aila!. This will re!ain so for seven years where each year would be e-ual to ten years of your reckoning. 1n another tradition 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) said> , &ue to fear (which the ene!ies have of "a/rat) the *ae! will be assisted (by Allah) and due to triu!$h3 will beco!e victorious. The earth will roll for Mahdi and treasures will

loo! before hi!. "is rule will e7tend fro! 4ast to %est. Allah will $lace his religion above all other religions even though the $olythesis !ay dislike it. There will be no dila$idated $lace but that Mahdi will develo$ it. The earth will not cede anything fro! its herbs but that it will cause it to thrive. &uring Mahdis ti!e3 the $eo$le will en0oy such blessings which they had never en0oyed before. The narrator says> 1 said> '9 son of the Messenger of AllahA %hen will your *aa! e!erge? "e re$lied; At the ti!e when !en will i!itate the wo!en and wo!en will i!itate the !enF when wo!en will ride on saddlesF when $eo$le will cause their $rayers to die and will follow their carnel desiresF when $eo$le will turn usersF when shedding of blood will beco!e so!ething insignificantF when trade and business of the o$enly co!!it adulteryF when they will !ake towering constructionsF when they will consider lie to be lawfulF when they will acce$t bribesF when they will follow their lusts and desireF when they will sell their religion for this worldF when they will hold under obligation the one who! they feedF when they will consider forbearance to be the sign of weakness and feebleness and in0ustice to be an honorF when their rulers will be evil and their !inisters liarsF when the trustworthy a!ongst the! will be traitorsF when the hel$ers a!ongst the! will be un0ustF when the reciters of *uran will be transgressorsF when cruelty and o$$ression will beco!e !anifestF when divorce will increaseF when $eo$le will engage in debauchery and libertinis!F when forced witness and lie will be acce$tedF when they will engage in drinking and ga!blingF when !en will be !ounted onF when wo!en shall engage with wo!en (indecent acts)F when , $eo$le will consider '6akat to be a booty and charity to be a lossF when they will fear fro! the tongues of the wicked

$eo$leF when Sufyani shall revolt fro! Syria and <e!enF when '+aidah which is between Mecca and Medina will sinkF whJn a child fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A.) will be killed between '.ukn and 'Ma-aa! and when a live voice will be heard fro! the heavens trying out that the truth is with Mahdi and his followers. 1t will be then that our *ae! will e!erge. %hen he re,a$$ears3 he will stand with his back against the wan of )aaba and E@E of his followers would gather around hi!. The first s$eech of *ae! would be the following verse> (=) :%hat re!ains3 with Allah is better for you if you are believers.; Then he will say> 1 a! the '+a-iyatullah (Gods re!ainder) re$resentative and #roof of Allah u$on you. After that3 no Musli! would salute hi! but in this !anner> Assala!u,Alaika , ya +a-iyatullah, i,Ar/eh (#eace be u$on you '9 Gods re!ainder on the earth.) As soon as @GGGG !en gather around hi!3 no 8ew or 2hristian will re!ain but that they will bring faith in hi! and religion shall be confined only to 1sla!. A fire shall descend fro! the sky and will burn every ob0ect of worshi$ (other than Allah) on the earth. So!e of the historians say> Mahdi is the sa!e Awaited *ae!. Traditions about Mahdis e!ergence substantiate each other. Traditions !anifest the lu!inous of "a/rats light. 1t will not be long when the gloo!y day and night of his 9ccultation will turn into brightness and lu!inosity. &ue to his e!ergence the desired dawn shall rise and the veil of darkness of the night will be set aside. "a/rat will e!erge fro! behind the veil of 9ccultation and the hearts will be filled with 0oy. "is 8ustice3 will reach the hori/ons and the

lu!inousness of his 8ustice will be !ore than lu!inousness of the lu!inous !oon.

Cha ter %i&ht

3irtue o- A"aitin& -or Mahdi #orsa0in& the #ixation o- Ti+e -or Mahdi1s %+er&en'e Mahdi1s %+er&en'e at the %nd o- Ti+e Mahdi1s 4ualities on the Day o- His %+er&en'e 5la'e o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e 5la'e o- Mahdi1s Alle&ian'e ,udi+ents o- Mahdi1s Triu+ h In'iden'e .hi'h .ill !''ur in the (ear #uture Mahdi1s Hel ers An&els .ill Assist Mahdi Des'ension o- Isa-Ibn-Marya+ (A.S.) /lessin&s o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e Mahdi1s A'tions and In$itation Mahdi1s 3irtuous .ays Mahdi1s 5raise"orthy Morals ,eli&ion .ill Ter+inate in Mahdi The Je"s and the Christians Mani-estation o- the ,eli&ion o- Isla+ Mahdi1s ,e-or+s 3i'tories and de$elo +ents under Mahdi1s ,ule The 5eriod o- Mahdi1s Cali hate and ,ule The (u+ber and 5la'e o- Mahdi1s Hel ers ,e-eren'es 3irtue o- A"aitin& -or Mahdi The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; ($age ICE) narrates fro! ')hawra/!i (book of :Mana-ib;) that 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir has narrated fro! his father who has

narrated fro! his grand,father who has narrated fro! A!irul,Mu!ineen that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , :Awaiting for the ' ara0 (deliverance) is the best act of worshi$.; The author of 'Mana-ib says> Awaiting for the ' ara0 !eans awaiting for Mahdis e!ergence. Author says> Shiite traditions corroborate the afore, !entioned tradition. M4A515G 9 '15T46A. (A%A1T15G)> '1nte/ar !eans gaining and achieving an affair for which one awaits. The refor!atory affair with regards to Mahdis e!ergence is not hidden and concealed for any individual let alone the social board3 es$ecially the Shia,1!!iyahs. irstly3 '1nte/ar (Awaiting) by itself invites the satisfaction of Mahdi so !uch so that it is said> '1nte/ar is !ore sever than killing. The essential condition for Awaiting for the ' ara0 is e!$loying the !ental faculties and fi7ing the !ind in the direction of the affair for which one is awaiting. This !atter will forcibly beco!e the cause of two affairs> 9ne that the !ental faculty will bring an increase in $ower and the other that !an can concentrate his entire $ower on one affair. Moreover than that two affairs3 are a!ongst the !ost i!$ortant things re-uired by !an for his subsistence and future life. Secondly3 the su$$ression of !isfortunes will beco!e easy for !an because he knows that these !isfortunes are sub0ect to a!ends and $rovisions. A vast difference e7ists between those !isfortunes which are known by !an to be ca$able of a!end!ent or not3 es$ecially when he $resu!es that soon everything will be $re$ared and Mahdi by his

e!ergence3 will fill the earth with 8ustice and e-uity. Thirdly3 the necessary condition3 for '1nte/ar is this that !an should adore to be a!ongst the co!$anions and Shias of Mahdi and rather a!ongst his hel$ers. This re-uires that Mahdis Shia should strive in rectifying his own self and !aking good his !orals so that he can be worthy enough of beco!ing Mahdis co!$anion and engaging in holy war for hi!. Verily3 this $ros$erity re-uires such ethics3 which is scarce today a!ongst us. ourtly3 0ust as '1nte/ar beco!es the cause of rectification of the self and rather the cause of rectification of others3 it also beco!es the cause of $re$aration of the rudi!ents for Mahdis victory over his ene!ies. The essential condition for this victory is that one should ac-uire knowledge and insight es$ecially so when !an knows that Mahdis victory over his ene!ies would take $lace through ordinary channels. These were so!e of the effects3 which would arise fro! the act of '1nte/ar (Awaiting) , if at all '1nte/ar is done in its true sense. +esides3 1nte/ar discovers good and $leasing -ualities3 which are as follows> irstly3 it e7$lores the $erfection of wisdo! and verity of $erce$tion because a 'Munta/ir (i.e. an Awaiter) believes that an 1!a! should e7ist at all ti!es and knows that the 1!a! of today is MA"&1. Thus he brings faith in Mahdi without having seen hi!. 1n shortF one could believe in "a/rat without co!ing into contact with hi!. Secondly '1nte/ar for deliverance discovers such affairs as love for establish!ent of truth and 0ustice3 i!$le!entation of &ivine 2o!!ands and li!itations3 e7ecution of the affairs on the basis of a correct and funda!ental $ivot and !ans achieve!ent of the goals for which he has been created. Thirdly3 it would reveal the veracity of !ans love and

friendshi$ towards Ahl,e,bayt and kin of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) because it is by Mahdis e!ergence that the Govern!ent of Ahl,e,bayt will be e!barked u$on3 the act of co!!and and $rohibition will be at their liberty and their rights will return back to the!. ourthly3 it reveals the veracity and virtue of !ans faith in Mahdi and his filling of the earth with e-uity and 0ustice and in his 1!a!ate. ifthly3 it reveals !ans affection towards his fellow creature and his desire for rectifying the! because the goodness and $ros$erity3 which would arise fro! Mahdis e!ergence would be e7$erienced by all the creatures. Most of the $oints that we have !entioned have co!e down in traditions too such as> 1!$ortant affairs3 which arise fro! '1nte/ar (Awaiting) of Mahdis e!ergence and the good -ualities which are discovered by !eans of his e!ergence. Mentioning one of the traditions or rather one sentence of it causes great sur$rise in !e. 1n the book :)a!aluddin;3 Shaikh Sadu- has narrated fro! A!!ar Sabaaty a lengthy tradition where 1!a! Sadi(A.S.) says> '1badat (worshi$)during the rein of a wicked Govern!ent is better and !ore virtuous than worshi$ during the rein of a right Govern!ent. Moreover3 reward of worshi$ is !uch !ore under a wicked Govern!ent than under a right Govern!ent. A!!ar says> 1 told 1!a!> May !y life be sacrificed for you. 1s it that we should not desire to be a!ongst the *ae!s co!$anions at the ti!e of the e!ergence of truth? 1s it that our actions under the bond of your leadershi$ and obedience is !ore virtuous than the actions of co!$anions during the true Govern!ent A? 1!a! Sadi- (A.S.) re$lied> Glory be to AllahA &o we not

wish that Allah3 the +lessed3 the Subli!e should !ake the Truth and 8ustice a$$ear in the lands? That the co!!on condition of the $eo$le i!$roves? That Allah should cause ($eo$les) s$eech to har!oni/e and that Allah should invite the diverse hearts of $eo$le? That they should not disobey Allah on the earth? That "is restrictions should a$$ly a!ong "is creatures and that Allah should return the rights to "is $eo$le so that it !ay beco!e !anifest3 so that nothing of the truth !ight be concealed through fear of any one of ("is) creaturesT #orsa0in& the Matter o- #ixin& the Ti+e o- %+er&en'e The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age IHJ) has narrated fro! the author of araed,ul,Se!tain who has narrated fro! Ah!ad,ibn,6iyad who has narrated fro! &ebel,ibn,Ali )hu/aee a tradition wherein &ebel a$$roaches 1!a! .idha (A.S.) and recites his (=) ode and refers3 in so!e $laces of his ode to Mahdi and 1!a!s re$ly to &ebel is as such> Gebriel has s$oken through your tongue. &o you know who that 1!a! is?T "e is the one for who! $eo$le will await and they will be sub!issive to hi! at the ti!e of his e!ergence...@GN .egarding the ti!e of Mahdis e!ergence3 !y father has narrated fro! his father and they fro! the Messenger of Allah as such> The e7a!$le of Mahdi is like the e7a!$le of 9iya!at3 which will not co!e but all of a sudden. The author says> 1n so!e of the traditions about occultation it has co!e down that Mahdi shall e!erge like a glittering star. <et so!e other traditions !ention that God would set right Mahdis affairs in one night.

1t a$$ears that all these sayings refer to this fact that Mahdis e!ergence is unknown and e7ce$t for the one who has created hi!3 none are aware of the ti!e of his rea$$earance. Verily3 a!ongst the affairs which has greatly been e!$hasi/ed in the tradition for us (i.e. the Shias) is the non , fi7ation of the ti!e of Mahdis e!ergence and leaving this !atter to Al!ighty Allah. <et so!e traditions !ention that those who ordain a ti!e for his e!ergence are liars. 1t can be said that the $hiloso$hy of not fi7ing his rea$$earing at any ti!e and in any year3 !onth and on any riday !ay be due to the following> irstly3 the divine '+ada (change) in which we Shias believe $lays interference in the !atter of Mahdis e!ergence and is resolute. Verily3 the %ill of Allah $roceeds in all the &ivine &estinies and it is $ro$er to reverse the order and bring change in "is &estinies. Mahdis e!ergence too falls in the category of those incidents in which '+ada is akin to occur 0ust as the sa!e has been clearly sti$ulated in the Shiite traditions. As a !atter of fact3 if the ti!e of "a/rats e!ergence had been fi7ed and the !atter of '+ada (too) would have $layed its role3 then the very !atter of (tradition of) e!ergence along with its narrator would have been sub0ect to doubt and sus$icions. The 1!a! (A.S.) has said> :%e have not fi7ed the ti!e of "a/rats e!ergence nor shall we do so in the future.; Secondly3 refraining fro! ascertaining the ti!e of e!ergence and leaving it to &ivine discretion of and considering the $ossibility of Mahdi e!erging today or to!orrow forcibly creates an urge and desire in $raying for his early rea$$earance since it is $ossible that his e!ergence

!ay be linked to 'dua (#raying) and insistence in re-uest. Thirdly3 the $eriod of Mahdis e!ergence is known and the $eo$le are aware of this !atter even though they !ay belong to the few s$ecial class3 it would !ean that "a/rat has to e!erge forcibly and the s$ecial and ordinary class of $eo$le es$ecially those desirous of this !atter3 !ust recogni/e hi! and the ene!ies the!selves right for! the beginning of his e!ergence in killing hi!. A!ongst the i!$ossible affairs is this that on the day of Mahdis e!ergence3 his $owers will be the sa!e as the $owers of his ene!ies. ourthly3 when the affairs of the $eo$le are in 1!a!s hands3 he would be the $ivot of the !illstone of the Musli!s and the focal $oint of their social body. (ndoubtedly 1!a!s occultation even though for a short $eriod will bring the !ove!ent of that society to a standstill. "owever if the $eo$le bring faith in his e!ergence and have ho$e in his return es$ecially so in the near future3 it would then be $ossible for that society to re!ain $rotected fro! disorder. ifthly3 Awaiting for e!ergence at any $eriod will bring an a acceleration in the refor!ity !ove!ent. A $erson who awaits the arrival of his co!$anion will be bound to !ake s$eed in the $reli!inary $re$aration for his arrival lest his friend arrives suddenly and he !ay not have fulfilled hi duty. Truly if '1nte/ar (Awaiting) for Mahdis e!ergence is based on sincerity and non,fi7ation of ti!e (of his e!ergence) it would indeed be regarded as two i!$ortant factors for the salvation and co!fort of a society. 1 wish that the author of 'Tafseer,e,Al,Minar would take back so!e of his words in this regard. Mahdi1s %+er&en'e at the %nd o- Ti+e

The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; (on $age @IK) narrates fro! "aki! (fro! the book of Sahih) who narrates fro! the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) as such> , At the end of ti!e3 a severe cala!ity shall overtake !y nation... Allah will send a !an fro! !y $rogeny or he said> fro! !y Ahl,e,bayt who shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice. 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CK) has narrated fro! Ah!ad and Musli! who in turn have narrated fro! the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) as saying> 'At the end of ti!e3 a 2ali$h will be $resent who would distribute wealth without any account... The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; has narrated the sa!e tradition on $age @IC of his afore,said book. The author says> '2ali$h in the above tradition refers to Mahdi as $er the conte7t of so!e other traditions. The author of :4-dud,&urar; narrates fro! 1!a! Abu 9!ar Madaeni who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> At the end of ti!e a youth with a handso!e face and $rotracted nose shall e!erge fro! !y $rogeny and he shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it was $reviously filled with cruelty and tyranny. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age IEG) narrates fro! the author of :Mashkat,ul,Masabeeh; who narrates fro! Musli! (fro! his book 'Sahih) and Ah!ad (fro! his book 'Musnad) who narrate fro! 8abir,ibn, Abdullah Ansari that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> :At the end of ti!e3 a 2ali$h will be $resent who would distribute; wealth without any 'account. <et another tradition says> At the ti!e of the end of !y

nation3 a 2ali$h will co!e who would distribute wealth without any reckoning. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates fro! the author of : araed,ul,Se!tain; who narrates fro! Ali,ibn, "allal who narrates fro! his father that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi will co!e at the end of ti!e and will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it was $reviously filled with cruelty and o$$ression.; The author says> 1n !ost of our Shiite traditions as well as the traditions of our Sunni brethrens the word of (=)(the end of ti!e) and the occurrence of so!e of the i!$ortant events3 the greatest of the! being the e!ergence of the #ro!ised Mahdi can be Seen. "owever it is a fact that so!eti!es it is said> The word (=) and its !eaning is literal as can be understood fro! these two words i.e. before '9iya!at. So!eti!es too3 it is said> (=) refers to so!e $art of a ti!e which when co!$ared to the $ast ti!es is $laced at the last. 8ust as we say> "a/rat Muha!!ad,ibn,Abdullah (S.A.%.A.) is the #ro$het of (=) (the end of ti!e) i.e. the $eriod of his #ro$hethood Messengershi$3 #rece$ts and laws is $ut last as co!$ared to the $eriod of Messengershi$ of the $revious #ro$hets. Thus in absolute ter!s3 the "oly #ro$het is the last #ro$het which !eans that the #ro$het should co!e after hi!3 otherwise he will not be called the Bast #ro$het. So!eti!es (=) is used and it refers to the last $eriod of the "oly #ro$hets Messengershi$. 1n other words3 if we divide the $eriod of his #ro$hethood into certain $ortions3 the last $ortion of it would be the (=) (end of ti!e) and the "oly #ro$hets sentence> :The nation wherein 1 a! $laced in the beginning Mahdi is the !iddle and 1sa in the end will never be destroyed; refers to the sa!e. 5ow that you have understood these !eanings it should be

said that such sayings as> Mahdi will e!erge in (=) (end of ti!e) or that> "e is the 2ali$h of (=) refers to the last !eaning which !eans that the last $art of the $eriod in which Mahdi is su$$osed to e!erge is the last $art fro! the $arts of ti!e. The author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter seven) narrates fro! "afe/ Abu Abdullah (fro! the book of Mustadrak) who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi shall e!erge with the sword at the ti!e of the end of !y nation. Allah shall send rain3 the land will cause its own $lants to grow3 (Mahdi) will bestow wealth in the right !anner... "aki! says> This tradition is correct as far as its chain of trans!ission is concerned but Musli! and +ukhari have not narrated it. Mahdi1s 4ualities on the Day o- His %+er&en'e The author :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter three) narrates fro! "afe/ Abu 5aee! fro! the book of Sefat al Mahdi of Abu 1!a!ah that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) !entioned in one tradition all that was to occur before and after Mahdis e!ergence. A $erson called Abdul,*ais said> '9 Messenger of Allah who would be the 1!a! of the $eo$le on that day? "e re$lied> "e would be Mahdi fro! !y $rogeny who would be then forty years of age... Again3 the author of :4-dud,&urar; in the aforesaid cha$ter narrates fro! "afi/ 5aee!,ibn, "e!ad (fro! the book ' atan) that A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen Ali (A.S.) said in one tradition about Mahdi as such> 'Mahdi will rise when he would be thirty or forty years of age... 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book its author narrates fro! Abu Abdullah Madaeni and Abu +akr +aiha-i

that 1bn,Abbass said> 1 have ho$e that days and nights will not $ass until Allah will a$$oint a youth fro! us3 Ahl,e,bayt while cons$iracies will not befall hi! and he too will not be entangled in cons$iracies. "e will establish the affairs of this nation 0ust as Allah co!!enced the affairs of this nation through us. 1t is !y e7$ectation that the affairs would end too in us. 5arrator says> 1 told 1bn,Abbass> Are your aged hel$less in this !atter that you have ho$e in your youths? "e re$lied> Allah does whatever "e wishes. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! 1!a! "ussein,ibn,Ali (A.S.) as such> %hen Mahdi will e!erge3 the $eo$le will deny hi! because he will have returned to the! looking like a youth. The greatest cala!ity is that their !aster will a$$roach the! in the state of youth while they would think hi! to be old and senile... 1n section one3 cha$ter four of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah (fro! the book of Mustadrak) who narrates fro! Sanban that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , Three offs$ring of a 2ali$h will be killed near your treasure... %hen you see hi! (i.e. youth) swear allegiance to hi! because3 he is Mahdi3 the 2ali$h of Allah. "aki! says> 'This tradition is an authentic tradition $rovided it has been narrated by +ukhari and Musli!. 1n the seventh cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book ' atan) who narrates fro! 1shaa-,ibn <ahaya,ibn, Talha that Taoos said> 9!ar,ibn,)hattab bid farewell to his fa!ily and said> %hat is wrong if 1 s$end the treasures of the )aaba and the wea$ons in the way of Allah? Ali said> '9 A!ir,ul Mu!ineenA .efrain fro! such thoughts. <ou are not

the owner of )aaba. The owner of )aaba is a youth fro! *uraish who will donate the wealth of )aaba in the way of Allah at the end of ti!e. The author says> The !anifestation of this tradition is such that it cannot be denied and evidences and conte7ts too e7ist for the!. So!e of the traditions !ention> The one who will see Mahdi on the day of his e!ergence will reckon hi! to be a youth of forty or his age to be between thirty and forty. "owever it does not !ean that this is his true age. 5la'e o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e The author :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter two) narrates fro! 8abir,ibn,<a/id Tuafi a lengthy tradition fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir where after !entioning the signs of Mahdis e!ergence and the sinking of Sufyis ar!y he said> Sufyani will dis$atch troo$s to Medina as a result of which Mahdi will flee towards Mecca. 5ews of Mahdis flight will reach Sufyanis co!!anders who will send an ar!y in $ursuit of Mahdi but they will fail to find hi! until "a/rat will enter Mecca in a state of fear and will await as $er the 'Sunnah of Musa,ibn,1!ranT The author of '4saaf,ur,.aghebeen (on $age @HG) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (SA%A) said> :&iscord will arise at the ti!e of a 2ali$hs death. A !an will flee fro! Medina to Mecca. So!e of the inhabitants of Mecca will a$$roach hi! and will send hi! out for allegiance (while not being satisfied) and will swear allegiance to hi! between .ukn and Ma-aa!. An ar!y would be des$atched in their direction fro! Syria3 which would /ink in the ground of '+aidah which is between Mecca and Medina.; The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age IE@) has

narrated fro! the author of :8awahar al,A-dain; who has narrated fro! 1bn,&awoud who has narrated fro! 1!a! Ah!ad and "afi/ +aiha-i the afore,!entioned Tradition. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age IIK) narrates fro! the author of : araed,us,Se!tain; who narrates fro! "assan,ibn,)halid a tradition fro! Ali,ibn, Moosa .idha (A.S.) about Mahdis occultation and the fact that he is the fourth fro! his $rogeny until he says> Mahdi is the sa!e one with regards to who! a caller will call out fro! the heavens and all the inhabitants of earth will hear the call as such> +e aware that Allahs re$resentative has e!erged in the "ouse of Allah. ollow hi! as truth is with hi!. 5la'e o- Mahdi1s Alle&ian'e The author of 4-dud,&urar (cha$ter two) narrates fro! Abul "assan Malaki who narrates fro! "u/aifaibn,<a!an that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 1f a single day re!ains fro! the age of this world then Allah will raise a !an fro! !y $rogeny whose na!e will be the sa!e as !y na!e and his 1!$ression will be the sa!e as !ine and his agno!en is Abu Abdullah. #eo$le would swear allegiance to hi! between .ukn and Ma-aa!T 1n section two3 cha$ter four of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Abu &awoud (fro! his book of :Sunan;)3 Tir!idhi (fro! his book of :8a!ae;)3 Ah!ad (fro! his book of :Musnad;)3 1bn,Maa0a (fro! his book of 'Sunan)3 +aiha-i (fro! :+esath,wa,5ushoor;) and so!e others who narrate fro! (!!,Sal!a that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> At the ti!e of a 2ali$hs death discord will arise and a !an fro! Medina will flee towards Mecca. So!e of the inhabitants of Mecca will a$$roach hi! and will send hi! out (while not being satisfied) and will

swear allegiance to hi! between .ukn and Ma-aa!... Author says> The a$$endi7 of the tradition refers to Mahdi. 1n cha$ter five of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book ' atan) who narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Masoud a lengthy tradition !entioning therein Sufyanis u$rising and Mahdis e!ergence fro! Medina towards Mecca and his allegiance until he reaches to the $oint where he says> Mahdi will sit between .ukn and Ma-aa! and will stretch out his hand. #eo$le will give allegiance to hi! and Allah will reserve love for hi! in the $eo$les heart. The author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter seven) narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) who narrates fro! Abu "uraira that $eo$le would give allegiance to Mahdi between .ukn and Ma-aa!. Mahdi will not awaken anyone who is aslee$ nor will he shed any blood. Author says> 1t refers to re$ose at the ti!e of $riority of allegiance and not when "a/rat would wish to do!inate and rectify the world. 1bn,"a0ar in his book :Sawae-; ($age CK) has narrated fro! 1bn Asaker who has narrated fro! Ali (A.S.) the tradition about Mahdi fleeing fro! Medina towards Mecca and added> So!e of the inhabitants of Mecca will a$$roach Mahdi and will send hi! out (while not being satisfied) and will swear allegiance to hi! between .ukn and Ma-aa!... The author of '4-dud,&urar in section two and cha$ter four has narrated fro! 8abir,ibn,<a/id who has narrated fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir about Mahdis flight fro! Medina to Mecca and says> #eo$le will swear allegiance to hi! between .ukn and Ma-aa!. :9 8abirA Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of "ussein.;

,udi+ents o- Mahdi1s Triu+ h The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter five) narrates fro! a grou$ of traditionists such as Ah!ad in Musnad3 1bn,Maa0a in Sunan3 +aiha-i Abu 9!ar Madaeni3 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad3 Abul,*asi! Tabarani and Abu 5aee! 4sfahani who narrate fro! A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> :Mahdi is fro! us , the Ahl,e,bayt. Allah will set right his affairs in one night; 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CK) has narrated fro! 1bn, Maa0a as such> :A grou$ of $eo$le will rise fro! the 4ast and they will !ake $re$arations for Mahdis rule.; The author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter five) has narrated the sa!e tradition fro! 1bn,Maa0a and +aiha-i. The author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter five) has narrated fro! Abu 5aee! (book of Sefat,ul,Mahdi) who has narrated fro! Sauban that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> %hen you see black flags co!ing fro! the direction of 4ast3 hasten towards the! even if you have to crawl over ice because Mahdi who is Allahs re$resentative will be a!ongst the!. 5arrator says> "aki! Abu Abdullah in :Mustadrak;3 and 1!a! Abu 9!ar in :Sunan; and "afi/ 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad in : atan; have narrated the contents of this tradition. #erha$s the saying> Mahdi who is Allahs re$resentative will be a!ongst the! !eans that the rudi!ents of Mahdis rule would be in their hands 0ust as the sa!e was !entioned in the tradition of Abdullah,ibn,"arith. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Saeed,ibn,Musaiyeb that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) said> A !an fro! +ani Abbass will rise

fro! the 4ast and will re!ain on the land until Allah wishes. Thereafter a grou$ with s!all black flags will e!erge and they will battle with the $eo$le fro! the $rogeny of Abu Sufyan and his followers and will $re$are the ground for Mahdis obedience and sub!ission. Author says> So!e of the traditions3 which s$eak about the a$$earance of black flags fro! the 4ast refers to the invitation of Abbassid and u$rising of Abu Musli! )hurasani. <et3 so!e other traditions signal out the u$rising of a grou$ fro! the 4ast who would invite (the $eo$le) towards Mahdi (A.S.) and the tradition of Saeed,ibn, Musaiyeb which was !entioned before3 refers to this account. The $ossibility3 which we !entioned $reviously about the traditions (in this regard) being fabricated3 refers to the first ty$e of inter$retation. So do not be heedless about the!. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; ($age IIK) narrate fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; which narrates fro! "afi/ Abu 5aee! that 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) said> Allah has set fear in the hearts of our friends and followers. %hen our '*ae! who is Mahdi will e!erge3 one $erson fro! our followers will be !ore courageous than a fierce lion and !ore shar$er than the $oint of a s$ear. Author says> (ndoubtedly3 a grou$ which loses its leader also loses its will,$ower and ai! and rather its very $rogress as against a grou$ $ossessing a leader with an u$right will, $ower3 earnest ai! and fir! $ower. This is because such a state eventually leaves an i!$ression on the conduct and !orale of that grou$. 1t see!s that the afore,!entioned tradition too refers to this very !atter and the reason why God has set fear in their hearts is to $rotect the!.

In'idents .hi'h .ill !''ur in the (ear #uture "ow often this thought $asses through so!e !ind and rather how often it is $ronounced though so!e tongue that if fear fro! ene!ies is the cause of Mahdis occultation then how would this fear be obviated considering that day by day various $owers and ar!s are on the riseA? "ow would it be $ossible for Mahdi to face these $owers and ai!s which have filled the land and sea and would tighten the s$here the day of his e!ergence without Mahdi having a access to any of those wea$ons because of lack ade-uate su$$orters and a!$le !eansA? 1n re$ly we say> 1ts $ossible that the incidents which are about to take $lace in this world and the $robable events !ay actually occur which could be a!ongst the strongest !eans of Mahdis e!ergence and a !ediu! for doing away with his occultation until he real e!erges. 1n nu!ber he !ay beco!e like one of the ruling $owers and thereafter he would strive in strengthening and increasing his $owers and wea$ons. irstly3 a!ongst the events which is not i!$robable is this that the !oral and s$iritual refor!s $erfection of training and literary and !aterial Sciences in So!e classes of $eo$le and rather in all of the! will $revail over a s$ecial class. Thus when Mahdi e!erges and $roclai!s his $lans and announces the 1sla!ic teachings for which he would rise and that $articular class witnesses his truthfulness3 trustworthiness and resoluteness they would beco!e sub!issive towards "a/rat. They will assist hi! in 8ihad and beco!e obedient to hi! and will give hi! the reins of the govern!ent. A large nu!ber of $eo$le would obey hi! and beco!e sub!issive to hi! such that one cannot eat the! with conte!$t. The sa!e had occurred for his great grand,father3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) since a large nu!ber of $eo$le had brought faith

in hi! due to his virtuous ai! and ob0ective 0ust as the incident of '5a0ashi (5egus) bears witness to this fact Secondly> +efore Mahdis e!ergence3 !ultitude of $eo$le will gather together and call the others towards Mahdi. They will take $ledge (fro! the!) for the victory of the day of his e!ergence. 1t is likely that the e!ergence of $reachers in co!!on gatherings and the distribution of those things for which Mahdi will u$raise na!ely e7ercising of worldly3 s$iritual3 social and individual refor!s are a!ongst the strongest !eans for3 the $re$aration of !ultitude of $eo$le for Mahdis e!ergence. As !entioned before3 the !ain !otive of awaiting Mahdis e!ergence is $re$aring and !aking ready the rudi!ents and necessities of "a/rats e!ergence. 1 can say that Mahdi strives and such endeavor is the res$onsibility of every refor!ist who wishes to bring a refor!. #reviously it was told to you that Mahdis occultation does not hinder hi! fro! u$rising for such kind of affairs. Thirdly> +reak,u$ of the $resent world order and every city of the world into s!aller states and every ruler of those states will $ossess inde$endent $owers until Mahdi e!erges. 2ities and govern!ents will have dis$ersed to such e7tent that Mahdi too would be like one of the! in $ower and $re$aredness. "e will rise for that which Allah has a$$ointed hi! and will strive for increasing and $erfecting his own $ower. ourthly> The ruling $owers will render the $eo$le co!$letely sub!issive and obedient towards the!selves and every society and rather every grou$3 individual ani!al and vegetation will groan day and night due to such a life and state of affair. "owever he will beco!e restless of the cruel and o$$ressive syste! while none would be able to see hi!.

"e will beseech and co!$lain but only to his Bord. Thus when the caller will call out between the heaven and the earth that Allah has obviated o$$ression fro! you3 has !ade you successful3 has set your freedo! and deliverance in Mahdis hands and Mahdi has e!erged in Mecca then !ultitudes of $eo$le will hasten towards Mahdi for the $ur$ose of refor! and their own goodness. 1n all $robability3 the !eaning of the tradition saying> Mahdi will not e!erge but after the earth has beco!e filled with cruelty and o$$ression is the sa!e as what we have 0ust said. 1n short3 Mahdi (A.S.) will e!erge at the ti!e when $eo$le and society will be in due need of a refor!ist. ifthly> The world wars will $ut the cities out of action and weaken the $hysical bodies and $owers. Thereafter3 Mahdi (A.S.) will e!erge while fro! the view , $oint of nu!ber and grou$3 he will be si!ilar to one of those (grou$ of) $eo$le. Then3 very soon he will swiftly strive to increase and $erfect his own $owers in addition to those $owers and tools which he would avail hi!self of as booty. Si7thly> So!e of the 1sla!ic sects will acce$t "a/rats call on the day of his e!ergence and will 0oin the forces of his co!$anions and hel$ers. They will fight for Mahdi in the battle , field and will swear allegiance to hi!. 1n all res$ects3 they will find confidence in hi!. Moreover Al!ighty God will confir! hi! through the Angels 0ust as "e confir!ed his great grand , father i.e. the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.). "e will confir! "a/rat by 1sa,ibn,Marya!s (A.S.) descension the details of which we shall God,willing !ention later on. These were incidents whose occurrence cannot be denied and history too guides us to the occurrence of such incidents and bears testi!ony to this fact that refor!ists have !ade use of si!ilar !eans. Man is not aware of what !ight occur

to!orrow. Verily the events which took $lace in the @Ith century A.". and @Cth century A& bears witness to the $ossibility of occurrence of what we have !entioned. God is All,Aware of what has occurred and what is going to take $lace in the future. Mahdi1s Hel ers 1bn,"a0ar in :Sawae-; (on $age CK) has narrated fro! 1bn,Asaker that Ali (A.S.) has said> %hen the '*ae! fro! the $rogeny of Muha!!ad (S.A.%.A) will e!erge3 Allah will gather together the inhabitants of the 4ast and %est. "is co!$anions will be fro! )ufa and the brave ones who would assist hi! would be fro! SyriaT The author of :4-dud,&urar; (section two3 cha$ter four) has narrated fro! 8abir,ibn,<a/id 8uafi who has narrated fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) a lengthy tradition where he has !entioned in it so!e of the signs of Mahdis e!ergence> the revolt of Sufyani3 Mahdis esca$e fro! Medina to Mecca until he says> Allah will gather together for Mahdi E@E of his co!$anionsT 1n the sa!e book (section one3 cha$ter four) its author narrates fro! "aki! Abu Abdullah (fro! his book 'Mustadrak) that Muha!!ad,ibn,"anafia said> %e were in the $resence of Ali. A $erson asked "a/rat so!e -uestions about Mahdi. "a/rat (A.S.) re$lied> AlasA And he re$eated the word seven ti!es and then said> Mahdi will e!erge at the end of ti!e when those who would call out the na!e of Allah would be killed. Thereafter Allah will gather together a grou$ whose sagacity and agility will be like a cloud and "e will !ake their hearts inti!ate towards each other. They will neither fear anyone nor will they flee. Their nu!ber will be e-ual to

the nu!ber of the co!$anions of '+adr. 5either the $eo$le of the $ast took $recedent over the! nor the $eo$le of the future will co!$rehend the!. Their nu!ber will be e-ual to the nu!ber of the co!$anions who crossed the river with the Saul T 5arrator says> "aki! has said> This tradition is an authentic tradition $rovided that +ukhari and Musli! have narrated the sa!e. "owever they have not narrated it. 1n the seventh cha$ter of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! Abu A!ro 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri (fro! his 'Sunan) who narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) while narrating about Mahdi and his e!ergence has said> 2ourageous !en fro! Syria will hasten towards "a/rat along with their followers while sober !en fro! 4gy$t too will 0oin hi!. <et another grou$ will $roceed fro! the 4ast until they reach Mecca and swear allegiance to hi! T The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; (on $age IIC) has narrated fro! Gan0i who in turn has narrated fro! 1bn Athi! )ufi that All (A.S.) has said> +ravoA To the $eo$le of Thale-an because Allah has hidden treasures a!ongst the! which are neither gold nor silver. .ather they are those $eo$le who have recogni/ed Allah in the true sense and they will be Mahdis hel$ers at the end of ti!e. The author of :4saaf,ur,.eghebeen; (on $age @HG) says> 1t is true that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> &iscord will arise at the ti!e of a 2ali$hs death. Thereafter he !entioned about Mahdis e!ergence at Mecca3 the allegiance which $eo$le will swear to hi! at Mecca3 the sinking of Sufyanis ar!y at '+aidah and then said> %hen $eo$le will witness this !iracle fro! Mahdi the brave !en fro! Syria and grou$s of $eo$le fro! 1ra- will a$$roach

"a/rat and swear allegiance to hi!.. The An&els .ill Assist Mahdi The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter five) narrates fro! Abu A!ro 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri (fro! his :Sunan;) who in turn narrates fro! "uaaifa,ibn,<a!an that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> Allegiance will be sworn to Mahdi between .ukn and Ma-aa!. "e will $roceed towards Syria with Gibraeel in front of hi! and Michaeel on his right... 1n section one3 cha$ter four of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) a tradition wherein he !entions about Mahdis e!ergence and his allegiance between .ukn and Ma-aa! and then says> Gibraeel would be on his right and Michaeel on his left T Again3 in the seventh cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! Abu A!ro 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri (fro! his 'Sunan) who in turn narrates fro! "uaaifa,ibn, <a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) while !entioning about Mahdis e!ergence and his allegiance between .ukn and Ma-a! says> Mahdis attention will be directed towards Syria while Gibraeel would be in front of hi! and Michaeel on his left. Des'ension o- Isa-Ibn-Marya+ (A.S.) +ukhari in his :Sahih; (vol. D $g. @HK) narrates fro! Abu "uraira3 that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> :"ow be it at the ti!e when 1bne Marya! will descend down a!ongst you and your 1!a! will be fro! you.; Then the author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter ten) has narrated the sa!e tradition fro! :Sahih; of Musli!. 1n cha$ter one of :4-dud,&urar; its author narrates fro! Abu 5aee! (fro! the book of Mana-ib,e,Mahdi) who

narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> :The one behind who! 1sa3 the son of Marya! will $ray is fro! !y $rogeny.; Also3 in the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 he has narrated a si!ilar tradition fro! 5aee!,ibn, "e!ad (fro! the book ' atan). Author says> Traditions in this regard are abundant and this saying is an authentic saying in which the renowned ones believe. The Sunni scholars too believe in this saying. The saying that Mahdi will follow 1sa,ibn,Marya! and which can be seen in so!e of the traditions or books are few in nu!bers and are unworthy of attention. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; (on $age @HC) has narrated fro! Shaikh Mohyidin Arabi fro! his book of : utouhat; as such> The Al!ighty God will !ake 1sa,ibn, Marya! descend over the white Minaret which is on the 4ast of &a!ascus along with two angels where one would be on his right side and the other on his left. #eo$le at that ti!e would be engaged in their evening $rayers. %hen 1sa will descend3 1!a! will offer his $lace to 1sa who in turn would go ahead and recite (the congregation) $rayers with the $eo$le. After narrating this tradition the author of : utouhat; says> , This saying that 1sa will recite $rayers with the $eo$le at the ti!e of his descension3 is inconsistent with the $ast traditions saying> The one who will recite $rayers with the $eo$le is Mahdi. Thereafter he says> The saying that $eo$le would be engaged in evening $rayers at the ti!e of 1sas descension is inconsistent with what history says that> #eo$le would be engaged in !orning $rayers at the ti!e of 1sas descension. 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; (on $age CC) says> %hat is

a$$arent is this that Mahdis e!ergence will take $lace before 1sas descension3 while it is said that it would occur after 1sas descension. Abul,"assan Abari says> Abundent traditions with successive trans!ission have co!e at band fro! "a/rat Mustafa (S.A.%.A.) that> Mahdi will e!ergeF that Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$hetF that Mahdi will rule for seven yearsF that Mahdi will fill the earth with 0usticeF that Mahdi will e!erge along with 1sa (A.S.) that 1sa will assist Mahdi in killing &a00al at the Gate of Bud in #alestineF that Mahdi will lead this nation and 1sa will $ray behind "a/rat. 1bn,"a0ar says> Abul,"assans state!ent that Mahdi would lead the $rayers and 1sa would stand behind hi! is a !atter which is substantiated by traditions 0ust as we have !entioned before. "owever Tafta/anis state!ent that 1sa would lead Mahdi because of the for!er being !ore su$erior that the latter and so 1sa is !ore $referable and worthy is without any evidence. This is because Mahdis 1!a!ate (leadershi$) for 1sa !eans that 1sa will descend fro! the heavens so that he re!ains as a follower of our "oly #ro$het and re!ains governed by his 'Shariat (religious laws)and does not $ossess any inde$endence for his own 'Shariat. Moreover the !atter that 1sa will follow so!eone fro! this nation (i.e. Mahdi) eventhough 1sa !ay be !ore su$erior than the 1!a! who! he follows3 is so e7$licit and clear that nothing re!ains concealed fro! this !atter. +esides3 we can gather together these two sayings and say> 1sa will first of all follow Mahdi in order that he !anifests his !otive (i.e. following the 1slandi $ath) and after that Mahdi will follow 1sa so that he has had acted u$on the essence of the $rinci$le. Author says> 1bn,"a0ars ob0ection and re$ly to

Tafta/anis views is a !atter to think about 0ust as the sa!e is not concealed fro! our res$ected readers. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; (on $age @JE) says> 1n the book of :)ashf; Suyuti has narrated in various ways that after descending down3 1sa would live for a $eriod of forty years. Again Suyuti in his book :4ala!; says> As e7$licitly !entioned by the scholars 1sa will 0udge as $er the Shariat of our "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A). Traditions have co!e down in this regard and a consensus too has been agreed u$on. Author says> Traditions in this regard are nu!erous where in the third cha$ter of this book traditions have already been !entioned through Gan0is tongue which are co!$atible with this !atter. /lessin&s o- Mahdi1s %+er&en'e The author of :4-dud,&urar; (in cha$ter five) narrates fro! "aki! Abu Abdullah (fro! his :Mustadrak;) that Abdullah,ibn,Abbass said> &uring Mahdis ti!e the wild. and ferocious ani!als would live in $eace and the earth would throw out its buried treasures. 1 asked> %hich are the earths buried treasures? "e re$lied> #illars of gold and silver. "aki! says> This is a tradition whose clai! of trans!ission is correct but which has not been narrated by Musli! and +ukhari. Author says> The earths buried treasure refers to its !ines. 1n the seventh cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! "aki! (fro! his :Mustadrak;) who narrates fro! 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri (fro! his :Sunan;) who narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!an that the Messenger of Allah

(S.A.%.A) said> The inhabitants of the sky3 the birds3 the beasts and the fishes in the sea will beco!e delighted by Mahdis e7istence. &uring the $eriod of Mahdis rule3 water will be found abundantly3 s$rings will flourish everywhere3 the earths !inerals will !ulti$ly3 the earth will throw out its treasure... 1n the seventh cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! "aki! (fro! his 'Mustadrak) who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (SA.%.A) said> A severe cala!ity whose severity had never been heard before will befall !y nation so !uch so that things will turn !iserable for !y nation and the earth will beco!e fraught with cruelty and o$$ression. The believers will fail to seek any $lace to shelter for the!selves. 1t will be then that Allah will raise a !an fro! !y $rogeny who will fill the earth with 0ustice and e-uity 0ust as it was filled with tyranny and o$$ression. The residents of the heavens and earth will be satisfied with Mahdi. The earth will not store its grain but e!it it out and the sky too would not store dro$s of its rain but would descend it down. Mahdi would rule over the $eo$le for seven3 eight or nine years. Allah would destine welfare and blessing to such e7tent that those living would wish the dead to beco!e alive. "aki! says> This is a tradition whose clai! of trans!ission is correct but which has not been narrated by Musli! and +ukhari. Again in the sa!e cha$ter of the a aforesaid book3 its author narrates fro! Abu 5aee! (fro! the book 'Mana-ib of Mahdi) and Tabarani (fro! the book 'Mua0a!) who narrate fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> &uring Mahdis era !y nation will en0oy

such bounties which they had never en0oyed before. The sky will descend rain u$on the! while the earth too would not release anything fro! its vegetation but that it would e7$el the! out. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi will e!erge fro! !y nation. Allah will resolve hi! as the saviour of the $eo$le. My nation will live in $leasure due to MahdiQs e7istence. &ue to hi!3 the ani!als too will live a laudable life. The earth will e7$el out its vegetation. Mahdi will distribute wealth in the 0ust !anner. 1n the eighth cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Tabarani (fro! his Mua0a!) and 5aee!,ibn, "e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) who narrate fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> &uring Mahdis era3 !y nation will en0oy such bounties which they had never en0oyed before the like of it. The sky would descend rain u$on the! while the earth would not neglect anything fro! its vegetation but that it would e7$el the! out. %ealth at that ti!e would not have any value such that a !an will rise and say> :9 Mahdi grant !e wealth.; "a/rat will re$ly> Take... 1n the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! Abu 5aee! 4sfahani (fro! the book :Sefat,ul,Mahdi;) who narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> The one who will act u$on !y 'Sunnah (ways) will be the one who will e!erge. The sky will send down its bounties and the earth too would throw out its blessings. The earth will be filled with 0ustice 0ust as it was filled with o$$ression. 1bn, "a0ar in :Sawae-; ($age CN) narrates fro! "aki! (fro! his :Sahih;) that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A) said> The

inhabitants of the heaven and the earth 8ove Mahdi. The earth will throw out its vegetation and will not kee$ it in store... Allah will favour the inhabitants of the earth with so !uch blessings and bounties that those alive would wish the dead ones to be alive. Mahdi1s A'tions and In$itation The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter seven) narrates fro! 5ae!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) who narrates fro! 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) as such> %hen corru$tion will be in strife3 Mahdi will e!erge in Mecca. At the !o!ent he will have with hi! the "oly #ro$hets banner3 sword3 shirt and certain other signs. As soon as he finishes reciting the night $rayers he will call out in a loud voice as such> '9 $eo$leA 1 re!ind you of that !o!ent when you will be standing before your Bord while "e will have co!$leted the argu!ents> "e has sent the #ro$hets3 revealed the +ooks and co!!anded you not to set $artners for Allah. Safeguard the obedience and sub!ission of Allah and "is #ro$het. %hatever the "oly *uran brings to life3 you too strive to bring the! to life and whatever the "oly *uran doo!s to death3 you too strive for the sa!e. +e !y co!$anion and !inister in virtuousity because the world is near annihilation and has bid farewell. 1 call you towards Allah and "is Messenger in order that you act u$on "is +ook. )ee$ away the falsehood and enliven the "oly #ro$hets 'Sunnah (ways). Mahdi will e!erge swiftly and suddenly like the autu!n cloud along with three hundred and thirteen !en e-ual to the nu!ber of the co!$anions of '+adr. At night he will be busy in worshi$ and at day he will be like a roaring lion. Thus Allah will bring triu!$h for Mahdi in the land of '"e0a/.

Mahdi will set free those ones fro! +ani,"ashi! who would be in $rison at that ti!e. #eo$le with black flags will enter )ufa and will a$$roach Mahdi for swearing allegiance to hi!. Mahdi hi!self would send his ar!ies to different corners of the world for the $ur$ose of receiving allegiance. The o$$ressors will be van-uished and the inhabitants of the cities will surrender to Mahdi... 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Abu 5aee! (fro! the book :Sefat,ul,Mahdi;) who in turn narrates fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> So!eone fro! !y $rogeny will e!erge who will be acting u$on !y 'Sunnah. +lessings will descend down fro! the sky and the earth too would throw out its bounties. The earth will be filled with 0ustice and e-uity 0ust as it was filled with tyranny and o$$ression. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Atha as such> 1 told 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir> 1nfor! !e about the '*ae!. "e re$lied> 1 a! not the '*ae! and the one who! you refer to is not the '*ae!. 1 asked> "ow will be Mahdis ways and $olicies? "e re$lied> 8ust like the ways of the "oly #ro$hets. 1n the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad who narrates fro! Ayesha that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny. "e will fight as $er !y Sunnah 0ust as 1 fought as $er the revealation. 1bn,"e0ar in his :Swae-; ($age CK) and the author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; ($age IEE) have narrated a tradition with al!ost the sa!e contents. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebean; ($age @J@) says> Mohyiddin Arabi in : otouhat,Makkiyah; says> Mahdi will

act by virtue of &ivine ins$iration since the "oly #ro$hets canons will be revealed to Mahdi by ins$iration 0ust as the tradition> (=) refers to this very !atter. Thus the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has !ade us reali/e that Mahdi is the follower of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and not that he is a heretic. +esides he !akes us reali/e that Mahdi is an infallible. Such analogy is needed , 1n s$ite of being infallible and in s$ite of receiving ins$iration fro! God. As a !atter of fact3 so!e of the researchers reckon analogy to be forbidden for all the divine !en since the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) can be witnessed for the!. %hen the divine !en doubt in any tradition or co!!and they refer to the "oly #ro$het and he in turn directly ac-uaints the! with the truth. The Master of the affairs is needless of following any of the 1!a!s3 other than the "oly #ro$het. Mahdi1s 3irtuous .ay The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter five) narrates fro! Abu A!ro 9s!an,ibn,Saeed Mu-arri (fro! his book 'Sunan) who narrates fro!@GK "u/aifa,ibn<a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> The inhabitants of the sky3 the inhabitants of the earth3 the birds3 the beasts and the fishes will beco!e delighted by Mahdis e7istence. 1n the seventh cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! Abu 5aee! (fro! the book :Sefat,ul,Mahdi;) and 1!a! Ah!ad (fro! the book :Musnad;) who in turn narrate fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> 1 give you glad tidings about Mahdi... The inhabitants of the earth and the heavens will be satisfied with

hi!. 1n the third cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) that 8abir, ibn,Abdullah said> A $erson a$$roached 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) and said> Acce$t these five hundred dirha!s as '6akat ($oll ta7) on !y wealth. 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir (A.S.) re$lied> <ou !ay give those five hundred dirha!s to your Musli! neighbours and to your Musli! brethrens who are in distress. Thereafter 1!a! (A.S.) said> %hen Mahdi3 the '*ae! fro! our $rogeny will e!erge3 he will distribute wealth e-ually and will tread the far!ers with 0ustice. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 the author narrates fro! Abu A!ro Mu-arri (fro! his book 'Sunan) and "afi/> 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book ' atan) that )aab al, Akbar said> 1 see Mahdis na!e in the books of the #ro$het. "is rule is neither in 0ust nor o$$ressive. 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age CK) narrates fro! .uyani3 Tabarani and others that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is fro! !y offs$ring... The inhabitants of the earth and sky and the birds are satisfied with Mahdis cali$hate... 9n $age CC of the sa!e book3 he has narrated fro! Ah!ad and Mawardi a tradition with si!ilar contents. Mahdi1s 5raise"orthy Morals The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter three) narrates fro! "arith,ibn,Mughaira 5a/ri as such> 1 told "ussein,ibn,Ali> +y what wign should we recogni/e Mahdi? "e re$lied> +y his cal!ness and dignity. 1n the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! "afi/ Abu Muha!!ad

"ussein (fro! the book :Masabeeh;) that )aabal,Ahbar said> :Bike an 4agle with its two wings3 Mahdi will be hu!ble for the sake of Allah.; 1n the eigth cha$ter of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) who narrates fro! Taoos as such> A!ongst the signs of Mahdi is this that he would be strict with his officials and generous and kind with the indigent. 1n section three3 cha$ter nine of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) that Abu .u!iyah said> Mahdi will show kindness to the $oor and will caress the!. Again in section three3 cha$ter nine of the sa!e book he narrates fro! "ussein,ibn,Ali (A.S.) as such> %hen Mahdi e!erges nothing will 0udge between hi! and the Arab and the *uraish e7ce$t the sword. or what reason do they !ake haste in "a/rats e!ergenceA? 1 swear by Allah that Mahdi will not wear but coarse and rough clothes and will not eat but bread !ade of barley and death will be hidden beneath his sword. ,eli&ion .ill Ter+inate in Mahdi The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter one) narrates fro! a grou$ well,versed in traditions na!ely Abul *asi! Tabarani3 Abu 5aee! 4sfahani3 Abu Abd ur .ah!an,ibn, Abu "ati! and Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad and others that A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Abli,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.) said> 1 asked the "oly #ro$het> 9 Messenger of AllahA 1s Mahdi fro! our $rogeny or others? "e re$lied> As a !atter of fact3 he will be fro! us. Allah will ter!inate the religion through Mahdi 0ust as "e co!!enced it through us.

1n the seventh cha$ter of the afore,s aid book3 he narrates fro! the $revious narrators that Ali,ibn, Abi Talib (AS.) said> 1 asked the "oly #ro$het> , 1s Mahdi fro! us3 $rogeny of Muha!!ad or fro! othersA? "e re$lied> As a !atter of fact3 he will be fro! us. Allah will ter!inate the religion through Mahdi 0ust as he co!!enced it through us. 1n the sa!e cha$ter of the sa!e book3 its author narrates fro! "afi/ Abu +akr +aiha-i who narrates fro! A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Ali Talib (A.S.) that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is fro! our $rogeny. .eligion will end through hi! 0ust as it co!!enced through us. 1bn,"a0ar in his :Sawae-; ($age CN) has narrated fro! Abul,*asi! Tabarani that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) has said> Mahdi is fro! us. .eligion will end through hi! 0ust as it co!!enced through us. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; ($age @IK) narrates fro! Tabarani that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi is fro! our $rogeny. :.eligion will end through hi! 0ust as it co!!enced through us.; The Je"s and the Christians The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter seven) narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (front the book : atan;) that Sulai!an,ibn,1sa said> 1t has co!e down to !e that the Ark of the 2ovenant will be taken out fro! the late of Tabariah. The Ark will be carried and $laced in front of +aitul, Mu-addas when a grou$ of 8ews will witness it3 they will surrender. 1n the third cha$ter of the sa!e book3 the author says> 1n so!e of the traditions it is stated> The reason why Mahdi is called as Mahdi is because he will be directed towards the books of Torah and he would take the! out fro! the

!ountains of Syria. "e would invite the 8ews towards the books and a congregation will sub!it the!selves before the books of Torah. The author of :4-dud,&urar; says> , Abu A!ro Madaeni in his :Sunan; has said> The reason why Mahdi has been called as Mahdi is because he will be directed towards the !ountain of Syria and will take out the books of Torah fro! it. "e will argue and rationali/e with the 8ews by !eans of Tarah and a congregation of 8ews will surrender to hi!. The author :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; ($age @HE) says> Mahdi will take out the Ark of the 2ovenant and the books of Torah fro! the cave of Anthakia and !ountain of Syria res$ectively. "e will argue with the 8ews by !eans of Torah and a large nu!ber of the 8ews will surrender to hi!. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age INJ) fro! the author of :Meshkat al,Masabeeh; who narrates fro! Abu "uraira that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> 1sa,ibn,Marya! will descend and will 0udge with 0ustice. "e will destroy the cross and will kill the $ork. "e will nullify the '8a/ia ($oll ta7)3 set free the young ca!els and will not ride u$on the!. "e will eradicate en!ity and will destroy grudge3 hatred and 0ealousy. Author says> That he will nullify the '8a/ia $erha$s refers to this $oint that all the $eo$le at that ti!e would be following the religion of 1sla! 0ust as destruction of the cross too is a !eta$horic re!ark in this regard. 4radication of en!ity3 grudge3 hatred and 0ealousy too !ay !ean that these will be obviated between the 8ew and 2hristian by the blessings of 1sa,ibn,Marya!s descension. Mani-estation o- the ,eli&ion o- Isla+

The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter two) narrates fro! Abul,"assan .abee Maleki who narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn, <a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) while !entioning about Mahdi3 his agno!en and $lace of allegiance says> Allah will restore the religion by !eans of Mahdi and will $roduce victories and triu!$hs for hi!. Then3 e7ce$t for those who say :There is no god e7ce$t Allah; (=) none others would be left on the earth... The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age INJ) fro! Shaikh Mohyiddin Arabi fro! his book : utouhat, Makkiyah; (cha$ter EJJ) about Mahdi and his !inisters and says> Mahdi will e!erge when religion would be on the decline. The one who would not acce$t will be killed and the one who would engage in debate with hi! will be defeated. "e will so reveal the realities of religion that had the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) been alive3 he too would have 0udged in the sa!e !anner. "e will eradicate the (false) religions fro! the face of the earth. Then3 e7ce$t for the $ure religion3 no other religion would re!ain over the earth. Mahdi1s ,e-or+s The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IKJ) fro! the book :Mana-ib; which narrate fro! "a/rat Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.idha who narrates fro! his father that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) while !entioning about the virtues of his household and his Mera0 (ascension to heaven) said> 1 asked> '9 !y Bord3 who are !y legatees? 1 heard a call saying> :9 Muha!!adi <our legatees are those whose na!es have been written on the enclosure of My throne.; 1 looked and saw twelve lights. A green cover s$read over each light and the na!es of !y legatees were written on each

of the! where the first of the! was Ali and the last of the! Mahdi. 1 asked> '9 Bord3 Are they the legatees after !e? 1 heard a call saying> After you3 they are My friends3 chosen ones and $roofs u$on My creatures. They are your legatees. 1 swear by My Glory and Ma0esty that 1 will cleanse the earth fro! its tyranny by the hands of the last of the one who is Mahdi. 1 will !ake hi! con-uer the 4ast and %est. 1 will !ake the wind to con-uer for hi! and !ake the clouds sub!issive to hi!. 1 will grant hi! $ower through so!e !eans and will hel$ hi! by !eans of his own ar!y. 1 will assist hi! through the Angels until he gains $ower over My Govern!ent and gathers the $eo$le towards My 'Tauheed (Monotheis!). Thereafter3 1 will e7$and his kingdo! and e7tend the days for !y friends until the &ay of 8udge!ent. Again3 the author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IKJ) fro! Abul,Muaiyyed Muwafi-,ibn Ah!ad )hawra/!i that Abu Sulai!an has said> 1 heard the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) saying> The night when 1 was !ade to ascend to the heavens... ("a/rat !entioned $artly about his ascension and its virtues and about the virtues of his $rogeny and his twelve legatees)... 1 heard a cry> 9 Muha!!adA %ould you like to see your legatees? 1 said> '<es. 1 was addressed> Book towards the right of the 'Arsh. (Throne) As soon as 1 cast !y glance3 1 saw Ali3 ate!ah3 "assan3 "ussein3 Ali,ibn,"ussein3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Ali3 8afir,ibn, Muha!!ad3 Musa,ibn,Safar3 Ali,ibn,Musa3 Muha!!ad, ibn,Ali3 Ali,ibn,Muha!!ad3 "assan,ibn Ali and Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan who a$$eared a!ongst the! like s$arkling star.

Bater3 1 was addressed> '9 Muha!!adA They are My #roofs u$on My servants. They are your legatees and Mahdi who is the avenger of your $rogeny is a!ongst the!. 1 swear by My Glory and Ma0esty that Mahdi will take revenges fro! My ene!ies and will assist My friends. The author of :4-dud,&urar; (section one3 cha$ter four) narrates fro! Abu 5aee! (fro! the book Sefat,ul,Mahdi) who narrates fro! "u/aifa,ibn,<a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> %oe to this nation because of its o$$ressive rulers. "ow they kill the believers and create fear in the! leaving aside those who obey the!. A believer is one who withholds hi!self fro! those who are good to hi! by tongue but weary of hi! by heart. %henever Allah %ills to hold 1sla! in high estee!3 "e will destroy the o$$ressors. Allah has #ower over all things and "e is able to rectify a nation3 which has gone corru$t. Thereafter the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> '9 "u/aifaA 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of this world3 then Allah will $rolong that day to such an e7tent that a !an fro! !y $rogeny will a$$ear and rule. "e will conduct i!$ortant affairs and will !anifest the religion of 1sla!. Allah does not break "is #ro!ise and "e is -uick in reckoning. 1n section three3 cha$ter nine of the afore,said book3 its author narrates that A!ir,u,Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib while !entioning about Mahdi and his refor!s says> There is no heresy but that Mahdi will u$root it and there is no 'Sunnah ($ractice) but that Mahdi will enliven it. 1n the seventh cha$ter of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! a congregation of traditionists na!ely Abu 5aee! 4sfahani3 Abul,*asi! Tabarani3 Abu Abdur,.ah!an,ibn,Abu "ati!3

Abu Abdullah 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad who narrate for! Ali,ibn, Abi Talib that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) while !entioning about Mahdi and the fact that Allah would ter!inate the religion by his hands said> #eo$le will be delivered fro! the troubles due to Mahdi 0ust as they found deliverence fro! $olytheis! through us. &ue to hi!3 Allah will !ake the! inti!ate with each other after having been hostile (hostility of troubles) 0ust as "e !ade the! inti!ate towards each other though after hoslility of blas$he!y. 1n section three3 cha$ter nine of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Atha as such> 1 asked 1!a! Muha!!ad +a-ir> %hen Mahdi e!erges what will be his ways? "e re$lied> "e will destroy the heresys which had been laid down before hi! 0ust as the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) too had done the sa!e. Mahdi will set forth 1sla! in a new and fresh !anner. 1n the sa!e section and the sa!e cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! Ali,ibn, Abi Talib as such> There is no heresy but that Mahdi will eradicate it and there is no 'Sunnah ($ractice) too but that Mahdi will establish it... 1n the third cha$ter of the afore,!entioned book3 he narrates fro! Abu +akr +aiha-i (fro! the book :+esath,wa, 5ushur;)3 Ah!ad,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book 'Mustadrik) and Abu 5aee! (fro! the book :Sefat,ul,Mahdi;) who all narrate fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> 1 give you glad,tidings about Mahdi. "e will e!erge a!ongst !y nation at the ti!e when they will be in discord and war with each other. Then3 "a/rat will fill the earth with e-uity and 0ustice 0ust as it was fraught with tyranny and o$$ression... Mahdi will fill the hearts of Muha!!ads nation with riches and !ake the! free fro!

want. "is 0ustice would e!brace all of the!... 1n the seventh cha$ter of the afore,!entioned book3 he narrates fro! A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali (A.S.) as such> Mahdi will des$atch his chiefs to various cities for establishing 0ustice a!ongst the $eo$le. The wolves and shee$s shall gra/e together. The children will $lay with the snakes and scor$ions without being har!ed the least. 4vil will vanish and goodness will re!ain. #eo$le will cultivate about NHG gra!!e and will receive in return about HDH kilogra!s 0ust as the sa!e has been !entioned in the "oly *uran. Adultery3 wine , drinking and usury will be u$rooted. #eo$le will have a relish for worshi$3 divine laws and faith and a desire for !i7ing in the society. Bife of !an will lengthen3 $ro$erties held in trust would be returned back3 trees will bear fruits3 blessings will double3 the wicked will be destroyed3 the virtuous ones will re!ain and those having grudge against the Ahl,e,+ayt will cease to e7ist. 1n the third cha$ter of the afore,said book3 the author narrates fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad (fro! the book : atan;) who in turn narrates fro! 8afar,ibn,+ashar Sha!i that (during Mahdis era) in0ustice would be rebuffed to such e7tent that if so!ething belonging to so!eone is hidden under a $ersons tooth he would re!ove it and give it back to its owners. 3i'tories and De$elo +ents under Mahdi1s ,ule The author of :4-dud,&urar; (cha$ter three) narrates fro! Abul,"assan Maleki who narrates fro! '"u/aifa,ibn,<a!an that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> , 1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of this world3 Allah will raise a !an fro! !y $rogeny whose na!e will be the sa!e as !y na!e and his character will be the sa!e as !y

character Allah will revive the religion through hi! and will establish victories for hi!. 47ce$t for those who say> There is no good but Allah (=) none else would re!ain over the earthT 1n the first cha$ter of the afore,said book3 its author narrates fro! Abu Abdullah,ibn,8au/i (fro! his 'Tarikh) who narrates fro! Abdullah,ibn,Abbass that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> our $ersons ruled over the entire land , two of the! fro! the believers and two fro! the un, believers. The two believers were 6ul,*arnain and "a/rat Sulai!an (A.S.) and the two disbelievers were +akht,un,5asr and 5i!rod. Soon3 a !an fro! !y $rogeny will beco!e the owner of the entire land. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; (on $age @HG) says> 1t has co!e down in traditions that Mahdi %ill beco!e the owner of the 4ast and the %est. The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IIN) fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; which narrates fro! Saeed,ibn,8ubair who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> There will be twelve 2ali$hs and successors after !e who will be the #roofs of Allah u$on "is creatures. The first of the! is Ali and the last of the! is !y son3 Mahdi. Then 1sa,ibn,Marya! will descend and will $ray behind Mahdi. The earth will illu!inate by !eans of the &ivine Bight and Mahdis rule will e7tend fro! 4ast to %est. 9n the sa!e $age of the sa!e book3 he narrates fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; which narrates fro! Abu, 1!a!ah +aheli that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> Mahdi will e7tract the treasures and will con-uer the cities of the $olytheists and infidels.

The author of :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; narrates (on $age IKN) fro! the book : araed,us,Se!tain; which narrates fro! Saeed,ibn,8ubair who narrates fro! 1bn,Abbass that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) said> 1f not !ore than a day re!ains fro! the life of this world3 Allah will $rolong that day until Mahdi who is fro! !y offs$ring will e!erge... The earth will illu!inate by !eans of the &ivine Bight and Mahdis rule will s$read over the 4ast and %est. The 5eriod o- Mahdi1s Cali hate and ,ule &iverse traditions e7ists on the $eriod of Mahdis 2ali$hate and rule and the e7tent of "a/rats life es$ecially those traditions which have ca!e down fro! our Sunni brethrens. Abu &awoud has narrated that Mahdi shall rule for a $eriod of seven years. Tir!idhi has narrated that Mahdi shall rule for a $eriod of five3 seven or nine years. 1bn,Maa0a too has narrated the sa!e. "aki! has narrated in ' saaf,ur, .aghebeen that Mahdi shall rule for seven or nine years. "owever 1bn,"a0ar has !entioned only seven years (and not nine) for Mahdis rule. 1t has been narrated fro! Tabarani and +a//a/ that Mahdi shall live for seven3 eight or !a7i!u! nine years. 1t is narrated fro! Maawardi and Ah!ad that "a/rat shall live for five3 seven3 eight or nine years and after hi! there will be no goodness left. So!e of the traditions !ention Mahdis rule to e7tend for twenty years 0ust as the author of :4-dud,&urar; has narrated the sa!e fro! Abu 5aee! and Tabarani. Moreover the author of :4-dud,&urar; has narrated fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad that Mahdi would survive for forty years. "owever3 traditions3 which !ention Mahdis life to last for seven years are !ore. So!e traditions !ention that Mahdi

shall rule for seven years where each year would be e-ual to twenty years of our reckoning. That is to say3 in each year3 Mahdi will conduct the refor!atory tasks and 1sla!ic teachings for a $eriod of twenty years. So!e traditions !ention that he would rule for ten years. The sayings of '(le!as (learned scholars) in this regard are diverse. So!e have said> &oubt have arisen fro! the narrator and the $roof of this view is the state!ent of Tir!idhi who says> :1t is due to the narrators doubt.; The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; ($age @HH) says> Most of the traditions !ention Mahdis rule to last for seven years and with regards to seven to nine years it is doubtful. 9ne tradition !entions "a/rats rule to last for si7 years. 1bn,"a0ar says> The !atter on which traditions are in agree!ent with each other is this that Mahdi will undoubtedly rule for seven years. "e has also narrated fro! Abul,"assan Abari that abundant and authentic traditions indicate that Mahdi will rule for seven years. Author says> Abul,"assan Abaris saying is !ore clear and well,known. 1n this saying3 there e7ists a great virtue for Mahdi and it is this that within this short $eriod3 he will rise for the religions and worldly refor!s 0ust as his great grandfather3 the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) revolted within a $eriod of eight years i.e. in the second year of "urat. The author of :4saaf,ur,.aghebeen; ($age @HJ) says> , 9ne tradition !entions the $eriod of Mahdis rule to be !ore than what was !entioned. Another tradition states that Mahdi would rule for forty years. Another tradition !entions twenty,one years and yet another tradition !entions fourteen years. 1bn,"a0ar 1s-alani in 'Ala!aat Mahdi Munta/ar says> Traditions !entioning the seven,year $eriod of Mahdis rule

are !ore in nu!ber and !ore fa!ous. Assu!ing the correctness of all the traditions3 we can conclude fro! all of the! as such> Traditions3 which !ention forty years refer to the $eriod of his rule. Traditions3 which !ention seven3 eight or nine years refers to the last degree of !anifestation of his rule and $ower. Moreover3 traditions3 which !ention twenty or fourteen years refer to the average li!it of the rule. Author says> The reason for the differences in traditions in this regard !ay be that the reality of this !atter and the duration for which Mahdi will rule should not be known 0ust as the ti!e of his e!ergence is concealed and unknown) in order that ones attention is drawn towards all sides and he longs for Mahdis victory and long stay till the !a7i!u! $eriod of ti!e even though the saying of seven,year $eriod is $referable. Con'lusion The nu+ber and 5la'e o- Mahdi1s Hel ers Asbagh,ibn,5ubatah says> A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen Ali (A.S.) recited a ser!on and !entioned therein so!ething about the e!ergence of Mahdi and his hel$ers. Abu )halid "alabi or )abuli said> :9 Ali3 infor! us so!ething about his -ualities.; "e re$lied> ro! the view$oint of character and creation3 he rese!bles the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) the !ost. Should 1 infor! you about his hel$ers? They said> :<es3 9 A!irul, Mu!ineen.; "e re$lied> 1 heard the Messenger of Allah (S.A.%.A.) saying> The first of the! would be fro! +asra and the last of the! fro! <a!a!ah. Thereafter "a/rat began to count Mahdis co!$anions. #eo$le were crying and Ali (A.S.) was saying>

Two $ersons fro! +asra3 one $erson fro! Ahwa/3 one $erson fro! Mina3 one $erson fro! Shushtar3 one $erson fro! &ura-3 four $ersons na!ely Ali3 Ah!ad3 Abdullah and 8afar fro! +aastan3 two $ersons by the na!es of Muha!!ad and "assan fro! A!!an3 two $ersons , Shaddad and Shadid fro! Siraf3 three $ersons , "afas3 <a-ub and Ah fro! Shira/3 four $ersons Musa3 Ali3 Abdullah and Ghalafan fro! 4sfahan3 one $erson by the na!e of <ahya fro! Abdah3 one $erson by the na!e of &awoud fro! Mara0 or Ara03 one $erson by the na!e of Abdullah fro! )ara03 one $erson by the na!e of *adee! fro! +uru0erd3 one $erson by the na!e of Abdur,.a//ak fro! 5ahawand3 two $ersons , Abdullah and Abdus,Sa!ad fro! &ainul3 three $ersons , 8afar3 1shaaand Musa fro! "a!adan3 two $ersons , whose na!es are si!ilar to the na!es of "oly #ro$hetQs Ahl,e,bayt , fro! *u!3 one $erson by the na!e of &arid and five others whose na!es are si!ilar to the na!es of 'Ashab,e,)ahf fro! )hurasan3 one $erson fro! Aa!ol3 one $erson fro! 8oi0an3 one $erson fro! "erat3 one $erson fro! +alkh3 one $erson fro! *arah3 one $erson fro! Aane3 one $erson fro! &a!ghan3 one $erson fro! Sarkhas3 three $ersons fro! Saiyar3 one $erson fro! Sayah3 one $erson fro! Sa!arkand3 twenty,four $ersons fro! Thale-an , They are the sa!e ones about who! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> 1n )hurasan3 treasures can be found which are not gold or silver. +ut they are !en who! Allah and "is #ro$het will gather together , two $ersons fro! *a/vin3 one $erson fro! ars3 one $erson fro! Abhar3 one $erson fro! +ir0an3 one $erson fro! Shakh3 one $erson fro! Sareeh3 one $erson fro! Ardabil3 one $erson fro! Morad3 one $erson fro! Tada!!or3 one $erson fro! Ar!ani3 three $ersons fro! Maragha3 one $erson fro! )huee3 one $erson fro! Sal!as3 one $erson fro! +adices3

one $erson fro! 5asur3 one $erson fro! +arkari3 one $erson fro! Sarkhis3 one $erson fro! Munai0erd3 one $erson fro! *ali-ala3 three $ersons fro! %aseth3 ten $ersons fro! +aghdad3 four $ersons fro! )ufa3 one $erson fro! *adasieh3 one $erson fro! Surah3 one $erson fro! Serat3 one $erson fro! 5ael3 one $erson fro! Saidah3 one $erson fro! 8ui0an3 one $erson fro! *usur3 one $erson fro! Anbaar3 one $erson fro! Akbarah3 one $erson fro! "ananeh3 one $erson fro! Tabuk3 one $erson fro! 8aa!edah3 three $ersons fro! Abadan3 si7 $ersons fro! "adisah Musel3 one $erson fro! Mosul3 one $erson fro! Ma-lasaya3 one $erson fro! 5aseebeen3 one $erson fro! Arwan3 one $erson fro! ara-een3 one $erson fro! Aa!ed3 one $erson fro! .as,ul, Ain3 one $erson fro! .e--ah3 one $erson fro! "aran3 one $erson fro! +ales3 one $erson fro! *abeeh3 one $erson fro! Tartus3 one $erson fro! *asr3 one $erson fro! Adneh3 one $erson fro! "a!ari3 one $erson fro! Arar3 one $erson fro! *ures3 one $erson fro! Anthakia3 three $ersons fro! "alab3 two $ersons fro! "a!as3 four $ersons fro! &a!ascus3 one $erson fro! Syria3 one $erson fro! *aswan3 one $erson fro! *ai!ut3 one $erson fro! Sur3 one $erson fro! )ara03 one $erson fro! A/rah3 one $erson fro! Aa!er3 one $erson fro! &akar3 two $ersons fro! +aitul,Mu-addas3 one $erson fro! .a!alich3 one $erson fro! +ales3 two $ersons fro! Acca3 one $erson fro! Arafat3 one $erson fro! As-alan3 one $erson fro! Ga/ah3 four$ersons fro! asath3 one $erson fro! *ara!is3 one $erson fro! &a!yath3 one $erson fro! Mahaleh3 one $erson fro! Askanderiyeh3 one $erson fro! +ar-ah3 one $erson fro! Tan0ah3 one $erson fro! Mran0ah3 one $erson fro! *irwan3 five $ersons fro! Sus A-sa3 two $ersons fro! *irus3 three $ersons fro! 8a!i!3 one $erson fro! *us3 one $erson fro! Aden3 one $erson fro! Alali3 ten

$ersons fro! Medina3 four $ersons fro! Mecca3 one $erson fro! Taif3 one $erson fro! &air3 one $erson fro! Shirwan3 one $erson fro! 6ubaid3 ten $ersons fro! Saru3 one $erson fro! Ahsah3 one $erson fro! *ateef3 one $erson fro! "a0ar and one $erson fro! <a!a!eh. Ali (A.S.) said> The "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) counted the! to !e until they beca!e E@E in nu!ber3 the sa!e as the co!$anions of '+adr. Allah will gather the! fro! the 4ast and %est and $lace the! near the "oly )aaba by the wink of an eye. %hen the $eo$le of Mecca will witness this3 they will say> 'Sufyani has gathered us around hi!selfQ. After co!ing in contact with the $eo$le of Mecca they will see a grou$ gathered around the ')aaba and the darkness and gloo! will have de$arted fro! the! and the dawn of ho$e ascended and they will tell each other> Salvation ($erha$s !eaning to say that we have found salvation). The noble $eo$le will watch and their rulers we go in dee$ thought. A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen (A.S.) said> As if 1 a! seeing the! , their a$$earance3 height3 $hysi-ue3 face3 beauty and clothes are all one and the sa!e. As though they are in search of so!ething which they have lost and are now thoughtful and $er$le7ed over this !atter until a $erson who rese!bles the #ro$het the !ost in creation and a$$ears before the! fro! behind the curtain of the )aaba. They will ask hi!> :Are you the Mahdi?; "e will re$ly> <es3 1 a! the #ro!ised Mahdi. Thereafter "a/rat will address the! as such> Swear allegiance to !e with regards to forty -ualities and enter into a covenant with !e with regards to ten -ualities. Annaf said> :9 Ali what are those -ualities? "e re$lied> They will swear allegiance that they will not steal3 co!!it

adultery3 kill so!eone in0ustly3 defa!e the honor of a res$ectable $erson3 abuse a Musli!3 swar! a house3 !ount on a thin and weak ani!al3 decorate the!selves falsely (wear gold)3 wear fur3 wear silk3 wear clogs obstruct the $ath for anyone3 co!!it in0ustice to the or$hans3 $lay trick and deceit anyone3 eat the wealth of the or$hans3 indulge in ho!ose7uality3 drink wine3 co!!it treason in trust3 breach the $ro!ises3 hoard wheat and barley3 kill so!eone who seeks refuge in hi!3 $ursue the defeated one3 shed blood in0ustly and e!bark on killing the in0ured one. Moreover one should wear coarse gar!ents3 consider the ground as ones $illow3 eat bread !ade out of barley3 be satisfied with whatever !eagre he receives3 $artici$ate in '8ihad (holy war) the way it should be done3 s!ell !usk and other good fragrances3 avoid i!$urityT; Se'ond Con'lusion ,e-eren'es A!ongst the !atters which is good and rather necessary to !ention is the na!es of books and authors , the sources fro! which we have narrated the traditions in the book of 'Al,Mahdi. This is so that the rights of those authors are duly $aid and rather3 the res$ected readers gain self, satisfaction. The following are the references of the book :AB, MA"&1;> @. The book :4saaf,ar,.aghebeen; is about the virtues of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) and his Ahl,e,bayt (A.S.). 1ts written by Shaikh Muha!!ad Saban who died in the year @DGJ. D. The book :8aa!e,ul,Balif; is about the e7ellence of Mecca and the construction of the "oly Mos-ue. 1ts author is

Alla!a Shaikh 8a!aluddin Muha!!ad 8arrullah,ibn, Muha!!ad,ibn,5uruddin,ibn,Abu +akr,ibn,Ali 6ahiray *urshi Makh/u!i. This book was written in the year CHG "i0ri and was $rinted in the year @DNJ in the $rinting,house of &ar 4hya,ul, )itabul,Arabiya. E. 2o!!entary on 5ah0ul,+alagha , written by a leading $ersonality in literacy and history by the na!e of Shaikh 4//uddin Abu "a!ed Abdul "a!id,ibn,"ebtullah MadaQeni fa!ous as 1bne,Abil "a did who died in the year JHH "i0ri. This book has been $rinted in four volu!es in &arul,)itab al,Arabiya in 4gy$t. I. Sahih +ukhari , written by a leading traditionist Abu Abdullah Muha!a!d,ibn,1s!aeel, ibn,1brahi!, ibn ,Mughaira who died in the year DHJ "i0ri. This books has been $rinted in the year @E@D in the $ublishing,house of Mai!aniya in 4gy$t. H. Sahih Sunan Mustafa , written by a leading traditionist Abu &awoud Sulai!an,ibn,Ashar Sa0estani who died in the year EHN. J. Sahih Tir!idhi , written by Abu 1sa Muha!!ad,ibn, Surah who died in the year DNK. This book was $rinted in the year @E@G at Buck now in 1ndia. N. Sawae- Muharre-a , written by Shaikh Shahabuddin Ah!ad,ibn,"a0ar "aisa!i against the $eo$le of innovation and heresy. "e died in the year CNI in Mecca. This book was $rinted in 4gy$t in the year @CEE. K. 4-dud,&urar , written about the Awaited 1!a! by the great scholar Abu +adr Shaikh 8a!aluddin <usuf,ibn,<ahya, ibn,Ali,ibn,Abdul A/i/,ibn,Ali Mu-addasi3 Shafaee3 Sel!i3 &a!ash-i who finished writing this book in the year JHK A.". This book is the best and the !ost co!$rehensive book written by one Sunni brethren in this regard. 1 have not co!e

across the $rinted scri$t of this book and $erha$s it !ay not have been $rinted at all. Verily3 two co$ies of the said book is $resent in the library of "a/rat Ali,ibn,Musa ar,.idha (A.S.) where one of the! had been written in the year CHE A.". Another co$y of this book is $resent in the library of the leader of all leaders in traditions i.e. Mir/a Muha!!ad "ussein 5ouri Tabarsi (died in @EDG) 0ust as the sa!e can be known fro! his book ')ashful,Astar. Another co$y too can be found in the library of our leader Sayyed Shahabuddin Marashi 5a0afi 0ust as he hi!self told !e about the sa!e. <et another co$y is $resent in the library of our !aster Abul,Mu0ed Muha!!ad .idha 4sfahani. This is the sa!e co$y on which we have relied and narrated fro! but was not devoid of any errors. 1n the book &urrarul Musawwiyah3 9ust as we $ointed in the $reface of this book) he ascribes the book '4-dud,&urar to Ali,ibn,Shahab "a!adani. "owever this is a$$arently a !istake because 1 have never co!e across anyone ascribing this book to the afore,said sayyed. Verily3 the book 'Muwwadah al,*urba belongs to the afore,!entioned Sayyed. ro! the last $ortion of the book '<anabi,ul,Muwadda and the book 'Ghayat,ul,Mara! it a$$ears that Abu Abdullah Gan0i in his book 'Al,+ayan, i Akhbar Saheb,u/, 6a!an and the book ')efayat,Talib, i, a/ael Ali,ibn,Abi Talib narrates so!e of his collections fro! the book '4-dud, &urar. C. The book ' otouhat,1sla!iyah after ' otouhat, 5abawiyah , written by the scholar Sayed Ah!ad 6aini &ehlan a 'Mu0tahid (e7$ert in 1sla!ic 0uris$rudence) of Mecca who died in the year @EGI. This book has been

$ublished in two $arts in the $ublishing house of Musta$ha Muha!!ad in 4gy$t. @G. The book ' otouhat,Makkiyah written by the !ystic scholar and researcher Shaikh Abu Abdullah Mohyid din Muha!!ad,ibn ,Ali fa!ous as 1bn,Arabi "ate!i Thaee. Truly3 this book is a useful book in its own field and 1 dont i!agine there e7ists another of its kind. This book has been $rinted in 4gy$t in &arrul,)itab al,Arabia al,)ubra $ublishing,house. @@. The book :)ashf,u/,6unoon,an,Asa!i al,)utub wal, unoon;. As it can be 0udged fro! its na!e3 this book is !a0estic in its own field. 1t has been written by the scholar Mulla )ateb 2halabi who died in the year @GJN. This book was $rinted in &arrul,Saadeh in two volu!e. @D. The book :Mafatih,ul,Ghaib; which is a fa!ous e7egesis written by the research scholar Muha!!ad akhruddin .a/i who died in the year JGJ A.". This book was $rinted in eight volu!es in the $ublishing,house of 'Aa!era in the year @EGK A.". The e7egesis of Abu Saud too has been $rinted in the !argin of this e7egesis. @E. Mufradat al,*uran , written by the research scholar Abul,*asi! "ussein,ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn,Mufa//al fa!ous as .agheb 4sfahani who died in the year HGD A.". This book has been $rinted in the !argin of '5ihaya of 1bn,Athir in 4gy$t. @I. The book :5ur,ul,Absar; written about the virtues of Ahl,e,bayt of the "oly #ro$het. 1t has been written by the scholar Sayyed Mu!in 1bn,"assan Shablan0i who died in the year @DGK A.". This book was $rinted in the year @EGI A.". in 4gy$t in the (th!ani $rinting,house. @H. The book :5ihaya; which is on the sub0ect of e7$lanation of words used in traditions and *uran and is

written by the research scholar and le7icogra$hist Abus, Saadat Mubarak,ibn,Muha!!ad,ibn,Muha!!ad 8au/i well, known as 1bn,Athir who died in the year JGJ A". This book has been $rinted in four volu!es in the $ublishing,house of ')hairiyah in 4gy$t. @J. 5ah0ul,+alagha , co!$iled by Alla!a Sharif .a/i ,Muha!!ad,ibn,Abu Ah!ad Musawi who was the chief of seekers of knowledge in +aghdad. 1n this book3 he has collected the ser!ons3 letters and a$horis!s of A!ir,ul, Mu!ineen Ali,ibn,Abi Talib (A.S.). This book has been $rinted into three $arts in one volu!e in the $rinting,house of '4ste-a!ah in 4gy$t. Shaikh Muha!!ad Abdoh who was the 'Mofti ($assing 0udicial decrees) of 4gy$t3 Shaikh Mohyiddin and Muha!!ad Abdul "a!id who was the $rofessor of Al,A/har have written a co!!entary on this book. @N. The !aga/ine :"udal,1sla!; which is $rinted weekly in 4gy$t under the guidance of Muha!!ad Ah!ad Sairafi and a nu!ber of scholars of 4gy$t have given their share of contribution to this !aga/ine. (ndoubtedly this !aga/ine is a religious !aga/ine and is rare in its own field. 1t was started fro! @EHI A." and is still being $ublished. @K. The book :<anabi,ul,Muwadda, i,Muwaddat 6ul, *arba; , written by the !ystic scholar Shaikh Sulai!an,ibn, )haw0a )alan "usseini +alkhi *undu/i who died in the year @DCI A.". This book was $rinted in the $ublishing,house of 'Akhtar. TH% %(D

@,A !utawatir tradition is a tradition where all cli!es of its narrators ,right fro! the ti!e of the "oly #ro$het until now, are in such great nu!ber that one is bound to acce$t its authenticity. 9n the other hind a 'Mustifi/a tradition is a tradition which even though does not $ossess the level of certainty and authenticity of a 'Mutawatir tradition3 yet it en0oys a high level of credibility. D D,The author of Arf,ul,wardi on #age KH narrates fro! Abul,"asaan Muha!!ad,ibn,"ussein ibn 1brahi! ibn,Aasi! Sahri that he too has acknowledged the authenticity of the traditions about "a/rat Mahdi (A.S.). E E,Suyuti writes> According to +ukhari and Musli! a tradition can be considered to be a true tradition if its trans!ission leads to one of the fa!ous co!$anions where two $eo$le narrate fro! hi!. Thereafter he says> 'This is the first !easure of correctness and such kind of traditions do not e7ceed even one thousand. Al,"aavi,B, atavi #age @@I. I I,Tafseer,e,.uh,ul,Maani vol. DH $g. CH inter$rets the afore,said verse and follows> ,%hat is that ha will descend in &a!ascus when the $eo$le will be busy in their !orning $rayers. Then 1!a! will stand behind and lie is the Mahdi. Thereafter ha will give $riority to hi! and will $ray while standing behind hi!. "e will then say #eo$le have not stood u$ but only for thee. Tafseer,e,Sera0,ul,Munir vol E $g. IJD too has inter$reted the verse in this sa!e !anner but has not s$ecified the na!e of Mahdi. 5ur,ul,Absar too (on #age @IJ) has narrated fro! the book of Gan0i the sa!e as 1bn,"a0ar. H H,"a!uini in : araed,us,Se!tain; cha$ter E@ has !entioned in this regard a tradition narrated by 1bn,Abbass fro! the "oly #ro$het. 5asaye,al,)aafiya3 $g. DI. J J,1n Tafseer .aa/i vol. @ #age @JJ too3 the verse of (=) has been inter$reted in a si!ilar !anner. N N,1t is narrated in Arf,ul,%ardi #age HN fro! the 8afseer (47egesis) of 1bn,8arir fro! Sadi that in inter$reting the verse (=) he says> +y un0ust $eo$le and debarers who disallowed the taking of the na!e of Allah in the !os-ues and the e7erters who strived to ruin the! is !eant the .o!ans. And by decree of the verse3 they are those who would not enter +aitul,Mu--ddas but with fear and an7iety fro! being killed or $aying the '8a/ia (tribute). Thereafter he says, "owever their (=) (des$ise) which is referred to in this verse will be at that ti!e when Mahdi shall rea$$ear and gain victory over 2onstantin$ole. Then they will kill hi! and this very act shall be their des$ise. K K,The sa!e has been narrated in :Arf,ul,wardi; #age HK fro! Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi. C C,Suyuti in Arf,ul,%ardi #age JI and 8aa!e,Sagheer vol. D #age DNN tradition 5o NIC@ too have narrated the sa!e and add that this $erson (i.e. Mahdi) shall beco!e a !aster of the hills of &eyla! and constantino$le. The sa!e can be found in :5ur,ul,Absar; #age @IK. Thereafter he writes> :These are the words of "afi/ Abu 5ae! and he says that the $erson !entioned in the tradition is none other than 'Mahdi.; @G @G,Arf,ul,%ardi #age HC , narrated fro! 1bn,Abu,Shaiba and the afore,said na!es and 8aa!e,Sagheer vol. D #age ENN , Tradition 5o. @IKC. @@ @@,The sa!e has been narrated in Arf,ul,%ardi #age HC. Also on #age JD it is narrated fro! Tabarani and Abu 5aee! 4sfahani and they fro! Abu Saeed )hudri who said> '1 heard the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) saying> :There shall co!e a !an fro! !y $rogeny who will s$eak in accordance with !y 'Sunnab. God shall send rain for hi! and the earth will throw out its bounties. "e will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. Also3 on #age JE it is narrated fro! Ah!ad and Abu 5aee! who narrate fro! Abu Saeed )hudri that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) has said> 'The world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny shall co!e and rule and he will fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. @D @D,Arf,ul,%ardi3 #age JD. @E @E,Arf,ul,%ardi3 #age NI. @I @I,9n #age JH of :Ad,ul,%ardi; it is narrated fro! "aske! who narrates fro! Abu Saeed that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) has said> :A severe cala!ity shall befall !y nation at the end of the A$$ointed Ti!e3 by the hands of the rulers of their ti!e such that life shall beco!e difficult for the!. Then God Al!ighty shall !anifest a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. @H @H,1bn,Abi Shaiba3 5aee!,ibn,"e!aad3 1bn,Maa0a,and Abu 5aee! have narrated fro! 1bn,Masood who said> , 1 was in the $resence of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) Suddenly a grou$ of youngsters fro! +ani,"uhi! a$$eared before us. %hen the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) saw the! his eyes beca!e full of tears and the colour of his face changed. 1 said> '9 #ro$het3 1 see that you are sad. "e re$lied> %e are a fa!ily which God $referred for us the ne7t world over this world. After !e3 !y Ahl,e,bait shall he sub0ected to $ersecution by the $eo$le until a grou$ fro! the 4ast will a$$ear with black flags. Then3 they shall wish to reign but others will stand in their way. Bater3 they will fight and win and will receive what they desired. +ut they will refuse to acce$t and entrust it to a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression. So any one who $erceives the situation of that ti!e will 0oin the! over though he !ay haul hi!self over ice. @J @J,1n Arf,ul,%ardi (#age KE) a narration has co!e fro! awaed,ul,Akhbar ,Abe +akr 4saaf that the "oly #ro$het has said> , :The one who reckons &a00al to be false has surely beco!e a disbeliever and the one who thinks Mahdi to be false has surely beco!e a disbeliever. @N @N,The author of :Arf,ul,wardi; on #age NE has also narrated al!ost the sa!e contents. @K @K,1bn,Abil,"adeed in the first volu!e on #age CE writes> (And "a/rat at the end of his Ser!on says> , :1t shall end in (s3

not you $eo$le; reference is !ade to Mahdi3 the Awaited one who shall a$$ear at the end of ti!e and !ost of the scholars of hadith are of the o$inion that he is fro! the offs$ring of ate!ah (AS.). Muta/ilites do not deny his e7istence. They have !entioned hi! in their books and their Sheikhs too have acknowledged hi!. Then3 after a few !ore words he says , 9a/i,ul,*a/aat (Su$re!e 8udge) narrates fro! )afi,ul,)ataat Abil *assi! 1s!aeel,ibn,4baad whose reference is connected to Ali3 that "a/rat hi!self said> "e is fro! the offs$ring of "ussein. "e shall $ossess a broad forehead3 a $rotracted nose3 a broad sto!ach and broad thighs. "is front teeth will be se$arated fro! each other and on his right cheek will a$$ear a s$ot. 1bn,Abil "adeed continues> This tradition has also been narrated by Abdulla,ibn *atiba in his book 'Al, G"A.1+. @C @C,:5ehaya; Vol.I #age EHC. Also :Ta0,al Arous; vol. @G #age IGK and :Besan,ul,Arab; Vol. DG #age DDC have narrated the sa!e. Abu (!raani has narrated in his Sunan fro! 1bn Shudab as such> , The reason that he has been na!ed as 'Mahdi is that he is being guided. "e shall bring out the $ages of 'Torah fro! the hills of Syria and by !eans of that he shall argue with the 8ews. Then a few a!ongst the! will beco!e Musli!s. :Arf,ul,%ardi; #age K@. DG DG,A si!ilar tradition to this effect has co!e in :Arf,ul,wardi; $age 65 narrated fro! 1bn,Sireen. D@ D@,The author of Arf,ul,%ardi too has narrated the views of *urtabi on $age KJ of his afore,said book Thereafter he has !entioned the identical view> of 1bn,)athu in e7$lanation of the afore,!entioned tradition. "e then writes as such> *urtabi says , The chain of trans!itters of this tradition is weak and the traditions which have co!e fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) about Mahdi and (the fact) that he is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het and ate!ah are !ore fir! and sound than this tradition Thus one has to 0udge in accordance with the! and not others. "e further writes> Abul "assan Muha!!ad ibn "ussein ibn,1brahi!,ibn Aasi! Sehri says , %ith res$ect to the overwhel!ing nu!ber of trans!itters with regard to the tradition of the "oly #ro$het we have to ad!it that it is on a wide scale. The tradition is as follows> , :Mahdi shall co!e and he is fro! !y $rogeny T "e is so!eone other than 1sa,ibn,Marya!. .ather 1sa will $ray along with hi! and assist hi! in the killing of &a00al.; DD DD,: or the one who @E a neighbor to the !os-ue there is &o Salat e7ce$t in the !os-ue.; 1ts esoteric inter$retation will be as such> 1f a $erson does not $erfor! his Salat in !os-ue his Salat will not be a $erfect one and not that there is no Salat for hi! at all. DE DE,A tradition si!ilar to this has been narrated in Arf,ul,%ardi on $age NK but in this version , 9!ar entered the #ublic Treasury and said> 1 swear by God that 1 do not know whether 1 should leave aside the $ublic treasury and all the ar!s and wealth that 1t contains or that 1 should distribute the! 1n the way of God.... And on $age NE it is !entioned that Ali said> , Mahdi is fro! !e3 fro! the *uraish. DI DI,1n )an/ul,(!!al vol. N3 #age @KJ and Arf,ul,%ardi #age HK the sa!e has been narrated fro! Ah!ad3 Maawardi and Abu 5aee!. Also3 Suyuti in Arf,ul,wardi #age NC writes> :)aab says , Mahdi is not but fro! the tribe of *uraish and cali$hate is not but in the!.; DH DH,%e were the residents of Mecca fro! *uraish and it was due to us that the tribe of 9uraish was called by this na!e. DJ DJ,'9 the s$eaker who investigates us in front of A!rF 1s there for us any to affair be faithful u$on? DN DN,<our father (=) na!ed as (=)3 (gathering) because God gathered the tribe of ' ehr through hi!. DK DK,The author of )an/,ul,(!!al (vol. N3 $g. @KJ) and Arf,ul,%ardi ($age JJ) a$art fro! !entioning two other traditions fro! .uyani and Abu 5aee! have !entioned the afore,said tradition fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad and 1bn,Asaker. DC DC,Arf,ul,wardi $age J@ , narrated fro! Tabarani3 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad and Abu 5aee!. EG EG,'Tasgheer (=) in dictionary !eans 'to reduce the !eaning of the word by adding the signs of 'Tasgheer. E@ E@,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N3 #age @KJF 8aa!e,Sgheer vol. D3 #age HNCF Tradition 5o. CDI@. ED ED,The author of )an/ul,(!!al (vol. DF #g. @KK) narrates a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het where in the end3 "a/rat ... until Mahdi a$$ears fro! !y $rogeny. "e also writes that the "oly #ro$het said> :The hour shall not be established until the earth is filled with cruelty and o$ o$$ression. Then3 Mahdi shall e!erge fro! !y $rogeny and he shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression. EE EE,The author of :Arf,ul,%ardi; on $age NI narrates fro! Ali who in turn narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as saying> , :Mahdi is fro! !y $rogeny. "e shall fight for !y Sunnah 0ust as 1 fought in the $ath of revelation.; EI EI,The sa!e has co!e in :)an/ul,(!!al; vol. N3 $g. @KN and :8aa!e,Sagheer; vol. D3 $g. ENN tradition 5o. NIKC. The afore,said hooks also !ention that the tradition is an acce$table one. EH EH,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N $g. @KJ narrated fro! 1bn,Masood. EJ EJ,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N $g. @KJ. EN EN,Arf,ul,%ardi $g. JI. EK EK,Arf,ul,%ardi $g. JE , 5arrated fro! Ah!ad and Abu 5aee! who in turn have narrated fro! Abu Saeed. )an/ul, (!!al $age @KJ. EC EC,The sa!e has co!e in Arf,ul,%ardi $g. HK , narrated fro! Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud and Tir!idhi who in turn have narrated fro! 1bn Masoud3 who has been narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het. Tir!idhi reckons this tradition to be good and authentic. IG IG,Arf,ul,%ardi3 $g. HC , 5arrated fro! Ah!ad3 Abu &awoud and 1bn,Abu Shuiba. I@ I@,A$art fro! what has been written3 Suyuti on $age HK of Arf,ul,%ardi has narrated two traditions fro! Ali (A.S.) and

Abu SaeedF on $age HC he has narrated two traditions fro! 1bn,MasoudF on $age JD he has narrated two traditions fro! Abu Saeed )hudri and Abu "urairaF on $age JE he has narrated two traditions fro! Abu Saeed and 1bn,Masoud and on $age JI he has narrated one tradition fro! "u/aifa where the "oly #ro$het (SA%A) has said> , :Mahdi is a !an fro! !y fa!ily and his na!e is the sa!e as !ine. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice and e-uity 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.; ID ID,The sa!e has co!e in :Arf,ul,wardi; ($age HI) narrated fro! Abu &awoud and 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad. IE IE,The author of 'Arf,ul,%ardi 9n $age JD writes> :Tabarani in 'Ausath narrates fro! 1bn,9!ar that the "oly #ro$het caught hold of Alis hand and said> soon a youth shall e!erge fro! the rear of this !an. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice and e-uity. %hen you shall witness this3 it is u$on you to su$$ort the Ta!i!i youth. Verily3 he shall co!e fro! the 4ast and he will be the standard,bearer of Mahdi. II II,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N $g. @KJF Arf,ul,%ardi #age HK 5arrated fro! Abu &awoud3 1bn Maa0a3 Tabarani and "ake!. IH IH,The author of Arf,ul,%ardi on $age JJ narrates fro! Abu 5aee! who narrates fro! "ussein who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :9 ate!ah3 Mahdi is fro! your children.; The author of 'Ma-atel at,Thalabin (vol. @3 $g. @IE) has narrated the sa!e fro! 6uhri who has narrated fro! Ali,ibn,"ussein who has narrated fro! his father who in turn has narrated fro! ate!ah. Moreover3 Suyuti in arf,ul,%ardi has narrated fro! 1bn,Asaker who has narrated fro! "ussein who in turn has narrated fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> :Glad,tiding be to you '9 ate!ah. Mahdi is fro! you.; Also3 on $age N@ he reluctantly writesF 6uhri says , Mahdi fro! the sons of ate!ah shall e!erge fro! Mecca. Then he shall be given allegiance. 9n $age NI3 he writes> *atada says , 1 asked Saeed,ibn,Maseeb whether Mahdi was on truth and he re$lied in the affir!ative. 1 asked> :%ho shall he be fro!? "e re$lied> Q ro! the children of ate!ah.; 9n $age NK3 he writes> 1t has co!e fro! 6ubri that Mahdi is fro! the children of ate!ah. 9n the sa!e $age3 he writes that it has co!e fro! Ali who said> Mahdi is fro! our fa!ily3 fro! the children of ate!ah. The author of Seerah,"alabi in vol. @ $g. @KH writes> As $er research3 it has co!e in traditions that Mahdi is fro! the $rogeny of the "oly #ro$het and fro! the children of ate!ah. IJ IJ,The author of Arf,%ardi too has narrated the sa!e on $age JJ fro! Abu 5aee! and Tabarani. IN IN,The author of <anabi,ul,Muwadda on $age END narrates fro! Ali who narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> 'The world shall not cease to e7ist until a $erson fro! the $rogeny of "ussein shall e!erge in !y '(!!ah. "e shall fill the earth with 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with o$$ression. IK IK,That is to say the e!ergence of 1!a! and his leadershi$ is a certainty. "e shall rise in the na!e of Allah and will be a blessing. "e shall se$arate the truth fro! falsehood and reco!$ense as $er good and evil actions. IC IC,Al,4ttehaf3 Shabrawi $age @JH. HG HG,A$art fro! those which the author his !entioned3 the below,!entioned $ersonalities too hive reckoned "a/rat Mahdi (A.S.) to be the son of "a/rat 1!a! "assan Askari (A.S.). 1bn,)hallakan in %afyat,ul,Ayan vol. @F $g. IH@F Muha!!ad A!in S in Sabeek,u/,6ahabF $g. NKF Shabrawi in Al, 4ttehef3 $g @NCF Muha!!ad,ibn,S in .au/at,ul,Muna/era (in the !argin of Muru0,u/,6ahab) vol.@ $g. DCIF Ah!ad,ibn, <usuf *ar!ani in Ahkbar,ad,&uwal $g. @@NF Muha!!ad,ibn,)hawand Shah 1n .au/at,ul,Sefa vol. EF $g. @KF 1s!eel Abil, in Al,Mukhtasar Tarikh vol. DF $g. IHF Abul, allah "anbali in Sha/rat A/,6ahab vol. D $g. @I@ and @HGF Shablan0i 5urul,Absar #g. @IJ and 1bn %ardi in his Tarikh. H@ H@,)an/ul , (!!al vol.N #g. @KJF Arful,wardi #age HK , narrated fro! Abu 5aee!F 8aa!e,Sagheer vol.D3 tradition 5o.CDII and adds that the "oly #ro$het said> :"is face is like a twinkling star and in tradition 5o.CDIH the "oly; #ro$het says> :Mahdi is fro! !e. "is face is like a twinkling star.; After !entioning these two traditions3 Suyuti confir!s their authenticity. HD HD,Arful,%ardi $age JJ , narrating fro! .auyani and Abu 5aee! adds that the "oly #ro$het said> :9n his right cheek is a s$ot.; HE HE,2o!!entary of 5ah0ul,+alagha 1bn , Abil "adeed Vol. @3 #g. CE narrating fro! '*a/i,ul,*u/aat and 1bn,*utaiba. HI HI,Author of Arful,%ardi on $age JE narrates fro! Abu 5aee! a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A%.A.) who said> Allah shall a$$oint fro! !y $rogeny a $erson who shall have ga$ing teeth3 s$arkling forehead.... Also3 in Arful,%ardi $age JE and )an/ul,(!!al3 vol. N $g. @KN it is narrated fro! Abu 5aee! that the "oly #ro$het3 in se-uel of a tradition about Mahdi said> '"e is fro! !y offs$ring. "e is a youth of forty with a face si!ilar to the lu!inous !oon. 9n his right cheek is a black s$ot and on hi! are two *athwani cloaks. "e shall look as if he is so!eone fro! the +ani,1srael. Author of )an/ul,(!!al in vol. N3 #age @KK narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> 'The hour shall not be established until a $erson fro! !y household beco!es the !aster of the earth. "is forehead will be s$arkling and his nose a $rotracted one. 1n Seera "alabi vol. @ $g. lKJ we read as such> Mahdis face is like the lu!inous star and on his right cheek is one s$ot. 1n Sabaek,u/,6ahab cha$ter J3 $g. NK it is written that Mahdi $ossesses a tall figure with good a$$earance and hair3 $rotracted nose and handso!e face. HH HH,The author of :Arful,%ardi; too has narrated on $age JH the sa!e tradition of the "oly #ro$het fro! "ake!.

Moreover3 on $age KD he has brought the sa!e contents in a lengthy tradition narrated fro! &aani fro! Shar,ibn ,"ushab fro! the "oly #ro$het. HJ HJ,Arful,%ardi $age JJ , narrating fro! .auyani and Abu 5aee!. HN HN,The author of Arful,%ardi has narrated (on $age NK) fro! "afe/ Abu 5aee! that Taoos has said> '1f at any ti!e Mahdi shall co!e3 he will donate wealth3 will be fir! with the govern!ent official and will caress the indigent. HK HK,The author of :Arful,%ardi; has narrated the sa!e fro! Ah!ad3 +awardi and Abu 5aee!. The author of :)an/ul,(!!al; too has narrated in vol. N #age @KJ fro! Ah!ad and +awardi. HC HC,The author of :Arful,%ardi; on $age JE narrates fro! Mua0a! of Tabarani and Abu 5aee! that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :There shall e!erge fro! !y $rogeny a $erson whose na!e shall be the sa!e as !ine and his !orals will be the sa!e as !ine. JG JG,Arful,%ardi #age NI, narrating fro! Ali (A.H.) who in turn narrates fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.). J@ JD,The author of Arful,%ardi brings a tradition 9n $age JD fro! Abu 5aee! fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) as such> , 'There shall e!erge a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who will s$eak but !y 'Sunnah. Allah will send rain for hi! fro! the heavens and the earth shall throw out its bounties for hi!. "e shall fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust as it had been filled with cruelty and o$$ressionT 9n $age JI3 he narrates fro! Abu 5aee! that the "oly #ro$het while !entioning about the in0ustices and seditions of des$otic rulers says> '@f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the !e of the earth3 Allah will set the day so long until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny co!es and rules. Then great events shall take $lace through his bands and 1sla! shall !anifest itselfT JD JD,9n $age NH of Arful,%ardi ills written that )aab,ul,Akhbar says> , 'Mahdi shall bring out the Ark of 2ovenant fro! the cave of Anthakia. Also it is written> The reason he lass been called as Mahdi is that he shall be a guide to the secret affairs. Then3 he shall bring out the Ark of 2ovenant fro! the cave of Anthakia. JE JE,Arful,%ardi3 #age NN. JI JI,The sa!e can be found in )an/,ul,(!!al Vol N #age @KJ and Arful,%ardi $age HC , fro! Abu Saeed. JH JH,Tarikh 1bn,Asaker (vol. @ $g. @KJ)3 )an/ul,(!!al (vol. N $g. @KJ) narrating fro! 8aher and on $age @KN fro! Abu Saeed and Arful,%ardi ($age JG R J@) narrating fro! 8aber and Abu saeed have brought the sa!e and instead of 'end of ti!e the word of '(!!ah lass been used. Also3 the authors of )an/ul,(!!al (vol.N $g. @KC) and Arful,%ardi (on $age JD) have narrated fro! Abu "u!ira and Abu Saeed as such> , The "oly #ro$het said> 'Mahdi is fro! !y '(!!ah. 1f he endures short3 it will be seven3 eight or nine years. At that ti!e3 !y (!!ah shall en0oy such bounties which the good and evil a!ongst the! had never en0oyed before. The heavens shall $our for the! and the earth shall throw out its wealth without kee$ing anything in store. At that ti!e3 there will be no estee! for wealth such that a $erson will rise and say> :9 Mahdi bestow !e so!ething; and he will say> 'Take. Moreover3 the authors of Arful,wardi and )an/ul,(!!al have narrated on $age HK and $age @KJ3 vol. N res$ectively3 a tradition fro! the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) as such> , 'A caller shall cry out on behalf of Mahdi> :1s there anyone having so!e wish? 1f so3 then co!e forward.; Then none shall co!e e7ce$t for one $erson who will ask so!ething fro! hi!. "e will say> '+ring the vessel. %hen it is brought he will bestow hi! so !uch so that he will be unable to carry. Then he shall take away the a!ount3 which he is ca$able of carrying but afterwards will re$entantly co!e back to return the wealth. "a/rat will say> %e shall not acce$t the thing3 which we have already bestowed... The author of Arful,%ardi on $age JE narrates fro! Abu 5aee! and on $age JI fro! 1bn,Abu Shuiba and all three fro! Abu Saeed that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , :At the ti!e a seditions shall occur3 Allah will send at the end of ti!e a $eon fro! !y $rogeny whose !unificence will be at ease.; 1n so!e co$ies the words 'will be swift is written. JJ JJ,Arful,%ardi3 $age K@. JN JN,The author of :8aa!e,us,Sagheer; vol. D $g. DNN as well as Suyuti in Arful,%ardi #g. JE have narrated fro! "ake! and Abu 5aee! that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> , 'Mahdi shall e!erge fro! !y (!!ah. Allah shall send and ins$ire hi! for the rescue of the $eo$le such that the nations will en0oy the bounties and the four,legged will live in freedo!... JK JK,Suyuti has brought this tradition on $age JE of his book Arful,wardi narrating fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad fro! Makhool fro! Ali (A.S.). Moreover3 he lass narrated another tradition with si!ilar contents fro! 'Ausath of Tabarani who lass narrated fro! A!ro,ibn,Ali fro! Ali (A.S.) JC JC,A tradition3 al!ost si!ilar to the above has been !entioned in '*ar!ani ($age @@K) narrating fro! Abu +aseer fro! "a/rat Sadel. Thereafter it say> A $erson will stand in front of hi! and shout , covenant3 2ovenant. Then3 his followers will hasten towards hi! fro! all sides and will conclude allegiance to hi!. NG NG,The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda on $age @KH has narrated fro! '6akha,er,ul,A-abi, which 1n turn has narrated fro! 'Arbaeen of "afe/ Abul,Ala,"a!adani. N@ N@,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N $g. @KN. Also3 Suyuti narrate> in Arful,wardi #g JH 1bn,Abu Shuaiba that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) !aid> 'Mahdi is fro! this '(!!ah and he lathe sa!e one behind who! shall $ray 1sa,ibn,Marya!. 9n the

sa!e $age3 he has narrated a tradition with si!ilar contents fro! 1bn,Maa0a3 .auyeni3 1bn,)hu/ai!a3 Abu Awaane3 "ake! and Abu 5aee! fro! the "oly #ro$het. Also3 he narrate> on $age K@ fro! "u/aifa and on $age KE fro! Eibir and the author of 'M,"awiul, atawi on $age @JN narrates fro! 9s!an,ibn,Abil Aas3 Abu l!a!ah +aaheli3 1bn Sireen and each in turn fro! the "oly #ro$het a tradition with content that 1sa will follow Mahdi in $rayers. ND ND,1n Tarikh,e,1bn Asaker (vol. D $g. JD)3 Seera "alabi (vol. @ $g. @HJ)3 Arful,%ardi ($age JI) of Suyuti and Al, %awiyul, atawi ($age @HJ) the words 'how shall it he destroyed ii written instead of '1t will not be destroyed. The author of '<anabi,ul,Muwadda ($age ENH) narrating fro! ataed,us,Se!tain and the author of )an/ul,(!!al (vol. N $g. @KN) have said that after the word of Mahdi the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) added the words> 'fro! !y $rogeny. NE NE.The authors of Arful,%ardi ($age HK) and <anabi,ul,Muwadda ($age DDE) have narrated the sa!e fro! 1bn Serri3 &eyla!i and 1bn,Maa0a. NI NI,Arful,%ardi $age KE. NH NH,)an/ul,(!al vol. N $age @KCF Arful,%ardi #age NJ NJ NJ,)an/ul,(!!al vol. N $age @KH Arful,%ardi $age JK NN NN,Arful,%ardi $age J@ NK NK,A si!ilar tradition has been narrated in Arful,%ardi narrating fro! Abu 5aee!. Also3 9n $age NJ he writes> A!!ar says , 'A caller shall cry out fro! the heavens> , verily3 your 2hief is so and so and he is Mahdi. "e shall !ake the earth to flourish and fill it with 8ustice. "e further adds > At the ti!e when Sulyani shall engage in a battle with Mahdi a caller shall cry out fro! the heaven saying> )now that the fiends of Allah are the co!$anions of Mahdi. NC NC,The author of Arful,%ardi has narrated the sa!e (on $age KH) fro! 1bn,Sireen. KG KG,The author of :Arful,wardi; has narrated the >>!e tradition (on $age KE) and instead of the $hrase 'on his right the $hrase 'will follow hi! has been written. K@ K@,Arful,wardi #age NE. KD KD,The author of Seera "alabi in vol @ #g @K says> As $er research3 so!e of the e7egetists have !entioned that #eo$le of the cave are all non,Arabs and they shall &ot s$eak but in Arabic and they ate the !inisters of Mahdi. KE KE,The author of Arful,wardi has narrated (on $age J@) the sa!e tradition fro! 5aee!,ibn,"e!ad and Abu 5aee! and on the afore,said $age3 narrated a tradition with si!ilar contents fro! Tabarani. The author of Muru0,u/,6ahab in vol. @ $age @H while narrating a lengthy tradition fro! A!ir,ul,Mu!ineen (A.S.) writes> "a/rat said, The #roofs ("u00ats) of Allah shall ter!inate in our Mahdi3 the one is the last 1!a! and the savior of the (!!ahT KI KI,"a!ua!i Shafaee in ' araed,us,Se!tain (2ha$ter ED) while narrating fro! 8abir,ibn,Abdullah Ansari with regards to a Tablet LGods saying about 1!a!s and their nu!berM which he had seen in the $ossession of "a/rat 6ahra (AS.) writes that after !entioning the na!e of "assan he said> so he $erfected it with his son Muha!!ad who is the Mercy of this (niverse and he is the beauty of Musa3 worth of 1sa and $atience of (8ob) Ayub , 5asaheh,ul, )afiyeh #g. DD "e further writes> "a/rat +a-ir (AS.) told 8abir as such> 5arrate fro! us what you have seen fro! the 'Sahifa (scroll). Thereafter 8abir described the incident of 'Sahifa of "a/rat 6ahra (A.S.) and all that it contained such as the na!e> of each of the 1!a!s in order and the na!es of their fathers and !others till the na!e of "a/rat Askari. Thereafter he said> Abul *asi! Muha!!ad,ibn,"assan is so!eone who is the '"u00at (#roof) of Allah u$on "is servants and surely he shall be the '*ae! and his !other is a lady by the na!e of 5argis , 5asaheh,ul,)afiyah #g. DE. The sa!e author in the afore,said book narrates on $age DI fro! 1bn,Abbass that the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) !entioned to one 8ew the na!es of each of the 1!a!s in order until he reached to the na!e of "a/rat "assan Askari (AS.) and then said> %hen "assan shall $ass away3 his son "u00at,ibn,"asan Muha!!ad Mahdi shall beco!e the 1!a! and they are twelve in nu!ber.; This tradition has also been narrated by Sadu- in )a!aluddin (2ha$ter DK)3 Shaikh Tusi in 'Ghaibat3 Tabarsi in '4hte0a03 Sheikh Mufid in '4khtesas3 Muha!!ad,ibn,<a-ub in ')afi and 5u!ani in his 'Ghaibat. KH KH,Tarikh,e,*a!ari ($age @@N)> "is age at the ti!e of his fathers de!ise was five years and Allah granted hi! wisdo! at that very ti!e 0ust as "e granted wisdo! to <ahya when he was only a child. Also3 Muha!nuad )hawand Shah in '.audhat,us,Safa ($age @K) writes> The birth of 1!a! Mahdi (#eace be u$on hi!) who is si!ilar in na!e and agno!en the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A) secretly took $lace in the night of lHth Shaban3 DHH "i0ri. KJ KJ,A detailed tradition with si!ilar contents has also been narrated in :.audath,ul,Sefah; vol. E $g. @K,@C. KN KN,Abul idah in his 'Tarikh vol. D3 $g. IH3 Abdullah Shabrawi in 'Al,4ttehaf $g. @NC3 Muha!!ad,ibn,Shehna in .audath,ul,Mana/er (in the !argin of :Muru0,u/,6ahab;) vol. @ $g. DCI3 Abul, allah "anabli in :Sha/arat,u/,6ahab; vol. E $g. @HG3 Muha!!ad,ibn,)hawand Shah in :.audath,as,Sefah; vol. E $g. @C3 Abul,Abbass Ah!ad *ar!ani in :Akhbar, ud,&awal; $g. @@N3 Shaikh Saaduddin "a!uani (as $er what has co!e in :<anabi,ul,Muwadda; $g. ECH)3 Shaikh Salauddin Safandi (as $er what has co!e in the sa!e book on $age ECE)and Shaikh Abdur,.ah!an +astha!i (as $er what has co!e in the sa!e book on $age EEN). +esides these na!es3 those which have been !entioned by 5uri in his :)ashful, Astar; are Sayed 8a!aluddin author of :.audath,ul,Alibab;3 Ah!ad +aiha-i )husro0erdi 5aishabouri3 "a fe/ Abul, ath Muha!!ad,ibn Abul, awares3 Shaikh Aa!er,ibn,Aa!er +asri3 Abdul,"a- &ahawi3 Shaikh Abdul,.ah !an 8aa!i3 *aa/i

Shahabuddin,Malek,ul,(le!a3 1bne,)heshab3 "afl/ Abu Muha!!ad Ah!ad +ela/ari3 Abdullah Mateeri author of :.iya/, u/,6ahera;3 Mulla "ussein )ashaci3 5a/r,ibn,All 8ah/a!i 5asri (8ust as it has co!e in :5a0!,us,Sa-eb;)3 *a/i 8awad Sabati3 Mulla All *ari3 Shaikh Sadruddin *unawi3 An,5asir,Be,&eena Allah Ah!ad 2al i$ha Abbassi3 Mufe/,1bn,Ah!ad favous as 'Akhtab,ul,)hutaba )hawra/!i and others who! *undu/i and 5oorl have !entioned in their books '<anabi,ul, Muwadda and Q5a0!,us,Sa-eb. KK KK,Arful %ardi HC. KC KC,Arful,wardi HC. CG CG,The author of Arful,wardi ($age HK) too has narrated the sa!e. Thereafter he writes> Tir!idhi s say> , This an acce$table and authentic tradition. C@ C@,The author of :.audath,us,Sefa; vol. E $g. @K narrates fro! 1bn,Masoud that "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) said> :1f there re!ains not !ore than a day fro! the life of the earth3 God will Se the day so long3 until a $erson fro! !y $rogeny who carries the sa!e na!e as !ine3 shall a$$ear and fill the earth with e-uity and 8ustice 0ust nit had been filled with cruelty and o$$ression.; CD CD,Author of '.audath,us,Sefa (Vol.E #g. @K) writes> :Abul,*asi! is his agno!en and the 1!a!iyah call hi! as '"u00at3 '*ae!3 'Mahdi and 'Sahab,u/,/a!an. 1n the sa!e $lace3 he !entions his na!e and agno!en to be the sa!e as that of the "oly #ro$het (S.A.%.A.) Abul, ida in his 'Thrikh (vol. D $g. IH) and Shabrawi in 'Al,4ttehaf ($age @NC) have also narrated the sa!e.; CE CE,:Thrikh,Abul, ida; vol. D $g. IH3 'Tarikh,e, ar!ani $age @@N3 'Al,4ttehaf of Shabrawi $g. @NC3 '.audath,ul, Munsaer (in the !argin of 'Muru0,u/,/ahab) vol. @3 #g. DCI3 'Sabaek,u/,6ahab of Suyedi $g. NK3 'Sha/rat,us,6ahab vol. D3 #g. @HG and 'wafiyat,ul,Ayan of 1bn,)hallakan vol. @3 $g. IH@. CI CI,Author of '*ar!ani writes (on $age II)> Masoudi says )hi/r is Ale7anders cousin and the vanguard of 6ul, *arnains living during "a/rat 1brahi!s ti!e. "e has drank fro! the well,s$ring of life that he has re!ained till , and3 will continue to live till the sounding of the tru!$ets. CH CH,'*ar!ani $age HG CJ CJ,'*ar!ani $age EIK CN CN,Author of '*ar!ani (on $age DG) has -uoted %ahabas saying that Ada! lived for @GGG $ears and as $er Torah has !entioned his life to have lasted for JGG years. 9n $age DD he has !entioned 5uhs life to have lasted for @GGG years and that of Shais for C@D years. CK CK,Torah (Verse @I , 8ourney of Genesis) has !entioned C@G years. CC CC,The author of '*a!ani ($age DG) !entions his age to have lasted for CJH years and Torah (Verse @N , 8ourney of Genesis) has !entioned KCH years. @GG @GG,1bn,"a0ar in '4sabah vol. H $g. DHH has written the sa!e @G@ @G@,About death the "oly *uran (Verse D 2ha$ter J) says> (=) :"e it is who created you fro! clay3 then "e decreed (i.e. a certain) ter!F and there is a ter! (i.e. a uncertain one) na!ed with "i!.; Thus !ans ter! (i.e. death) are of two ty$es. 9ne is certain and cannot be changed or $ost$oned under circu!stances. The other is uncertain which by so!e !eans or the other like strengthening of blood,kinshi$3 breaking off ties of relationshi$ etc is sub0ect to change. 1n this regard "a/rat Ali,ibn,Musa .idha (A.S.)> Strengthening blood,kinshi$ $rolongs the (decreed) abort,life and breaking off ties of relationshi$ shortens the (decreed) long,life. 9n this basis3 a $erson can live for hundreds or thousands of years only if his ter! (of death) is an uncertain one and those who have lived for three thousands years and below are those whose ter! had been an uncertain one and secondly all the !eans of a sound health had been $re$ared for the!. @GD @GD,The !aga/ine Al,"elal ($art D3 $g. @CJ) has $ublished an article fro! &octor 8auki under the title '@ong Bife and says> &eath does not co!e because life has beco!e e7hausted and reached its natural level. .ather3 !ost of the deaths are caused by $oison. Thereafter he says> Ma0ority of us get $oisoned and it is not that we die. Verily life welco!es eternity and what has been worn out ran beco!e afresh $rovided these fresh faculties too do not get $oisoned. "owever3 we strive to $oison ourselves because whatever we eat and drink are all conta!inated with $oison. Most of the $eo$le reaching the age of fifty tend to co!!it suicide gradually and gradually. They tear a$art their own graves with their teeth because they tend to eat whatever they like and their food contains little $oison3 which weakens and destroys the arteries. Soon the signs of senility beco!e visible. Tanthawi 8auhari in vol. @N3 #age DDI of his e7egesis under the verse (=) has written the following article taken fro! the afor,said !aga/ine. 4verything indicates the $ossibility of long,life and !aking anew the strength of old $eo$le. #rofessor and &octor ured 5uf whose na!e is well , known a!ongst all is not a $hysician but like a #ro$het who gives glad,tidings. "e believes in the $ossibility of long,life e7ceeding hundred years and the $ossibility of regaining back the youth. "is belief is based on the results of e7$eri!ents conducted on ani!als and till now he has conducted si7 hundred of the!. "e further says> Today3 we are ha$$y fro! this fact that the DGth century shall not ela$se until the $ossibility of youthful force is restored and the signs

of senility fro! the faces. Again3 in vol. @N #age DDJ he (i.e. 8auhari) has written the following article under the title : or how !any years we !ust live?; taken fro! the afore,said !aga/ine> '"ufland in his book :The art of living a long,life; says> , Truly , is born while (fro! the view , $oint of structural for! and $hysical $owers) being ready and ca$able of re!aining alive for two centuries. Thereafter he writes> "ufland is not the only one to have e7$ressed this view. .ather all those who have been teaching the sub0ect of '5ature have believed in the afore,said view. Moreover the discussion of :$ossibility of long,life; is the !ost s$arkling discussion a!ongst the!. @GE @GE,A!ongst the houses 1 $ass over the house of Baila 1 kiss this wall and that wall. Bove of the house has not ca$tivated !y heart but the love of the one who was residing in it has ca$tivated !y heat. @GI @GI,The author of :4thbat al,%asiayah; !entions the nu!ber of true to have been only eight. @GH @GH,Ayat HH3 Su! 5ur. @GJ @GJ,The four,fold books consist of> )A 13 MA5,BA,<A6(.3 TA"61+ and 4ST1 SA.. The three,fold books consists of> %A 13 %ASA1B AS,S"1A and M(STA&.A). @GN @GN,A (=) ode is an ode which ends with (=) (t) @GK @GK,Mahdi will follow !e and he shall not do any wrong.

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