Thesun 2009-10-21 Page08 Taliban Retake Pakistani Town Blasts Hit Varsity

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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 21 2009

news without borders

Karzai agrees to Afghan election run-off

KABUL: President Hamid Karzai Obama, British Prime Minister Gor- had taken no decision on whether to his tally to 49.7% from the preliminary for Karzai this week. Karzai had earlier
agreed to face a second round of vot- don Brown and UN Secretary-General wait for the new poll before announc- first-round result of 54.6% – below said the extent of fraud was exagger-
ing in Afghanistan’s disputed election Ban Ki-moon all welcomed Karzai’s ing a new strategy for Afghanistan. A the 50% needed for an outright win. ated and expressed confidence in his
yesterday after a UN-led fraud inquiry decision to accept the run-off.. decision would be taken “in the com- “We believe that this decision first-round victory.
tossed out enough of his votes to trig- “It is now vital that all elements of ing weeks”. The Nov 7 election will of the IEC is legitimate, legal and Abdullah’s camp said they were
ger a run-off. Afghan society continue to come to- pit Karzai once again against his main constitutional and that it strengthens prepared for the run-off.
The dispute around the Aug 20 gether to advance democracy, peace election rival, former foreign minister the path towards democracy,” said “We had hoped the president
vote has stoked tension between and justice,” Obama said. Abdullah Abdullah. Karzai, US Senator John Kerry by his would accept the second round,” said
Karzai and the West and complicated “We look forward to a second After hours of closed-door talks side and UN Afghanistan envoy Kai his spokesman, Fazel Sangcharaki.
US President Barack Obama’s deci- round of voting, and the completion with Western diplomats, Karzai ap- Eide standing between them. Karzai is almost certain to win the
sion on whether to send thousands of the process to choose the presi- peared tense as he welcomed the rul- The IEC made its ruling after a run-off but the level of mass fraud alleged
more American troops to Afghanistan dent of Afghanistan.”. ing by the Afghan Independent Elec- separate UN-backed fraud panel in- in the first round will inevitably cast a
to fight a resurgent Taliban. The White House said the president tion Commission (IEC). The ruling cut validated tens of thousands of votes shadow over the new vote. – Reuters

the time of the holdup. After Cannon

Man bitten in private
parts in sex assault
was charged with drug offences last
year, police took his DNA sample, which
was matched in a computer database to
the blood taken from the leech. – dpa

Somali pirates threaten

Taliban retake Pakistani
town, blasts hit varsity
TAIPEI: A man had to seek medical treat- to kill Chinese sailors
ment after his genitals were bitten while MOGADISHU: Pirates from Somalia who
forcing a homeless man to perform oral hijacked a Chinese bulk carrier in the
sex, a newspaper reported yesterday. The Indian Ocean threatened yesterday to
incident occurred about 3am on Monday execute its 25 Chinese crew members if
in Daya Park in Taichung County, central any rescue operation was attempted.
Taiwan, the Apple Daily said. The De Xin Hai was carrying about DERA ISMAIL KHAN (Pakistan): Taliban – the first since the offensive began – killed six
Hou Chung-hsin, 31, who is homeless, 76,000 tonnes of coal from South Africa militants attacked Pakistani forces and recap- people, including the bombers, and wounded
was drunk when he saw a 60-year-old to India when it was seized by gunmen on tured a strategic town yesterday while two at least 20, officials said.
man, identified only as Kuo, sleeping Monday some 700 nautical miles east of suicide bomb blasts at an Islamic university The sprawling university teaches over 12,000
under a pavilion. Hou woke up Kuo and the failed Horn of Africa state. in the capital killed six people and wounded at students, nearly half of them female and includ-
asked for money. When Kuo refused to “We tell China not to endanger the least 20, officials said. ing hundreds of foreigners, focusing on educa-
give him money, Hou knocked Kuo to the lives of their people with any rescue The government made an immediate link tion that incorporates Islam in modern times.
ground. Kuo pulled himself up and walked operation,” Hassan, an associate of the between the university attack and an offensive “Those who attacked the university have
into a toilet to urinate. Hou followed him gang, told Reuters by phone. against the Taliban, with Interior Minister shown that they are neither friends of Islam
into the toilet, grabbed Kuo’s head and “If they try that we will execute the Rehman Malik saying “all roads are leading nor of Pakistan,” Malik said.
forced him to perform oral sex on him, the whole crew ... we tell them to change towards South Waziristan”. An intelligence official said jets bombed
paper said. Kuo bit Hou’s genitals, drawing their mind regarding any rescue, other- Fighting for control of the lawless area is a Taliban positions in and around Kotkai after
blood and causing Hou to flee for help to a wise they will regret it.” – Reuters major test of the government’s ability to tackle an the militant counter-attack.
police station about 50m away. – dpa increasingly brazen insurgency that has seen a The town, also the home town of Qari Hus-
Taxi driver runs over, kills string of attacks in various parts of the country. sain Mehsud, a senior Taliban commander
Leech a world-first in passenger after quarrel The army on Monday captured the small known as “the mentor of suicide bombers”, is a
town of Kotkai, the birthplace of Pakistani Tali- gateway to a militant stronghold at Sararogha.
robbery conviction TAIPEI: Police on Tuesday were hunting ban chief Hakimullah Mehsud on the approach The army says 90 militants and 13 soldiers
SYDNEY: Blood taken from a leech at for a taxi driver who admitted to run- to an insurgent base in south Waziristan, but have been killed since the long-awaited offen-
the scene of an armed robbery eight ning over and killing a passenger. The militants struck back yesterday to retake it, sive began on Saturday.
years ago at an isolated farmhouse taxi driver quarrelled with the male People security officials said. “In last 24 hours ... 12 terrorists have been
was used to convict a Tasmanian man passenger early yesterday as he was displaced by Two suicide bomb blasts at the International killed during security forces operations,” the
in what Australian police said was a driving him to Pateh Road, according the military Islamic University in Islamabad yesterday military said in a statement. – Reuters
world-first for forensic evidence, news to cable TV channel FTV. operation

reports said yesterday. After the passenger got off on Pateh against
Peter Cannon pleaded guilty after Road, the taxi driver allegedly turned Taliban
the Launceston court was told the the taxi around, knocked the passenger militants
chances of the blood sample not being down and ran over him. The taxi then wait to get
his was were one in 100 million. The sped away. The passenger suffered registered
crime scene blood sample was stored head injuries and died in hospital. The for relief aid.
after police found no match from the taxi driver later phoned police, saying
71-year-old victim or from anyone who he had run over the passenger, but did
could have been in the house around not immediately surrender. – dpa

Haemophiliacs appeal to
US court over HIV-tainted drug
TAIPEI: A group of Taiwanese HIV patients are ap- Cutter, which was bought by Bayer in the 1970s.
pealing against a US court decision barring them Taiwanese health authorities banned the prod-
from suing pharmaceutical giant Bayer which they uct in 1985 after it was found that the product
blame for their plight, their lawyer said yesterday. had not been heat-treated and could be tainted
The patients, who are haemophiliacs, say they with HIV.
contracted the deadly virus from blood products But by that time, thousands of people had
sold here in the 1980s by US-headquartered Cut- been affected worldwide, among them at least 53
ter, owned by Bayer, according to Michael Baum, patients in Taiwan, according to Taiwan’s Depart-
their lead attorney. ment of Health. Altogether 36 out of the original
The Illinois Federal Court recently ruled that 53 local patients have died, a patient said.
the Taiwan cases were barred by the statute of Meanwhile, data from an AIDS vaccine trial in
limitations, although the Taiwanese patients had Thailand was presented to scientists yesterday
won a motion to proceed in California in January. for the first time, confirming the prototype as only
“We have filed notices of appeal,” said Baum, a partial shield against HIV but still a pioneering
of Los Angeles-based law firm Baum, Hedlund, achievement.
Aristei and Goldman, which has represented Volunteers who received the vaccine had a 31.2%
41 Taiwanese haemophiliacs and their relatives reduction in the risk of infection by the human im-
since 2003. At the centre of the dispute is a blood munodeficiency virus, Thai and US researchers told
product called Koate, used in the early 1980s to the AIDS Vaccine 2009 conference in Paris.
make the blood of the haemophilia patients clot It marks the first piece of solid good news in the
in the event of injury. quest for a vaccine against AIDS, which has claimed
Koate was made by the US-headquartered more than 25 million lives since 1981. – AFP

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