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thesun says

Rakyat must help shape 1Malaysia concept

THE government must be be denied that the people too may implementation so that national unity feedback will be deluged by e-mails written or unwritten.”
congratulated for inviting feedback have something to say, something to is advanced. By being involved, their and letters. Likely to be commented on by the
from the people on how to improve add to improve it. Already they are hearts will be in it when they say “we Having opened the floodgates more cynical citizens would be the
national unity. On becoming prime making their views known through are Malaysians”. to suggestions and debates, the announcement on Monday by Najib
minister six months ago, Datuk Seri letters to the newspapers and It is not always that a slogan government must have certainly been that Sept 16 will be celebrated as
Najib Razak had said he was going to through the various media sites of the originated by the government prepared for all kinds of responses, Malaysia Day and will be a national
strengthen national unity through the Internet. But there is nothing like an becomes something the rakyat including criticism of certain aspects holiday. Since it is presumably done
1Malaysia concept. Since 1Malaysia official statement inviting their inputs, want to claim propriety rights over. of the 1Malaysia concept as it stands to strengthen national unity, national
is a cornerstone of his administration, comments and debate for them to And they certainly must be allowed today. There will certainly be integration and 1Malaysia, some
he and his officials are constantly feel better about contributing their to claim ownership over it. Allowing comments about the shaping of the would probably ask why have
making adjustments to it to ensure ideas. them to help shape it is certainly a concept being guided by the nation’s Merdeka Day as well as Malaysia
that the concept and the process are After all, they are Malaysians and significant way for that to happen. historical reality, the Federal Consti- Day. Some would also probably ask
acceptable to all Malaysians. have a stake in the progress and Thus, it is almost certain that the Gov- tution and the Rukun Negara. Even whether the country needs to add
While the concept thus far seems future well-being of the nation and, ernment Transformation Programme Najib’s statement about the another day to the already long list
acceptable to many Malaysians, thus, for 1Malaysia to be successful led by the Prime Minister’s Perform- “1Malaysia concept does not digress of national public holidays. Properly
thanks to the efforts of the prime they must be involved in shaping ance Management and Delivery Unit from the spirit of the Federal Constitu- moderated, the debate will be good
minister and his officials, it cannot the concept further and to help in its (Pemandu) seeking and handling the tion as the law of the country, either – and there is time.


‘Siege mentality’ label unfair to Malays

I FEEL sad and ashamed after reading your front
page report “Get out of siege mentality” (Oct
are eligible to receive it just because those who
have already received help do not depend on it
Learning from
the A-G’s report
15). Even though I agree with most of what the anymore? The Malays are still behind and need
Umno Youth chief said, I take offence when he help”. And the premier conclusively stressed that
conveniently told the Malays to discard the “siege the issue was not about aid but rather its manage-
mentality”. Khairy Jamaluddin was not being ment and administration.
prudent and totally unfair to the Malay race. It is a I am impressed by his pronouncement on this
slur on the ability of industrious Malays who have topic and hope all Malaysians now have a clear
all this while stood up to stiff competition and understanding of this contentious issue.
continue to forge ahead in all fields. Nevertheless, it is worth noting at this juncture,
Although many concerned Malays agree that that the public generally recognise some of those IT IS that time of the year again for Malay- had also directed the departments and
their special rights are under threat, they would calling for the removal of these affirmative actions sians to read in disbelief the mismanage- ministries to reply to the points highlighted
rather look at this issue from a different perspec- are the ones who misused the provision of the ment of funds. It’s time for them to note the by the A-G and their answer “had better be
tive. Right-thinking Malays regard the adversaries NEP and derailed its implementation, to the detri- extravagance of people who are empowered credible”. What followed was the prosecution
may not necessarily be the other communities, ment of all Malays and other deserving citizens. to spend public money and to take note of the of 12 civil servants.
but may be within the community. Otherwise, how Rightfully, these individuals should be penalised humongous prices paid by the government Twelve is a starting point. But going
would you explain the situation the Malays are in for their misdeeds. for goods or services. It’s time for taxpayers to through the same set of reports, there
now, especially in their economic standing, even At the same time, those who continue to harp identify the civil servants who had not com- were definitely more than 12 instances of
though the New Economic Policy has been imple- on the status of the NEP fail to recognise the nega- plied with the financial procedures set by the mismanagement and misuse of funds.
mented for four decades. Surely, some unscrupu- tive impact the current income disparity between government. It’s the Auditor-General’s report, This time around, the A-G has much more
lous parties are responsible for the failures. the various races will have on the nation’s future and on Monday it was tabled in Parliament. to say, especially about the maintenance of
Therefore, it is incumbent on the authorities well-being. It is also possible that these parties It reflects the incompetence if not the schools. He notes that 47 private consult-
to explain to the people the true nature of the are just playing to the gallery or want to score criminality of certain personalities. It lays ants were engaged for RM22.18 million but
Malay special rights and their significance to the political points. bare the weaknesses in the sys- they did not carry out their tasks
country. On this account, I think the prime minister Suffice to say, Malaysians will be better off tem. It exposes the wheeling and satisfactorily. If that compromises
did a brilliant job in his presidential speech at the if they can appreciate the colossal task of na- dealing of some. It shows that safety of pupils, what about the
60th Umno general assembly recently. Datuk Seri tion-building in a multi-racial, multi-religious and some government departments equipment that was supplied to
Najib Razak had categorically said, “Today we see multi-cultural country like ours. With greater are reluctant to impose penalties colleges? The A-G notes that the
how these products of affirmative action proudly understanding of the current issues, they will be for breach of contract. It hints of Higher Education Ministry must
proclaim that they no longer need government’s able to make themselves useful by contributing a nexus between civil servants ensure that specialised equipment
crutches. These people seem to have forgotten positively towards achieving the all-encompassing and contractors. In short, it is a bought for colleges were suitable
reality. They may be able to throw away the aspirations of 1Malaysia. catalogue of shame which no for the subjects concerned.
crutches that propped them up all this while, government servant wants to be “Our audit found certain equip-
but what about the other Malays who still need Zamri Mahmud associated with. It damns some ment were either delivered late or
help? Would it be fair to deny help to those who Kuala Lumpur people but will we ever learn from not at all by the supplier; the items
past mistakes? CitizenNades were bought in excess, not used or
But the inevitable question we unsuitable; or they were paid for
all have to ask is: What purpose by R. Nadeswaran but not tested,” he says.
does the report serve when the So, how did this come about?
perpetrators of such mismanage- Who made these crappy decisions?
ment which sometimes border on criminal What action has been taken to penalise the
intent get away without any punishment? suppliers? If someone benefited financially
In 2007, after yet another edition of the from such transactions, will he or she be
A-G’s report was tabled, Chief Secretary to hauled up? The sad part is that the A-G notes
the Government Tan Sri Mohd Sidek Hassan that federal ministries and departments have
announced that government officers and staff not shown much progress in managing their
investigated for corruption and mismanage- finances.
ment of public funds under the 2006 A-G’s Why? Is there interference from political
report will either be charged in court soon or masters when it comes to purchases and
face disciplinary action. procuring services? Are civil servants being
He said the government would also make cowed into not following the procedures set
public the type of disciplinary action taken out? Politicians (read ministers and their
against civil servants for various offences, deputies) are policy-makers. The implement-
other than the impending action against those ers are the civil servants and they know best.
implicated over the A-G’s report. He said the This time next year, there’ll be another
Public Service Department would come out round of the A-G’s report. There’ll be another
with a “demotion and disciplined” list every round of excitement. Malaysians will continue
quarter so that the people would know that to get disgusted reading the misuse and abuse
action had been taken. of public money. That will last until another
The 2006 report highlighted the National scandal comes along.
Youth Skills Institute (under the Youth and The solution to ensure recommendations
Sports Ministry) project where a car jack that of the A-G are complied is the big stick. By
cost RM50 was bought for RM5,700, a dig- transferring the employee, you are only
ital camera that cost RM2,990 was bought for transferring the problem. What about hanging
RM8,254 and RM1,146 paid for a set of techni- them out to dry, (metaphorically) in full view
cal pens with a market price of RM160. of the public. This may be the perfect answer
The ministry was alleged to have spent to all the ills that afflict our civil service.
RM8.39mil on equipment for its National
Youth Skills Institutes. Others included the R. Nadeswaran has lost count the number of
purchase of two helicopters worth RM117.75 times he had written on the A-G’s report and
million by the police air wing, which could insists that for some people, nothing gets into
not be used, as they did not meet specifica- their head except through a crack. He is editor
tions. Another RM15.4mil was spent to train (special and investigative reporting) at theSun.
pilots to fly these helicopters. He can be reached at: citizen-nades@thesun-
Mohd Sidek added that the government

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