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RESUME RAJIVGANDHI A Mobile No: +91-8553129779 Obje !

i"e: Challenging responsibilities in a professional environment where analytical, problem solving skills, experience and application knowledge can be p t in for the s ccessf l exec tion of the project. S#$$%&': !ver (i"e )e%&* experience in the information technology ind stry, with ability to work on !wn initiative, as part of team and motivating team to achieve the objectives. "ood analytical and #roblem solving skill to maintain $ ality standards. +&o,e**io-%l E./e&ie- e: 10 O&1%-i2%!io%esignation (xperience Client 20 O&1%-i2%!io%esignation (xperience Client O&1%-i2%!io%esignation (xperience Client : : : : : : : : : : : : 3i/&o I-,o4e 5 6!7 45&o 4e 5/ool I-7i% +"! 6!7 %esktop &' (ngineer ) ly '*+* to ,ill %ate
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H86 I-,o *'*!e$* 6!7 C stomer 3 pport engineer ) ly '**8 to ) ne '**4 Canara, 2arnataka, 3yndicate, Corporation bank H86 I-,o *'*!e$* 6!7 5esidency (ngineer ) ly '**4 to ) ne '*+* /ap ji (ngg College 6 7edical College %avangere

Job Re*/o-*ibili!ie*: 0ttended day8to8day problems at end ser. 9nstallation of !perating 3ystem like :indows ;p,< 6 :indows server'**= on different hardware platform. ,ro bleshooting hardware related iss es %esktop and application s pport for all >ser?s. Co8ordination with vendor for solving hardware and network related iss es. >pdating sec rity feat res, patches and 0ntivir s pdates on desktop. Config ration of network printers, 3canners, etc.. %ay to day activities like back p6 5estore, 0ntivir s pdate. ,ro ble shooting @ 0ssembling #C?s, #rinter Config ration. ,ro bleshooting and config ring 73 ! tlook. 9nstalling and config ring &ot s Clients <.*.', 8 etc and tro bleshooting all &ot s 1otes related problems #roviding 5emote 3 pport .or the -%.C /anks in 3o th 9ndia 0ctivating 7icrosoft prod cts like operating systems 6 738office, etc thro gh telephone. #roviding assistance in a pleasant and professional manner over #hone, (8mail, Chat and 5emote %esktop. Creating >sers in 0% '**= and adding with gro ps >ser id management password reset acco nt lock o t 0pplying gro p polices for sers and gro ps thro gh !> 0ssigning sharing and sec rity for folder sharing to all sers and gro ps >ser creation, >ser acco nt locko t polices and password reset. :orking with 3ervice8desk management tool and providing resol tion

3 pporting the >sers remotely thro the 5emote 7onitoring tools like 1et meeting, A1C Aiewer M%il M%-%1e$e-!: 9nstalling, Config ring and tro ble8shooting &ot s 1otes clients. 0lso 9ncl des Config ring 98notes and :eb8mail for &ot s notes clients. &ot s notes, 98notes, :ebmail password synchroniBation, archival recovery and archival iss es, providing 0C& pdate for sers. A %7e$i 9#%li,i %!io-: %iploma in (lectronics 6 Comm nication (ngg in #7C ,ech -os r. -igher 3econdary from "ovt -igh 3ec 3chool ,amilnad . 33&C from "ovt -igh 3ec 3chool ,amilnad . +e&*o-%l I-,o&$%!io-: N%$e D0O0: (%!5e&;* N%$e Ge-7e& 6%-1#%1e* <-o=M%&i!%l S!%!#* N%!io-%li!' +&e*e-! A77&e** : 50)9A"01%-9 : '*87ay8+486 : 0r m gam : 7ale : (nglish, ,amil, 2annada : 3ingle : 9ndian : >=< first 3treet =?d 7ain, 7anj nath nagar, 5ajaji nagar, /angalore 8C6**+*.

De l%&%!io-*: 9 hereby declare that the above written partic lars are tr e and correct to the best of knowledge and belief.

%ate: #lace: D5ajiv.0E

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