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2 theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 2009

news without borders

Ong, Liow Ibrahim postpones plan to join Umno

meet to solve by Giam Say Khoon
rahim’s intention to rejoin the party,
the independent MP who contested
Najib Abdul Razak and his deputy,
Muhyiddin, and he is willing to help
from Umno for contesting as an
independent candidate in the 2004

internal crisis KUALA LUMPUR: Pasir Mas MP

Datuk Ibrahim Ali has postponed
under PAS ticket in 2008, said he
welcomed Muhyiddin’s comment.
“I feel that there is not yet a
and cooperate with them in the
interest of the people and country.
“Umno is now open and it can
general election, said he had not
applied to rejoin the party because
he did not want to be accused of
KUALA LUMPUR: MCA president Datuk Seri plans to rejoin Umno but said he need for me to rejoin Umno and it accept criticisms. doing so for his personal gain.
Ong Tee Keat and his newly-appointed deputy, will continue to support the party, is best for me to remain partyless “I have said that I am willing to On Tuesday, Muhyiddin said if
Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, have held meetings which he perceives as being more at the moment as it will allow me to work with anybody including PAS Ibrahim submits his application to
to sort out their differences, following the Cen- open and stronger now. speak without fear or favour.” but when I advised them, they could Umno, its supreme council will de-
tral Committee (CC) meeting last week. Responding to Deputy Prime Ibrahim opined that Umno has not accept it and even wanted me cide whether to accept him based
According to party sources, several person- Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s become stronger under the leader- to resign (as an MP),” he said. on his “pros and cons” as well as his
alities were also present during the meetings comment that Umno is open to Ib- ship of new president Datuk Seri Ibrahim, who was sacked track record.
held at a hotel here under Liow’s initiative.
“Yes, they have met at least twice, but I can’t
tell you the outcome (of the meetings). They are
still discussing. If things progress well, then we
can expect to see everything being wrapped up
by this weekend,” a source, who is privy to the
meeting, told Bernama.
When contacted, however, Ong and Liow
neither refused to confirm nor deny the meet-
Ministry calls for two-year
housemanship for docs
ings but the source said the two leaders had yet
to come to any agreement.
“What happened is that basically, Ong, in
most of the time during the meetings, played
the role of a listener. He has not indicated any-
thing,” said the source.
Some powerful CC members when con-
tacted have also confirmed the talks between
the two leaders. PETALING JAYA: The compulsory He said so far 24,135 posts have
“We heard that they are talking now and service for new doctors may be re- been created but as at December
they have met several times. What the outcome duced from the present three years 2008 only 13,762 or 57% of the posts
is, I really don’t know,” a senior CC member to two, if a proposal by the Ministry had been filled of which 2,545 were
told Bernama yesterday. of Health (MOH) to the Malaysian for specialists from various disci-
Some party leaders were however, unhappy Medical Council (MMC) is adopted. plines.
with the Ong-Liow talks as they (the talks) did This was in response to requests Mohd Ismail said the ministry
not include other party personalities, such as Two from parents who had sacrificed a was also working on a time-based
Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek and former party wanted great deal in funding their children’s and flexible promotion for medical
vice-president Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn. medical studies, said Director- officers who were not specialists.
Fong wants Chua to be included in the talks men General of Health Tan Sri Dr Mohd “It saddens me to learn that
because the former MCA deputy president com- caught Ismail Merican. some of our non-specialist medical
manded half of the party support during the after Writing in the special column in officers have retired on low grades
Oct 10 extraordinary general meeting (EGM). the Malaysian Medical Association’s even after putting in long years of
“Obviously, the delegates have spoken and robbery (MMA) latest newsletter, he said the valuable and loyal service.”
Chua still controls half of the support. If Ong- spree ministry appreciated the long hours “However, with this new initiative
Liow continue to ignore this, more trouble will pg 4 housemen and junior doctors and the days of medical officers, some of
come. doctors in general have put in and the whom are ‘gurkhas’ in the depart-
“I appeal to both Ong and Liow, don’t func- ministry “was doing everything in its ment, being neglected or overlooked
tion like you control the whole party. I also power to fight for better remunera- for promotion will be history,” he
appeal to CC members, any consensus that tion, allowances and promotional assured.
excludes Chua will not work. The shortest way prospects.” To address the shortage of doc-
is through a fresh election,” he said. “Various measures have been tors, Mohd Ismail said the ministry
However, another CC member, Datuk taken and will be implemented to had invited those working abroad
Chong Itt Chew, believed that the talks had not ensure that doctors continue to serve and those in the local private sector
progressed much as the party president had the MOH,” he added. to work with the MOH.
taken action to remove the legal bureau chief Among them were creation of According to Mohd Ismail, last
Datuk Leong Tang Chong on Tuesday. new allowances; improving the cur- year government doctors provided
“I heard both of them have been meeting rent critical and on-call allowances; services to two million admitted pa-
several times. I believe, if both of them can providing RM80 per hour allowance for In addition MOH had also created tients and 62 million out-patients. This
compromise, I don’t think Datuk Leong would working extended hours; and RM200 more opportunities for doctors to get year the number would increase signifi-
be removed from his position. Therefore, it is per hour for those performing opera- promoted to higher grades and improve cantly due to the economic downturn
interesting to see the next move,” he said. tions on off-days. working conditions and environment. and the A H1N1 pandemic. – Bernama

Chua may end up central delegates’ support in hand, Chua could

well hold sway in the EGM being called and that
‘kingmaker’ in tussle “neither Ong nor Liow can ‘win’ without the
FORMER MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr support from Chua’s camp”.
Chua Soi Lek, who has the support of some
1,000 central delegates, Support for
may end up playing a
Ong declines
crucial role in ending the
current leadership crisis
Press Digest in Johor
by Kong See Hoh
in the party.
Following Datuk Seri MCA vice-president
Ong Tee Keat’s decision Tan Kok Hong, who has
to call for another extraordinary general meet- been keeping a very low profile throughout
ing (EGM) to resolve the current impasse, the the MCA leadership crisis, is said to be ac-
president as well as his new deputy, Datuk Seri tively consolidating his power in Johor, at
Liow Tiong Lai, are said to have contacted Chua the expense of party president Datuk Seri
in a bid to seek his support, Nanyang Siang Pau Ong Tee Keat.
reported yesterday. According to a report in China Press
However, sources told the daily that fol- yesterday, Ong who is Johor MCA liaison
lowing an impromptu meeting on Tuesday chief is losing support in the state for not
night, Chua’s camp is adopting a wait-and-see stepping down after narrowly losing a no-
attitude and has not decided on whom it will confidence vote at the Oct 10 EGM.
work with. His support rate is said to have plum-
Sources from Chua’s camp said since the meted to 30% from 60% before the EGM.
“mutiny” bid (in which some 20 central com- His loss is seen as Tan’s gain.
mittee (CC) members apparently signed a joint According to the report, many division
letter asking Ong to step down at the CC meet- heads have received calls from Ong’s men
ing last Thursday), Chua has been watching the seeking their continued support for the
drama in the ruling camp from the sidelines. president but most of these grassroots
Chua, who was replaced as party No. 2 after leaders are said to be unhappy with Ong
the central delegates voted against his rein- for hanging on to the top post. Instead of
statement at the Oct 10 EGM, has been keeping reaffirming their support for Ong, they are
a low profile apart from filing an application switching their support to Tan, who is Johor
with the office of the Registrar of Societies to MCA deputy chief.
get back his post. The report said Tan has the support of 20
Sources said that with more than 1,000 divisions, out of a total of 26 in the state.

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