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6 theSun | THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 2009

news without borders

Can 100Plus
cure dengue?
ICC to review Suhakam’s
CAN 100Plus cure dengue?
That was the question posed
by Datuk Ibrahim Ali (Ind-
Pasir Mas) during a question-
and-answer session.
He said he heard some
on certain diseases.
Earlier, Karpal Singh
(DAP-Bukit Gelugor) asked
whether dengue was an en-
demic in Malaysia and what
were the efforts taken by the
status next month
THE International Coordinating Sivarasa wanted to
people were cured of dengue government to combat the Committee of National Institutions know the steps taken by the
after drinking the isotonic rise in cases. (ICC) will conduct a special evalu- government to ensure that At the Dewan Rakyat
drink but in some cases, it did Rosnah said it was an en- ation on the status of the Malay- Suhakam’s A status would by Husna Yusop and Giam Say Khoon
not leave any effect. demic disease in the tropical sian Human Rights Commission not be downgraded by the
Expressing concern that and sub-tropical areas, includ- (Suhakam) from Nov 14 to 16. United Nations Human Rights
the widespread belief could ing Malaysia, but the number Deputy Minister in the Prime Council for non-compliance Responding to Sivarasa’s sup-
endanger the life of certain of dengue cases had been on Minister’s Department Datuk with the Paris Principles. plementary question on claims
people such as diabetics, he the decline this year. Liew Vui Keong said at the mo- Liew refuted claims on Su- that a Suhakam commissioner
asked Deputy Health Minister “In the first week of this ment, Suhakam was an “A” status hakam’s purported non-compli- was not allowed to visit the KL
Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid year, 1,633 cases were re- entity. ance, saying the government had International Airport’s detention
Shirlin the measures taken by ported with an average 1,176 “On that date, the final decision amended the Act 1957 on two depot to interview some 200 Sri
the ministry to give the right cases reported every week on Suhakam’s occasions to give emphasis on Lankan refugees on Monday,
information to the public. until March. We hope the accreditation transparency in the appointment Liew said based on records, there
“What is the method used “However, thanks to the amendments will will be made,” of Suhakam members as required was no application from Suhakam
by the ministry to create government’s prevention and satisfy the ICC on he said in reply by the Paris Principles. to visit them at that time.
awareness among the people control efforts and with public to R. Sivarasa “We hope the amendments will “Only UNHCR officers visited
so that they consume medi- cooperation, in the 41st week the steps taken by (PKR-Subang) satisfy the ICC on the steps taken the place,” he said referring to the
cine not based on belief but (from Oct 11 – 17), only 563 Malaysia to retain during question by Malaysia to retain Suhakam’s A United Nations High Commis-
based on medical reference?” cases were reported,” she Suhakam’s A status.” time. status,” he said. sioner for Refugees. – Bernama
he asked. said.
Rosnah said she was aware Until Oct 17 also, she said,
of it herself, but to date there
was no scientific analysis
which could support it.
the number of accumulated
dengue cases was 33,123 com-
pared with 36,234 in the same
Petrol kiosks not allowed
“However, I’d like to share
my experience here that one
of my relatives too had con-
period last year – a fall of 3,111
She said the number of
to set retail prices for fuel
sumed the drink when he was dengue-related deaths also fell PETROL companies or petrol “If petrol companies are al- Pua asked whether it was true
infected by dengue. Alhamdu- from 80 cases last year to 72 in station operators are not allowed lowed to determine their own petrol stations were not allowed to
lillah (Thank God), so far he the same comparative period. to set their own retail price for retail prices, consumers would sell fuel at a price lower than that
is healthy, has recovered and In the same period, the fuel, said Deputy Domestic Trade, have to pay different rates all the fixed by the government and the
it (100Plus) did not do him number of dengue cases in Cooperative and Consumerism time as the price would become reason for it.
any harm,” she said, adding nine states also fell, except for Minister Datuk Tan Lien Ho. higher when the price of raw oil in Tan said petroleum products
she would consider Ibrahim’s Selangor, Penang, Sarawak, “This is because the govern- the world market increased. were supply and price-controlled
suggestion and will get a good Perlis, Malacca and Sabah, she ment has fixed the price of petrol “This would have implications by the government under the AMP
answer for him later. said, adding the government and diesel according to the Auto- in terms of an increased inflation which was meant to ensure sup-
She added that the ministry spent RM12 million on anti- matic Pricing Mechanism (APM) rate in the country,” she said in ply and price stability, to control
had set up special hotlines to dengue promotional activities which has been in use since reply to a question from Tony inflation and to ensure profits for
give information to the public through the media. March 1, 1983. Pua (DAP-PJ Utara). operators and petrol companies.

Senior citizens given priority to perform haj

THE government has given priority to Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH or Pilgrimage disabled in need of a companion,” he
senior citizens when selecting haj pil- Fund Board) this year would only get a said in reply to Datuk Seri Abdul
grims because the list of registered pil- chance to perform haj in 2020. Ghapur Salleh (BN-Kalabakan) who
grims is very long and it would be a very “Therefore, we always give priority to asked whether there is such a system.
long wait until they reach their turn. senior citizens to ensure their welfare. He also told Abdul Ghapur the quota
Minister in the Prime Minister’s De- Not only senior citizens, we also give given to Malaysians to perform haj every
partment Datuk Jamil Khir Baharom said priority to women in need of a mahram year was 0.1% of its population and for
for example, those registering with the (immediate family member) and the this year, it was at 26,000.

‘Amend constitution to clarify

country’s status’
THE government has been urged sia is a secular state.
to amend several articles in the He has proposed that the
Federal Constitution to clarify cer- words “Islam is the religion for the
tain issues including the status of Federation including in terms of
the country which adopts a dual- the law and syariah” be included
system (a hybrid legal system) and to remove any doubt on the status
not a secular state as claimed by of the country.
some quarters. He said Article 4 of the Federal
The amendments to the consti- Constitution must be amended to
tution are also necessary to draw add in the words “the Constitution
up the differing line between the is the primary law of the Federa-
constitution as the main federal tion and except for the Islamic law
law and the implementation of Is- and syariah, any other law that
lamic law and syariah. is passed and that contradicts it
The call was among the 24 lists must be void for as long as it is
of private members’ bills submitted contradictory”.
by Zulkifli Noordin (PKR-Bandar “The House must take cogni-
Baru Kulim). sance that in many instances the
Zulkifli said Article 3 of the Islamic syariah law has become
constitution must be amended to void or cannot be enforced
ensure the facts on the position because Article 4 of the Federal
of Islam are not manipulated and Constitution places the country’s
misinterpreted by certain groups law above other laws and regula-
to give the impression that Malay- tions.” – Bernama

RM1.96b still available for agriculture

RM1.96 BILLION from an al- the packages amounting to RM1.3
location of RM3.26 billion in 14 billion. He was replying to a sup-
packages is still available to help plementary question by Nancy
modernise farmers, said Agricul- Shukri (BN-Batang Sadong)
ture and Agro-based Industries who wanted to know how the
Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar. agricultural sector could attract
He said from 1996 till 2003, youth and make agriculture a com-
73,000 farmers benefitted from mercial activity. – Bernama

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