Where The Wild Things Are Story Drama

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Where The Wild Things Are

Group 3- Christina Kim, Gabrielle Keller, Evan Gora, Emma Hagan, Annika Helber Why Did We Choose This Story? Where the Wild Things Are presents a gap in emotions which allows the student to connect with the characters and insert their own feelings. The book is the winner of the Caldecott Medal for the Most Distinguished Picture Book of the Year. This story can be introduced at any time of the year. It builds self expression and a sense of imagination, along with cooperation in students. Where the Wild Things Are is an art integrated resource, which can incorporate Language Arts and Science in a creative manner. This is a story about a young boy who got into mischief and let his imagination free after being sent to his room. Self-imagination and creativity is modeled for young readers. Perhaps children will be able to relate to Max, but learn from his actions.

Key Understandings and Questions What is responsibility? How can you use your imagination? Your imagination will go as far as you allow it.

Supplies Overhead projector Paper plates Scissors Popsicle sticks Markers, crayons, etc. Shape stickers Crown Construction paper Glue Felt pieces Pipe Cleaners

1. Thinking Cap Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Teacher: Whole Group Transformation (ship) A small ship model (a toy would work) To prepare for the drama world

5 minutes

Before we get started, lets put on our imagination crowns. Lets crank it to get it going. We dont want to strain our brains so lets really warm up our imagination! Here I have a boat, and because Im using my imagination I can picture the one place that this boat could be taking me to..hmmm I can see myself riding this ship all the way to my grandparents house! (the ship can fly, or go on land, under the sea, etc., its your imagination!)

Teacher now hands the ship over to the student seated next to him or her. Teacher: Now I will pass this ship around and it will be your turn to imagine where the ship is taking you. (Students share) 5 minutes Pairs of students Narration None To prepare for the drama world Ok class, I want everyone to pair up with a partner and for you to decide who will be person A and person B. Now, I want everyone to imagine a special place that you go to when youre feeling upset. Try and imagine as much details about this place as you can. Give it as much detail as you can imagine.

2. Tour A Place: Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Teacher:

Give everyone a few moments to think. Teacher: Now, I want person A to take your partner on a tour of your special place. Remember to give as many details as you can, using all your senses! You can stand up and walk around if you need to. After person A is finished, switch and have person B give his or her tour.

3. Picture Preview Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Teacher: Teacher:

5 minutes Whole Group Predicting Overhead projector; overhead of picture of Max in his bedroom resembling a forest-like atmosphere and grew To explore the picture Here is one of the pictures from our story. Id like you to take a few moments to look very carefully at it. What kind of room is this? What do you notice about the bedroom? What do you notice about the boy in the picture? What is the feeling or mood in the picture? Now that we have gathered some ideas about the picture, what would you say this story is about? Talk to your classmates around you. (They do)Lets hear some of the ideas that we have shared. (They offer; teacher comments)

4. Introducing the story Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Whole group Story reading aloud (teacher) The storybook To listen

5 minutes

Teacher introduces the book by showing the cover, reading the title, and giving the authors name. Teacher reads from the beginning of the story to and in and out of weeks and almost over a year to where the wild things are. 5. Monster Masks Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Individuals at desk Creating Craft supplies To explore a charter 12 minutes

Teacher shows the page, And when he came to the place where the wild things are Teacher: I would like you to look at the monsters on this page and tell me three things that you notice about them. (Students share)

Teacher will write those three things on the board. Teacher will pass out paper plates to students with pre-cut eye holes and elastic/popsicle sticks. Teacher: For the next 10 minutes, I would like you to take the paper plate that has just been passed out and some of the craft supplies located in the front of the room to make a monster mask. However, to make your own monster mask, there is one rule. That rule is that you have to include at least 2 of the qualities that I just wrote on the board in your mask. In this way, you will have a monster that looks a little like the ones in the book, but also has your own creativity. 3 minutes Individuals in own space Building Role Play Music What Does The Fox Say no lyricsTo build character connection (Before starting to read again) Students, I want you to listen carefully to the next few pages because when I say, let the wild rumpus start, I would like everyone to get up out of your seats with your masks on. Then, I will start playing some music. When you hear the music, I would like you to dance around the room like Max and the monsters are during their wild rumpus. (Throughout the wild rumpus when the music is playing) Show me how your monster moves. Does he walk or hop or maybe even crawl? Show how your monster dances. Does he march, spin, or sway? 10 minutes Small groups of 3 students Dramatic Play Large open space

6. Moving into role Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Teacher:


7. Living Monsters Grouping: Strategy: Administration:


To deepen engagement and explore feelings as students predict what might happen next

Teacher continues to read until, so he gave up being king of where the wild things are. Teacher: How do you think the wild things might feel after they find out that Max no longer wants to be their king? Why might they be feeling that way? (Students respond) For this activity, I would like for everyone to form groups of three. In your groups, I want you to create one monster all together and keep two things in mind. (1) Each person in the group must be connected to one another using at least one body part. (2) I want you to come up with one sound your monster might make, expressing an emotion to Max no longer being their king. Teacher is walking around while the groups are creating their monsters. Teacher: Now that we are finished creating our monsters, I am looking forward to seeing what each group came up with. We will start with group 1 and have them show the rest of the class their monster, and sound expressing how it might feel because Max no longer wants to be their king. You can wear your masks if you like. I want you to share with the class what emotion your monster was expressing. Each group presents its monster to the rest of the class. 8. The end of the story Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: 3-5 minutes

Whole Group Reading aloud (teacher) The storybook To listen to how the author concludes the story

Teacher reads from: But the wild things cried, Oh, please dont go-, to the end of the story. Students will be sitting in a circle. The students should also be able to see the pictures as the teacher reads and holds up the pictures for viewing.

Teacher Transition: We learned a lot about Maxs adventure by reading this story. We thought about how he felt, and used our imaginations to go on his journey with him. Now that Max is safely back in his bedroom, I wonder what he is thinking? He even has his supper waiting for him. I wonder where that came from? 9. Reflecting in role through letter writing Grouping: Strategy: Administration: Focus: Teacher: 5 minutes

Whole Group working individually Writing in role/Reflection Paper and pencils To debrief the experience of Maxs adventure in role, and to explore Maxs change of emotions As quietly as you can, take out a piece of paper and a pencil at your seat. If you are willing, close your eyes. Imagine that you are Max, and that you have just come back from your long adventure with the Wild Things. You think about all of your memories from that trip. What a wild adventure that was! Back in your room, you see your hot supper waiting for you on your bedside table. You smile and scratch your head. How did that get there? How does that make you feel? You may open your eyes. You are now going to write a letter to your mother. How are you feeling now that you are back in your room? How would you explain your adventure to your mother? Write a few short sentences, and draw a picture to go along with your words.

Teacher will let the students write for about 3 minutes. If students seem to be engaged in writing, allow them to write for 1-2 minutes longer. If not, regroup. Teacher: Please, may I have a volunteer to share his or her letter?

Student will share his or her writing and picture with the whole class. An example statement might be: Dear Mother, I just went on an amazing adventure where I was king of terrible beasts! But I missed home, and wanted to come back where I was loved. Thank you for my supper. I am happy it was there for me when I got back. Also, Im sorry about being mischievous earlier. Love, Max. Teacher Ending: Thank you so much for sharing. We were able to learn a lot about Maxs adventure and explore his feelings throughout the story. You all used your imaginations very well today!

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