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300,000 COPIES DAILY Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations (Malaysia)

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Award winning newspaper
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investigative reporting

No. 4871 PP 2644/12/2009 (023092)

October 23, 2009

» Hisham outlines changes to ISA pg2 » The Rulers of Negri Sembilan pg12 Speak up!

Finally, pg18
this is it
All for one and one for all ... Like
The Three Musketeers, Chua, Liow

Tian Chua and Ong join hands and pledge to

forgive and forget their differences
and work towards uniting the
jailed, fined 60-year-old party yesterday.

RM3,000 Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee

Ka Siong and Wanita chief Datin
by Tan Yi Liang Paduka Chew Mei Fun are on official assignment in Geneva.
When the press conference
KUALA LUMPUR: Batu MP Chua Tian Chang started 2.45pm, only Ong and
(pic) was jailed six months and fined RM3,000 Chua were present. Later Wong
yesterday for biting a police constable while whispered to Ong, and they both
resisting arrest, a court sentence that will cost left the room to return 10 minutes
him his Dewan Rakyat seat. later with Liow.
In passing sentence, magistrate Mohd Faizi Asked what role Chua would
Che Abu said members of Parliament were not play in the party, Ong said it was
above the law, and that he intended for the premature to make any conclu-
sentence to serve as a message to the public sions now. However, he said the
to respect law enforcement and the orders of party took into account Chua’s
the court. support and when it implemented
An MP can be stripped its greater unity plan, the voices of
of his post if he is sen- the delegates will be included. He
tenced to a jail term of however did not outline the plan,
more than a year or a fine only saying that it was mainly to
exceeding RM2,000. provide a platform for all quarters

Foes unite
Mohd Faizi rejected within the party to work together
an earlier mitigation plea as a team cohesively.
submitted by Chua’s The problems started when the
counsel, Ranjit Singh and MCA presidential council adopted
Amer Hamzah Arshad, the disciplinary board’s recom-

that since the offence, mendation to expel Chua for tar-
Chua was elected to nishing the party’s image by being
the Batu parliamentary seat by a 9,400-vote filmed having sex with a woman
majority, and was diligent in performing his in a hotel. The central committee
functions as MP. However, he allowed a stay (CC) subsequently overturned the
of execution pending appeal by Chua, who is decision and suspended Chua’s

for 1MCA
Parti Keadilan Rakyat strategic director. membership for four years.
He said Chua, who was charged with hurt- An EGM was held on Oct 10
ing constable Rosyaidi Anuar, 21, in front of during which three resolutions
Parliament House on Dec 11, 2007 was not a were put before central delegates.
credible witness. Chua was arrested during a The outcome: Ong lost a motion of
Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections gathering no-confidence, Chua’s member-
to protest against extending the retirement ship was reinstated but delegates
age of Election Commission members. rejected him as deputy president.
The first-time MP was charged under the Before the EGM, Ong had said
Penal Code and could have faced a three-year he would have to resign if any of
jail term, a fine or both. by Giam Say Khoon received the blessing and support picture of what was good, not for the resolutions were passed. But
Mohd Faizi, who said Chua’s defence was of Prime Minister and Barisan individuals, but for the party. at a CC meeting five days later, he
a mere denial, added that a video recording Nasional chairman Datuk Seri He pledged to reach out to all called for another EGM to decide

of the incident further strengthened the Najib Abdul Razak. Both Ong and leaders and strive to form an all- if fresh elections for the CC should
prosecution’s case. “Although the video re- leadership crisis has been Chua met Najib on the matter. inclusive MCA that will represent be held when he faced pressure to
cording did not show the biting, I believe he resolved. Party president As such, Ong said he is review- the interest of the community. step down. That meeting elected
did as the policeman had testified that he had Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat and ing his earlier instruction to party At the press conference were Liow as deputy president.
punched the accused and Chua had retaliated his former deputy Datuk Seri secretary-general Datuk Wong Chua, newly-elected deputy presi- Asked if he can work with Chua,
by biting,” he said. Dr Chua Soi Lek agree to work as a Foon Meng to call for an extraor- dent Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai, Ong said he is “optimistic as well
Chua maintained his innocence. “The only team – without pre-conditions – to dinary general meeting (EGM) to vice-presidents Datuk Seri Kong as hopeful that we are committed
technical point is the circumstantial evidence strengthen and unite the party. decide whether fresh party polls Cho Ha, Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen to the party course, that we will be
which led the judge to believe my guilt. I am Ong told a press conference should be held. Yen, Wong and several central able to work it out”.
appealing. As an activist, I will continue to fight at party headquarters yesterday He said it was time to forgive committee members. They posed
for change,” he said, flashing his teeth. that the “greater unity plan” has and forget and look at the bigger for the classic all-for-one photo. » Turn to Page 2

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