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12 theSun | FRIDAY OCTOBER 23 2009

speak up!
Installation of
Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan

The Rulers of
Negri Sembilan
THE Linggi River – after which my state Unfortunately for my ancestor the British
would likely have been named if not for had received artillery reinforcements
Adat Perpatih – winds rather majestically which blasted Yamtuan Antah’s men out
in its final stages. Raja Melewar, having of their camps, leading to a successful Tunku Besar Seri Menanti Tunku
already sailed across the Straits of Ma- British counterattack (which included the Ali Redhauddin ibni Tuanku Muhriz
lacca, would have entered its mouth to deployment of Gurkhas) and ultimately inspects the royal regalia to be used
be welcomed by lush greenery. He would the capture of Seri Menanti. for the installation yesterday.
have found a river teeming with fish, From the high van-
prawns and fearsome-looking but docile of smallpox claimed Yamtuan Antah’s
the sights and sounds of those days.
crocodiles, and he must have been Abiding life, which meant that it was during the
Tuanku Abdul Rahman’s reign
excited at the prospect of ruling Times reign of his son, Tuanku Muhammad,
saw the British Resident model being
that Negri Sembilan was restored as a
interrupted by World War II and the
over this lush abundance, more so
as this migration was in response to by Tunku‘ unified kingdom.
subsequent dismantlement of the British
an invitation issued by the people of Abidin Muhriz Tuanku Muhammad enjoyed a good
Empire. He survived both the Japanese
this new land themselves. working relationship with the British,
Occupation and a murder attempt by
This week I had the opportunity which facilitated the further development
communists. He vigorously opposed the
to retrace the final stages of that fate- of the state. Negri Sembilan, together with
Malayan Union – like his father, keen to
ful journey which took place over Perak, Selangor and Pahang, formed the
protect the unique institutions of Negri
two centuries ago. Dozens of kayak- Federated Malay States, but Tuanku Mu-
Sembilan – and went on to reign as
ers traversed the Straits of Malacca hammad was always careful that
the first Yang di-Pertuan Agong of the
– possibly expending more energy Federation of Malaya after being

in the process than Raja Melewar’s ILAN elected by his brother Rul-
rowers did – to re-enact the migration ers to that position. Tuanku

of the prince who was to become the Abdul Rahman passed away

first Ruler of a new unified kingdom in the Istana Negara on April

of nine states called Negri Sembilan. 1, 1960. It was the country’s
The crossing was to be repeated by his first state funeral, and his cof-
two successors: Yamtuan Hitam and fin was taken by train from

Yamtuan Lenggang, who reigned at a Kuala Lumpur to Seremban

time when rivalry between the Bugis, and then by road to Seri Me-
Dutch and Javanese resulted in convo- nanti.
luted political power play and routinely Although Tuanku
escalated into armed conflict. Munawir’s reign was not
During the reign of Yamtuan Raden, mad with his long, he had already served
open war with the British ultimately Tuanku Muham as regent while his father was
resulted in the loss of Naning, and by serving as Yang di-Pertuan
the time Yamtuan Imam ascended the tage point of the new Agong, and thus had presided
throne the state had fragmented further. Bukit Putus bypass – opened a few days Tuanku over the state’s post-Merdeka
After Yamtuan Antah ascended the throne ago – you can just imagine the movements Munawir development. He had enabled a
there was further violence as the British and positions of the men, gunpowder with Tunku Tuanku Abdul Rahma new school to open in the Istana
n with Tunku Abdul
made inroads into the Malay Peninsula, smoke further obscuring the limited view Deborah, Putra (left) and Sir Do Rahman Lama itself, and he officiated
nald MacGillivray on
not content with confining their influence through the dense jungle. There must Tunku Aug 5, 1957. the opening of Tunku Kurshiah
within the Straits Settlements. This was have been numerous men who fell to ig- Maheran, College. He had a reputation
the War of Bukit Putus of 1875, which nominious deaths here, and yet it was for the Raja the independence for being close to the rakyat
took place between Yamtuan Antah’s a battle upon this hill that a Victoria Cross Perempuan of of Negri Sembilan was safeguarded. He – there are pictures of him picnicking
forces at Seri Menanti and the British at was bestowed upon a British soldier. Perlis Tengku also played a leading role not only in the with his subjects – but he also loved his
Sungai Ujong. The initial battles went Yamtuan Antah did later return to Seri Budriah, Tunku construction of the two official palaces animals, which included a bear and two
very well for Yamtuan Antah: he defeated Menanti, and his relationship with the Annie Dakhlah, in Seri Menanti still standing – the Istana elephants.
the British at Terachi and again on Bukit British improved. Both sides recognised Tunku Maharun Lama and the Istana Besar – but also I grew up during the reign of Tuanku
Putus itself. His soldiers made it right up that a win-win solution was possible with and elephant in the establishment of two institutions Ja’afar, during which the state continued to
to the east bank of the Linggi River, across increased economic opportunities and Zimbo on Aug 19, which continue to shine in Malaysia: the develop drastically: in terms of infrastruc-
from where the British were stationed. political stability. However, an epidemic 1959. Royal Malay Regiment and the Malay ture as well as demographically. Not only
College Kuala Kangsar. does Seremban now sprawl into numerous
My great-uncle Tunku suburbs but many people today commute
Datuk Seri Adnan Tunku to Kuala Lumpur from Seremban on a
Besar Burhanuddin re- daily basis. I met Tuanku Ja’afar every
members how he used Hari Raya Aidilfitri at least: he was a kind
to accompany Tuanku Ruler who cared deeply about the rakyat,
Muhammad to events and the state was rightly in grave mourn-
and games, and regularly ing after his demise last year.
received 20 cents pocket
money. Tunku Adnan was **
five years old when Tu- In the Abiding Times of Nov 14, 2008,
anku Muhammad passed I stated that it was an eventful year for
away in the Istana Besar, democracy. I cited three elections which
but he vividly remembers signalled change in their respective
countries: the election of Barack Obama
as president of the United States, the

election of Boris Johnson as Mayor of

London and the Malaysian general elec-
tion of March 8. For me there was to be
another: the election of Tuanku Muhriz
as Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sem-
bilan on Dec 29, 2008.
I will never forget the events leading
up to the proclamation. One day I may
write about them. But not today. This
week the ceremonies of the Installation
of Tuanku Muhriz will take place in Seri
Menanti. It is a celebration that has not
been seen for 41 years, and I hope that
all communities in Negri Sembilan will
join us in the various events that have
been organised for the public in the field
between the Istana Lama and Istana
Besar. For my part, the books are printed
and the choirs are ready.
Daulat Tuanku!

Tuanku Muhammad (seated far left) Tunku Zain Al-’Abidin is Tuanku

attending a Durbar in the 1930s. Muhriz’s second son. Comments: letters@

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