Pset1 2014 Spring

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University of California, Berkeley EE118/218A Introduction to Optical Engineering Problem Set 1 Spring 2014 due Friday, Jan.

31, 2014

1. Order of magnitude calculations To answer the following questions, you will need to research common values and make simplifying assumptions. Please quote your sources and state your assumptions. a) How many photons of visible light are generated by a 100W lightbulb that is left on for 1 hour? b) Explain the general state of polarization of sun light that is scattered from the clear overhead. Describe the mechanism which accounts for partial polarization and draw a diagram if needed. c) Which way are polarizers in polarized sunglasses oriented and why? 2. Plane waves and phasor representations Throughout this problem, by real expression of a wave we mean the space-time representation, e.g. f (x, y, z, t) = A cos(kz t) is a plane wave of wave-vector magnitude k and frequency propagating in the direction of the z coordinate axis. By phasor expression we mean the complex representation of the wave, e.g. Aeikz for the same wave. a) Write the real and phasor expressions for a plane wave f1 (x, y, z, t) propagating at an angle 30 relative to the z axis on the xz -plane (i.e., the plane y = 0). The wavelength is = 1m, and the wave speed is c = 3 108 m sec1 . b) Write the real and phasor expressions for a plane wave f2 (x, y, z, t) of the same wavelength and wave speed as f1 but propagating at angle 60 relative to the z axis on the yz -plane. c) (EE218A only) Use the real expression to plot f1 (x, y, z = 0, t = 0) and f2 (x, y, z = 0, t = 0) using Matlab. (Note: you will probably need to use surf or an equivalent command.) d) (EE218A only) The plane z = 0 is illuminated by the superposition of the two waves f1 and f2 . Plot the waveform received at points A, B, C, D, E with Cartesian coordinates, respectively, (0, 0, 0), 1 1 , ,0 , 4 4 3 1 1 , ,0 , 2 2 3 3 3 1 , , 0 , 1, , 0 4 4 3 2 3

(all units in microns) as function of time. What do you observe?

3. Wave superposition Consider the following two waves, f1 (x, z, t) = 5 cos f2 (x, z, t) = 5 cos 2 x2 z+ 2 10t 17 2z (x 5)2 2 z+ 2 10t + 17 2z 3

a) If these waves approximately satisfy the (Helmholtz) Wave Equation, what is the phase velocity? b) Using trigonometric identities, calculate the wave that results from the coherent superposition of the two waves, i.e. f (x, z, t) f1 (x, z, t) + f2 (x, z, t). c) Now express each wave as phasor, add the two phasors and compare the result to the phasor of f (x, z, t) from part (b). d) What is the physical interpretation of these waves? 4. Maxwells Equations a) Faradays and Amperes laws can be written in both dierential and integral forms.nShow that one can arrive at the integral form of Faradays law starting from the dierential form. Using the integral form, give a physical interpretation of this equation. b) The continuity equation relates charge density to current density as J = t (1)

Show that the continuity equation can be derived from Maxwells equations. (Hint: Take the divergence of one of Maxwells equations) c) (EE218A only) Demonstrate that Faradays law and Gauss law for magnetism do not contradict each other.

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