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issue 26 Jan 2008


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Contents 3

From the Editor.....

Muchmor Welcome to 2008 to all our readers. We hope it will be a happy

and prosperous one for everyone.
Muchmor Media
The new year brings with it some changes to Muchmor. Along
17 Woody Woodward Lane with the style changes we announced last month we now have a
Corbyville RR1
Ontario new way of viewing the magazine which we hope you will agree is
K0K 1V0 much quicker and easier than before. Of course if you want to
download a pdf version you can still do so in the Tools section of
Tel: 1 613 396 5531 the toolbar. You can click on any weblink or advert and go straight
Fax: 1 613 396 5531
to the related website and you can also view the contents,
advertisers etc more easily.
So happy reading.

Editorial: Contents… HiFX currency exchange 31

Zoom Airlines 2 Employment

Canada’s top employers 32
Muchmor Magazine is a publication Canada: Moving to…. Average weekly earnings 33
of Muchmor Media. All rights Money news 34
reserved in all media. No parts of
Québec 4
this publication can be reproduced Québec City 6
in any form, copied of stored Motoring
electronically for commercial use Gatineau 7
without prior permission in writing Montréal 8 Types of driving licence 35
from the publisher. Storing for Motoring news 36
personal use is acceptable. Sherbrooke 9
Yukon Territories 10 Green rebates on cars 37
We are happy to make every effort
to verify all the information we Whitehorse 12
publish, but products and prices do
Dawson City 13 Education
change. Muchmor Magazine cannot
accept responsibility for any errors Watson Lake 14 Canadian students survey 38
or omissions or for any losses that
may arise as a result, but it is our London, Ontario welcome 15
policy to correct any errors of fact Inuit history in Canada 16 Kidzone
whenever we can. Girl Guides in Canada 40
2007 A year in review 17
The opinions of readers and their What you will learn in school 42
letters are not necessarily the Puzzles 43
opinions of Muchmor, and we Immigration
cannot be held responsible for their Yukon Nominee Program 18
Work experience 19 Out & About
Lethbridge, Alberta welcome 20 Winter in Whistler 44
Foreign-born Canadians 21
Immigration news 24 Tea Break
Click on any Settlement funding 25 Feedback 46
advert or link to Top Canadian…. 47
go straight to Real Life Whistler wordsearch 48
website Brockville, Ontario 26
Muchmor Realty
Money Realty news and realtor
Why wills are important 28 information 49-60
Price comparisons 30
4 Canada

Québec is the second most populous province in
Canada. But if you don’t “parlez français” you
could be in trouble.

Québec is the second most It is the only Canadian province with biotechnology companies and has six of
populous province in Canada with French as the official language. the seven research centres of
In 2006 a total of 44,677 people multinational pharmaceutical companies
7,546,131 people calling it home.
moved to Québec from other countries, in Canada.
It is also the largest province in most of them to Montreal, the largest city Aerospace is also a big player in
the country with a land area of in the province. The majority of people Québec with the Canadian Space Agency
1,356,366 square kilometres. Only originate from Africa, the Middle East and headquartered here. Québec ranks sixth
one other territory is larger: Europe. in the world in terms of output in this
sector. One person in 200 works in the
Economy aerospace industry in the province.
Tourism is also important to Québec
Québec is located to the east of which sees on average 30 million visitors
The main economies in Québec are
Ontario and is bordered to its east by each year. These visitors generate a
science and technology, tourism,
New Brunswick and Labrador. Nearly all revenue in excess of $10 billion. The
transportation and natural resources.
of Québec lies within the Canadian shield province has over 90 ski resorts making it
For many year natural resources
dating back to the ice ages, This means it a prime winter destination. The province
dominated Québec’s economy, but in
is rich in mineral deposits which is also home to the Canadian Grand Prix,
recent years the service sectors have
contributes heavily to the economy. and the Rogers Cup. Over 330,000
taken over and now account for over 70%
French is the official language in people work within Québec’s tourism
of the Gross Domestic Product.
Québec with over 80% of the population industry.
Many jobs in the province are within
speaking it as a first language and over
the communication and information
40% speaking both French and English.
sectors with over 5,000 companies Weather
So if you are not a French speaker then
employing over 100,000 people.
Québec is probably not the place for you.
Québec ranks fourth in North Because Québec is so huge it has
America in terms of the number of four climate types: Continental, Arctic,
Canada 5

Subarctic and Maritime. To the very north of Driving

the province the climate is Arctic with
continuos permafrost, bitterly cold winters
and very cool summers. Very few people
The Societe de l’assurance automobile
(SAAQ) is responsible for the issuing of
live in this area. Average temperatures in driving licences in Québec.
Inukjuak which is on the 58th parallel in If you are moving to Québec from
January are -25°C and in July 9°C. Most of inside Canada you can exchange your
the snow falls during the winter months existing licence for a Québec licence
with the annual being around 200 cm. without having to take a road test. This
Rainfall is mainly during the summer applies to all passenger vehicle and
months with the annual fall being 260 mm. motorcycle licences. For other types of
The area between the 50th and 58th licence a test will be required.
parallels is classed as subarctic. In this People moving from the United States
region the winters are long and cold with may also exchange their existing
lots of snowfall. The summers are short passenger vehicle or motorcycle licence for
and cool. Schefferville is on the 54th parallel an equivalent Québec licence without
and sees average January temperatures of taking a test. For other types of licence a
-24°C and July of 12°C. test will be required.
The majority of the population live in If you are moving to Québec from
the area dominated by a continental Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Japan,
climate which means hot summers and Netherlands, Republic of Korea,
cold winters with lots of precipitation in the Switzerland, England, Scotland, Turkey or
form of both snow and rain. Montreal is Wales you may exchange your existing
within this region and it sees average licence for an equivalent licence
January temperatures of -8°C and July (passenger and motorcycle licences only)
temperatures of 22°C. Annual rainfall is 50 without taking a road test. If you are from a
mm and annual snowfall 60 cm. country not listed above then you can still
Only one location in the province is exchange your existing licence but will
classed as maritime and that is Îles-de-la- need to take a road test first. Other licence
Madeleine, a small island in the Gulf of St types will require testing.
Lawrence. Everyone wishing to exchange their
out of province licence will need to do so by
Health appointment only. Canadian citizens should
call 514 873-7620 from Montreal or 1 800
The Régie de l'assurance maladie 361-7620m elsewhere in Québec to make
issues a Health Insurance Card to persons an appointment. Non Canadian citizens
eligible for the Québec Health Insurance should call 514 954-7771 from within
Plan. All residents should carry their card Montreal or 1 888 356-6616 from other
with them at all times. locations in Québec.
If you are moving to Québec from Permanent residents must bring the
another Canadian province or territory your "Confirmation of Permanent Residence"
Québec health cover will start on the first document. No licence exchange is possible
day of the third month of residency. Your without this. A permanent resident card is
existing health coverage will be valid during not sufficient.
this probationary period. You should apply
for your health coverage as soon as
possible after arrival in Québec to ensure Olympic Park
continuity of cover.
For people moving to Québec from Stadium
outside Canada there is a three month
waiting period before cover begins. You
should apply for cover soon after taking up
residency and should obtain additional
health cover during the probationary Québec City
6 Canada

During 2006 1,778 people moved to

the city from outside Canada.

Québec City Housing

The average selling price of a single-

family detached property in Québec was
$227,528 during the third quarter of 2007.
The highest average prices in the city
($290,488) occur in the Sainte-Foy, Sillery,
Cap-Rouge, Saint-Augustin areas the north
central region of the city. The lowest prices
of $181,207 are in the Val-Bélair, Saint
Émile, Loretteville areas in the northern
Rental rates vary across the city but
you can expect to pay on average $450
per month for a bachelor apartment, $570
for a one-bedroom apartment and $800 for
a three-bedroom apartment.
The most expensive areas to rent are
in Québec Haute-Ville and the cheapest
inBeauport and Boischâtel.


The local government provides many

jobs within the city and the civil service
Québec City is the capital of alone accounts for 40,000 jobs. Over 80%
Québec and has a population of of the service sector jobs can be found
715,515 making it the second within the retail, education and healthcare
largest city in the province. It is industries.
The average unemployment rate in the
also the only fortified city north of
city during November was 4.7%. This
Mexico in North America with its compares well to the same month in 2006
walls still in existence. when the rate was 6.1%.
The average weekly earnings in the
The city skyline is dominated by the city during September 2007 was $708.
Chateau Frontenac, an historic hotel and
one of the city’s main tourist attractions. Pets
The city is known for its 17th and 18th
century European architecture and is a The cost of an annual dog licence in
favorite destination for tourists worldwide. Québec is $20.00 for the first dog and
Québec City is the second most $25.00 for a second. Only two dogs over
important economical centre in Québec three months of age may be kept at a
after Montréal. Culture, tourism, high single residence.
technology and information technology are
prominent economies within the city. It is
also the centre of government activity.
Out of 52 European and North
American cities surveyed, Québec City
ranked second in leading edge software,
plastics, and metal manufacturing. This
expertise also carries over to electronics,
pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications
equipment, for which it is ranked fourth.
Canada 7


Gatineau is located at the every year. The industry employes over Bowater (paper manufacturer), HP
southwestern edge of the province 4,000 people. (computers) and Bell Canada
of Québec at the confluence of the
Housing During September 2007 the average
Gatineau and Ottawa rivers. With unemployment rate in the city was 5.7%
the Ontario city of Ottawa just and the average weekly wage was $819.
The average selling price of a single
across the river, Gatineau is a family detached property during the third
major hub for economic and social quarter of this year was $225,832. A Pets
development. condominium’s average selling price is
$129,793. Dogs and cats in Gatineau require an
Rental costs range from around $500 annual licence at a cost of $30 per
The new city of Gatineau was created
per month for a bachelor apartment, $700 unaltered animal and $20 for altered
on January 1, 2002, following the
for a two bedroom apartment to $800 for a animals.
amalgamation of the former cities of
three-bedroom apartment. Newer A maximum of four dogs and/or cats
Aylmer, Hull, Gatineau, Masson-Angers
properties command higher rents than are allowed per dwelling.
and Buckingham. Gatineau is part of
older properties.
Canada’s National Capital Region which
The Hull area is the the costliest for
includes Ottawa, the country’s capital.
both rental and purchase prices.
The city has a population of 283,959
as of the 2006 census. Over 1,000
newcomers made the city their home Employment
during 2006. The majority of newcomers
originate from Europe and China. The Government of Canada is the
The city’s economy used to be largest employer in the region with over
dominated by forestry and agriculture, but 21,000 jobs. The Government of Québec
in recent times the service industries have is also a major employer as is the health
grown with the relocation of major sector. Other major employers include
companies to the area. Commission Scolaire des Draveurs
The tourist industry is also an (education), the Casino du Lac-Leamy
important economic sector for the city with (gaming), Commission scolaire des
over six million visitors coming to the area Portages-de-l’Outaouais (education),
8 Canada


Montréal is the largest city in education, electronics and software Employment

Québec and is located on the engineering. The city is one of the world’s
largest aeronautics centres, along with Major companies in the city include
Island of Montréal where the St
Seattle (USA) and Toulouse (France). Alcan (aluminum manufacturer),
Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers meet Montréal also ranks fourth in North Bombardier (aerospace), CGI Group
and is surrounded by the St America in terms of employment in the (information technology), Air Canada
Lawrence River. It is connected to pharmaceutical sector. (transportation), CAE (aerospace), Saputo
the mainland by a series of (food manufacturer), Cirque du Soleil
bridges. In the centre of the island Housing (entertainment), Bell Canada
(telecommunications) and the National
is Mont Royal, a 233 metre extinct
The average selling price of a single Bank of Canada (finance).
volcano. The unemployment rate in the city
family dwelling in the city during the third
quarter of this year was $307,601. during October 2007 was 7.2% and the
With a population of 3,635,571 average weekly wage was $709.
Rental rates vary across the
according to the 2006 census, it is the
metropolitan area of the city, but the
most populous city in the province. In Pets
average rates for a bachelor apartment
2006 over 38,000 people moved to the
are $500 per month, $650 for a two-
city from outside Canada.
bedroom apartment and $800 for a three- No more than two dogs over the age
Montréal is the largest inland port in
bedroom apartment. The Montréal Island of three months may be kept at a single
the world where many ships stop off
area has the highest rental rates of residence.
between the Atlantic and the Great Lakes.
around $1,600 per month for a three- Every dog over three months of age
This has meant the city has become a
bedroom apartment or around $900 for a must have a valid licence, the cost of
hub for the Canadian Pacific Railway and
one-bedroom apartment. which is $25.00 per year.
the Canadian National Railway.
Major industries within the city
include pharmaceuticals, textiles, high
technology, clothing manufacturing,
Canada 9


Sherbrooke is located where Employment

the Saint-Francois and Magog
rivers meet in the eastern region The labour force in the city is divided
between a few key sectors: construction
of Québec. It is a community of
sector 4% of jobs, the manufacturing
186,515 people with over 90% sector 19%, commerce 14%, health care
speaking only French and the and social services 16%, education 11%
majority being of Catholic faith. and other services 36%.
Major employers include Université
For many years the local economy de Sherbrooke (education), University
was based on the textile, food and Hospital (health), Nordia Inc (business
machinery industries but recently it is services), Fédération des caisses
changing to a more service industry led Desjardins du Québec (finance), City of
economy. Sherbrooke (public administration),
Much of the population and the Kruger Inc (pulp and paper) and Cégep
employment in the city is built around the de Sherbrooke (education).
four colleges and two universities located As of September 2007 the
here. The Bishop’s University is the only unemployment rate was 6.1% and the
English language university outside of average weekly earnings were $687.
Montreal in the province.

Housing Pets

It is currently a sellers market in the No more than four dogs may be kept
city with 383 homes selling via MLS in a single domestic residence.
during the third quarter of this year. Dogs require an annual licence at a
Throughout the municipality of cost of $40 for unaltered animals and $30
Sherbrooke the average selling price of a for altered dogs.
single family detached home is currently Cats also require a licence at a cost
$181,648. of $30 for unaltered cats and $20 for
Rental rates in the city average $370 altered cats.
per month for a bachelor apartment, $420
for a one-bedroom apartment and $640 Previous issues of Muchmor featuring
for a three bedroom apartment. Québec include: May 2006 and November
10 Canada

Yukon Territories
The Yukon is one of Canada’s three territories
and is the location of Canada’s highest point
Mount Logan.

Yukon Territories are located in some linking Yukon with Alaska and area is still untapped. This leads to
the northwest corner of Canada southern Canada. exciting new opportunities for the future.
The Klondike Gold Rush was the The tourism industry is the single
above British Columbia and west
main even in Yukon’s history. Gold was largest private contributor to the
of Northwest Territories. It has 200 discovered along the Klondike River near economy. It is estimated that 70% of
km of Arctic coastline and is Dawson City in August 1896. Over 40,000 Yukoners work in a tourism related field.
483,450 sq km in size. people came to the region to find gold Over 300,000 people visit the Yukon every
during the following two years. After the year, that is ten times the normal
The population according to the 2006 gold rush the population declined from population.
census was 30,372 with the majority of over 27,000 to just over 4,000. The oldest industry in the territory is
those people found in the territory’s capital The second most important event in the fur trade with the largest portion of
Whitehorse which is the only city in the Yukon’s history was the construction of trappers’ incomes coming from the sale of
territory. the Alaska Highway during the Second lynx and marten pelts. Sales of wolverine,
As well as being the location of World War which finally connected the fox, muskrat and beaver are also
Mount Logan the highest point in Canada territory with southern Canada. The road important. Other significant industries
at 5,971 metres, it is also home to the is an all-weather road and is 2,451 km include agriculture and fishing.
second longest river in Canada, the Yukon long. The average weekly earnings in
River which is 3,185 km long and runs Yukon amount to $852.80 which is around
from northern British Columbia to the Economy 14% above the national average.
Baring Sea. The longest non-polar ice
field is also in the Yukon at the St Elias Mining and mineral exploration have Weather
mountain range. It is over 700 metres been mainstays of the Yukon economy
deep and over 30 km long. since the turn of the century. The territory The Yukon has a sub-arctic
All Yukon communities are located is rich in minerals and the industry continental climate with temperatures
south of the Arctic Circle and are continues to grow with mining of gold, reaching as high as 36.1°C in the summer
accessible by road except Old Crow. copper, lead, tungsten, zinc, coal and months and as low as minus 60°C in the
There are more than 4,000 km of all- silver. winter. The lowest temperature ever
weather roads in the territory including The area is also rich in oil and gas recorded was a mind-numbing -62.8ºC in
but as yet the Yukon’s potential in this Snag in February 1947. Average frost free
Canada 11


period ranges from 93 days in the Watson over 65 years of age, or over 60 but
Lake area to 21 days at Haines Junction. married to a Yukon resident over 65 years
As well as varying greatly geographically, of age. Registration is automatic upon
frost free periods vary substantially from reaching the required age. Newcomers
year to year at any location. qualifying will automatically receive
Average annual precipitation ranges membership when applying for YHCIP.
from less than 20 cm west of Whitehorse The Pharmacare program will pay the
to more than 40 cm in Watson Lake. The total costs of the lowest priced generics of
Southwest Yukon, where most agricultural all prescription drugs listed in the Yukon
production occurs, lies within the Pharmacare Formulary. Certain non-
rainshadow created by the St. Elias and prescription drugs and goods are also
Coastal mountains. South-west Yukon is covered by the program
subject to droughts between April and
July. Snowfall is actually often lower than Driving
many parts of southern Canada with
averages of 50-70 cm annually.
If you are moving to Yukon from
another Canadian province or territory you
Health can exchange your existing licence for an
equivalent Yukon licence without
Yukon Health Care Insurance additional written or road tests. Classes
(YHCIP) is provided to all residents for 1,2,3 and 4 require a vision test and
medically required hospital and medical medical report.
services and is free. People moving from the United
If you are moving to the Yukon from States can also exchange their existing
another Canadian territory or province licence if exchanging for classes 5 or 6
Yukon welcome your cover will start three months after (passenger cars and motorcycles) without
taking up residency. Your existing health testing. Other types of licence require
sign cover will remain effective during this testing.
probationary period. New residents from outside Canada
Luane Lake For people moving to the Yukon from
outside Canada cover becomes effective
needing a licence should contact the
motor vehicle office. For Whitehorse this
three months after the date of residency. is at 308 Steele Street, Lynn Building,
World’s largest You are advised to take out additional Main Floor, Tel: (867) 667-5315 or
health cover during this waiting period. 1-800-661-0408 local 5315 (toll free within
gold pan Pharmacare is available to residents Yukon) or email;
who qualify for the YHCIP and who are
12 Canada


Whitehorse is not only the During the first half of 2007 the
capital city of the Yukon, it is also average selling price for a single family
home in Whitehorse was $219,703.
the only city and the largest
Rental cost in the city average $730
community in the territory. Over per month across all rental types.
75% of Yukon’s population
(24,041) live within the city limits. Employment
The First Nations population make
up around 16% of the numbers. The largest share of employment is
within the sales and service sectors.
Another large employment group is the
The city was developed during the
business and administration services.
Klondike Gold Rush as a transportation
Other major employment sectors include
hub. Once the White Pass & Yukon Route
health, education, science and technology
Railway linked Whitehorse with the
and trades.
Alaskan port of Skagway, Whitehorse
The unemployment rate in
became the centre of transportation into
Whitehorse is around 3.3%, considerably
and out of the Territory.
below the national average of 5.9%.
Whitehorse was made the capital in
1953 taking over from Dawson City. The
city now acts as the major transportation Pets
and service centre for Yukon. The
government is located here as is the All dogs and cats over six months of
Council of Yukon First Nations. age require a licence in Whitehorse. A
The Whitehorse International Airport maximum of four dogs and four cats may
provides transportation links to Vancouver, be kept in a residential property at any
Calgary, Edmonton and other locations in one time.
Canada and beyond. An altered dog or cat can be licenced
for life at a cost of $25.00, however
Housing unaltered dogs and cats require annual
licensing at a cost of $35.00 per year.
During 2006 a total of 590 properties Once proof of sterilization is obtained a
were sold, a reduction on the previous lifetime licence can be purchased.
year. During 2006 the average selling
price was $216,413, a 16% increase on
Canada 13

Dawson City

Although Dawson City is a city number by around 60,000 every year. In Employment
in name, it is actually a town. It fact tourism is one of the most important
economies for the town for both revenue The majority of people in Dawson are
was originally granted city status
and employment. Accommodation and employed in the tourism industry and
in 1902, but lost that title in the food services account for around 18% of associated services such as food and
1980’s, with special provision to the employment in the town. recreation accommodation. Other services account
allow it to use the word city. and arts is also another major for another portion of employment along
Dawson is located about 536 employment sector which is growing with with health, education, mining and utilities.
around 11% of the town’s employment.
kilometres northwest of
Many still visit in the hope of finding Pets
Whitehorse, at the end of the gold and others for the spectacular
Klondike Highway. scenery. The Northern Lights are also a
Dogs require an annual licence in
big draw for visitors in Dawson and other
Dawson City. An unaltered dog will cost
Like Whitehorse the city was Yukon locations.
$50.00 per year and an altered dog
originally established to cater for the $10.00 per year.
people coming to the area during the Housing
Klondike Gold Rush in the 1890’s. By
1898 the city was the largest city in During the first half of 2007 the
Canada west of Winnipeg with over average selling price for a single family
40,000 residents. Once the gold rush was home in Dawson City was $216,500
over the population dropped resulting in Rental cost in the city average $720
only 5,000 people remaining there in per month for a two bedroom property.
1902. Dawson City was Yukon’s first
capital, relinquishing the title to
Whitehorse in 1953.
Today, Dawson has a population of
just under 2,000, but visitors boost that
14 Canada

Watson Lake

Watson Lake is the third Housing Employment

largest town in the Yukon with
1,567 residents. It is known as the Housing costs in Watson Lake are Some of the largest employment
cheaper than Whitehorse at an average of areas in the town are within the service
“Gateway to the Yukon” due to its
$178,645 whilst rental costs average $680 industries.
position on the southeastern per month.
corner of the territory close to the
border with British Columbia.

The town is a key transportation hub

as it sits on the junction of the Alaska
Highway, the Robert Campbell Highway to
the central Yukon and the Northwest Let me help you find your
ideal home
Territories, and the Stewart-Cassiar
Highway from central British Columbia.
The town was first established in
1939 when the Canadian government Claudia Hancott
decided to build a number of airports in
Sales Representative
the north. One was at Watson Lake and
so the community was born.
The town now acts as a service and
264 Front Street
business centre for southeastern Yukon Belleville
and has a diverse economy. Nearly 20% Ontario
of employment comes from government K8N 2Z2
services and other important sectors
include forestry, tourism. construction and Tel: +1 613 967 2100
other services. Fax: +1 613 967 4688
Watson Lake is also home to the
famous Signpost Forest. This was started
back in 1942 when a U.S. Army GI Lanthorn Real Estate Ltd.
decided to erect a sign giving the milage Brokerage
Each Office is independently Owned and Operated
to his hometown whilst working on the
Alaskan Highway. Many other people
followed his lead and soon thousands of
signs had been erected. The site now has If you are looking at moving to the Belleville and
over 10,000 individual signs and it is said surrounding area of Ontario, then give me a call. I
to be the largest collection of "stolen" am fluent in both English and German and as an
property in the world. immigrant myself I know the importance of finding
the right home!
Canada 15

London Ontario welcomes you

open letter from London Mayor
Anne Marie DeCicco-Best
As London’s Mayor, I am pleased to tell you about our
wonderful community. Often referred to as The Forest City,
London is the 10th largest centre in Canada and serves as the
educational, economic and health hub for our region. With a wide
spectrum of facilities, including the University of Western Ontario
and Fanshawe College, London is an excellent place for
newcomers to meet people, learn new things and network for the
London is also a great place to live, work and share with
family. Ours is a diverse community, made up of individuals and
families representing varied cultures found throughout the world.
We believe it is these new Canadians, these new Londoners, who
are defining our city and our future. And, our recently launched Immigration Portal on the City of London
website ( is an important tool to assist in learning about London’s great opportunities.
As Londoners, we believe a great city welcomes newcomers and understands what it means for people
to be strangers in a strange land. That’s why London hosted its first-ever Cultural Diversity Conference in
2006. For the event, we brought hundreds of leaders together, including Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor
James Bartleman - to discuss how demographics are changing; to promote ideas of social inclusion; and to
look for ways workplaces can be proactive in their recruitment efforts. Through such events, our goal is to
enhance London as one of the greatest places to live, work and play.
To this end, we have spearheaded London’s Workforce Development Strategy focused on three primary
measures. The first is to increase the skills of existing workers through more accessible training and re-
training programs. The second measure is to increase immigration to London, and implement effective
methods for assessing and training immigrants to be ‘job ready’. And, the third measure is to work with local
businesses to create programs and offer inducements to convince older, more experienced workers to
remain in the workforce.
We have great tools to support this Strategy. They include the London Economic Development
Corporation, which liaises directly with local companies to ensure their continued growth and vibrancy. Our
‘Welcoming Cultural Diversity Plan’ focuses on how we smoothly integrate immigrants into our community
and the ‘Experience Works’ resource kit challenges companies to keep experienced workers on the job as
long as possible. In addition, London’s ‘International Skills Connections’ helps build relationships outside of
Canada to support local businesses recruiting employees with specialized skills.
In London, we are also fortunate to work in partnership with WIL Employment Connections and the
Cross Cultural Learner Centre to provide new Londoners with everything necessary for a smooth move.
And, recognizing our city as the economic hub for Southwestern Ontario, we continue to lobby other levels
of government to play an integral part in supporting immigration to our city by providing additional resources
through our colleges, university and key service delivery agencies. As such, we invite you to choose
London as your new home and hope your transition will be a pleasant one!
16 Canada

Inuit history in Canada

To many people the word Inuit
is still a mystery, however it refers
to the aboriginal inhabitants of the
Canadian Arctic. There are also
Inuit in Alaska and Greenland, but
a large number, around 45,000,
live in Canada.

Inuit were commonly known as

Eskimos to outsiders, but they prefer to be
known as Inuit which simply means
“people” in their native Inuktitut. Inuit can
be found in the Northwest Territories,
Nunavut, Yukon, Northern Québec and Inuit populations in North America (yellow)
Labrador. Inuit are one of the three
Aboriginal peoples in Canada, as defined hunting expeditions, and work with unemployment, ill-health, crime and
by the Canadian Constitution. The other outfitting organizations. About 30 percent suicide. They do however, have the
two are First Nations and Métis people. of Inuit derive part-time income from their highest birth rate amongst Canadians and
The origins of the Inuit go back over sculpture, carving and print making. their population is expected to double by
4,000 years during which time they have Unfortunately Inuit communities see 2016.
adapted to the harsh and demanding higher levels of overcrowding,
environment they live in. Inuit give equal
respect to land, animals, plants and

Are you new

humans and maintain a harmonious
relationship and have strict traditions and
laws to maintain balance.

to Ontario?
Until the 1940’s Inuit had very little
contact with other Canadians. However
around this time the Canadian
government tried to encourage the Inuit to
establish permanent settlements instead
of moving from place to place with the
Do you need help?
seasons. These settlements were Are you helping
supported by police, health, housing and
social services programs and soon Inuit newcomers to settle?
had their own communities.
In the 1960s, Inuit began to form Settlement.Org provides
marketing co-operatives to help sell their you with information and
products, including art prints and carvings answers to settle in Ontario.
that were to become world-famous.
Because of this new economy Inuit soon Visit for information about
had new schools and improved medical
Finding a Job, ESL Classes, Housing, Health and much more...
facilities. Regular air travel and
telecommunications helped link the
settlements to each other and the rest of
the world.
Today Inuit work in all sectors of the
economy, although they still supplement
their income with hunting. Tourism is a
Citizenship and Citoyenneté et
growing industry in the Inuit economy. Funded by: Immigration Canada Immigration Canada

Inuit guides take tourists on dogsled and Managed by: Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (OCASI)

final changes June 2, 2005

Canada 17

2007 a year in review

Top 10 weather stories 6. Robert Pickton Trail
Top 10 news stories (CTV)
(Environment Canada)
1. High Flying Loonie Canadian pig farmer is given life for the
1. Vanishing Ice in the Arctic murder of six Vancouver women. Twenty
other murders are also linked to him.
The strong Canadian dollar reaches and
Satellite images reveal ice the size of exceeds parity with the American dollar. 7. Pedophile Investigation
Ontario has disappeared from the Arctic.
2. Canadian Casualties
2. B.C.’s Long Flood Threat Canadian pedophile Christopher Paul Neil
is finally caught in Thailand
Rising death toll in Afghanistan leads to
British Columbia was under flood threat stretch of highway 401 being renamed 8. RCMP Shootings
for several months in early 2007. “Highway of Heroes.”

3. Pre-Winter Weather Mayhem 3. Conrad Black Trial Christopher John Worden (30) in Hay
River, Northwest Territories and Douglas
Scott (20) in Kimmirut, Nunavut are killed.
Winter weather hits Canada coast to Former media baron tried for
coast with a vengeance in December. misappropriation of millions of dollars from 9. Multiple Births
the newspaper empire he headed.
4. Tropical Summer on the Prairies
4. Product Recalls Sextuplets are born in British Columbia
and quadruplets in Calgary.
Record temperatures hit the prairies
Scandal as many products from 10. Mulroney Scandal
causing deaths and crop disasters.
toothpaste to toys made in China are
5. Dry in Southern Ontario Former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney in
5. Tasar Incidents scandal over cash payments
The death of a Polish immigrant at
Record temperatures hit Southern
Vancouver airport puts the police use of
Ontario, three times the normal +30°C tasars under-fire.

6. Big Bad Noel but No Juan

Fifteen named storms, including six

hurricanes, occur 2007

7. How Low Will They Go?

Trillions of gallons of water vanish from

the Great Lakes causing record low

8. A Winter That Wasn’t - Almost!

Winter arrives late with no major snow

until mid January

9. Record Prairie Hailers

A record 410 severe weather events whatever your lifestyle...

eclipse a previous record of 297

we have something for you!

10. Canada’s First F5 Tornado

On June 22, an F5 tornado touched down

near Elie, Manitoba.
my ... a welcoming community
18 Immigration

Yukon Nominee Program

Last month Patrick Rouble, Education
minister announced changes to the Yukon
Nominee Program (YNP) aimed at making
it easier to fill skill shortages within the
He said “ The Yukon government
recognizes that the territory is facing a
labour shortage and employers are finding
it increasingly more difficult to attract and
retain workers.”
Perviously temporary foreign workers
were required to leave the Yukon once
their work permit expired and then had to
wait two years before applying for
permanent residency status. The new
changes mean that such workers can be
nominated by their employers whilst still in
the Yukon. This is not only beneficial to
the applicant but also to the employer who
no longer has to worry about rehiring
people and being without workers. needed, a letter of recommendation for
Assistant Deputy Minister Brent The Yukon Nominee Program has use by the nominee to obtain a temporary
Slobodin said, “ The demand and interest several components: work permit to facilitate temporary entry to
for jobs from outside Canada’s borders Canada while the permanent residency
are there. These changes are designed to processing takes place.
Skilled Worker / Critical
speed up the paperwork and get workers Details of this program can be found
into the territory as soon as possible to fill
Impact Worker Program
on the official website which also include
existing shortages, notably in the retail all forms required.
and hospitality industries.” The Critical Impact Worker and
The changes to the YNP should see Skilled Worker Programs are employer
results in the near future, said Rouble. driven; designed to assist Yukon
“I believe we already have employers, sectors or governments to
Business Program
applications coming in for Canadian Tire, identify and nominate potential qualified
Tim Hortons, as well as other small immigrants to fill positions that cannot be
filled by the territorial or national labour The Business Program has two
market. components: an Entrepreneur category
In addition to providing immigrants
This category is in place until March and a Self Employed category.
with guaranteed employment and putting
31, 2009 or until the labour market for Entrepreneur: Although most
them on track to having permanent status,
semi-skilled workers within the Yukon economic sectors are eligible the following
employers also pay the airfare to get them
economy demonstrates this category is no are deemed to be priority industries by the
here. In many cases, when the foreign
longer required. Government of Yukon:
workers need to learn English, the
Both the employer and the nominee • Information Technology
employers arrange for them to take
must complete the relevant paperwork • Manufacturing
classes, and find them housing as well,
which is then assessed for approval or • Value-added Processing
although that is not a legal requirement.
refusal. The employer will then be advised • Forestry
“We will continue working on future
in writing if the application has been • Tourism Products, Attractions,
market labour development programs in
successful or not. Services and Facilities
order to keep the Yukon economy vibrant
Approved nominees will be • Energy
and strong.” added Rouble.
nominated for permanent residency and, if • Mining/Mineral Development
Immigration 19

• Agriculture professional practices. The applicant implemented, a nomination certificate for

• Cultural Industries must: permanent residency will be issued to
• Film and Video Production • be identified as a professional skill Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
shortage. Should the applicant be unable to
The applicant’s business plan may • Satisfy any certification or implement the business plan immediately,
involve a new business startup or the accreditation requirements for the a letter of support for a work permit will be
purchase of an existing business. To be particular profession or occupation. issued to Citizenship and Immigration
eligible the applicant must: • Be licensed/accepted by the body Canada to allow the applicant additional
• invest a minimum of $150,000 governing the profession, if any. time to implement the business plan.
equity into starting or buying a business • Demonstrate reasonable Details of the Business Program
in Yukon. communication skills appropriate to along with all instructions and forms can
• Have a personal net worth of at Yukon. be found at the official website:
least $250,000. • Demonstrate a reasonable
• Demonstrate a reasonable knowledge and understanding of Yukon a/general/ynp.html
knowledge and understanding of Yukon and its economy.
and its economy. • Demonstrate that they have The Government of Yukon currently
• Be able to demonstrate reasonable sufficient financial resources to start recognizes three key skill shortages:
communication skills. and operate the professional practice • medical doctor
• Have the necessary experience and to support themselves and any • registered nurse
and education to successfully dependents for a period of six months. • electrical or electronic engineer
implement the business plan. • Submit a detailed business plan for Those occupations listed on the Skill
the business or practice. Shortage List prior to June 2007
Self-Employed: The self-employed (physicians, nurses and professional
category of the Nominee Program is The applicant must submit an engineers) will be placed on the list until
designed to attract professionals who can application and business plan for review April 1, 2008.
provide a service that is in demand in by the Yukon Department of Economic
Yukon by establishing business outlets or Development. Once an applicant is
accepted and the business plan is

Work experience The reviewing officer explained “You

have not satisfied me that you have at
The main page dealing with work
experience in CIC’s online “Self
trips skilled worker least one year of continuous full time Assessment Test” makes no mention of
employment experience or the equivalent the fact that the experience must be
in continuous part-time experience”. continuous. It reads, “You must have at
By Guidy Mamann
Although the applicant had one year least one year of full-time paid work
of full-time work experience it was not experience, or the equivalent in part-time
A young professional was convinced
continuous nor was it the equivalent in work…” Although the omission on this
that he had at least 67 points under our
“continuous part-time experience”. Had he page is a glaring one, it does point the
Federal Skilled Workers Class and that he
worked, say, half days (i.e. at least 18.75 reader to another page which clearly
would therefore qualify for permanent
hours per week) for 24 straight months states this requirement.
residence in Canada
that would have been both equivalent and Those in similar situations cannot
Accordingly, he was shocked when
continuous. correct the problem while their application
the Canadian consulate in Detroit refused
He requested “substituted is pending since the regulations require
his application.
evaluation” to overcome this difficulty. compliance at the time that an application
Like so many others, he focused on
However, this plea was also rejected is filed. Such applicants should consider
his score and ignored the other lesser-
since this remedy can only be used to re-filing after they meet this minimum
known criteria in this category.
overcome a deficiency in points and not a requirement. Provided that the one-year
He furnished proof that he had
deficiency in the work experience criteria. of minimum experience is gained before
worked full-time on four separate
IRPA states that if the applicant fails to the application is filed, additional
occasions for a total of 16 months and
meet this criterion, the “visa shall be experience gained during the application
thereby exceeded, he believed, the one-
refused and no further assessment is process will be credited with the
year work experience requirement. The
required”. appropriate points.
consulate accepted his evidence but
nonetheless refused his application.
20 Immigration

Come to Lethbridge, Alberta

Lethbridge Mayor’s Message
I came to Lethbridge with the idea of starting my career, and then moving on
to greener pastures. Forty years have since passed, and I never want to
leave. Lethbridge is a special place – a great community to grow your
career, raise a family, and enjoy living life.
The United Nations Human Development Index has ranked Canada as the
best country in which to live, ten times in the last twenty-four years. Alberta
is well known as one of the premier provinces in Canada. And Lethbridge
offers residents one of the finest qualities of life to be found in Alberta. New-
comers to our city rave about the lifestyle they enjoy in this beautiful
There’s so much to say about our city, that it can’t be covered in one message.
I’ll highlight some of my favourite things about life in Lethbridge, but a very good place to learn all about the
city is at our website: .
One of my favourite things about our city is the moderate continental climate with warm winters and mild
summers. We are influenced by the warm Chinook winds which can melt a snowy landscape virtually
overnight, and the area also receives one of the highest amounts of sunshine in the country, at roughly 2400
hours per year.
Our city has a population of approximately 79,000. The municipal boundaries encompass so much land
that there is room to run and stretch and grow in Lethbridge. You can drive across the city in just 15 minutes
on our well-designed and maintained road systems, yet transit service is affordable and convenient. We
have great schools as well as both a college and a university.
Lethbridge is located about an hour from the American border to the south. Two hours to the north is the
booming city of Calgary. An hour and a half to the west are the beautiful Rocky Mountains which provide a
natural playground in winter or summer. Lethbridge is just a short drive from the World Heritage Site of
Head-Smashed In Buffalo Jump where Aboriginal history and culture is featured.
Lethbridge is a vibrant, small city active in the global marketplace. Our economy is strong, and
Lethbridge companies have a growing need for motivated employees. For more information about
opportunities and lifestyle issues, you can log on to . Economic
Development Lethbridge’s “Easy Move Package” can be found there, and it is a concise, user-friendly
resource for families, individuals and businesses. On this site, you’ll find easy access to the information you
need to make relocation an enjoyable experience. When you do, you’ll learn why you should choose
Lethbridge, too.
For centuries, residents of the British Isles have viewed Canada as a land of opportunity. Come for a
visit and you will see that life in Canada offers a familiar flavour in a relatively young country that is
blossoming with potential. Come to Lethbridge, and you will find a community that welcomes you with open

Robert D. (Bob) Tarleck, M.A., M.Ed., Ako’Tasi

Mayor, City of Lethbridge
Immigration 21

Results of Census 2006: Canada’s

foreign-born population
Statistics Canada recently 2001. The census estimated 1,110,000 countries accounted for 37.8% of
released the results of the 2006 newcomers arrived in the country immigrants in 2006.
between January 1, 2001 and May 16, Immigrants from Europe accounted
census regarding foreign born
2006. They were responsible for more for 16.1% of newcomers in 2006, this
Canadians and their language than two-thirds (69.3%) of this population compares with 61.6% back in 1971.
abilities. It shows that the foreign- growth. Another change is the source country
born population in Canada is the Compared with other countries, within Europe. In the past the majority of
highest for 75 years. Canada has a high proportion of foreign- European immigrants came from the
born people with only Australia with 22.2% United Kingdom, Italy and Germany.
of its population foreign-born beating it. Recently more Eastern Europeans have
Statistics show than almost one in
moved to Canada with Romania taking
five people living in Canada was born
Where are they coming the top spot in 2006.
outside the country. That is 6,186,950
from? Immigrants from Central and South
people or 19.8% of the population.
America and the Caribbean and Africa
Between 2001 and 2006, Canada's
accounted for 10.8% of all newcomers in
foreign-born population grew by 13.6%. Of the 1.1 million people who arrived
2006. The two top source countries were
This was four times faster than the in Canada between 2001 and 2006,
Columbia and Mexico. Immigrants from
Canadian-born population, which 58.3% were from Asian countries. The
Africa have also been increasing over
increased by 3.3%. Republic of China was the main source
recent years with Algeria and Morocco
Overall, Canada's total population with a total of 14% of immigrants, followed
providing the majority of immigrants.
increased by 1.6 million between 2001 by India with 11.6%. Along with the
and 2006, a growth rate of 5.4% from Philippines and Pakistan the four

Source Countries of immigrants 1971 - 2006






1971 1981 1991 2001 2006

Oceana & Other Asia & Middle East

Africa Europe
Central & South America & Caribbean United States
22 Immigration

What language are they China (145,315), United Kingdom Québec

speaking? (137,460), India (119,265), Hong Kong
(78,060) and Philippines (69,200). Québec shows a different pattern to
According to the census the top mother many other locations with 851,560 foreign
In the census nearly 150 different
tongues in the province are English, born people from the total population of
languages were listed as the mother
Chinese, Punjabi, German and French. 7,435,905. The main source country was
tongue language. Of the foreign-born a
quarter listed their mother tongue as Italy (65,550) followed by France
English and 3.1% as French. In 2006 Alberta (59,210), Haiti (56,750), China (39,190)
around 70.2% of the foreign-born and Lebanon (34,875). Not surprisingly
population said their mother tongue was Alberta has a population of 3,256,355 the top mother tongue is French, followed
neither English or French. Of these the of which 537,030 are foreign born. The by English, Italian, Spanish and Arabic.
largest proportion spoke Chinese (various main mother tongues spoken are English,
dialects), followed by Italian, Punjabi, Chinese, German, French and Punjabi. New Brunswick
Spanish, German, Tagalog and Arabic. Top source countries are United Kingdom
In total 93.6% said they could (60,210), China (41,500), India (38,610), New Brunswick is home to 719,650
converse in either English or French and Philippines (36,630) and the United people of which 26,395 are foreign born.
only 9.3% stated they could speak no States. The top five mother tongues are English,
English or French, French, Mi’kmaq, Chinese and German.
Saskatchewan The top source countries are the United
Age groups States (8,660), United Kingdom (5,210),
In Saskatchewan the main language Germany (1,775), Netherlands (995) and
Because of the nature of immigration, is English followed by German, Cree, China (925).
most of the foreign-born population are in Ukrainian and French. Of the 953,845
younger age groups than the Canadian- population 48,160 are foreign born from Prince Edward Island
born population. the following countries: United Kingdom
57.3% of immigrants were in the age (7,685), United States (5,425), China PEI is the smallest of Canada’s
group 25-54 years. This compares to (3,400), Germany (2,680) and Philippines provinces with a population of 134,205. Of
42.3% of Canadian-born. (2,460). those 4,785 are foreign born coming from
In the age group 55-64 years only the United States (1,260), United
4.1% of immigrants qualified compared to Manitoba Kingdom (1,170), Netherlands (495),
10.7% of Canadian-born. Germany (225) and Belgium (80). The top
Around 223,000 newcomers were The province of Manitoba has a five mother tongues are English, French,
children under the age of 14 years. A population of 1,133,515. Foreign born Dutch, German and Spanish.
further 167,600 were between the ages of numbers equate to 151,230 from the
15 and 24 years. Philippines (25,485), United Kingdom Nova Scotia
Seniors accounted for only 3.4% of (15,225), Germany (9,045), Poland
foreign-born in Canada compared to (7,355) and United States (7,090). The top Nova Scotians number 903,090, of
11.5% of Canadians over 65 years. five mother tongues are English, German, those 45,190 are foreign born. The top
French, Tagalog and Ukrainian. mother tongues are English, French,
Where do they live? Arabic, Mi’kmaq and German. The top
Ontario source countries are the United Kingdom
Ontario, Québec and British (11,665), United States (7,960), Germany
Columbia received 85.8% of newcomers The most populous province with (2,850), Netherlands (1,830) and China
to Canada since 2001. Ontario is home to 12,028,895 people is also home to the (1,740).
38.5% of Canada’s total population but majority of foreign born people
takes in over half of the newcomers to the (3,398,725). The United Kingdom is the Newfoundland and Labrador
country. country of origin for 321,650 of them,
Here is a snapshot of each province India (258,530), China (229,945), Italy Of the 500,610 population 8,385 are
in Canada: (198,315) and Philippines (151,380). The foreign born. The top source countries are
top five mother tongues are English, United Kingdom (2,330), United States
British Columbia French, Chinese, Italian and Spanish. (1,400), India (435), Germany (390) and
China (345). The top mother tongues are
English, French, Montagnais-Naskapi,
The population of British Columbia is
Chinese and Spanish.
4,074,385, of which 1,119,215 are foreign
born. The top five source countries are
Immigration 23

Yukon Territories Nunavut Canadian Citizenship

The Yukon has a population of Nunavut has the smallest number of The census asked immigrants about
30,190 with around 10% (3,010) being foreign born population at just 455 against their citizenship status. It found that in
foreign born. The top source countries are a total population of 29,325. Over 20,000 2006 85.1% of those immigrants who
the United States (600), United Kingdom of that population speak native Inuktitut were eligible for Canadian citizenship
(555), Germany (400), Philippines (160) languages followed by English, French, chose it. This is a slight increase on 2001
and Switzerland (125). Top mother Tagalog and German. Of the few foreign when the figure was 83.9%.
tongues are English, French, German, born people they originate from the United Some countries allow multiple
Athapaskan and Chinese. Kingdom (90), Philippines (45), United citizenship which means someone can
States (45), Germany (30) and Poland hold both Canadian and their home
Northwest Territories (15). country’s citizenship. Of the foreign born
people who held Canadian citizenship
The population of Northwest Toronto, Ontario those from the United Kingdom were most
territories is 41,060 with foreign born likely to hold duel citizenship, followed by
numbers of 2,810. The main source Of all the locations in Canada, Poland and the United States.
countries are the Philippines (555), United Toronto is the primary destination of all
Kingdom (345), Viet Nam (245), United immigrants. Of the 5,072,075 population
States (235) and Germany (130). The top of the city more than half (2,320,160) are
five mother tongues are English, Dogrib, foreign born. The main source countries
South Slave, French and North Slave. are India (221,935), China (191,120), Italy
(130,685), Philippines (130,315) and
United Kingdom (125,975). The main
mother tongue languages spoken in
Toronto are English, Chinese, Italian,
Punjabi and Spanish.

Population of each province by immigrant status

Newfoundland & Labrador

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

New Brunswick






British Columbia

0 2,250,000 4,500,000 6,750,000 9,000,000

Non-Immigrant Population Immigrant Population

24 Immigration

Citizenship for Responsible for Immigration. “The funding

for this initiative will help us develop new
Australia was the most popular
destination for emigrants, with 39% of
overseas and innovative ways to more aggressively respondents making a move to the
market all the tremendous jobs and great country. Other favoured destinations
adoptions made opportunities for families here in include the USA, Canada, Spain and New

easier Saskatchewan. It will also help us to

connect immigrants as early as possible
91% of respondents from Spain said
to the resources and services they need they were happy or very happy with their
New legislation introduced last month
to make a successful transition to their lives post emigration.
by Citizenship and Immigration Canada
new homes in Saskatchewan.” Emigrants to New Zealand followed
will allow children adopted abroad by
closely in the happiness stakes with 88%
Canadian citizens to obtain Canadian
citizenship without first having to become Expat happiness enjoying their new life, while for Canada
and Australian the figures are 86.4% and
permanent residents.
Diane Finley, Minister of Citizenship poll 84.2% respectively.
Respondents living in France and the
and Immigration said. “Canadian families
KForex, the online foreign exchange US were less happy, with 18.6% and
welcome foreign-born children into their
provider, has published the results of a 13.8% respectively disappointed with the
homes and we want to welcome them into
survey that shows almost 80% of adults move.
the country. The new citizenship process
who have emigrated from the UK are According to the Office for National
means that citizenship can be granted to
happy with their new life overseas. Statistics, the number of UK citizens
adopted children after the adoption is
This compares with 51.8% of opting to move abroad permanently
respondents who were satisfied with their increased to a record 207,000 in 2006.
After December 23, 2007, citizenship
may be granted to adopted children earlier life in the UK.
providing that an application for
citizenship is submitted and the legislative
requirements are met. These
requirements aim to protect the best
interests of the child and ensure that the
adoption conforms with both the adoption
Home ! Job opportunities.
laws of the province or the territory of ! Parks and recreation.
residence of the adoptive parent and the ! Great schools.
country where the adoption took place.
! A lake with a great
Under the current system, a
Canadian adopting a child born abroad
must first apply to sponsor the child to ! One of Manitoba’s best
come to Canada, then seek a permanent golf courses.
resident visa, then apply for citizenship. ! A classic store front
Morde downtown.
wants to attract
newcomers Morden is a beautiful town that offers the best
in small community living with many of the features of
Citizenship and Immigration Canada larger cities. Find fulfilling jobs by visiting the Job Bank
(CIC) have announced funding of at
$660,000 over three years to help If you’re looking for a new place to call home, give
Saskatchewan to attract immigrants to the us a call.
province. The funds will help promote the
province as a destination and help
immigrants settle once they arrive.
“Immigration and the successful
integration of newcomers are priorities for
Saskatchewan’s new government,” said 204 822-4434
the Honourable Rob Norris, Minister
Immigration 25

Settlement funding announced

Diane Finley, Minister of Alberta The COAI increased funding for Ontario
Citizenship and Immigration, by $920 million over five years.
2007-08 - $30,591,991
announced new federal 2008-09 - $47,199,829
commitments to assist in the Northwest Territories
The Canada-Québec Accord provides
settlement and integration of funding for Québec via an annual grant.
2007-08 - $306,142
newcomers to Canada. $121.6 2008-09 - $271,915 The estimated funding for 2008-09 is
million will be provided over the Nunavut
$237.5 million.
next three years.
2007-08 - $215,056 Finley said “The Government of
2008-09 - $102,523 Canada is committed to helping
This new funding is in addition to the newcomers and their families succeed.
provisions laid out in the 2006 Budget Since 2006, we have substantially
Yukon Territories
bringing the total allocation to more than increased funding in every province to
$1.4 billion over five years. 2007-08 - $287,427 support programs and services that can
Each province and territory is 2008-09 - $219,345
make a real difference in their lives. With
allocated funding specific to the numbers this new funding, we will continue to
of newcomers settling there. Extra funding respond to the needs of newcomers to
is set aside for refugees due to their Ontario is funded via the Canada-
help them become part of our community
unique settlement requirements. Ontario Immigration Agreement (COIA).
and our economy.

Newfoundland and Labrador

2007-08 - $1,311,252
2008-09 - $1,391,455 Canadian
Prince Edward Island
2007-08 - $733,702
2008-09 - $990,367 Solutions Ltd.
Nova Scotia
Canada’s Only Full Service Immigration-Relocation Company
2007-08 - $3,380,925
2008-09 - $4,967,025

New Brunswick

2007-08 - $1,785,240
Business Owners and
2008-09 - $2,709,592

British Columbia
Managers may qualify for
2007-08 - $75,427,732
2008-09 - $104,368,395
our new Executive
Manitoba Program!
2007-08 - $14,952,888 CALL FOR DETAILS
2008-09 - $21,142,831
2007-08 - $3,985,192
2008-09 - $5,560,039 WINDSOR: 01753362217 YORK: 01904236182
CANANDA: 001 306 373 4686 CANADA FAX: 001 306 683 9562
26 Real Life

Our thoughts, eighteen months in

When Mary and Ian contacted
Muchmor asking if we would be
interested in their thoughts about
immigration we obviously were.
They emigrated to Brockville,
Ontario in June of 2006 and
thought that their story was too
much like other peoples - apply,
wait, move and enjoy. So, we
asked them instead to look at the
differences between their old and
new lives and we are sure you will
find this very interesting.

Things we like about Canada

Our house: In the UK we lived in a

compact three bedroom semi with one
small bathroom and no garage just a
carport. Here in Canada we own a three
bedroom home with two bathrooms, a
Scenery near Brockville
double garage and an acre of land. The
Canadian house is probably three times Security: We feel much safer here in deal with is the odd raccoon squabble or
the size of the house in the UK but Canada. In know that if you live in the big a few coyote howling.
actually cost us less than we sold for. cities such as Toronto there is still ample
crime, but out here in the sticks there is Eating Out: This is much cheaper
Wildlife: We love the wildlife in very little. People often leave their car than in the UK and we eat out here far
Canada which is much more accessible windows down and cars unlocked in car more often than we ever did in the UK. In
than in the UK. We get lots of birds, parks even if there is visible stuff inside. our local town of Brockville you can find
squirrels, raccoons and deer in our We still cannot allow ourselves to do this loads of restaurants which cater for every
garden and just a short drive away we though. taste and budget.
can see many more varieties either at the
local provincial parks or down by the lake Peace and quiet: Although we lived Things we don’t like about
and riverside. We were shocked to get close to the countryside in the UK, we still Canada
hummingbirds in the garden as we had had cars going past day and night. We
always thought of them as tropical birds. also had neighbours who, shall we say,
Bugs: We honestly didn’t expect as
were not the most considerate when
many bugs as we get here in the summer.
Roads: We love the fact that where playing music, revving up their cars and
I personally don’t seem to suffer too
we live the roads are never busy. In fact generally being teenage boys.
much, but Ian is like a bug magnet and
you can drive for miles and not come Here in Canada we still have some
spent most of the summer months with
across too many other vehicles, making neighbours, but we rarely hear a peep out
several bites at any one time.
driving a pleasure. You can travel much of them. We are on a very quiet road, and
further here in less time than you could we can sit outside and not hear anything
TV: The TV in Canada/America is
ever do in the UK where there is too other than the birds and squirrels etc..
good in many ways, but so, so bad in
much congestion. Driving in Canada is When we first moved into our house
others. Many of the programs are great,
definitely less stressful. we had trouble sleeping, as it was too
some of which we were watching when
quiet in the night. The most we have to
back in the UK like House, CSI etc.
Real Life 27

However, we cannot get used the terrible TV: As we mentioned before North Claustrophobia: We lived on an
comedies they show and the constant American TV leaves a little to be desired. estate that meant our house was
advert breaks. An example is Coronation We miss some of the UK dramas that we overlooked front and back by lots of other
Street: This is a half hour show with three used to watch and although some are properties. Here we have wide-open
ad breaks, each lasting 3-4 minutes – agh! shown in Canada, we are definitely spaces and privacy.
missing most of them. We have taken to
Shopping: Food shopping is more downloading some from the internet so it’s Our house: We lived in our house
expensive than the UK and we feel the not too bad. quite happily for over twelve years, and
quality is not as good in many cases. We although it was no mansion, we never
also have to shop at more than one store Food: Although we can get most of considered it cramped. Since moving here,
to get everything we want rather than just the same types of food we had in the UK we realise how small the house was and
the one in the UK. here in Canada there are a few items we now wonder how we ever managed.
miss. Ian misses pork pies and I miss
Lack of Manners: We have been garibaldi and malted milk biscuits. Summary
constantly amazed by the lack of manners
we see in Canada. This extends from What we don’t miss about the Although we had a pretty good life in
motorist blocking junctions without a UK: the UK, we have a better quality of life in
thought to other road users, to having Canada. We have a better house, better
doors slammed in your face by people not car, more wildlife, more countryside etc.
Driving: I don’t miss driving 35 miles
bothering to look behind them and hold a Our cost of living is a little less than the UK
to and from work every day on busy A-
door open. but not as much as we were led to believe.
roads. We don’t miss the road rage and
Table manners also leave a lot to be Houses and cars are cheap but day to day
the tailgating and the excessive speeding.
desired and many people seem incapable living is similar.
of using a knife and fork together. We often We have never regretted moving to
Noise: We don’t miss the constant
see someone holding a fork like a dagger Canada and hope we never will.
noise of the UK, be it roads, kids, cars,
and stabbing at his or her food – strange.
music etc.

Lack of doctors: Since arriving in

Canada we have been unable to get a
family doctor. This is not just a problem
where we live, but countrywide, there just
Anglo Pacific made it easy
aren’t enough doctors for everyone. This When we moved to Canada Anglo Pacific
means you either just don’t bother, or you took care of everything
have to go to a walk-in clinic. These clinics
are generally packed with people and you
have to wait for many hours to be seen:
not an ideal situation.

What we miss about the UK

Friends & relatives: We only have a

few relatives in the UK, Ian’s mum, my
parents and we both have brothers and
sisters, nephews and nieces and we do
miss them all. However with technology as
it is we can keep in touch really easily and
even see each other on our webcams.
Most of them have visited us in Canada so
Over 500,000 satisfied customers have already trusted their
it perhaps isn’t as bad as we thought it possessions to Anglo Pacific, Britain’s leading international
might be. movers. We deliver our promises, so whatever you need to
move, wherever in the world, we’ll deliver your goods safely,
securely and on time. So call us now for a free home survey and
Next: I really, really miss shopping in quotation, and get the facts from our friendly experts.
Next. They had great clothes that fitted me,
oh how I wish they had a store in Canada.
I have heard others say this too, so come
FREEPHONE 0800 234 6188 London, Manchester, Glasgow, Nationwide
on Next open a store here.
28 Money

Why wills are so important

None of us likes to think about
death, but unfortunately it is the
one thing we can all be certain of
achieving. We can never know
when or how we are going to die,
but we can have a say in what
happens to our estate after we
have gone. We can all write a Last
Will and Testament.

Many people don’t think about what

will happen to our belongings and
finances after death, after all you won’t be
around to care - but someone will be. That
someone could be a spouse, relative or If the deceased has a spouse and If the deceased has a spouse and
friend and if you haven’t prepared in children the spouse will receive the first one child the spouse will receive the first
advance you could be leaving a potential $65,000 and a portion of the remaining $50,000 and the remaining estate will be
nightmare for those left behind. By having estate. If the deceased has one child the divided equally between the spouse and
a will you are clearly laying out how you remaining estate is divided equally child. If the deceased has more than one
want your estate to be handled after you between the child and the spouse. If the child the spouse will receive one third of
are gone. deceased has more than one child the the remaining estate and the remainder
Many people think that they don’t spouse will receive one third of the will be shared equally between the
have to bother with a will as they haven’t remaining estate and the other two thirds children. If the deceased has no spouse
got much to leave behind, or they only will be divided between the children. the estate is divided equally between any
have a few relatives and feel sure it will all If the deceased has no spouse, only children.
get sorted out in the end, but this may not children, the estate is divided equally
be the case. Every province and territory between them. Saskatchewan
in Canada has it’s own rules regarding
people who die intestate (without a will) Alberta If only a spouse survives the
and how their estate will be divided. You deceased the entire estate will go to
may find that your estate might not go to If the deceased leaves just a spouse them. However if the deceased is
who you think! The following details give then the entire estate will pas to the survived by both spouse and children the
an overview of the way an estate might be spouse. spouse will receive the first $100,000 of
distributed if a person dies intestate. In If the deceased has a spouse and the estate and the remaining estate will be
most cases if there is no spouse or one child, the first $40,000 will go to the shared half and half if there is one child. If
children the estate will then go to spouse and the remaining estate divided there are two or more children the spouse
grandchildren, parents, siblings, nephews equally between the spouse and child. If will receive one third of the remaining
and nieces etc. there is more than one child the spouse estate and the remaining estate will be
Property jointly owned with right of receives one third of the remaining estate divided equally between the descendants.
survivorship, joint bank accounts and life and the remainder is split equally between If the deceased has no spouse the
insurance may be exempt from the estate the children. If the deceased has no estate is divided equally between any
as it is automatically transfered to the spouse, only children the estate is divided children.
surviving person after death. equally between them.
British Columbia Manitoba
If a person dies and only leaves a
If a person dies, leaving only a The spouse of the deceased will spouse, that spouse will receive the entire
spouse (no children) then the entire estate receive the entire estate if there are no estate. If the deceased has no spouse the
goes to the spouse. children. estate is divided equally between any
Money 29

children. If the deceased has a spouse whole estate. If there is a spouse and one are children but no spouse the estate will
and children the estate will be divided as child the spouse shall receive the be shared equally between them.
follows: The spouse will receive the first matrimonial home and one half of the
$200,000 from the estate and the remaining estate, the other half going to Nunavut
remaining estate will be divided equally the child. If there is more than one child
between the spouse and a single child. If the spouse shall receive the home and If only a spouse survives the
there is more than one child then the one third of the remaining estate. The deceased they will receive the entire
spouse will receive one third and the remaining two thirds shall be divided estate, however if there are children the
remaining two thirds will be divided equally between the children. estate is divided and the spouse will
equally between the children. If there are children but no spouse receive the first $75,000 of the estate and
the estate will be shared equally between the remaining estate shall be divided in
Québec them. half between a spouse and one child, or
one third to the spouse and two thirds to
In Québec the rules are slightly Prince Edward Island the children if there is more than one. If
different. If the deceased is married and there are children but no spouse the
the marriage contract or civil union If only a spouse survives the estate will be shared equally between
contains a clause stating that the deceased they will receive the entire them.
surviving spouse should receive the whole estate, however if there are children the
estate then that is what happens. estate is divided. The spouse will receive Yukon
However if no such clause exists the the first $50,000 of the estate and the
estate is divided as follows: If the remainder will be divided as follows: if A surviving spouse will receive the
deceased has a spouse and children the there is one child the spouse and child will entire estate if there are no children. If
spouse will receive one third and he share the remainder equally. If there is there is one child the estate will be divided
remaining estate will be divided equally more than one child the spouse will equally between the spouse and the child.
between children. If there are children but receive one third and the remaining estate If there is more than one child the spouse
no spouse the estate is divided equally will be split equally between the children. shall receive one third of the estate and
between them. If there are children but no spouse the children the remaining two thirds,
If there is a spouse, but no children or the estate will be divided equally between shared equally.
other descendants the spouse will receive them. If there are children but no spouse
the estate, however if there are other the estate will be shared equally between
descendants the spouse will only receive Newfoundland and Labrador them.
one third of the estate and the remaining
estate will be divided between A surviving spouse will receive the Conclusion
descendants consisting of parents, entire estate if there are no children. If
siblings, nieces and nephews etc. there is one child the estate will be divided There are many factors which can
equally between the spouse and the child. affect claims to estates and everyone is
Nova Scotia If there is more than one child the spouse recommended to make a legal will to be
shall receive one third of the estate and sure your estate will be divided as you
A surviving spouse shall receive the the children the remaining two thirds, would want.
whole estate if there are no children. If the shared equally. People in common-law or same sex
deceased has both a spouse and children If there are children but no spouse relationships should always consult a
the estate will be divided. The spouse the estate will be shared equally between lawyer regarding wills as different rules
shall receive the first $50,000 and the them. apply in different areas.
remaining estate will be divided equally If your circumstances change such as
between a spouse and one child or one Northwest Territories a marriage, separation, divorce etc you
third to the spouse and two thirds to two should rewrite your will as these factors
or more children. The surviving spouse shall receive may void a previous will unless stipulated
If there are children but no spouse the whole estate if there are no children. If otherwise.
the estate will be shared equally between there are children the spouse will receive Don’t think of a will as a morbid thing,
them. the first $50,000 of the estate and the rather as a gift to those you leave behind
remaining estate shall be divided in half enabling them to settle your estate more
New Brunswick between a spouse and one child, or one easily and to your wishes.
third to the spouse and two thirds to the
If the deceased dies leaving only a children if there is more than one. If there
spouse the spouse shall receive the
30 Money

Cosmetics and fragrance price comparison

All prices in Canadian dollars converted using HiFX n 17th December 2007
US dollar - Canadian dollar = 1.023 , BD Pound - Canadian dollar = 2.074

We have used prices from London Drugs in Canada, Boots the Chemist in the UK and Rite Aid in the US
All prices are base prices excluding all taxes



Maybelline Volume Express Mascara 6.99 7.35 8.81

L’Oreal Glam Shine Lip Gloss 8.99 9.20 12.35

Revlon SuperLustrous Lip Colour 7.99 5.70 12.84

L’Oreal Cashmere Perfect Powdercreme Makeup 16.99 12.79 15.87

Nivea Visage Gentle Eye Makeup Remover 125ml 8.99 5.92 5.72

Olay Daily Facial Express Cleansing Cloths 30 pk 8.99 5.72 9.54

Revlon Fabulash Mascara 5.99 6.94 14.98

Olay Regenerist Night Cream 50ml 27.99 19.75 34.44

Maybelline Dream Mousse Blush 8.99 7.25 10.56

Revlon ColorStay Always On Nail Enamel 3.99 6.05 10.91

Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder 6.99 5.10 6.50

Calvin Klein Obsession Eau De Parfum Spray 100ml 89.00 61.41 79.44

Armani Code for Women Eau de Toilette 75ml 97.5 78.80 98.86

Hugo Energise Eau de Toilette 75ml 49.99 47.08 56.49

Ralph Lauren Polo Eau De Toilette Spray 59ml 70.00 40.92 58.26

Lacoste Touch of Pink Eau de Parfum 50ml 72.00 75.22 60.02

David Beckham Eau de Toilette Spray - 50ml 53.00 57.31 44.13

Total Shopping Basket Price 544.38 452.51 539.72

Money 31

32 Employment

Canada's Top 100 Employers

For the last nine years a national Christie Digital Systems Canada, Inc.
competition has been held to determine Deloitte & Touche LLP
Canada’s top employers. The employers Diagnostic Chemicals Limited / DCL
are evaluated on a number of criteria: Durham Regional Police Service
EPCOR Utilities Inc.
• Physical workspace Emergis Inc.
• Work atmosphere and social Enbridge Inc.
• Health, financial and family benefits Export Development Canada / EDC
• Vacation and time off Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
• Employee communications Farm Credit Canada / FCC
• Performance management Fidelity Investments Canada Limited
• Training and skills development General Dynamics Canada, Ltd.
• Community involvement Golder Associates Ltd.
Great Little Box Company Ltd.,
Employers are compared to other The
organizations in their field to determine HSBC Bank Canada Royal British Columbia Museum
which offers the most progressive and Halifax Herald Limited, The Corporation
forward-thinking programs. Hamilton Health Sciences Royal Canadian Mint
Any employer with a head office or Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co. Russell Investments Canada Limited
principal place of business is eligible. Hill & Knowlton Canada SAS Institute (Canada) Inc.
They can be private or public and of any I Love Rewards Inc. Sapient Canada, Inc.
size. IKEA Canada Limited Partnership SaskTel
In alphabetical order the 2008 Jacques Whitford Ltd. Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation
winners are: KPMG LLP Saskatchewan Government Insurance /
Keane Canada, Inc. SGI
Abebooks Inc. L'OrŽal Canada Inc. Shell Canada Limited
Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries Inc. / Laurentide Controls Ltd. Sierra Systems Group Inc.
ALPAC MBNA Canada Bank Simon Fraser University
AltaGas Ltd. Manitoba Liquor Control Commission Spruceland Millworks Inc.
Appleby College Mars Canada Inc. Suncor Energy Inc.
Arcis Corporation Marsh Canada Limited Swiss Re Life & Health Canada
Assiniboine Credit Union Limited McGill University Health Centre / MUHC Sybase iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.
Association of Management, Microsoft Canada Co. Syngenta Crop Protection Canada, Inc.
Administrative and Professional Crown Mintz & Partners LLP TD Bank Financial Group
Employees of Ontario, The / AMAPCEO Monsanto Canada Inc. Toronto Hydro Corporation
Bayer Inc. NB Power Holding Corporation Toronto International Film Festival Inc.
BioWare Corp. National Arts Centre Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc.
BitHeads, Inc. New Flyer Industries Ltd. Trican Well Service Ltd.
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Next Level Games Inc. University Health Network / UHN
Boeing Canada Technology Ltd., North Atlantic Refining Ltd. University of Toronto
Winnipeg Division Nycomed Canada Inc. Urban Systems Ltd.
British Columbia Safety Authority / BCSA OPSEU Pension Trust Vancouver City Savings Credit Union /
Business Development Bank of Canada / Office of the Auditor General of Canada VanCity
BDC Ontario Power Generation Inc. Veer Incorporated
CAE Inc. PCL Construction Group Inc. Wardrop Engineering Inc.
Canada Post Corporation Patient News Publishing Inc. Whistler, Resort Municipality of
Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Yellow Pages Group
Cementation Canada Inc. Procter & Gamble Inc. York, Regional Municipality of
Ceridian Canada Ltd. Progressive Solutions Inc.
Certified General Accountants Association Radical Entertainment Inc.
of Canada / CGA-Canada Research In Motion Limited / RIM
Employment 33

Average earnings in Canada

Statistics Canada recently released details
regarding average earnings for certain INDUSTRY WEEKLY WAGE
industries and averages for the provinces and
Forestry, logging & support $954.16
In October the average weekly earnings of
Mining, oil and gas $1,426.86
all types of employment in Canada rose to
$776.48, an increase of 0.5% or $4.04. Alberta Utilities $1,139.44
saw the highest increases of +4.6%.
Here is a breakdown of the average Construction $951.98
weekly earnings for each province and territory.
Manufacturing $945.00


EARNINGS Finance & Insurance $1,013.99

Real Estate $694.09

Alberta $853.89
Education $833.88
British Columbia $763.50
Health care $708.13
Manitoba $712.35
Accommodation & food services $325.28
Saskatchewan $735.68
Public administration $983.49
Ontario $807.01

Nova Scotia $670.47

Newfoundland and $723.60

New Brunswick $710.69 Sales Representative

Québec $724.49
Prince Edward Island $627.41
Yukon $892.43

Northwest Territories $1026.84

Looking for property in Ontario's newest
Nunavut $956.34 wine region? No one knows Prince
Edward County better than I do...I was
The average weekly earnings for different born here!
types of work vary significantly. The following
information is based on average earnings for office - 613 - 476 - 5900
all job types within the industry stated. home - 613 - 476 - 1874
1 Lake Street PO Box 20
Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
34 Employment

British Columbia Toyota hiring in ground-breaking initiative, in which the

Government of Canada is proud to take
looks to Ontario for Ontario part.” The federal government will be
contributing $536,000 to the program.
workers The new Toyota assembly plant in “We’re delighted with this federal
Woodstock Ontario is looking for workers support that ensures increased access to
British Columbia is so short of nurses educated and registered in other
now that the plant has been completed.
workers the government is looking further countries who, through our program, are
The plant will hire approximately 2,000
afield to fill vacancies in local companies. able to continue their careers as fully
people ready for production to start later
In February a one-week job fair will qualified and fully registered nurses here
in 2008.
take place in southern Ontario which will in Canada,” said Mount Royal College
The 1.8 million square foot plant
be sponsored by B.C. companies. President, Dave Marshall. “By working
which has cost $1.1 billion will build the
In the 1990’s many people left the together we can help ensure the supply of
next generation 2009 RAV-4 SUV and is
province for Ontario when B.C. faced high health care workers necessary to ensure
expected to produce 150,000 units per
unemployment levels, now the province a high quality health care system in
wants to woo these workers back. It is Canada.”
Around 300 employees have already
estimated that around 50,000 left British
been hired and Toyota expect to receive
Columbia and Economic Development
Minister Colin Hansen said, “ Part of our
around 40,000 applications for the
remaining 2,000 posts.
42,600 jobs added
campaign is to attract back some of the
British Columbians who left the province
in November
10 years ago. Alberta launch off- Canada added 42,600 jobs in
“We know now with some of the
challenges that southern Ontario is facing
shore assessment November and wages rose 4.2%. So far
this year the economy has added 388,000
in the manufacturing sector that now for nurses jobs, an increase of 2.3%.
might be the time to communicate to
Statistics Canada said the rate of
some of those former British Columbians In December Citizenship and employment in Canada now stands at a
and others that there are some great Immigration Canada (CIC) and Alberta record high of 63.8 per cent - higher than
opportunities and some long-term Health and Wellness launched a new in the United States and in most
opportunities for careers.” initiative to help the nursing shortage in European countries.
The job fair will take place in the province. The biggest employment growth was
locations throughout southern Ontario Traditionally internationally trained in British Columbia, Québec, New
including Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor and nurses who wanted to work in Alberta had Brunswick and Saskatchewan.
Kitchener-Waterloo. to travel to the province and take Sectors recording job gains were
The British Columbia Construction assessment exams in Calgary. The new transportation and warehousing;
Association (BCCA) will be attending the program will allow nurses to be assessed business, building and other support
fair with the hope of attracting before they arrive allowing them to services; educational services; and
construction workers. With over 20,000 integrate much quicker into the local natural resources.
workers expected to retire in the next ten workforce. Their skills will be assessed in Unemployment rates by province in
years the BCCA has launched programs language, competencies and knowledge November:
to recruit new workers particularly women, against Registered Nurse competency
aboriginals and internationally trained standards. Canada 5.9%
workers. The newly funded project is a Newfoundland and Labrador 13.2%
Manley McLachlan, president of the collaboration between Mount Royal Prince Edward Island 11.2%
BCCA said, “We want to attract skilled College’s Internationally Educated Nurses Nova Scotia 8.0%
workers, particularly from European Assessment Centres in Calgary and The New Brunswick 7.2%
countries that have a similar training College and Association of Registered Québec 7.0%
program and standards to Canada’s. Nurses of Alberta. Assessments are Ontario 6.2%
“One would assume it might be a little taking place in London, Dublin, Dubai, Manitoba 4.2%
easier to recruit people from within Qatar and elsewhere in the United Arab Saskatchewan 4.0%
Canada. And having done very little Emirates. Alberta 3.6%
recruitment inside Canada we thought this Tony Clement, Minister of Health British Columbia 4.2%
would be a good opportunity to give it a said, “Projects such as this will help to
whirl.” alleviate Canada’s nursing shortage,
which in turn will lead to improved care
and a reduction in wait times. This is a
Motoring 35

Types of Driving Licence

In Canada there are many different types of driving licence available. Here we list the most common types along with a
description of vehicles allowed to be driven. For most people the Class 5 or G licence is the one you will need as this covers most
passenger vehicles. Other more specialist licences are also available.


Semi-trailer trucks and all other motor vehicles or Class 1 in all provinces and territories
combinations of vehicles except motorcycles except in Ontario where it is a Class A

Buses (over 24 seats), including school buses (over 36 Class 2 in all provinces and territories
seats), special activity buses and special vehicles except in Ontario where it is a Class B,
Trailers or towed vehicles may not exceed 4,600 C or D depending upon use and type
kilograms except if the bus and trailers or towed
vehicles do not have air brakes

Trucks with more than two axles, such as dump trucks Class 3 in all provinces and territories
and large tow trucks, but not including a bus that is except in Ontario where it is a Class D
being used to transport passengers
Trailers may not exceed 4,600 kilograms except if the
truck and trailers do not have air brakes
A tow car towing a vehicle of any weight
A mobile truck crane

Buses with a maximum seating capacity of 25 persons Class 4 in all provinces and territories
(including the driver), including school buses, special except in Ontario where it is a Class B
activity buses and special vehicles used to transport or E,
people with disabilities
Taxis and limousines
Special vehicles with a seating capacity of not more
than 10 persons (including the driver) used to transport
people with disabilities

Two axle vehicles including cars, vans, trucks and tow Class 5 in all provinces and territories
trucks, motor homes (including those with more than except in Ontario where it is a Class G
two axles), construction vehicles and British Columbia where it can be
Trailers or towed vehicles may not exceed 4,600 Class 5 or 7
Limited speed motorcycles and all terrain vehicles
Passenger vehicles used as school buses with seating
capacity of not more than 10 persons (including the
Three-wheeled vehicles - does not include three-
wheeled motorcycles (trikes) or motorcycle/sidecar

Motorcycles, all-terrain cycles, all terrain vehicles Class 6 in all provinces and territories
(ATVs) except in Ontario where it is a Class M
and British Columbia where it can be
Class 6 or 8
36 Motoring

Ontario introduces “We want all Albertans to share their

views, especially children and youth, and
Cobalt, Toyota Camry and Pontiac G5/
new driving licence we’ve designed this consultation to Year-to-date, the top ten best-selling
encourage young people to take part,” cars as of November were the Honda
Lloyd Snelgrove, Minister of Service Civic, Mazda3, Toyota Corolla, Toyota
Alberta said. Yaris, Chevrolet Cobalt, Toyota Camry,
The government will also consult with Pontiac G5/Pursuit, Ford Focus, Nissan
law enforcement, public safety Versa and Toyota Matrix.
organizations and others on the design,
use, production and distribution of a new
licence plate. A new licence plate design
would apply to cars, trucks, motorcycles,
trailers, commercial vehicles, and
personalized licence plates. The website
address is:

At the beginning of December Top selling cars in

Ontario’s Minister of Transport Jim
Bradley unveiled a new, more secure
Canada In order, the top ten best-selling light
trucks in Canada in November were the
driving licence for Ontario.
Ford F-Series, Dodge Caravan, Dodge
The licence is available immediately
Ram, GMC Sierra, Chevrolet Silverado,
and will be issued to all new licence
Ford Escape, Honda CR-V, Ford Ranger,
holders or those requesting replacement
Hyundai Santa Fe and Jeep Grand
The licence is more secure than
Year-to-date, the top ten best-selling
previous licences making fraud and
light trucks as of November were the Ford
identity theft more difficult. The new card
F-Series, Dodge Caravan, Dodge Ram,
incorporates leading edge security
In order, the top ten best-selling GMC Sierra, Chevrolet Silverado, Ford
features such as laser engraved photo,
passenger cars in Canada in November Escape, Ford Ranger, Honda CR-V,
signature, personal information, a fine line
were the Honda Civic, Pontiac Grand Prix, Pontiac Montana SV6 and Chevrolet
background, 2D barcode, micro and
Mazda3, Honda Accord, Ford Focus, Uplander.
rainbow printing, secondary photo and
Toyota Corolla, Toyota Yaris, Chevrolet
signature images and ultraviolet features
among others.
It is hoped that in the future the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security will
authorise the use of the card for border
crossings into the United States removing Contact Helen Parnell a property relocation
specialist who has helped many
the need for Ontarians to use passports. If
this is approved information such as
Citizenship will be added to the card.
expats settle here after making
Alberta asks for the move herself.
licence plate Free assistance on • Accommodation
design ideas • Real Estate • Insurance
• Mortgages • Airport meet and greet
The existing Alberta licence place has
been around for 25 years and so the
• Serving Calgary and South Alberta
government is looking at redesigning the
plate. It has asked Albertans to share their Tel: 001 403 932 5670
views and submit their own designs and
has even set up a website made for the
Motoring 37

Green rebate on new 2008 models

In our June 2007 issue we
gave you details of the Canadian
governments measures to
encourage people to buy fuel-
efficient vehicles. The government
offered rebates on cars which
fulfilled their ‘green” criteria.

In that issue which can be

downloaded from our website we gave
details of all the models from 2006 and
2007 which were included in the rebate
$1,500 rebate Honda Fit: 1.5L, 4 cylinder 5-speed
scheme. Last week the government
announced the latest 2008 models which
Toyota Camry Hybrid: 2.4L, 4 Lexus RX 400H 4WD: 3.3L, 6
will be included in the scheme, they are as
cylinder continuously variable cylinder continuously variable
transmission transmission
Nissan Altima Hybrid: 2.5L, 4 Jeep compass 2x4 & 4x4: 2.4L, 4
$2,000 rebate cylinder 5-speed manual
cylinder continuously variable
transmission Jeep Patriot 2x4 & 4x4: 2.4L, 4
Toyota Prius: 1.5L, 4 cylinder, cylinder 5-speed manual
Toyota Highlander Hybrid 4x4:
continuously variable transmission Chevrolet HHR FWD (Panel FWD):
3.3L, 6 cylinder continuously variable
Honda Civic Hybrid: 1.3L, 4 cylinder 2.2L, 4 cylinder 4-speed automatic
continuously variable transmission Nissan Rogue FWD: 2.5L, 4 cylinder
Smart ForTwo (coupe & continuously variable transmission
$1,000 rebate
Convertible): 1.0L, 3 cylinder 5-speed Jeep Compass 2x4: 2.0L, 4 cylinder
automatic with manual mode continuously variable transmission
Toyota Corolla: 1.8L, 4 cylinder, 5-
Ford Escape Hybrid (FWD & AWD): Jeep Patriot 2x4: 4 cylinder
speed manual
2.3L, 4 cylinder continuously variable continuously variable transmission
Toyota Yaris (hatchback or sedan):
1.5L, 4 cylinder 5-speed manual or 4-
Saturn VUE Hybrid: 2.4L, 4 cylinder
speed automatic Flex-fuel Vehicle ecoAUTO
4-speed automatic
Mini Cooper or Copper Clubman: Eligibility $1,000 rebate
1.6L, 4 cylinder 6-speed manual
Honda Civic (2 or 4 door): 1.8L, 4 Chevrolet Impala FFV: 3.5L, 6
cylinder 5-speed manual cylinder 4-speed automatic
Dodge Avenger FFV: 2.7L, 6 cylinder
4-speed automatic
Chrysler Sebring Sedan FFV: 2.7L,
6 cylinder 4-speed automatic
Chevrolet Impala FFV: 3.9L, 6
cylinder 4-speed automatic

Certain provinces also give rebates

for “green” cars. Prince Edward Island,
Québec, Ontario, Manitoba and British
Columbia all offer rebates in addition to
the government rebates from between
$1,000 and $3,000.
38 Education

How do Canadian students

measure up?
Over the last few years the Program
for International Student Assessment
(PISA) has been looking at how 15 year
olds perform in reading, science and
mathematics. In total fifty-seven countries
participated in the program including
Canada. In each country at least 5,000
students were tested in at least 150
different schools. In Canada 22,000
students from every province in
approximately 1,000 schools were part of
the program.


Canadian students performed very

well in combined science with only
Finland and Hong Kong-China
outperforming them. Within the three scientific issues” in Canada as a whole. In Canada the provinces scores
science competency Canadians also However, boys came tops in most points as follows:
performed well. In two Competencies provinces in “explaining phenomena
“identifying scientific issues” and “using scientifically”. The only exceptions being Alberta 550
scientific evidence” Canada came second Newfoundland and Labrador and British Columbia 539
only to Finland. In a third competency Saskatchewan where no significant Ontario 537
“explaining phenomena scientifically” difference was seen. Québec 531
Canada came fifth behind Finland, Hong Newfoundland and Labrador 526
Kong-China, Chinese Taipei and Estonia. In Combined science the overall Manitoba 523
Alberta outperformed all other scores were as follows. The average Nova Scotia 520
provinces in science with above Canadian score is classed as 500 points. Saskatchewan 517
average results. Provinces who Prince Edward Island 509
performed significantly lower than the 1. Finland 563 New Brunswick 506
national average were Newfoundland and 2. Hong Kong-China 542
Labrador, Prince Edward Island, New 3. Canada 534 Reading
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Manitoba and 4. Chinese Taipei 532
Saskatchewan. Ontario, Québec and 5. Estonia 531 Once again Canadian students
British Columbia all performed as well as 6. Japan 531 performed well in this subject with only
the Canadian average. 7. New Zealand 530 Korea, Finland and Hong Kong-China
The results also showed that 8. Australia 527 performing better.
students in English language schools 9. Netherlands 525 None of the provinces scored above
performed better than those in French 10. Korea 522 the Canadian average in reading.
language schools except in Québec
Québec, Ontario, Alberta and British
where the French language schools Other significant results: Columbia all performed at levels equal to
performed slightly better.
the Canadian average. The remaining
In the competency “using scientific 13. Germany 516 provinces all performed below the
evidence” girls outperformed boys in 14. United Kingdom 515 national average in this subject.
Newfoundland and Labrador and 20. Ireland 508 Students in minority language
Saskatchewan. The other provinces saw 25. France 495 schools such as French language schools
no difference between the sexes. Girls 29. United States 489 in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick etc on
also outperformed boys in “identifying 50. Indonesia 393
Education 39

average performed significantly lower other provinces all performed below the Other significant results:
than English language school students. In national average.
Québec there was no significant In New Brunswick and Ontario the 11. New Zealand 522
difference between English or French English language school student 18. Germany 504
language schools. performed much better than their French 21. Ireland 501
Overall Canada maintained its scores language school colleagues and in 22. France 496
in reading over the last six years, however Québec French language schools did 24. United Kingdom 495
other countries have improved much better than English. In other 34. United States 474
significantly meaning they now provinces the differences were minor.
outperformed Canada. Boys outperformed girls in Nova In Canada the provinces scores
Girls outperformed boys throughout Scotia, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, points as follows:
Canada in reading. Alberta and British Columbia. The
remaining provinces saw no significant Québec 540
The following results were seen in differences. Alberta 530
reading with 500 being the average score. The following results were seen in Ontario 526
mathematics with 500 being the average British Columbia 523
1. Korea 556 score. Manitoba 521
2. Finland 547 Newfoundland and Labrador 507
3. Hong Kong-China 536 1. Chinese Taipei 549 Saskatchewan 507
4. Canada 527 2. Finland 548 New Brunswick 506
5. New Zealand 521 3. Hong Kong-China 547 Nova Scotia 506
6. Ireland 517 4. Korea 547 Prince Edward Island 501
7. Australia 513 5. Netherlands 531
8. Liechtenstein 510 6. Switzerland 530
9. Poland 508 7. Canada 527
10. Netherlands 507 8. Macao China 525
9. Liechtenstein 525
Other significant results: 10. Japan 523

15. Japan 498

16. Chinese Taipei 496
17. Germany 495
18. United Kingdom 495
23. France 488

In Canada the provinces scores

points as follows:

Alberta 535
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Ontario 534 find their NEW HOME or an investment
British Columbia 528 property for the past 18 years.
Québec 522
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Newfoundland and Labrador 514
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Saskatchewan 507
Nova Scotia 505 email:
New Brunswick 497
Prince Edward Island 497

Québec was the only province to

score better than the Canadian average in
this subject. Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta
and British Columbia all performed at the
same levels as the national average. The
40 Kidzone

Girl Guides in Canada

Last month we looked at
Scouting in Canada and how it is
open to both boys and girls. This
month we take a look at the Girl
Guides movement in Canada
which as its name suggests is only
open to girls and young women.

Girl Guide programs are available

throughout Canada for girls up to the age
of 18 years. The aim of the Girl Guides is
to help girls and young women become
responsible citizens, able to give
leadership and service to the community,
whether local, national or global.
In Canada there are over 100,000
girls participating in the Girl Guides
program. the ones sold by guides all over Canada Brownies
The Girl Guides follows certain in the spring and during the fall the
principals: chocolatey mint variety are sold. They are The Brownies are for girls aged 7 and
Vision: The Girl Guides wants to produced by a Canadian owned company, 8 years who want to gain confidence and
make a positive difference to every girl Dare Foods Limited and are both nut and learn new skills. Many different activities
who participates so she can contribute peanut free and cost $4.00 per box. are included in Brownie programs such as
responsibly to her community. Every year over five million boxes of first aid, healthy lifestyle, science and
Mission: To challenge members in cookies are sold in Canada raising technology, outdoors, arts and crafts and
their personal development and empower approximately $13 million. much more. Camping and nature activities
them to be responsible citizens. Guides of all ages have the are popular as are community based
Promise: I promise to do my best, To opportunity to participate in the cookie projects.
be true to myself, my God/faith* and selling and receive a certificate and a Brownies earn badges either
Canada; I will help others, And accept the badge for taking part. individually or in groups for skills and
Guiding Law. activities undertaken. They meet on a
If you want to take part in Girl Guide weekly basis for between one and one
Law: activities there are several programs and a half hours.
• be honest and trustworthy available:
• use my resources wisely Brownie Motto:
• respect myself and others Sparks Lend a Hand
• recognize and use my talents and
abilities Sparks are for girls of 5 or 6 years of Brownie Law:
• protect our common environment age. The Sparks take part in various As a Brownie
• live with courage and strength activities such as arts and crafts, nature I am honest and kind;
• share in the sisterhood of Guiding. activities, outdoors, science, community I help take care
activities and sports amongst others. The Of the world around me.
Girl Guides are famous for their aim of the group is to encourage young
cookies which are sold to raise funds. The girls to make friends and take part in their Guides
tradition of making cookies goes back to community.
1927 when the cookies were first made to Sparks can earn badges when the Guides are for girls aged 9 to 11
raise money for uniforms and camping take part in different activities. They years. The guides promote young girls to
equipment. Although many different types usually meet once a week for about an engage in their community, learn new
of cookies have been sold over the years, hour. skills and make decisions. Girls take part
today the chocolate and vanilla creme are
Kidzone 41

it's the Rangers themselves who decide

what they would like to do and how they
would like to go about doing it.

Senior Motto:
Be Prepared

Senior Law:
The Guiding Law challenges me to:
be honest and trustworthy
use my resources wisely
respect myself and others
recognize and use my talents and abilities
protect our common environment
in community service projects to help Pathfinder Motto:
live with courage and strength
understand other people and other Be Prepared
share in the sisterhood of Guiding.
cultures. Activities include camping,
horseback riding, hiking, water sports as Guide Law:
well as community activities such as food The Guiding Law challenges me to: Lones
banks. be honest and trustworthy
Guides can earn badges through use my resources wisely Lones are for girls of any age who
learning new skills, developing respect myself and others are unable to attend regular meetings.
awareness, exploring new ideas and recognize and use my talents and abilities This may be because of distance, health,
expanding their understanding of the protect our common environment lack of transport etc. Lone Guiding allows
world around them. Guides meet every live with courage and strength a girl to be assigned to a unit appropriate
week for two hours. share in the sisterhood of Guiding. to her age. She is then sent details of all
the activities and events and can take part
Guide Motto: Senior Branches whenever appropriate. They are sent
Be Prepared regular challenges which they return when
complete and receive badges etc. They
In Senior Branches, young women
Guide Law: also receive fun stuff such as puzzles,
(15-17 years) complete a core program
The Guiding Law challenges me to: crafts, games etc.
that focus on adventure and
be honest and trustworthy This type of guiding is particularly
independence. Girls learn practical skills
use my resources wisely useful if a member has to move abroad
such as understanding relationships and
respect myself and others and wants to keep in touch with friends
money management. Hikes, trips, camps
recognize and use my talents and abilities and service projects give Senior Branches and activities. It is also useful for
protect our common environment members who may have disabilities or
Members the opportunity to have fun in
live with courage and strength health issues preventing them from taking
the company of others their age.
share in the sisterhood of Guiding. part fully in activities. Lone membership
In addition to the core program,
can be for a few weeks, months or several
Senior Branches Members choose from
years depending on the circumstances.
Pathfinders three program streams.
Cadets: Cadets gain practical
Pathfinders are aged between 12 and experience as leaders in different Trex
14 years. They take leadership roles at branches of Guiding. Cadets meet as a
camps and events, perform community unit to exchange ideas and plan activities, “Trex” refers to “treks.” A trek is a
service, learn first aid and participate in and then go to Spark, Brownie, Guide and journey that can be challenging and
citizenship projects. Outdoor activities are Pathfinder units to try out their programs sometimes even arduous. A Trex Girl
a popular part of the Pathfinder program on girls of varying ages. Guide is someone who embraces
with things such as camping, canoeing Junior Leaders: Junior Leaders gain challenging, exciting and bold outdoor
and even international travel. practical experience as leaders in one adventures. She wants to face physical
Pathfinders plan their own program branch of Guiding. They are part of the challenges energetically and fearlessly, as
with the guidance of their leaders. In leadership team involved in the planning she tests her limits and pushes herself to
Pathfinders the girls determine if their and running of a unit. overcome obstacles and achieve new
challenges will be done individually, in Rangers: Rangers are challenged to goals. Trex is open to girls between 12
small groups, or by the whole unit. plan and lead their own activities. Their and 17 years of age
Unit Guiders act as resource people, but
42 Kidzone

What will you learn in school?

Depending on which province or Education, Personal Development, Health Newfoundland and Labrador
territory you live in your school curriculum and Well-being French, English Language Arts, Health,
will differ slightly. Although all schools Mathematics, Music and Art, Physical
teach the basics of English, Maths and New Brunswick Education, Religious Education, Science,
Science there are other subjects that you English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies
will be learning. This month we take a look Science, Social Studies, Arts Education, From Grade 7 Home Economics,
at elementary school grades 1 - 8 or Technology, Music, Physical Education Technology, Industrial Arts, Education and
children aged 6 to 14 years and see what Industrial Arts, Communications
the key subjects are. Depending on the Prince Edward Island Technology are added. Grade 8
grade, different allocations of time per Arts, Communication and Information introduces Production Technology and
subject are allocated per week. Technology, French, Health, English Control Technology modules
Language Arts, Mathematics, Music,
Alberta Science Additional optional subjects may also
English Language Arts, Mathematics, At Grade 7 Health and Family Life, be offered such as additional languages,
Science, Social Studies, Physical Industrial Technology, Home Economics Aboriginal Studies, Drama etc.
Education, Health and Life Skills, Art and and Social Studies are added
Music. Next month we will look at the
Information and Communication Nova Scotia curriculum for secondary schools grades
Technology is added from Grade 2 Mathematics, Science, English Language 9 - 12 (ages 14 - 18).
Arts, Social Studies, Music, Health
British Columbia Education, Physical Education
Language Arts, Social Studies,
Mathematics, Science, Physical
Education, Fine arts, Health and Career
From Grade 5 a second language is I have helped many newcomers find a home
added. Grade 8 also includes Business
in the Prince Edward County, Quinte area and
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44 Out & About

Winter in Whistler
The village of Whistler has a
population of around 10,000
people, however visitors number
over two million annually. It is
located in the Coast Mountains
about 125 km (2 hours) north of
Vancouver. It can be found along
Highway 99 which is also known
as the Sea to Sky Highway and
has been voted the “Most
Romantic Road in the World”.

Whistler is known as one of the best Winter activities If you are the more shy and retiring
year round mountain resorts in North type you might want to check out some of
America, but it is as a winter sports Whistler has something for everyone Whistler’s more gentle activities such as
destination that it is best known. from steep, death-defying slopes to gentle skating on a mountain lake, or how about
Whistler is a village set between two nursery slopes for those with less a magical sleigh ride in a sleigh pulled by
mountains: Whistler and Blackcomb. It experience. Of course there are many giant horses. You can even include a stop
started life in the early 1900’s as a fishing activities you can choose to take part in. off with roaring camp fire, dinner, hot
camp and was a popular summer The most obvious is skiing and you can chocolate and of course a singing cowboy
destination for Canadians. Over the years take advantage of 200 runs which offer show.
it has become one of the world’s premier expert, intermediate and beginner Dog sledding is another popular
winter resort destinations and will be the terrains. You can also Heli-ski which activity where you can enjoy having the
location of many sports during the 2010 involves being taken by helicopter to the Huskies do all the work. Or how about
Winter Olympics. run and skiing off-trail downhill. This is some gentle winter fishing?
The area has won many awards and only for the more experienced skier. If you On days when you just want to sit
accolades including: Best Overseas don’t fancy a helicopter ride, how about a back and relax why not take in some of
Resort (Luxury Travel Magazine 2007), snowcat? At Whistler you can take an all the local scenery?
Best North American Ski Resort (British day adventure in a twelve-person snowcat There are many types and durations
Travel Awards 2006), Best Downhill which takes you to runs for snowboarding of tour available such as aerial tours
Slopes in North America (Forbes Traveler and skiing activities. Then there is Nordic where you board a plane or helicopter for
2006) and Number One Resort in North skiing or cross-country skiing and of the view to remember. Aerial tours can be
America (Skiing Magazine - 10 course snowboarding. just a few minutes to a whole day. If you
consecutive years). If you fancy something a little more have a bit more energy then think about a
So what sets Whistler apart from adventurous how about bungee jumping? back-country tour which enables you to
other locations? Firstly it is the two You can jump from a pedestrian bridge explore the remote wilderness that is
mountains Blackcomb and Whistler which 300 feet into a canyon with a whitewater Whistler.
together offer over 8,000 acres of skiing river flowing underneath. The actual Other tours available include hot rod
terrain. Secondly, snow. With over 10 bungee is only 160 feet, nothing really, tours in all terrain vehicles for that extra
metres of annual snowfall there is more what are you waiting for? thrilling ride or if you want something a bit
than enough of the white stuff to go Bungee jumping not enough more sedate then try a sno-limo. In a sno-
around. Even with all the snow, the adrenalin for you, how about ice climbing? limo you simply sit back and let someone
temperatures at Whistler tend to be quite With this activity you actually climb frozen else do all the work. This is a good activity
moderate with average January daytime waterfalls so you need to be fit and for people who do not want to ski but want
temperature of around -2°C and going into possibly crazy. Another great activity is the experience of the slopes. It is also
the high twenties in the summer months. ziplining in which you get strapped to a good for people with disabilities,
It has the longest ski season in Canada harness and zip along a steel cable Young and old alike will no doubt love
and the largest ski area in North America. between two mountains - yes really! the Coca-Cola Tube Park. The park has
Out & About 45

several lanes from 300 to 1,000 feet long Gay Travelers

where you can ride the snow and have
lots of fun doing it. Whistler has been voted the “largest
gay-friendly mountain resort in North
Accommodations America,” and home to the annual
WinterPRIDE Whistler. In early February
There are many accommodation every year (3rd - 10th 2008) thousands of
options to choose from of all types and gay and straight people visit Whistler for
prices. Hotels are available in Whistler the WinterPRIDE festivities. As well as
itself or neighboring locations. They range taking part in the sports activities available
from top class hotels such as the famous there are many other fun activities such
Fairmont Chateau Whistler to the more as dances, banquets, parties, nightclubs
budget friendly like the Holiday Inn or Best and live music to mention but a few. To
Western chains. find out all the details of the 2008 event
If you don’t fancy a hotel how about see the website.
renting a home? Some can be rented via
the individual owners, but many are Getting Married?
available through management
companies. Whistler offers the perfect backdrop
If you want to be a little closer to for the perfect wedding. Anyone can
nature there is the Riverside R.V. Resort marry in Whistler, citizens, residents and
and Campground. It is the only one in visitors alike. There are no blood tests or
Whistler so advance booking is residency requirements, all you need is
recommended. You can choose to stay in photo ID, birth certificates and divorce
a log cabin or book one of the RV or tent certificates if relevant. Same-sex marriage
sites. is legal in British Columbia, so what better
place to hold your ceremony than
Facilities Whistler.
You can arrange your own wedding
Whistler is a pedestrian-only village or have a local wedding planner do it all
with all the amenities you require such as for you.
visitors centre, activity centre, parking,
equipment hire, restaurants, Costs
accommodation, golf courses, spas,
shopping, entertainment and nightlife. Obviously costs vary depending on
There is a transit system called where you stay, the activities you take part
WAVE which can transport you to any in and when you visit.
location in the village or neighboring You can choose to book the different
locations. parts of your trip individually, or opt for
one of the many packages available via
Disabled Travelers tourist websites, travel agents, hotels etc.
Adult lift tickets cost from around
Don’t worry if you are disabled in any $150 for a three-day pass and children
way as Whistler is accessible to all. Many around $100. A fourteen day pass will cost
of the ski areas are accessible to disabled around $700 for an adult and $600 for
travelers and many offer specialist children. Packages which include
equipment and programs, including accommodation and lift tickets can be a
lessons from certified instructors. money-saving option with seven-night
The local accommodations are also packages from around $700 per person.
geared up for you with wheelchair If you want to experience some of the
accessible rooms and other such other activities expect to pay from around
amenities. Transport is available $500 for cat-skiing, $120 bungee
throughout the resort for both able bodied jumping, $800 Heliskiing, skiing lessons
and disabled people as is designated from $60, sleigh rides $100, dog sledding
parking space. $300 and from $15 for the Tube Park.
46 Tea Break

By doing so before your application is Before I begin I know this is a silly

Feedback processed you will receive a refund of

your processing fees and, If paid your
question, but I have to ask as my
husband will not rest until I have an
Right of Permanent Residence Fee. Also answer. Can you get HP sauce in
your withdrawal will allow someone else to Canada? Hubby cannot live without it!
I am desperate to move to Canada move up in the queue. Good luck in Spain.
to be with family (none of the type to Sue, Glasgow, Scotland
sponsor) and friends. I want to put in I live in South Africa and want to
my application for skilled worker as i emigrate to Canada but I am not sure You would be amazed at the number
know the waiting list is long. The how to go about it. Can you help? of times we are asked this type of
problem is I am currently studying for a question, be it Marmite, baked beans or
degree and without it I will be short on Daniel, Petoria indeed HP Sauce. Yes, you can get HP
points. Can I submit my application sauce in most supermarkets throughout
now with a note explaining that I am The first thing you will need to do is Canada.
taking the course and will have decide which process of immigration you
graduated well before my case is need to use. You should find the following How easy is it to renew a British
assessed? websites useful in helping you make hat Passport from Canada? We are moving
decision: to Ontario soon but will need to update
Molly, UK Muchmor: our passport in the next few years.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada:
Unfortunately Molly, the CIC stipulate Miloko, London
in their immigration regulations that you Canadian High Commission in South
must qualify for all required criteria Africa: It is very easy to renew a British
(experience, points and funds) at the time South Africans to Canada Forum: passport once in Canada. Here is a link to
of application. This means that you cannot the British High Commission in Ottawa -
apply under the “promise of graduating”, Canadian Relocation Solutions click on Consular and Visa Services then
you must have already done so. You passports.
should therefore wait until you have
graduated and apply at this time, sorry.

My husband has a daughter by his Canadian

first marriage who he no longer has
any contact with. She is 26 years old Relocation
and will not be accompanying us to
Canada. Do we still have to include her Solutions Ltd.
on our application as this could be
Canada’s Only Full Service Immigration-Relocation Company
Anon, UK

As his daughter is over 22 years of

age and is not a dependent, you do not
have to include her on your application.
My wife an I submitted our
application for residency to Canada
just over a year ago. We have now
Permanent Residency!
decided to move to Spain instead to be CALL FOR DETAILS
with my brother and his family. Do we
need to let CIC know of our decision or WEB SITE:
just leave it? EMAIL:

WINDSOR: 01753362217 YORK: 01904236182

Dave, Ireland CANANDA: 001 306 373 4686 CANADA FAX: 001 306 683 9562
know of your change of heart.
Tea Break 47

Top Canadian…
TV shows
1. C.S.I. 3.13 11. House (Mon) - 1.45
2. Survivor: China (Tue) - 2.32 12. The Polar Express - 1.41
3. C.S.I. Miami - 2.29 13. CTV Evening News (wkd) - 1.37
4. C.S.I. New york - 2.08 14. Shrek the Halls - 1.31
5. Without a Trace - 2.07 15. N.H.L.C Game 1 - 1.28
6. Criminal Minds - 2.00 16. NCIS - 1.16
7. Survivor: China (Sun) - 1.98 17. Rudolph the Reindeer - 1.12
8. C.S.I. - 1.62 18. Jeopardy - 1.12
9. CTV Evening News - 1.52 19. Ghost Whisperer - 1.10
10. House (Tues) - 1.46 20. Two and a Half Men - 1.09

1. Noel, Josh Groban 6. As I Am, Alicia Keys
2. Taking Chances, Celine Dion 7. Ultimate Hits, Garth Brooks
3. Duets, Friends & Legends, Anne 8. Let it Snow, Michael Buble
Murray 9. Carnival Ride, Carrie Underwood
4. Muchdance 08, Various 10. Christmas With Boney M, Boney M
5. One Chance, Paul Potts

1. The Bourne Ultimatum 7. Mr. Bean’s Holiday
2. Superbad 8. Ocean’s Thirteen
3. Pirates: At World’s End 9. I Now Pronounce You Chuck
4. Harry Potter: Order of the Phoenix and Larry
5. The Nanny Diaries 10. Santa Clause 3: The Escape
6. Live Free or Die Hard Clause

Fiction paperbacks
1. The Pillars of the Earth, Ken Follett 7. Love in the Time of Cholera,
2. Sign of Seven Trilogy Book 1, Gabriel García Marquez
Nora Roberts 8. Secrets From the Vinyl Cafe,
3. The Gathering, Anne Enright Stuart McLean
4. Exit Music, Ian Rankin 9. Water for Elephants, Sara Gruen
5. Next, Michael Critchton 10. Memory Keepers Daughter, Kim
6. The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini Edwards

Fiction hard cover

1. Late Nights on Air, Elizabeth Hay 7. T is For Trespass, Sue Grafton
2. Thousand Splendid Suns, Khaled 8. Canadian Short Stories, Jane
Hosseini Urquhart
3. Confessor, Terry Goodkind 9. Playing For Pizza, John Grisham
4. World Without End, Ken Follett 10. Lord John and the Hand of
5. Divisadero, Michael Ondaatie Devils, Diana Gabaldon
6. For One More Day, Mitch Albom
48 Tea Break

Whistler Wordsearch

Whistler Coast Mountains Tube Park Hot Rod Tour Dog Sledding
Skiing Snowboarding Activities Helicopter Blackcomb
Olympics Awards Slopes Nursery Nordic Skiing
Bungee Jumping Sleigh Ride Aerial Tours Hotel Wheelchair
Riverside Wedding WinterPRIDE Festivities Village
Golf Course Disabled Package Campground Ticket

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January 2008

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Canada’s house prices to rise by 3.5 % in 2008

A report by Royal Le Page, Canada
After experiencing an “Canada’s housing market in 2008 economies and high levels of home sale
exceptional year characterized by should continue to thrive on a balanced activity, the excessively fast run-up of
diet of strong economic fundamentals, home values in 2006 and the first half of
strong average house price
including high levels of employment, 2007 priced people out of the market,
appreciation and record breaking resilient consumer confidence, modest causing inventory levels to rise late in the
unit sales, the momentum from levels of inflation and the relatively low year. Alberta home price increases will be
2007 is anticipated to carry over cost of borrowing money,” said Phil Soper, much more moderate in 2008 as the
and position Canada’s real estate president and chief executive of Royal regional market continues to adjust to the
LePage Real Estate Services. “Canada is new house value reality.
market for steady, yet moderate
currently enjoying one of the longest With the country’s highest home
growth in 2008, according to the housing market expansions in history; prices, Vancouver’s steadfast market will
Royal LePage 2008 Market Survey however, as we move into 2008 it is continue to expand on the back of a strong
Forecast released today. anticipated that slowly eroding affordability provincial economy. As the city readies
will cause demand to ease, allowing the itself for the 2010 Olympic Games, there
Nationally, average house prices are market to move toward balanced will be an abundance of new jobs created.
forecast to rise by 3.5 per cent to conditions, with lower levels of price Ontario and Québec markets are
$317,288 in 2008, while transactions are appreciation, and fewer homes trading anticipated to maintain their relative
projected to fall slightly from this year’s hands.” strength and vibrancy throughout next
record high unit sales to 500,927 (–4.0 %) With the most affordable major market year, weathering stormy financial markets
unit sales in 2008. Despite the year-over- homes in Canada, residents of Regina and and adjusting well to the high value of the
year reduction in unit sales, the number of Winnipeg are forecast to drive the greatest Canadian dollar. The services based
homes trading hands in 2008 is expected increases in house prices in 2008, as job industries that have become the backbone
to remain higher than in all years prior to opportunities and in-migration continue to of the Toronto and Montreal economies
2007. soar in each city. While Calgary and have tolerated the rise of Canada’s dollar
Edmonton will continue to boast healthy to parity very well, despite increasingly
50 Realty

price competitive offering from overseas who have shied away from the frenetic
markets. real estate market of the past few years,
In Atlantic Canada, a slight depletion with its bidding wars and unconditional
of inventory coupled with high immigration offers; while prices should continue to
levels will see the housing market rise, they are expected to do so at a more
growing at a strong and steady pace – reasonable pace. Canada’s economy is
Halifax is expected to have higher than strong, and the desire for home
national average growth in 2008. ownership remains a vibrant and
The frenzied pace of price inflation attainable goal – real estate remains a
that has characterized the real estate solid long term investment.”
market over the past two years in the
resource rich west were unsustainable
and should ease substantially in 2008. In
Central Canada, price increases peaked
in late 2005, and have been moderating
From coast-to-coast, the homebuyer
demographic is anticipated to swell with
first-time purchasers, as many flock to
take advantage of recently reduced
lending rates, longer amortization periods
and the resultant manageable mortgage
Added Soper: “The year ahead
presents opportunities for those people


Halifax $218,000 $233,000

Montreal $230,000 $238,000

Ottawa $273,500 $285,000

Toronto $375,500 $388,500

Winnipeg $170,500 $190,000

Regina $163,500 $188,600

Calgary $412,500 $429,000

Edmonton $337,500 $341,000

Vancouver $565,000 $587,500

51 Realty

Helen Parnell
Tel: 403-932-8888

MLS: C3298002 Price: $264,900 Province: Alberta

City: Calgary Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2
Beautiful main floor condo in Bridlewood . This home is recently been painted and in
immaculate condition with 2 bathrooms 2 bedrooms 2 parking stalls. The master bedroom
has walk in closet and 4 piece ensuite. The kitchen has a large eating bar with plenty of
space for entraining , All appliances are included with low condo fees covers everything
except phone and cable. Walking distance from Sobies and all amenities. Don't miss this
great buy. !!

MLS: C3297692 Price: $279,500 Province: Alberta

City: Cochrane Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2
Great private, secluded and quiet place to call home. This home has it all. Nice size family
room to cosy into on these cold nights. The kitchen is bright with dining area and new
laminate flooring installed earlier this year. The kitchen faces west so great for the evening
sun. A two-piece washroom completes this level. Upstairs you have a good size master
and then two further bedrooms. The 4-piece washroom is all new with tiling all the way to
the top of the wall by the deep soaker tub. The walkout basement needs your finishing
touches but walks out on to a nice deck on private fenced yard. Unit backs onto a treed

MLS: C3297037 Price: $569,900 Province: Alberta

City: Cochrane Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3
Executive style 2 storey walkout that has real "WOW" value. Open foyer at front
entrance,sweeping staircase to upper level with open hallway and four bedrooms. Cozy
living room off kitchen as well as an office/den. Beautiful wood cabinets in kitchen. Deck
off garden door with valley views. Main floor laundry room includes washer and dryer with
purchase. Large master BR has wonderful bright ensuite with soaker tub. Walkout has been
professionally developed with wet bar, custom built-in wall unit and fireplace, another
bathroom with extra large tiled shower.

MLS: C3275434 Price: $1,289,000 Province: Alberta

City: Cochrane Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 Acres: 26.86
Great holding property only 5 km's north of Airdrie on Dickson/ Stevenson Trail. Most of
the value is in the land as the house does need quite a lot of work. Includes a 30 x 40 steel
quonset, a large double garage and a storage shed. House is sheltered in a very large
grove of trees and is not visible from the road.

MLS: C3295500 Price: $489,900 Province: Alberta

City: Cochrane Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3
Lovely, fully finished, 2 story family home in sought after River view. Spacious master
bedroom with gleaming hardwood and 4 piece en-suite. 2 other well sized bedrooms. Main
floor features hardwood and porcelain tile, open kitchen and family area, formal dining and
living room.. Fully finished basement with 2 more "bedrooms" full bathroom and family/rec
room. Beautifully landscaped including New composite decking and aluminum rails.
Includes all appliances
52 Realty

MLS: 2076970 Price: $169,900 Province: Ontario

City: Prince Edward Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1

2 Bedroom Bungalow in great Sub-division. Open concept Kitchen - Living room, Hallway to
bedrooms and one bedroom door wider for wheelchair access. Single car detached garage
built approx. 2 years ago. Storage room with access to 4'crawl space off of kitchen. Good
sized kitchen with plenty of cabinets. Lot size to be verified.

MLS: 2075898 Price: $375,900 Province: Ontario

City: Prince Edward Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 2
Grand Century Home situated on a 12 acre parcel of land with great Privacy! Large barn in
good condition. This home boasts many original features, 9 1/2 foot ceilings, extra wide
baseboards, original trim and most doors. Over 3400 sq. ft. with great potential. Spacious 4
bedrooms upstairs, original wood bannister. Large room on main floor could be master
bedroom or Parlour. This all brick home is set back from Road with long driveway going into
property, offers a wonderful Privacy!

MLS: 2074064 Price: $249,900 Province: Ontario

City: Prince Edward Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2

Well Kept family home in Great subdivision. Fully finished home on both levels. 2 bedrooms
up and 2 bedrooms on lower level, with 4pc. washroom on both as well. Spacious eat-in
kitchen with patio doors to deck and above ground pool. Backyard faces parkland. Finished

MLS: 2073841 Price: $239,900 Province: Ontario

City: Wellington Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2
Prime area of Wellington, quiet Cul-de-sac with many Newer homes! Walking distance to all
amenities. This lovely 2 bedroom home would make a perfect retirement home. Gleaming
hardwood floors, ceramic tiles,spacious master bedroom with bright 3pc. ensuite and large
walk in closet. Open concept living area with gorgeous kitchen with patio doors to deck
facing parkland. Large laundry room with access to attached garage. Full partially finished
basement. Move in condition a must see
Realty 53

Kevin Gale
Tel: 613-476-5900

Re/Max Upper Canada Realty Ltd, Brokerage 1 Lake Street, PO Box 20 Picton, ON, K0K 2T0

MLS: 2076774 Price: $149,900 Province: Ontario

City: nr Picton Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2

Immaculate 4 bedroom, 2 storey home in growing community near Picton. Hardwood

floors throughout home, new windows, new sidings and new front porch in past year.
This home is priced to sell and well suited for first time buyers and/or families.

MLS: 2075852 Price: $309,000 Province: Ontario

City: Picton Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 1
This 2 + 2 bedroom family home is in excellent condition & located near the beaches.
Partial water view of West Lake as well 30' deed R.O.W. to the water. Large open
kitchen dining area. Living room has wood burning fireplace & finished family room in
basement has functional wood stove. Great home for family. More bedrooms can
easily be added if someone is looking to make this a rental property.

MLS: 2075888 Price: $235,900 Province: Ontario

City: Picton Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1
This 2 bedroom Hilden Home is being built with retirees in mind. Open kitchen &
dining area with walkout to deck. Large living room is great for entertaining. Two
large bedrooms. Main floor laundry mean no stairs to climb. Unfinished basement
can be finished for an additional cost.

MLS: 2076133 Price: $369,000 Province: Ontario

City: Bloomfield Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2
Immaculate 3 + 1 bedroom home in the heart of Bloomfield. This home is
surprisingly spacious with large kitchen that has recently been refurbished.
Oversized living room/dining is accented by the warmth of wood burning fireplace.
Mast bedroom. has walkout to pool/hot tub area overlooking massive manicured
back yard. Second main floor bedroom has separate outside entry lending itself to
home based business. Home is serviced by municipal water & well.
Realty 54

Housing starts Toronto sets new House types

remain stable in real estate Condominium (condo): owner
owns the property from the

November records in Dec interior walls inward. Common

areas, gardens etc are owned by
a corporation for which a condo
The seasonally adjusted annual rate The Greater Toronto resale home
fee is paid for maintenance etc.
of housing starts was 227,900 units in market reached two new heights during
November, essentially unchanged from the first half of this month Toronto Real
Townhouse or row house:
227,600 units in October, according to Estate Board President Maureen O'Neill
Property in a group of three or
Canada Mortgage and Housing announced today.
more attached properties, each
Corporation (CMHC). "The 2,868 transactions recorded
individually owned.
“Housing starts remained strong in during the first two weeks of December
November and are consistent with our have made this the first year that sales
Duplex: A property which has
new home construction forecast for 2007,” have exceeded 90,000," said Ms. O'Neill.
been split into two separate
said Bob Dugan, Chief Economist at This activity also represents a 3 per
properties either side-by-side or
CMHC’s Market Analysis Centre. “The cent increase over the 2,783 sales
top and bottom.
strength in November is attributable to the recorded during the first two weeks of
good performance of single-detached December 2006.
Detached or semi-detached: A
home starts, which reached their highest This year's record activity has been
detached property site with no
level since March 2006.” matched by record prices.
others attached to it. A semi-
The seasonally adjusted annual rate "The average price is now $404,707,
detached has one other attached
of urban starts increased 0.2 per cent to which is the first time it has exceeded
property, separately owned.
192,000 in November, compared to $400,000," said Ms. O'Neill.
October. Urban singles were up 12.8 per The current average price has
Bungalow or ranch: House with
cent to 95,400 units in November, while increased 3 per cent since last month and
one level above ground, but may
multiple starts decreased 9.8 per cent to 19 per cent compared to the same
also have a basement.
96,600 units. timeframe a year ago.
In November, the seasonally adjusted In the Danforth area (E03)
Bi level or hi ranch: Bungalow
annual rate of urban starts increased in transactions are up 24 per cent compared
or ranch with a raised main level
two of Canada’s five regions. Urban starts to mid-December 2006, as a result of
creating a higher basement,
registered an increase of 12.7 per cent in strong semi-detached sales.
allowing windows above the
Ontario and 16.9 per cent in British New Toronto transactions (W06) are
ground level.
Columbia. The Atlantic region, the Prairies up 43 per cent compared to the same
and Québec all recorded an easing of timeframe a year ago, as a result of
Split level: A property with
activity in November (-8.0 per cent, -11.6 strong condominium apartment sales.
multiple levels above ground.
per cent, and -20.6 per cent respectively). Condominium apartment transactions
Urban single starts were up in all regions Downtown (C01) also pushed overall
1½ storey: Property with high
except the Prairies. Only the Atlantic sales in that area up 28 per cent
pitched roof allowing for extra
region and British Columbia saw compared to the first half of December
increases in urban multiple starts. 2006.
2 or 3 storey: Property with two
Rural starts were estimated at a In North York (C14) detached home
or three levels above ground.
seasonally adjusted annual rate of 35,900 transactions led to an overall sales
units in November. increase of 34 per cent in the area
Executive: Large detached
Actual starts, in rural and urban areas compared to mid-December 2006.
house on its own plot of land.
combined, were up an estimated 2.7 per "The two new precedents set in the
cent in the first 11 months of 2007 last two weeks is certainly positive news,
Acreage: Large area of land
compared to the same period in 2006. In said Ms. O'Neill. It's shaping up to be a
which can be purchased with or
urban areas, actual total starts grew by an busy holiday season for homebuyers and
without property already built.
estimated 0.1 per cent year-to-date. sellers alike."
Actual urban single starts from January to
Mobile: A moveable structure
November 2007 were down 4.2 per cent
that is used as a permanent
compared to the same period in 2006,
structure, may or may not have a
while multiple starts grew by
permanent foundation
approximately 4.2 per cent over the same
Realty 55

Remax report
travel and to enjoy the best the city has to
offer from restaurants to recreation were
cited in overall condominium appeal.

condominium “In years past, there seemed to be a

ceiling in terms of what buyers were

sales up willing to pay for this type of product,”

says Polzler. “Widespread acceptance
has seen that philosophy tossed out the
After more than three decades of window. In the upper-end especially,
slow but steady growth, the condominium buyers have demonstrated a willingness
concept has finally clicked with Canadian to set new benchmarks, and in some
homeowners. The lifestyle has proven to cases, are spending more than what a
be a solid investment in housing markets detached home might cost. Multiple
across the country, chalking up some of offers, once unheard of, have become a
“The white picket fence, sprawling
the most impressive gains in residential reality in some centres.”
green lawn and tidy urban bungalow has
real estate in 2007, according to the RE/ New benchmarks for the most
become an unattainable ideal for many
MAX Condominium Report. expensive apartment-style condominium
first-time buyers—especially in the West,”
Their universal appeal is units ever sold through MLS have been
says Elton Ash, Regional Executive Vice
ubstantiated, with every market reporting reported in several cities in 2007,
President, RE/MAX of Western Canada.
increased momentum in condominium including Vancouver ($18 million), Calgary
“By necessity, condominiums have
sales volume over 2006 levels. In fact, 80 ($3.7 million), Edmonton ($2.3 million),
become the only practical means to
per cent of markets surveyed reported
homeownership for a growing segment of Winnipeg ($1.25 million), and Kitchener-
double-digit gains in sales year-over-year, Waterloo ($670,000).
the population. Today’s entry-level
with 40 per cent reporting increases over Given solid demand through all price
purchasers aspire to manageable
20 per cent. The greatest growth was ranges, it comes as no surprise that
mortgage payments, sunset city views,
experienced in Canada’s small to mid- investors have been very active in the
and the non-stop action and amenities of
sized markets. Leading the country, in majority of markets surveyed, hoping to
central core living, all packed into 600 to
terms of percentage increase in sales so snap up a piece of the pie while demand
800 sq. ft. The momentum of the market
far this year, are Regina (+57%), St.
in recent decades has redefined the home remains at peak levels. Yet, with a
John’s (+54%), and Saskatoon (+33%). growing number looking for a quick return
buying process.”
“Deteriorating affordability levels in on investment, swelling inventory levels
Condominium values were also up
major Canadian centres have led to the
from coast-to-coast in 2007, with all major have become a serious concern in several
resurrection of the condominium lifestyle
markets reporting an increase in average markets, most notably in Calgary and
in recent years,” says Michael Polzler, Edmonton, and to a much lesser extent,
price. Thirty-three per cent of cities
Executive Vice President, Regional Kelowna.
surveyed reported double-digit price
Director, RE/MAX Ontario-Atlantic “The impact of speculation,
appreciation. The most dramatic hikes
Canada. “Condominiums are clearly the especially in Canada’s largest
were seen in Western Canada’s red-hot
answer to the skyrocketing cost of land condominium markets, has yet to be
housing markets, led by Saskatoon
and shelter that has all but eradicated the determined, but concerns for the future
(+24%), Calgary (+22%), Edmonton
dream of homeownership for many first-
(+19%), Kelowna (+16 % for town homes, are relevant,” says Ash. “In downtown
time buyers.”
+12% for apartments), Vancouver (+14 % Vancouver, an estimated 50 per cent of
While price appreciation on freehold sales activity is attributed to investors,
for town homes, +11% for apartments),
properties, in particular, was the primary whereas as much as 60-85 per cent of
and Victoria (+9% for town homes, +12%
factor in the upswing, the strong desire new condominiums sales in Toronto’s
for apartments).
among baby boomers to lead an active, downtown core reportedly involved
At the top end of the market,
carefree lifestyle has also driven the investors in 2007. This is a major factor
condominium ownership has been
concept to unprecedented popularity. The that could influence prices in years to
equated with lifestyle. Throughout 2007,
RE/MAX Condominium Report identified come.”
aging baby boomers fuelled demand for
Greater Vancouver as the strongest For now, a number of market
luxury condominium units. Upper-end
market in the country – where close to 60 fundamentals point to increased growth in
activity was reported to be on the rise in
per cent of all residential sales now sales, prices and demand well into 2008.
all markets examined, with the greatest
involve a condominium. Condominium
appreciation occurring in Edmonton (+154 These include vibrant economies,
presence is also on the rise in centres
%), Greater Toronto (+98 %), Victoria (+85 Canada’s aging population, rising prices,
such as Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary,
%), Winnipeg (+58%), Vancouver (+49%) and higher levels of immigration, to name
Regina, Ottawa, and Hamilton-Burlington, a few.
and Kitchener-Waterloo (+39%). The
where condos now represent 20 to 30 per
maintenance-free factor, the ability to
cent of all MLS sales.
56 Realty

MLS: C3293558 Price: $365,000

Province: Alberta City: Calgary
Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2
COMPLEX***beautiful 2 story-WALKOUT-townhouse.
Several recent upgrades include stained maple
hardwood flooring, new carpet for upper level and
fresh paint. Walk into 9ft ceilings Main floor features
large living room with fireplace and bay window, 2
piece bath,huge kitchen with custom designed
ceramic tile flooring with back splash, dining area with
patio doors open to sunny deck. Upper level boasts
two large bedrooms, EACH with walk in closets and 4
piece en suites, laundry area!!! WALK OUT lower
level in bright, open and updated. Insulated &
drywalled double garage ( 21"x 19" ) completes this

MLS: C3289958 Price: $682,500

Province: Alberta City: Calgary
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3
Tanglewood Estates proudly presents this 2 storey,
2595.52 S.F.,4 bedroom,full Baths,Maple Floors,
Granite Counters, Gas Fireplace, Oversized Double
Garage, Main Floor Laundry/Mudroom, Freshly
Landscaped,Mountain View. Now is the time for you
to acquire your personal show home and reveal your
individual style with the various accent walls, art
niches, and custom built-ins incorporated throughout
this sophisticated home. Huge floor to ceiling
windows bring in loads of bright sunshine into the
kitchen and family room. Entertaining will be a breeze
in the gorgeous kitchen, boasting thick granite
counters and mocha kitchen cabinets with the large
island, opening into the family room.
Realty 57

MLS: 258631 Price: $599,900 Province: Saskatchewan

City: Saskatoon Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3
Brand new and beautiful in a prime Briarwood location! This spacious, fully developed 1613
square foot raised bungalow features exceptional quality and style with dramatic vaulted
ceilings, gleaming hardwoods, polished granite and an amazing ensuite bath with seperate
air tub, 3' x 5' shower and dual sinks. Complete with 4 bedrooms plus a bright and inviting
main floor den/office, this exceptional home is ready for immediate possession. Quality
construction by Ward Homes - Saskatchewan New Home Warranty is included..

MLS: 257535 Price: $1,049,000 Province: Saskatchewan

City: Saskatoon Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3
This amazing 'to be built' two storey walkout will boast over 4100 sqft on all 3. Four car
garage, 9' ceilings, custom kitchen and baths anc closets, possible 4th bedroom. Custom
moulding pkg, central air, central vac, heated basement floor. Too many extras to list.

MLS: 255708 Price: $469,000 Province: Saskatchewan

City: Prince Albert Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1

Privacy at it's finest with this beautiful lakefront acreage on Cowan Lake. 36.98 acres with
over 300 meters of lake front. 3 bedroom RTM home, built in 2000, is in excellent condition.
Faces west with incredible view of the lake. Lots of wildlife in area. 1040 sq. ft. home plus
12x14 porch. Outdoor wood-fired boiler with electric furnace for backup in crawl space.
Owner states lots of good drinking water from 50' well. Septic tank to mound. Fridge, stove,
washer & dryer included. 2 storage sheds included

MLS: 259231 Price: $277,500 Province: Saskatchewan

City: Saskatoon Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1
Priced below market value and ready for a quick possession date. A very attractive "West
Coast Style" 3- storey town house condo in excellent condition anda preferred end unit
model with more open views than most other units. A good color scheme with a white
kitchen, 6- appliances, balcony off the kitchen, central air conditioning, 2- bedrooms, 2
bathrooms plus a flex room on the main level. There is a single attached garage with direct
entry plus 1- electric parking stall. Condo fees are $155.57 per month which includes the
water. You will like what you see, this is a great property..

MLS: Various lots Price: $60,900 - $139,900

Province: Saskatchewan City: Prince albert
These beautiful lake lots come in a variety of dimensions and elevations and are
conveniently located just 10 minutes west of the town of Big River on highway 55. Power &
phone service to be run upon completion of roads. Marina to be located on the south west
corner in the phase one of the development. This is your chance to get in at phase one
prices. Lots being sold first come first serve. Investor package available..
58 Realty

Donna McNeil Exit Realty Metro

Tel: (01) 902-222-4937
Exit Realty Metro 2055-1658 Bedford Highway Bedford NS B4A 2X9

MLS: 00570739 Price: $269,900 Province: Nova Scotia

City: Wellington Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1

If a park like property and privacy is what you are looking for, well take a closer look.
This one of a kind gem has one of the most private settings available in the area. Beds
of perennials fill the property and line the paved driveway. The home sit on
professionally landscape lot that measures almost an acre in size and backs on over 7
acres of unused HRM Parkland. Inside you will be equally impressed with new
hardwood floors, fully finished basement with walkout, 3 bedrooms and open kitchen.
Truly a pleasure to view!

MLS: 40544603 Price: $274,900 Province: Nova Scotia

City: Grand Lake Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 2

Love privacy? This is the one for you. Situated on 2.5 acres on Kelly Lake, this large
family home has 200ft of Lake Frontage. Home features 3 bedrooms on the main level,
plus room for 3 more downstairs, a large kitchen with eating area, master bedroom with
ensuite, and woodstove for those cool nights, all with a total living space of 2200 sq ft. A
new double detached garage makes this the perfect place to call home. Other fine
additions include a newly finished 3rd bathroom plus custom crown moldings throughout
the Living Room, Dining Room and Hall. What more could you want?

MLS: 41116138 Price: $374,900 Province: Nova Scotia

City: Halifax Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4
This absolutely stunning 2 storey cape cod home has a very unique layout and is
situated in desirable St. Andrew’s Village; one of Metro’s most popular subdivisions! You
will be impressed by the cozy and yet elegant styling which includes walnut stained
birch floors, mushroom glazed kitchen cabinets with center island, and the brick wood
burning fireplace. The 3216 sq ft of finished living space offers 4 bedrooms, 4 full
bathrooms, home office, den, media room, and more.

MLS: 41115593 Price: $339,900 Province: Nova Scotia

City: Fall River Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3
Stunning 4 bedroom home has everything you’re looking for. Sunken family room with
stone propane fireplace, eat in gourmet kitchen that’s great for entertaining. Double
French doors to formal living room. Double doors that leads through to master bedroom
with walk in closet, 5 piece en-suite, bay window seat with storage. Main bath with
laundry. 10 year New Home Warranty. HST rebate back to builder. Please note that the
listing agent is related to the vendor. Commission payable on sale price minus HST.

MLS: 40841470 Price: $344,900 Province: Nova Scotia

City: Hammonds Plains Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3
This exceptional three bedroom home with 2500 sq ft of living space is located on quiet,
friendly, sought after Carmel Cres., in Highland Park Subdivision. The home is brand
new using quality materials. Built with extreme thought and care at every stage of
construction. The home features a huge double car garage, private 22x10 pressure
treated rear deck, maple kitchen cabinets with island, desk, pantry and garden doors to
the deck.
Realty 59

MLS: 2076639 Price: $975,000 Province: Ontario

City: Picton Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4

Located on prestigious Loyalist Parkway overlooking Picton Bay stands this fifties vintage
structure renovated & added to in a "Southwestern" style. Prince Edward County Glenora
Road lakeside living at it's best. Beautiful sunsets, easy access to sheltered water,
substantial lake activity(birds, sailing school, kayaking, world class fishing, seaplanes, power
& sailing yachts), an award winning saltwater pool & hot tub & a myriad of lake facing rooms
including the substantial in-law suite. The custom designed large well equipped commercial
kitchen is a Chef's dream. B&B potential

MLS: 2075613 Price: $269,000 Province: Ontario

City: Hillier, Quinte Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4

Immaculate home on pleasant bay. Walk-out from basement with guest suite potential.
Large insulated double garage plus: Marsh waterfront for the naturalist, Central air
conditioning, Central vacuum system, TV antenna, Garage: double, Garage: attached,
Garage: detached, Double width or more driveway, Paved driveway, Crushed stone
driveway, Oil or heating oil, Brick exterior finish, Vinyl exterior finish, Asphalt shingles
roofing, Smoke Detectors, Garage with inside entry, Carpeted Floor

MLS: 2075438 Price: $249,000 Province: Ontario

City: Prince Edward Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2

Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom house in popular area of Wellington. Low maintenance

brick and vinyl construction, 2 car garage and large play area in basement. All of this plus
minutes to fabulous beaches and in the heart of wine country.

MLS: Exclusive Price: $595,000 Province: Ontario

City: Prince Edward Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 3

Gorgeous waterfront home, custom design and quality finished home with beautiful 295 ft.
shoreline and landscaped grounds. This home offers an exceptional interior design, gourmet
kitchen with cherry cabinetry, open concept principle rooms with great water views, maple
flooring, finished walk-out basement with floor radiant heat and more.
Realty 60

National vacancy rates unchanged at 2.6%

The average rental apartment
vacancy rate in Canada's 34 major
centres remained unchanged at 2.6 per
cent in October 2007 compared to
October 2006, according to the Rental
Market Survey released today by Canada
Mortgage and Housing Corporation
"Strong employment growth, solid
income gains, and high immigration levels
In Ontario, vacancy rates were lower In the Prairies, vacancy rates were
continued to support strong demand for
than last year in seven of 15 major below two per cent in all five metropolitan
both ownership and rental housing,” said
centres, higher in four and unchanged in areas, even though three of the five major
Bob Dugan, Chief Economist at CMHC's
four. Rising youth employment and fewer centres recorded increases. In Alberta,
Market Analysis Centre. The rising gap
condominium apartment completions weaker net migration and indirect
between the cost of home ownership and
across the province increased rental additions to the rental supply via
renting also kept demand strong for rental
demand. However, this increase was more condominium investments led to higher
than offset by the shift to home ownership vacancies in Calgary and Edmonton.
“However, modest rental construction
and declining international migration. At Vacancy rates increased to 1.5 per cent in
and increased competition from the
0.6 per cent, Greater Sudbury registered Calgary (up 1.0 percentage point) and
condominium market offset the strong
Ontario’s lowest vacancy rate. Both the Edmonton (up 0.3 of a percentage point).
rental demand, keeping the rental
rental and ownership markets in Greater In Saskatchewan, a rapid improvement in
apartment vacancy rate unchanged from a
Sudbury are benefiting from a boom in net migration and escalating home
year earlier.” Condominiums are a
mining activity driven by rising commodity ownership costs led to fewer vacancies in
relatively inexpensive type of housing for
prices which in turn is boosting Saskatoon and Regina. Saskatoon’s
renters moving to home ownership. Also,
employment growth and in-migration. vacancy rate decreased by 2.6
some condominium apartments are
Vacancy rates remained above provincial percentage points to 0.6 per cent between
owned by investors who rent them out.
averages in goods-producing centres such October 2006 and October 2007, the
Therefore, high levels of condominium
as Windsor (12.8 per cent), St. Catharines sharpest drop among Canada’s major
completions have created competition for
- Niagara (4.0 per cent) and Thunder Bay centres. In Winnipeg, the vacancy rate
the rental market and have put upward
(3.8 per cent). A Canadian dollar above increased marginally from 1.3 to 1.5 per
pressure on vacancy rates.
parity dampened local business and cent.
In October 2007, provincial vacancy
housing market conditions in these In British Columbia, vacancy rates
rates were lowest in British Columbia (1.0
centres. The vacancy rate in Ontario’s two remained unchanged in Vancouver (0.7
per cent), Saskatchewan (1.2 per cent),
largest centres was unchanged from last per cent) and Victoria (0.5 per cent), but
Manitoba (1.5 per cent), and Alberta (1.6
October with Ottawa at 2.3 per cent and rose marginally in Abbotsford (up 0.1 of a
per cent). The strong economic expansion
Toronto at 3.2 per cent. percentage point to 2.1 per cent) between
in western provinces continued to attract
In Québec, vacancy rates went up in October 2006 and October 2007. British
workers from the rest of Canada. Many of
Montréal, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, Columbia’s newest Census Metropolitan
these newly arrived migrants initially
and declined in Gatineau, Québec and Area, Kelowna, saw its vacancy rate
settled in rental housing, keeping rental
Saguenay. Despite a less favorable decline from 0.6 to 0.0 per cent. Increased
demand strong in the West.
migratory context and the completion of job opportunities, the rising cost of home
The centres with the highest vacancy
several rental projects, strength in certain ownership, a high level of immigration and
rates in 2007 were Windsor (12.8 per
segments of the labour market helped longer completion times on new multiple-
cent), Saint John (5.2 per cent), and
sustain overall rental demand. Gatineau’s unit projects kept rental demand strong.
Moncton (4.3 per cent). On the other
vacancy rate decreased to 2.9 per cent in On the supply side, there have been very
hand, the major urban centres with the
October 2007 from 4.2 per cent in October few new rental projects built in B.C. during
lowest vacancy rates were Kelowna (0.0
2006, while the vacancy rate in Montréal the last year. Some renters are turning to
per cent), Victoria (0.5 per cent), Greater
increased by 0.2 of a percentage point to the secondary rental market, which
Sudbury (0.6 per cent) and Saskatoon
2.9 per cent over this period. Québec saw includes accessory suites and investor-
(0.6 per cent).
a 0.3 percentage point decrease in its owned condominiums, to meet their
vacancy rate to 1.2 per cent. housing needs.

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