Lesson Plan #3: Grade: 5th Social Studies Strand: Neighborhoods

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Lesson Plan #3

Grade: 5th Social Studies Strand: Neighborhoods

Submitted By: Sandra Montgomery
EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 20 4 !n"tr#ctor: $aren %o&ell

A. Summary o the Lesson Plan: Thi" le""on plan &ill come a'ter the le""on on r#ral( "#)#r)an( and #r)an to&n"* !t &ill di"c#"" ho& the"e to&n" and citie" "trive and +eep going in"tead o' )ecome a gho"t to&n* B. Basic !n ormation: Grade Le"el: 5th grade #ime to $om%lete this Lesson: 45 50 min#te" Grou%ings: &hole gro#p reading and di"c#""ion"( individ#al &or+

$. Materials: ,o#ghton -i''lin 5th grade Neigh)orhood Social St#die" )oo+: p* 5. 5/ !ntegrating Lang#age 0rt" and Social St#die"1 "trategy 22 pg* 5/2 .3 %lay money o' vario#" )ill" and cent" #p to a 320* -onopoly money &o#ld &or+ 'ine &ith the dollar"* !tem" 'or each mar+et 'or "ell and the co"t o' item"* #eacher Pre%aration Create a variety o' "hop" that a to&n #"#ally need" li+e a grocery "tore( po"t o''ice( )an+( clothe" "tore( and &hatever el"e yo# &o#ld li+e to have* ,ave thi" "et #p in di''erent area" o' the cla""room* ,ave the li"t o' item" and co"t po"ted on mar+et* ,ave "t#dent4" trade po"ition" in the mar+et"( to "ho& ho& they earn the money*

&. 'b(ecti"es: o N) State Social Studies Standards o E 0*5* De'ine trade and commoditie" #"ed in trade*

Student*+riendly Standards E 0*5* St#dent" &ill #nder"tand the val#e o' money( ho& the comm#nity &or+" &ith trade among"t it" citi5en"*

,. )ocabulary #rade: a p#rcha"e or "ale1 )#"ine"" deal or tran"action* $ommodities: article o' trade( e"pecially a prod#ct a" di"ting#i"hed 'rom a "ervice* Mar-et: a place &here people "ell or )#y item"*

+. Procedure:

Lesson Acti"ity * 0" a cla""( S6 coral read a)o#t mar+et"* 7,o#ghton -i''lin Neigh)orhood Social St#die"( p* 5. 2 5/* 2* 8o over the de'inition"* 3* T6 di"c#"" the r#le" in &hich yo# e9pect 'rom the cla""* o o No p#"hing :e re"pect'#l to tho"e aro#nd yo#

4* T6 di"c#"" the mar+et" that are "et aro#nd the room and the parent" are r#nning the "tore* Tell students that they arent to give anything free. If they do, put a closed sign on the market saying, Out of Business. 5* T6 &ill o)"erve "t#dent" a" they )#y and "ell thing" in thi" mar+et* This activity will last ! minutes. "witch out workers every # to $! minutes. .* S6 &rite in their hi"tory ;o#rnal ho& the )#"ine"" get money( ho& people get the money to "pend on the item" they got( and &hy it i" important 'or people to &or+( )#y( and "ell* /* T6 a"+ the "t#dent" &hat &o#ld happen i' the "hop o&ner" &ere to ;#"t hand thing" o#t 'or 'ree< 6hat &o#ld happen i' all the "tore" &ere to "h#t do&n< =* 6hat can &e do &hen &e grad#ate do to help o#r"elve" and o#r comm#nity< %e can work for money and &uy what we want when we have the money.

G. Assessment: .hat /ill you use to measure student understanding0 !n'ormal o)"ervation the "t#dent4" "elling and )#ying at the mar+et"* !' the "t#dent4" &ere a)le to +eep their )#"ine"" r#nning or i' they had to clo"e )eca#"e they didn4t 'ollo& )#"ine"" proced#re*

Their ;o#rnal &o#ld )e the 'ormal a""e""ment on &hether or not they #nder"tood the proce"" and rea"on 'or )#ying and "elling* ,1%lain ho/ you /ill -no/ students understand the conce%ts rom the lesson. The "t#dent" &ill )e a)le to e9plain &hat +eep" a to&n or city r#nning and ho& people &or+ to get money( and ho& one get" and "pend" money*

$. $losure: T6 )e a"+ing "t#dent" &hat can &e do &hen &e grad#ate do to help o#r"elve" and o#r comm#nity< %e can work for money and &uy what we want when we have the money. Thi" di"c#""ion )ac+ and 'orth &ith the "t#dent" &ill )e the clo"#re*

&. 2e lection: 3. .hich %art o the lesson do you thin- /ill be the easiest or you to teach0 ! thin+ 'or the mo"t part that thi" le""on &o#ld )e pretty ea"y to teach* There really i"n4t m#ch di''ic#lty to the le""on* 4. .hich %art /ill be most challenging or you to teach0 The only thing ! can thin+ o'( i" ma+ing "#re my in"tr#ction" on &hat ! &ant the "t#dent" to do i" clear and "t#dent" #nder"tand &hat ! e9pect o' them*

3. 5o/ /ill you ollo/ u% or e1tend this lesson0

! &o#ld contin#e &ith the data "heet that i" on page .2 > .3 in !ntegrating Lang#age art" and Social "t#die"* Thi" &ill "ho& "t#dent" the di''erence" in other co#ntrie" c#rrency* 6. .hat can you do or students /ho don7t gras% the conce%ts0 ! &o#ld have tho"e "t#dent" &or+ &ith a partner &ho #nder"tand &hat i" going on* ! &o#ld ma+e "#re that "t#dent e9plain" &hat he?"he i" doing and tell that "t#dent &hy they are doing it*

Then ! &o#ld have the "t#dent &ho i" "tr#ggling do &hat the )#ying and "elling &ith the g#idance o' the partner( "o the partner can help him?her i' it i" needed*

5. .hich %art o the lesson8 i any8 do you thin- might need to change0 ! don4t thin+ ! &o#ld change anything &ith thi" le""on*

9. .hen you /ere /riting this lesson %lan8 /hat /as the most di icult %art0 !n deciding i' ! &o#ld #"e parent vol#nteer" or not 'or thi" activity* ! decided it &a" )e"t 'or the "t#dent" to &or+ the "hop"( )eca#"e thi" &ay they learn that in order to get money( they &o#ld have to &or+ 'or it*

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