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The Book of Gnosis

Melek- Taus 2012 a.d.


-There is no peace, there is anger. -There is no fear, there is power. -There is no death, there is immortality. -There is no weakness, there is the darkside.

I have an ambition, an ambition to create a new world order where mankind will become a super- human warrior empire, where humans stop praying to gods, & become like gods. Follow me my children, I am the way, I am the black plague that will infect the world with my influence & conquer this planet. I was born with a vision, a feeling that I have a great destiny. The world is a depressing place in these modern times, I feel like I was born in the wrong era. I wish for the world to turn back to its former beauty, & for man to rediscover his warrior spirit. I know now what I must do; I must usher in a new golden aeon & establish a powerful influential new order. Follow me! Aid my cause so I can build a glorious new empire! Spread my teachings, kill those that resist us, kill the heretics, enslave the weak, no mercy! Only the strong survive! We are Nephilist's! What is a Nephilist? A Nephilist is an individual that lives for the advancement of the empire & themselves. I draw my inspiration for Nephilism from many sources. You can probably see this in these teachings. We do not believe in or worship Satan. Satan is a metaphor for our natural human emotions. 'Our pride & passion'. I came up with the name 'Nephilist' after learning about an ancient text that intrigued me, called 'The Book of Enoch'. It tells of these beings called "Watchers" whom would watch over us humans & were said to

be responsible for our creation. But then they gave man knowledge of forbidden things, so "God" cast them from the heavens to Earth. The Watchers had children to our women who grew to become a hybrid race of warlike giants called Nephilim, hence our name. It is not a requirement of Nephilism to believe this, we believe in scientific proof rather than blind faith in uncertain things. I chose this name because like the Nephilim, we each have a piece of a god inside of us, & to release it's potential you must face the difficult trials life will undoubtedly place in your path, for that is how we all grow to become better versions of our present selves, life's experiences are constantly helping us evolve. The problem with the times I am currently living is that even with all of our knowledge & technology it appears as though we have become weaker, not so much technologically, but spiritually & perhaps psychologically. Even with all this knowledge readily available to the public people refuse or just don't care about it. They are quite happy ignorantly living as slaves to societies conformities. Secret societies conspire to indoctrinate the masses to become their mindless robots. Let the weak waste their lives as slaves, if you're reading this then you probably have that yearning for something greater in your life. You desire greater power, you probably want to be the wolf that devours the sheep, maybe even the lion that leads the wolves. This is a little something I read from that is titled 'The Dark Knight':
The sheep have an easy life. They exist on a field of grass and live together in herds. They might wander a mile in one direction or the other, yet they are contempt at having one another and only secondarily discovering their surroundings. Thus being the price for the security of a community. On the other side we recognize the wolf in this example. I will speak of the first wolf to understand his own existence as to befit my example.

The wolf is born of a different substance. The wolf feels his urge to wander and so he passes through the land, discovering his environment and searching for others of his kind. The wolf wanders to the top of a hill and sees a herd of sheep in the valley. He gazes towards the sheep, noticing how they live in herds and watches them move. He sees how they wander a mile in one direction or the other and how they eat the grass, always looking down and only seldom gazing towards each other and thus understands their nature. He decides that they are something different and wanders closer to investigate them further. After slowly moving closer, he hesitates once more. For he sees the heard near a pond. He is unsure if it was merely a light reflection, yet he believes to have seen something strange. He recognizes another wolf within the depth of the heard. Slightly confused, yet glad to see a member of his kind he wanders over to the wolf. The sheep grow restless as the wolf comes closer and the heard opens to reveal the second wolf. The first wolf walks up to the second and watches the second with his tail between his legs eat the grass as do the sheep.

Greetings, brother, speaks the first of wolves.

The second gazes up, slightly confused and takes a step back, noticing that a wolf has neared him.

Why do you step back from me, brother? asks the first of wolves.

The second wolf looks slightly confused and speaks, Why do you call me brother, wolf? I am not like you; I am a sheep like the others.

The first of wolves, with his tail high grows further in his confusion, What do you mean, brother? You are a wolf. How can you think to be of the sheep?

I was born within the heard, wolf. I have always been a sheep, as my parents before me, speaks the cowardly wolf.

The first of wolves ponders the situation and his gaze wanders towards the pond, Look into the water, brother. Then you will see that you are of my kind and not of the sheep.

The second lowers his head again to continue his meal of grass, I do not need to look into the water, for I would only see my reflection. The same face I see in the sheep around me. I do not need to look. I am of the sheep.

And what of the grass you eat, brother? Wouldnt a sheep be more to your liking? says the first wolf in vain.

The second gazes towards him in fear and speaks with a quavering voice No, he lied, I have always eaten grass and I know no other. To desire a sheep is against the law.

The first of wolves watches the second as he nervously looks around. The other sheep are seemingly oblivious to what matters are being discussed here. Yet you have considered eating one of the sheep, havent you? spoke the first.

The second dropped his tail further with a look of great guilt on his soul, No, I would never think such a thing. And it would be appreciated if you leave us, for you are making the heard nervous.

The first of wolves is engulfed by a silent moment of loneliness. Knowing that he is not of the sheep and has no heard. And knowing that his brother is also not of his kind. The first of wolves slowly turns, leaving his brother behind, hearing the second of wolves trying himself in a accord of bah. The other sheep acknowledge this sound, yet the first of wolves knows, that the second can not communicate with them, no matter how hard he tries.

Only the wolf that acknowledges his existence can understand the self. Lest he be blinded by his surroundings.

We Nephite's live knowing we are the wolves, while the rest of the herd of sheep stay within their comfort zone, a slave to their fear. Read on, absorb this knowledge & expand our empire.

We are warriors, we thirst for new conquests, glory & we fight & die bravely! Valhalla awaits us! ________________________________________________________
"Without strife, your victory has no meaning. Without strife, you do not advance. Without strife, there is only stagnation."


The Watchers
And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. -And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men -and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not -indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations

-not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves -by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn.

Chapter 7 -And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms -and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they -became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells "The Hebrew word for giants (nephilum) literally means the fallendown-ones because these tall celestial beings fell from the sky. Their half- breed progeny and their descendants are often mentioned in the early books of the Old Testament until the last of them were finally killed off. They were known as Rephaim [Hebrew for 'phantoms'], Emim, Anakim, Horim, Avim, and Zamzummim. Some scholars speculate that this tradition of giants born from the union of gods and

humans formed the basis for the demigod of Greek mythology." - Raymond E. Fowler, The Watchers

Chapter 8 -And Azazel taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all -The king of Tyre was the agent of Lucifer according to Ezekiel. In describing the breastplate two Israelite tribes are left out. They are replaced with tambourines and flutes or pipes: -Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Eze.28:13 ________________________________________________________

Who are The Watchers?

The Watchers. They first appear on the scene in Sumer. "Shumer", it seems literally means the "Land of The Watchers". For the American author Zecharia Sitchin, they are alien beings whose specific task is to orbit the earth, monitoring events on Earth. For Sitchin, the Watchers are not a "race" or a "species"; they are merely a "job specification". Their colleagues had abandoned their ships and had landed on Earth - they continued to orbit the earth. Those who did land, either mated or genetically engineered Mankind into its present form. As a consequence, Mankind worshipped the Watchers as gods.

Carl Sagan once remarked that we still have no clear perspective about the origins of the Sumerian culture. "Their language is foreign; it shows no resemblance to Indo- European, Semitic or any other language. We can only map them by the actions of their successors, the Akkadians, who created a voluminous Sumerian- Akkadian dictionary." The Chaldeans referred to the Watchers as "Ir". The Egyptians "neter" means Watcher. And the Watchers are also in the Bible, where, in Genesis 6:1-4, they are listed as the sons of gods who "fell" for the earthly women, descended from heaven, chose women, and had children. they were described as "giants", though the height of their fathers is never stated. Still, the giants did not sleep or spoke. The Bible refers to the Watchers as Grigori "evil". They were the ones who "fell from heaven" and who were "weak" for the flesh of women. In

this respect, they sit within the tradition of Lucifer, the leader of the Fallen Angels, who came to Earth. Could the leader of The Watchers and the biblical Lucifer be one and the same?

The Koran has a similar story, though the strict good vs. evil of the bible has been toned down. Two angels, Harut and Marut, watch the actions of Mankind and note that Mankind seems to be unable to escape temptations and sin. The angels' negative comments are heard by God, who states that the two angels should not speak of Mankind in such a manner. If the angels were placed in an identical situation, their behavior would be similar. Harut and Marut consider this to be an invitation from God and are sent to Earth. God asks- demands- that they do not fall for the gravest of sins: murder, worship of the wrong deities, alcohol and unlawful sexual relationships. But the angels have just arrived and immediately fall in love with Earth's beauty. When a passer- by seems their sexual adventure, they kill him, so that no- one will be able to report their sin. But God's eye is everywhere and God makes sure that their colleagues in heaven- and other Watchers- also get to see their crimes. As the two angels were unsuccessful in their task, they are hung upside down in a water hole in Babylon, a punishment they prefer over Hell. At the same time, the other Watchers have to agree with God about his point of view on the difficulties of being a human. It seems that this story is twofold: to repeat what is right and wrong, but also to teach those in Heaven some respect towards Mankind and its



The Nephilim, the giants, continued to live on Earth. It seems that their biggest contribution on earth was the creation of chaos. Most ancient civilizations had a major fascination with order vs. chaos, good vs. evil. Evil would create chaos and thus the Nephilim, the sons of the Fallen Angels, obviously displayed their fathers' faults. This eventually leads God to decide to send a Deluge, to wash away the sins of these beings. here, we find another parallel with the story of Harut and Marut: they are also "washed of their sins" in the water hole of Babylon. Water as the cleanser of sin is therefore chose in both- as opposed to a "baptism by fire" Still, Jewish history suggests that not all Nephilim perished. The Jews stated they lived in Israel and the Anakim and Raphaim were both tribes considered to have been descended from the Nephilim. There remained a few Nephilim who fought in some of the battles, but they slowly seemed to have disappeared from the scene. Perhaps they married and their specific characteristics- apparently six toes and six fingersdisappeared within the larger genetic pool.

The story of the Watchers fell in disrespect within the Catholic Church, who wanted to portray Heaven as good and perfect- whereas the Watchers were all too human; it seemed, to neatly fit within this depiction. The Book of Enoch, which provides great detail about the Watchers, was not included in the Bible. it's substitute was the

Apocalypse of John, where there are no references to Watchers mating with human women. Still, some references remained. In Daniel (4:13,17 and 23) they appear, even making an appearance in front of the king.

In 1990, the Watchers were back with a vengeance. Sitchin had prepared the way, and others were now jumping on the bandwagon in which UFO researcher Raymond Fowler made a major contribution. Since 1979, Fowler has been researching the case of an alleged UFO abductee, Betty Andreasson-Luca, a deeply religious American Woman who claims she has been abducted by alien beings. Fowler concluded that Andreassons story was legitimate she had not confabulated this account to create attention or controversy. A series of books was the result, the third of which was titled The Watchers. The title is derived from the information given by the abductors to Andreasson. They identified themselves as The Watchers, guardians of Earth. They stated they had been present since the earliest human history and they had always lived next to us. Andreasson was given this revelation as they wanted Mankind to know that Man was more than just a body. Andreasson was tasked with giving this knowledge to Mankind; it was the main reason why she had been contacted by them. Fowlers book created some interest. Gregory Little was most impressed and made a study of the Book of Enoch, in light of Andreassons revelation. He identified that the Book of Enoch noted that there were angels both at the gates of Heaven and Hell mimicking the Egyptian

neters, who also guard the gates of Heaven and Hell in the Egyptian afterlife. Little noted that the guardians of Sheol Hell were described as angels grey of color, small as children, with a shape that is somewhat similar to human form. Little observed that this description is not present in the Slavic edition of the book (the most commonly used), but was present in the Hebrew version. Little realized that Fowler himself was unaware of this passage, but was it not obvious that the little grey aliens seemed to be witnessed in ancient times, where they had been described as the guardians of Hell and not as extra- terrestrial beings.

Further research brought Little across a Jewish encyclopedia. It stated that the Fallen Angels had shown Mankind how to call upon other angels from heaven. It involved a technique which allowed Mankind to make angels materialize. The technique was a ritual chanting, which had to occur at certain times and places to be effective. However, the key message was the materialization of the angels in physical form was this not another key ingredient of the UFO phenomenon?

Re- analyzing Fowlers book, certain imagery there was similar to that of the Watchers. Andreasson had described how the Watchers guarded a door. Under hypnosis, she stated how she was shown a Great Door and how she was lead towards it. The door is an entrance to the other world. The world of light. Behind the door, was the abode of The One, home, God, whom she met though she was unwilling to give further

details. Did the Christian Andreasson merely confabulate stories she might have seen in her childhood with reality? Perhaps. But it is clear that she is not the only person who claims to have been abducted. Fowler himself analyzed the Book of Enoch and came upon an intriguing reference on the general UFO abduction phenomenon. Enoch is home alone, resting in a seat and falls asleep. Suddenly, he hears whispering, though does not understand what is being said. Two men appear at the end of his feet; they know his name. Enoch wakes up, sees the two men and is afraid. They tell him not to be afraid, you will ascend to Heaven with us. It is in Heaven that Enoch is brought in front of the Elders and the rulers of a stellar hegemony. The events described by Enoch are identical if not archetypal of the events reported in UFO abductions. Fowler was also intrigued by references Andreasson had made. She had described a group of blond human- like beings that were in control of the grey beings. She named these blond people the Elders.

True or not, there are important cultural parallels between the story of Enoch and the modern UFO abduction phenomenon. Budd Hopkins, who is largely responsible for the modern definition of the UFO phenomenon as an interaction of alien beings with Mankind for the creation of a hybrid race, has thus identified a modern parallel with the Watchers. The Watchers materialized on earth to have children with female

women. The UFO abductors materialize on Earth to abduct people, resulting in pregnancies or a general interest in genetic female material. The consequences of these actions are giants or hybrid babies. The parallels are there, but what do they mean? Are they ancient legends, adapted to our modern civilization? Or are they genuine events, written down both in ancient and modern times? Is history repeating itself? Or are we merely still intrigued by the same heroic and thrilling stories of our ancestors?

Two scenes from Betty Andreassons meeting with The One, with The Door on the (left) and the beings moving towards the light (right)


Its better to burn out than to fade away!


-Do not help someone who has proven themselves a failure in the past. -Too much freedom is dangerous to those who cannot cope with the responsibilities that accompany independence. -The true test of anyones worth as a living creature is how much he can utilize what he has. -Each misdirected act of compassion is a waste of magical energy. (Popularly expressed by the phrase, No good deed ever goes unpunished.) -There are many that would take my time. I shun them. There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them. There a precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them.

-Control, religious or political must exist because the populace demands to be enslaved. Only when it feels sufficiently enslaved can the dissenters produce their collective grunt. Dissention is a weak form of assertion. Assertion is a weak form of creation. -Strive, reach, take. Then you shall not be taken. __________________________________________________________

The rise of reason & discontent

Nephilists do not claim to be totally original in our ideas, but rather are the natural progressive conclusion of society- wide feelings and concepts. If you watch the music video by Korn: Evolution, you will see that general IQ is decreasing, especially around the time of the Cultural Revolution, and has continued to decrease. The counter culture was brought on by outrage at the government and likely, the falling IQ of mankind leading to greater and greater global instability. After the fall of the counter culture the masses went into denial in the 80s (American Psycho), in the 90s we bargained for a better life by buying endless numbers of new gadgets and products, and now in the new millennium we are in depression and anger, as evident with modern media. I view Nephilism as the natural outcome of a less and less controlled/ stable world as well as discontent and rebellion. We are pragmatists motivated to find a solution to the dark path humanity is

taking, and put them on the golden path.

The Windswept Mountain

Every Nephite has a similar level of control that is expected. However, our emotions, especially nowadays, seem to not only be in control of us, but are expected to be in control of us. Over time, this becomes a very hard habit to combat. No wonder that depression is such a rising modern problem. Nephilists have a common realization; humanity must be transcended. Our emotions are a means to an end, not a guide to a means. To focus our very mind into a weapon, Nephilists perform a simple meditation to harness and increase their emotions:

Step 1 - Sit in the six- point meditative position. - Breath meditate until your mind is free of distractions.

Step 2 - Feel the calmness grow more intense as you begin to feel chills. - Open your minds eye and see that you are sitting on the highest peak of a mountain.

- Visualize only the ground you sit on. Concentrate. When you fall out of the vision, leap right back into it. - When you can see the ground you are sitting on just fine, look up.

Step 3 - The landscape you see around the mountain in its many vegetations and areas is your emotional makeup. It is you. - As you look upon the landscape you notice all your emotions attached to it. Observe them. Be intrigued by them. - Now, also feel how burning hot the emotions are. They are distant, and you are cold, but at the same time they are even more intense.

Step 4 - Manipulate these emotions to whatever you wish. Doing this should be intuitive. Make them more intense. Make them less. Mix them and create them. - Focus on your angerthe hot part of the landscapeand increase it. The more the better. - Notice that you are still calm. - Open your eyes.

This meditation is actually more of a trance. It requires some belief and


ease to perform, but is relatively easy, although sometimes energy consuming. Simply Tao meditate to restore energy. This trance is useful in changing your moods or controlling them. It also breeds the Nephite mentality. Which is basically a duality of displaying a passionate typical human being, and yet being cold and removed on the inside, always in control, always calculating.

Mythology & Campbell

Mythology is the most ancient form of story told by mankind. Like so many early inventions, it was formed less as entertainment and more as a necessity. People needed direction in their life, and they needed an example, and so life was represented in story form. Joseph Campbell was the first to draw attention to the power of mythology, revealing the Universal archetypes in mythology that are THE SAME, no matter what culture they come from. So, we can see these archetypes as the greatest of human truths. The ancient conflict between good and evil is represented by the hero and the villain.

According to Campbell human life is explained by these archetypes and we should still mold our lives according to these ancient universal reoccurrences in mythology. We should still believe in destiny (but not fate) and mold our life after the Hero Or the Villain.


Mythological archetypes and the call to adventure

Campbell explained that the hero (or anti- hero) of the myth goes through a set of basic transformations regardless of the culture.

1. The Call to Adventure 2. Leaving the Homeland 3. Crossing through of Several Gates to More and More Magical Places 4. Accomplishment of Destiny 5. Ascension to Heaven

The Call to Adventure is when the hero or anti- hero is confronted with a greater purpose to living than what life is previously expected. The hero usually resists at first, but later comes around However, sometimes they refuse and then they die, or worse than death. They live a comparatively worthless life because of their denial of their destiny. The Call to Adventure is when the longing of ones soul is explained and the way to cure that longing for something greater is offered. (Working towards ones destiny is much more satisfying than the evil artificial alternative of religion.)

The Call to Adventure is an awakening of the mind, the opening of the eyes, and the satisfying of the soul and fulfillment.

Knowledge through power; a disclaimer

This book explains all you need to know in order to survive out in the jungle and to be a fearsome dominant figure. Some exercises are available here for learning on your own, but, for the most part, this can only be achieved through experience.

Pack control/ Human pack theory

- Humans are pack animals like wolves, each individual battling for control and to be the alpha male/ female. -Expressions, tone of voice, and the way one holds ones body, and confidence are things which make others instinctually see you as in control or submissive. - Calm- assertive takes advantage of these traits to get someone to instinctually submit. - Confrontations are dealt with, in this sense, by constantly going one step further than the other, and being able to back it up as well.


- The alpha male/ female enjoys a position in which others desire to submit to them, but confrontations are constant and must be dealt with both effectively and in a popular manner.

Power as the only motivator in life

- Every desire a human has is linked to a desire for greater power. - Every belief a human holds is linked to power. They believe that belief will give them power. - Some beliefs are only mistakenly thought to be powerful.


The four goals of the Nephilist are

1. Fulfilling our needs 2. Developing an immunity to everyday social, political, religious or physical obstacles 3. Gaining power & glory 4. Achieving ones destiny (finding your purpose in life, then fulfilling it)

His fine path to power is determined by two primary guidelines:

1. Does the concept/practice/idea render literal power to the individual? 2. Does it deal with, or can be found in reality or truth?

In addition, some power, although fulfilling these two criteria, block further power development. For example, chemical abuse can be used to relieve stress which is real power- however it impedes a person in a variety of psychological and physical ways, it can get you incarcerated, and it brings about dependency. Another example would be lack of

submission to ones master. Sure independence and independent growth are forms of power, however one does not learn the necessary material or perverts it, and is thus, weak. So, only high power is employed, low power is avoided because it is a handicap. Therefore usability, non- exclusion and experience are the three pillars of the Nephite method. Testing to see if a theory can be used to accurately further a Nephite. Finally, a Nephilist avoids waste (also known as the true definition of evil) and the common conceptions of life. A Nephilist never rushes but is constantly scheming and planning out of a deep seeded spite; this spite being a flaw that is capitalized to produce an anger with which the Nephites personality can be motivated and driven. This revealing in the darkness also puts one in touch with the darkside and make the shift from humanity to godhood. Therefore this spite (called human nature) is at the heart of every Nephilist. Which brings the Nephite to the heart of the Nephilist teachings. These teachings are invaluable and very important, but there are some things meant to be learned through experience and not words. Therefore, the Book Of Gnosis will teach you the ways of Nephilism, but it will not make you a true Nephite by itself. There are two ways to learn everything: The way of the armchair intellectual, and the Nephite way. The way of the armchair intellectual uses power through knowledge. The Nephite way is knowledge through power. No one way can be used purely, or you lose information or value. However, the main way a Nephite gains knowledge is through power. The intellectual teachings are used in this book for the purpose

of teaching knowledge so as to provide you with the basic powers you need to learn the greater knowledges through your achieved power. So, the way of the armchair intellectuals knowledge is used to jumpstart you on the Nephilist path. This book hosts all the material for what you need to begin. The Call to Adventure has been issued to you. Open your eyes and awaken your mind with the following teachings so that you may use the Nephite way as soon as possible!

To be a Nephilist is to taste freedom & to know victory


I am the hunter of the embracing dark. I am the bringer of fear. I am the scorner of peace and tranquility. I ride the storm cloud and the night. I seek to crush the commonplace. I seek to strike terror in every heart. I know no compassion or pity. I seek to be a Nephilist in all of its manifestations.


Way of the Nephite

1. There is no pain where strength lies. 2. If you are prepared to break the fall, you are prepared for the fall itself. 3. Nephilists do not fall. They do not fail. 4. Compassion is a fatal flaw, the feelings of the powerless means

nothing. The feelings of those with power can be exploited. 5. A punishment is a lesson. 6. Anger is a living thing. Feed it and it will grow. 7. What is done in secret has great power. 8. Those who serve you always start out with good news; do not be blinded by their self-congratulation. The more they blather the more they are trying to cover their mistakes. 9. A savage appearance can strike fear into the hearts of the weak, you do not have to say a word. 10. The greedy are the first to economize. 11. Move in secret when you can, the blow in darkness is the killing blow. 12. If your enemy inflicts pain do not allow him to see it. 13. You must be prepared to lose your life in order to win. 14. Nephilists are never restless. 15. Our discipline is no less absolute in delay than in action. 16. Turn your fear into anger. 17. To draw out your victory is foolish; get the killing done then move on. 18. Results not excuses. 19. Think of the now, think of the future, do not meditate on the past.

20. Use your shame, turn it inward to make the darkness in you grow, your shame will feed your hatred, this will make you stronger. 21. A Master of battle can be defeated if he falls victim to his belief in his own invincibility. 22. Do not neglect old tricks, they work. 23. Push your advantage always, the battle is not over until your opponent is dead. Even fools get lucky. __________________________________________________________
If you seek to aid everyone that suffers in the world, you will only weaken yourself and weaken them. It is the internal struggles, when fought and won on their own, that yield the strongest rewards. If you care for others, then dispense with pity and sacrifice and recognize the value in letting them fight their own battles.




What is it to be a Nephilist?

The cornerstone of a Nephites power is emotion. While Christians taught that fear, anger, and pain were negative emotions to be overcome, Nephilists believe that these strong emotions are natural, and aides individuals in their survival. By harnessing their emotions rather than suppressing them, Nephilists believe they can achieve true power. Indeed, Nephilists see passion as the only real way to fully understand Qi. Qi being the supernatural energy to see into the future, use telepathy, levitate objects and other such phenomenon. However, Nephites believe strongly that the worthy can control their emotions and use them, while the weak are ruled by them. However, not all emotions are embraced by Nephilists. We consider love a dangerous emotion, but for different reasons. Nephites teach that love leads to mercy, which is an anathema to us. People could prey on our love in order to defeat us.


The way of the Nephite is the mantra which states the core beliefs of the Empire. Following the embrace of passion, which is a powerful aspect of nature, the code explains that the strength granted by passion leads to power, which then leads to victory. By way of victory, Nephilists believe they can free themselves from the limitations of regular beings, and achieve their potential. The breaking of chains represents the ability to do whatever one wished, but you might say the true meaning of freedom is the end of all physical restrictions and the ability to attain perfection. __________________________________________________________
For then Mankind would have become as the Great Old Ones; free & wild & beyond good & evil, with laws & morals thrown aside & all men shouting & killing & reveling in joy. Then the liberated old ones would teach them new ways to shout & kill & revel & enjoy themselves, & all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy & freedom. H.P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu




Code of the Nephite

- Peace is a lie, there is only passion. - Through passion I gain strength. - Through strength I gain power. - Through power, I gain victory. - Through victory, my chains are broken. - The darkside shall set me free.

Normal life is just a pretence. Our only actions of significance are those we undertake in service to the darkside...



The 21 points

1. Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong. 2. Test always your strength, for therein lies success. 3. Seek happiness in victory but never peace. 4. Enjoy a short rest, better than a long. 5. Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow. 6. Never love anything so much you cannot see it die. 7. Build not upon sand but upon rock, and build not for today or yesterday but for all time. 8. Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done. 9. Die rather than submit.

10. Forge not works of art, but swords of death, for therein lies great art. 11. Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all. 12. The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the new. 13. He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest. 14. Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just. 15. All that is great is built upon sorrow. 16. Strive not only forwards, but upwards for greatness lies in the highest. 17. Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates. 18. Let love of life be a goal, but let your highest goal be greatness. 19. Nothing is beautiful except man, but most beautiful of all is women. 20. Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong. 21. What does not kill you, makes you stronger. __________________________________________________________

The Nine Satanic Statements

1. Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence! 2. Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams!

3. Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self- deceit! 4. Satan represents kindness to those that deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates! 5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek! 6. Satan represents responsibility to the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires! 7. Satan represents as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all- fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all! 8. Satan represents all of the so- called sins, as they all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification! 9. Satan has been the best friend The Church has ever had, as he kept it in business all these years!


The Nephite Gospels

I discourage followers of Nephilism to ingest drugs or alcohol. It

impairs our abilities & makes us weak. Part of being a Nephite is exercising self- control & maintaining dicipline. We strive for perfection & staying strong requires us to stick to a proper diet. The life of a Nephite is tough, but it's the hard life that mould those that live it into hardened warriors.

Below I have laid out the laws of this ideology & the way in which children born under our order must be processed:

All boys must be taken from their families at the age of seven & attend a military school until the age of twelve to learn: Nephilism. Maths. English. Design & Technology. Martial Arts/ Exercise/ Conditioning. Geography. Science. History.

Any showing weakness must be discarded into slavery. The rest showing outstanding intellect, toughness & bravery by the age of twelve must be re-located to a military academy until the age of eighteen to learn:

Leadership. S.E.R.E. (Survival, Evasion, Resistance & Escape) Improvisation. Military Tactics. Guerrilla Warfare. Martial Arts/ Exercise/ Conditioning/ Pain Tolerance. Espionage, Infiltration, Subterfuge etc. The Way of the Warrior: (Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Buke Monogatari
by Umawatari Bogyu, True Path of the Ninja by Antony Cummins & Yoshie Minami, the Art of War by Sun Tzu).

o All Nephite's must know martial arts. o Nephite's can challenge another to a duel to the death.
(Given that they both mutually sign an agreement waving their rights before the duel. )

o Nephite's have the right to bear small arms & blades. o Nephite's have the right to polygamy

o Women cannot seek employment.

(Some privileged females can be raised as warriors )

o Women must be educated differently to men & learn housekeeping, raising a family, how to grow & maintain a vegetable garden, farming, cooking, repairs etc.


o Drug addicts must be forced into slave labor until rehabilitated. o Newborns with debilitating physical disabilities must be destroyed. (Healthy grotesque newborns should be kept alive & raised in the Brood to become Orcs. ) o Weak & retarded humans should be discarded to become Eloi sub-human slaves. o Rapists & murderers must fight in the gladiator arena. (13 wins would secure the perpetrators freedom ) o Useless elderly must be euthanized. o Rebellious individuals must be publicly executed. o Thieves must be whipped & enslaved indefinitely. o Irresponsible parents must be publicly whipped, branded on the forehead & have their children confiscated to be put into military school.



Trials of the Imperial Brotherhood

Blood in, blood out
To be officially accepted into the Imperial Brotherhood you must prove your loyalty. This is done by running errands, from getting members drinks to collecting owed debts. You could be doing this for months to years depending on how dedicated we think you are to our organization. When we believe you are loyal enough you will move on to the initiation. You will have to take a life to prove your full dedication to our organization. This is called 'Blood In'. After you have completed this test, you will then attend a ceremony & take the oath of the Imperial Brotherhood, after which you will be an official full blooded member of the order & will be relocated where we believe you will be most needed. Remember, being apart of our order means leaving behind your old life & embracing the life of the brotherhood. By joining us you agree to dedicate the rest of your life to serving the Overlord & the Imperial Brotherhood. There is only one way out if you no longer wish to be apart of our order, & that is death. This is called 'Blood Out'. It is too dangerous for us to let full blooded members leave with our secrets. When you join us, it is to the DEATH...


Imperial Brotherhood Oath

In the rite, the initiate brothers & sisters enter a Nephite temple, under the guidance & instruction of a Nephite priest. After an introductory speech each member recites a list of their prestigious relatives & lineage, usually at least five generations back. After the brothers-to-be had listed all their various relations, they recite in unison a pledge to accept the Imperial Brotherhood as their new family.

Following the list of relations, they recite the oath of the Imperial Brotherhood:

"I name swear to defend the interests of the Imperial Brotherhood! I swear on my life to never betray the brotherhood! I swear to leave behind my old life to pursue the order's future glories! I swear to donate all my assets to the empire! And I swear to honor my new family, and to fight to the death!"

Following recitation of the oath, the initiates cut their palms saying: (Now I embrace my new brothers and sisters. Hail!) Then they drip their blood over a fire, after which they officially become blood brothers. The rite is followed by a feast attended by all members.



Missions required of followers

The main mission for which the Imperial Brotherhood is responsible is: The overthrow of all whom resist us, the destruction of religion & the formation of a one world imperial regime. Other missions consist of the following:

Gathering information about the enemy, the land, the installations & the neighbours. Kidnapping enemy personnel. Stealing documents, secrets & arms. Assassinating enemy personnel, government officials & politicians. Freeing brothers captured by the enemy.


Blasting & destroying government buildings, military bases, heretic places of worship, vital economic centres.

Necessary qualifications for the organizations members

Commitment to the organizations ideology. Maturity.

(The requirements of military work are numerous & a minor cannot perform them. The nature of hard &
continuous in dangerous conditions requires a great deal of physical, psychological & intellectual fitness.)

(The member must be willing to undergo martyrdom to avoid capture & such. )

Listening & obedience

(Also known as discipline. It is expressed by how the member obeys the orders given to him. )

Keeping secrets & concealing information

(Secrecy should be used even with the closest of people, for deceiving the enemy is not easy. )

Healthy Patience
(The member should have plenty of patience for enduring afflictions if they are overcome by the enemy. They should not abandon their great path & sell themselves & the Imperial Brotherhood to the enemy for their freedom. They should be patient in performing the work, even if it lasts a long time. )

Calm & cold

(The member should have a calm demeanour that allows them to endure psychological traumas such as bloodshed, murder, imprisonment, reverse psychology & killing one or all of the organizations comrades. 43

They should be able to carry out the work.)

Intelligence & insight Caution & prudence

(In his battle against the king of Tomedia, the Roman general Speer sent an emissary to discuss with that king the matter of a truce between the two armies. In reality, he had sent him to learn about the Tomedians ability to fight. The general picked Lilius, one of his top commanders, for that task & sent with him some of his officers disguised as slaves. During that mission, one of the kings officers, Sifax, pointed to one of the disguised slaves & yells That slave is a Roman officer I had met in a neighbouring city. He was wearing a Roman uniform. At that point Lilius used a clever trick & managed to divert the attention of the Tomedians from that by turning to the disguised officer & slapping him on the face a number of times. He reprimanded him for wearing a Roman officers uniform when he was a slave & for claiming a status that he did not deserve. The officer accepted the slaps quietly. He bowed his head in humility & shame, as slaves do. Thus, Sifaxs men thought that officer was really a slave because they could not imagine a Roman officer would accept these hits without defending himself. King Sifax prepared a big feast for Lilius & his entourage & placed them in a house far away from his camp so they could not learn about his fortifications. The Romans made another clever trick on top of the first one. They freed one of their horses & started chasing him in & around the camp. After they learned about the extent of the fortifications they caught the horse &, as planned, managed to abort the mission about the truce agreement. Shortly after their return, the Roman general attacked king Sifax camp & burned the fortifications. Sifax was forced to seek reconciliation. )

Ability to observe & analyse

(The Israeli Mossad received news that some Palestinians were going to attack an Israeli El Al airplane. That plane was going to Rome with Golda Meir, the Prime Minister at the time, on board. The Palestinians had managed to use a clever trick that allowed them to wait for the arrival of the plane without being questioned by anyone. They had beaten a man who sold potatoes, kidnapped, and hidden him. They made two holes in the top of that peddlers cart and placed two tubes next to the chimney through which two Russian made Strella missiles could be launched. The Mossad officers travelled the airport back and forth looking for that lead to the Palestinians. One officer passed the potato cart twice without noticing anything. On his third time, he noticed three chimneys, but only one of them was working with spoke coming out of it. He quickly steered toward the cart and hit it hard. The cart overturned, and the Palestinians were captured. )

The ability to act, change positions & conceal oneself

(An example is what Noaim Ibn Masoud had done in his mission to cause agitation among the tribes of Koraish, those of Ghatfan, and the Jews of Koreitha. He would control his reactions and managed to skilfully play his role. Without showing signs of inconsistency, he would show his interest and zeal towards the Jews one time and show his concern about the Koraish at another. Another example in 1960. A car driven by an American colonel collided with a truck. The colonel lost 44

consciousness, and while unconscious at the hospital, he started speaking Russian fluently. It was later discovered that the colonel was a Soviet spy who was planted in the United States. He had fought in Korea in order to conceal his true identity and to gather information and critical secrets. If not for the collision, no one would have suspected or confronted him. This story is found in the book An Tarik AlKhida By Way of Deception Methods, by Victor Ostrovsky. )

Financial security precautions

Dividing operational funds into two parts

(One part is to be invested in projects that offer financial return, and the other is to be saved and not spent except during operations.)

Not placing operational funds [all] in one place Not revealing the location of funds to organization members Proper protection when carrying large amounts of money

Forged Documents (Identity Cards, Records Books, Passports)

The following security precautions should be taken:

Keeping the passport in a safe place so it would not be seized by the security apparatus, and the brother it belongs to would have to negotiate its return Ill give you your passport if you give me


All documents of undercover members, such as identity cards & passports should be falsified. Undercover agents traveling with certain identity cards or passports should know all pertinent information such as the name, profession, and place of residence. The undercover member who has special work status (commander, communication link, ...) should have more than one identity card and passport. He should learn the contents of each, the nature of the indicated profession, and the dialect of the residence area listed in the document. When using an identity document in different names, no more than one such document should be carried at one time. The validity of the falsified travel documents should always be confirmed. All falsification matters should be carried out through the command and not haphazardly. (procedure control) Married brothers should not add their wives to their passports. When a brother is carrying the forged passport of a certain country, he should not travel to that country. It is easy to detect forgery at the airport, and the dialect of the brother is different from that of the people from that country.



Definition of Bases

These are apartments, safe houses, command centres, etc. in which secret operations are executed against the enemy. These bases may be in cities, and are [then] called homes or apartments. They may be in mountainous, harsh terrain far from the enemy, and are [then] called safe houses or bases. During the initial stages, the Military Organization usually uses apartments in cities as places for launching assigned missions, such as collecting information, observing members of the ruling regime, etc. Safe houses and bases in mountains and harsh terrain are used at later stages, from which groups are dispatched to execute assassination operations of enemy individuals, bomb their centres, and capture their weapons. In some countries where there are no mountains or harsh terrain, we would have to operate in cities.


Go to the official website for more about The Imperial Brotherhood and Nephilism:


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