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RURAL FARM - DAYBREAK A HENRY CLAY IMPERSONATOR walks along the edge of the wooden fence marking the end of a pasture. He looks into the camera and smiles. HENRY CLAY Hi folks, Im Henry Clay. You may know me as the Great Compromiser or as the author of the Compromise of 1850 or for my work passing the Missouri Compromise. Folks, Im here to talk to you about compromise. Beat. HENRY CLAY (CONTD) You know, I spent a great deal of my life in Washington serving my constituents back home in Kentucky, but you know what? I always remembered that we all serve a broader constituency: the American people and freedom. HENRY CLAY takes a deep breath. HENRY CLAY (CONTD) Some ask me if Im bitter for losing the Presidency three times and I always tell people what an honor it was to serve my country. Thats why Im proud to be here in Williamsburg supporting your mayor and his bold stance to compromise the school funding compromise. Beat. HENRY CLAY (CONTD) Compromise has a few different meanings. It doesnt have to be a bad thing like to negotiate with the other side. (MORE)

2. HENRY CLAY (CONTD) It can also mean to destroy the other side by be refusing to negotiate and then beating them into submission. Well, thats the kind of compromise Ive come here to support. I hope youll join me in supporting the compromise of compromise.

INT. GOVERNORS PALACE - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY An AIDE to the MAYOR picks up the TV remote and turns off the commercial. The AIDE looks at HENRY CLAY who is sitting next to the MAYOR. AIDE Thats the best you could do? Support our compromise of compromise? You sound like a child. AIDE #2 Its not like we had a lot of other angles to approach this from. AIDE Abraham Lincoln gave the mans eulogy. Are you trying to tell me you couldnt find something positive that Lincoln had to say about him? AIDE #2 Lincoln is perceived by many of our pollsters, and honestly I agree, that Lincoln may be perceived as too liberal especially in the southern states. AIDE What is this the Civil War Part II? AIDE #2 They would, in all likelihood, have used Jefferson Davis to issue their rebuttal. AIDE This is absurd! The MAYOR interrupts.


MAYOR I didnt think it was that bad of an ad. He didnt do any damage. Besides, whos going to attack us? Its not like the teachers unions have any power left. Weve stripped most of the non-profits of their ability to support issues ads. Whats the worst anyone could do? The AIDE walks over to his seat, grabs a newspaper, and slides it in front of the mayor. The headline reads: A New Leader in Town and has a picture of George Washington prominently displayed on the cover. END OF COLD OPEN


ACT ONE FADE IN: EXT. STREETS OF WILLIAMSBURG - NIGHT Were flying over the historic town of Williamsburg, high above the trees. We ZOOM IN SLOWLY on an old car making its way down the highway. We move CLOSER AND CLOSER over the rooftops of the old buildings in town until the camera is focused DIRECTLY BEHIND four men riding in a vintage convertible. INT. CAR - NIGHT JEFF dressed in period clothes matching those of the Sage of Monticello is driving a beautiful 1950s Cadillac. FRANK, styled like Benjamin Franklin, sits in the passenger seat and turns on the radio. HAMILTON, is motioning wildly with his arms while arguing with ADAMS, who is seated next to him in the back. ADAMS ...Im not defending her. Youve missed my point completely. HAMILTON You said that mistakes were made on both sides and because of this George should have been more accommodating. ADAMS I didnt say accommodating. Accommodating is something a hotel does once a customer has already checked in. I just think if we were more willing to listen wed all be better off. HAMILTON This coming from you. ADAMS looks insulted. ADAMS Yes, this coming from me.


HAMILTON How much of your days are spent listening? ADAMS Oh, stop it. You know Im no good at math. JEFF and FRANK, sitting up front, look at each other like two parents watching their children fight over something insignificant. FRANK Are you guys in the mood for some 80s music? JEFF and FRANK start to dance along to Journeys Wheel in the Sky, which is playing on the radio. ADAMS This is a game to you two? FRANK Pretty much. ADAMS I dont find this amusing. FRANK I find it hilarious. ADAMS Im sure you do. Beat. ADAMS (CONTD) Come on, guys. You know how much I hate Steve Perry. FRANK turns the volume up and he looks on disappointed as Wheel in the Sky fades out and Warren Zevons Excitable Boy comes on the radio. FRANK cannot contain his enthusiasm. FRANK turns and looks back at ADAMS. <<<<NEW SCENE HERE>>>>> FRANK puts his hand up on the radio and runs through the various channels until he finds something he likes: The Next Episode by Dr. Dre. FRANK looks out the window and watches KIDS as they play and PARENTS as they watch their kids outside. FRANK and JEFF wave to the onlookers.


HAMILTON starts dancing in the backseat. HAMILTON grows increasingly disgruntled as the three men around him throw their arms up in the air and sing along as they pass a sign reading: Welcome to Colonial Williamsburg. INT. KINGS ARMS TAVERN - NIGHT GEORGE, dressed elegantly in a Continental Army officers uniform, sits at the bar slowly maneuvering a glass of whiskey towards his mouth with one hand as he struggles to hold his head up off the bar with his other hand. The BARMAN cleans a glass as he listens to GEORGE tell his story. GEORGE I didnt always want to be a founding father. I didnt really want to be a historical figure of any kind. The BARMAN puts down the glass he had been cleaning and picks up another one. BARMAN Perhaps it was destiny. GEORGE looks up at the BARMAN as if he has just said the most profound thing he has ever heard. GEORGE Thats what my mother used to say. BARMAN And which mother was that? GEORGE You know Im not good with names. BARMAN I see. GEORGE takes another sip of his Whiskey as he looks up at the TV over the BARMANs shoulder. GEORGE Stupid politics. GEORGE turns his attention to the TV located just over the BARMANs right shoulder. The news is on and the banner at the bottom of the screen reads: Mayor of Williamsburg impeached. New election set for next month. The BARMAN looks at GEORGE and smiles.


BARMAN Looks like youre not the only one whos had a rough day. GEORGE Id rather not be in that kind of company. BARMAN I always thought youd be a good politician. GEORGE Im a Principal! Im nothing but a bureaucrat and not a very good one at that. BARMAN Why dont you go back to teaching? GEORGE laughs in a way that seems oddly nostalgic. GEORGE Im overqualified. At least thats what they keep telling me. The whole school board has it in their heads that because I have an MBA I know something about leadership. Christ, didnt we learn anything from the Bush administration? GEORGE and the BARMAN both laugh. BARMAN We both know that its not just the MBA... GEORGE I dont know if thats necessarily untrue. When Maria was around... The BARMAN cuts him off. BARMAN Yes, well I think its better if you dont give that woman another thought. GEORGE So everyone keeps telling me. I just dont know why we couldnt make it work.


BARMAN Yeah, I dont know why a grown woman wouldnt want to be seen with a man whos fond of dressing up in nineteenth century clothing and claims to be the father of his country. GEORGE Claims? BARMAN Im not arguing with you. stating the facts. GEORGE crosses his arms. GEORGE I thought what we had was special. BARMAN Obviously she didnt feel the same way. GEORGE I feel like if we could just talk this through. The BARMAN stops what he is doing and looks GEORGE directly in the eyes. George! BARMAN She cheated on you. Im just

GEORGE But there must have been a good reason. The BARMAN throws up his hands. BARMAN I dont know what you need to talk to her for it sounds like youve got her excuses pretty well mapped out. GEORGE has zoned the BARMAN out of his thoughts and has stopped listening to him completely. GEORGE Am I not a good listener? always tried my best. Ive


BARMAN Its probably not even about you. GEORGE What do you mean? BARMAN Maybe she just couldnt handle a relationship right now and broke down. It happens. GEORGE takes one final swig of his drink. GEORGE looks over at a group of men huddled around a table. The cameras that rest around the table and the equipment lay off to the side. GEORGE begins to take an interest in these MEN. GEORGE Who are those guys? BARMAN Theyre some kind of documentary filmmakers. GEORGE You just let them keep all their stuff in here? BARMAN Have you seen how much theyve been drinking? With patrons like that I could shut this place down and go on vacation for a week. GEORGE What are they making? BARMAN I told you. Theyre making a documentary. GEORGE Right, but on what? BARMAN I dont know. Why dont you ask them? EXT. COLONIAL MANSION - NIGHT JEFFERSON is driving around the lawn outside of his house on a ride on lawn mower. A GIRL, ABOUT 11 OR 12 peeks out through the blinds. Nothing outside is visible but the lights on the lawn mower.


INT. FAMILY ROOM - CONTINUOUS The GIRL stares outside squinting her eyes to try and make out whats going on. A WOMAN stands next to a couch folding clothes. GIRL Why is dad riding the lawn mower at night? WOMAN Who knows why your father does anything? The WOMAN seems clearly upset about something. GIRL But its dark outside. WOMAN Im aware of that. GIRL Does he know its dark outside? WOMAN Hopefully the thought had occurred to him. The GIRL walks back to the window to peer through the blinds once more when A LOUD NOISE makes the WOMAN and her DAUGHTER jump. EXT. COLONIAL MANSION - CONTINUOUS JEFFERSON has run over a water hose. The lawn mowers engine slowly comes to a stop. JEFFERSON casually makes his way inside acting as if nothing has happened. INT. FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT JEFFERSON walks into the family room of the house from the laundry room carrying a blue sweater in his hands like one would carry a fallen comrade from a battlefield. A WOMAN puts her hands out in front of her as if to say: stop! WOMAN Why are you doing this? JEFFERSON Im trying to understand.


WOMAN You dont understand? I thought this was fairly straight-forward. JEFFERSON I simply dont understand why you would want to take my perfectly good white sweater and make it blue. WOMAN As Ive explained several times now it wasnt a matter of me wanting to make it blue, rather it was a case of it becoming blue because it was placed in the same pile as the colored sweaters. JEFFERSON I understand how it happened, what Im a little fuzzy on is why it happened. WOMAN Jeff, can you just stop please? The couples DAUGHTER, walks into the kitchen and looks up at JEFFERSON. DAUGHTER Why were you riding the lawn mower? JEFFERSON sighs. JEFFERSON Why not ride the lawn mower? DAUGHTER Mom says that you have anger issues that you dont like to talk about... The WOMAN quickly husks her DAUGHTER away placing her hand over her DAUGHTERs mouth. WOMAN Time for bed, honey. DAUGHTER Its six thirty at night. homework. WOMAN Thats nice. I have


JEFFERSON I guess Ill just wear my now blue sweater to the bar. JEFFERSON grabs the sweater and holds it out in front of him looking it over one last time before putting it on. INT. KINGS ARMS TAVERN - LATER GEORGE is doing Jello shots with the film crew. JEFFERSON walks into the bar and takes a seat next to GEORGE at the bar. JEFFERSON Really? GEORGE What? JEFFERSON Youre dressed like George Washington and youre doing Jello shots? GEORGE Maria would always complain when I wore it so now that weve broken up I figured: why not? The film crew raise their glasses in a toast. GEORGE (CONTD) To freedom and liberty! The film crew chug their beverages with GEORGE. The FILM DIRECTOR walks over and pats GEORGE on the back. DIRECTOR Im sorry about your girlfriend, man. know? GEORGE Sadly I do. DIRECTOR With your costumes and stuff Im sure the right girl will come your way. GEORGE Your confidence in me is reassuring, thank you.


DIRECTOR You should see this woman thats running for Mayor. My God, the things shell do to get elected. GEORGE Politics is a dirty business. DIRECTOR Yeah, but this lady, shes something else. The BARTENDER places a strawberry daiquiri in front of JEFFERSON. GEORGE What is that? JEFFERSON Its a drink. GEORGE I can see its a drink. JEFFERSON Its a strawberry daiquiri. Beat. JEFFERSON (CONTD) Would you like to try it? GEORGE No. I just dont understand. You accuse me of ordering feminine drinks all the time... JEFFERSON Thats because you always insist on having the little umbrella in them. GEORGE I like the umbrella. JEFFERSON You dont like umbrellas. Your memory is just so bad that you need to collect the umbrellas so you know how much youve drank. The DIRECTOR walks over to GEORGE and puts his hand on GEORGEs shoulder.


DIRECTOR Weve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow so weve got to get some rest, but it was real nice meeting you. GEORGE And you as well. Good luck with your project. The DIRECTOR and his film crew load up their supplies and exit the bar. INT. SMALL NOOK IN THE CORNER OF THE BAR - CONTINUOUS JEFFERSON and GEORGE move over to a table in the corner of the bar. GEORGEs iPhone, which is sitting on the bar, buzzes. GEORGE This is going to be Maria again. JEFFERSON When a relationship is over you dont have to respond to her texts with boyfriend-like speed. GEORGE Yeah, but she either asks me questions that I have strong feelings about or says things that annoy me which irritates me to the point where I have to respond otherwise she thinks shes made her point. GEORGE is texting as JEFFERSON looks on in disbelief. JEFFERSON You need to stop giving her girlfriend priority. GEORGE I dont want her to be mad at me. JEFFERSON You dont want anyone to be mad at you ever. GEORGE You may be right, but theres nothing I can do about it.


JEFFERSON You could just not answer her. GEORGE That would go over well. JEFFERSON Just dont answer her texts. GEORGE I dont want her to be angry with me that just leads to bigger problems. JEFFERSON laughs. JEFFERSON George, how do you think a break-up works? GEORGE They have amicable break-ups too, dont they? JEFFERSON This isnt Starbucks. You cant tell your barista how youd like your break-up to unfold. GEORGE Maybe she had a point, you know? Why are we dressing up like the founders and re-enacting moments in our nations history. It is a bit childish. JEFFERSON Were teachers, George. Being childish comes with the territory. GEORGE I know. I cant help but feeling like I should be setting a better example though. I am the father of my country. JEFFERSON People think youre George Washington for a reason. GEORGE Dont they understand that Im not the real George Washington, though?


JEFFERSON I dont think you understand youre not the real George Washington. GEORGE They should be able to distinguish between reality and fantasy. JEFFERSON So you want to hold them to a standard that you refuse to hold yourself to? GEORGE Of course. I dont understand why I cant just embody a man and not his values. JEFFERSON Thats why I love being Thomas Jefferson. GEORGE That and you already wear your heart on your sleeve so you might as well put it to good use. JEFFERSON Perhaps. People look up to you, George and its not because youre a Principal. Its because they view you as George Washington. GEORGE Well, of course they do, Im dressed exactly like him. JEFFERSON No, I mean in general. How many times have people come up to the bar asking if youre George Washington? GEORGE Well, of course they do, Im dressed exactly like him. JEFFERSON No, I mean in general. How many times have people come up to the bar asking if youre George Washington?


GEORGE blushes. GEORGE Thats just because I shined my brass buttons. JEFFERSON No, its not because you shined your brass buttons its because you look exactly like George Washington. Remember when we were at the State Fair and that woman accused you of having wooden teeth? GEORGE That was a bizarre accusation. JEFFERSON No, it wasnt because you were actually wearing wooden teeth. You cant separate yourself from the man anymore. Its like you want to be the living embodiment of George Washington! GEORGE Maybe I am. JEFFERSON Gee, I cant imagine why you were having relationship problems. GEORGE laughs. GEORGE Youve got a grass stain on your Mister Rodgers sweater. Out mowing the lawn at night again? JEFFERSON I cant be everywhere doing everything! GEORGE You know who we need right now? EXT. WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE - NIGHT JOHN ADAMS that seems toward the breaks and and a CHILD walk swiftly through a part of campus devoid of street lights. As they make their way library a plastic bag that JOHN ADAMS was carrying the contents fall to the ground.


The CHILD leans down and picks up the items while JOHN ADAMS looks around to see if they are being watched. INT. WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE - LIBRARY - NIGHT Keystrokes are audible from a distance. JOHN ADAMS sits at a computer in the library. He is very focused on what is going on in front of him on the computer monitor. JOHN ADAMS John Quincy, can you grab the blue flash drive for me? JOHN QUINCY I dont get why were here. else is here. No one

JOHN ADAMS Can you just do as I asked please? John Quincy hands JOHN ADAMS the blue flash drive and he inserts it into a USB port on the computer. JOHN QUINCY I dont understand why we had to go to the library in the middle of the night. JOHN ADAMS You know when you have a scary dream and you just cant go back to sleep because youre afraid it will continue to haunt your dreams? JOHN QUINCY Were here because you had a bad dream? JOHN ADAMS No, were here because I realized something wasnt right and Im going to get to the bottom of it. JOHN QUINCY But Dad, I have to go to school in the morning! JOHN ADAMS So do I. The content from the flash drive finally loads on the computer and JOHN ADAMS looks up at the computer screen. As he sees the information in front of him his face lights up.


JOHN QUINCY What is it? JOHN ADAMS Its a fundraising e-mail. JOHN QUINCY So? JOHN ADAMS So, she needs money. JOHN QUINCY Big deal. JOHN ADAMS It is a big deal. When do people need money? John Quincy stands back and crosses his arms. JOHN QUINCY This isnt one of your philosophical questions is it? John Quincy doesnt say a word. Father. He simply stares at his

JOHN ADAMS Its very straight-forward. When do people need money? What situation calls for people to spend money? JOHN QUINCY Is this some sort of life lesson youre trying to impart on me? JOHN ADAMS No. Im asking a straight-forward question here: when and why do people need money? JOHN QUINCY When theyre buying something? JOHN ADAMS Exactly! JOHN QUINCY So, shes buying something. deal. Big


JOHN ADAMS Its a very big deal because politicians dont shop at Wal-Mart. JOHN QUINCY I heard the first lady shops at J. Crew. JOHN ADAMS I think thats just one of those rumors like Taylor Swift dating an astronaut or whatever. JOHN QUINCY Hold on, Taylor Swift is dating an astronaut? JOHN ADAMS I dont know...look, its irrelevant because politicians dont buy groceries they pay for campaign staff, ad time, consultants etc. John Quincy sits down next to her father and stares at the screen along with him. JOHN QUINCY What youre saying is the Taylor Swift thing... JOHN ADAMS Was just an analogy. Sorry I brought it up. Beat. JOHN QUINCY Shes running for office. JOHN ADAMS I dont think Taylor Swift is running for office. Shes got too much baggage. JOHN QUINCY What? How could Taylor Swift have too much baggage? JOHN ADAMS How many guys has she dated in the last year?


JOHN QUINCY Thats totally irrelevant! JOHN ADAMS Exactly. Thats why a campaign would focus almost exclusively on it. JOHN QUINCY Are you really doing opposition research on Taylor Swift? JOHN ADAMS What do you think? John Quincy lets out a defeated sigh. JOHN ADAMS (CONTD) Can you go over to station four and grab my print out? INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT FRANK is sleeping in a large bed when his cell phone goes off to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic. FRANK picks up the cell phone. FRANK Yes? FRANK! VOICE What are you doing?

FRANK Im sleeping. I have to get up for school tomorrow. VOICE JEFFERSON and I just left the bar. Were coming over. FRANK reaches over to his bedside table and looks at his pocketwatch. FRANK Its late. VOICE We need a place to stay. FRANK Why cant you just go home?


VOICE Its complicated. FRANK It usually is with you two. ADAMS hangs up the phone. The doorbell rings. FRANK slowly gets up out of bed and heads downstairs, but as he walks down the staircase he stops for a moment. FRANK (CONTD) Did I leave the TV on? FRANK continues walking until he gets to the bottom of the staircase when he notices GEORGE resting on his sofa watching TV. INT. LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS FRANK makes his way towards GEORGE before looking at what GEORGE is watching. GEORGE is watching some sort of Revolutionary War documentary as the pitter-patter of musket fire makes plain. FRANK Wheres Adams? GEORGE, without breaking eye-contact with the TV, points towards the kitchen. HAMILTON slowly makes his way towards the kitchen door where he sees a glimmer of light peak out from underneath the door. FRANK attempts to prop the door open with one leg while keeping an eye on GEORGE at the same time. FRANK doesnt see anyone in the kitchen. FRANK (CONTD) George, Adams isnt in the kitchen. Where is he? FRANK turns around and runs into JEFFERSON who is carrying slices of bread. JEFFERSON You dont have any peanut butter or jelly in your fridge. FRANK, still flummoxed from running into JEFFERSON, stares at the pieces of bread. FRANK So youre just eating bread then?


JEFFERSON Its not like you left me with much of a choice. I noticed you dont have a toaster in there either. FRANK I have a toaster oven... JEFFERSON bites into the bread and shrugs his shoulders. FRANK (CONTD) What are you two even doing here? Its like 2:30 in the morning. JEFFERSON We need to talk to you about next weekend. FRANK Its Monday night, isnt it a little early to make plans for the weekend? GEORGE Its never too early to plan for the weekend. JEFFERSON sits down in a chair across from GEORGE. JEFFERSON We want to convene the society of Revolutionary War re-enactors this weekend. FRANK Theres a society of Revolutionary War re-enactors? JEFFERSON No, but there will be if we make one. FRANK How are we going to get all the historical re-enactors of the Revolutionary War here by the weekend? JEFFERSON Thats the thing. We can make sure that we only send out invites to the right people and guarantee the inclusion of those re-enactors who we want as members.


FRANK That doesnt sound very democratic. JEFFERSON Nor should it be. Do you have any idea the kind of creeps they let reenact these days? I mean, imagine the kind of weird people who sit around on weekends pretending to be people their not in an attempt to be someone they can never be? GEORGE Theres bound to be some pretty shady characters involved. Beat. The irony behind what JEFFERSON and GEORGE have said slowly sinks in with FRANK. JEFFERSON gets up off the chair and takes FRANK aside. JEFFERSON Look, we really need to do this. He needs this. JEFFERSON points to GEORGE. FRANK Alright, can I at least get dressed? JEFFERSON Of course you can! But youll have to do it on the way to Adamss house. FRANK Please dont make me get dressed in the back of your car again. JEFFERSON Why? FRANK You drive a Mini Cooper! Besides do we really have to get Adams involved? JEFFERSON At some point your characters are going to have to put the 1800 election behind you.


FRANK Right, but for now Id prefer not to think about it. FRANK grabs a robe and JEFFERSON throws his head back in disgust. INT. SCHOOL BASEMENT - MORNING A MAN stands at a podium delivering remarks to an empty room. MAN I believe in American values. Values that have stood the test of time... Another man, standing off to the side, interrupts. MAN #2 Hold on a minute. Thats what youre opening with? MAN Yeah, why not? MAN #2 How many voters do you think go to into the voting booth thinking: I wonder if this guy has American values or African values? Maybe he has French values? MAN I dont get why were doing any of this really. I mean, isnt a debate usually between two people? MAN #2 There are two people. MAN Only if you count the moderator. MAN #2 Shes a person, right? MAN Well, technically. MAN #2 I dont think you should talk like that to her face. (MORE)

26. MAN #2 (CONT'D) Why dont you work on that? Your interpersonal skills need work.

MAN Hamilton, its 5:30 in the morning. HAMILTON interrupts. HAMILTON I need you to stop thinking like that. MAN Like what? HAMILTON Like theres a time and a place for everything. Once youre elected youll be serving your constituents and thats something you need to be able to do morning, evening and night, if you cant do that youre in the wrong business. Beat. MAN Do you ever think that maybe youre taking this a little too seriously? HAMILTON Too seriously? MAN Yeah, I mean youd think I were going to be President or something the way youre working me. HAMILTON laughs. HAMILTON When it comes to public service there is no such thing as working too hard. MAN But Hamilton, Im running for school board. HAMILTON The day you stop taking this seriously is the day I walk out that door, do you understand?


MAN Yeah, I got it. HAMILTON Right, so lets get ready for that debate. MAN Is that really necessary? HAMILTON Of course its necessary. MAN Hamilton, Im running unopposed. HAMILTON Well, its all the more important that you dont mess this up then, dont you think? One must always try to make a good impression. INT. SCHOOL - MAIN HALLWAY - DAY GEORGE walks down the hallway wearing sunglasses and a tricorne hat. We move from Georges head on down and we see hes wearing ear buds. GEORGE is singing along to No Diggity, which is playing on his iPod. GEORGE appears either unaware or uncaring about the fact that most of the students have stopped what they were doing in order to stare at GEORGE, who is dressed in eighteenth century period clothes. EXT. SOUTH PARKING LOT - LATER A horse-drawn carriage pulls up to the school and drops HAMILTON off. HAMILTON is reading through some papers as he makes his way across the parking lot towards the school when he comes across a group of kids passing a cigarette around. HAMILTON stops dead in his tracks and looks at one of the bigger kids and squints to try and get a better look at him. HAMILTON Frank? FRANK quickly extinguishes the cigarette and tries to blend in with the crowd as they scamper away. The only problem being that Frank is more than a foot taller than the kids around him. HAMILTON simply shakes his head and continues walking.


EXT. NORTH PARKING LOT - MORNING A pickup truck with bales of hay in the bed pulls up and drops off ADAMS, who is dressed like a farmer complete with overalls and a straw hat. ADAMS gets out of the bed of the truck and tips his hat to the driver as the truck drives off. Just a few cars away, JEFF, dressed in pajamas, reaches into his car to grab a robe and what looks like a Santa hat. JEFF shifts his feet in his slippers and finally walks inside. JEFF runs to catch up with ADAMS, which is difficult because he is wearing slippers. JEFF Adams! ADAMS looks back and sees the awkward looking JEFF straggling towards him in his bizarre pajama get-up. ADAMS Honestly Jeff, I dont know whether to laugh or cry seeing you like this. JEFF Oh, youre one to talk Johnny Appleseed! ADAMS That was uncalled for. JEFF Listen, I was at the library last night doing some research and I found something quite troubling. ADAMS Was there a sale at Bed, Bath & Beyond? JEFF You still cant get past the pajamas, can you? ADAMS laughs. ADAMS No. JEFF Adams, this is serious.


ADAMS I know which is what makes this all the more difficult for me. ADAMS keeps laughing as the men keep walking down the hallway. JEFF Okay, let it out. A man dressed in pajamas. Its the funniest thing ever. I get it. ADAMS Im sorry, I got a little distracted there. What were you saying? JEFF Are you mocking me now? ADAMS Jeff, Ive been mocking you for the last ten minutes. JEFF Look, Maria is running for Mayor in the recall election! ADAMS Georges Maria? JEFF Yes. Thats what Ive been trying to tell you. ADAMS Hell be devastated. JEFF I realize that. ADAMS We should do something. JEFF You think? INT. SOUTH ENTRANCE - MAIN HALLWAY HAMILTON walks down the hallway towards GEORGE, who is still singing No Diggity as a group of students continue to look on. The clish and clash from HAMILTONs sword distracts the students as he makes his way towards them.


Students begin to talk amongst themselves and point at HAMILTON. HAMILTON is reading a newspaper as he walks down the hallway, which looks as awkward as it sounds. STUDENT I wonder if hes checking out the style section. HAMILTON looks up from the paper. HAMILTON There is no style section in the Federalist Papers. STUDENT Maybe you just havent looked hard enough. HAMILTON I wrote the Federalist Papers. There is no style section! STUDENT You didnt write all of them though. HAMILTON I wrote enough! HAMILTON finally reaches GEORGE and GEORGE removes the ear buds from his ears. GEORGE What is it with people today? HAMILTON Its like everyone is seeing a circus for the first time. GEORGE I dont know if Id go that far. There arent any crying children or anything. HAMILTON Why would there be crying children at the circus? Everyone loves the circus! GEORGE Not everyone. HAMILTON stops for a minute and comes to the realization that GEORGE does not like the circus.


HAMILTON You dont like the circus? GEORGE Its just...the clowns. HAMILTON Clowns are people too, you know? GEORGE surreptitiously reacts. GEORGE Theyre people that want to hurt you. INT. NORTH ENTRANCE - MAIN HALLWAY JEFF walks down the hall and sees ADAMS dressed in his farmers get up. JEFF Adams! I was hoping I could talk to you before the...well, you know? ADAMS Look, I know we all said things that were very, in the heat of the moment, perhaps rude and certainly uncomplimentary. JEFF What are you talking about? ADAMS Dont play coy with me, Jeff. go back a long ways. We

JEFF We do, but thats not helping me understand what youre trying to say. Besides, I think that Ive stumbled upon something bigger than any of our past disagreements. ADAMS Whats that? JEFF Treason. ADAMS rolls his eyes.


ADAMS Is this another one of your Aaron Burr conspiracy theories? JEFF No! Someone hacked into my computer the other night. ADAMS What? JEFF looks around to see if anyone is listening. ADAMS likewise looks around. JEFF escorts ADAMS to a corner in the hallway where he thinks they can go unseen. JEFF Dont worry, Ive hired a professional. ADAMS Just tell me his name isnt G. Gordon Liddy. JEFF Why would that be important? ADAMS Hes the guy that led the Watergate burglary. JEFF His name is Jason and he has a plan to fix this. ADAMS I dont even know what the problem is. You will. enough. JEFF Everyone will know soon

INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE - OUTER OFFICE - LATER GEORGE and HAMILTON walk into the outer office and are greeted by GEORGEs secretary who is laying out folders at the various desks assembled in the room. SECRETARY Its not career day today, is it? GEORGE Not that Im aware of.


SECRETARY Then why is everyone dressed in costume? GEORGE smiles. GEORGE Ah, this is a surprise, my dear. The SECRETARY hesitates before asking a question she is clearly uncomfortable about asking. SECRETARY This isnt going to be like your last surprise, is it? Because reenacting the siege of Yorktown on the playground may have seemed like a good idea but there was significant damage done to the playground as well as the surrounding area. GEORGE Well of course there was. you think a siege is? What do

SECRETARY I guess I just didnt expect the cannons to use live ammunition. GEORGE Always expect the unexpected. If you live that way its much harder to be fooled. SECRETARY Right, but you blew up the jungle gym. GEORGE A small price to pay for freedom! INT. CLASSROOM - DAY ADAMS and FRANK are seated at a desk at the front of a classroom as students chat amongst themselves. A MAN walks in and approaches ADAMS. MAN Hi, Im here for the computer briefing.


ADAMS Oh, right. Youre the IT guy? almost forgot about that.

FRANK I think you did forget about it and are using almost to try and mask that fact. ADAMS Lets call the class to order. IT GUY How do you do that? FRANK We have a dog whistle! FRANK reaches over to grab the whistle off the desk and ADAMS also lunges for the object. ADAMS But you got to do it last time! FRANK I know I did and Im going to do it again. ADAMS But thats not fair. FRANK The children respond better to Ben Franklin than they do to John Adams. ADAMS Youre not Ben Franklin. FRANK You better not let the kids hear you say that. FRANK blows on the whistle long and hard and the kids stop talking and look to the front of the room where FRANK is standing with the IT GUY. FRANK (CONTD) Alright kids, as you know we switched from Windows-based PCs to MACs over the summer. In order to help us better understand our new machine overlords, here is the IT guy.


The IT GUY nods to FRANK as FRANK goes to sit back down at the desk. IT GUY Thanks, Frank. Basically Im here to help you understand the new computers that the Mayor made us spring for. How many of you have MACs at home? Two or three kids raise their hands. The IT GUY cant tell if one kid has his hand raised or not. IT GUY (CONTD) Im sorry, I dont know if you have your hand raised or not. The kids look back at the one kid whose hand is halfway raised. KID Oh, I was just raising my hand because other people were raising their hands. IT GUY Okay, well MACs are really nice for people your age because they dont have a lot of problems and are relatively simple to use. You can just go on and plug your iPhones in and integrate everything through iOS. ADAMS Theyre kids, man. iPhones. KID Yeah, we do. The kids all reach into their pockets and pull out their iPhones. ADAMS Now thats ridiculous. IT GUY Thats good actually, youll be able to sync all your media right away. There wont be much of a learning curve. Does everyone know how to sync their iPhones? They dont have


The class collectively nods their heads. IT GUY (CONTD) Wow, this was a relatively easy presentation. I guess, call me if you run into any problems? ADAMS Not so fast. What happens if the computers make a mistake? IT GUY What do you mean? ADAMS What if they dont do what they want them to or something? IT GUY We all know that if computers had problems theyd basically be people, so... ADAMS Wouldnt they still lack emotion? IT GUY Probably but thats not the point. ADAMS What is the point? IT GUY Computers cant lie. They always tell the truth. Therefore computers are never wrong and can always be trusted. ADAMS I dont think thats the lesson youre supposed to draw. IT GUY Whos the IT Professional here, me or you? ADAMS You, but that doesnt make you God. The IT GUY laughs. IT GUY Awww, arent you adorable in your little naive state?


ADAMS So youre saying that you are God? IT GUY Dont be silly. We all know that God, like Santa Claus isnt real. ADAMS Dont say that in front of the kids. FRANK jumps out of his seat. FRANK I knew it! There is no way hed have time to both make a list and check it twice. IT GUY That was your intellectual hang-up about Santa? ADAMS Okay, I wish I could say that its been a pleasure having you here but unlike you I try not to lie for a living. IT GUY Its only a lie if you believe it. ADAMS Isnt that from Seinfeld? IT GUY That doesnt change the fact that its true. ADAMS Youre now plagiarizing material from TV shows. IT GUY Ah, its not plagiarism if no one is here to tape it. ADAMS Are there any ethical requirements in the IT department? IT GUY No, you guys should come and visit us some time.


ADAMS waves his hands in the air in front of the class. ADAMS No kids, dont ever go down to the IT department. FRANK Wont they all go there now simply because you told them not to? ADAMS Probably. Kids feel free to hang around the IT department whenever you want. FRANK I dont think thats the message we should be sending either. ADAMS Well then what am I supposed to say? FRANK smiles and takes over from ADAMS. FRANK Kids, how many of you are familiar with Hansel & Gretel? All the kids raise their hands seemingly in unison. FRANK (CONTD) The witch from Hansel & Gretel lives in the IT department. FRANK looks over at ADAMS and smiles. terrified. FRANK (CONTD) See, not so hard. INT. HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER ADAMS and FRANKLIN walk out of the classroom and notice that it is suspiciously quiet in the hallway. ADAMS, always suspicious even when it is unwarranted, begins to look around. The camera seems to float from behind a large potted plant and looks out at ADAMS and FRANKLIN as if someone is standing behind it watching the two men. The kids look


ADAMS Somethings not right here. FRANK Ill say. FRANK watches as the large potted plant makes its way across the hall. FRANK follows it. ADAMS follows FRANK. Finally FRANK begins to catch up with the plant. FRANK (CONTD) Hamilton? The plant stops and HAMILTON tries to duck down behind the plant. FRANK finally walks over and grabs the plant from HAMILTON. FRANK (CONTD) What on Earth are you doing? HAMILTON looks up clearly frightened at FRANKLIN. HAMILTON Landscaping? FRANK tosses the plant to the side. FRANK What do you want? HAMILTON Just five minutes of your time. Actually Id like to speak with both of you. FRANK Well you sure picked a roundabout way to do that. HAMILTON I dont want to end up like Hansel and Gretel. FRANK Really? HAMILTON Yes, really! FRANK No, I mean...I just said that to scare the kids.


ADAMS Yeah, if there were a witch in the IT department wed be out of here. The last thing I need to deal with right now is witchcraft. HAMILTON Fair enough, but I will investigate this matter until I am satisfied that witches are not operating from these premises. ADAMS Just dont bring in Cotton Mather or anything, alright? FRANK Lets not get into this now, okay? HAMILTON I dont know what you two are talking about. FRANK is now showing his frustration. FRANK Whats so important, Hamilton? HAMILTON ADAMS knows whats going on. ADAMS With Maria? HAMILTON nods. FRANK Why is everyone so obsessed with this woman? Is she some sort of witchy woman? ADAMS Shes running for Mayor. FRANK What? ADAMS Yeah, shes running in the recall election. FRANK George is going to be beside himself.


HAMILTON Im not sure how hes going to take the news. ADAMS Dont tell me youve hatched some Machiavellian scheme to sabotage her candidacy or something. HAMILTON Better. Im going to get him to run against her. Never let a crisis go to waste my friends. ADAMS Hes not going to run. HAMILTON Have you seen the campaign footage yet? FRANKLIN and HAMILTON shake their heads in the negative. HAMILTON (CONTD) Then I wouldnt write anything off just yet. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE - CONTINUOUS GEORGE opens the door to his office and is startled to see JEFF, FRANK, ADAMS, and HAMILTON standing right in front of him. Whats more is that GEORGE notices that JEFF is dressed in pajamas and ADAMS is dressed in overalls, wearing a straw hat and carrying a pitchfork in hand. GEORGE continues to scan the room and sees FRANK dressed as a medical doctor. GEORGE Frank, why are you dressed like a medical doctor? FRANK You told me to dress like a doctor. GEORGE Doctor Franklin. I asked you to dress like Doctor Franklin. Adams, why do you look like you just escaped a Farm and Fleet commercial?


ADAMS You said to dress like a farmer. GEORGE I see. I can only imagine what Jeff is supposed to be. JEFF Jefferson used to answer the doorbell of the White House wearing just his pajamas, robe and slippers. Occasionally hed wear a Santa hat, but that seemed like it would be too much to explain. Besides, someone needs to lighten the mood. GEORGE makes his way over to his desk and sits down. GEORGE I just met with a gentleman representing the Williamsburg Freedom Coalition. Whats all that about? HAMILTON interrupts. HAMILTON Before we get into anything else I think everyone should know that Paul Brown is running for office. GEORGE Thats the guy who confused Patrick Henry with Paul Revere, right? Yes, when from give HAMILTON you can imagine the confusion people heard a man screaming a horse: give me liberty or me death.

GEORGE Didnt somebody try and kill the horse because they thought it was taking his liberty... JEFF I thought they were trying to get him off the horse because they thought he was restricting the horses liberty.


GEORGE Whats this guy running for? HAMILTON School board or so he claims. GEORGE You dont believe him? HAMILTON laughs. HAMILTON He brought me in to help him with opposition research. GEORGE So? HAMILTON Hes running unopposed. Honestly, I was more confused when I left than I was when I got there. JEFF Im sorry, but why does any of this matter? HAMILTON You know how sometimes not so bright people find themselves in positions of enormous responsibility? JEFF Its the school board. HAMILTON Which is a launching pad for state rep, which is a launching pad for Congressman. You see where Im going here? GEORGE Hes still pretty far removed from a position where he could really hurt people. HAMILTON Isnt that what they usually say about serial killers?


GEORGE I dont know, Hamilton, but frankly Its too early in the morning for me to get all worked up about a guy running for school board. What are we going to do about this WFC guy? JEFF I thought he might be able to help us with our funding dilemma. GEORGE scoffs at the idea. GEORGE Were teachers, we have no business getting involved in politics. JEFF We cant change the fact that the Mayor is going to cut our funding, but we can try to make up the difference. GEORGE What does he want from us? He mentioned something about participating in something political but he didnt get into any detail. ADAMS, JEFF, and FRANK look at each other. suspicious. ADAMS Theres something weve been meaning to tell you. GEORGE What? We didnt lose all our funding did we? FRANK You remember the film crew that was at the bar last night, right? GEORGE Yes, what about them? JEFF The documentary theyre shooting is on Maria. Shes running for Mayor. GEORGE stares at the three men in disbelief. GEORGE gets


GEORGE Why would she do that? ADAMS Why wouldnt she? Shes got a campaign warchest thats bigger than my house complete with a prebuilt donor base, a get out the vote machine that can rival any Democrat that challenges her. Her only incentive not to run was you. GEORGE Thats why she wanted me to stop reenacting! ADAMS It would have looked pretty silly for the woman running for Mayor to be spotted around town with a guy dressed up like George Washington. GEORGE slams his fist down on the desk. GEORGE How could I have been so stupid? HAMILTON To be fair, I didnt figure it out until this morning. GEORGE Thats reassuring because the part of this that was truly disconcerting was the timing element. HAMILTON I thought it might be that she was a Republican. JEFF, ADAMS, and FRANK lose their cool. ADAMS You werent supposed to tell him! HAMILTON He was going to find out anyway! GEORGE She cant possibly be a Republican. FRANK Just think about it for a minute.


Beat. GEORGE Vouchers. She wanted me to turn down the money for vouchers so she could use it as a wedge issue? Is there anything she wont do to get elected? FRANK Youre about to get a pretty clear answer to that question. GEORGE What do you mean? The SECRETARY knocks on the door and peeks her head into the room. SECRETARY Im sorry to interrupt but the film crew is here. JEFF nods his head and shuts the door behind her as the SECRETARY leaves. ADAMS Are you ready to see what youre up against? GEORGE What do you mean what Im up against? JEFF You cant take this lying down. GEORGE I dont intend to. JEFF Then you need to see this. The amount of opposition research she has on you is staggering. GEORGE Hold on, you want me to run against her? JEFF I cant think of a person who knows her better than you.


ADAMS Besides, how on Earth is she going to run a campaign against George Washington? FRANK She cant. Shed have to make him seem inauthentic, which is nearly impossible because hes the Father of his country. GEORGE sits back in his chair and ponders his options for a moment. JEFF If we did this Team of Rivals style it could really shake things up. FRANK Well, gentlemen, I believe we are going to begin anew our democratic experiment. We will see if voters love their history as much as they love the idea of it. INT. TEACHERS LOUNGE - MORNING HAMILTON, ADAMS, and FRANK are sitting in bean bag chairs tossing pencils at the ceiling tiles. ADAMS Somebody should really sharpen these things. Wed stand a better chance if they were sharper. FRANK laughs. ADAMS (CONTD) Whats so funny? FRANK Youre aiming at the ceiling, but you keep hitting the wall. It doesnt matter how sharp that pencil is its never going to stick to concrete. ADAMS Mine are slippery for some reason. GEORGE walks in the room and tosses a pile of paperwork on HAMILTONs lap.


HAMILTON Whats this? GEORGE Polling data. HAMILTON What good is polling data right now? You havent even announced your candidacy. GEORGE Eighteen percent of the people in this city have a negative view of me. Eighteen percent! I dont even think I know eighteen percent of voters. HAMILTON Eighteen percent of the city does not have a negative view of you, eighteen percent of respondents had a negative view of you. Relax. The first days of a campaign are always the most fluid. GEORGE But they dont like me. HAMILTON Adams, George Washington wants to raise your taxes, he wants to slaughter unborn babies, he wants to spend money we dont have for projects we dont need, he even wants to increase spending on entitlement programs. Given this information do you have a positive or negative view of George Washington? ADAMS Who slaughters unborn children? I couldnt possibly have a positive view of someone who engages in those kinds of activities. HAMILTON Its a common ploy, George. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if she paid for that polling data. GEORGE sinks into a bean bag chair.


GEORGE What are we going to do? HAMILTON Stop panicking for starters. brainstorm. FRANK I love brainstorms! ADAMS This isnt a meteorological event, Frank. He means we should just think out loud. FRANK I like pudding! HAMILTON Maybe we could bring in one of those infomercial guys. ADAMS Infomercial guys? HAMILTON Yeah the guys who get way too excited about the limited benefits of a mediocre product and sound like an auctioneer at Sothebys despite the fact that their products never sell at a price over $19.95. ADAMS Oh, those guys. You mean like Billy Mays. FRANK Maybe we could throw in some limited time offers. Vote for George and hell personally cut down a cherry tree. ADAMS How many voters actually have cherry trees? HAMILTON We should probably do some research on that before we offer those services. Lets


ADAMS Maybe Betsy Ross could sew them some flags or something. HAMILTON Are you kidding? Were not going to be able to find Betsy Ross at six a.m. on a school day. FRANK Not with that attitude you wont. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE - DAY A womans voice is audible but little else. FRANK, ADAMS, JEFF and HAMILTON stand around a television watching with horror what is unfolding before them. We do not yet see what is on the TV, we dont need to, not yet... WOMANS VOICE (V.O.) What is at stake here is more than one election. Its more than a job. What were working for is a campaign to revolutionize our great city. JEFF throws a pen at the TV. HAMILTON What was that for? JEFF Are you kidding? Not only is she using our language against us shes stolen my cadence. HAMILTON I dont think cadence is something that can be stolen. JEFF Are you listening? HAMILTON Why are you asking so many questions? JEFF Because Im hearing so few answers! The room goes quiet as the applause of the crowd seems to permeate the room. FRANK is playing with a pair of magnets. ADAMS is staring at FRANK.


ADAMS This is kind of important, Frank. FRANK Its nothing I havent seen before. Next shes going to take a question from a plant in the audience. Shell use that opportunity to tout her business experience and take jabs at our chosen vocation. Someone will probably remind the questioner to ask about taxes in particular because if theres one issue that Republicans dont talk enough about its taxes. ADAMS looks at the TV and he looks surprised by what he sees. INT. CAMPAIGN EVENT - EARLIER MARIA is standing on stage as a man wearing a nice tie steps up to the microphone. MAN My name is Brian Thomas and I own a small electrical contracting firm here in Williamsburg. Im wondering how concerned you are at the state of the current economy. The MAN goes to sit back down when a STAFFER gently takes him by the elbow and leads him back to the microphone. The STAFFER whispers in his ear. MAN (CONTD) Ive also been wondering about your stance on taxes. The MAN fights off the staffer and sits back down. smiles. MARIA Thank you for those questions, Brian. Im sure youre not the only one concerned about the current economic climate. As a fellow small business owner I understand the toll that burdensome regulations can place on our job creators. Unlike the historical lobby Im not interested in raising your taxes, I think youre paying enough. (MORE) MARIA

52. MARIA (CONT'D) I also understand that the problems we face arent of the eighteenth century variety. The problems we face are twenty-first century problems that require twenty-first century solutions. My opponents are literally living in the eighteenth century in case you havent noticed.

The crowd laughs. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE - DAY HAMILTON throws a pencil at the TV. HAMILTON We cant just let her get away with this. Shes smearing us and we havent even tossed our hat into the ring. FRANK Are you sure thats a twenty-first century problem, Hamilton or are you just continuing to live your life in the eighteenth century? HAMILTON gives FRANK a death stare. HAMILTON I sincerely hope that you say that in jest, sir. ADAMS laughs. ADAMS I would hate for you to get out the dueling pistols before the campaign even started so why dont we crank it down a notch? JEFF hands HAMILTON a note, which HAMILTON reads quietly to himself. HAMILTON This is our response? JEFF We havent even announced our candidacy yet, we cant make bold policy arguments.


ADAMS What we need to do is found a committee. HAMILTON This isnt the Continental Congress, ADAMS. ADAMS Think about it for a minute. Suppose we found a committee, we can state their goal as eliminating government waste because those are always so beneficial to the public, and investigate this Maria person. HAMILTON Where does that get us exactly? ADAMS It tells us how much she knows. HAMILTON Shes able to get her message out there and theres not a single thing we can do about it because of campaign finance laws. HAMILTON stares at the TV for a moment. HAMILTON (CONTD) Wait a minute. This wasnt an ad. FRANK And the dominos fall. HAMILTON Remember that documentary filmmaking crew? The three men nod their heads and it begins to hit them that the documentary crew shot the town hall footage. JEFF We should tape some thirty second ads. HAMILTON I dont think we even need thirty seconds. FRANK Thats what your mother was saying last night.


HAMILTON Really? Is that kind of humor really justified here? FRANK Someone has got to have fun. GEORGE walks into the room with a bottle of champagne in one hand a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN under his arm. GEORGE Ladies and gentlemen, I have had an epiphany! HAMILTON crosses his fingers and repeats a sentence under his breath as WASHINGTON continues. HAMILTON Please dont be Valley Forge. Please dont be Valley Forge. GEORGE I think what we need to do is show that woman that there is value in what we do and that were not ashamed of who we are. JEFF And how are we going to do that? We cant raise money because youre not officially a candidate and we cant buy ad time because we dont have any money. It would be difficult, if not altogether impossible to campaign on the publics dime... GEORGE Jeff, I have a long day ahead of me so please let me finish my thought. JEFF shuts up. GEORGE (CONTD) If we write a different version of our play this year we can fit our campaign ideas and slogans in there and introduce my candidacy on the night the play launches. ADAMS Do you really think thats a good idea? (MORE)

55. ADAMS (CONT'D) These plays always wind up taking forever because the kids always forget their lines and cant always sing the song they need to learn.

GEORGE I agree, it will be an uphill battle which is why Ive invited the documentary film crew to come and tape us putting the show together. This will show initiative, it will show how well we get along with children and it will make me look like a problem solver. JEFF It kind of sounds like were throwing all our eggs in one basket. GEORGE looks over at FRANK. GEORGE Frank, what do you think? FRANK It sounds like a solid first step, but we need to play the long game. What we really should be doing is using every school function as a political rally. If we merge the two things together long enough people will begin to see them as one in the same. That way we get people to support the candidate while making them believe that theyre supporting their childs school and education. GEORGE Thats a brilliant idea. FRANK Its just one of many. GEORGE Well gentlemen, lets get to work. EXT. PLAYGROUND - MIDDAY ADAMS and JEFF walk amongst the children who are enjoying themselves during recess.


JEFF I just cant have an educated discussion of eighties pop music with someone whose idea of eighties dance revolves around Phil Collins. ADAMS Youre telling me youve never gotten down to Another Day in Paradise? Or Sussodio? JEFF Of all the artists you could pick you picked Phil Collins. At least go with a more accomplished Genesis member like Peter Gabriel or something. ADAMS Oh, I see! This is really about how Genesis broke up. Well, sir if you wish to have that fight I will be more than happy to oblige. JEFF Id rather not have this discussion with you at all. A KID approaches JEFF and ADAMS. KID Are you going to play football with us? ADAMS I think we should settle this dispute like men: on the gridiron. JEFF You dont stand a chance. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE - OUTER OFFICE HAMILTON walks in to the outer office where JEFF is sitting outside the principals office. HAMILTON Did you ducktape a ferret to a ceiling fan too? No. JEFF Why on Earth would I do that?


HAMILTON Because someone double dog dared you? JEFF Youre joking right? HAMILTONs entirely serious demeanor changes to one of a halfhearted comic. HAMILTON Of course I was joking. HAMILTON looks around the room before sitting down next to JEFF JEFF Dont sit too close to me. HAMILTON Why not? Is this because of the cooties rumor again? Im telling you Frank is just pulling your leg with that. JEFF Dont be ridiculous. Why would Frank grab at my pants? HAMILTON Its just an expression. JEFF You know what he said to me the other day? He said: Ive always loved children, the younger, the better. He was talking in a nonsexually perverse, non-creepy, nonpedophile way, right? HAMILTON I hope so. GEORGE opens the door to his office. GEORGE Come in gentlemen. you shortly. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE HAMILTON and JEFF sit down in front of GEORGEs desk. Ill be with


HAMILTON Perhaps we was just saying that he enjoyed teaching younger classes. JEFF Thats what Im hoping, but we were at a bar the other day when he said it and we had just been propositioned by a young lady. HAMILTON Ah, but how young is young to you? JEFF Young enough. HAMILTON I think I see where Frank is coming from here. You think of young as in their early 40s or late 30s. When we normal people think about women we think of young as 18-24 for instance. JEFF Eww. HAMILTON Thats what we say when youre hanging out with cougars. JEFF Now just wait one minute. I have a year-long pass. Do you get that? A year long pass. That means I can visit the zoo when every I like. HAMILTON Thats not what Im talking about at all. GEORGE walks in and shuts the door behind him. GEORGE Gentlemen, thank you for waiting. HAMILTON and JEFF look at GEORGE oddly. HAMILTON Why are you being so super formal right now?


GEORGE The film crew is here. I dont know if theyve begun filming yet, but I want to be on my best behavior in case they have already started. JEFF I thought you were going to tell us when they got here so we could all sit down together. GEORGE They ambushed me during recess. had to make a split second decision. HAMILTON I hate it when that happens. JEFF I dont mind making split second decisions. In fact, Ive found that Im quite good at it. HAMILTON and GEORGE look at one another and JEFF realizes he addressed the wrong issue. JEFF (CONTD) You were talking about getting ambushed during recess. GEORGE and HAMILTON nod their heads. JEFF (CONTD) Why do I always latch on to the second item? HAMILTON I dont know but youve been doing it all day. GEORGE Gentlemen, we are gathered here today... JEFF interrupts. JEFF Youre not going to gay marry us are you? GEORGE No, why would I do that? I


JEFF Bill OReilly said you might try it. GEORGE Me, personally? I find that a bit hard to believe. How could he possibly know how George Washington feels about gay marriage. HAMILTON Youre doing that thing again. GEORGE What thing? HAMILTON The past tense/present tense thing we talked about earlier. GEORGE Oh, right. JEFF I dont know how you two can be so cavalier about this. Its my belief that marriage is a bond between a man and a woman and as a liberal member... GEORGE Let me stop you right there. Did he say that George Washington was against gay marriage? JEFF No, just liberals in general. HAMILTON But, Jeff youre a liberal. JEFF I know, thats whats got me so confused. HAMILTON Youve really got to stop watching Fox News. JEFF Dont you talk to me about freedom!


GEORGE I think were getting off track here. Now, the film crew wants to interview each of us separately, so I thought we should have a strategy session later today so that we can get our stories straight. JEFF Stories straight? about what? You know? Stories straight

HAMILTON The womans trouble.

JEFF You mean Maria? GEORGE Dont say it out loud! What if theyre taping? We need some sort of code word. JEFF How about Chimichanga? GEORGE Thats Mexican. JEFF So? GEORGE Shes Puerto Rican. JEFF How am I supposed to know that? GEORGE I guess I just assumed you were listening all those times I poured my heart out to you. Sometimes it feels like I dont even know you! HAMILTON Lets just stick with Chimichanga for now. Theres no need for another argument. GEORGE Okay. HAMILTON and JEFF look around the room nervously.


GEORGE (CONTD) Do you know why youre here? JEFF I thought it was to come up with the code word. GEORGE I could have just texted you if that was all that needed resolving. HAMILTON If this is because of the ferret we attached to the ceiling fan I can assure you that was all Bobbys idea. Ferret? Oh. HAMILTON shifts nervously in his seat. GEORGE What did you attach to the ceiling fan then? HAMILTON shrugs his shoulders. GEORGE (CONTD) Hamilton, sometimes the discretion or rather the lack thereof that you show in the classroom is truly disturbing. HAMILTON You think Im bad you should see Frank. INT. CHEMISTRY LAB The room is almost entirely dark except for the flurescent substances that the students are carrying around the room in beakers. Techno music blares from the room and FRANK dances in the front of the class. Meanwhile, someones experiment has gone awry and spills on the floor. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE GEORGE looks horrified. GEORGE We dont have any ferrets. HAMILTON


GEORGE I just assumed it smelled that way because it was chemistry class. HAMILTON No classroom should ever smell like that I dont care what theyre teaching. JEFF I think were getting off subject. What did you originally want to talk to us about? GEORGE Whats that? JEFF Why are we here? GEORGE laughs. GEORGE Thats a question that has baffled scientists and indeed everyday men and women since the dawn of time. JEFF No, I mean us, here, now. HAMILTON Were you going to throw a verb in there or just continue on using nouns like theyre your semantic whores to be thrown around whenever it pleases you? JEFF That was harsh. HAMILTON Yet fitting. GEORGE Gentlemen! I need you to write the school play. HAMILTON and JEFF look shocked. HAMILTON You want us to work...


JEFF I dont really work well with others... HAMILTON Thats true, he doesnt. should just write it. JEFF Are you kidding? awful. Maybe I

Your prose is

HAMILTON At least I use verbs. JEFF Oh, dont be ridiculous. GEORGE Guys! This isnt Highlander, okay? There can be more than one. JEFF Is this going to be pro-England or... HAMILTON In order to establish a system of credit it is in our best interests to do business with the British. JEFF We just fought a war with them. HAMILTON Times change. JEFF And so do allegiances it would appear. GEORGE Children, thats enough. If youre going to argue go out onto the playground and bicker like everyone else. Ive got real work to do. HAMILTON Like what? GEORGE Ive got to prepare for my interview.


HAMILTON Sir, as your chief political strategist and advisor I think I should sit in on this meeting. GEORGE This isnt a meeting. I was going to shut the door and look out the window. HAMILTON Would it help if I sat off to the side then? GEORGE Get out of my office. HAMILTON opens the door and walks out to the outer office where ADAMS is seated giving an interview to a FILMMAKER. INT. OUTER OFFICE - CONTINUOUS ADAMS is seated in front of a grey background and numerous overhead lights are positioned towards him. ADAMS I wouldnt go so far as to say that John Adams was the greatest founding father, but I certainly think hes up there. FILMMAKER What is it about John Adams that draws him to you? ADAMS I just think that there are a lot of times where were not different people, you know? GEORGE marches out of his office and interrupts the interview. GEORGE What is this? ADAMS I was just giving my interview while they waited. GEORGE You dont go first. You werent the first President.


ADAMS I didnt realize we were doing things in chronological order. FILMMAKER We can always edit this so that your interview comes first. GEORGE Can I talk to you outside? ADAMS gets up and prepares to accompany GEORGE out into the hallway when GEORGE puts up his hand. GEORGE (CONTD) Not you, ADAMS. Its him that I want to talk to. ADAMS sits back down, disappointed. GEORGE and the FILMMAKER walk out into the hallway. ADAMS looks over at HAMILTON and JEFF. ADAMS What are you guys doing here? HAMILTON Weve been asked to write the play. Apparently were expected to collaborate or something. JEFF As if we can ignore the past! ADAMS Hold on, he asked you to write the play? ADAMS points at JEFF. JEFF It only stands to reason that he would want an experienced writer on the job. ADAMS But I can write. JEFF and HAMILTON laugh. JEFF ADAMS, my class can write. ADAMS What are you saying?


JEFF Theres a certain talent one needs to have to tell a story. HAMILTON Indeed. ADAMS scowls. ADAMS I didnt ask you, Hamilton. How are you two going to work together anyway? HAMILTON Neither of us has really figured that out yet. I think Ill write one version and Jeff can write another and we can compare notes and decide where to go from there. ADAMS I see. JEFF Try not to take it so personally, ADAMS. ADAMS I just dont understand why I wasnt consulted. JEFF Im sure he was going to tell you in his own manner and time. ADAMS I have to get my powder re-applied if were to do another take. You two will have to excuse me. ADAMS walks away with a PRODUCTION ASSISTANT. JEFF That was abrupt, no? HAMILTON nods his head in agreement. JEFF (CONTD) You and I are going to have to stop agreeing like this. HAMILTON I agree.


JEFF looks at HAMILTON and shakes his head. EXT. BASEBALL FIELD - AFTERNOON FRANK stands near the dugout as his class plays a game of kickball. FRANK watches as one of the kids pitches the ball and the STUDENT at the plate kicks, but misses the ball. The STUDENT shakes his head in disappointment as he heads back to the dugout. FRANK How do you strike out in kickball? All you need to do is make contact with the ball. Its not like he was throwing curves or something... The STUDENT sits down on the bench. A camera crew approaches FRANK and a FILMMAKER extends his hand. FILMMAKER Im Mike, one of the ADs. Were just going to shoot some b-roll if thats okay. FRANK I suppose thats alright. The CAMERA CREW sets up next to the field and begins filming the kids playing kickball. FRANK keeps his eyes on the CAMERA CREW. INT. DUGOUT - AFTERNOON FRANK is sitting on the bench with his class as the game continues on. FRANK looks over at the film crew. FRANK You know, you can talk to me if you think I could be of some assistance to you. FILMMAKER Thatd be great. I dont have any prepared questions though. FRANK Thats alright. I dont have any prepared answers. The CAMERA CREW points the camera at FRANK and the FILMMAKER as he begins to ask FRANK some questions.


FILMMAKER Did you always know you wanted to be a doctor? FRANK looks excited about the prospect of answering the mans questions. FRANK smiles and puts his arm around the FILMMAKER. FRANK Thats a very interesting question, Michael. I think the answer is probably no as I didnt even finish high school, but as I did my apprentice work in my brothers printing shop I realized that I had real things to offer the world and thats when I came up with the character of Silence Dogood. FILMMAKER Are we talking about you or Ben Franklin? FRANK laughs. FRANK Youre operating under the assumption that theres a difference between the two. INT. HALLWAY - LATER HAMILTON walks with a FILM CREW down a hallway. HAMILTON Sorry we need to do the walkietalkie but Ive got a class to manage and a play to write. FILMMAKER How do you anticipate the creative process flowing between you and Jeff? The two of you have had your differences. HAMILTON Im glad you asked. Jeff and I have always maintained a respectful relationship regardless of our political differences. (MORE)

70. HAMILTON (CONT'D) He may call me an Anglophile and I certainly wouldnt hesitate in calling him a Francophile, but the truth is that we both care deeply about the direction that our country is headed which is why we are both determined to a great job on this play about our nations past.

INT. CLASSROOM - LATER ADAMS is standing at the back of the class as the class attempts to solve a math problem. ADAMS I dont know what either of their plans are, but they simply cannot omit the role that John Adams played in the founding of this country. His role was central. INT. GYMNASIUM - LATE AFTERNOON As classes get out and kids make their way through the hallways outside either to get on a bus, to get picked up by a loved one, or to walk home, GEORGE watches them march out the door through the open doors of the gymnasium as a MAKE UP ARTIST finishes applying his make up. MAKE UP ARTIST Youre going to have to tell me how you managed to get such a solid foundation down. GEORGE Its amazing what a little Mascara will do. MAKE UP ARTIST So many guys are afraid of wearing make up, I just want to say that I think its awesome that youre so open about it. GEORGE blushes. GEORGE Its not easy being beautiful.


Two chairs are set up on the stage and lights are set upon the two seats. GEORGE walks up the stairs when FRANK walks in the door with an unidentified man. FRANK By George! GEORGE turns around. GEORGE John Dickinson as I live and breathe. What brings you out to our neck of the woods? DICKINSON Officially Im not here nor was I here, is that understood? GEORGE Whats going on, John? FRANK looks at GEORGE and GEORGE tenses up. GEORGE (CONTD) You work for Marias campaign. DICKINSON Its nothing personal. GEORGE A mistress cannot serve two masters. DICKINSON You dont need to quote The Man With the Golden Gun to me. I think we both know who the bigger Roger Moore fan here is. Beat. FRANK He comes bearing news, George. GEORGE What kind of news would that be? DICKINSON Theres a traitor in your camp. GEORGE looks at FRANK, who nods his head.


GEORGE I dont understand. We searched high and low and we still couldnt find Aaron Burr... DICKINSON Its not Aaron Burr. GEORGE Well then who is it? DICKINSON I cant tell you explicitly. GEORGE Is this one of those games where I have to guess? DICKINSON Its not a game. GEORGE Charades maybe? Twenty questions? DICKINSON just shakes his head. GEORGE (CONTD) Can you at least give me a sounds like? or this many letters? DICKINSON Not without giving away the answer. DICKINSON leaves the room and FRANK follows. onto the stage and sits down in his seat. INT. MARIAS CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS - NIGHT MARIA walks down a hallway and into a dimly lit room where a MAN sits in the darkness. MARIA walks over to a desk and sits down behind it. MARIA I thought he wasnt going to run. MAN Hes not in the race yet. MARIA Its only a matter of time. Hes doing his interview right now? The MAN nods his head. GEORGE walks up


MARIA (CONTD) Im still not sure I understand why I cant just say: look hes not the real George Washington! MAN Personal attacks never go over well. MARIA Im not comparing him to Hitler, Im just saying that hes a historical impersonator and not the real thing. MARIA stares at the MAN and thinks for a minute. MARIA (CONTD) Is it written yet? MAN The play? MARIA nods her head. MAN (CONTD) Not yet. MARIA How much time do you think I have? MAN Not long. MARIA Can you at least make sure I get an invite? MAN Of course. MARIA This is going to be a close race. You might wind up being my wild card. Are you going to be able to go through with it? MAN Well see, wont we?


INT. GYMNASIUM - NIGHT GEORGE sits in a chair as he prepares to be interviewed. straightens out his wig. GEORGE Is my wig on straight? The INTERVIEWER looks at him and give him a thumbs up. The FILMMAKER gives a visual signal to the INTERVIEWER and he looks into the camera. INTERVIEWER Ladies and gentlemen, Im here tonight with a very special guest. You may know him as the father of our country, but after this interview he says you can refer to him as: His Excellency. The INTERVIEWER turns to GEORGE. INTERVIEWER (CONTD) Could you explain to our audience how you became George Washington? GEORGE Well, I wasnt always chopping down cherry trees. The INTERVIEWER smiles. GEORGE (CONTD) I used to be a history teacher before I became Principal. After a few years of teaching I realized that it was getting harder and harder to get and to keep childrens attention, so I started dressing up and telling stories about various time periods from the point of view of various historical figures. INTERVIEWER How did that work for you? GEORGE It worked for awhile, but after some time I had to revert back to my role as teacher and it was when that happened that I started losing their attention. (MORE) He

75. GEORGE (CONT'D) So one day the whole school decided to dress up as various historical figures. We did Civil War veterans, World War II veterans even foreigners. A guy dressed up like Napoleon and we had a lot of fun with that. But one day we dressed up as the founders and the kids just loved it. That night was parent/teacher conferences and all the kids had gone home and said: mom, I learned about China and the Mao Revolution with John Adams or I learned about Pyhthagorous and his theorem from Benjamin Franklin and on and on it went.

INTERVIEWER They got a real kick out of it? Oh, yeah. GEORGE I mean, wouldnt you?

INTERVIEWER I would have loved it if my teachers decided to dress up as something other than what we found out they were dressing up as... Beat. INTERVIEWER (CONTD) But lets get back to you. GEORGE Well, the kids were excited and so were the parents actually for the parent/teacher conferences and none of us really knew why. Everyone was doing well in class and everything, but I dont think anyone looks forward to parent/teacher conferences. INTERVIEWER Did they know theyd be meeting with George Washington?


GEORGE Thats just the thing. We didnt think to dress up as the founders, we dressed like we normally would and the parents and the students for that matter were both shocked and it was a little weird for us too to be honest. After you walk around in a Continental Army uniform for awhile it begins to feel like a part of you. INTERVIEWER You felt naked without it. GEORGE Indeed I did. What was even more strange was that none of the parents seemed to recognize us. I mean they recognized us as professional educators, but they wanted to talk to Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. INTERVIEWER What did you do? GEORGE What could we do? We headed backstage here at the gym and got into our clothes and went back out there for parent/teacher conferences. INTERVIEWER And the rest is history. GEORGE It was at that point that we realized that the past didnt need to remain in the past, you know? Each and every day we go through the motions and live our lives, but sometimes we forget that were living history.


INTERVIEWER When we return well be joined by Benjamin Franklin who will give us his top five ways to reduce and conserve energy this school year and Thomas Jefferson will drop by to share some of his favorite memories of writing the Declaration of Independence. PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Were out. INTERVIEWER Ben Franklins not really going to go all Al Gore on us, is he? GEORGE I wish there were a yes or no answer to that question. All I can say is that Ben will be Ben. INTERVIEWER Hes not going to try and fly a kite or anything... GEORGE Why would he do that? INTERVIEWER A friend of a friend said that they were interviewing him on another network and he became preoccupied with flying a kite. GEORGE laughs and then assumes a sarcastic tone. GEORGE That doesnt sound like the Ben Franklin I know at all. EXT. ADAMSS HOUSE - NIGHT GEORGE, HAMILTON, JEFF, FRANK, and ADAMS sit on a couch watching a tape on TV of MARIA in a planning session with her advisors. MARIA (V.O.) Im not sure any of them are fit for their current jobs let alone something as important as the Mayors office. Frank doesnt seem to know what decade hes living in. (MORE)

78. MARIA (V.O.) (CONT'D) Hes constantly working on old technology and besides I swear the mans a hoarder. Hamilton sent a stenographer on one of my dates with George, so that gives you a glimpse into his mental state. The man is so paranoid someone is out to get him that hes lost what little grip he had on reality.

GEORGE turns to HAMILTON. GEORGE Did you really do that? HAMILTON It was just supposed to be a precaution. No one knew her allegiances and in hindsight it turned out to be the right move. GEORGE Do you realize what youve exposed us to? We cant just spy on people without their consent. Once this gets out there, which Im going to guess will be sometime tomorrow morning, well have to be cleared by psychiatrists before were able to return to the job. HAMILTON Seriously? GEORGE It was part of the CBA we signed last year that you said wasnt worth reading. HAMILTON That doesnt sound fair at all. GEORGE Why do you think the mayor is being recalled? Elected officials seldom get recalled for doing their job. HAMILTON But Maria is running on a platform that keeps most of these changes in place.


GEORGE Exactly and shes going to point at us as a prime example of why some of that stuff is necessary. You didnt just expose us to an election year problem, we may be deemed unfit to keep the jobs we have. FRANK Thats right under the CBA school psychiatrists are political appointees. ADAMS Any idea who itll be? GEORGE My guess is that one of them will be Citizen Genet. HAMILTON Seriously? GEORGE Hes certainly who Id pick if I were in the Mayors shoes. HAMILTON But that guy hates us. JEFF Well, not all of us. Beat. GEORGE Hes still upset we didnt support the French Revolution. JEFF And whose fault is that? HAMILTON Our support would have never stemmed the tide of Jacobism in France. You know that and so do I. ADAMS Do we really need to have this discussion again? The doorbell rings.


HAMILTON Who is that? GEORGE I thought it might be necessary to bring in a specialist. The MARQUIS DE LAFAYETTE stands at the door in full military dress. LAFAYETTE I came as soon as I heard! LAFAYETTE sits down on a chair across from the five men still seated on the couch. GEORGE What do you think? LAFAYETTE I would present a united front. If the five of you go in there together and refuse to be interviewed alone it will greatly frustrate Genet. Hell want to interview each of you alone. GEORGE Thats true, hell want to separate us and talk to us individually that way he can try and poke holes in our stories. Do you think it wise to treat this as a purely political matter? LAFAYETTE What choice do you have? GEORGE If we dictate our terms to Genet and he protests we can claim that the French are attempting to impede American sovereignty and well get the added benefit of presenting the mayor as in league with foreign adventurers and opportunists all with the endorsement of their partys candidate for the office, Maria. LAFAYETTE Its a beautiful political stroke as always.


FRANK How do you know hell decline to meet with us collectively? GEORGE Hes a Frenchmen! All we have to do is insult his national pride and hell adopt a purely antagonistic attitude towards us. LAFAYETTE You are a one of a kind political mind, his excellency! GEORGE Why thank you, my dear Marquis. INT. PSYCHIATRISTS OFFICE - DAY The five founders walk into the psychiatrists office together with the MARQUIS by their side. Two men sit on chairs waiting for them. FRANK and the MARQUIS stand in shock. FRANK The Duke and the Dauphin! One of the men gets up and greets the men. MAN Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Maximillian Robespierre and this is my colleague Citizen Genet. HAMILTON You French are unbelievable. ROBESPIERRE Perhaps youd like to see our new guillotine, Monsieur Hamilton. FRANK and GEORGE look at one another as they head into the main office. INT. PSYCHIATRISTS OFFICE - MAIN OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Everyone sits down on the couch with the exception of GEORGE who stands still as if hes already been defeated. GENET Monsieur Lafayette, you will have to wait outside.


LAFAYETTE I would just like to say for the record that I am shocked and appalled by my countrymen! LAFAYETTE gets up and walks out. We see the documentary film crew on the other side of the room filming and GEORGE stares into the camera. GEORGE Et tu, Brute? FADE OUT: END OF SHOW


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