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You are given the convex lens with different thickness. (a) Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement.

[1 Mark]

(b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a) based on the following criteria. i) Aim of the experiment. [1 Mark] ii) Identification of variables [ 2 Marks] iii) List of apparatus and materials [1 Mark] iv) Procedure or method [3 Marks] v ) Tabulation of data [1 Mark] vi) Conclusion [1 Mark] ANSWER a) Hypothesis: The thicker the lens, the shorter the focal length. b) i) Aim: To study the focal length of a convex lens with different thickness. ii) Variable constant : Object distance manipulated : Thickness of the lens responds : Focal length iii) List of apparatus and material: Metre rule, screen, convex lenses with different thickness, lens holder

v) Procedure: 1. Choose one distance object, put the lens in between the object and screen 2. Screen is adjusted until a sharp image is formed on it. 3.The focal length is measured with a meter ruler. 4.The steps are repeated using lenses of different thickness.

vi) Tabulation of data :

vii) Conclusion : A thick convex lens has short focal length while a thin convex lens has long focal length.

2. Study the following statement; Kaji pernyataan berikut :

You are given a thick convex lens,thin convex lens,a scrin and a distant source of light. Anda dibekalkan dengan satu kanta cembung tebal, satu cembung nipis, skrin dan sumber cahayajarak jauh. (a) Suggest one hypothesis to investigate the above statement. Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk menyiasat pernyataan di atas. [ 1 mark] [ 1 markah ]

(b) Describe one experiment to test your hypothesis in 10 (a) based on the following criteria. Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis anda di 10 (a) berdasarkan kriteria berikut: ( i) Aim of the experiment Tujuan eksperimen (ii) Identification of variables Kenalpasti pembolehubah (iii) List of apparatus Senarai radas (iv) Procedures Kaedah (v) Tabulation of data Penjadualan data [ 1 mark] [1 markah ] [ 2 mark ] [ 2 markah ] [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] [ 4 marks ] [ 4 markah ] [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ]

a) Hypothesis :The thicker the lens, the shorter its focal length. Semakin tebak kanta, semakin pendek jarak fokus (b) (i) Aim : To study the relationship between the thickness of convex and the focal length Mengkaji hubungan antara ketebalan kanta dengan jarak fokus Variables: Controlled variable: Type of lensllObject distance Pembolehubah dimalarkan : Jenis kanta//Jarak objek. Manipulated variable: Thickness of the lens// thick convex lens and thin convex lens Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan: Ketebalan kanta// kanta tebal dank anta nipis. Responding variable: Focal length Pembolehubah bergerakbalas: Jarak fokus



Apparatus and materials: Radas dan bahan: Metre rule, screen, thick convex lens, thin convex lens, source of light Pembaris meter.skrin,kanta tebal, kanta nipis, sumber cahaya . Procedure: Prosedur: 1. The apparatus is set up as shown in the following diagram Alat radas disusun seperti da/am gambarajah.


2. The screen is adjusted to obtain a sharp image formed on it. Skrin digerakkan mendekati dan menjauhi kanta sehingga satu imej tajam terbentuk di atas skrin.

3. Measure the length between convex lens and screen. Ukurjarak antara kanta cembung dan skrin. 4. Repeat step 1 to 3 by using thin lens. Ulangi langkah 1-3 dengan menggunakan kanta nipis 5. Record the data in the table. Keputusan direkod dalam jadual

(v) Tabulation of table

Penjadualan data:


Study the following statement. Kaji pernyataan berikut :


Suggest a hypothesis to investigate the above statement. Cadangkan satu hipotesis untuk menyiasat pernyataan di atas

[1 mark]

(b) Using a pin hole camera, candle, match and other apparatus, describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in (a). Dengan mengunakan kamera lubang jarum, lilin , mancis dan radas lain, huraikan satu eksperimen bagi menguji hipotesis di (a). Your description should include the following criteria: Huraian anda harus mengandungi kriteria berikut (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Aim of experiment Tujuan eksperimen Identification of the variables Mengenalpasti pembolehubah List of apparatus Senarai radas Procedure Prosedur Tabulation of data Penjadualan data

[1 mark] [2 marks] [1 mark] [4 marks] [1 mark]

ANSWER : (a) Hypothesis : 1. The nearer the distance of an object, the bigger the image formed 2. As the distance of object increases, the size of image formed decreases (b) (i) Aim: 1. To study the effect of object distance on the size of image formed 2. To study the relationship between distance of object and the size of image formed (ii) Variable: Constant variable : size of object Manipulated variable : distance of object Responding variable : size of image (iii) Apparatus and materials : Pinhole camera, candle, match and ruler

(iv)Procedure: 1. Light up the candle//diagram 2. Put the lighted candle in front of a pinhole camera 3. Measure the size of image using ruler 4. Repeat step 2 and 3 by placing object at longer/shorter distance// Repeat step 2 and 3 by placing object at different distances (v) Tabulation of data.

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