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Design for Learning

Instructor: Katherine Forrest Lesson Title: Writing to a Veteran Curriculum Area: Language Arts- Writing minutes Grade Level: 1st Date: November 9 Estimated Time: 40 - 45

Standards Connection: Alex- 38.) Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. [L.1.2] a. Capitalize dates and names of people. [L.1.2a] b. Use end punctuation for sentences. [L.1.2b] c. Use commas in dates and to separate single words in a series. [L.1.2c] d. Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words. [L.1.2d] e. Spell untaught words phonetically, drawing on phonemic awareness and spelling conventions. [L.1.2e] Learning Objective(s): The students will be able to use end punctuations in a sentence Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language: Today class we will be learning about punctuation when we write a sentence. Evaluation of Learning Objective(s): The students will write two or three sentences with correct punctuation. They will get lined paper and write their sentences on lined paper. They will need to write in their best handwriting. For the assessment, they will be graded on correct punctuation, capitalization and neatness. They will need to get the order correct with 80% accuracy in order for the teacher to feel like they have understood the lesson. Engagement: The Teacher will start off explaining what they will be doing for the lesson. The teacher will tell them about the book they are going to read and writing sentences to a veteran that has served our country. Today class we will be learning about punctuation when we write a sentence. Now who can tell me what day Monday is? (She waits for appropriate response) Yes, Monday is Veterans Day. We celebrate this day to honor people who have served in the armed forces. To learn more about the day, I am going to pass out books that talk about Veterans Day. There is an activity in it, but I dont want you to do the activities right now. We are just reading the pages to learn more about Veterans Day. We are also going to be detectives and look for periods at the end of sentences (Wait till all of the books are passed out). I am going to

read the book aloud to you, but you must follow along. When you see a period I want you to raise your hand. (The books gets read to the students and find periods). Now class please put the book in front of you until I tell you to pick it up again. Now what are the important qualities in a sentence? (Wait for the students to respond) Yes, those are all great pieces of a sentence. Now does anyone know what a period is? (Wait for students to respond) Yes, a period is a dot mark that tells the reader that the sentence is ending. Learning Design: I. Teaching: The Teacher will first introduce the concept of Veterans Day and tell the class to look out for periods when reading the story. They will read the Veterans Day book and talk about Veterans. She will now introduce the importance of a period in writing. Today class we will be learning about punctuation when we write a sentence. Now who can tell me what day Monday is? (She waits for appropriate response) Yes, Monday is Veterans Day. We celebrate this day to honor people who have served in the armed forces. To learn more about the day, I am going to pass out books that talk about Veterans Day. There is an activity in it, but I dont want you to do the activities right now. We are just reading the pages to learn more about Veterans Day. We are also going to be detectives and look for periods at the end of sentences (Wait till all of the books are passed out). We are not going to share them until the end. I am going to read the book aloud to you, but you must follow along. (Read to the students and find periods in the story). Now that we are finished reading please put the book in front of you until I tell you to pick it up again. Now what are the important qualities in a sentence? (Wait for the students to respond) Yes, those are all great pieces of a sentence. Now does anyone know what a period is? (Wait for students to respond) Yes, a period is a dot mark that tells the reader that the sentence is ending. II. Opportunity for Practice: Now I started a letter for you to a Veteran. I want you guys to go quickly and quietly get your whiteboards. (Wait for students to get their whiteboards). Before you write on the whiteboards, lets think for a minute. Where does the punctuation go in a sentence? (Wait for students responses) Good! At the end is where the punctuation needs to go. Do you guys see the blank spaces? (Wait to see response from the children). I am going to read the letter to you and be thinking of sentences while I read the letter. (Read the letter to the students). I want you to write a sentence to the veteran on the whiteboard. For example you can tell him why you are so thankful of him protecting your country. When you are done I want you to sit chris cross apple sauce and be quite till others finish. (Wait for students to write their sentence). Please raise your hand to share your sentence and you can put it on the board. Now I am going to pick someone that has been so well behaved. (Before they put it on the board check spelling and punctuation). Great Job! (Have the students write one to two sentences on the board). Great Job writing your sentences, class. Lets read the letter together with the new sentences.

III. Assessment: Before you guys go back to your seats I want you to use this paper and write a sentence on what you learned today. You can use your book to write something that your learned, but your cant copy the books sentence. Put your thumb on your chest if you understand the directions. (Wait for students to respond). Great! I am so glad that you understand. Now I want you guys to go back quietly back to your seats. IV. Closure: (Students will stay at their desk while the teacher talks) Now class, can anyone tell me what Veterans Day is? (wait for students to respond). Yes, that is the meaning of Veterans Day. Why do we celebrate it? (wait for students to respond).Yes, that is why we celebrate it. Now, Can anyone tell me what the importance of a Period is (wait for students to respond) yes, that is a great definition of a period. Why is it so important to use when we are writing? (wait for students to respond). Yes, that is correct. If you are still working on your sentences thats fine, but when you are done please give me your sheets. After you give me your sheets I will give you a coloring sheet to work on that is about Veterans day. Please stay in your seat and wait for further instructions. Materials and Resources: Veteran book Poster board (with letter on it) Coloring pages White boards White pens Legal sized paper (for the kids to write their sentences on) Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners): Higher: For the higher learning the students are going to use three punctuations instead of one. This will help them to think of different ways they can use three punctuation marks in one sentence. Lower: For the lower learners they are encouraged to put one punctuation mark for their sentence. Data Analysis: 7 out of 12 kids understood the assignment. They wrote great sentences, but some of them were missing their periods. Reflection The class had so much fun doing the lesson. They asked questions when they were confused. They also loved writing the letter to the veteran and practicing writing sentences.

Grading Rubric for assessment Qualities Has ending marks at the end of their sentences First letter is Capitalized The student has at least five words or more in their sentence. Score

Samford University Design for Learning

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