4 Castle Capitalization

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Castle Capitalization Rules: Capitalize words if they are: at the beginning of a sentence, quotation, or independent phrase.

e. proper (including names and titles). o Be careful! ften the same word will !ary, depending on usage, on whether or not it requires capitalization. "eneral words are not to be capitalized, but the same word, when used specifically and as a #proper$ word, should be capitalized. Examples: %ubeus &agrid was in!ited to be &ogwarts "ame'eeper. (hey needed a reliable game'eeper. &arry lo!ed attending &ogwarts )chool of *itchcraft and *izardry. &arry lo!ed attending such a magical school. &arry noticed a parcel in the corridor labeled #+ragile.$ Exercise: Locate and correct all the words that ought to be capitalized. hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry was a place li'e no other. it was neither algebra nor english that was taught there, but classes such as di!ination, potions, and defense against the dar' arts. the professors were all e,perts in their fields, and the students were e,cited to learn. professor miner!a mcgonagall taught transfiguration, in which the students were often as'ed to turn inanimate ob-ects into animate ones and !ice !ersa. howe!er, ron weasley could ne!er seem to transfigure his assignments the way he should. ron/s irish friend seamus, on the other hand, had top mar's in transfiguration but was rubbish at ma'ing potions. in harry potter/s fourth year at hogwarts, his defense against the dar' arts teacher, mad eye moody, turned out to be an escaped con!ict in disguise! the man was bartemius crouch -r., son of bartemius crouch sr. who wor'ed at the ministry of magic. he was wor'ing underco!er in efforts to aid lord !oldemort in his return to power. this all happened at the !ery end of the triwizard tournament, a tournament in which harry was participating.

Answer Key: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was a place li'e no other. It was neither algebra nor English that was taught there, but classes such as Divination, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. The professors were all e,perts in their fields, and the students were e,cited to learn. Professor Minerva McGonagall taught Transfig ration, in which the students were often as'ed to turn inanimate ob-ects into animate ones and !ice !ersa. howe!er, !on Weasley could ne!er seem to transfigure his assignments the way he should. !on"s Irish friend Sea# s, on the other hand, had top mar's in Transfig ration but was rubbish at ma'ing potions. In Harry Potter"s fourth year at Hogwarts, his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Mad Eye Moody, turned out to be an escaped con!ict in disguise! The man was $arte#i s %ro ch &r., son of $arte#i s %ro ch Sr. who wor'ed at the Ministry of Magic. He was wor'ing underco!er in efforts to aid 'ord (olde#ort in his return to power. This all happened at the !ery end of the Triwizard To rna#ent, a tournament in which Harry was participating.

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