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Marauders Map: Misused Verbs Rules: There are certain verb pairs in English that give grief to even

native speakers. These verbs are: lie/lay, sit/set, and rise/raise. Choosing correctly between these verbs becomes easy once we understand the difference between intransitive and transitive verbs, for each confusing verb set has one intransitive and one transitive verb. It is important to keep in mind that the present form lay! is the same as the past tense form of lie.! Remember: "entences with intransitive verbs have no direct ob#ects$ the verb does not act upon a noun. Transitive verbs, on the other hand, always have direct ob#ects, or nouns upon which they are acting. Lie/Lay In this pair, lie is the intransitive verb. %o direct ob#ects ever follow it. Lay always has a direct ob#ect because it is transitive. &ne must always lay something. Sit/Set Sit is intransitive, and one never sits an ob#ect. Set is transitive and always has a direct ob#ect accompanying it. Rise/Raise 'etween these two, rise is intransitive. Raise is transitive$ one must always raise something. Tip: One can remember which of these verbs is intransitive by the correlating the is. Lie = Intransitive. Sit = Intransitive. Rise = Intransitive. These three verbs always create a Pattern VI sentence. Examples: (arry could see himself lying in bed on the map. )intransitive* (arry was laying the map down to get a better look at it. )transitive*

(arry was careful not to sit on the map +on,s brothers had given him. )intransitive* (arry was careful as he set the map into -upin,s hands. )transitive* (arry rose from bed and checked the map before sneaking into the corridors. )intransitive* (arry raised his eyebrows in surprise at the map,s snarky response to "nape. )transitive* Exercise: hoose the correct of the two verbs. .. The map )sitting, setting* on the bed had been given to (arry by /red and 0eorge 1easley. 2. They had )sit, set* the treasure into his hands the previous morning. 3. 4 few years before, /ilch )lay, laid* it down in his office. 5. /red and 0eorge had 6uickly stolen it when they saw it )lying, laying* there. 7. 4s /ilch )rose, raised* from his chair, he did not even notice it was missing. 8. The twins gave (arry the map to help him sneak off school grounds because his aunt and uncle who )rose, raised* him refused to sign his permission slip to go to (ogsmeade. 9. "ometimes (arry would )lie, lay* in bed and watch all the ink footprints on the map move around. :. 1hen he heard footsteps approaching, (arry 6uickly )rose, raised* his wand. ;. (e )sat, set* it on the map and whispered, <ischief managed,! as this protected the map from being seen by unwanted eyes. .=. (arry could not believe that such a powerful tool now )lay, laid* in his possession.

Answer Key: .. The map )sitting, setting* on the bed had been given to (arry by /red and 0eorge 1easley. 2. They had )sit, set* the treasure into his hands the previous morning. 3. 4 few years before, /ilch )lay, laid* it down in his office. 5. /red and 0eorge had 6uickly stolen it when they saw it )lying, laying* there. 7. 4s /ilch )rose, raised* from his chair, he did not even notice it was missing. 8. The twins gave (arry the map to help him sneak off school grounds because his aunt and uncle who )rose, raised* him refused to sign his permission slip to go to (ogsmeade. 9. "ometimes (arry would )lie, lay* in bed and watch all the ink footprints on the map move around. :. 1hen he heard footsteps approaching, (arry 6uickly )rose, raised* his wand. ;. (e )sat, set* it on the map and whispered, <ischief managed,! as this protected the map from being seen by unwanted eyes. .=. (arry could not believe that such a powerful tool now )lay, laid* in his possession.

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