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Slughorns Subject Complements Rules: Subjective complements come in two forms: predicate adjectives and predicate nouns.

Essentially, their function is renaming the subject of the sentence with a noun or descriptor. Subjective complements are used with linking verbs and connect back to the subject, using the linking verb to show the connection between the subject and the object. Examples: Notice the linking verbs in all of these sentences. The subject is bolded and underlined. The complement is bolded, underlined, and italicized. . Professor Slughorn was always very nice to !arry"s mother. #$rofessor Slughorn % nice& nice % subjective complement' (. Harry Potter is a member of the Slug )lub. #!arry % member& member % subjective complement' *. !ermione"s breath smelled terrible at Slughorn"s )hristmas party& she was trying to disinterest a boy. #breath % terrible& terrible % subjective complement' Exercise: Make the subject bold, underline the linking verb, and italicize the subject complement. Identify each complement as a predicate adjective (pa or a predicate noun (pn . . !orace Slughorn was the new $otions teacher at !ogwarts. (. !arry felt much more comfortable in $otions class now that Snape was not there to critici+e his every move. *. Slughorn seemed obsessed with accumulating a close circle of famous and important friends. ,. -ecause !arry was the boy who lived, !orace wanted !arry to be in his club. .. Slughorn seemed almost prejudiced when speaking of muggle/born witches and wi+ards. 0. Even so, !ermione was one of the brightest in the club, and Slughorn always denied being discriminatory. 1. 2oldemort became such a powerful wi+ard partly because of something $rofessor Slughorn said that he should not have said. 3. $rofessor Slughorn was, of course, very ashamed of this truth. 4. $rofessor Snape was now 5efense 6gainst the 5ark 6rts teacher, a post he always wanted. 7. 5umbledore was determined to get a pure memory of that conversation with 8om 9iddle from Slughorn"s mind. Answer Key: . Horace Slughorn was the new $otions teacher at !ogwarts. #pn' (. Harry felt much more comfortable in $otions class now that Snape was not there to critici+e his every move. #pa' *. Slughorn seemed obsessed with accumulating a close circle of famous and important friends. #pa' ,. -ecause Harry was !the boy "ho lived,# !orace wanted !arry to be in his club. #pn' .. Slughorn seemed almost prejudiced when speaking of muggle/born witches and wi+ards. #pa' 0. Even so, Hermione was one of the brightest in the club, and Slughorn always denied being discriminatory. #pn' 1. Voldemort became such a powerful "izard partly because of something $rofessor Slughorn

said that he should not have said. #pn' 3. Professor Slughorn was, of course, very ashamed of this truth. #pa' 4. Professor Snape was now 5efense 6gainst the 5ark 6rts teacher, a post he always wanted. #pn' 7. Dumbledore was determined to get a pure memory of that conversation with 8om 9iddle from Slughorn"s mind. #pa'

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