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Pitanja za usmeni ispit Engleski jezik 1

TOPICS ACADEMIC ENGLISH 1. The higher education system in Croatia. 2. The differences and similarities between the Croatian and the UK/US higher education system. 3. Academic English vocabulary (including translation of sentences from Croatian into English, such as: Studiram raunarstvo na Elektrotehnikom fakultetu u Osijeku. Moj najbolji prijatelj bruco je na Strojarskom fakultetu u Slavonskom Brodu. Engleski jezik 1 obvezan je kolegij na drugoj godini preddiplomskog studija.). WHAT IS ENGINEERING? 4. Definition of engineering. Branches of engineering. 5. What do engineers do? 6. What is civil engineering? What does it deal with? 7. What is mechanical engineering? What does it deal with? 8. What is electrical engineering? What does it deal with? 9. What is computer engineering? What does it deal with? 10. Which branch of engineering are you interested in most? Why? 11. New vocabulary referring to What is engineering? ATOM 12. What is an atom? 13. Where does the word atom come from? 14. What does the word atom mean? Why? 15. What does an atom consist of? Which three subatomic particles make up an atom? 16. What occupies the central part of the atom? 17. What does the older theory say about the atomic structure? Explain the older theory referring to the atomic structure by using your own words. 18. What are orbits? What is the synonym of orbit? 19. How are shells labeled? Based upon Fig. 1, how are the innermost and outermost shells designated? 20. What is the symbol Z used for? What does the atomic number tell? 21. The shells are normally filled in an orderly fashion but some discrepancies occur. Why do these discrepancies occur? 22. How do the latest theories define the electron? 23. What is a probability density? 24. Schrdinger, Bohr and Rutherford are among scientists who tried to devise a model of the atom. Describe one of their models. 25. New vocabulary referring to Atom.

CONDUCTING AND INSULATING MATERIALS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 26. How are materials classified in electrical engineering? 27. Define conducting materials. 28. What are the two best conductors mentioned in the text? 29. Why are they considered to be good conductors? 30. How can we distinguish good conductors? (What are their physical properties?) 31. Define insulating materials. 32. Name some materials that are considered to be good insulators. 33. Why is porcelain considered to be an outstanding insulator? 34. Which insulators are commonly used in the electronics industry today? 35. Define semiconducting materials. 36. Name some semiconducting materials. 37. What is the difference between electron current and hole current? 38. What is the most frequently used semiconductor? What purposes is it used for? 39. New vocabulary referring to Conducting and Insulating Materials in Electrical Engineering. THE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT 40. Define the following terms: - a circuit, - voltage, - current, - resistance. 41. How do electrons continuously flow in a uniform direction? 42. Explain the basic concept of a circuit. 43. What is the difference between potential energy and specific potential energy? 44. What is kinetic energy? 45. What do abbreviations AC and DC stand for? 46. What is the difference between AC and DC? 47. How do conductors and insulators affect resistance? 48. New vocabulary referring to The Electric Circuit. TRANSISTORS 49. What are transistors? 50. Where are they applied? 51. What are the two types of standard transistors? 52. Why is the NPN transistor most commonly used today? 53. How may transistors be damaged? 54. What are two easy ways to test a transistor if we suspect that it may be damaged? 55. Describe testing with a multimeter. 56. Describe testing in a simple switching circuit.

57. What is a Darlington pair? 58. Explain how the Darlington pair behaves. 59. New vocabulary referring to Transistors. HOW TRANSISTORS WORK 60. How is a transistor related to a microprocessor? 61. When was the first integrated circuit created? What did it consist of? 62. What exactly are transistors? 63. What information can a computer understand? 64. What does a switched electronic circuit consist of? 65. What state does 1 represent? 66. What are specific sequences of 1s and 0s generated by multiple transistors called? 67. What can microprocessors perform? 68. What do all devices which use microprocessors rely on? 69. New vocabulary referring to How Transistors Work. GRAMMAR 1. An overview of verb tenses (with special stress placed on tenses that are most frequently used in Technical English) 2. The Simple Present Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 3. The Present Continuous/Progressive Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 4. The Simple Present Tense vs. The Present Continuous/Progressive Tense 5. The Present Perfect Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 6. The Simple Past Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 7. The Present Perfect Tense vs. The Simple Past Tense 8. The Past Continuous/Progressive Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 9. The Past Perfect Tense (Form, Use, Adverbs of Time) 10. Expressing Future 11. The Passive Voice 12. Making questions (yes-no questions, wh-questions) Ferec, prof.; Boi, mag. 13. Adjectives vs. Adverbs Ferec, prof. 14. Comparison of adjectives Ferec, prof. 15. Functions of as 16. Cause and effect discourse markers Liermann-Zeljak, prof. 17. Classification - Liermann-Zeljak, prof.

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