Remedial Instruction in English

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Remedial Instruction in English (Teaching oral skills)

1. Great speakers are not born, theyre trained. --Dale Carnegie 2. TEACHING ORAL SKILLS ENGL 120 3. Oral skill is the ability to speak well. More specifically, ability to articulate ones knowledgeand understanding, use language creatively, use and present material effectively in spoken form, whether in ones own language or foreign language, in the latter case, to display a command structure, appropriate pronunciation, use of register, and range of vocabulary. 4. The communication process conductedthrough spoken words is referred to as Oral Communication. Oral communication is defined as the effective interpretation, composition, andpresentation of information, ideas, and values to a specific audience. 5. Communication is the exchange of thoughts, messages, orinformation, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. Derivedfrom the Latin word "communis", meaning to share. Communicationrequires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver neednot be present or aware of the senders intent to communicate at the timeof communication; thus communication can occur across vast distancesin time and space. Communication requires that the communicatingparties share an area of communicative commonality. Thecommunication process is complete once the receiver has understood themessage of the sender. 6. How to Teach Oral Skills: The Five Golden Rules Give students as much opportunity as possible to practice speaking. Provide ample listening practice.Create opportunity for real communication.Expand the range of topics students practice talking about.Build discussion skills. 7. Other Rules in Oral Skills:Pronouncing the words clearly is an important thing to be remembered. The need to repeat a particular word/sentence affects the flow of presentation.To emphasize the importance of a particular thought, words have to be pronounced by changing their tones. Avoiding fillers while speaking is necessary. The sound of fillers (um, ah, etc.) could be irritating for listeners. 8. While in a face-to-face communication process,interrupting the speaker is considered a sign of poorcommunication.Careful listening is as important as speaking clearlywhile in the process of oral communication. It helpsrespond in a proper manner.One should always make an eye contact with thelisteners; this way, the attention of listeners is notlost and their interest is kept intact. 9. Asking questions in order to obtain information is one of the importantaspects. One should keep the questions precise in order to get a clear answer.Same is the case when a person has to answer a question. Answering thequestion with correct details and also in quick time is of great importance.It is not advisable to carry on the communication process withoutunderstanding a particular point.In a communication process, body language of a person is considered asimportant as the spoken words. Body language of the speaker has a greatimpact on the listener(s). This is because it gives them an idea or indication ofthe direction in which the communication process is heading.The listener either gets positively or negatively influencedby the body language of the speaker. 10. Different Settings for Oral Communication Interpersonal communication is one of the best ways to start with the process of developing your communication skills. You can speak freely andwithout getting tensed when you just have to speakto a single person at a time. Through interpersonal communication, a person learns how to phrase his/her ideas clearly and also listen to others carefully.

11. Group discussion exercises play an important role in developing the communication skills. People get to know each others views and thoughts through such exercises. More importantly, discussing on a particular topiccompels the participants to listen to each other carefully. Group discussion exercises can be used both at school/college level and professional level. 12. Speaking in front of a large audience for many of us, is quite difficult. It is okay to feel nervous in front of a large audience.However, you can overcome the fear of public speaking completely by making presentations on a regular basis. This form of oral communication is very different from interpersonal communication. Here, you must speak precisely and present the topic in a concise manner. Holding the attention of listeners is the key to become a proficient public speaker. 13. It is necessary to develop oral communication skills in order to survive in todays informationoriented world. Dissemination ofinformation can be conducted in aproper manner only if you possess good communication skills. 14. OUR QUEER LANGUAGEWhen the English tongue we speak,Why is break not rhymed with freak ?Will you tell me why its true,We say sew but likewise few ?And the maker of a verse,Cannot cap his horse with worse ?Beard sounds not the same as heard,Cord is different from word;c - o - w is cow but l - o - w is low;Shoe is never rhymed with foe. 15. Think of hose and whose and lose,And think of goose and yet of loose,Think of comb and tomb and bomb;Doll and roll and home and some;And since pay is rhymed with say,Why not paid with said, I pray ?We have blood and food and good,Wherefore done and gone and lone?Is there any reason known?And, in short, it seems to me,Sounds and letters disagree. 16. What Makes Speaking Difficult?ClusteringRedundancyReduced formsPerformanceVariablesColloquial languageRate of deliveryStress, rhythm and intonationInteraction 17. Clusteringalso known as branching or mapping is a structuredtechnique based on the same associative principlesas brainstorming and listing. Redundancysuperfluous repetition or overlapping,especially of words. Reduced forms usually use during native speakers conversations.PerformanceThe accomplishment of a given task measured againstpreset known standardsof accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed. 18. VariablesHesitation, pauses, backtracking andcorrections. You actually teach learners howto pause and hesitate. (think time).Colloquial languageis informal language that is not rude, butwould not be used in formal situations.Ex. "The stench was really gross" iscolloquial language. If talking formally, youwould say "The stench was reallydisgusting"... 19. Oral Speech Corrections Affective feedback Cognitive feedback Avoiding fossilizationEffective feedback, development of teacher intuition 20. Principles for Designing Speaking TechniquesCover learners need of accuracy, intention, meaning andfluencyBe intrinsically motivatingEncourage the use of authentic language in meaningfulcontextsProvide appropriate feedback and correctionFocus on the natural link between speaking and listeningGive opportunities to initiate oral communication 21. Thank you for listening Reported by:Divine Heidi G. Cabiguin Zenaida Galon Jobert Securata Precious San Juan Ms. Mae Cendaa July 24, 2012 ENGL 120

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