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March 2014

Beginning of spring news.

Our contacts : CSC Moldova , Armeneasca street 61/13, Chisinau,Moldova, MD-2012 email : +373 22272854 (office) Slavic Tusinschi, General Secretary

Every Story has an end But in Life every end is just A New Beginning!
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE BEGINNING OF SPRING 'Becoming a Contagious Christian' 'Images of Leadership' THE IMPACT OF THE GOSPEL 'The Joy of following Jesus'

In the month of February, in Chisinau and Balti, the training 'Images of Leadership' took place. (This is an extraordinary resource developed by Rich Lamb (Intervarsity) and used in CSC since 2007). At this training, students participated from different universities and colleges as well as graduates. The aim of this training is to develop the competence of servant leaders and to promote the idea of student leadership amongst students with the aim that they will go on to develop student groups. The five sessions of 'The leader as Sage, Servant, Patient, Visionary and Sower' are based on Bible study, discussion in small groups and practical application. Pray for students from Moldova that there will be growth in the potential which God has put in each one.

At the end of the month of February, in Chisinau, the training 'Becoming a Contagious Christian' took place. (An authentic resource developed by Bill Hybels and used in CSC since 2003). Students from the following institutions participated; UPSIC, ASEM, UST and CFB. The aim of this training is to present the central principles that help students to understand the importance of winning their colleagues who don't go to Church. Based on the words of Christ and flowing out from the personal experience of both authors, the training is a first step into relational evangelism. Evangelism doesn't need to be a task that frustrates or intimidates us. The authors sustain that the correct communication of our faith in Christ should be the most natural thing in the World. We thank the Lord for the dedication and loveof Christian students for their colleagues.

In collaboration with the local Church in Nisporeni, on the 22nd February the conference 'The Joy of following Jesus' took place. (A resource developed by IFES and used in CSC since 1999). 50 pupils and youths from local schools participated. 'Bible and Life' represents a course specially developed for students. The aim of the course is to educate students. The community of Christian students has the aim of presenting the Gospel to students through the medium of Christian students. In order to fulfill this aim, our priority is to prepare student leaders, to cultivate in them the motivation to be prepared to teach others. Daily rootedness in Scripture this is a vital necessity for each Christian student. Without this, it is impossible to relate harmoniously with God, with the people around us and with ourselves. By digging deeper into the events lived by Jesus Christ,

we can get to know His unique character and will. Students come to understand what it truly means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ in the difficulties and joys of student life. Pray for young people from the city of Nisporeni to grow in their relationship with Christ thus also influencing those around them. 'Cultural Evenings' Weekly, during the month of March, in Chisinau 'Cultural Evenings' took place in partnership with Youth with a Mission and Operation Mobilization. There were Moldovan, British and American evenings. Christian students participated together with their colleagues, the aim of the events being to explore local and international culture. The discovering and promoting of Christian values are fundamental to culture and unite us. My dream future In collaboration with the local Church in Calarasi, on the 26th March the meeting My dream future took place. A group of High school pupils participated. The aim of the meeting was to challenge the young people to think about the future, to do a creative presentation of their dream future and to realise that people are able to build and be assured of a successful future together with God. We thank the Lord for this opportunity to get to know new students and to serve young people from the local Church. 'Creative Lab' After the winter retreat, 'Creative Lab' was formed, a meeting for workers and student leaders in Chisinau and in Balti. The aim of the meetings is to plan and organize events thus growing and developing team work and encouraging student leadership. In Balti 11 students are involved and in Chisinau 6 student leaders. Pray for the consolidation and growth of local teams. 'English Club' For students in Balti interested in studying English, an 'English Club' has formed. The aim of the club is to encourage and help students in their

personal development by learning a foreign language as they participate in seminars and discussion topics in English. Both college and university students attend the club. The Gospel Motivates to action I thank God for CSC. From the moment I found out that in the city of Balti there is such an organisation, I began to participate and in my life many things changed. In the first place, my relationship to God became closer. In the second place, I made many new friends, who have the same ideas and goals. I understood that there are such people with whom you can pray and share problems. Now, I have more confidence and courage to share Christ with my friends due to this organisation. Svet Ludmila, Medical College, 3rd Year.

I am very glad that CSC Balti exists. I was going through difficulties and spiritual battles this year and some strange things were happening to me. I shared this burden at the student group and we prayed together and I received freedom from this state. God answered our prayers. Praise the Lord for unity between students and for this movement. Ion Gandabescu, Medical College, 1st Year. Purchase a property for The Student Center &Ministry office in Balti - estimated at 45,000 Euros. We already have 30.000 of this and so need 15,000 Euros more. Pray for our partners from Australia, they want to help us purchase office in Balti.

Let us praise God for what was done and pray for what is coming up:
Evangelism& Discipleship - to
increase the number of new believers through evangelistic events on more campuses, and evangelism training.

Graduate Movement - to can learn

how to keep their Christian identity and to grow in their Character, demonstrating integrity and professionalism amongst their colleagues and society.

1. Weekly evangelistic meetings. 2. Evangelistic Conference UNCOVER with OSCER Romania, 70 participants, 8-11 May 2014. 3. English &Bible Camp with UCCF England and Australian, 1-8 July 2014. Leadership - to develop Christian
leaders on campus, in the marketplace, and in the church.

1. Discipleship training based on Bible study (every two weeks) 2. Graduate committee that has meeting for prayer, planning and organizational issues (every month). 3. Club "Friends students' - graduates who support CSC financially and in prayer . * Our financial needs. The help of 15 more friends giving $100 USA or 30 friends - $50 USA monthly, will enable us to achieve our plans.

1. Student Leadership training Creative lab weekly meetings. 2. Training "From student life to graduates life" for young graduates. 3. Uncover training days in Balti, April Staff &Volunteers training
Conferences &trainings with the aim of retreat, study, and further preparation for the university ministry.

From everywhere in the world, use the following link and follow the instructions on the web:

1. Staff & volunteers training monthly meetings. 2. National Team Retreat and Training - quarterly, February, and Juny. 3.IFES Eurasia Formacion - spiritual leadership formation for student leaders, July 2014
select give to an IFES member, type CSC Moldova,
Through the IFES you can donate any amount; US$10, US$25, US$50or more and as often as you choose.

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