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Physics Gossip: Hot Girl

One day, after a physics's Heat lesson..Raju ,Lim & Anis had lucnch & gossipping about this HOT girl.

Raju: Lim, u know what!I think that HOT girl is very bad temper Lim: NO lah..she just not in a good mood Raju:Well everyday nak marah je Lim: Yeah u r right! I think sumthing wrong with her Raju: I guessed I know the reason.. Lim: Really! What?? Raju: I know She s HOT but I think she has low specific heat capacity!!! Lim: What the s##t are u talking??? Raju: Yeah..its true.. low specific heat capacity means u can easily get HOT! Lim: What??? Raju: When someone kacau je, shes get HOT instantly.. Lim: But u must remember, she is easily cool down after that ma.. Raju: See!I told u..things with lower specific heat capacity will be easily cool down as well. Anis: Oh, if thats the case I think Rajuu, u have high specific heat capacity!! Raju: Of course not easily get HOT hehe :) Anis: ....and u r not HOT as well huhu :p Lim: Haiya..u guys read too much physics la Raju/ANis: Of course la..SPM got one more month to study ma!

"Gila Bola.. gila Fizik"

Hi week of school break had passed,hopefully u were enjoying it & at the same time did "plenty of revision" :) Take this remaining week as an opportunity to revise any form 4 topics that u r having problem with..and to those yang 'gila bola',actually u can revise lots of physics stufft

while watching your favoriate team in the world cup.. Hmm..learning physics concept in world cup???? How???

Most footballer apply plenty of impulsive force concept ..While kicking a ball, they need to shorten the time of impact to produce bigger force.Thus they can kick the ball with powerful shots on goal..Even some boots are designed to give better impact during a shot on goal...just look at rooney's shot :) In another example,while passing the ball they uses the inside of the foot and provides the largest surface area to contact the ball. This gives them a better control of where the ball should go.

Meanwhile the keeper should always increase the time of impact while catching the ball. By doing this the ball will exert minimise force, in the end he can catch the ball easily..Thats why a pair of glove is needed to suit this purpose. Heading the ball also applies some physics concept. You can make full use of the ball's momentum. When your head collides with the ball, you share your momentum with it. The more momentum the ball gets from you, the faster and farther it will move. The bigger you are and the faster you're moving, the greater your momentum will be, and the more momentum you will have to share with the ball.

(recall principle of conservation of momentum) "Bend it like Beckham"

A freekick taker should at least learn bernoulli principle..then he'll sure can bend the ball like beckham or christiano ronaldo :) To bend it like beckham, you simply kick it slightly off center, causing it to spin horizontally.

When the ball travels, air moves over the ball. The air will move more quickly around one side, making less pressure on that side of the ball (referring bernoulli..faster speed of air means lower pressure).

On the other side of the ball, the air moves more slowly, as the spin is going directly against the flow of the air, causing there to be more pressure on that side of the ball.

The ball is pushed in the direction from high pressure to low pressure, making the ball curve;The spinning ball produce different speed which produce difference in pressure.

Thus a resultant force is produced which causes the ball to be bent with a curvy motion. Do u get what i mean??...we can actually apply physics in almost everything we do in life. If u look at physics as a boring subject then u'll be easily getting bored..BUT if u look at it in a different perspective, trust me u'll find learning physics is loaded with lots of FUN :) For this world cup...i definitely support Argentina or Spain..and i think England is dreaming to lift the trophy with that school boy goal keeping error. He should take physics class and learn how to stop the ball effectively :) My last message for today will be... "biar Gila BOla tapi celik FiZik"..adios

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