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Why and how did Australia become a nation? How did the Australian society change during this period of time? Who were the people that came to Australia?
Outline a significant individual or groups contribution to Australian society during this time.

It started when Sir Henry Parks grew interested in this matter of Australia being federated and rising up to be a leader as he did dignify himself as a one. He had to go to Australian and debate on this issue. He noted that the military of each state was weak and tiny like toy soldiers. If we combined the states it would be bigger and stronger from any attackers.

The states of Australia decided this was a good idear for the nation and how it would benefit in transport, military, resources etc. Henry Parks successfully debated well and resulted as a yes in the vote.

He also stated how silly each train line could not cross another boarder as you have to change trains frequently. Which leads to how the trading is between states. It is expensive and strict with no benefit. Australia became interested in the idea as henry parks gave strong speeches across Australia and later

Once the Australian federation vote was held and announced the results there was excitement spread across the whole world. It caused foreigners from China, Ireland and England etc to live at the birth of a new beginning. Once Australia was Federated they also made change to all houses.

New bungalow and upper-class houses were built to start the new era of Australia. Another detail was how the system of the Australian government worked. We were not apart of Australasia anymore so we developed a prime minister, federal and labour party followed by many more. Though we are still under the Union Jack.

As I said in the previous slide, the federation of Australia brought people from all directions to come to Australia and start the new era.
People came from China, England, Ireland, Italy, Canada and New Zealand though the list may continue.
This is a family from Italy coming to Australia in 1948.

FIRST PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA I thought about a person for a while and then I came up with Edmund Barton the first Prime minister of Australia. He contributed in the leading as the first ever Australian leader and creating all new laws. He had to figure out many ways to satisfy the country and be the first to do it with all kinds of hurdles. hibition.htm

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